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04-14-2010, 01:04 PM
An unknown picture? No unknown text I guess?
Again, congrats :-)

And about the second copy : who owns it now?

04-14-2010, 08:55 PM
Not a big story here, but I was contacted out of the blue by another CT resident who told me that he went to college with King and that he had kept all of the campus newspapers while he was there. He thought he had a complete set of King's Garbage truck and wanted to know what the value of his set was worth. While I know of the papers and Steve's periodic writing in various issues, I had no clue as to value. So I approached 2 of the biggest collectors for advice. The seller made a list of all the issues that had King's Garbage Truck in them. I shot this list off to Bob and he helped me on pricing and also expressed an interest in the papers for himself. I then negotiated the pricing from middle ground to the satisfaction of both parties. In the end, the seller found he had 2 copies of an issue that showed the Kent State march held at the Maine university campus with Steve prominently featured near the frront of the march. Bob said he had not seen that picture before so he got that issue as well. Bob was also most gentlemanly in compensating me for my "brokering" of the deal and for driving to pick up the issues for him.

Many thanks.

It pays to be Bob
a big congrads Bob (with perhaps a little bit of jealousy/envy)

i've been looking for any/all of those ... forever... just in case you run across another set of them dave... in the next century or so.

Randall Flagg
04-15-2010, 03:45 PM
Purportedly Hasbro made/named a GI Joe figure based upon a suggestion from Stephen King. King's son Owen was fascinated with the GI Joe figures.
The Crystal Ball figure was released in 1987, as was The Tommyknockers. Crystal Ball is mentioned twice in The Tommyknockers-

He decided he wouldn't swat David. He would hug David. When David got back, Hilly would fall down on his knees and hug David and tell David he could have all the G.I. Joe guys (except maybe for Snake-Eyes and Crystal Ball) for a whole week.
'Me too,' Hilly said. 'We got to trade G.I Joes tomorrow.'

'I dunno. But we got to. I promised.'
'I dunno.'
'As long as I get Crystal Ball,' David said, settling himself more firmly into the crook of Hilly's arm.
'Well okay.'
Silence there was a dim commotion at the nurses' station down the hall, but here there was silence, and the sweet warmth of boys.
Wikipedia also has a listing. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Ball_%28G.I._Joe%29)
In an interview by Bev Vincent, Owen King seems to remember but misnames the character:

A few years before that, Hasbro named a GI Joe figure after him. “Sneak Peek. I'm not sure what his specialty is. He comes with a big telescope thingy, though. Maybe he's supposed to be the GI Joe voyeur.”
Link (http://www.bevvincent.com/onyx/interview-ok.html)



04-15-2010, 05:08 PM
Now that you mention this, I vaguely remember something about this. Did you get one of the figures? If so, congratulations!


Randall Flagg
04-15-2010, 06:31 PM
Now that you mention this, I vaguely remember something about this. Did you get one of the figures? If so, congratulations!

The images are of the actual figure I have.

04-15-2010, 07:33 PM
I'm not sure if this is my new pride and joy, but kinda cool.

It's spray painted onto a peg board about 2 feet tall by 1 foot wide.

I took a pic with my phone. Will try to get another one to show the colors better.

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3108/stephenkingspraypaintpi.jpg (http://img10.imageshack.us/i/stephenkingspraypaintpi.jpg/)

04-16-2010, 10:58 AM
Ive recieved my BLOCKADE BILLY ARC :-)

need to read it overthr week end. Will be quick, especially when i see the pages! (big text, 'small' layout with text...

04-16-2010, 11:19 AM
Ive recieved my BLOCKADE BILLY ARC :-)

need to read it overthr week end. Will be quick, especially when i see the pages! (big text, 'small' layout with text...

Got any pics of it?

04-16-2010, 12:16 PM
The one book I have wanted for nearly 20 years. :rock:




04-16-2010, 12:47 PM



04-16-2010, 02:12 PM
Congratulations! Out of all the King books out there, that's a great one to add to your collection. :)

04-16-2010, 06:40 PM
Congrats! What a great feeling to finally get something like that.

04-17-2010, 05:35 AM
Ive recieved my BLOCKADE BILLY ARC :-)

need to read it overthr week end. Will be quick, especially when i see the pages! (big text, 'small' layout with text...

Got any pics of it?

Well, Jhanic already posted pix of the ARC... and i wont be posting pictures of the content... and even less prior the release...

04-17-2010, 05:57 AM
Yeah pics would be great, with all the talk over how short the tale is I would love what spacing and font they've used.

04-17-2010, 05:59 AM
I'll post them again here.

Blockade Billy proof front:


Blockade Billy proof back:


Blockade Billy proof card:


Blockade Billy proof publisher's letter:



04-17-2010, 05:24 PM
"...an American mother from Bangor, Maine..." Well, if that verbiage on the package doesn't solidify the story, I don't know what would. Nice action figure, Jerome.

Congrats, everyone, on your latest acquisitions!

04-18-2010, 01:27 AM
From the backcover :
"His other releases from Cemetery Dance Publications include two volumes of The Secretary of the Dreams..."

Hope that it means they will publish it soon...

04-18-2010, 11:36 AM
Just won this auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160424250678) for a S/L Six Stories.

This has been on my wish list for a while.

Any comment on the $630 price? I think it is a fair one.

Room 217 Caretaker
04-18-2010, 11:49 AM
Just won this auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160424250678) for a S/L Six Stories.

This has been on my wish list for a while.

Any comment on the $630 price? I think it is a fair one.

That's a good price. I have the price in my database set at $640 for the low end $800 high end for one in tray. Good job.

Cumberland VA

04-18-2010, 01:15 PM
Congratulations, tippy! I'm glad you've been able to get one of your wish list items! And at a decent price too.


Randall Flagg
04-18-2010, 01:33 PM
Received this set of prints from the Signed Limited 'Salems Lot'


04-18-2010, 03:52 PM
Just won this auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160424250678) for a S/L Six Stories.

This has been on my wish list for a while.

Any comment on the $630 price? I think it is a fair one.

Not a bad price at all. I paid $680 for mine.

04-18-2010, 04:51 PM

Congratulations, Jerome!

04-18-2010, 05:00 PM
I really like those prints as well, Jerome. I have a set from Betts on it's way as well.

I also finally finished framing the Don Maitz water colors. I really like the way it looked in it. The simulated rocks frame has an organic look that goes well with the animal images.


Randall Flagg
04-18-2010, 05:03 PM
What an interesting and fabulous framing choice. Congratulations.

Room 217 Caretaker
04-18-2010, 05:05 PM
:clap: Very nice

Cumberland VA

04-18-2010, 05:19 PM
Great job, Juliana! I LOVE the look of those frames with those prints!


04-18-2010, 06:42 PM
Those frames just bring out the pictures SO well. Excellent choices.

04-18-2010, 07:01 PM

04-18-2010, 07:19 PM
Truly beautiful Juliana, wonderful framing.
I am VERY envious of your wolf painting :drool:

04-18-2010, 07:55 PM
Thank you very much, guys. :)

Believe it or not, those are ready made frames and pre cut mat that I purchased from Aaron Brothers. I had to cut a little off the mat edges to fit the frame as the mat was intended for a larger frame. But it was the only size mat that fits all the four images well. It took a while for me to figure out the right size, color and configuration, but it worked out well in the end.

04-18-2010, 08:15 PM
So 2 new books I wanted to show you guys that I was pretty excited about...

So Richard Russo won the Pulitzer for Empire Falls (a book I thought was way too long) but this book was very good and I really enjoyed the writing. I found this for really cheap (considering) and picked it up. Inscribed the month and year of publication:


Now this one has eluded me for a few years. Michael Cunningham is one of my favorite authors of all time. The Hours is one of my favorite books of all time. I have two copies of the ARC but this is the grand-daddy proof that I never had. When I bought it I didn't really do much inspecting, other than to make sure it was in good condition... but when I got it home, I saw that it was SIGNED too! Lucky me. This is the crowning jewel of my Cunningham collection...


04-19-2010, 05:10 AM
Not SK related at all, but I love UFC and BJ Penn is my favorite fighter. He's Hawiian, so "Aloha Craig" is pretty cool.



04-19-2010, 10:30 AM
Not a proof, but...

Contains King's homage, James Herbert:



04-19-2010, 10:54 AM
Interesting, it has the same cover artwork as the anthology "British Invasion".

The Library Policeman
04-19-2010, 05:33 PM
Not a proof, but...

Contains King's homage, Frank Herbert:



It's James Herbert, John. Frank's the DUNE guy.

04-19-2010, 05:35 PM
Not a proof, but...

Contains King's homage, Frank Herbert:



It's James Herbert, John. Frank's the DUNE guy.

Oops! Another senior moment! :blush:

I corrected the initial post.


The Library Policeman
04-19-2010, 05:47 PM
Oops! Another senior moment! :blush:


Jerad has created another one of his beautiful Ltd editions, this time of Herbert's The Fog. I ordered one a couple weeks back. I'm really, really looking forward to receiving it.

04-19-2010, 05:52 PM
I read The Fog when it first came out in paperback and really enjoyed it!


The Library Policeman
04-19-2010, 05:57 PM
I read The Fog when it first came out in paperback and really enjoyed it!


Yeah John, it was the first horror book I ever read. I was 14 and got it from my high school library! I enjoy Herbert a great deal. His output is a book every six or so years now though. Seemingly he has health problems.

04-20-2010, 03:29 AM
It was in your high school library?!? Such a volume would NEVER have been allowed in my school.


The Library Policeman
04-20-2010, 06:31 AM
It was in your high school library?!? Such a volume would NEVER have been allowed in my school.


Yes, really strange when you consider the content in the book. That was in the 70's though.

Resident Chris
04-22-2010, 09:49 AM
Today arrived: (After a very long time of Shipping)
"Danse Macabre UK MacDonald HC Rebound in Red Leather
"Carrie" German Edition from a Newspaper Publisher. This was the last German normal priced Hardcover which i missed!

04-22-2010, 10:23 AM
Congratulations! Nice to know that you have the twin brother of my red-leather Danse Macabre :)

Resident Chris
04-22-2010, 10:39 AM
Oh you have the other?
I´ve known that somebody here has the Twin, but not who! Cool to know!

04-22-2010, 04:06 PM
Today arrived: (After a very long time of Shipping)
"Danse Macabre UK MacDonald HC Rebound in Red Leather
"Carrie" German Edition from a Newspaper Publisher. This was the last German normal priced Hardcover which i missed!

Could I see pictures of the rebound Danse Macabre please?

The Library Policeman
04-22-2010, 07:02 PM
Arrived today :drool:




04-22-2010, 08:17 PM
That's a lovely book, Alan. Congratulations!.

The Library Policeman
04-23-2010, 01:22 AM
That's a lovely book, Alan. Congratulations!.

Thank you. I'm thrilled with it.

04-23-2010, 03:42 AM
That's always been one of my favorite King S/L's. Congratulations, Alan.

04-23-2010, 04:04 AM
Congratulations, Alan!


Room 217 Caretaker
04-23-2010, 07:13 AM
Very nice Alan. I agree with others. One of my favorite signed limited releases.

Your collection is growing nicely. Congrats

Cumberland VA

04-23-2010, 09:39 AM
Pennywise Resin bust (tks Resi)



04-23-2010, 03:23 PM
Just returned home to CD's Blockade Billy and this



The Library Policeman
04-23-2010, 06:24 PM
Thanks Bob, John and Ralph!

And congrats willie3 :thumbsup:

04-24-2010, 11:36 AM
Good stuff everybody (as always). I feel a bit of envy looking at the Skeleton Crew S/L - I don't collect signed King books but if I ever start, this is the first one I'll be looking for.

I just won a UK Just After Sunset sampler for a sweet price (£14.90 including shipping) :D


I'm glad that air traffic has resumed because I'm still waiting for some other new prides & joys: my slipcased S/L Horns, Pet Sematary proof, and Gallery magazine with pullout booklet of The Jaunt.

04-24-2010, 11:38 AM
Great price! Those samplers seem to have disappeared after the initial production. I paid a LOT more than that for mine!


Resident Chris
04-24-2010, 11:43 AM
Today arrived a lot:
"Insomnia" Gift Edition Ziesing signed by Phil Hale
"Lisey´s Story" Paperweight Thanks to Karen!!!

Peter Straub "Blaue Rose" Signed Numbered from Edition Phantasia
Ramsey Campell "Hungriger Mond" Signed Numbered from Edition Phantasia
Both EPs i got for an incredible cheap Price (25 Euro incl. Shipping!!!)

04-24-2010, 11:44 AM
Great price! Those samplers seem to have disappeared after the initial production. I paid a LOT more than that for mine!


Yeah, I was somewhat surprised that I ended up being the high bidder, I expected to get more competition for this one. I think it's the first one I've seen on eBay since I learned about proofs and started to collect them. There is one on ABE (I think) which has been there for a long long time, listed at something like $75, but other than that... nothing. Scarce indeed!

04-24-2010, 11:45 AM
Nice, Chris. Are all the Edition Phantasia books that scarce (and expensive)?

04-24-2010, 11:54 AM
Just returned home to CD's Blockade Billy and this



I noticed Joe Hill is listed as one of the authors. Is there a new story by Joe in this book or is it a reprint of an old story? I see the title says "All New Tales", I didn't know Joe had a new story coming out.

Resident Chris
04-24-2010, 12:14 PM
Nice, Chris. Are all the Edition Phantasia books that scarce (and expensive)?

The most are expensive. Some are really cheap.
But that price for both is really rare. The Books are in perfect condition.
The king Books are the most expensivest of the EPs.

04-24-2010, 03:49 PM
Just returned home to CD's Blockade Billy and this



I noticed Joe Hill is listed as one of the authors. Is there a new story by Joe in this book or is it a reprint of an old story? I see the title says "All New Tales", I didn't know Joe had a new story coming out.

Oh poo on toast!!! NO NO NO This is a new story called "Devil on the Staircase" I didn't know it was coming out so soon!! GRRR to Joe for not telling us!!!

Now I have to find it!! Crap Crap Crap!!!

04-24-2010, 04:14 PM
As always, you are correct Miss Karen it is "Devil on the Staircase".

Haven't read the story yet, hope to get to it sometime next week.

The proof states a release date of June 2010.
Not that far away...

04-24-2010, 04:30 PM
Thanks Karen. Amazon has the book for 18.47 and says it will be out June 15, 2010.

Ben Eads
04-24-2010, 06:52 PM
Look what I got in the mail today!

A signed, numbered, limited edition of, Horns by, Joe Hill.

I love it! PS Publishing is an AMAZING press and you can tell they went all out with this edition. I love the doodle the author did on the signed page. Thanks, Joe!




The Library Policeman
04-24-2010, 07:17 PM
Congratulations Ben.

04-24-2010, 08:20 PM
Congratulations, everyone, on your recent acquisitions!

Juliana, I like those crazy stone frames. Nice work!

I also need to find that book, STORIES, with Gaiman and Hill - two of my favorite authors. Does anyone know if there will be a limited edition? Or just a trade edition?

Ben Eads
04-24-2010, 09:44 PM
Thanks, Alan and, Patrick! :)

04-24-2010, 09:49 PM
Good stuff everybody (as always). I feel a bit of envy looking at the Skeleton Crew S/L - I don't collect signed King books but if I ever start, this is the first one I'll be looking for.

Great start - it's still my favourite King - S/L.


04-25-2010, 04:31 AM
Wow. Very cool stuff, friends!

04-25-2010, 05:08 AM
I also need to find that book, STORIES, with Gaiman and Hill - two of my favorite authors. Does anyone know if there will be a limited edition? Or just a trade edition?

I agree with you Patrick, Gaiman and Hill are two of my favorites also.
As for a S/L, hope someone steps up to the plate.

04-25-2010, 06:58 AM
Nice book, Ben. PS production is always top notch. Congrats!.

04-25-2010, 07:16 AM

That's my missing grail. One of the 5 S/L editions I always wanted to own.

04-25-2010, 10:40 AM
I received a near-complete set of roofs from KNOWING DARKNESS and a set of the final, unbound pages. There are only two sets of these-one in the possession of the publisher and this set. These two items provide a glimpse of how this book, visually, went from its earliest state to final, printed form: a private gallery, as it were, on how the book developed conceptually. The letter of providence is signed by the Author.
This is an amazing one of only two in the world, set.

04-25-2010, 10:41 AM
oops---first sentence mistake-proofs NOT roofs!!!

04-25-2010, 10:44 AM
COOOOOL any pics?

04-25-2010, 11:48 AM
The set is extremely large as you can imagine. Will see what I can do.

04-25-2010, 12:57 PM
Very interesting, Mike. I'd like to see some photos too.

04-25-2010, 01:24 PM
Me too!


04-25-2010, 03:24 PM
I can work on it!!

04-25-2010, 05:39 PM
I also need to find that book, STORIES, with Gaiman and Hill
As always, you are correct Miss Karen it is "Devil on the Staircase".

Haven't read the story yet, hope to get to it sometime next week.

The proof states a release date of June 2010.
Not that far away...

Thanks for the Info Willie. Joe has been talking about this story for a long time now. First read from it at a signing I went to. Can't for the life of me remember for which book, but it wasn't Horns (obviously)
He did state at the time that it might be awhile before it came out...and it has! Can't wait to read the rest of the story now!
As for a S/L, hope someone steps up to the plate.

