Just saw her documentary, "For the Record", it's powerful stuff. Brit has gotten back visitation rights for her kids, and really seems to have things turned around, at least, I hope so. I'd urge anyone who's a fan, or who's interested in her thoughts on what she's been through to check it out. It's currently in rotation on MTV.

Finally, and best, NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY!

It's called Circus, (Of course, I got the deluxe edition with bonus tracks and DVD ), and it's very good. My favorite tracks are the opener "Womanizer", Brit's 1st #1 single since "Baby One More Time", and a track that's already in my Brit top 5, called "If You seek Amy." It's about a girl named Amy, um, sort of. Britney takes a huge shot at her haters on the song, she can be adorably bitchy when she wants to. Just say the title real fast, and you'll get it. I was laughing so hard I almost had to pull the car over. This CD gets a solid 4 out of 5 stars from me, it's awesome! :banana: