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Sai Sheb
08-02-2017, 01:03 AM
People talk in Derry but not enough to do anything about Eddie... In reply to Kpaul, I always saw it that in each of Kings universe's had it's own bad guy just closely linked but not the same... Only Walter really managed to jump between then(maybe even killing his other self in each dimension to stop a rivel) ... SK just seems to love spiders doesn't he even have a spider like creature in "from a Buick 8"???

Roland of Gilead 33
09-18-2017, 02:59 PM
i finished the book last year and i just watched the tv movie again last week and i still love it. does it have it's flaws? yes it does and part 1 yes is a far better than part 2. but i think what hurts that is the budget and what they could and could not show in (1989) when that was filmed. still for a guy like Tommy Lee Wallace who hadn't read the book before he made the film it's pretty solid. and is more faithful to the book than say The Dark Tower that's for damn sure. anyways, in the tv movie and yes i know it's in the book as well but i am giving the tv movie credit cause i haven't read the book at all this year. and there's a scene where Beverly as an adult is telling the guys about an old man her Neighbor who he sees henry bowers and his gang pester her in front of her house and he sees it and walks right back into the house.

and she pointed out that nobody like it's been said wants to know what's going on. hence when Mike as a Kid was talking about the Town's history none of the adults wanted to know about it. hence why they called it the Derry Disease. i always did wonder what did happen after Henry's body was found as well. but it would not surprise me if they chalked it up to it being another Derry Disease thing that happened, another question i wonder is after the town pretty much gets torn apart at the end of the novel, what the towns folks also thought about it? the only thing about the book i don't like well is a couple things really, Stan's death for one on how he dies i never liked that as i would have loved seeing him as an adult fight with the rest of them. plus i love the character and Richard Masuar is a favorite actor of mine as well.

and of course Eddie his fate. the main thing i really don't like it is the end, not Audra getting to be herself but the rest of the gang who use a Piers Anthony Xanth term for those who have read it will know it, they have that forget spell put upon them again. it doesn't bother me when it happened when they were kids cause you can block out as kids bad shit that happend, but as adults when they were able more to handle it and they fought their own demons as well and won more or less.
i just the idea that they stayed in contact as adults. my last question is simply and it never occured to me till just now or it may have in the past and i brushed it off, is if they are forgetting each other,

King writes that Ben and Beverly hook up. okay so they remember each other while near each other, so if one goes out of town and the other stays home do they forget they are married or dating? in the tv film they said they get married and had a kid. the same question applies. if Bill and Mike are in the same town starting to lose their memory, even in the same room how than can Ben and Beverly even date if their memory goes away? i've always wanted King not to write a sequel to IT cause really there's no need to do that. but let us know about the surviving gang in other books. yes i know Mike is in Insomina but that's i think the last we heard of him.

11-05-2018, 02:49 PM
Here is the epic six-episode discussion of It by The Losers Club podcast:


Eternal Unity
05-04-2019, 08:53 AM
Chapter 22 - The Ritual of Chud

In my opinion, it's the best chapter in King's entire career.
The Love and Desire scene is very emotional and innocent. I love IT!
