View Full Version : 25 Random Things

Unfound One
01-31-2009, 04:02 PM
This has been going around Facebook and I've been thinking that I'd love to hear what my friends on .com have to say about themselves.

All you do is write a list of 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. It can be as short or as lengthy as you want.

Have fun!

Here's mine:

1. I work at a Scooters, which means I make coffee drinks for people all day long. I don't like coffee.

2. I will listen to and generally like (at least on a surface level) any type of music you put in front of me, as long as it's not country. Je deteste country music.

3. I'm currently employed at three different places of business, but I only work at two of them.

4. I don't have OCD in general, but I actually have one form of it. It's called trichotillomania. Usually that means that a person pulls out their hair, but I don't do that. I pull out my eyelashes. Don't ask me why, I don't know. But I can't stop. I've tried. It's impossible. Yeah, I'm weird.

5. I'm an incredibly lazy person - almost anyone who knows me personally will vouch for that.

6. I've recently developed a taste for white wine. I would like to drink a glass of chardonnay every evening.

7. I am an incredibly passionate person, but usually about one or two things at a time. I become obsessed with a song, an artist, a movie, or a book and spend all of my free time talking about it, researching it, and probably wasting a lot of money on it. It's just what I do. In high school my friends started an "obsession book" that chronicled all of my obsessions for that year. Each year on my birthday they add more pages.

8. I really don't know much about politics, nor do I care much. I do consider myself quite liberal however, especially when it comes to civil rights.

9. I was a Jesus Freak until my junior year of high school. It was about that time that I realized I was sick of faking it and I decided to leave church. Call is a crisis of faith, if you will, but it just wasn't for me. As of now I consider my religious views to be agnostic but apathetic. I don't know about god and, at this point in my life, I don't really care. That will change in the future when I have more time to think. I'm sure of it.

10. I really wish I still played an instrument well. I played the piano for 6 years growing up but got bored with it. Then I played the cello for 2 years before deciding to try out choir. Every so often I get on a guitar kick. I've taught myself to play (basic) chords, and I go through phases where I play daily for three weeks then I don't pick it up for three months.

11. I'm definitely an ideas person. I sometimes have a hard time following through...

12. When I have to work with a group for a project, I want to be in charge. I don't ever trust that the people I'm working with will get their shit done. I hate working in groups.

13. I'm a professional perfectionist.

14. When I eat M&Ms, they have to be two by two and they have to be the same color. If there are extras left over somebody else can eat them. If I'm eating M&Ms in the dark and can't see the colors, I don't care how I eat them.

15. I have no problem listening to one song on repeat for a couple of hours if I really like it. That goes along with my obsessive personality.

16. I hate drama, but for some reason I seem to be a magnet for it. It never directly involves me, but it effects me constantly.

17. I miss living somewhere with a yard. When I lived at home I would lay out in my front yard at night, stargaze, and listen to Frank Sinatra on my iPod.

18. I am incredibly shy when I'm first introduced to anyone who is my peer. I don't have this problem with adults. I can carry on a long conversation with an adult I've just met but seem to have major trouble doing this with someone my own age.

19. I still don't know when I should use affect or effect. It's frustrating, but not enough for me to look it up.

20. I love science and I wish I had the drive to understand it more. Physics is my favorite branch of science, but only on a conceptual level. The math involved kicks my ass.

21. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut. I told this to my kindergarten teacher and she told me that I should think of something to be someday that a girl can be. Then I didn't want to be an astronaut anymore.

22. My favorite feature on myself is definitely my eyes.

23. Up until about a year ago I said I hated kids and I never wanted to have any of my own. Since then I've decided that I don't actually hate kids, I just have a problem relating to them. I'm incredibly awkward around children - according to my friends, it's quite comical for anyone who's watching. Oh, and now I want kids. Probably two. One will be a boy named Ianto. It means Gift of God, and it's Welsh. And it sounds fucking cool.

24. If I don't get enough sleep I feel stretched the next day. I can't explain it any better than that - my skin just feels stretched over my bones, like I'm not real.

25. I would rather be cold than hot any day. I very much enjoy bundling up or cuddling up with a blanket (or a person?). Summer heat is not my cup of tea.

01-31-2009, 07:38 PM
yikes, with the exeption of two or three things, it's like reading about myself :panic:
that was rather scary actually, but interesting :thumbsup:

The Lady of Shadows
01-31-2009, 09:57 PM
only because SJ started this thread. :couple:

1. i am a very lazy person.

2. purple and blue are my favorite colours.

3. i have worked, during my lifetime (in no particular order) for or in:

a drycleaner
a yogurt/deli shop
a "convenience" store located in a downtown mini-mall
a college's kitchen (for a week)
a college's music department
a college's radio station
a college's office of admission
an adult probation department
the disney store
a store selling original, handmade art by ohio artisans (including everything from jewelry to sculpture)
a law school's library
a common pleas court judge
a non-profit organization representing abused and neglected children
paradoxically, because i am an easily bored person some of these jobs were at the same time.

4. i will read almost anything put in front of me. when i was little and wasn't allowed to have books at the table i would get in trouble for reading the cereal box.

5. i have very eclectic taste in music. i love opera as much as i love tori amos. and i am learning to appreciate some country music.

6. i believe in magic. not magic like on tv or in the movies but real magic.

7. i am almost pathologically fascinated by the numbers 7 and 17.

8. i collected winnie the pooh things for years and then one day suddenly stopped. i don't know why. now they are all boxed up in the spare room. i was a very discerning collector, with a very keen eye for detail. some of my pieces are extremely valuable. i just don't seem to care about them any longer.

9. i love my welsh corgi more than some people love their children. it doesn't bother me that i love my corgi this much; it bothers me that some people don't love their children this much.

10. i cried for hours when i finished reading the dark tower series.

11. i don't care what anyone says, peas are a vegetable.

12. orange flavored food, drink, or candies make me vomit.

13. diet coke makes me vomit (actually, so does regular coke).

14. this is a multiple of seven and therefore a number of power.

15. i loathe mirrors with every fiber of my being.

16. my husband had winnie the pooh propose to me back in 1996.

17. this is a number of power.

18. i love my god daughter more than i could ever explain with words.

19. i think twilight is the stupidest concept ever and if one more person talks to me about it, or i see one more piece of facebook flair about it, i might just have to kill someone. seriously.

20. i am severely allergic to latex.

21. i am probably the biggest bitch you will ever meet in your life. i'm not just saying that either. trust me, i know myself well enough to know that i am a complete and total bitch.

22. i am a very persnickety eater.

23. i think christopher eccelston is the best doctor ever but i like david tennant now as well.

24. i can't believe i just watched firefly by joss whedon. wtf took me so long?

25. i am completely addicted to starbucks hot chocolate and my ipod.

01-31-2009, 10:46 PM
I want to do this, but I'm having a hard time coming up with 25 interesting facts about myself. :lol:

I managed it.

1. I used to be extremely shy, online and offline. Now I'm only semi-shy offline. I don't know what happened, haha.

2. Like many people (apparently), I also get obsessed with a song and will play it on repeat for hours.

3. I have thousands of songs on my iPod, but will always end up listening to the same playlist of 400 songs or so. I do the same thing with books - reread and reread the same favorites, while sadly ignoring the others on my shelves.

4. I live in Vegas and hate to gamble.

5. I have never ever done drugs and I rarely drink. I never felt the need for drugs, and having an alcoholic father has kept me off of the hard drinking. I might have two beers a night, maybe. I usually keep it to one.

6. I used to play the clarinet. I was a total band geek - marching band, pep band, jazz band, winds and percussion. I did it all, and I loved it. :D

7. I actually enjoyed high school.

8. People are always surprised when they find out I like metal and hard rock music.

9. I was born with a dysplastic hip.

10. I am the un-pickiest eater I have ever known. My family on my mom's side has a couple of gourmet cooks, and her family used to host foreign exchange students every year. They asked the students to cook one traditional meal for them every time, and grew rather worldly in their palates that way. I guess it passed on to me.

11. This is my favorite number. It was my jersey number during my best year of youth soccer, and it's stuck around ever since. It is also my best friend's favorite number because it was his soccer jersey number ever since he was a kid. Creepy.

12. I have moved 13 times and have attended ten different schools.

13. I have actually looked ahead in the calendar and found out that there are two Friday the 13ths in a row this year - February and March. Yes, I look for Friday the 13ths ahead of time every year. No, I am not superstitious...

