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04-15-2010, 05:21 AM
A friend of mine ordered BB from CD on my recommendation. She got an email today offering a chance to order an exclusive slipcase. I never got that email so I'm guessing it only went to first time buyers. I told her she'll probably be waiting a long time for that slipcase.

The slipcases will be available to everybody who purchased their copy from CD. You should get a email soon.

Speaking of slipcases, have you guys seen the Overlook Connection Newsletter that mentions they will have a special slipcase that will house the Scribner edtion of BB along with the audio?


04-15-2010, 06:04 AM
Ordered 2 books and 2 slipcases. I figure the CD books will be out first and be considered the true first editions. At only 10,000 true first editions for a King book compared to 1,000,000 for his other new books its a good deal. I know I probably won't see the slipcases for a year or more but I LOVE slipcased books so when I do get them it will all be good.

04-15-2010, 06:11 AM
I just hope that all this cash allows them to publish SOD 2!

04-15-2010, 06:21 AM
I just hope that all this cash allows them to publish SOD 2!




04-15-2010, 06:31 AM
I ordered both the Lettered and S/L versions before reading the descriptions or knowing the price.

I then came to my senses and cancelled my orders when I found out the books will not actually be signed by King.
I know I will get them on the secondary market for less than the issue price later.

This is my thinking exactly

Come on, guys, is that the reason we buy our king limiteds?? If a book will in- or decrease in value is the last thing on my mind before ordering. I buy my Kingbooks because I love King's voice in the first place, and secondly, because I treasure a well-made book.
I also ordered the lettered and S/L versions, and I also find them overpriced, but as, most likely, I won't even remember what I payed for them a few months from now, I don't really care. And the books will be there.
And no, I'm not a particularly rich guy. I'm a teacher, get a decent salary, but that's it. I don't have money to throw around - although, ordering from CD, some here will disagree with this last statement. :)


04-15-2010, 06:43 AM
I just hope that my memory doesnt go and i forget all of the items on backorder. And you are right, by the time it finally arrives, who remember what you paid a couple years ago?

04-15-2010, 06:45 AM
Someone on Sk's site actually called SK and CD out...basically saying that he was "duped". THe mod at SK's site actuall sounded frustrated and told the person "to educate himself" by reading the reasons why BB was not going to be exclusive to CD. I found all that amusing.

04-15-2010, 06:51 AM
I share the same opinion about the price of the book and assume that it doesnt have much wiggle room for the value to go up anytime soon. WIth that in mind, im sure that someone on ebay will sell below cost.
Plus, here lately CD has made me like im in a abusive realtionship..i give and give..and i never see anything from their end.

04-15-2010, 06:53 AM
only way he would be "duped" is if the book doesn't show up. Anyone who buys a book because of its Limited run and then is unhappy that there are second and third prints is missing the point. IF there is only 10000 in the First print and there are identifiers to tell the first run from later runs... the book is EXACTLY what he contracted for and may well increase in value.... Just look at the first print gunslinger compared to second and later prints.

04-15-2010, 06:54 AM
I share the same opinion about the price of the book and assume that it doesnt have much wiggle room for the value to go up anytime soon. WIth that in mind, im sure that someone on ebay will sell below cost.
Plus, here lately CD has made me like im in a abusive realtionship..i give and give..and i never see anything from their end.

Yeah but at least its "OUR" abusive relationship

04-15-2010, 06:55 AM
I ordered both the Lettered and S/L versions before reading the descriptions or knowing the price.

I then came to my senses and cancelled my orders when I found out the books will not actually be signed by King.
I know I will get them on the secondary market for less than the issue price later.

This is my thinking exactly

Come on, guys, is that the reason we buy our king limiteds?? If a book will in- or decrease in value is the last thing on my mind before ordering. I buy my Kingbooks because I love King's voice in the first place, and secondly, because I treasure a well-made book.
I also ordered the lettered and S/L versions, and I also find them overpriced, but as, most likely, I won't even remember what I payed for them a few months from now, I don't really care. And the books will be there.
And no, I'm not a particularly rich guy. I'm a teacher, get a decent salary, but that's it. I don't have money to throw around - although, ordering from CD, some here will disagree with this last statement. :)


I love the S/L's as well. Having worked in the binding business before I truly appreciate a well made, well thought out book that you can't just go to wal-mart and buy. However I am not into throwing away money and if I can get these same books cheaper a few years down the road then I don't mind waiting. If I thought the book was going to go up in value I would go ahead and buy them.

In the end however all that matters is getting a book you love and enjoy, the money is secondary.

04-15-2010, 06:58 AM
I have so many books on back order and they go back for years.... my :"relationship" with CD lasted longer than my last marriage!

04-15-2010, 07:19 AM
only way he would be "duped" is if the book doesn't show up. Anyone who buys a book because of its Limited run and then is unhappy that there are second and third prints is missing the point. IF there is only 10000 in the First print and there are identifiers to tell the first run from later runs... the book is EXACTLY what he contracted for and may well increase in value.... Just look at the first print gunslinger compared to second and later prints.

IMO..this book will never be able to reach the mountain that the gunslinger is on.
It was my impression that when the person said that he was "duped"...he meant that he would have been inclined to buy the cheaper version(sounded like a regular joe/jill and not a collector)....
And your right..its "your" abusive relationship...do what you will.
Not saying that I will never order from CD again.. but, here lately..i have decided to give them a two year window to get the book out..if not, then if the explanation that i receive is nothing but smoke blowing up my arse with a smile..then I choose to get my money back.

04-15-2010, 08:05 AM
i don't mean to imply that BB will fetch 500 to 800 for the first print in 20 or 30 years just that a first print will be more valuable than the later prints. if a Regular joe is only interested in price then he should get his money back and buy it cheaper from a megastore.... I kinda doubt that a "regular joe non collector" is going to take the time to grouse on a sk bullitin board IMO

04-15-2010, 08:24 AM
I don't like the sudden announcement of the slipcase. First, the book was $25 plus $7 in shipping/handling. Now, the slipcase is $17 and ANOTHER $7 in shipping/handling. They had to have known they were going to do a slipcase, so why not offer them together and reduce the "handling" charges. So a total of $56 for this "set"? That may not be a lot to some, but to me, it is just irresponsible and a way to squeeze out a few extra bucks from the consumer.

04-15-2010, 08:33 AM
the books will not actually be signed by King.

What's the difference between this and The Regulators produced by Charnel House? Stephen King never signed that book - he signed a 'check' that was mounted onto the page.
I asked Mindy at CD whether the signed baseball card will be left loose or done in a similar way to The Regulators - she responded that the baseball card will be inserted into the book, similar to The Regulators.
Now I know that a lot of people on TDT.com have that book and love it and have no problem with the way it was signed - in fact think it's a cool idea.
To me, a signed Stephen King baseball card mounted onto the page of a book about baseball is a pretty cool idea as well, but perhaps the fact that it's CD producing it and not a superior 'specialist' publisher makes it not so.

Room 217 Caretaker
04-15-2010, 08:44 AM
the books will not actually be signed by King.

What's the difference between this and The Regulators produced by Charnel House? Stephen King never signed that book - he signed a 'check' that was mounted onto the page.
I asked Mindy at CD whether the signed baseball card will be left loose or done in a similar way to The Regulators - she responded that the baseball card will be inserted into the book, similar to The Regulators.
Now I know that a lot of people on TDT.com have that book and love it and have no problem with the way it was signed - in fact think it's a cool idea.
To me, a signed Stephen King baseball card mounted onto the page of a book about baseball is a pretty cool idea as well, but perhaps the fact that it's CD producing it and not a superior 'specialist' publisher makes it not so.

I agree Clacke. I think the King baseball card signed by him is a VERY COOL thing. I ordered one of the S/L for my closet.

I also ordered a 1st edition to set along with it. I'm not getting the slipcase for the 1st edition but very excited about the announcement.

Cumberland VA

04-15-2010, 09:03 AM
The 'shipping later this summer' is the deciding factor for me. That is code for 'perhaps never'.

LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl: LOL Sad, but oh so true!!

I don't think CD can help themselves anymore. Late Delivery is in their M.O. They will likely require company-wide therapy if they make the BB 4/20/10 delivery date!

04-15-2010, 09:06 AM
I just hope that all this cash allows them to publish SOD 2!


04-15-2010, 09:35 AM
The 'shipping later this summer' is the deciding factor for me. That is code for 'perhaps never'.

LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl: LOL Sad, but oh so true!!

I don't think CD can help themselves anymore. Late Delivery is in their M.O. They will likely require company-wide therapy if they make the BB 4/20/10 delivery date!

feel the love!

04-15-2010, 09:43 AM
Its so frustrating because they make quality book, i just recieved a copy of SOD V 1 and its fantastic! :pullhair:

04-15-2010, 09:52 AM
Plus, here lately CD has made me like im in a abusive realtionship..i give and give..and i never see anything from their end.

Well, just today I received The Dark Tower Concordance! :)


04-15-2010, 10:25 AM
Well, I just ordered the Blockade Billy slipcase. I wasn't going to, but then I remembered that I didn't order the case for Six Stories and have always regretted it. I figured that I could regret NOT getting one later on.

As far as not remembering what you've ordered, I keep my collection on an Excel file. One tab is for only the things I've ordered, when I ordered them, from whom I ordered them, and how much I paid for them. This keeps things straight for me. As the items arrive, I delete them from this tab and put them in the collection depending on what they are--I've got separate tabs for SK books, proofs, magazines, anthologies, books about King, promotional items and art.


04-15-2010, 10:31 AM
the books will not actually be signed by King.

What's the difference between this and The Regulators produced by Charnel House? Stephen King never signed that book - he signed a 'check' that was mounted onto the page.
I asked Mindy at CD whether the signed baseball card will be left loose or done in a similar way to The Regulators - she responded that the baseball card will be inserted into the book, similar to The Regulators.
Now I know that a lot of people on TDT.com have that book and love it and have no problem with the way it was signed - in fact think it's a cool idea.
To me, a signed Stephen King baseball card mounted onto the page of a book about baseball is a pretty cool idea as well, but perhaps the fact that it's CD producing it and not a superior 'specialist' publisher makes it not so.

I think having the card tipped in is a GREAT idea. My biggest fear would have been the card itself and how it would be dealt with. I think this is a perfect way to deal with that. HOWEVER, I simply feel that the price was far too much. Combine that with CD's current track record, and I really had no desire to purchase this S/L (never thought I'd say that about a King S/L, but there it is).

04-15-2010, 10:58 AM
Yeah, the card tipped in, vs. a bound-in signature page is really no sweat to me...like was said, it's the same model as the Regulators, and that's pretty neat...this the same idea.

Even if the card was loose, it's presence with a special edition consistututes the s/l edition (I'd feel differently if the book was the same as the trade) and while not as neat as being mounted, would be okay.

I have NO doubt in my mind that this s/l will be published on time, in good order, along with the CD 'first' edition...certainly by the end of the summer.

I also have NO doubt that the lettered edition will never appear...they've screwed themselves on it...they can't publish it before SOD I and II, because everybody who bought that will flip out about it, and if they refunded everybody they couldn't afford to publish the BB lettered edition...

04-15-2010, 11:43 AM
I also have NO doubt that the lettered edition will never appear...they've screwed themselves on it...they can't publish it before SOD I and II, because everybody who bought that will flip out about it, and if they refunded everybody they couldn't afford to publish the BB lettered edition...

In theory you are right but don't you think they might get around that since Lonely Road is nominally a different publisher than CD?

04-15-2010, 12:15 PM
Duh...totally forgot that...you're right.

