well let me start off this thread by saying how unbelievably excited i am about the start of this series (debuts in the UK on Tuesday) and how i am also extremely nervous?

Why i can hear you ask? well let me tell you - are you all sitting comfortabley?

Way back when, when i was a little lass i watched a film called Stargate which i loved with a passion.
A series started based on this film, which i watched from day one and have rewatched many many many times, dependant on how much i love a particular episode i could name it for you just from the pre title scene

I even watched it when richard dean anderson left and was replaced by ben browder and they brought in Vala (whose character i hated - but i digress)

Then along came Atlantis, which i loved just as much. Not the same but like you love two different pets - differently

I was most upset when Stargate SG1 ended, but have contented myself with the films, not that they have answered all my questions, but we live in hope - and i still had Atlantis. Then this was also cancelled

now then along comes universe, and as you can imagine little candy is getting a tad excited about a new Stargate series written and directed by the same people. I am a little but nervous on hearing certain things but still excited

But tonight i get home and my TV magazine says
'Sc-Fi is about to be prised out of the hands of the geeks, thanks to SG Universe. Following on from the success of Battlestar galactica, SG has gone grown up and sexy'

So you can see why i am a wee bt nervous that the ptb have taken over my SG to present it to a non sc-fi audience. WHY WHY WHY/???/?/

i shall however keep you posted

whether you want me to or not