14. ...unless it comes to baseball. I do have many little baseball rituals and superstitions. Also, in case you haven't noticed over the past couple years, I am a huge Minnesota Twins fan. ;)

15. If I could afford the classes, I would learn to become a graphic designer.

16. I envy people who can whistle well and roll their R's.

17. Raphael was my favorite Ninja Turtle. I always love the smartasses the most in any book, show, or movie.

18. I still have a baby tooth in my head. It shows no sign of ever letting go, either.

19. I have a heart-shaped birthmark on my left hand, and one that echoes it on my left foot.

20. I used to be a survey whore on MySpace.

21. Like SJ, I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. Unlike her, however, I would still do it if I was physically able to. I was planning on joining the Air Force en route to NASA until the ankylosing spondylitis showed up and effectively shut that idea down. I still hope to make it to the moon someday on a commercial flight or something, as I believe we might reach that stage sometime before I die. (Also, much like Pete in Dreamcatcher, the math would have kicked my ass, so I probably wouldn't have made it into NASA anyway. Oh, well.)

22. I am one of those annoying people who wants to resolve every conflict, who wants everyone to like them, and is kinda boring because of it. It's very hard for me to be opinionated or bitchy, and I actually don't like that about myself. Yeah, sure, I'm nice, but I also feel like I'm wishy-washy. Meh.

23. I used to be really good at drawing. I don't know what happened. I guess I fell out of practice.

24. I am learning American Sign Language, because it has always fascinated me.

25. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation and spelling in text messages. I have always done this, even before I had a full Qwerty keyboard on my phone.

02-01-2009, 02:47 AM

In all seriousness, don't feel obligated to respond to this with anything-including derogatory statements and vile epithets-unless you want to. That being said, if you decide to write one of these-you conformist sheep, you-I'll in all likelihood read, and respond to it.

Now that the prefatory remarks are out the way, here goes:

1. I used to own a pet snake-my only real pet-but it escaped after biting me repeatedly. It's probably meandering its way through the NYC sewer system as we speak.
2. I have a deviated septum
3. One of my first job interviews out of college-when I still harbored illusions of becoming a journalist-was with the managing editor of the New York Press. This was the period between the New York Press being a readable tabloid-broadsheet hybrid, and turning into a total rag, which isn't worth the paper it's printed upon. Showed up in a three piece suit, only to be interviewed by someone who looked like he had been following the Grateful Dead on tour for the past year, and who had never heard of Eric Breindel, despite the fact that he was the managing editor of a purported newspaper. Things went down hill from the there. I did get to meet Jim Knipfel though so it wasn't a total loss.
4. Riffing on Teresa's theme, I was actually pretty good at math until around the eighth grade or so when I encountered quadratic equations for the first time in my life. Again, things got progressively worse from that point on.
5. I won a silver medal, magna cum laude, in the National Latin Exam during my sophomore year of high school.
6. I made a brief appearance in a documentary about the 2004 election, and people in New York City who were involved in the 2004 election, which premiered at my favorite movie house, Anthology Film Archives. You can probably order it on Netflix.
7. I currently own more than three hundred books, although I'm always adding or subtracting volumes that I either don't need or want to add to my personal library.
8. I still have hundreds of magazines-including the infamous Sports Illustrated cover of O.J. Simpson the day of his arraignment in his first criminal trial in 1995.
9. Have never broken a bone, although I have many scars.
10. I'm a blood and platelet donor.
11. I briefly worked as an elections inspector during the 2004 election, which I wouldn't suggest to anyone unless that person is already a complete and utter misanthrope.
12. I do take photos of interesting people/places/things I spot when I'm out in public, most of them with my cell phone. My apologies to Congressman King.
13. I worked in a storage locker in Caesar's Bay for two months during the dead of Winter with no heater, and it was not as pleasant as it sounds.
14. I don't currently have a weblog, sorry.
15. I've rooted, mostly in vain, for the Buffalo Bills since 1992.
16. I'm currently writing this on a Mac, which I'm using as my primary computer for the first time in my life.
17. #15, only substitute "New York Knicks" for "Buffalo Bills."
18. I love playing chess, but have only played sporadically-and mostly online-over the past few years.
19. I also love playing basketball, which-unfortunately-I've also not been able to play too often since college.
20. I own, with a few notable exceptions, nearly every book written by Stephen King up to the final, eponymous volume of The Dark Tower. I've not purchased a single book he's written since that novel was released.
21. I watched Los Lobos perform as part of the Summer concert series held at the WTC, sometime in 1999 or the year 2000.
22. I wanted to be a paleontologist for a few years when I was still in elementary school. The urge passed.
23. I have double jointed fingers. Don't ask me why.
24. I auditioned unsuccessfully for The Weakest Link when its American edition premiered. Apparently, I'm not good at answering trivia questions.
25. The best musical I've seen recently was, believe it or not, the Broadway musical starring Bob Saget.

Unfound One
02-01-2009, 03:44 AM
25. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation and spelling in text messages. I have always done this, even before I had a full Qwerty keyboard on my phone.

ALWAYS. :thumbsup:

02-01-2009, 04:00 AM
25. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation and spelling in text messages. I have always done this, even before I had a full Qwerty keyboard on my phone.

ALWAYS. :thumbsup:

02-01-2009, 08:12 AM

1. I have fractured all 5 of my lumbar vertebrae

2. I have broken my right hand at least 3 times.

3. 6ish Concussions

4. and after all those stupid injuries, I still love to do crazy things.

5. i've cut my own hair for a long time now.

6. I am a OCD collector, of many different things.

7. I love growing plants!! I have bamboo, a passion flower vine (3 years old now), aloe, and am about to start all my veggies(lettuce,beans,peppers) & scarlet begonias! I pretty much have an entire room for plants.

8. I have had Leopard geckos since I was 14. I have 2 now.

9. I had braces for 8 years, and they are still not straight.

10. I have 2 tattoos & 4 piercings.

11. hockey is my favorite sport in the world.

12. I have played trumpet on and off for 10 years.

13. I have a 24 yr. old bro, and a 8 yr. old sis.

14. I love photography, and am always taking pictures.

15. This is my favorite number.

16. I have slept in my car, and driven thousands of miles, to see live music.

17. I have skied and snowboarded since I was 6.

18. My car is my "comfort zone" there are few other places I feel more comfortable.

19. I am Canadian. and love Maple syrup and bacon

20. I pretty much play only 2 videos games ever. Mario Party, and NHL 2K7.

21. I am always reading at least 2 books.

22. I read ancient warfare history books for fun.

23. I own a 2 ft snake that will grow about 3 feet just this year.

24. I work overnight. and I love it. Get out of work at 9 am, and start my day.

25. I love animals WAY MORE than people.

02-01-2009, 09:25 AM
25. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation and spelling in text messages. I have always done this, even before I had a full Qwerty keyboard on my phone.

ALWAYS. :thumbsup:

Same here.

02-01-2009, 01:41 PM
25. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation and spelling in text messages. I have always done this, even before I had a full Qwerty keyboard on my phone.

ALWAYS. :thumbsup:

Same here.


My 25:

1. I am a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
2. I have two Bachelor's Degrees, one in English and one in Accounting.
3. I smoked for 10 years.
4. I did not know I had a middle name until I was 15 years old.
5. I hate political correctness.
6. I took guitar lessons for 3 years and still can't play worth a damn.
7. I've known I didn't want children since I was 12 years old.
8. My favorite all-time cheesy movie is Flash Gordon.
9. I had a massive crush on Leif Garrett when I was a teen. (Yeah, I know.)
10. I can drive a stick-shift.
11. I tried to snowboard once and almost ripped my arm out of the socket.
12. I color my hair.
13. I went to Catholic school for 8 years.
14. I have a Dean Martini party every year to celebrate Dean Martin's birthday.
15. I was married for a little over two years before I was widowed.
16. I can speak and read some German and a little Spanish.
17. I am addicted to the TV show House.
18. I leave the TV on even when I'm not watching it, because I like the background noise.
19. I am an agnostic bordering on atheist.
20. I am a Libertarian.
21. I have 4 tattoos.
22. I am a complete and total caffeine addict.
23. I grew up in Saginaw, MI and have no desire to live there ever again.
24. I live in Colorado, but refuse to camp or ski.
25. My dream home is a downtown loft.