04-15-2010, 12:52 PM
CD has 10 copies up on eBay for a BIN of $25, $7 shipping.

http://cgi.ebay.com/BLOCKADE-BILLY-by-STEPHEN-KING-First-Edition-Printing_W0QQitemZ150433488070QQcmdZViewItemQQptZL H_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item230688dcc6


04-15-2010, 12:59 PM
CD has 10 copies up on eBay for a BIN of $25, $7 shipping.

http://cgi.ebay.com/BLOCKADE-BILLY-by-STEPHEN-KING-First-Edition-Printing_W0QQitemZ150433488070QQcmdZViewItemQQptZL H_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item230688dcc6


Hmmmmm Guess they ain't selling quite as fast as they would have everyone believe?

04-15-2010, 03:42 PM
The Wikipedia article on Blockade Billy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_Billy) claims that the Scribner edition will not be illustrated. Is this true? I can't remember reading this in the official announcements.

04-15-2010, 03:43 PM
10 on eBay out 10,000? It's actually not a bad way to reach a corner of the market that isn't on the email list.

Although I didn't order an S/L, I do think the King-signed baseball card mounted in the book is a very cool idea. (If it were a loose signed card, I would not be impressed.)

04-15-2010, 05:06 PM
The Wikipedia article on Blockade Billy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_Billy) claims that the Scribner edition will not be illustrated. Is this true? I can't remember reading this in the official announcements.

I just got an email from Mindy at CD verifying this. No illustrations in the Scribner edition.


04-15-2010, 06:03 PM
Well, that's good...so for the effort, the CD edition is a legit seperate edition...the art, plus the dustjacket, and the card...so there's some value in it...

I'm still not buying a copy...

04-15-2010, 08:32 PM
Oh..found the e-mail. Getting a slipcase for sure for it. Cool!

04-15-2010, 08:34 PM

04-15-2010, 09:19 PM
Well, that's good...so for the effort, the CD edition is a legit seperate edition...the art, plus the dustjacket, and the card...so there's some value in it...

I'm still not buying a copy...
LOL. I hear ya.

04-15-2010, 10:22 PM
Has anyone who ordered UTD slipcase from CD ever gotten one yet or heard anything else about them?
I wonder just how long it will take to get the slipcase for BB?
It is nice of them to even offer them in the first place for BB.
Will the Collector make a slipcase for BB? I love the slipcase he did for UTD and it didn't that very long to get it either.

04-16-2010, 01:01 AM
Has anyone who ordered UTD slipcase from CD ever gotten one yet or heard anything else about them?
I wonder just how long it will take to get the slipcase for BB?
It is nice of them to even offer them in the first place for BB.
Will the Collector make a slipcase for BB? I love the slipcase he did for UTD and it didn't that very long to get it either.

Thats a great idea about The Colector ... i would much rather buy one off there if they were available!

04-16-2010, 06:05 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

04-16-2010, 06:19 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

LOL - reading this I see my image of Bob in his vault of a basement with the latest Stephen King novella that NO one has access to. Book in hand, he skims the pages and say's "Oh well... whatever" as he tosses it (with no interest) on the pile of other King books and goes upstairs in disgust.

Made me smile!!! :wtf:

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-16-2010, 06:24 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

Bob. If you buy another thing, something's got to give...


04-16-2010, 06:51 AM
:panic: :P


04-16-2010, 06:58 AM
Ok so where are you all getting these proofs !!!! I have checked ebay and any other source i could think every day and have found nothing !!!!!! LOL

04-16-2010, 07:37 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

Bob. If you buy another thing, something's got to give...



Ben Mears
04-16-2010, 07:43 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

That is disappointing to hear. I was expecting something a bit larger. Based on your interior desription BB sounds more like a 50-page normal size format short story. Not worth $32 to me.

04-16-2010, 11:03 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

That is disappointing to hear. I was expecting something a bit larger. Based on your interior desription BB sounds more like a 50-page normal size format short story. Not worth $32 to me.

And for $450 a 111 page story with a signed baseball card. Meh.

04-16-2010, 11:48 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

That is disappointing to hear. I was expecting something a bit larger. Based on your interior desription BB sounds more like a 50-page normal size format short story. Not worth $32 to me.

And for $450 a 111 page story with a signed baseball card. Meh.

That's the killer $450 for such a small book.

But I have no problem with $25 plus shipping for a 111 page book. It'll have illustrations, bound cloth boards and sewn binding. That right there is easily worth the price over the Scribner's edition. In fact because it's sewn binding that alone makes it more worthwhile than a trade hardcover any day of the week. To me at least, as I like my books to last, so I'll pay the extra money.

Plus I bought the slipcase, why not? It'll look a lot cooler on the shelf.

I'll be a happy camper (when they arrive, lol), and have no qualms about buying a CD edition over Scribners. I would have done the same thing if Scribner announced their book first.

04-17-2010, 05:49 AM
I got a proof of BLOCKADE BILLY today. It sure is a little thing. Only about 7.5" x 5". 111 pages with not much text per page. I looked at quickly and thought "Oh well......whatever." I'd call it a short story, not a novella, but what it is called isn't important. I hope it is a good story.

Of course it is written "First edition", but have you seen at the bottom of the backcover : "May 2010"
I guess that the release date have been changed since the ARC were at the printer...

I cant wait to read the story though..

Bev Vincent
04-17-2010, 09:18 AM
Photos & Updates from the Shipping of Blockade Billy (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/)

04-17-2010, 09:33 AM
Photos & Updates from the Shipping of Blockade Billy (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/)Cool! Thanks for sharing that link, Bev.

As I've invested only $25 (I don't include shipping), I am excited to receive this book on a timely basis and read the new story.

On a side note, I finally figured out what was bothering me about the photo on the baseball card:

Does that look at all like a 1957-era haircut to you guys? I think they should have found someone who got a haircut first.

Comparison (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=1957%20baseball%20cards&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi)

04-17-2010, 10:01 AM
Now, I ordered my edition plus the slipcase and asked both items to be shipped together. Is this wise, as the slipcase could take a while, I guess??


04-17-2010, 11:00 PM
How much does it cost to publish a book?

Take Blockade Billy...doesn't seem like it would be that much more to publish a full blown novel (obviously stronger binding, etc.. for something like Under the Dome).

What do you think it actually costs to put out a copy of Blockade Billy? Normally there would be more advertising I guess as a cost, but you don't really need that with Stephen King as the advertising kind of comes to you it seems.

Just curious if it's only like $1 or if it's like $24.

04-18-2010, 05:12 AM
Despite all the BB talk, this is still the CD discussion thread, so....

Looking for cheap copies of:

"The Long Last Call" - John Skipp
"The Machinery of Night" - Douglass Clegg
"Infernal Angel" - Edward Lee

ARCs or HCs, both are good. PM me with prices if you have them to sell!

Randall Flagg
04-18-2010, 05:24 AM
How much does it cost to publish a book?

Take Blockade Billy...doesn't seem like it would be that much more to publish a full blown novel (obviously stronger binding, etc.. for something like Under the Dome).

What do you think it actually costs to put out a copy of Blockade Billy? Normally there would be more advertising I guess as a cost, but you don't really need that with Stephen King as the advertising kind of comes to you it seems.

Just curious if it's only like $1 or if it's like $24.
It's much more than $1. King's cut is probably more than $10 a book.

04-18-2010, 07:07 AM
Photos & Updates from the Shipping of Blockade Billy (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/)

On a side note, I finally figured out what was bothering me about the photo on the baseball card:

Does that look at all like a 1957-era haircut to you guys? I think they should have found someone who got a haircut first.

Comparison (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=1957%20baseball%20cards&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi)

Whoa!! and I thought I was a tough crowd!! LOL Actually a good point, but in retrospect, I think the look, feel and certain "amatuerish" quality of the card kinda plays into the minor league storyline we've, so far, been given. But that's just MHO.

Good point though Patrick, inquiring minds want to know! LOL

04-18-2010, 03:19 PM
Photos & Updates from the Shipping of Blockade Billy (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/)

Blockade Billy Books: $10.00 ea. x 10,000 copies
Bubble Wrap Bags: $.10 ea. x 10,000 bags
Shipping boxes: $.25 ea x 10,000 boxes
Labor: $7,500.00

Pictures of Cemetery Dance Publications ACTUALLY delivering books to customers: Priceless !!!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist!!! I'm off to do penance for my Bad thoughts for the rest of the day!

04-18-2010, 03:31 PM
Photos & Updates from the Shipping of Blockade Billy (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/)

Blockade Billy Books: $10.00 ea. x 10,000 copies
Bubble Wrap Bags: $.10 ea. x 10,000 bags
Shipping boxes: $.25 ea x 10,000 boxes
Labor: $7,500.00

Pictures of Cemetery Dance Publications ACTUALLY delivering books to customers: Priceless !!!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist!!! I'm off to do penance for my Bad thoughts for the rest of the day!

I lol'd

04-18-2010, 03:44 PM
How much does it cost to publish a book?

Take Blockade Billy...doesn't seem like it would be that much more to publish a full blown novel (obviously stronger binding, etc.. for something like Under the Dome).

What do you think it actually costs to put out a copy of Blockade Billy? Normally there would be more advertising I guess as a cost, but you don't really need that with Stephen King as the advertising kind of comes to you it seems.

Just curious if it's only like $1 or if it's like $24.
It's much more than $1. King's cut is probably more than $10 a book.

I think it's probably less in this case, as it seems King was throwing them this book to help out their cash flow issues. Taking a huge cut of profits when he probably sold the rights to Scribner for 10 times what CD would have paid seems counter productive, no?

Either way, I'm willing to bet CD is making at least $10 profit per book. Multiply that by 10,000 copies and thats an injection of $100k. Maybe we will finally see some of the massive backlog of books actually produced.

04-18-2010, 04:23 PM
It would be nice if they could get some books produced. My problem is that I didn't know what I was getting into with CD when I began ordering from them. i was just going through my emails/orders with CD and I bought into this club and that club. I don't even know what they owe me anymore.
I'm sure I'll get everything that I paid for, but who knows when

Randall Flagg
04-18-2010, 05:14 PM
How much does it cost to publish a book?

Take Blockade Billy...doesn't seem like it would be that much more to publish a full blown novel (obviously stronger binding, etc.. for something like Under the Dome).

What do you think it actually costs to put out a copy of Blockade Billy? Normally there would be more advertising I guess as a cost, but you don't really need that with Stephen King as the advertising kind of comes to you it seems.

Just curious if it's only like $1 or if it's like $24.
It's much more than $1. King's cut is probably more than $10 a book.

I think it's probably less in this case, as it seems King was throwing them this book to help out their cash flow issues. Taking a huge cut of profits when he probably sold the rights to Scribner for 10 times what CD would have paid seems counter productive, no?

Either way, I'm willing to bet CD is making at least $10 profit per book. Multiply that by 10,000 copies and thats an injection of $100k. Maybe we will finally see some of the massive backlog of books actually produced.
King is nice but not that nice.
Cd might 'Gross' $10 per book, but that would obviously be before Materials, Packaging. handling, mailing, labor, Worker's Comp insurance etc.
Their net profit will be (IMO) ~ 10% of gross sales.

04-18-2010, 08:54 PM
How much does it cost to publish a book?

Take Blockade Billy...doesn't seem like it would be that much more to publish a full blown novel (obviously stronger binding, etc.. for something like Under the Dome).

What do you think it actually costs to put out a copy of Blockade Billy? Normally there would be more advertising I guess as a cost, but you don't really need that with Stephen King as the advertising kind of comes to you it seems.

Just curious if it's only like $1 or if it's like $24.
It's much more than $1. King's cut is probably more than $10 a book.