I haven't heard of anyone doing a S/L on it...I can ask around!

04-26-2010, 05:11 AM
I also need to find that book, STORIES, with Gaiman and Hill
As always, you are correct Miss Karen it is "Devil on the Staircase".

Haven't read the story yet, hope to get to it sometime next week.

The proof states a release date of June 2010.
Not that far away...

Thanks for the Info Willie. Joe has been talking about this story for a long time now. First read from it at a signing I went to. Can't for the life of me remember for which book, but it wasn't Horns (obviously)
He did state at the time that it might be awhile before it came out...and it has! Can't wait to read the rest of the story now!
As for a S/L, hope someone steps up to the plate.

I haven't heard of anyone doing a S/L on it...I can ask around!

There is no S/L planned by Marrow at this point. The HC is due for release from the warehouse on 5/25 and for sale 6/10. There is also a Trade PB version, ISBN 9780061230936, that should be out June 2011.

Because the book is an anthology with so many other authors, I'm not sure it will see print from another publisher, so probably no S/L.

04-26-2010, 09:45 AM
Riding The Bullet - red light eyes DVD - Only available in German videostores for rent. limited.



04-27-2010, 03:10 AM
Finally because of the ash cloud i got a sketch and watercolour that Don Maitz has done for me ... they are both the wolf from Desperation!


04-27-2010, 03:24 AM
Very cool! Congrats!

04-27-2010, 04:04 AM
Really nice! Congratulations.

04-27-2010, 04:34 AM
That is just wonderful. Congratulations.

04-27-2010, 06:04 AM

04-27-2010, 06:06 AM
Now im unsure on the framing, should i have them done seperately or next to each other in one frame? :orely:

04-27-2010, 06:07 AM
Very nice! :) Congratulations!

04-27-2010, 06:10 AM
Depending on the size, you might could get a double frame, but I would just frame them seperately and display them next to each other if you have the wall space.

04-27-2010, 06:11 AM
Now im unsure on the framing, should i have them done seperately or next to each other in one frame? :orely:

Really Nice Tito!

How big are they?

04-27-2010, 06:13 AM
Now im unsure on the framing, should i have them done seperately or next to each other in one frame? :orely:

Oh, I would vote for the double frame if you can do it. I think that would look amazing .. the sketch next to the final artwork, both in the same presentation.

But, I guess for sure, it depends on the size of both.

Really, they're both very striking and impressive.

04-27-2010, 06:17 AM
Well the watercolour is 12" x 9" and the paper is slightly bigger than the one for the sketch, but if you understand both illustrations are just about the same size!

04-27-2010, 07:21 AM
For 2 pictures that size, I would definitely agree with turtlex and say to put them into a single frame side by side. If they were much bigger it might be distracting to have them both together as it would take up to much space for the eye to encompass at 1 time, but for 12"x9", that wouldn't be a problem and would look amazing together.

04-27-2010, 07:26 AM
Look what I've just received (apologize the quality of the picture..it's from my cellphone)


04-27-2010, 07:31 AM
Congrats to thz both of u

04-27-2010, 07:32 AM
Look what I've just received (apologize the quality of the picture..it's from my cellphone)

Very nice, Ari!
(Won't receive my copies till the slipcases are done...)


04-27-2010, 07:33 AM
Congratulations on both Tito's art and sketch and Ari's ARC! Those ARCs of Blockade Billy seem a bit scarce.


Ben Eads
04-27-2010, 10:19 PM
Nice book, Ben. PS production is always top notch. Congrats!.

Thanks, Fsmdr! :)

PS rocks indeed. Speaking of which, they also have a SNL and a trade edition of, Old Man Scratch by, Rio Youers. Rio is an AMAZING author as well. Highly recommended. I'll post a pic of the SNL soon.

04-28-2010, 04:48 PM
Congratulations on both Tito's art and sketch and Ari's ARC! Those ARCs of Blockade Billy seem a bit scarce.


I would like to echo these sentiments. Congratulations to you both!

04-29-2010, 09:13 AM
I have a new pride and joy ... 20th Century Ghosts S/L slipcased 171/200

04-29-2010, 10:15 AM
Oh that is nice!:clap:

04-29-2010, 10:29 AM
very nice

04-29-2010, 11:05 AM
real nice!

04-29-2010, 11:14 AM


04-29-2010, 11:22 AM
Real nice...I never got that one....

04-30-2010, 10:11 AM
Rage + Bachman Books

Rage - Richard Bachman
First edition First Signet Printing September 1977 on the copyright page. Also the numbers 123456789. Issue price $1.50,



Bachman Books - New York, 1985. Hard Cover. 1985 123456789



05-01-2010, 07:58 AM
I just picked up the 2010 edition of Danse Macabre from Books a Million, thanks to a Christmas gift card I got. This edition contains a "new" introduction by King, "What's Scary", which was originally published in the January/February 2010 Fangoria (which I somehow never got).


05-01-2010, 08:27 AM
Is it a hardback or paperback?

05-01-2010, 08:27 AM
It's a trade paperback.


05-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Proof of the paperback edition of He Is Legend:


This came to me with laid-in signature sheets from the limited edition. Sheet 1 (it says "galley" in the limitation):


Sheet 2:


Sheet 3 (with King's and Hill's signatures):


Note: This TOR trade edition, unlike the Gauntlet Press limited edition does NOT include the Richard Matheson/Charles Beaumont screenplay for "Conjure Wife."


05-01-2010, 11:41 AM
Cool John i was watching that one on Ebay (which is where i assume you got it?)

05-01-2010, 11:52 AM
GREAT acquisition, John! Congratulations!

05-01-2010, 12:07 PM
Cool John i was watching that one on Ebay (which is where i assume you got it?)

Yeah, that's the one. I think the signed sheets make it even nicer!