02-01-2009, 07:21 PM
Well Let's see if i have the attention span to do this

1. I don't like my true name online. Seriously, not even on places like myspace. It's not that i don't trust you people, it's that i don't trust THEM people (spammers, and basically the rest of the internet). One day i will probably reveal my name here. but maybe not.

2. The First King book I read was Cujo

3. There are people here that i consider closer than some of my family. (that's not that creepy, since I would consider a tree stump closer to me than some family members)

4. My favorite drinks are cranberry juice, Eggnog, and mountain dew (no, Turtlesong, NOT mixed together!)

5.ever since i was attacked by a swarm of bees when i was 6 or 7, I have a strong aversion to bees (not scared, i just run like hell)

6. I once had a nightmare about Cheney

7. The first I ever found myself addicted to was Phantasy Star Online. After that i found Doctor Who in 2005, and finished the Dark Tower series in 2007

8. I have a stuffed tiger cub named Baby Tiger, which I've had for about 12 years now. He lives on my computer monitor now, and i talk to him still :wub:

9. I think that some people "just had it coming"

10. I think that Picard is superior to Kirk, but Data is the awesome.

11. The first story i tried to write on my own was when i was 6. Maxanimals was a bunch of short stories based around a bunch of stuffed animals i have. I don;t recall finishing a single one of the stories. I don't have them any more.

12. Sometimes it's impossible to come near me if i don't now you, unless you have a death wish. other times I try to be friendly to the point that it's creepy

13. I've lived my entire life in Flint, Michigan (except for about 3 months in Bridgeport)

14. I don't like rap music

14. I'm usually non-violent (not a pacifist, and not ANTI-Violence, I just usually don't take and argument to the point of using my fists. I can usually take down somebod without removeing body parts)

16. Putting the previous three together, i was once jumped by a three kids in the 4th grade because i don't like rap music. I ended up pinned to the ground, but before they could actually do anything, i grabbed a stick from the ground and jammed it into the one on top of me's ear. they retreated. I never saw them again. you think something liek that would be traumatic, but nope.

17. turtlesong likes this powerful number

18. I've taken German Classes for three years. I still suck :unsure:

19. contrary to many people, I don't like foods like McDonalds, and the reason that we eat many unhealthy foods, is because health foods are so damn expensive. I love fruit.

20.this is Sparta. You may not think so, but it is. seriously.

21. i made my own wallet. out of duct tape. I love duct tape.

22. My computer's name is EBOS, which is an acronym meaning "Electronic Box of Shit"

23. I don't like throwing away books. My mum says that i would have plenty of rooms on my booshelf if i threw books I've already read away. But to me, that just sounds stupid.

24. I'm almost done! just one more, and....oooh kitteh. I love my kittehs. and my dog. His name is Axl Rose, but i didnt name him. so don't look at me like that. like what? like i just assassinated a hamster god. speaking of assassins, did you know that William Shakespeare invented the words Assassin and bump? Bump, as in bump a thread. If you bump a thread that has had no new posts for a long time it's called necroposting. I'm a necroposter. in fact I'm the Necropost Lord. I wonder if that has anything to do with the necromonicon. you know, that book my te mad arab dude. it's fisctional, and goes along with the Cthlhu mythos, btu few peopel actually know that. they think it's a real book, and it has actually been written and published many times. time. time is strange. and complicated. not like some peopel think it is. you see, people assume time s a strict progression of cause to effect when in fact from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more liek a big ball of wibbley-wobbley...timey-wimey...stuff. that's a quote by the doctor. doctor? Doctor Who? exactly. you knwo a fun episode of doctor who? that one with the hospital, and boe, and the cat people...ooh, kittehs. where's my kitteh., i like my kitteh. He's nice. I have to kittehs. one is named Ramu. I call him Van Hellspawn, cuz he's practically the fucking Devil. the other is sonny. or Sonneh. he stinks sometimes, but he's a good kitteh. :wub:

Ves'Ka Gan
02-01-2009, 09:39 PM
OoooOOOoooo let me try.

1. I listen to literally all types of music. Some people say that, and don't mean it...I have French folk songs on my iPod next to Kenny Chesney and Bad Religion.

2. Even with number one--I get recognized as a punk rocker by people I don't even know, even though I stopped "dressing the part" not long after high school. It's gotta be something with the way I style my hair, or some punk-dar people have.

3. I *love* *love* *love* Iron Man, and not just because I have a huge crush on Robert Downey Jr.

4. I love to dance, but hate going to clubs.

5. I consider hole-in-the-wall bars a hobby, even though I don't really drink that often.

6. I jsut learned that I live about 40 minutes away from a Satanist worship site. This both scares me and piques my interest to the point of me begging my beau to take me there (during the day).

7. My dream car is a 1969 Mach 1 Mustang. It has been this way since I was about 12.

8. I write fiction, and when I am working on the story I am almost constantly running dialouge between characters & situations in my head...sometimes eve nwhen I am involved in conversation with "real" people.

9. I got married when I was 21 and my divorce was finalized 2 yrs later...people always ask me if I regret marrying that guy, but in reality I'm really glad it happened that way. I learned A LOT about life, love & relationships, and I also learned that you can't "help" someone who doesn't want it.

10. You wouldn't know it looking at me--but I am a HUGE geek. It took me years to finally admit it to myself, but now it's almost freeing. When I ran a Doctor Who meetup my non-geek friends (and some of my geeky freinds) referred to me as "Queen of the Geeks" because I was one of two girls in the group who weren't mortifyingly shy, and the other one was married.

11. I am very, very vain. I don't criticize people or judge them based on their looks, but I am very proud of mine, and work very hard to keep it that way.

12. I would love to say that designer labels don't mean shit to me--but I have a collection (small) of designer purses, including one from Prada (probably worth what I paid for my truck). And I go nuts for anything designer cheap (except Juicy Couture--I just don't get it).

13. My beau spoils me fucking rotten. I get pretty much whatever I want--and a lot of things I would have never thought to ask for. Luckily for him I am always grateful.

14. I love to cook & bake--but if it's just me--I won't. I like to share what I make.

15. I'm a multitasker. I can't do audio books for this reason, I start doing something else or thinking about other things & get totally lost. This is good for work though.

16. I am a really, really bad procrastinator. To the point of getting into serious trouble over things.

17. I love my iPod touch so much that I really cannot imagine life without it--and think if I had the full iPhone my head would explode.

18. I love coffee. And espresso. It's definitely gotten to the point of headaches if I don't have any...but I have no intention of cutting back. It's going to SUCK when I get pregnant.

19. I have always been a dog person, but now I have two cats that I love like children. Probably still getting a dog soon though, with my Beau leaving for deployment soon & us living near so much weird shit (drugs, satanists, etc.)>

20. I hate living alone. I suck at it. If I don't have any one to answer to, I pretty much come in to drop shit off & leave, or I find a spot to be in & stay there.

21. Folding laundry is my kryptonite.

22. I would eat black beans every single day and be totally happy with it. Esp with corn.

23. I'm blonde again. I dye my hair almost compulsively, and this is the first I've been blonde in over a year.

24. Even though my beau has a british accent & I hear it all the time, it still makes my knees weak when I hear someone with an English accent. Queen's English or Cockney--I love it.

25. I'm secretly hoping my beau's secondary billet will be the duty station in Holland. It would suck because that would be around the time we're planning to start having children & my mom wouldn't be around--but I'd love to live in Holland, and we'd be close to London.

02-02-2009, 10:17 AM
OK I'll give it a go!

1. I found out I have a half brother when I was 40 yrs old - he would have been 30 at the time - we have never met!

2. I spent 12 years in the United States Marine Corps; 6 enlisted achieving the rank of SSGT and 6 as an officer achieving the rank of Captain.

3. I have two college degrees; a BS in Electrical Engineering (Univ. of Kansas)I earned when I was 29 yrs old and a MS in Computer Science (Univ of Southern Mississippi) when I was 50 years old.

4. I have survived a Helicopter crash not once but twice in my lifetime; once in an apple orchard near Bogue Field North Carolina and once on the Island of Molaki in Hawaii. I have no desire to fly in one again! Planes are still OK!

5. I am published (and got paid for it) - My Dark Tower poem CAN' Ka No Rey was published in Lighthouse VI (a special Stephen King edition) - it is over 2,200 words long and if you think about the tune to Bye Bye Miss American Pie you can sing my poem! It is saved hear at the darktower dot com!