I think it's probably less in this case, as it seems King was throwing them this book to help out their cash flow issues. Taking a huge cut of profits when he probably sold the rights to Scribner for 10 times what CD would have paid seems counter productive, no?

Either way, I'm willing to bet CD is making at least $10 profit per book. Multiply that by 10,000 copies and thats an injection of $100k. Maybe we will finally see some of the massive backlog of books actually produced.
King is nice but not that nice.
Cd might 'Gross' $10 per book, but that would obviously be before Materials, Packaging. handling, mailing, labor, Worker's Comp insurance etc.
Their net profit will be (IMO) ~ 10% of gross sales.

You're absolutely right! King is nice, but not THAT nice. LOL

Speaking from experience in the business world, CD's net will probably fall more in the 15-25% range. Part of the packaging & handling will be covered by the $7 s/h charge, and the labor (which is really the "handling" part, full-timers are already on the clock) would be diffrayed by that charge and if they do it right, it should be a more or less fixed cost and they will more than likely avoid taxes and WC if they hire through a Temp agency or pay cash for the additional "Temp" labor. Yes, the Taxes are built into the Temp rate, but they get the added benefit of recouping it partially as a company write off on their quarterly return. Also, I'm sure alot of the materials (aside from the, no doubt, contract price negotiated with the printer, which would also be partially built into the cost/price) come out of their normal shipping "pot" and were not purchased exclusively for this issuance. Of course, they would have to replenish stock, but that would be solely at their discretion. (since they rarely deliver the big titles that could be a decent chunk of change :excited:) LOL

Oh and don't worry, I have clothespins on my nipples as pennance for my previous "priceless" post!!! LOL LOL :onfire:

04-19-2010, 07:21 AM
From Lilja's interview :

Lilja: Please tell me what Cemetery Dance has in store for us King fans during 2010.
Richard Chizmar: The Secretary of Dreams: Volume 2 later this summer... and a couple surprises.
Lilja: And after that? Any unannounced projects that you can reveal to us?
Richard Chizmar: Nope! They are surprises!

04-19-2010, 09:04 AM
From Lilja's interview :

Lilja: Please tell me what Cemetery Dance has in store for us King fans during 2010.
Richard Chizmar: The Secretary of Dreams: Volume 2 later this summer... and a couple surprises.
Lilja: And after that? Any unannounced projects that you can reveal to us?
Richard Chizmar: Nope! They are surprises!

SOD III possibly?

04-19-2010, 09:22 AM
From Lilja's interview :

Lilja: Please tell me what Cemetery Dance has in store for us King fans during 2010.
Richard Chizmar: The Secretary of Dreams: Volume 2 later this summer... and a couple surprises.
Lilja: And after that? Any unannounced projects that you can reveal to us?
Richard Chizmar: Nope! They are surprises!

SOD III possibly?



04-19-2010, 09:27 AM

04-19-2010, 10:20 AM
I got my copy of the Cemetary Dance edition of Blockade Billy a few minutes ago.


04-19-2010, 10:30 AM

Wait, so you're saying that Cemetery Dance actually delivered a book before the release date?? :lol:

04-19-2010, 10:31 AM


04-19-2010, 10:33 AM
I have to go re-read Revelations again, I'm almost certain this is one of the signs.

04-19-2010, 10:34 AM
I have to go re-read Revelations again, I'm almost certain this is one of the signs.


04-19-2010, 10:42 AM
Nostradamus called it.

"When the sun is high in the northern sky and the house of books and graves rises early, then the end of times is upon us."

I just never understood it until right now. :onfire::panic:

04-19-2010, 10:44 AM
Bloody hell its a miracle!!!

04-19-2010, 11:17 AM
Has anyone who ordered UTD slipcase from CD ever gotten one yet or heard anything else about them?
I wonder just how long it will take to get the slipcase for BB?
It is nice of them to even offer them in the first place for BB.
Will the Collector make a slipcase for BB? I love the slipcase he did for UTD and it didn't that very long to get it either.

Hey guys, thanks for thinking of me :)

I don't like to compete with a publisher's sales, rather I fill in where there's need. Originally I wasn't planning on making one since CD is offering theirs; but a lot of people have been asking me about it.

I think I'll make a little voting link in this months newsletter and put it up on the site at the end of the month. That way if enough people want one I'll look into making one.. but it won't interfere with CD's sales since you can order their case until the 23rd.

Of course if I don't get enough YES votes that means the case won't be made.

Room 217 Caretaker
04-19-2010, 11:46 AM
:clap: Blockade Billy is in my hands


I've been excited about this one.

Cumberland VA

04-19-2010, 11:49 AM
I have to go re-read Revelations again, I'm almost certain this is one of the signs.


04-19-2010, 12:03 PM
Definitely one of the seven seals

Randall Flagg
04-19-2010, 03:55 PM
I got my copy of the Cemetary Dance edition of Blockade Billy a few minutes ago.

What should be the official release date?

04-19-2010, 07:29 PM
I got my copy of Blockade Billy today as well :panic:

04-19-2010, 09:38 PM
Well, this just shows that CD could get a book out on time if they cared enough to get it out.........shows how much they care about their customers.

04-20-2010, 03:31 AM
Got mine yesterday as well. It looks great!


04-20-2010, 06:03 AM
Well, this just shows that CD could get a book out on time if they cared enough to get it out.........shows how much they care about their customers.

All this shows is that Stephen King said "He is a brand new unpublished work that I will give you first crack at to save your failing business. Don't fuck it up"

I got my shipment notification Yesterday. Not sure when the book will actually arrive. I'm only 3 hours from Baltimore by car, so hopefully soon.

04-20-2010, 06:35 AM
I got my email telling me Blockade Billy was shipping last night. I got the book yesterday afternoon. :orely:


04-20-2010, 06:37 AM
I got my email telling me Blockade Billy was shipping last night. I got the book yesterday afternoon. :orely:


Yeah. Same here. According to the email I received the book shipped on 4/16.

04-20-2010, 06:52 AM
Here's a couple of links interviewing Chizmar about Blockade Billy, shamelessly taken from another forum.

The Baltimore Sun (http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-publish-stephen-king-20100418,0,4458812.story)

GQ (http://www.gq.com/blogs/the-q/2010/04/is-stephen-kings-new-novella-a-foul-ball-for-non-baseball-fans.html)

04-20-2010, 02:00 PM
I wonder if anymore SK signed/limited will be published under CD anymore...probably all go to lonely road...wouldnt that be a pinky up the ass to all the lifetime subs.

04-20-2010, 05:12 PM
Got my BB today, it's a tiny little thing. Wonder what they are doing to S/L to justify $450 :orely:

04-20-2010, 05:30 PM
I have heard from a reliable source that King would not let CD announce this book until printing was well underway.

04-20-2010, 05:48 PM
I wonder why. :unsure:

04-20-2010, 07:24 PM
I have heard from a reliable source that King would not let CD announce this book until printing was well underway.

Vvvvvvvvvvvvery interesting...

Bev Vincent
04-21-2010, 02:20 AM
Scribner didn't want anything competing with Under the Dome.

04-21-2010, 06:35 AM
Scribner didn't want anything competing with Under the Dome.

When you can get a 1000+ page megabook for the same price as a 110 page short story, where is the competition?

04-21-2010, 10:12 AM
Keep in mind there are MANY people who would sooner buy the 110 page story before the megabook. The megabook often intimidates the mere mortals.

04-21-2010, 10:43 AM
Yep, 12 years for pre-paid limited Legacies. To be fair - CD has offered many time to refurnd my money - really, I just want the book please.


04-21-2010, 01:45 PM
I wonder how many people there are still waiting for this book. I know several have given up.

04-21-2010, 03:00 PM
Will Scribner's BB book be the same size as CD's BB book?
If so The Collector could make a slipcase the would hold both books at the same time.
One slipcase that holds both books that would be pretty cool also.

04-21-2010, 04:09 PM
Overlook Connection has a slipcase for both books. I don't know if you can buy it seperately or not though.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-21-2010, 10:22 PM
Yep, 12 years for pre-paid limited Legacies. To be fair - CD has offered many time to refurnd my money - really, I just want the book please.


Production Status: This title is with the binder.



04-22-2010, 12:12 AM
Yep, 12 years for pre-paid limited Legacies. To be fair - CD has offered many time to refurnd my money - really, I just want the book please.


Production Status: This title is with the binder.



I find the following message on top of the same page to be sort of mindboggling:

Status: Forthcoming / Out of Print

04-22-2010, 05:14 AM
I have heard from a reliable source that King would not let CD announce this book until printing was well underway.

The way I take this is King is very aware of the production delays involved with Cemetery Dance and his titles. As a result of such a important book, he set up guidelines a year or two ago when this deal went down as to the guidelines, or else there was no deal.

I've talked to Brain Keene and Christopher Golden, other authors published by CD and they are very aware of the delays involved when publishing with CD. It is a cause of frustration, but it is also a "sale' for them and they are not like King, they need to make sales to make money for them and their family.

The point is I guess is in my opinion it would seem very unlikely that King wasn't fully aware of the delays when it comes to CD. A statement like the quote seems to cement my thinking on this topic.

04-22-2010, 05:27 AM
Yep, 12 years for pre-paid limited Legacies. To be fair - CD has offered many time to refurnd my money - really, I just want the book please.


Production Status: This title is with the binder.



I find the following message on top of the same page to be sort of mindboggling:

Status: Forthcoming / Out of Print

And a bit further down:

Production Status:

This title is with the binder.


04-22-2010, 05:50 AM
I would have to think that there has to be at least half the run of 500 books available from customers asking for refunds. If this book ever gets released I have a feeling it's go back up on the web site stating something like "hey we found these extra books in the warehouse" and the new price will be $400.

04-22-2010, 08:05 AM
Did anyone here order this "No Risk Collector's Pack" in Jan '09?

The link in the email no longer goes anywhere other than the CD homepage.

You Cannot Miss With This Special Offer!
Slipcased Limited Edition, Stephen King, Brian Keene, Rare Review Copies, and More!
Today we're offering our customers another chance to grab a great new "No Risk" Collector's Pack while supplies last!
This heavily discounted special offer includes amazing forthcoming Cemetery Dance collectible books, plus some incredible collectible items that will NEVER be sold or offered to the general public. Stephen King and Brian Keene fans take note because you won't want to miss the titles we're including in this deal!
With this special offer you'll receive:
* an unannounced forthcoming signed and SLIPCASED Limited Edition of our choice with a retail value of at least $75 -- and because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it, so there's NO RISK!
* an unannounced forthcoming trade cloth hardcover featuring contributions from Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Joe R. Lansdale, Charles L. Grant, William F. Nolan, James Herbert, Richard Matheson, and many others -- and again, because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it!
* TWO surprise special advanced review copies: one by a Living Legend of the horror genre (we won't name him here so it can remain a surprise, but you've read his work and seen his movies for decades now) and the other from one of the most collectible young authors in the genre, Brian Keene! These books have been announced, but these special ARCs will be a great addition to ANY collector's library, even if you're getting the much sought-after signed editions, too. (Review copies are special trade paperback editions of books that are printed months before publication and usually have the lowest print run of ANY edition of the book -- often less than 20 copies -- and they're never sold and rarely offered to the public!)
Every customer who orders this "No Risk" Collector's Pack will also be given a $50 Coupon Code that you can use for almost anything in our online store!
Since we're selling these Collector's Packs for just $99 and you get $50 in store credit as part of the deal, it's really like you're only paying $49 for all of these great, collectible books: a signed & slipcased Limited Edition, a trade hardcover featuring the biggest names in the genre, and two special review copies from the most collectible authors we publish!
If you've never purchased one of these special offers before, you're in for an amazing treat with this one! We always hear back from customers who are extremely pleased that they took a chance on this random assortment of books, etc -- it's a fantastic way to build your collection!
Whether you have an established collection or you're just starting out, this is an offer you can't afford to miss! Don't wait to place your order because these are going to sell very quickly!
But remember -- with this deal there's ZERO RISK for you, the collector, even if you already own everything we've published!
We're only going to sell a limited number of these and they won't last long -- place your order ASAP so you don't miss out!
Click here to read more or to place your order while supplies last!
Limit of ONE grab bag per household. Multiple Collector's Packs will have the exact same items. An $16 shipping charge applies to US addresses for the books as these items will be sent in four separate shipments; non-US will be charged based on their location. As always, because of the extremely large discount involved, we cannot accept any returns, cancel any orders, or issue refunds on this special. For the same reason, we cannot accept gift certificates, savings certificates, store credit, coupon codes, or coupon offers. This offer cannot be combined with any other deal or discount.

I received one of the ARCs in January '09, and used the $50 coupon, but never received any of the other items.

Anyone else order this?

04-22-2010, 12:18 PM
I ordered the No Risk Grab Bag and have received the same as you.
I decided to go through my emails with CD to see what I'm missing from other orders.
I do believe I'll be canceling a few.

04-22-2010, 12:49 PM
In case you are wondering why there are only positive comments on Cemetery Dance's Blockade Billy shipping page (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/): Each comment must be approved by CD before it's shown on the page. I wrote a not so favorable comment, and it was not approved.

04-22-2010, 12:57 PM
In case you are wondering why there are only positive comments on Cemetery Dance's Blockade Billy shipping page (http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/blockade-billy-shipping/): Each comment must be approved by CD before it's shown on the page. I wrote a not so favorable comment, and it was not approved.

Share it here then.

04-22-2010, 02:19 PM
My comment was:
"To see that Cemetery Dance can work fast if they only want to makes the huge delays for all their other books even more frustrating."

04-22-2010, 03:46 PM
I posted a compliment but I never checked to see if it went through. I received my book a couple days ago and it appears to be everything that CD promised, including timeliness. I have my beef with CD over the continual delays on other books, but I'll give them credit where due.

(I did not mention that the guy on the baseball card photo should have had a haircut first.)

04-22-2010, 04:33 PM
I did post a positive response as well because they did come through on BB as planned. They do deserve a thumbs up on it.

I just hope that it gives them the boost they needed to get them back on track with their other obligations.

04-22-2010, 04:38 PM
I just hope that it gives them the boost they needed to get them back on track with their other obligations.
Man, ain't that the truth!

04-23-2010, 10:45 AM
Agreed, as much as we like to complain about CD, hopefully Blockade billy gets CD the money to get out SODII, the lettereds and everything else backlogged.

04-23-2010, 12:31 PM
Did anyone here order this "No Risk Collector's Pack" in Jan '09?

The link in the email no longer goes anywhere other than the CD homepage.

You Cannot Miss With This Special Offer!
Slipcased Limited Edition, Stephen King, Brian Keene, Rare Review Copies, and More!
Today we're offering our customers another chance to grab a great new "No Risk" Collector's Pack while supplies last!
This heavily discounted special offer includes amazing forthcoming Cemetery Dance collectible books, plus some incredible collectible items that will NEVER be sold or offered to the general public. Stephen King and Brian Keene fans take note because you won't want to miss the titles we're including in this deal!
With this special offer you'll receive:
* an unannounced forthcoming signed and SLIPCASED Limited Edition of our choice with a retail value of at least $75 -- and because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it, so there's NO RISK!
* an unannounced forthcoming trade cloth hardcover featuring contributions from Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Joe R. Lansdale, Charles L. Grant, William F. Nolan, James Herbert, Richard Matheson, and many others -- and again, because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it!
* TWO surprise special advanced review copies: one by a Living Legend of the horror genre (we won't name him here so it can remain a surprise, but you've read his work and seen his movies for decades now) and the other from one of the most collectible young authors in the genre, Brian Keene! These books have been announced, but these special ARCs will be a great addition to ANY collector's library, even if you're getting the much sought-after signed editions, too. (Review copies are special trade paperback editions of books that are printed months before publication and usually have the lowest print run of ANY edition of the book -- often less than 20 copies -- and they're never sold and rarely offered to the public!)
Every customer who orders this "No Risk" Collector's Pack will also be given a $50 Coupon Code that you can use for almost anything in our online store!
Since we're selling these Collector's Packs for just $99 and you get $50 in store credit as part of the deal, it's really like you're only paying $49 for all of these great, collectible books: a signed & slipcased Limited Edition, a trade hardcover featuring the biggest names in the genre, and two special review copies from the most collectible authors we publish!
If you've never purchased one of these special offers before, you're in for an amazing treat with this one! We always hear back from customers who are extremely pleased that they took a chance on this random assortment of books, etc -- it's a fantastic way to build your collection!
Whether you have an established collection or you're just starting out, this is an offer you can't afford to miss! Don't wait to place your order because these are going to sell very quickly!
But remember -- with this deal there's ZERO RISK for you, the collector, even if you already own everything we've published!
We're only going to sell a limited number of these and they won't last long -- place your order ASAP so you don't miss out!
Click here to read more or to place your order while supplies last!
Limit of ONE grab bag per household. Multiple Collector's Packs will have the exact same items. An $16 shipping charge applies to US addresses for the books as these items will be sent in four separate shipments; non-US will be charged based on their location. As always, because of the extremely large discount involved, we cannot accept any returns, cancel any orders, or issue refunds on this special. For the same reason, we cannot accept gift certificates, savings certificates, store credit, coupon codes, or coupon offers. This offer cannot be combined with any other deal or discount.

I received one of the ARCs in January '09, and used the $50 coupon, but never received any of the other items.

Anyone else order this?

Just received confirmation from Mindy that the 2nd ARC will be THE CAGE by Brian Keene.

The two limited edition books are DARK MASQUES and PAINTED DARKNESS.

04-27-2010, 08:26 AM
Anybody see this yet? Stephen King's baseball card, the one he'll sign for Lonely Road's deluxe Blockade Billy.


04-27-2010, 07:16 PM
this is what he will be signing? will there be a limitation number on the card?

04-28-2010, 07:03 PM
I got my Blockade Billy yesterday. Nice book, but the $25 price tag for such a tiny book was a bit steep. I am glad that I did not order a slipcase for this.

I went against my better judgement, and ordered the S/L....after I swore that my days of ordering from CD were over.

I'm not sure how much of my money CD now has...at least $1,500...maybe as much as $2,000. Two copies od SOD2, one Big Book of Necon, Legacies, Blockade Billy....probably more.

04-28-2010, 07:14 PM
this is what he will be signing? will there be a limitation number on the card?

• Limited Edition: just 350 hand-numbered copies printed on a high quality paper stock (different from any other edition) and featuring a fine leather binding, two color printing throughout the book, a color frontispiece by Glen Orbik, eleven interior illustrations by Alex McVey, a sewn-in ribbon page marker, a custom deluxe traycase with pullout ribbon, an illustrated signature sheet signed by the artists, and Stephen King's first-ever baseball card, SIGNED by King as his way of signing this special edition. Also includes a copy of the authentic William "Blockade Billy" Blakely baseball card Cemetery Dance printed for their 1st edition hardcover

Anybody know if the card will be mounted to the book or will it be loose?

04-28-2010, 08:41 PM
I have heard that the card will be mounted in the book ala The Regulators S/L. My information is third hand though, so bear that in mind.

04-29-2010, 02:55 AM
I got my Blockade Billy yesterday. Nice book, but the $25 price tag for such a tiny book was a bit steep. I am glad that I did not order a slipcase for this.

I went against my better judgement, and ordered the S/L....after I swore that my days of ordering from CD were over.

I'm not sure how much of my money CD now has...at least $1,500...maybe as much as $2,000. Two copies od SOD2, one Big Book of Necon, Legacies, Blockade Billy....probably more.

Gah! This is how they get ya...but, this S/L you'll actually get pretty soon, so there's that...I doubt it will have any legs in the secondary market, but the limitation is low enough that it shouldn't lose any value either...such a trifle of a book, though....

04-29-2010, 03:30 AM
I also think the Blockade Billy s/l should at least keep its value. I don't see any big upside, though.


04-29-2010, 04:55 AM
I also think the Blockade Billy s/l should at least keep its value. I don't see any big upside, though.


but, this S/L you'll actually get pretty soon, so there's that...I doubt it will have any legs in the secondary market, but the limitation is low enough that it shouldn't lose any value either...such a trifle of a book, though....

As I am not planning on re-selling my King limiteds any time soon (if ever), I honestly don't care too much about books losing their value. I buy my limiteds because they generally are labours of love, with excellent production values. If they keep their value, fine. if they go up in price, great. if not, well, the books will stay on my bookshelves regardless, so I'm not losing any sleep over this.


04-29-2010, 06:20 AM
I also think the Blockade Billy s/l should at least keep its value. I don't see any big upside, though.


but, this S/L you'll actually get pretty soon, so there's that...I doubt it will have any legs in the secondary market, but the limitation is low enough that it shouldn't lose any value either...such a trifle of a book, though....

As I am not planning on re-selling my King limiteds any time soon (if ever), I honestly don't care too much about books losing their value. I buy my limiteds because they generally are labours of love, with excellent production values. If they keep their value, fine. if they go up in price, great. if not, well, the books will stay on my bookshelves regardless, so I'm not losing any sleep over this.


Yeah, I hear you...some books I buy just because I want them, but frankly with the s/l at the cost they currently are, I'm not spending the money unless I'm confident they're a decent investment, or at least a 'hold.'

The reality to me is the prices are so high that they don't seem a labor of love anymore...so my interest is tempered by the cold calculus of cost-benefit-analysis...haha...

04-29-2010, 06:27 AM
I digress, but I was thinking... I would rather pay big bucks for a massive S/L book (think Centipede-size) than for a tiny book like Dolan's Cadillac or Blockade Billy. Purely psycho(patho?)logical, I know, but... do others feel the same way?

04-29-2010, 06:28 AM
The reality to me is the prices are so high that they don't seem a labor of love anymore...so my interest is tempered by the cold calculus of cost-benefit-analysis...haha...

Ain't it the truth!

04-29-2010, 08:03 AM
I digress, but I was thinking... I would rather pay big bucks for a massive S/L book (think Centipede-size) than for a tiny book like Dolan's Cadillac or Blockade Billy. Purely psycho(patho?)logical, I know, but... do others feel the same way?

Absolutely...it's why I actually like SOD I, even though I'm not a real big of Chadbourne's art...it seems really impressive and well put together, and most importantly a new idea that got a lot of original effort - something like that IS worth the money...not a novella money-grab like Colorado Kid, or BB....Dolan's Cadillac isn't much of a book, but it was also cheap-ish when it was originally published.

04-29-2010, 08:12 AM
Even the lettered state of Dolan's Cadillac? (I know, I could look it up but I'm lazy right now 8)). That one sells for over $2000 now I think...

04-29-2010, 08:22 AM
Even the lettered state of Dolan's Cadillac? (I know, I could look it up but I'm lazy right now 8)). That one sells for over $2000 now I think...

Cheap-ish when it was ORIGINALLY published, I meant...though maybe the lettered was really expensive back in 1990 or whenever, I dunno...

I see what you meant, though...as in, what s/l would one pay big money for now regardless of publication date.

I was only looking at it from the perspective of new s/l editions worth buying upon publication....

I still basically agree, though, if I was going to spend an equal amount of money, I'd def. rather buy a more elaborate s/l like 'Desperaton' as opposed to 'Dolans.'

Randall Flagg
04-29-2010, 09:06 AM
Even the lettered state of Dolan's Cadillac? (I know, I could look it up but I'm lazy right now 8)). That one sells for over $2000 now I think...
Speaking of which, can someone please confirm the issue price for the lettered Dolan's Cadillac.

04-29-2010, 10:36 AM
And for me Rahfa, it would depend on the contents of the books. Blockade Billy has illustrations, and Desperation has painted panels. That's a big difference in the look of the book. The type of paper used can make a difference as well, as is the case with Eyes of the Dragon. I LOVE the paper that was used for it. My favorite of the books I have seen in person is still Insomnia S/L though because of the leather traycase and binding of the book, the paintings, the limitation page, the paper, the whole package made for a beautiful book. I also like Six Stories for the paper quality and the simplicity of the design. It wasn't over done like a few, like My Pretty Pony, and is really an understated and still stunningly beautiful book. I found Desperation to be rather dull. It's the only King S/L that I thought was actually outdone by the gift edition.

04-29-2010, 12:53 PM
Yeah, that's a good point about Desperation...all black traycase, black binding...that wasn't the best example to make my point! Haha...

Insomnia is a better example...and even Six Stories, while simple, is pretty classy.

04-29-2010, 02:26 PM
My biggest objections to Six Stories are:

1. Not a hardcover
2. No slipcase

Other than that, I like the presentation.


04-29-2010, 07:47 PM
I agree with you John, Six Stories needed a slipcase. It is still one of the classiest looking books, paperback OR hardcover, that I've ever seen.

From the pictures I've seen, The Stand S/L is a stunningly beautiful book as well, but having never handled I can't speak of the quality of the paper and binding of the book itself or the look of the interior.

For me, the S/L books in my collection are pieces of art. It may not be a GREAT piece of art, but it's still a work of art. I love to see beautifully made books, but I absolutely hate to see a book that was obviously rushed and no care put into the creation of it. A lot of the early King books are like that. No care was taken into the book because it was for the masses. That's one reason I really like S/Ls and small press books. THEY are made for people who love and appreciate books.

And then there are S/Ls like the UTD S/L. Mass produced (even if it WAS the Collector's Edition) and nothing extra given beyond a signed blank page. No care given about creating a limitation page, this shows to me that it was a hastily made decision. I also fear for the precedent it sets. Will small presses be allowed the opportunity to publish a really good King Limited, or will Scribner be producing King's S/Ls from now on? I know CD has BB, but BB seems to be a special case and isn't a novel anyway. Riding the Bullet isn't a novel either, neither are any of the SOD series, and nor was TCK. In fact, the last King novel turned into a S/L was From a Buick 8 by CD. Everything else that has been published since as a S/L has been either a short story, part of an anthology, or was printed before Buick (The Green Mile S/L, which was first published by Signet, and TGWLTG). None of the books that Scribner had rights to that have come after Buick have been made into a Limited until UTD.

Great. Now I'm gonna be up all night worrying about this.:arg::beat:

04-29-2010, 07:50 PM
You forgot about The Dark Tower books.

The last three had a S/L edition plus the new edition of The Gunslinger.

04-29-2010, 08:24 PM
My biggest objections to Six Stories are:

1. Not a hardcover
2. No slipcase

Other than that, I like the presentation.


I actually received a copy of Six Stories today. It came with an aftermarket traycase (which it definitely needed).

I was always under the impression that the book would be much larger (like Eyes of the Dragon size).

I really like it.

04-29-2010, 08:30 PM
You forgot about The Dark Tower books.

The last three had a S/L edition plus the new edition of The Gunslinger.

I think Sam was referring to stand alone novels, and the Dark Tower books were part of a series.

04-29-2010, 08:59 PM
You forgot about The Dark Tower books.

The last three had a S/L edition plus the new edition of The Gunslinger.

I didn't forget them Ari, I simply didn't count them. Grant already had publication rights to the Dark Tower books as well as the S/Ls per a previous agreement (from my understanding, which is possibly wrong) and were thus not considered in my statement. I was referring to the new novels that Scribner has publication rights to. The Dark Tower novels belonged to Grant even though Scribner published the last three volumes in conjunction with Grant. The Green Mile was originally published by Signet, though I think Scribner has been publishing the hardcover collected editions since haven't they (I don't own any copies of the hardcover collected editions and don't plan to). Black House was published by Scribner, but came out before Buick 8.

Since Buick 8, no publisher besides Scribner has produced a S/L from a Scribner owned book. That's 8 years. While there have been King Limiteds (anthologies do not count since they are not specifically King books), none of his new novels have been done besides the Tower books and UTD. And UTD was done by Scribner, who dropped the ball like it was radioactive.

04-29-2010, 09:45 PM
Following this is a listing of all the Signed (except the UK Regulators) Limited Editions of King's works as well as the publication date. Books that have yet to be published were not included. Except for The Regulators, The Stand, and Under The Dome, none of his mainstream novels have been published as a S/L by the company who published the mass market novel. Where it is noted "(not mass market)" I mean there was, at the time of the S/L printing, no corresponding mass market hardcover or softcover book available. If I have made any mistakes, please correct me.

Firestarter - 1980
Cujo - 1981
Danse Macabre - 1981
The Gunslinger - 1982 (not mass market)
The Plant - 1982, 1983, 1985 (not mass market)
Christine - 1983
Cycle of the Werewolf - 1983 (not mass market)
Eyes of the Dragon - 1984 (not mass market)
The Talisman - 1984
Skeleton Crew - 1985
The Drawing of the Three - 1987 (not mass market)
My Pretty Pony - 1989 (not mass market)
Dolan's Cadillac - 1989 (not mass market)
The Stand - 1990
The Waste Lands - 1991 (not mass market)
Insomnia - 1993 + (UK edition)
Rose Madder - 1995 (UK edition)
Desperation - 1996 + (UK edition)
The Regulators - 1996 + (UK edition, not signed)
Wizard and Glass - 1997 (not mass market) + (UK edition)
Six Stories - 1997 (not mass market)
Bag of Bones - 1998 (UK edition)
The New Lieutenant's Rap - 1999 (not mass market)
Black House - 2002
From a Buick 8 - 2002
Wolves of the Calla - 2003
Song of Susannah - 2004
The Dark Tower - 2004
Salem's Lot - 2004 (previously published)
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - 2004 (previously published)
Secretary of Dreams - 2006 (previously published)
The Green Mile - 2007 (previously published)
The Colorado Kid - 2007 (UK edition, previously published)
Under the Dome - 2009 + (UK edition)

When you look at the list as a whole, you can see that while there have been plenty of King limiteds in the 2000's, there has been almost no unpublished material outside of The Dark Tower. Before 2002 when CD published From a Buick 8 S/L, the longest break there was between S/Ls was just a couple of years, but even if you count the DT series, that's still six years until the publication of the Blockade Billy S/L in 2010 (we hope). I am genuinely surprised that something like Lisey's Story (which we know is a favorite of King's) or Duma Key (which was arguably one of his best of the decade) weren't made into a S/L when they were published.

I don't know the why's; I just think it's odd.

04-30-2010, 06:24 AM
Following this is a listing of all the Signed (except the UK Regulators) Limited Editions of King's works as well as the publication date. Books that have yet to be published were not included. Except for The Regulators, The Stand, and Under The Dome, none of his mainstream novels have been published as a S/L by the company who published the mass market novel. Where it is noted "(not mass market)" I mean there was, at the time of the S/L printing, no corresponding mass market hardcover or softcover book available. If I have made any mistakes, please correct me.

Firestarter - 1980
Cujo - 1981
Danse Macabre - 1981
The Gunslinger - 1982 (not mass market)
The Plant - 1982, 1983, 1985 (not mass market)
Christine - 1983
Cycle of the Werewolf - 1983 (not mass market)
Eyes of the Dragon - 1984 (not mass market)
The Talisman - 1984
Skeleton Crew - 1985
The Drawing of the Three - 1987 (not mass market)
My Pretty Pony - 1989 (not mass market)
Dolan's Cadillac - 1989 (not mass market)
The Stand - 1990
The Waste Lands - 1991 (not mass market)
Insomnia - 1993 + (UK edition)
Rose Madder - 1995 (UK edition)
Desperation - 1996 + (UK edition)
The Regulators - 1996 + (UK edition, not signed)
Wizard and Glass - 1997 (not mass market) + (UK edition)
Six Stories - 1997 (not mass market)
Bag of Bones - 1998 (UK edition)
The New Lieutenant's Rap - 1999 (not mass market)
Black House - 2002
From a Buick 8 - 2002
Wolves of the Calla - 2003
Song of Susannah - 2004
The Dark Tower - 2004
Salem's Lot - 2004 (previously published)
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - 2004 (previously published)
Secretary of Dreams - 2006 (previously published)
The Green Mile - 2007 (previously published)
The Colorado Kid - 2007 (UK edition, previously published)
Under the Dome - 2009 + (UK edition)

When you look at the list as a whole, you can see that while there have been plenty of King limiteds in the 2000's, there has been almost no unpublished material outside of The Dark Tower. Before 2002 when CD published From a Buick 8 S/L, the longest break there was between S/Ls was just a couple of years, but even if you count the DT series, that's still six years until the publication of the Blockade Billy S/L in 2010 (we hope). I am genuinely surprised that something like Lisey's Story (which we know is a favorite of King's) or Duma Key (which was arguably one of his best of the decade) weren't made into a S/L when they were published.

I don't know the why's; I just think it's odd.

I don't see on the list...
UK Nightmares and Dreamscapes

I assume you're only listing novels and omitting the signed limited books with king short stories on purpose. (such as The Borderlands, Dark Dreamers, the signed limited SciFI Mag, Whispers, Night Visions 5, etc.)

04-30-2010, 06:45 AM
UK Nightmares and Dreamscapes is not actually signed. It contains a facsimile signature only.

04-30-2010, 10:56 AM
Yep. I left off books like Borderlands and He is Legend that have King stories in them because they aren't King's books. As for the UK N&D, like tippy said, the sig isn't real so I didn't include it.

04-30-2010, 11:01 AM
I just got my Haloween issue of CD magazine today :wtf:

04-30-2010, 12:14 PM
happy halloween! :cyclops:

04-30-2010, 12:17 PM

04-30-2010, 01:06 PM
Did anyone here order this "No Risk Collector's Pack" in Jan '09?

The link in the email no longer goes anywhere other than the CD homepage.

You Cannot Miss With This Special Offer!
Slipcased Limited Edition, Stephen King, Brian Keene, Rare Review Copies, and More!
Today we're offering our customers another chance to grab a great new "No Risk" Collector's Pack while supplies last!
This heavily discounted special offer includes amazing forthcoming Cemetery Dance collectible books, plus some incredible collectible items that will NEVER be sold or offered to the general public. Stephen King and Brian Keene fans take note because you won't want to miss the titles we're including in this deal!
With this special offer you'll receive:
* an unannounced forthcoming signed and SLIPCASED Limited Edition of our choice with a retail value of at least $75 -- and because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it, so there's NO RISK!
* an unannounced forthcoming trade cloth hardcover featuring contributions from Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Joe R. Lansdale, Charles L. Grant, William F. Nolan, James Herbert, Richard Matheson, and many others -- and again, because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it!
* TWO surprise special advanced review copies: one by a Living Legend of the horror genre (we won't name him here so it can remain a surprise, but you've read his work and seen his movies for decades now) and the other from one of the most collectible young authors in the genre, Brian Keene! These books have been announced, but these special ARCs will be a great addition to ANY collector's library, even if you're getting the much sought-after signed editions, too. (Review copies are special trade paperback editions of books that are printed months before publication and usually have the lowest print run of ANY edition of the book -- often less than 20 copies -- and they're never sold and rarely offered to the public!)
Every customer who orders this "No Risk" Collector's Pack will also be given a $50 Coupon Code that you can use for almost anything in our online store!
Since we're selling these Collector's Packs for just $99 and you get $50 in store credit as part of the deal, it's really like you're only paying $49 for all of these great, collectible books: a signed & slipcased Limited Edition, a trade hardcover featuring the biggest names in the genre, and two special review copies from the most collectible authors we publish!
If you've never purchased one of these special offers before, you're in for an amazing treat with this one! We always hear back from customers who are extremely pleased that they took a chance on this random assortment of books, etc -- it's a fantastic way to build your collection!
Whether you have an established collection or you're just starting out, this is an offer you can't afford to miss! Don't wait to place your order because these are going to sell very quickly!
But remember -- with this deal there's ZERO RISK for you, the collector, even if you already own everything we've published!
We're only going to sell a limited number of these and they won't last long -- place your order ASAP so you don't miss out!
Click here to read more or to place your order while supplies last!
Limit of ONE grab bag per household. Multiple Collector's Packs will have the exact same items. An $16 shipping charge applies to US addresses for the books as these items will be sent in four separate shipments; non-US will be charged based on their location. As always, because of the extremely large discount involved, we cannot accept any returns, cancel any orders, or issue refunds on this special. For the same reason, we cannot accept gift certificates, savings certificates, store credit, coupon codes, or coupon offers. This offer cannot be combined with any other deal or discount.

I received one of the ARCs in January '09, and used the $50 coupon, but never received any of the other items.

Anyone else order this?

Just received confirmation from Mindy that the 2nd ARC will be THE CAGE by Brian Keene.

The two limited edition books are DARK MASQUES and PAINTED DARKNESS.

Just got an email notification that the Brian Keene ARC shipped. Wonder when I'll get the other 2 :pullhair:

04-30-2010, 05:53 PM
Did anyone here order this "No Risk Collector's Pack" in Jan '09?

The link in the email no longer goes anywhere other than the CD homepage.

You Cannot Miss With This Special Offer!
Slipcased Limited Edition, Stephen King, Brian Keene, Rare Review Copies, and More!
Today we're offering our customers another chance to grab a great new "No Risk" Collector's Pack while supplies last!
This heavily discounted special offer includes amazing forthcoming Cemetery Dance collectible books, plus some incredible collectible items that will NEVER be sold or offered to the general public. Stephen King and Brian Keene fans take note because you won't want to miss the titles we're including in this deal!
With this special offer you'll receive:
* an unannounced forthcoming signed and SLIPCASED Limited Edition of our choice with a retail value of at least $75 -- and because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it, so there's NO RISK!
* an unannounced forthcoming trade cloth hardcover featuring contributions from Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Joe R. Lansdale, Charles L. Grant, William F. Nolan, James Herbert, Richard Matheson, and many others -- and again, because we haven't announced this book, you CANNOT have already ordered it!
* TWO surprise special advanced review copies: one by a Living Legend of the horror genre (we won't name him here so it can remain a surprise, but you've read his work and seen his movies for decades now) and the other from one of the most collectible young authors in the genre, Brian Keene! These books have been announced, but these special ARCs will be a great addition to ANY collector's library, even if you're getting the much sought-after signed editions, too. (Review copies are special trade paperback editions of books that are printed months before publication and usually have the lowest print run of ANY edition of the book -- often less than 20 copies -- and they're never sold and rarely offered to the public!)
Every customer who orders this "No Risk" Collector's Pack will also be given a $50 Coupon Code that you can use for almost anything in our online store!
Since we're selling these Collector's Packs for just $99 and you get $50 in store credit as part of the deal, it's really like you're only paying $49 for all of these great, collectible books: a signed & slipcased Limited Edition, a trade hardcover featuring the biggest names in the genre, and two special review copies from the most collectible authors we publish!
If you've never purchased one of these special offers before, you're in for an amazing treat with this one! We always hear back from customers who are extremely pleased that they took a chance on this random assortment of books, etc -- it's a fantastic way to build your collection!
Whether you have an established collection or you're just starting out, this is an offer you can't afford to miss! Don't wait to place your order because these are going to sell very quickly!
But remember -- with this deal there's ZERO RISK for you, the collector, even if you already own everything we've published!
We're only going to sell a limited number of these and they won't last long -- place your order ASAP so you don't miss out!
Click here to read more or to place your order while supplies last!
Limit of ONE grab bag per household. Multiple Collector's Packs will have the exact same items. An $16 shipping charge applies to US addresses for the books as these items will be sent in four separate shipments; non-US will be charged based on their location. As always, because of the extremely large discount involved, we cannot accept any returns, cancel any orders, or issue refunds on this special. For the same reason, we cannot accept gift certificates, savings certificates, store credit, coupon codes, or coupon offers. This offer cannot be combined with any other deal or discount.

I received one of the ARCs in January '09, and used the $50 coupon, but never received any of the other items.

Anyone else order this?

Just received confirmation from Mindy that the 2nd ARC will be THE CAGE by Brian Keene.

The two limited edition books are DARK MASQUES and PAINTED DARKNESS.

Just got an email notification that the Brian Keene ARC shipped. Wonder when I'll get the other 2 :pullhair:

If either of you two don't want your Brian Keene ARCs.... I'm interested.

Randall Flagg
04-30-2010, 06:06 PM
I just got my Haloween issue of CD magazine today :wtf:
Wow!! They are ahead of schedule.......oops, I think you mean Halloween 2009:cry:

05-01-2010, 06:44 AM
I just got my Haloween issue of CD magazine today :wtf:
Wow!! They are ahead of schedule.......oops, I think you mean Halloween 2009:cry:

Wow I guess I will have to break out my skeletons and pumpkins and bob for apples! :excited::doh::wtf:


05-01-2010, 07:19 AM
My biggest objections to Six Stories are:

1. Not a hardcover
2. No slipcase

Other than that, I like the presentation.


I actually received a copy of Six Stories today. It came with an aftermarket traycase (which it definitely needed).

I was always under the impression that the book would be much larger (like Eyes of the Dragon size).

I really like it.
John's two points are the reason I could never quite pull the trigger on buying this book.

Now tippy's got me all reconsidering. :doh:

05-01-2010, 08:15 AM
It is a nice limited if you have the aftermarket slipcase to store it in.

05-01-2010, 08:45 AM
My biggest objections to Six Stories are:

1. Not a hardcover
2. No slipcase

Other than that, I like the presentation.


I actually received a copy of Six Stories today. It came with an aftermarket traycase (which it definitely needed).

I was always under the impression that the book would be much larger (like Eyes of the Dragon size).

I really like it.
John's two points are the reason I could never quite pull the trigger on buying this book.

Now tippy's got me all reconsidering. :doh:

You should pull the trigger Patrick. If you can find a copy with the aftermarket slipcase, wonderful. If you can't find one with the slipcase, you aren't looking hard enough:P. Seriously, if you don't find one with the case, just store the book flat. It's a really beautiful book, and the smaller size actually helps keep it in good condition. Just make sure you either get it from a good dealer or see pictures of the spine corners if from an individual. My copy was chipped on one corner. It was a small chip, but it was still chipped.

05-01-2010, 08:47 AM
I put my copy in an archival plastic bag, then back into its original mailing box. Virtually perfect protection.


05-01-2010, 10:06 AM
My biggest objections to Six Stories are:

1. Not a hardcover
2. No slipcase

Other than that, I like the presentation.


I actually received a copy of Six Stories today. It came with an aftermarket traycase (which it definitely needed).

I was always under the impression that the book would be much larger (like Eyes of the Dragon size).

I really like it.
John's two points are the reason I could never quite pull the trigger on buying this book.

Now tippy's got me all reconsidering. :doh:

You should pull the trigger Patrick. If you can find a copy with the aftermarket slipcase, wonderful. If you can't find one with the slipcase, you aren't looking hard enough:P. Seriously, if you don't find one with the case, just store the book flat. It's a really beautiful book, and the smaller size actually helps keep it in good condition. Just make sure you either get it from a good dealer or see pictures of the spine corners if from an individual. My copy was chipped on one corner. It was a small chip, but it was still chipped.

Bett's has a copy for sale in a tray case.

Here is the auction I bought mine from.


05-01-2010, 11:32 AM
Here is the auction I bought mine from.


I remember when the book went on sale and some members of the usenet group alt.books.stephen-king griped about the price of $80!! Some members said they would never pay that much for a paperback. I told them they were making a mistake but some didn't listen, passed on it and later regretted it.

05-01-2010, 12:11 PM
I bought mine when they were first announced. It was limited to one per address. My daughter offered to let me use her address to get a second copy but I didn't really want to spend another $85 ($80 + $5 s/h) then. Boy, do I regret that now!


05-01-2010, 02:01 PM
Funny...my first risk was on Six Stories...somebody was selling one, I don't even remember where, but it wasn't through Ebay...it was described, honestly, as being beat up with some tears to the cover. Seller just said "best offer," and I knew that everybody would offer $100, so I offered $110 sight unseen, and paid by personal check to a person I'd never met...yikes!

Long story short, it WAS beat up, but not terribly so...I eventually sold it for $300 I think.

There is something to be said for a nice, simple, yet classy limited that gets published than on publisher's reliance on traycases/slipcases that add a second design element to the mix, with all the subsequent delays...

05-01-2010, 08:02 PM
Thanks for all the discussion and input, guys. Damn, now I feel like I must be the only collector who doesn't have one.

If anyone would go to the trouble of posting a photo of your Six Stories S/L next to another book that I might recognize - to get an idea of relative size - I would really appreciate it. If not, no worries. Thanks.

05-01-2010, 09:23 PM
Patrick, there are two of us at least who don't have it.

05-01-2010, 09:42 PM
Make that three since I sold my copy years ago.

05-01-2010, 11:08 PM
I put my copy in an archival plastic bag, then back into its original mailing box. Virtually perfect protection.


John!!! :orely:


Mr. Rabbit Trick
05-02-2010, 12:44 AM

05-02-2010, 05:12 AM
Thats the size of six stories? I don't know why, but I always thought it was like the size of a magazine.

05-02-2010, 07:44 AM
Thanks, Mr. R.T.!

05-03-2010, 11:50 AM
CD Shipping Update with actual dates!! :)

Also, as we announced a few weeks back, Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance by Robin Furth and Blockade Billy by Stephen King are just the first titles in our huge publishing and shipping surge, which will carry us into early summer. Our printers have finished or are finishing a bunch of great new books, and below is the shipping schedule we worked out with them to keep the books flowing into our busy warehouse in an orderly fashion. If you haven't placed your orders for these books already, and a book you want is still available, now would be a great time to order so you don't miss out and so you can be sure to get a copy at the retail price. Remember, most of our PREORDERS also qualify for FREE US SHIPPING! (Any that don't qualify are marked as such on their product page.)

*** Our Upcoming Shipping Schedule:

Stephen King's The Dark Tower Concordance by Robin Furth -- arrived earlier this month and shipping now
Blockade Billy by Stephen King -- arrived last week and shipping now
Wetware: On the Digital Frontline with Stephen King by Kevin Quigley -- arrived last week and shipping now
Occasional Demons by Rick Hautala -- shipping to us later this week and will be shipping to customers next week
Catching Hell by Greg Gifune -- shipping to us in May
The Corpse King by Tim Curran -- shipping to us in May
Invisible Fences by Norman Prentiss -- shipping to us in May
Last Exit For the Lost by Tim Lebbon -- shipping to us in mid-May
The Innswich Horror by Edward Lee -- shipping to us in mid-May (SOLD OUT)
Halloween: New Poems edited by Al Sarrantonio -- shipping to us in mid-May
The Cage by Brian Keene -- shipping to us in early June (SOLD OUT)
Scratch by Brian Keene -- shipping to us in early June (SOLD OUT)
Butterfly by Simon Clark -- shipping to us in June
The Turtle Boy by Kealan Patrick Burke -- shipping to us in June
The Forum by James Newman -- shipping to us in June

We are currently sending more books to our printers, including several very cool surprise (unannounced) titles, so our summer schedule is also going to be very exciting. We have some incredible news to share throughout the rest of this year, and several huge announcements, so keep watching our newsletter for updates.