05-01-2010, 12:11 PM
Cool John i was watching that one on Ebay (which is where i assume you got it?)

Yeah, that's the one. I think the signed sheets make it even nicer!



You're welcome. I came within as smidge of doing the buy-it-now option when it was first posted. Instead, I was the first bidder and the BIN option went away.

05-01-2010, 12:11 PM
I was watching that one also. Congrats on the win!

05-01-2010, 12:13 PM
How much was the BIN? I missed the initial posting. And thanks for not using it!


05-01-2010, 02:48 PM
Got something interesting today. It is the Italian issue of Under the Dome. A friend of mine went there for a week and she brought this back for me. I am amazed at the differences in the US and Italian versions. Here the two are together. Just thought you might like seeing something different.





05-01-2010, 03:17 PM
That is cool:thumbsup:

05-01-2010, 03:29 PM
Very cool, but if it was a Spanish edition, it would be even cooler. :cool:

05-02-2010, 12:44 AM
ha! I love the dictionary definition of Dome on the back cover.

05-02-2010, 04:01 AM
Got something interesting today. It is the Italian issue of Under the Dome. A friend of mine went there for a week and she brought this back for me. I am amazed at the differences in the US and Italian versions. Here the two are together. Just thought you might like seeing something different.

I am a sucker for these different versions - cool!


05-02-2010, 05:40 AM
I LOVE the iridescence of the font on the Italian version! Thanks...

05-02-2010, 11:17 AM
I haven't hardly been online the last two weeks - 10 days in Hawaii (pics to follow soon) and then I have been battling bronchitis the last three days. BUT, I had to get in here and at least tell the world that yesterday I got the one book that I have wanted the most for the longest time - actually been waiting for this book since I first heard about it in the inside cover of Pet Semetery (back in 1983 I think) when the publishers first listed The Dark Tower The Gunslinger as also written b\y Stephen King.

And now with many many thanks to David at Betts I am the proud owner of a First Edition Gunslinger

Once I feel better I plan on posting some pics and some vacation pics!

05-02-2010, 11:36 AM
And now with many many thanks to David at Betts I am the proud owner of a First Edition Gunslinger

Congratulations, Bob! That new guy at Betts seems OK, doesn't he?

Mr. Rabbit Trick
05-02-2010, 11:43 AM
Congratulations Bob. You must be very pleased.

05-02-2010, 12:45 PM
And now with many many thanks to David at Betts I am the proud owner of a First Edition Gunslinger

Feels good, doesn't it?! :)


05-02-2010, 05:30 PM
Congratulations, Bob! I hope you start feeling well soon!


05-02-2010, 05:35 PM
Stare at your 1st Gunslinger long and I trust you'll be feeling better soon. :D

Seriously, feel better soon, dude!

05-02-2010, 07:18 PM
thanks to all - and I hope to feel better soon- seems as thoughthe bronchitis might be migrating to strep throat :-)

05-03-2010, 12:26 PM
Well after weeks I finally managed to put it together. Found the traycase 3 weeks ago and the book 2 weeks ago. Next week I will order the prints from betts. I am as excited about this one as I was finally getting The Stand a couple weeks ago.



05-03-2010, 12:30 PM
Congrats, Lenny, on pulling it all together! The number of complete sets of all three items (book, traycase, artwork) is limited.

05-03-2010, 02:29 PM
Thats great Lenny i do really love Salem's Lot! anyway i know this isn't techniquely a book but im very proud of it! Im a massive Derby County Football Club fan (the club come a close 2nd behind my girlfriend for if she reads this :ninja: ) and the club has a rich, proud history, 1 of which was winning the FA cup the first time it was contested after World War 2 in 1946!

When cleaning out some stuff after my grandad passed away i found a programme from the semi-final of Derby County v Birmingham City which i showed to my gran and she gave me some cool news ... that she knew 1 of the 2 surviving members of the Derby County squad that won the trophy! So she took the programme off me and said i could have it back in a few weeks, so time went by and i visited my gran to find that i had some cool presents waiting for me ...

The programme signed by Jimmy Bullions with a photo and classic Derby County shirt signed too ...

Room 217 Caretaker
05-03-2010, 03:40 PM
That is sooooooooo cool.

Cumberland VA

05-03-2010, 04:49 PM
That's incredible awesome!!! :)

05-04-2010, 03:39 AM
Lenny. Tito. Great buys!


05-04-2010, 03:49 AM
Some great acquisitions above, and over the last dozen or so pages, but I think the coolest has to be Tito's. Something like that is SO rare, so irreplaceable, it has to be up there with Lettered Firestarters. Nice one gran :)
(Now your Holy Grail is a programme from the Final)

05-04-2010, 03:55 AM
Some great acquisitions above, and over the last dozen or so pages, but I think the coolest has to be Tito's. Something like that is SO rare, so irreplaceable, it has to be up there with Lettered Firestarters. Nice one gran :)
(Now your Holy Grail is a programme from the Final)

Haha thats it, im trying to track one down so i can possibly get that signed too ... not an easy thing though as programmes weren't made very well back then!

