Quote Originally Posted by kingfan2323 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Robin v Alst View Post
Hi everyone!

How did you discover the Dark Tower?
I discovered the Dark Tower after reading a couple of his books (starting with The Green Mile) and bought the whole series before reading a word about it.

Who is your favorite character?
This to be John Coffey from The Green Mile.

What is your favorite book?
The Green Mile

How old are you?
I'm 21 years old.

Where are you from?
The Netherlands

Do you have a nickname?
Just Robin is fine

how did you find this site?
Browsing through Stephen King forums

I'm actually looking for people who can help me with my schoolproject. I know I'm just new to this site but I just want to be honest about this.
For my schoolproject I am going to redesign The Green Mile. For this I want some people responding (and choosing) some designs and choices that I made/have to make.
It would be really awesome if some of you guys are willing to help me
If I'm going too soon please let me know as well. I just want help en be respectful toward this forum and the people in it.
Welcome! Most are here to help. What is "redesigning The Green Mile"?

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)
With redesigning the Green Mile I mean that I'm going to make a new experience out of the book: I'm going to make a new illustration for the cover, I will be thinking about book size, paper thickness, font, the type of binding, etc.