6. I have 4 children; my oldest (erin) has her Masters in Teaching and is a high school teacher and will be getting married on July 4th this year; the next (kara) graduates with a bachelor's degree in May and starts graduate school a week later! I have twin sons (brett and bryan) that are 19 years old - one attends VA Tech and the other George Mason Univ.

7. I love inane comedy such as The Three Stooges, Gilligan's Island, Get Smart, The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, ...

8. I have been married twice - the first time for about a year when I was 19 and she was 17 - Stupid, Stupid, Stupid; the second time when I was 29 and have been with my lovely wife Terri ever since - past 26 years now. By the way I knew my current wife for 8 years before we started dating! My children do not know about the First! My Mother-in-Laws does know - in fact she once told my current wife, I never want to see than boy and his wife here again - we were at a pool party - Funny now I am married to Terri and my MIL does not remember saying that! :-)

9. I only need two books to consider my King collection complete - just 1st Editions; the S/Ls, etc are just a bonus to me - those two are Salem's Lot and The Gunslinger

10. When I was 12 I stepped on a Yellow Jackets nest and had over 100 stingers removed at the Dr Office - the doctor told me that if I had been allergic I would have most likely died within minutes of the event!

11. The most recurring dream that I have is where I tend to be flying just feet above the ground!

12. I am pretty conservative and have a pretty conservative haircut; once I had long hair like down to my elbows. I let my sister cut it all off the day before I went into the Marine Corps - no way was I showing up looking like a hippie!

13. My dream car is a 1968 Chevy Camaro 327 cubic inch 4-speed convertible that is Candy Apple Red.

14. When I joined SKEMERs in 1994 they had less than 100 members!

15. I have met Stephen King three times; Rock Bottom Remainders performance in Washington DC where I had a special pass; the Bag of Bones signing in Bett's (the old location) Bookstore in Bangor Maine; at the Three Kings Reading and Booksigning in DC!

16. My IQ is 152; I love trivia, word games; Sudoku, crossword puzzles, logic problems, ...

17. The first time I drove a motorcycle was very memorable; I was drunk, it was a chopped Harley Davidson 1200, I had a passenger on the back (the owner), and I crashed it through a double paned sliding glass door!!!!!

18. I have been a New York Yankee fan since 1958; I used to have all the baseball cards back then but somewhere along the way they got tossed; probably most got pinned to the spokes of my bikes with clothespins - wish I had those Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris cards back now!

19. I once drove 1,450 miles non-stop in a little more than 19 hours; then slept for a day and a half after getting to my destination!

20. When I was in the Marine Corps I was a Rifle and Pistol Expert every time I qualified; I once shot a 247 out of a total 250 points on the rifle range achieving the best score in the Battalion; I have also shot a LAW (think bazooka), a 50 Cal Machine Gun, an M79 Grenade launcher and played with C4 (plastic explosives). I have not shot a weapon since leaving the Marine Corps more than 23 years ago!

21. Two close friends of mine (a 39 yr old Mom and her 19 yr old son) were murdered a week before Christmas last year. I think of them often.

22. My Maternal Grandmother was the 23rd of 25 children; all from the same father!

23. I was arrested when I was 21 years old for buying booze for minors. The actual charge was Unlawfully Dealing with a Child! Sounds awful doesn't it! Remember I was a hippie back then and the local police were trying to put me away! There is no record of this arrest - my Grandfather was close friends with the Chief of Police and somehow my record disappeared before I went into the Marine Corps! Thanks Gramp!!!!!!!!!

24. Before I die I want to Ride in a Hot Air Balloon, visit Ireland, be a Grandpa, publish a Novel, retire to a life of leisure. I'll skip the bungy jumping and skydiving!

25. I scored a perfect 800 on the Math SATs and at the same time got a 690 on the English test; my combined score was 1,490 - enough to get me accepted into MIT; unfortunately it was not meant to be; all I have from MIT is the acceptance letter!

02-02-2009, 11:15 AM
#24 - I can definitely recommend the first two. :D

02-02-2009, 01:07 PM
Ok.....Here I go:
1. I HATE cheese

2. I collect a lot of things (books, cd's, knives, guitars, dead bodies, etc.)

3. I fell off my bike a few months ago trying to hold on to the back of my buddy's dirt bike, which resulted in 14 stitches....and now my neck always cracks. :beat:

4. I've been known to sit alone and do nothing for hours...

5. I love playing the guitar, and I am told that I am quite good.

6. My top 3 bands are: The gorillaz, The Doors, and Dragonforce

7. This summer my dad found 6 empty beer cans under my bed. And yet I do not remember drinking them...:scared:

8. I just recently saw 300 for the first time... it was ok. :evil:

9. I cannot decide who I am a bigger fan of: EA Poe, or Stephen King!

10. I am on the "Wall of Fame" at my high school because I am able to bench the required 220 lbs in order to play varsity football...and im in 9th.

11. I cannot wait for high school to over. My dad says "its the time of your life!". Bull...Shit! Nobody at my school enjoys reading....:nope:...therefore I do not get along with them!

12. I have read the Odyssey 7 times.

13. I have read the Hobbit 4 times.

14. From the ages of 9 to 14 I was a Star Wars FREAK, but now I cant stand it!

15. I'm most likely addicted to caffeine.

16. I'm starting to enjoy HP Lovecraft more and more.

17. My dream is to become an author...and open my own bookstore.

18. I love zombies...

19. I think The Tommyknockers is SK's best work.

20. I own 3 sets of The Lord of the Rings.

21. I am scared of rollercoasters. :scared:

22. I dont have any pets...but I want a dog.

23. After I finished the DT series, I acually felt... empty inside.

02-02-2009, 02:43 PM
William50, isn't it 25 Random Things? :orely: You're short 2!

02-02-2009, 02:48 PM
1. I have never broken a bone in my body. At least that I know of. My dad accidentally stepped on my foot when I was about 13 and two this day it's still crooked.

2. I stepped on a metal rake barefoot once and it went nearly all the way through my foot.

3. In the past two years I've nearly doubled the amount of states I've visited in my life. I went from 7 to 13.

4. I've never been on a plane.

5. I've been married to my wife for 10 years in August but we've been "together" for 16 years. I was a junior in HS and she was a sophmore.

6. My wife and I went to three different proms together but only managed 1 homecoming.

7. My two oldest daughters were bridesmaids in our wedding. They were 2 of 7.

8. I've never been in a real "fight" per se but I did tackle a kid on concrete one time when he stole my hat. He left me alone after that.

9. I bowled a 300 game when I was 16 but never got a ring for it because I was still considered a youth bowler.

10. I have never seen the ocean.

11. I'm an only child but I do have a step-brother that I rarely see.

11. I've known my best friend since second grade. About 25 years. He's the closest thing to a brother I have.

13. I have an uncle that is exactly 363 days older than me. We graduated high school together.

14. I have finished GTV San Andreas 100% with no cheats 3 times.

15. I sold my entire GI Joe collection from the 80's piece by piece on Ebay. Made enough money to take my family on vacation.

16. I've never had to sell a car in my life. I've always accidentally totaled them first.

17. I don't like beer.

18. I've never been drunk.

19. I'm a huge choco-holic but don't really like chocolate-flavored cereal.

20. I'll be 42 when my youngest daughter graduates high school.

21. Although I've had plenty of part-time retail jobs, I've only had one "real" job/career in my life.

22. When I was born I had 6 grandparents. 2 paternal grandmothers, 2 paternal grandfathers and 2 "legal" grandmothers. My 2 paternal grandmother were single and my 2 paternal grandfathers had re-married.

23. When my first 2 kids were born they had a combination of 10 grandparents and great-grandparents.

24. I have lived in the Rockford area my entire life.

25. 90% of my clothes are black.

Ves'Ka Gan
02-02-2009, 04:47 PM
This is so cool I'm learning so much about you all I didn't know! Thanks for the thread SJ!

Unfound One
02-02-2009, 04:49 PM
Ha, I thought it would be cool.
I'm just glad it's taking off! :thumbsup:

02-02-2009, 06:03 PM
William50, isn't it 25 Random Things? :orely: You're short 2!

23 is one of my lucky numbers. 24 and 25 are bad! :P

02-02-2009, 06:59 PM
1. I had written 25 things, plus another 25 copied from the other lists in this thread.

2. I accidentaly clicked "back" on my browser. :panic:

... :cry:

Ves'Ka Gan
02-02-2009, 07:07 PM
awe. sadness.

