so. matt's thread got me thinking about mousepads and whether people use them. and what's on them. i love looking at people's mousepads. i don't use one myself. i use my laptop on a lapdesk my bapa made for me and there's no room; plus, i'm allergic to latex and finding one i like that doesn't contain latex is a big fat pain in the ass!

but. i want to know. do you use a mousepad? if so, what is on it? would you be willing to post a picture of it? i'm going to post a simple poll (with, of course, a choice for other for you non-conformists ).

remember, pics of your mousepad are always welcome if they are cute, funny, or otherwise entertaining. if they are icky (i.e. crawley things) or NSFW please put them in spoiler boxes so i don't go screaming from my own thread.