I don't know what the hell just happened. I was looking at pictures of anglerfish on google image and I just got this idea for a poem and it like spewed out of me. I could barely type as fast as I was thinking it. It's really random and not serious but whatever I'm gonna post it anyway.

A Shark In The Dark
Once upon a time there was a shark
Who was really afraid of the dark
At night when the sun went down
His toothy grin turned to a toothy frown
He wished for someone to turn on a light
And put an end to his terribly plight
He asked his friends, "Can someone help me?"
But his friends replied, "There are no lights in the sea."
Then one night as he swam the depths,
He noticed a light flicker to his left
He turned and swam in that general direction
And when he reached the object of his affection,
He was delighted to meet an anglerfish
Though the anglerfish did not wish
to make friends with a big scary shark
and he swam away as the shark remarked,
"Wait! I'm not going to eat you,
In fact I'm truly excited to meet you"
The anglerfish was somewhat suspicious
That the sharks intentions were really malicious
But of all things to come from a shark,
he did not expect "I'm afraid of the dark"
"I was wondering if maybe we could be friends?"
And the anglerfish said, "Well that depends...
If you promise to never try and bite,
Then I guess I can share a little light"
The shark had never in his life been happier,
And as if this poem couldn't get any sappier,
They gradually became the best of friends
And that, kind reader is the end

Of my poem.
That's the end of the poem.