The time has finally come, Comic Tower Junkies!!

Please use this thread to make your nominations for
the Best Graphic Novel of All Time!!!

Each person can nominate two ( 2 ) different Graphic Novels as the Best.

We expect to keep this thread open for nominations for approximately two weeks, or 100 total nominations, which ever comes first.

Once we have a list of all the GNs nominated - we’ll put all the nominees into groups and polls and then the voting will begin. We’ll use a random picker for which GNs go against which.

Please recall - We’ve decided on the following criteria to define exactly what we feel a Graphic Novel is:
  • Graphic Novels must tell a full story or story arc.
  • Graphic Novels are not multiple, separate stories ( that's a compilation ).
  • Graphic Novels are not just collections of a title ( such as the Marvel Masterpiece books ).
We’ll track the nominations and who made them, so you can refer to the list as we go. If you change your mind, that's okay, just post again and we'll update the list.

We look forward to your participation!

FYI : Sam and I will be working on this project together!