Hey guys, I've just finished Wizard and Glass and I must say... the beggining was ok, the last two chapters and the ending are awesome but WHAT THE HELL IS THAT TEEN LOVE STORY! I mean, it's okay, I also was very curious about who was Susan Delgado but there had been no action at all for like 400 or 500 pages... no shooting, no risky situation (the only one was at the Traveller's Rest) and it was all about hiding their love and having sex everytime they had.

What happened to The Gunslinger's action! Tull, Waystation, Mountains, The Man In Black running and laughing!

My question is... does Wolves of the Calla offer action and a story that moves around and isn't only one town coming and going without even drawing a gun for hundred of pages? If it doesn't I don't know what to do... I'm really looking foward to the final book where I suppose you get to know what the dark tower really is and the whole thing with the crimson king and walter.