Thanks again for your support of Cemetery Dance Publications!

05-03-2010, 11:55 AM
Not a single word about SECRETARY OF DREAMS. Figures.

05-03-2010, 11:58 AM
Not a single word about SECRETARY OF DREAMS. Figures.

Exactly what I was thinking! Scary we may have some kind of Psychic bond going on here!!! LOL :P

05-03-2010, 12:01 PM
They'll be holding off on printing SOD II by request of SK's agent so as to not compete with "Full Dark, No Stars" or any other future King publications! :nope: LOL

:doh: :P

05-03-2010, 12:06 PM
They'll be holding off on printing SOD II by request of SK's agent so as to not compete with "Full Dark, No Stars" or any other future King publications! :nope: LOL

:doh: :P

Argh don't joke at such things as this is a possibility!

05-03-2010, 12:07 PM
They'll be holding off on printing SOD II by request of SK's agent so as to not compete with "Full Dark, No Stars" or any other future King publications! :nope: LOL

:doh: :P

Survey Says....


05-03-2010, 12:16 PM
They'll be holding off on printing SOD II by request of SK's agent so as to not compete with "Full Dark, No Stars" or any other future King publications! :nope: LOL

:doh: :P

Argh don't joke at such things as this is a possibility!

You know you got a point there. Forget I said anything!!!! :doh:

05-03-2010, 12:20 PM

Merlin1958 for the win!

05-03-2010, 07:29 PM
Merlin1958 says "Touch`e pussycat!!" (I don't know how to put the accent over the damn letter, say sorry)

05-04-2010, 03:05 AM
The Grave is the one you need.


05-04-2010, 03:25 AM
Everybody must run out and purchase a copy of the second printing....

According to Mindy it has different colored end papers than the first printing...

Hi there!

You're receiving this email because you ordered BLOCKADE BILLY by Stephen King.

Our SECOND printing, which was done exclusively for the libraries, arrived last week and has been shipping out the door by the carton. By the end of this week, every single copy will be gone.

That said, we've heard from several Stephen King "completist" collectors who needed this second printing for their collection -- especially once word started to get around that we used entirely different "cream" endpapers for the second printing to make it easily distinguishable from the first printing. (The copyright page was also updated.)

Several of these collectors pointed out that there will probably be very few "mint" copies of this second printing in circulation since they are all shipping to libraries, and these collectors really wanted one for their collection.

We talked it over and we've set aside a small batch of second printing copies for these serious Stephen King collectors, so if you need a second printing for your collection, please place your order in the next 72 HOURS. After that, we'll send the rest of these to the libraries.

You can place your order here while supplies last:


If you live outside the US and are still waiting on your First Printing to ship, please be aware that we're processing those orders as quickly as we can. There is some additional paperwork and trips to the post office required, but we are working hard to get you your copy as soon as possible.

Thanks again for your support of Cemetery Dance Publications!

~ Mindy

Cemetery Dance Publications
132-B Industry Lane, Unit #7
Forest Hill, MD 21050

410-588-5901 [phone]
410-588-5904 [fax]


05-04-2010, 03:27 AM
I haven't got my copy of the bloody 1st edition yet!

The Library Policeman
05-04-2010, 04:05 AM
I haven't got my copy of the bloody 1st edition yet!

Nor me! :arg:

05-04-2010, 04:27 AM
Everybody must run out and purchase a copy of the second printing....

According to Mindy it has different colored end papers than the first printing...

Hi there!

You're receiving this email because you ordered BLOCKADE BILLY by Stephen King.

Our SECOND printing, which was done exclusively for the libraries, arrived last week and has been shipping out the door by the carton. By the end of this week, every single copy will be gone.

That said, we've heard from several Stephen King "completist" collectors who needed this second printing for their collection -- especially once word started to get around that we used entirely different "cream" endpapers for the second printing to make it easily distinguishable from the first printing. (The copyright page was also updated.)

Several of these collectors pointed out that there will probably be very few "mint" copies of this second printing in circulation since they are all shipping to libraries, and these collectors really wanted one for their collection.

We talked it over and we've set aside a small batch of second printing copies for these serious Stephen King collectors, so if you need a second printing for your collection, please place your order in the next 72 HOURS. After that, we'll send the rest of these to the libraries.

You can place your order here while supplies last:


If you live outside the US and are still waiting on your First Printing to ship, please be aware that we're processing those orders as quickly as we can. There is some additional paperwork and trips to the post office required, but we are working hard to get you your copy as soon as possible.

Thanks again for your support of Cemetery Dance Publications!

~ Mindy

Cemetery Dance Publications
132-B Industry Lane, Unit #7
Forest Hill, MD 21050

410-588-5901 [phone]
410-588-5904 [fax]


Are they screwing over the libraries now?

"The serious Stephen King collectors"?
Ok come on, who's just pretending to be an SK fan here?

05-04-2010, 04:42 AM
"The serious Stephen King collectors"?
Ok come on, who's just pretending to be an SK fan here?

Well, I'm about as serious as they come, I guess. And I think I will pass on the second edition.

05-04-2010, 04:56 AM
I haven't got my copy of the bloody 1st edition yet!

Nor me! :arg:

I guess it makes sense to CD to ship the 2nd printing "out the door by the carton" before they ship the 1st printing to customers who ordered the book as soon as it went up for sale.

I'm still waiting for the invoice for the shipping charge, how's that for customer service?

05-04-2010, 05:41 AM
"The serious Stephen King collectors"?
Ok come on, who's just pretending to be an SK fan here?

Well, I'm about as serious as they come, I guess. And I think I will pass on the second edition.

Apparently they have collectors who are more serious.

Imagine that! :lol:

05-04-2010, 05:46 AM
"The serious Stephen King collectors"?
Ok come on, who's just pretending to be an SK fan here?

Well, I'm about as serious as they come, I guess. And I think I will pass on the second edition.

Apparently they have collectors who are more serious.

Imagine that! :lol:

Well, I'll just tip my hat to them and wish them the best.

Randall Flagg
05-04-2010, 06:06 AM
"The serious Stephen King collectors"?
Ok come on, who's just pretending to be an SK fan here?

Well, I'm about as serious as they come, I guess. And I think I will pass on the second edition.
I think I'll pass too.

05-04-2010, 06:40 AM
Its funny, because we all know that in three months there will still be copies of the 2nd print available on the CD website - this despite them all being sent to "the libraries".

05-04-2010, 06:44 AM
Its funny, because we all know that in three months there will still be copies of the 2nd print available on the CD website - this despite them all being sent to "the libraries".

They'll probably find a box or two of both the first and second print that was 'misplaced' in a corner somewhere...

05-04-2010, 07:58 AM
I haven't got my copy of the bloody 1st edition yet!

Glad I'm not alone! Placed my order on April 9th - just FYI

05-04-2010, 08:25 AM
Haven't received my copy either, ordered it on the day of publication (5 minutes after the site went live). But I live in Europe so I'm not holding my breath just yet :)

05-04-2010, 09:07 AM
I bought mine from Betts. I've had it for several days. I'm really glad I don't go through Cemetery Dance directly anymore.

Randall Flagg
05-04-2010, 04:08 PM
Received my 'Halloween' copy of the CD magazine today.
CD really makes a great product- production values, stories, art, but timeliness is less than desirable.
Bev Vincent has an excellent review of 'Under The Dome', but in print it is 6 months too late.

05-04-2010, 08:19 PM
Received my 'Halloween' copy of the CD magazine today.
CD really makes a great product- production values, stories, art, but timeliness is less than desirable.
Bev Vincent has an excellent review of 'Under The Dome', but in print it is 6 months too late.

That's why I can't believe anyone actually advertises in the mag. Every one I've ever gotten (bought a few SK issues, and won a 6 issue subscription from some contest they had) has adverts for new books coming out in <insert some month 6 months ahead of the mag date, and 3 months behind the actual ship date>

05-05-2010, 06:54 AM
Received my 'Halloween' copy of the CD magazine today.
CD really makes a great product- production values, stories, art, but timeliness is less than desirable.
Bev Vincent has an excellent review of 'Under The Dome', but in print it is 6 months too late.

That's why I can't believe anyone actually advertises in the mag. Every one I've ever gotten (bought a few SK issues, and won a 6 issue subscription from some contest they had) has adverts for new books coming out in <insert some month 6 months ahead of the mag date, and 3 months behind the actual ship date>

LOL Exactly!!! Poor CD, some one keeps turning their Frozen Donkey Wheel everytime they get ready to publish!!!! Then Mindy has to fly back from Tunisia before they can get back on track!! Maybe they should take it up with Jacob? LOL :doh:

Its like that Lost episode where Faraday fires the rocket. There's regular time and then there's Cemetery Dance time!!!

05-05-2010, 07:55 AM
Its like that Lost episode where Faraday fires the rocket. There's regular time and then there's Cemetery Dance time!!![/QUOTE]

lol awesome

05-05-2010, 05:46 PM
I finished Blockade Billy last week and I must say I really enjoyed it. SK always did an awesome job with short novels and this wasn't the exception.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
05-05-2010, 10:33 PM
There's regular time and then there's Cemetery Dance time!!!


We should rename the thread to this.

05-06-2010, 09:51 AM
There's regular time and then there's Cemetery Dance time!!!


We should rename the thread to this.

New thread name and a nationwide Dance craze at the same time!!!
:rock: :nana::nana::nana::nana::nana: :rock:

Maybe in reality Jacob is the Executive Editor. Hence, the publishing nightmare! He's watching Chizmar through the lighthouse mirrors! Pretty sure they have a printer on Hydra Island. They should end every sales email with the "LOST" end title. That would be appropriate!

Ok, I'll shut up now. Time to go back to the cliff side cave!


05-06-2010, 10:26 AM

05-06-2010, 11:52 AM



05-06-2010, 11:56 AM
Look at Merlin's signature...and he's supposedly such a die-hard Yankees fan...pfff

05-06-2010, 11:57 AM
Oh, okay.


05-06-2010, 12:00 PM
Look at Merlin's signature...and he's supposedly such a die-hard Yankees fan...pfff

"What you taking about, Willis?" LOL

Let's just leave my Yankee's out of this. Go back to rooting for whatever less successfull baseball team you enjoy watching and following and leave it at that. :P

05-08-2010, 09:50 AM
Don't know where to post it, but did you'all know that the gift edition of "Secretary of Dreams vol. 1" is available for purchase AGAIN?!

Last november it was not available, any more, at Cemetary Dance.


Strange behaviour by CD. It looks, as if it became available (again) when Blockade Billy was announced.

05-08-2010, 10:02 AM
Interesting! The page lists it as "Out of Print" but you can order one at the regular price! Strange.


05-08-2010, 02:42 PM
Perhaps they are getting ready to redo that page for SoD II?

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either, but this makes none as it is.

05-11-2010, 06:33 AM
Next week: another BIG announcement....:evil:


05-11-2010, 06:38 AM
Next week: another BIG announcement....:evil:


A third printing of Blockade Billy, which will never have another printing again....until they do a fourth?

