View Full Version : Billy Bumbler

07-19-2009, 02:58 AM
Billy Bumbler - a creature that looks like a cross between a dog and a raccoon. Some Bumblers can be very smart and have a capacity to mimic speech.

Most Billy Bumblers repeat parrot fashion what they hear, however with Oy he proves understanding in what he is actually saying.

11-07-2016, 03:20 PM
I just love Oy! I think many "real" animals understand more speech than we give them credit for. Science has shown that parrots actually understand at least some of what they say, crows have actually been taught to read a little! My dog sure knows what I'm saying a lot, but he can't speak like OY! Poor OY! I was so sorry for him when the dying started (he was so sad) and of course, when he died. Anyway, I just finished the DT series, and this is my first post on the site.

11-08-2016, 02:23 AM
Hi Susan, welcome to the site.

It's common practice here to ensure that any comments that could spoil other members enjoyment of a book are placed in "Spoiler" tags. I have amended your post to reflect this. The Dark Tower series is often the reason new members find this site and we try not to let them know what happens towards the end of the books! :)

No harm, no foul, just letting you in on some of the niceties of the site, enjoy your time here and post often! :thumbsup:

11-08-2016, 05:56 AM
My bad! Will be more careful, say sorry.