05-04-2010, 04:08 AM
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Semi-Final-DERBY-COUNTY-v-BIRMINGHAM-CITY-/110521163993?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item19bb9320d9) <----- What your current investment might be worth
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Final-Display-Derby-County-v-Charlton-/190356328884?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item2c521f11b4) <----- I thought this was pretty cool
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Final-Poster-Programme-Charlton-Derby-/320442571190?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item4a9bdd99b6) <----- This is also pretty cool
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-CUP-FINAL-TICKET-CHARLTON-ATHLETIC-V-DERBY-/120565318842?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item1c1240c4ba) <----- Part 1 of your Grail
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FA-CUP-FINAL-1946-Charlton-v-Derby-/400115016369?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item5d28b6a2b1) <----- And here's the big one

:) That was fun

05-04-2010, 04:14 AM
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Semi-Final-DERBY-COUNTY-v-BIRMINGHAM-CITY-/110521163993?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item19bb9320d9) <----- What your current investment might be worth
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Final-Display-Derby-County-v-Charlton-/190356328884?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item2c521f11b4) <----- I thought this was pretty cool
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-Cup-Final-Poster-Programme-Charlton-Derby-/320442571190?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item4a9bdd99b6) <----- This is also pretty cool
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-FA-CUP-FINAL-TICKET-CHARLTON-ATHLETIC-V-DERBY-/120565318842?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET&hash=item1c1240c4ba) <----- Part 1 of your Grail
Click Here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FA-CUP-FINAL-1946-Charlton-v-Derby-/400115016369?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET&hash=item5d28b6a2b1) <----- And here's the big one

:) That was fun

Wow thanks for that, i think i will defo go for the poster and the ticket, but the final programme will have to wait for a little while at that price ... i saw one auctioned off a few months ago and it went for around £250 so itsnot that much more expensive! Thanks again!

05-04-2010, 12:33 PM
Tito that seriously freakin' awsome. Congrats!!!

05-04-2010, 04:56 PM
I haven't hardly been online the last two weeks - 10 days in Hawaii (pics to follow soon) and then I have been battling bronchitis the last three days. BUT, I had to get in here and at least tell the world that yesterday I got the one book that I have wanted the most for the longest time - actually been waiting for this book since I first heard about it in the inside cover of Pet Semetery (back in 1983 I think) when the publishers first listed The Dark Tower The Gunslinger as also written by Stephen King.

And now with many many thanks to David at Betts I am the proud owner of a First Edition Gunslinger

Once I feel better I plan on posting some pics and some vacation pics!

I can't tell you how good I feel that I helped a fellow collector get one of his/her holy grails. Bob, I am so so happy for you. Congrats!

05-04-2010, 04:57 PM

Thanks for the pre-order of the prints! :) And gongrats of putting the set together piece meal. Very satisfying!

05-04-2010, 11:04 PM
And now with many many thanks to David at Betts I am the proud owner of a First Edition Gunslinger

Once I feel better I plan on posting some pics and some vacation pics!

I can't tell you how good I feel that I helped a fellow collector get one of his/her holy grails. Bob, I am so so happy for you. Congrats!

Dave - I imagine the whole selling experience is far more satisfying for you than it was for Stu (apologies to him if I'm wrong). Especially if it's to someone from this community.

05-04-2010, 11:19 PM
Must also be frustrating in some ways...

05-04-2010, 11:21 PM
Must also be frustrating in some ways...

Frustration AND pleasure....

Hmmmm, what does this remind me of ? :doh:

Oh yeah, supporting the Welsh rugby team :dance:

05-05-2010, 02:38 AM
Bob - congrats on your first edition Gunslinger. Looking forward to photos. Hope you're feeling better.

Can I just say? I just love this thread. It's so cool seeing all the awesome stuff everyone is adding to their collections.

Well done, my friends, and congrats.

05-05-2010, 06:33 AM
Not going to post a pic since I don't have one handy and you've all seen them already, but I got a copy of the Blockade Billy galley yesterday (the regular one, not the white one). YAY!

05-05-2010, 08:38 AM
Just won a wooden Under the Dome slipcase!! Thanks again Matt!!
Great stuff!

05-05-2010, 09:21 AM
Just won a wooden Under the Dome slipcase!! Thanks again Matt!!
Great stuff!

Congrats! It's beautiful.

05-05-2010, 09:25 AM
I got my UK Just After Sunset proof/sampler yesterday :) I just realized that my King proof collection (as small as it may be) is probably the most extensive you will find in The Netherlands - I know of no collectors here that are interested in proofs, not one.

My next goal will be to get the best proof collection in Europe 8)

...and then: world domination!!!

05-05-2010, 09:28 AM
Not so new.

First softcover Bachman books in Germany 1987-1988

Schwarz - The Gunslinger german audio book 1989


05-05-2010, 11:17 AM
I got my UK Just After Sunset proof/sampler yesterday :) I just realized that my King proof collection (as small as it may be) is probably the most extensive you will find in The Netherlands - I know of no collectors here that are interested in proofs, not one.

My next goal will be to get the best proof collection in Europe 8)

...and then: world domination!!!

An admirable goal. I salute you!

05-05-2010, 04:52 PM
I'm guessing this is the best choice of threads to post in. My dear wife decided to surprise me with a gift and it arrived today. She was shopping around CafePress and picked out a Tshirt and Tile that she thought I would appreciate. The poor thing does not do much online shopping and somehow confused UK and US currencies. She thought she was about to pay around 30$ and came closer to 50 ofc. I still remember the day she did it and came to me with a pity look saying she learned a hard lesson on money calculators. :doh:


Here is a pic of the tile from the site so you can read it. it is titled "Moon Song"
Image and poetry inspired by Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Wizard and Glass. The tragic romance between Roland and Susan sings on.

Don't get me wrong. I love the gifts, but the currency mistake was the best part of the whole deal. :rofl:

05-05-2010, 05:46 PM
Congratulations all for your adquisitions! :)

05-05-2010, 07:34 PM
I love the shirt & tile. You wife has a good eye.

05-06-2010, 07:24 AM
Just got the deluxe signed edition of Dolan's Cadillac (#246/250).



05-06-2010, 07:32 AM
Just got the deluxe signed edition of Dolan's Cadillac (#246/250).



Congrats, thats a great looking book!

The Library Policeman
05-06-2010, 08:44 AM
Just got the deluxe signed edition of Dolan's Cadillac (#246/250).



Congratulations, John. Lovely book. :)

05-06-2010, 08:52 AM
Very nice John!

05-06-2010, 10:04 AM
love the dolans cadillac.

just got another copy if the SL prime evil.

05-06-2010, 10:19 AM
love the dolans cadillac.

just got another copy if the SL prime evil.

