1. Who is your favourite character? Cuthbert, Oy and Roland (you can't make me choose from them!)

2. Who is your least favourite character? Susan (sorry.. =P)

3. Who are you the most similar to? A mixture of Cuthbert and Alain

4. Who is the sexiest? Cuuu-uthbert (Jae Lee's version)

5. Who is the funniest? Eddie

6. Who would you like to kiss? Cuthbert! *puppy eyes*

7. Who would you like to slap? Rhea (not just slap, but kick too)

8. Who would you like to know more about? Cuthbert, please?

9. Who is the most innocent? Oy, oh how I love Oy.

10. Who is the most heartless? Rhea

11. Who could you write about in an 10-page-long essay? the whole ka-tet and the power within

12. Who is the most powerful? Roland's ka-tet, as a whole. (gotta agree!)

13. Who is the trickiest? Walter o'Dim

14. Who is the most annoying? Susan (I almost couldn't finish the Wizard and Glass because of her)

15. Who is the biggest victim of the series? Alain (why he got shot by his beloved friends, oh why? )