You'll have to start over :P

02-02-2009, 07:13 PM
not now, it took me forever to pick the 25 things I said, and it was difficult to "open up".
Guess it was a sign or something :P

Ves'Ka Gan
02-02-2009, 07:24 PM
:cry: post-tease!

02-03-2009, 08:13 PM
Lets try this again, without the random back-clicking this time.

1. I'm NOT a peoples person. I've got very few close relations and even less "distant friends". This is largely connected to point number 2.

2. I've got social phobia. Not the kind where people freak out in public and crawls into a ball shaking, but the kind that would rather stay at home than going out to do stuff. (Unless I HAVE to do it, like work) Being a slight misanthrope doesn't help either.

3. My job also acts like therapy for this, since I have to be in contact with people and be nice to them. (no problem being nice)

4. I'm in fact too nice, according to many people and myself. I've tried being less nice, but that wasn't me at all.

5. I don't drink coffee, because I don't see why I should force myself to like something that tastes like crap just because I'm a grown-up (O discordia) and it's the "normal" thing to do.

6. I write "I" way too much. That's a habit that is hard to break.

7. I try to write, and want to write, but the words in my head don't seem to want being written.

8. A lyric written by me has been sung, recorded and published. I didn't make money doing it.

9. I'm definitely an ideas person. I sometimes have a hard time following through... (stolen from OP)

10. Epilepsy caused me to "black out" during classes in school when I was a kid, and I still don't have a "proper" education, largely because of this.

11. Despite the "depressing" points so far, I'm quite happy with my life and rarely complain, or feel I have a reason to do so. :)

12. Two years ago I thought I'd never get a job, and if I did I wouldn't be able to keep it because of motivational problems. Now I've had the same job for 1 year and 3 months without "calling in sick" a single day.

13. I've got 0 (zero) social skills, hence my extended use of the internet.

14. The best game I've ever played is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, on N64. :clap:

15. I love dogs, and connect to them very easily. I've gotten to know many dogs, that supposedly have been afraid of strangers, and become "close" to them with no problem.

16. The same can also be said about kids, although to a lesser degree.

17. I'm very passionate, but only about very few things at a time. I can spend all my time on these things and then burn out after a while. Then I can't even stand the thought of whatever I was passionate about for a long long time. This is why I suddently dissapeared from this site a while back :P

18. I'm starting to think my patience has no limits, and that worries me.

19. I love science and I wish I had the drive to understand it more. Physics is my favorite branch of science, but only on a conceptual level. The math involved kicks my ass. (also copied from OP)

20. Right now I'm talking to a slightly disturbed looking guest who's been laid off. and it's the middle of the night. Let's hope he's not a psycho. (even though he definately looks like one)

21. I think I flirted with a guest for the first time today, it felt good.

22. I am incredibly shy when I'm first introduced to anyone who is my peer. I don't have this problem with adults. I can carry on a long conversation with an adult I've just met but seem to have major trouble doing this with someone my own age. (also copied from OP)

23. I want to work in a bookstore or a library :)

24. I've tried smoking once, when I was 9 and my mother gave in after I pestered her to let me try. She told me to take a deep breath and really inhale. I did. Haven't smoked since.

25. I once had a bunny called Tamlin, named after a demon in The Legend of the Ice People.


Ves'Ka Gan
02-03-2009, 08:35 PM
I'm so glad you finally got your list out!! :couple: thanks for sharing!

02-04-2009, 03:13 AM
23. I want to work in a bookstore or a library :)
you, along with half this site :)

02-04-2009, 10:54 AM
Hehe, this is fun.

My favorite thing to eat is cheesy rice. Make rice, stir in enough cheddar cheese that it's gooey but still more rice than cheese, add soy sauce. Bacon bits and/or slightly cooked green pepper also go well with it. I eat this about every other day and it is about 200% of my daily intake of salt, so I will probably die soon.

I'm ridiculously lazy. I will spend all day in bed if you let me. Being in bed is my favorite. It is soft and warm and nobody bugs me. I can't even put into words how happy I usually am when I crawl in bed. And I cannot get up in the morning/afternoon no matter how much I sleep. I'm too comfortable. It is truly pathetic.

My boyfriend and I are taking a class called Intimate Relationships together. We spend the whole class giving each other meaningful glances and poking each other when something sounds familiar.

I was once published in a book of poetry by "young people" when I was in 4th grade. I am afraid to reread it though because I am sure it is terrible. :P

I have tried to learn French, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Pennsylvania German, and failed miserably at all of them. Languages are too hard.

When I was a kid, I was a crazy cat lady. I finally started getting out of it in high school, but by then it was established so I still got cat things. Now my house is full of cat things and it's embarrassing.

Related: Once Matt saw a picture in his paper of a woman wearing a cat sweatshirt picking out a book about cats from the library's book sale. He crossed out the caption and wrote "Sarah in ten years" on it. The sad thing is... I had that sweatshirt (from high school). He made fun of me. A lot.

I've only ever had one cell phone and I'm trying not to get rid of it until it is completely unusable. I hate people who constantly get new phones when they don't need to, it's wasteful and stupid.

I am afraid of the military and band camp, for the same reasons.

I like the Red Sox. I started watching them in preparation for Faithful, and started liking baseball. Now I'm a fan. People think I'm stupid because I like them "because Stephen King does" or "only since they got good" (I don't even know when that was) but neither of those are the reasons.

V for Vendetta is my favorite movie, and I like it better than the graphic novel. I know, blasphemy. Sue me. Same with Shawshank Redemption.

My dad is a pastor but I'm agnostic. I haven't told my family yet, and I'm afraid to because I will hear about it all the time. Also, I'm afraid my dad might not do my wedding. I know I'll have to tell them eventually though. I'm dreading it.

My last name is the same as a video game character. This gets me awesome points with just about everyone who plays video games. I'm not putting it here though because I've already said my dad's occupation and that's just too much personal information in too small a spot to put on the intarwebs. Some of you know it, though.

I love LOLcats, but some of them would be a lot funnier if they didn't butcher the English language. I'm tempted to pick out my favorites and recaption them in a more pleasing way, but I'm too lazy.

Flash games take over my soul. Bloons Tower Defense 3 still tempts me even though I haven't been able to get past level 58 in months. I hate that game, but I can't stop myself sometimes.

The Challenger exploded about an hour after I was born. I'm good luck.

My first "real" boyfriend was my sister's age and had classes with her, and his sister was my age and had classes with me. It got awkward, especially since his sister didn't like me very much.

I have terrible social skills. A lot of people hated me in school. I didn't like them either though.

I go through friends like crazy. This sounds weird, but I'll make friends with a guy, he'll like me, I'll ignore it, then over weeks or months or years he'll steadily get too creepy for me to deal with and I'll cut him off. I've done this about four times in the past year (unusually high number). I do the same thing with girls, only cut out the crush and replace "creepy" with "pain in the ass." Depending on the person I won't miss them at all or it's the equivalent of a breakup, but mostly the former.

I HATE growing up. I resist it as much as possible. I took a year off before college, partially because I was so sick of school, but also because I was afraid of going the next step. Many of my friends and boyfriends have been younger than me, and I just act childish to avoid my age. Now I'm studiously ignoring my graduation/entry into the real world. If I ignore it, maybe it will go away.

I used to somehow convince myself I was pregnant despite my virginity. This happened multiple times and I was definitely old enough to know better.

I sometimes don't eat until after 4 pm. I also sometimes make another meal around midnight.

I hate people who will not type or speak proper English. They think they sound cool but they sound like idiots. I want to punch them in the lips so they won't talk anymore. I get angry about this.

I actually get angry about a lot of stupid things. I'm way too emotional. I also cry over too many things (coughLifetimemoviecough) or get depressed/sullen about too many things. I have too many negative emotions but I don't know how to get rid of them. It's upsetting.

I realized the other night that I've been on .net, Redton, and .com for about 5 years combined. This is ridiculous. I wish we still had the ^_^ smilie, it made me happy. I wonder how many other people were around that long?

Ves'Ka Gan
02-04-2009, 01:51 PM
Ok--I've never been to bandcamp--so you're going to have to explain what it has in common with the military! (it did crack me up though! :rofl:)

02-07-2009, 07:19 PM
:lol: It just creeps me out how they have to drill in the 100 degree heat, wear identical uniforms, all that shit... basically anything that seeks to eradicate identity and put someone else's word as your law is something I don't want anything to do with.

