Spoilers up to the Battle of Algul Siento:

In DT 7, Sheemie and the ka-tet all share the same dream where the Beams manifest themselves into the form of a young boy and tell them that the ka-tet must not delay even a single day. What's interesting (and easy to miss) is that while Sheemie is discussing this dream, he tells Jake:

"He looked like you, young sai, so he did. Close enough to be twim, aye."

Then in one of the Gunslinger born comics (I don't remember exactly which one, and its packed away) Sheemie sees the Beam boys again after the fall of Gilead, and in the comics the Beam is again represented by a young, blonde haired boy. This, of course, is centuries before Sheemie will ever meet Jake, but the descriptions and views of the Beam boy from the books to the comics are very similar.

So what is the symbolism of this? Why does King make Jake a dead ringer for the Beams? If its the obvious (The beam, represented by Jake, supporting Roland, representing the Tower) why not include the other members of Roland's ka-tet, past and present, to represent various beams? Why not picture a beam as Eddie or Susannah? Instead, they're all Jake's twins. I would love to hear some ideas on this.