I've been having an interesting conversation with turtlex about band names and what makes for good ones. I have to admit that it's a bit of an obsession of mine. A lot of it stems from one of my two as yet unfinished screenplays which focuses on the formation of a band (well, that's not the plot, but it's central to it). That fictitious band has had dozens of names.

As for actual music, obviously the music itself is more important to me than the name of the band, but that is not to discount names entirely.

I like names that are somewhat clever like Japancakes or The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy.

I like names that are just plain attention-getting like The Bambi Molesters.

I like names that indicate a love of another band I like - like Radiohead naming themselves after a Talking Heads' song, or Zony Mash naming themselves after a Meters' song.

So, what band names stand out to you?
What makes a good band name?
Do you care what a band's name is at all?