Maybe our band leader was just sadistic, but that's how it went at our school.

02-08-2009, 03:41 AM
Hmmm, I talk so much there probably aren't 25 things you don't already know about me :lol:

1. I was a complete tomboy when I was younger, once someone mistook me for a boy and I was so chuffed :lol: I didn't start wearing skirts/dresses until I was about 15 - and that was because I had a job as a waitress and I had to!

2. I got my first job when I was 14, washing dishes in a local pub. I've worked ever since.

3. I love socialising but I really need my own space to balance it out, or I get totally stressy. Especially since having children, on really bad days I wish I were in solitary confinement :lol:

4. I'm addicted to using smilies :D I've even started drawing them in when I write letters by hand :P

5. I could live without a tv. With the exception of Lost.

6. I could not live without books or music. I can't remember ever not being into them, they're the staples of my existence.

7. My Dad once toured with the Beach Boys as part of their instrumental section, he played trumpet.

8. My paternal grandparents were in the circus. My Poppa rode the wall and globe of death and my Nana was an aerial stunt woman.

9. I went to primary school in Wales and we learnt to speak Welsh as part of the national curicculum. I can't remember more then a few words now though.

10. My maternal grandparents were born and raised in Wales and learnt English as a second language.

11. I'd still like to be a rock star when I grow up and still have a secret crush on Sebastian Bach :lol:

12. My favourite movies of all time are Lost Boys and Stand By Me - I can quote them word for word :D

13. I've seen Nirvana play live.

14. I drink alot, but if we had an all night cafe here I'd rather sit and drink lattes and eat cake all night.

15. I'm great at starting new projects, I have gazillions of ideas, I'm just hopeless at finishing 99% of the things I start.

16. Money doesn't mean that much to me. I don't have expensive taste at all. That's not to say I don't have good taste. I don't believe the two are mutally exclusive.

17. I love doing crossword puzzles. When I work in the pub on Tuesday and Wednesday nights there are about 3 locals who come in who also love them - we all stand at the bar and do the crossword from each newspaper. It's funny because 2 of the guys are bikers and look like really unlikely crossword fans :lol:

18. I like talking, but if I find another person interesting I could sit and listen to them for hours without saying a word.

19. I like people to use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar - even though my punctuation is atrocious :lol: I either put in way too much, or far too little :D

20. If I'm really into a book, movie or band I have to have a crush on at least one person/character in it. I have no idea why, it's just not complete if I can't be daydreaming about it.

21. I am about as far from a fussy eater as you can get, although I just can't enjoy offal at all...I do like pate though.

22. I've written and illustrated a graphic novel for children, but for some reason I haven't sent it off. It's been waiting to go for about 2 years. I keep re-doing it and adjusting it instead of mailing it. I think I'm in denial about being nervous of rejection :unsure:

23. I love kissing more than sex. I mean, sex is totally awesome - but a real kiss...you just can't beat it :wub:

24. My favourite time of day is dusk. Particularly in the summer. I like to walk around the lakes as the sun is setting - it makes everything in life seem worthwhile :)

25. I only own 2 pairs of socks. Most of the time I don't wear any :lol:

Ves'Ka Gan
02-08-2009, 03:17 PM
#6, 17 & 20 are so me!!

02-08-2009, 03:41 PM
Cool! I'm so glad you do 20 too :lol:

Ves'Ka Gan
02-08-2009, 05:31 PM
I once had a crush on (young) Ritchie from IT. Book & mini-series version :P I was a lot younger then, though!

Unfound One
02-08-2009, 05:39 PM
I had a crush on Nick Andros while reading The Stand. :ninja:

02-08-2009, 07:55 PM
I have a crush on Ron Weasley. Book and movie. :wub:

02-09-2009, 02:11 AM
I had a crush on Nick Andros while reading The Stand. :ninja:
Baahahahaaa!! Me too!!

02-09-2009, 11:13 AM
I think if we did a survey, Nick would be voted most eligible bachelor. Besides the little hindrances of being fictional and dead.

02-09-2009, 02:33 PM
Of course he would, he's a fit bloke who can't answer back...perfect! :P

02-09-2009, 02:49 PM
This looks fun. :)

1. I'm probably the most unorganized person in the world.
2.I move house constantly. 13 homes in 18 years. :nope: I should probably become a gypsy.
3.I love my dog, my girlfriend, and my siblings more than anything else on Earth; I'd gladly take a bullet for any of them.
4.I smoke, I drink, and I eat too much junk. I have a fast track ticket to the pearly gates.
5.I bite my fingernails.
6.I could live off sweet+sour chicken for the rest of my life.
7.I love music - it keeps me truckin'. Namely Coheed+Cambria, Agents Of Oblivion, Hendrix, Jeff Buckley, Clapton, Eels...actually, i'll stop before I get carried away...
8.I prefer showers to baths.
9.Autumn is the most beautiful season. :)
10.I love trees.
11.I have 2 tattoos, and 5 piercings.
12.I like a good cup of tea :D (with three sugars...) :beat:
13.The Green Mile, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and Ace Ventura When nature Calls are a tiny segment of my favourite films.
14.I'm studying psychology, media studies, English language + literature in college. :)
15.I want to be a psychologist.
16.I have THE strangest dreams you could possibly imagine.
17.There's a huge lump on my left knee and I've never found out what it is. :arg:
18.Reading and writing are two of my favourite things to do.
19.I also like to draw. :)
20.I'm planning on volunteering in Africa with an organisation called Platform2. A once in a lifetime experience that will completely change me.
21.I'm too old for my age.
22.Sometimes I don't like to think, but sometimes I do.
23.I can never make my mind up. :panic:
24.My name is Alisha Faye Riley. :D
25.And I'm growing rather attached tto this site.

Unfound One
02-09-2009, 02:55 PM
Yay another psychology student!
Great to get to know you Alisha. :)

Ves'Ka Gan
02-09-2009, 04:02 PM
I think if we did a survey, Nick would be voted most eligible bachelor. Besides the little hindrances of being fictional and dead.

So I'm the only one who had a thing for Tom Cullen, huh? M-O-O-N that spells love, everybody knows that!:wtf: I'm totally joking, btw.

And Alisha, welcome! Thanks for sharing with us! I'm an unorganized gypsy, myself. I know if I changed one or the other I'd be better able to keep track of my stuff--but no luck with either yet :P

02-10-2009, 01:39 AM
I once had a crush on (young) Ritchie from IT. Book & mini-series version :P I was a lot younger then, though!

I had a crush on Nick Andros while reading The Stand. :ninja:

I have a crush on Ron Weasley. Book and movie. :wub:

I had a crush on Nick Andros while reading The Stand. :ninja:
Baahahahaaa!! Me too!!

I think if we did a survey, Nick would be voted most eligible bachelor. Besides the little hindrances of being fictional and dead.

Female readers have a definite advantage over male readers. There are preciously few likeable, let alone lovable, female characters. The usual situation is The Losers' Club: one single Beverly surrounded by a whole assortment of amazing guys; brilliant as Beverly is, she doesn't present much choice to the reader.

02-10-2009, 02:07 AM
I'm very fond of Thomas Hardy's Tess. I can't think of any female King characters that I've particularly fallen for. Good points Jean.

I met Lisa through a King site, does that count?:doh:

02-10-2009, 09:23 AM
Awww :wub:

02-10-2009, 09:53 AM
:) :huglove:

02-10-2009, 10:56 AM
Ryan had a crush on Greta Shaw too. :P

02-10-2009, 11:02 AM

02-10-2009, 12:59 PM
Time to share with the class I guess.