The Grant edition or the UK edition?


Randall Flagg
05-06-2010, 11:27 AM
Nice book John. Although a short story, I really like the production values of all three Dolan's Cadillac books. I don't have many lettered King S/L's but this is one of them.

05-06-2010, 11:49 AM
I still don't have the lettered state (and given the price, I doubt I'll ever get a copy) but I agree--for a short story/novella, the production values are great!


05-07-2010, 05:41 AM
love the dolans cadillac.

just got another copy if the SL prime evil.

Another? How many do you have?

05-07-2010, 08:09 AM
Nice pick up on the Dolan!
I had a beautiful looking deluxe PC copy that I sold on Ebay a few months ago and I'm still kicking myself for selling it.

05-07-2010, 09:39 AM
you never know on the Lettered Dolan! I have Letter "P" and got a fair price on it but it was a while ago!!

05-07-2010, 09:45 AM
I haven't stopped looking, but I don't expect to get one easily if at all.


Randall Flagg
05-07-2010, 04:23 PM
I haven't stopped looking, but I don't expect to get one easily if at all.

Easy is easy.
Inexpensive is tough.:thumbsup:

05-07-2010, 08:53 PM
Just got the deluxe signed edition of Dolan's Cadillac (#246/250).



Very nice, John - congratulations.
I've got a PC myself and it's one of my favorites.


05-08-2010, 11:22 PM
just got yesterday:
1) postscripts 3 signed limited
2)postscripts 3 magazine
3)postscripts 5 magazine signed by joe hill
4)20th century ghosts ps publishing paperback 1/1000........all for $115.pretty good i think!
also got: better than home (2nd ed.) signed by joe hill from betts..thx david.
a huge joe hill day for me.:)

05-10-2010, 05:58 PM
Well, I went out on a limb today and bought a Jae Lee panel from the final Jericho Hill story arc. Issue 5 double page spread 5-6. After buying several of the initial character sketches and 3 other panels from the first issues, I felt like I needed closure with this story. This scene appealed to me because in the top half it shows Roland, Bert and Aileen making the last stand on Jericho Hill and the bottom panel depicting Grissom and who I think is Walter. In any event, it spoke to me, especially because it showed Roland, Bert and Aileen. I toyed with getting the very last image, that of Roland, but it didn't draw me the way the other image did.

I provided a link to the image below as I couldn't copy it.


05-10-2010, 05:59 PM
Very nice! Congratulations!

05-10-2010, 06:00 PM
Very nice, David! Congratulations!


05-10-2010, 07:25 PM
Today I received a very nice package:


Thanks to Patrick, here's my signed copy of Horns. :)


And the item I've been after for a long time:


The F&SF magazine that completes "The Gunslinger"


05-10-2010, 07:38 PM
Sheesh, Ari, that IS an amazing package! (err...that sounded bad).

There are some jewels in there! (that sounds bad too)

You got some great books and stuff! hehehe! :)

05-11-2010, 02:58 AM
Congratulations Ari! A very nice haul. :thumbsup:

05-11-2010, 03:17 AM
David - That is a wonderful Jae Lee piece. Congrats.

Ari ???? Please ... what language is that Treachery book?!?

05-11-2010, 03:54 AM
Congratulations David and Ari! Impressive stuff.

05-11-2010, 04:05 AM
Congrats guys! Great acquisitions!!

05-11-2010, 05:25 AM
Treachery is in spanish :)

05-11-2010, 06:15 AM
Treachery is in spanish :)

Cool !!

I now have ( yet ) another comic graphic novel to hunt down!!

Thanks, Ari !

05-11-2010, 08:10 AM
So...do you have separate bookcases for all your comics, Pam?

05-11-2010, 09:23 AM
Unfortunately, no, Brice.

I don't have the room in my apartment for more bookcases at this point. I have a "Stephen King" bookcase now, but it's full ( no complaints here, however!! ) so I have a lot of my comic GNs stored in various boxes and a couple of those in storage.

And ... I just got delivery confirmation on the Gunslinger Born TPB !!!

05-11-2010, 09:41 AM
love the dolans cadillac.

just got another copy if the SL prime evil.

Another? How many do you have?

This was the us edition... I have two of the uk edition which has a much smaller limitation run and i believe this is 6 of the us edition.

Cant beat grants quality on the book and the case.. and i have been lucky at getting them at reasonable prices

05-11-2010, 09:51 AM
Pics as promised from my latest purchase:

Picture quality not great and does not do this justice but for what it's worth here are the pics.




Looking good nestled in with the rest of my Dark Tower Collection!
Legends (1st Ed) Signed by Stephen King and Terry Goodkind
Little Sisters of Eluria Artist Edition with Remarque
Revised Gunslinger (Viking First Edition)
DT I - IV DM Grant First Editions
DTV, VI VII - DM Grant Artist Editions
S/L Road to the Dark Tower - CD Pubs
S/L The Dark Tower The Complete Concordance - CD Pubs
H/Bs of The Gunslinger Born, The Long Road Home, Treachery and Fall of Gilead

A pretty cool Cat's Meow collectible of Stephen Kings Bangor Home!


05-11-2010, 09:57 AM


05-11-2010, 09:58 AM
They look really great together, congrats!

05-11-2010, 10:27 AM
Love what I see! :clap:


05-11-2010, 11:56 AM
Nice, Bob!


Mr. Rabbit Trick
05-11-2010, 11:58 AM
That's great Bob.

05-11-2010, 01:10 PM
That's great, Bob. A key addition to any King collection.

I was wondering about your copy of LEGENDS, signed by both King and Goodkind. Did you get that signed in 1998 at the Betts Bookstore signing? I know some were getting Terry Goodkind to sign copies at the dinner that Stu hosted the night before the signing. And Erik Wilson was there doing original Dark Tower drawings in the book for anyone who asked him. Some then used that book as one of their two books for King to sign the next day.

