Quote Originally Posted by pathoftheturtle View Post
All patently obvious. He's just a postmodern hack whose love of low-brow cinema is nowhere near as revolutionary as some like to think it is. Flash in the pan.
That's a bit strong, innit ? Especially for one of the most influential American directors of recent times. His films might not be the most intellectually stimulating, but they are - for the most part - highly entertaining and stylishly directed bodies of work. Although his films haven't won any major awards (yet !), it's worth noting that they have received several nominations throughout his illustrious career.

Also, they might be commonplace now , but some of the techniques he implemented in his earlier works - such as the discontinuous storytelling approach to Pulp Fiction - were only just emerging into the medium with him as one of it's earliest pioneers. If we're going to give other directors credit for bringing new techniques to light, I feel Tarantino deserves his due.