So, tonight's episode.

Storywise it wasn't my favourite, although I loved the design of it all. Absolutely amazing visually, with all the numerous creatures and the alien places, marvellous stuff. Reminds me of stories like The Curse of Peladon and The End of the World, where your really wonder just how in god's name they were able to afford such a convincing alien environment. Not to mention that the story has to boast the achievement of having the biggest. Monster. EVER. So definitely props to that.

Storywise, it was a little too light, too children's tv-y for me. Still, there were some great themes and moments that I really liked, especially at how it not only revealed so much of Clara's backstory, but actually used to great effect during the final moments. Yes, the classic "establish the companion being awesome in her 2nd episode (technically)" was a little predictable, but it was also nicely done. I also liked how it explored the idea of how important memories are to us, but all the "what ifs?" can mean a whole lot more. I just wish the main story itself had been a little bit darker, a little more threat. Really, I just wanted more death. I love having death in my Who. Give us more death, Moffat! Is that too much to ask?

A couple of small complaints: I didn't like how the Doctor practically made Clara give up her mother's ring. I'm not saying he should've given the screwdriver, but I think it would've been better if he had given up his glasses instead, considering who they originally belonged to. Also not a fan of the series continuing the trend of the companions only occasionally travelling with the Doctor - I thought the whole point of the first half of series 7 was to show why he really needs it be more of a full-time thing. Still, we got some further development on the relationship between the two, but I hope Clara makes the decision to travel with the Doctor full-time soon.

Although I will say: love the ongoing mystery of Clara, really can't wait to find out who or what she is. I especially loved the little fact of the TARDIS "not liking" her, even keeping it's doors shut from her. I always love it when we're reminded that the TARDIS is a living ship, and while it's rare, it sometimes doesn't like who the Doctor travels with, sometimes for a very, VERY good reason.

So in short, not a bad episode that developed the companion a little bit more, but I really wish it had been given just a little more meat to it. 3/5