1. Music is my main addiction and obsession, (although I have never had any desire to play any instruments). I can listen to the same sond/cd over and over, yet still fall in love with it repeatedly.
2. I love animals, especially dogs. BIG dogs. I prefer the company of animals to most people. If I go to someone's house who owns a pet, I normally give most of my attention to the pet the whole time.
3. I am incredibly shy around people I don't know. People have told me that they thought I was a snob when they first met me because I'm so quiet. I just seem to choke up or something. And I'm quick to blush if I'm the center of attention.
4. Although I've probably attended church less than 5 times in my life, I heavily rely on my faith. It's one thing that I put more thought into than anything in my life. While there are alot of things I question, I have never doubted if a God exists.
5. My favorite color is green. Plain old green.
6. I will never, under any circumstances, eat raw tomato. It is the grossest thing.
7. I strongly believe in fate and soulmates. While I think that we control our on lives to a certain extent, I still believe their are certain paths and people that we can't avoid. I know for a fact that there are a select few people in my life that fit together with the puzzle piece that is me. And they know who they are. :)
8. I have a nervous habit that makes me feel the need to constantly be moving. Whether it be tapping my fingers, wiggling my toes, biting my lip, etc. It's amazing how someone as lazy as me can fidget so much. :lol:
9. Give me any Mario video game to play, and I will get hooked on it.
10. My favorite alcohol is vodka. More specifically: Vodka chased with Mountain Dew. And I rarely ever drink mixed drinks. I like shots. :D
11. I have a hard time turning of my sarcasm. It's just in my blood, I guess. Funny thing is, I'm only sarcastic with people I like. It's like my sign of affection or something.
12. I think that women's lib ruined a lot of good things. :lol:
13. Although I'm pretty clumsy, and will run into doorways, dressers, etc., and have bruises in the dumbest places, I have never had a broken bone or had to have stitches for anything. (knocks on wood.)
14. I always knock on wood. :cyclops:
15. I am a scented candle junkie.
16. I love it when it rains. :wub: I am the person that is happy when I step outside on a rainy day and sad when it's sunny. And I never, ever use an umbrella. It's against all my beliefs.
17. Green Day is my favorite band ever. I have been totally hooked on them since discovering them when I was 12 years old.
18. I love the smell of old paperback books.
19. I have a weakness for sweets. It is very rare for me to meet a cake, pie, candy, etc. that I don't like.
20. Chicken wings really gross me out and I hate to see/hear people eating them. It really makes my stomach turn.
21. I never go anywhere without chapstick. I've been that way as far back as I can remember. But, it has to have menthol in it. Otherwise, it's useless to me.
22. I only keep close friends in my life, and never just acquantainces.
23. I usually only dance when I'm drunk. Then...I don't stop.
24. I am a roller coaster junkie and have indulged in this addiction many times. For a few years, I went to a new amusement park for every birthday. I'm itching to do it again.
25. I believe in ghosts and spirits even though I have no solid proof. Weird things have happened to me that I can't otherwise explain.

02-10-2009, 01:32 PM
Of course he would, he's a fit bloke who can't answer back...perfect! :P


02-10-2009, 01:34 PM
18. I love the smell of old paperback books.

I'll second that one! :D

Ves'Ka Gan
02-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Ahh used bookstore smell is the BEST!!

Ves'Ka Gan
02-10-2009, 01:42 PM
Ah GSD!! Number 12 :wub: I agree. I'm glad for the progress but it's really hurt some of the good things in life. Why can't I be happy being a woman who can bake, dance and PRODUCE life!?

02-10-2009, 02:13 PM
1. I'm agnostic, but started out young with alot of sincere faith. It just left me. It's not that I don't believe. It's that I can't.

2. I believe logic applies to everything.

3. Though I believe in nothing. I believe in possibilities. I suppose that seems to be a contradiction.

4. I seem to contradict myself alot. I never do though.

5. On a bet once I jumped off a 75ft. plus cliff on the side of a mountain. I did it because I was afraid. I did get my $20 though.

6. Even though I believe in pretty much nothing I cast astrology charts with books and pen and paper...no computers for me with that.

7. I have an inhuman tolerance for everything.

8. I've hitchiked (mostly) to or through 39 states, D.C. and Mexico.

9. I don't even try any food without salting it first.

10. The Beatles is by far my favorite band.

11. I don't like people. I do like certain ones though. As a child even family had difficulty getting me to talk. I am both intoverted and extroverted I guess.

12. I love books. (big suprise there)

13. I also collect records.

14. I love to debate.

15. LOST is the only TV show I watch.

16. I spent much of my teenage years in detention because my mother's boyfriend enjoyed falling down and bumping into things.

17. I am VERY arrogant.

18. As a kid I read much more than I do now. I guess there's just not enough time. I read 4 200 page books a day at one point, the bible cover to cover a couple times, a few different encyclopedias, some dictionaries and the Encyclopedia Britannica up to the letter S. I wish I could find the time to read like that now.

19. If I care about you and you're out of my sight for long my mind tends to create elaborate situations to explain what went wrong.

20. Some people are afraid of heights. I absloutely love them. It's a rush for me.

21. When I first meet people it's incredibly difficult for me to talk much. I am shy.

22. I am a total smart ass.

23. I don't do plans at all. I am 100% spontaneous and resent any forced planning deeply.

24. I cannot gain weight no matter what.

25. I am denying y'all 25. :nope: You only get 24.

02-11-2009, 11:56 PM
26. I could easily fall for so many of the tdt.com ladies :wub:

02-12-2009, 04:25 AM
26. I could easily fall for so many of the tdt.com ladies :wub:

Get in line.

02-12-2009, 04:27 AM
26. I could easily fall for so many of the tdt.com ladies :wub:

Get in line.

I am, waaaaay back there. Turn around and I'll wave.

02-12-2009, 04:29 AM
Oh, you must be that little speck I see moving around in the distance. :lol:

02-12-2009, 04:37 AM
sssshh, I'm wearing my stalker outfit :ninja:

02-12-2009, 05:49 AM

02-12-2009, 09:18 PM
1. I proposed to Mr. Woofer.

2. I loathe beets and cucumbers.

3. When I was in college, the director of our Honors Program was also the head of the committee for bringing speakers to the university. During her tenure as such, I got to attend private appearances by Gene Roddenberry and Harlan Ellison. I even got to be part of a group having dinner with Harlan the night before. The only problem was that somehow Harlan didn't get that message and was a bit more than surprised when we showed up at his hotel. In an attempt to be flexible, we offered Harlan various dinner options and asked what he wanted to do. He said "Don't ask me what I want to do because I'd like to go back up to my room and go to bed." So I said "So should we all go back to your room and go to bed with you?" After dinner that evening, I spotted a button that said "War is menstruation envy" in a store window and remarked upon it. The next day at the private appearance, Harlan beckoned me to sit by him and presented me with the very button. I still have it.

4. I have crushes on three anime characters: Spike Spiegel, Kiba, and D (from Vampire Hunter D).

5. I have no knowledge of blood relatives.

6. I can't remember not knowing that I didn't want children.

7. I am a dog person surrounded by cats.

8. I love James Joyce and William Faulkner.

9. I was addicted to General Hospital in junior high and high school. Mmmmmmm, Dr. Jeff Webber.

10. I sincerely want to get over wanting a cigarette. The urge now strikes at the oddest, most random moments.

11. My nose was broken when I was 12, but it was not repaired until I was 20.

12. When I was 17, I asked actor Thaao Penghlis (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671837/) to kiss me as he passed by while departing a public appearance. And he did.

13. I am very particular about chocolate/mint combinations.

14. I talked about Stephen King in my M.A. orals.

15. I am three degrees away from Einstein.

16. I played clarinet in junior high and high school and went All-State.

17. I love Cap'n Crunch, but I was a Quisp kid growing up. I've recently discovered it is available in select markets and online. I might just have to break down and order some.

18. Ben Affleck makes me want to gnaw off my own head to keep from seeing him.

19. I have only had my hair trimmed for split ends and shaped at the bottom for over a decade.

20. I love colored light Christmas displays - and the more lights the better. When we put up a full-sized tree, I usually put on enough colored lights to read by. And we celebrate the winter solstice.

21. I am fascinated with the subject of genetic mutations.

22. I love the smells of leather, gunpowder, mink oil, Barbasol, and freshly mown grass.

23. I find scars sexy.

24. At one time, I was both Selune and Loviatar on an online AD&D mud.

25. I used to write reviews for Dr. Casey's Cabinet of Horrors.

Ves'Ka Gan
02-12-2009, 10:24 PM
#3 & #12--wow! What awesome experiences!!

And as for the cat/dog thing--I totally understand. I feel so much better now that I have a bohemeoth dog to balance out the cat presence! Although if never trade my kitties for Anything.

02-12-2009, 10:29 PM
1. I love this thread but have resisted posting in it because I didn't think I could think of enough things about myself, I'm actually quite uninteresting. I've been thinking about it for a few days and writing them down when one would occur to me.

2. I am extremely quiet in person. I hate talking, especially about myself. I wouldn't say I'm socially awkward though. Maybe emotionally removed.

3. My face turns red all the time and I get embarrassed really easily. Sometimes I think about things that happened to me when I was like 5 years old and my face still turns red. It's really annoying.

