Here is the schedule for the 2007 New Yorker Festival. For those who dont know, its a great way to hear writers speak and talk, and also read from their works.

They also have two seperate days when there are just signings. Below are the authors who are signing and I am very impressed with the list including authors like Rushdie and Proulx. Needless to say, I am very excited!

If you are going to be in NY, let me know

Saturday, October 6
12 P.M.
Junot Díaz ~ “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”
A. M. Homes ~ “The Mistress’s Daughter”
1 P.M.
Annie Proulx ~ “Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2”
Paul Theroux ~ “The Elephanta Suite”
2 P.M.
Miranda July ~ “No One Belongs Here More Than You”
George Saunders ~ “The Braindead Megaphone”
3 P.M.
Salman Rushdie ~ “The Ground Beneath Her Feet”
4 P.M.
Atul Gawande ~ “Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance”
5 P.M.
Orhan Pamuk ~ “Other Colors: Essays and a Story”

Sunday, October 7

12 P.M.
Robert Hass ~ “Time and Materials”
Katha Pollitt [link mine] ~ “Learning to Drive: And Other Life Stories”
1 P.M.
Joan Acocella ~ “Twenty-eight Artists and Two Saints”
Alex Ross ~ “The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century”
2 P.M.
Jeffrey Eugenides ~ “Middlesex”
Jonathan Lethem ~ “You Don’t Love Me Yet” and “Omega the Unknown”
3 P.M.
Neil LaBute ~ “Wrecks: And Other Plays”
Judith Thurman ~ “Cleopatra’s Nose: 39 Varieties of Desire”
4 P.M.
Jeffrey Toobin ~ “The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court”
Calvin Trillin ~ “About Alice”