Quote Originally Posted by candy View Post
Quote Originally Posted by candy View Post
Mordred, i actually liked the little blighter
Quote Originally Posted by Letti View Post
Quote Originally Posted by candy View Post
Mordred, i actually liked the little blighter
Oh nice! There aren't many people out there who like him. Why do you like him?
oh my lord letti i am so sorry - i missed this question.

so some time later here is my answer....

i think modred had honour and goodness in his heart at the start. if roland had reached out to him the end of the story may well have been different. his jealousy of jake and the tet showed that he wanted to be part of the group which means that he had the capability for good. it wouldn't have been an easy to gain his trust - but when they did the help and assistance he could have brought would have been invaluable

the decisions made by both of his fathers put him on a path that i believe ultimatley he did not have to take.

i know a lot of people will argue this with me and say he was born to be evil and ka played a part, but i just felt really really sorry for him when he was trailing the tet, so for something to make me want to reach out and adopt him - that something made me like him.

hey, i adopted two feral kittens that spat, scratched and hated the whole wide world - would you say it was that much different? mordred was still a baby after all
I felt quite the same way. However I never felt like adopting him.

Anyway I don't think he would have been able to become good or part of the White. Not even if Roland or anyone else had tried to help him. Mordred had great power but his soul was weak. Just look at all of those feelings he had: jealousy, hatred. To be able to change as much as he should have changed to become something better you need a really strong soul and spirit.