4. I've broken my left arm in two places, my left wrist once, the growth plate in my left thumb, and all of my fingers on my left hand, the middle finger twice. Sometimes the whole hand aches.

5. I love old movies, I've seen more of them than most people I know.

6. At different points in my life I've been in love with John Wayne, Laurence Olivier, Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Gene Kelly, Humphrey Bogart, and Montgomery Cliff. I went through a lot of phases. :blush:

7. My Dad has been collecting comic books since 1962. We have a real lot of them.

8. I drink between 5 and 7 cups of coffee a day. It's really out of hand.

9. I've had the father/daughter wedding dance song picked out for my wedding since I was 9.

10. I am the least picky eater ever. The only foods I've ever eaten and not liked were white chocolate and apples.

11. Like Woofer, I also find scars sexy.

12. One time in high school, a girl made my best friend's little sister cry, so I punched the girl in the mouth and made one of her teeth loose. I don't regret it at all.

13. When I was 15, I was in line at Dunkin Donuts and the guy in front of me was arguing with someone on his cell phone. He hung up, said "UGH", turned to look at me and said, "Let me ask you something. Do you believe in love at first sight?" I said, "No." He just stared at me, and his eyes got weird and watery, almost like he was about to cry. To this day I wonder what it was all about. I'm fairly certain he didn't mean he was in love with me at first sight, he looked to be in his mid-thirties. It was the strangest thing that ever happened to me.

14. I LOVE hockey, and I'm proud to say that I know a lot about it. The New York Rangers are my team.

15. I listen to Frank Sinatra daily.

16. I'm a cat person.

17. My family is Catholic, and one time in church the deacon was talking about... I have no idea, I wasn't paying attention, but he started talking about books so I tuned in, and he said the Harry Potter books should be burned because they glorify the work of the devil. I let out one of those laughs that sounds like "PPPPBBBBBBBFFFFFHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I'm not religious.

18. I love Chinese Food so much it's ridiculous.

19. One time I went to small Dashboard Confessional concert, and my friend pointed at me and yelled "This girl loves you, Chris!" and Chris Carrabba pointed at himself and went, "This guy loves you too, baby!"

20. I want to marry Jim Halpert.

21. I have really horrible nightmares. The first one I ever had was when I was really young, I had a nightmare that the Swedish Chef from the muppets tried to kill me. He was holding a big knife, and he kept saying my name. He puked blood and it went all over the floor, I looked down at it and when I looked up he was right in front of me. I woke up screaming.

22. I had to have my right canine tooth filed down because I kept cutting my tongue and lip on it. My dentist told my mom it was the sharpest canine tooth he'd ever seen. I thought it was cool, I still do actually.

23. I bite my nails when I'm nervous and play with my hair when I'm talking to a guy I like. I hope no one ever catches on to that second one.

24. Winter is my favorite season. I love the snow, being cold, winter clothes, winter foods, the darkness, the silence, the smells. Everything. I hate the Summer. Hate it.

25. I wrote my best friend's college essay.

The End!

02-13-2009, 01:42 AM
I suppose I should probably go ahead and do this now, since I'll do it, inevitably.

1. I just finished doing this exact thing on FaceBook almost precisely 20 minutes ago.

2. I like to think of myself as an extroverted introvert. I prefer to keep to myself, but can be a social butterfly when the situation requires it.

3. I've only ever actually cheated on an exam/test once, in 7'th grade, in Geography class. It's somewhat aggravated me ever since.

4. I have rarely, very rarely, ever gotten angry.

5. My official "niche" in high school, according to peers, was "That one long-haired guy that mostly hung out with the super-geeks, but also affiliated himself with the stoners, athletes, and metal/punk kids on occasion." (Supported by various classmates.)

6. I've been an internet addict since there's been a "The Internet".

7. I absolutely cannot sleep at night unless I've taken Diphenhydramine...Benedryl, Night-Time Sleep Aid, call it what you will.

8. I made a realistic goal 3 years ago to quit smoking on my 30'th birthday, because I knew I couldn't just pick a close date and quit cold turkey.

9. Relating with number 8, I'm very honest with myself. :wtf:

10. My hair is probably 3-4 feet long, reaching down to my hips. I started growing it in 2003, because I couldn't afford a haircut, being a college kid at the time. I'm cutting most of it this summer, and donating all of what I cut to "Locks Of Love."

11. I've a very, very chronic nail-biter, so much so that I even bite off the skin around the nail, the skin on the pads of my fingers, and even the inner knuckles of my thumbs until they bleed.

12. I've played guitar for over a decade, and rarely play for the enjoyment of myself, but for the joy in playing for others.

13. Christina Ricci has been one of my only celebrity crushes since 1991, when The Addams Family was released. We're nearly the same age. :huglove:

14. I'm quite the Cinephile/Audiophile...I really, really enjoy most music and many, many movies.

15. I read over 75% of all the fiction in the library during my "middle school" years.(5-8'th)...I guess that means I'm also a huge book nerd.

16. I'm a very small, thin person, and never really liked playing sports that much, but I absolutely love watching college football. The West Virginia Mountaineers have been my favorite team since I was 14.

17. I belong to Sigma Tau Gamma, a National Fraternity that I joined at Concord University in the spring of 2004, which I consider one of the better choices in my life so far. If "High School Chris" would have known that "Quasi-Adult Chris" joined a fraternity later in life, he would have built a time machine to point and laugh at him.

18. I'm not very "metro sexual," but I do enjoy dressing up very nicely on random occasions.

19. I used to have a photogenic memory when I was younger.(I probably still do, and just seem to have forgotten how to use it.)

20. There was a period in my life when I did a lot of drugs, for no real reason other than to do them. The only thing that came from it later was the cigarette and Diphenhydramine addiction, which I find extremely odd.

21. I tend to take my life in much the same manner as "The Dude" in the film, "The Big Lebowski"...most things don't bother me, and I try to get along with everyone.

22. I have a piece of pencil lead that is visible, under the skin, in the palm of my left hand, that was accidentally broke off of a "mechanical pencil" a friend was handing to me.
It's been there since 1992.

23. I'm left-handed, but other than smoking and writing, do everything else right-handed.

24. Owed a collection agency 90-something dollars when I was 7(Though they didn't know that), when I bought a bunch of tapes from Columbia House during their "13 Cassettes for a Penny" deals. I sent in the penny, and then recieved the shipping costs for that huge package. I never paid, and even did a "Change Of Address" form saying that I had moved to Texas under another name. I was a very sneaky, intelligent child. Now I'm a less sneaky, wiser adult who may eventually go to jail for being a very sneaky, intelligent child. :ninja:

25. I'm very tech-savvy, and enjoy lots of different internet-related things, sometimes being there at the beginning of certain crazes, like ,certain forums and memes(4chan covers most of that.:P), some webcomics(QC, XKCD, G-G), and some applications.(Isketch.net.)

There we are, a completely different set of 25 facts from the FaceBook questionnaire.

Hope you all have enjoyed it. :cool:

02-13-2009, 02:47 AM
I enjoyed it very much, STG - and can relate to much of it as well. (4chan, QC, Christina Ricci, The dude, never angry, extrovert introvert etc. etc. ;) )
Thankee for sharing!

Ves'Ka Gan
02-13-2009, 03:23 PM
TF--regarding number 8, I just wanted to know--do you fancy a coffee? :p I'm a huge coffee drinker myself, and have been known to drink a quadruple espresso for the flavor (&the caffiene)

Number 5 is totally me as well, I love old movies. Ah hell, why don't you come over for a coffee & movie night? :P

02-13-2009, 03:30 PM
16. I spent much of my teenage years in detention because my mother's boyfriend enjoyed falling down and bumping into things.

Um, what?

02-13-2009, 03:52 PM
TF--regarding number 8, I just wanted to know--do you fancy a coffee? :p I'm a huge coffee drinker myself, and have been known to drink a quadruple espresso for the flavor (&the caffiene)

Number 5 is totally me as well, I love old movies. Ah hell, why don't you come over for a coffee & movie night? :P

I would LOVE to! In fact, that's all I ever want to do but my friends are dumb and unsophisticated that way! :lol: That sounds like a great night.

Ves'Ka Gan
02-13-2009, 06:55 PM
My beau's supervisor is a friend, as well, and he now has four different coffee makers, including an espresso machine, so I'll go "borrow" some his supplies & you bring the Jimmy Stewart! :couple: