
born 1979 outside of san diego, ca. parents divorced when i was a year old, and my mom took off, so it was just me and my da until he re-married in 1987. the woman he married (who he now refers to as "hagus maximus") was an abusive bitch, so in 1989, i moved to montana to live with my mom and her then husband. he turned out to be an abusive asshole. she finally left him in 1993, and i stayed with her until 1996. at that point, my dad divorced ms maximus and i returned to cali to live with him. spent senior year going to at least 5 shows a week, rarely paying to get in. graduated from high school in 1997, spent a brief amount of time at a graphic arts school, but developed pneumonia and had to drop out. summer 1998, i met jeff and we got married that hallowe'en. following september drake was born. jeff got hurt at work in april 2000, so i had to go back to work. spent the next 7 years steadily advancing in position at a major wireless company until they decided to let me go for "sending personal emails" from my work station. (my manager at the time told me that it was really because i was considered a "rabble-rouser" by upper management) found another job at a local hotel, and was moving up the chain there until our move last week to NC.

that's the abridged version. perhaps i'll go more into detail another time.