05-11-2010, 06:39 AM
Next week: another BIG announcement....:evil:


Yeah i saw that, i wonder what it will be this time, i reall y hope that its not The Secretary of Dreams 3!

05-11-2010, 07:05 AM
Next week: another BIG announcement....:evil:


Maybe Glenn Chadbourne has turned in 600 more pages of artwork for SOD II.

05-11-2010, 08:09 AM

05-11-2010, 09:42 AM
feel the LOVE!

05-11-2010, 09:54 AM
I'm glad that Occasional Demons is finally about to ship.

That has been a long time coming... :scared:

05-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Love the sarcasm here...But honestly, the BB announcement was pretty cool, I thought, so who knows, maybe this'll be another good one.


05-12-2010, 12:01 PM
Just received this from CD-

Mindy from Cemetery Dance here, contacting you privately because we have an artwork special offer that I think you might want to add to your collection.

Alex McVey, the illustrator for all of those incredible drawings in BLOCKADE BILLY by Stephen King, has offered to remarque a handful of his *personal* copies of the 1st Printing, 1st Edition of the book for a few of our customers.

The cost is just $119 per copy plus shipping, and there will only be a handful of these special copies EVER done. This is definitely a one-time offer, so if you're interested, please visit this secret page on the site and place your order right away:




05-12-2010, 12:04 PM
Not botherd myself!

05-12-2010, 12:33 PM
His drawings don't attract me enough to want a remarque.


05-12-2010, 01:00 PM
Yuck. I think I would pay more for a copy WITHOUT a drawing.

05-12-2010, 01:39 PM
I wonder how small a handful is.

05-12-2010, 01:50 PM
You know, was "remarque" even in anyone's venacular (sp?) before we started it here on TDT.com?

Seriously, before Wiz got Michael Whelan to do a few on his own was this something any publisher or artist did?

I'm not blowing the horn of TDT.com, I'm asking a legit question. Does anyone know?

Randall Flagg
05-12-2010, 02:09 PM
I believe David established a new definition for 'Remarque'.
Some day if anyone cares, they will be able to search internet archives, and they will find it started at www.thedarktower.org
and if not initially, certainly significantly the root is David and the Whelan remarques.
I do believe there may have been earlier discussion at the now defunct dt.net. , but I'm not sure if 'remarque' was used for art Whelan did in some early DTVII books.
Someone here will surely clarify.

05-12-2010, 02:12 PM
Actually, I didn't mean the word "remarque" so much as the actual product - when did the first idea originate, of seeking out the artist to do a personal drawing within the book?

Was it Whelan working with David?

Randall Flagg
05-12-2010, 02:16 PM
As I recall, it wasn't David, but Whelan himself who offered on his website to do a 'drawing' in a customers DTVII book.
I am probably wrong, but the price was ~$500. Whelan was quickly inundated and realized he had under-priced his offer.

05-12-2010, 03:09 PM
I was familiar with the word "remarque", as it has been used in the comic world for some time now. However, the word referred to a sketch done by an artist for their fans on a painting/print or on/in a book they illustrated. Sometimes the sketch would be extremely quick (taking five seconds) and sometimes you paid the artist a bit extra to take their time and do a more complex sketch, but it was still usually just a pen or pencil sketch that was rough compared to the finished art in the book or print. It certainly wasn't anything like much of the work Whelan did in the DT VII books nor the recent DT III: The Waste Lands and Desperation remarque series by Dameron and Maitz.

05-13-2010, 05:13 AM
I wonder how small a handful is.

In this case "handful" means however many they manage to actually sell (I'm not at all impressed with the internal art).

Plus 10 more to claim as customer orders that went south and are now available for sale for the ridiculously low price of $240 each in 1 year

Plus an addition 20 copies that they can find in their warehouse 5 years from now and sell for the ridiculously low price of $360 each. (Or try to sell on eBay)

These "additional copies" will of course come with the "OMG IT'S LIMITED" slipcase that they only ordered enough of to fill the orders they received but that they found a limited supply of in the back room.

The Library Policeman
05-13-2010, 05:55 AM
They are really taking their time on shipping the European orders of Blockade Billy. I haven't even had a shipping confirmation e-mail yet.

05-13-2010, 05:59 AM
I paid for my shipping the other day, sort of wish i had never botherd!

The Library Policeman
05-13-2010, 06:05 AM
I know what you mean Tom. I could have got one from David at Betts and received it ages a go. :cry:

05-13-2010, 06:09 AM
Also i think the postage was $14!!!! Really wish i hadn't botherd getting the book from CD, must not have had much sleep the day when i ordered them i think!

05-13-2010, 07:05 AM
I ordered one through David at Betts and have had it for over two weeks. I ordered another copy through Camelot Books at about the same time and just received word yesterday that they were sending it.

05-13-2010, 07:09 AM
What's the deal with the grab bag for $39? Worth buying?

05-13-2010, 08:19 AM
Don't forget the s&h on top of that $39. You might as well buy the one book you want, at least you know what you'll get. I ordered one grab bag a while ago (it was cheaper, not $39) and the best thing I got was Tim Lebbon's signed Fears Unnamed and a bunch of chapbooks (OMG!). I kept Bev Vincent's and Ronald Kelly's and generously donated two other PBs and a few chapbooks to Goodwill.

Oh and Tito Villa, at least you received an invoice.

05-13-2010, 09:38 AM
I received my order for the second printing yesterday. I got the first and thought I may as well get the second printing as well what the heck. They didn't even bother shrinkwrapping these. They could have at least have done that for the order after all I'm not a "library".

05-13-2010, 09:44 AM
I also got my second printing of Blockade Billy the day before yesterday. As noted, it was not shrinkwrapped. No big deal, though. I plan on taking the shrinkwrap off my first printing when I receive the slipcase for it. I doubt that being in the shrinkwrap for a year or so ( :P ) will make a difference.


05-13-2010, 11:00 AM
Also i think the postage was $14!!!! Really wish i hadn't botherd getting the book from CD, must not have had much sleep the day when i ordered them i think!

I hate the way CD always ship out international orders last, why the hell do they do that?. Ours are going to take far longer to receive than domestic orders so ours should be sent first, then instead of getting the books a month (or whatever) later than US buyers we would only be a few weeks behind them.

It feels really great paying a hefty shipping fee (you always know these small press publishers are gonna charge like double what Amazon does - some of the high charges make you sick when you realise places like book depos can afford to deliver ANY book for free worldwide and still make a profit) for a wafer thin book then knowing you've been put at the back of the queue for shipping. Just awesome!.

My copy might be here in the UK now, I've had a sorry you were out thing through the door the last two days so it might be it.

05-13-2010, 12:54 PM
I wholeheartedly second your post Cloysterpete!

super sam
05-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Cloysterpete, how much was your shippingcost?
I have not have any request of shippingcost from CD yet.

05-13-2010, 01:21 PM
Cloysterpete, how much was your shippingcost?
I have not have any request of shippingcost from CD yet.

Oh that's one of CD's quirks they don't actually tell you, I never even know how much it is until I check how much my card has been charged and then I try not to look as it's always way more than it should be.

This is the first order I've bought from CD since SOD1, why didn't I buy elsewhere :doh:

Hmm, I hope Amazon gets some copies of SOD2, shipping on that one will be rather excessive.

05-14-2010, 07:36 AM
I hate the way CD always ship out international orders last, why the hell do they do that?. Ours are going to take far longer to receive than domestic orders so ours should be sent first, then instead of getting the books a month (or whatever) later than US buyers we would only be a few weeks behind them.

To be fair, so does Centipede Press. And DMG.
And I believe, most US based publishers.


05-14-2010, 07:44 AM
I hate the way CD always ship out international orders last, why the hell do they do that?. Ours are going to take far longer to receive than domestic orders so ours should be sent first, then instead of getting the books a month (or whatever) later than US buyers we would only be a few weeks behind them.

To be fair, so does Centipede Press. And DMG.
And I believe, most US based publishers.


And to be even more fair, PS Publishing does the same to it's international customers.

So it looks like it is common practice for each country to ship their domestic shipments first before working on their international shipments.

I think it makes more sense to get the easy shipments out of the way first then focus on the more difficult ones.

Just my opinion based on the service I've received from sellers outside the US.

05-14-2010, 07:45 AM
The problem with CD is that they seem to rip you off with foreign shipping prices!

05-14-2010, 08:10 AM
I hate the way CD always ship out international orders last, why the hell do they do that?. Ours are going to take far longer to receive than domestic orders so ours should be sent first, then instead of getting the books a month (or whatever) later than US buyers we would only be a few weeks behind them.

To be fair, so does Centipede Press. And DMG.
And I believe, most US based publishers.


The reason being, it takes longer to process foreign orders, at least for me.

I have to have the exact weight for each package.

When it's all the same being shipped out, that's fine, but we still end up doing them last cause of the paperwork that's involved as well.

Domestic orders are basically a peal and stick type of thing. Foreign have to have customs paperwork and all different postage depending upon where it's going.

05-14-2010, 03:50 PM
Actually, I've just been charged for foreign shipping and it was pretty cheap. It costed 36 dollars 5 copies of the book, which leaves each copy 7.20 dls for shipping.

05-15-2010, 05:42 AM
The problem with CD is that they seem to rip you off with foreign shipping prices!

That's not my experience.


05-17-2010, 10:18 AM
Anyone have a clue what CD's "Huge News" is going to be and when this week are they going to let us know.

05-17-2010, 10:25 AM
I bet its SOD 3!!! :panic:

05-17-2010, 10:42 AM
Updated version of Justin's bibliography? (kidding :orely: )

05-17-2010, 11:16 AM
3rd printing of Blockade Billy?

Randall Flagg
05-17-2010, 12:48 PM
2009 Holiday (xmas) issue of magazine shipping now.

05-17-2010, 01:51 PM
They just found Glenn Chadbourne in the warehouse and he'll begin the illustrations for SOD 2 within the next few months!

05-17-2010, 02:00 PM
They just found Glenn Chadbourne in the warehouse and he'll begin the illustrations for SOD 2 within the next few months!

To be fair none of these problems are Glenns fault, he's very disapointed about the delays too!

05-17-2010, 02:03 PM
Anyone know when the slipcases will be ready?
Has anyone gotten the UTD slipcase from CD yet? God I hope so it has been awhile now.

05-17-2010, 02:58 PM
They just found Glenn Chadbourne in the warehouse and he'll begin the illustrations for SOD 2 within the next few months!

To be fair none of these problems are Glenns fault, he's very disapointed about the delays too!

You're absolutely right, but they're always "finding" something in their warehouse, so I thought a finding a person would be new development.

05-17-2010, 11:11 PM
If they ever find a person in their warehouse it's probably the emaciated corpse of the guy in charge of shipping my copy of Blockade Billy... 'aahhh, so Jim wasn't away on holidays after all...'

(yes I'm still waiting and yes, it pisses me off... I should have purchased a copy from Betts)

05-18-2010, 04:36 AM
(yes I'm still waiting and yes, it pisses me off... I should have purchased a copy from Betts)

Hmmm. Some have definitely made it over this side of the ocean - my two copies came last Friday (to Ireland).

05-18-2010, 04:44 AM
(yes I'm still waiting and yes, it pisses me off... I should have purchased a copy from Betts)

Hmmm. Some have definitely made it over this side of the ocean - my two copies came last Friday (to Ireland).

That maybe because you ordered yours early? I ordered my copy late and it was shipped on saturday i think!

05-18-2010, 05:10 AM
I ordered my copy literally ten minutes after the site went live - I knew the 'Big Announcement' would be made that day and I checked the CD site multiple times (I was also the one who posted the first news about Blockade Billy here in The Corner).