05-11-2010, 01:49 PM
A very good looking Gunslinger 1st!. Congrat's Bob.

05-11-2010, 04:19 PM
Very nice, Bob! Congratulations!

Pam, I have a small room at our house. I forgo all furniture excluding a bed so I can fit six bookcases, a curio cabinet, and a file cabinet for my books/sk collection.

05-11-2010, 04:32 PM
That's a nice copy!!

One of these days, I hope to a nice copy like that.

05-12-2010, 03:16 AM
Bob !! Very nice Gunslinger First ..... looks great on your shelf. Congrats.

Brice - I have a small "den" and it's completely full with bookcases and comic stuff.... Plus, I have a rather large DVD collection, and those are in cases in the living room ... along with one curio cabinate of my comic busts/statues.

We all need to open a museum to display all of our cool stuff properly!!

05-12-2010, 04:05 AM
Good plan, Pam. I'll add rooms on to my house for the museum and y'all can just mail all your books and come visit when you like...for a nominal fee of course. I mean museums need upkeep. ;)

05-12-2010, 05:44 AM
Good plan, Pam. I'll add rooms on to my house for the museum and y'all can just mail all your books and come visit when you like...for a nominal fee of course. I mean museums need upkeep. ;)

I knew he'd be there for us! He's quite a giver, our Brice! :couple:


05-12-2010, 07:59 AM

05-12-2010, 09:04 AM
That's great, Bob. A key addition to any King collection.

I was wondering about your copy of LEGENDS, signed by both King and Goodkind. Did you get that signed in 1998 at the Betts Bookstore signing? I know some were getting Terry Goodkind to sign copies at the dinner that Stu hosted the night before the signing. And Erik Wilson was there doing original Dark Tower drawings in the book for anyone who asked him. Some then used that book as one of their two books for King to sign the next day.

I wasn't at the dinner hosted by Stu :cry: but YES, I did use Legends as my second book and had Terry Goodkind sign it while in line waiting to get to SK.

I pondered all day as to what to have for my second book; my first was my UnabridgeD The Stand which king personalized as:

To Bob -
All the best,
Stephen King

I did not have my copy of Legends with me but bought one off the shelf at Betts that already had Goodkind's signature flatsigned; so he signed it again while I was in line and personalized it. It is flatsigned on page 139, The Sword of Truth, in a purple ink. Below in a blue ink it says:

To BOB -

On August 2, 1999 I had Erik Wilson sign (personalized To Bob, Best Wishes and dated); I honestly cannot remember getting that signature; it must have been at a SKEMERS conference I attended in Bangor!

King signed on the title page for his story and Erik signed on his artwork that is included on the next page; but nothing original added!

05-12-2010, 09:52 AM
ENEMIES ARE THE PRICE OF HONOR. .... Wow, that's great!! Is that from the book? I've never heard it before, and I love it.

05-12-2010, 11:40 AM
I havent read the series yet but plan on it. I really like the inscription he put n my book!.

05-12-2010, 12:51 PM
A neat little book, but WAY over-priced. I got the unsigned edition (which seems to be sold out).



05-12-2010, 01:07 PM
Did you get it today John?

I've got the signed edition ordered and have been wondering when to expect it...

05-12-2010, 01:50 PM
Found the following at a small, online, dutch bookstore:


Are there any french members who can tell me more about this edition?
How many of these were printed?

05-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Yeah, mine showed up today. I ordered it April 19.


05-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Found the following at a small, online, dutch bookstore:


Are there any french members who can tell me more about this edition?
How many of these were printed?

I'm not french, but I belieive it's supposed to be the only harcover of Creepshow.

05-12-2010, 06:31 PM
Nope..it's not the only HC. I remember seeing a Dutch or German edition that is also HC.

05-12-2010, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I remember seeing a dutch one somewhere also. That is why I said supposed to be...because I've heard of another, but can't prove it. Basically I was about to mention that one, but didn't want to be wrong. :lol:

05-12-2010, 07:04 PM
I have one of the French Creepshows and my One for the Road from PS arrived today also.
SMALL book but....

05-12-2010, 07:41 PM
...and my One for the Road from PS arrived today also.
SMALL book but....

I'm hoping to get mine soon.

05-12-2010, 09:22 PM
Found the following at a small, online, dutch bookstore:


Very nice, Niels.
Still looking for my own copy.


05-12-2010, 11:09 PM
The Dutch Creepshow is a hardcover edition too (same artwork as the French one). I should know, because I own the book :) it's in my collection thread and several members have expressed their interest in getting a copy (which I haven't forgotten - I'm still on the lookout).

05-13-2010, 01:03 AM
I own the dutch edition myself.

The dutch one is a hardcover with dustjacket. This one is printed on board and has fewer pages.

05-13-2010, 05:59 AM
Gotta get the dutch one then! :)

The Library Policeman
05-13-2010, 06:02 AM
Received from that really nice fella at Betts today, S/L Regulators in toy box and a set of 'Salem's Lot prints. Pictures to follow........:dance:

05-13-2010, 06:05 AM
Received from that really nice fella at Betts today, S/L Regulators in toy box and a set of 'Salem's Lot prints. Pictures to follow........:dance:

Wow cool, looking forward to the pics!

The Library Policeman
05-13-2010, 06:07 AM
Received from that really nice fella at Betts today, S/L Regulators in toy box and a set of 'Salem's Lot prints. Pictures to follow........:dance:

Wow cool, looking forward to the pics!

Yeah I'm thrilled, Tom. I'll take some pics shortly. Still gazing in awe at it just now.

I may even start one of those "collection threads" now. :dance:

05-13-2010, 06:11 AM
Received from that really nice fella at Betts today, S/L Regulators in toy box and a set of 'Salem's Lot prints. Pictures to follow........:dance:

Wow cool, looking forward to the pics!

Yeah I'm thrilled, Tom. I'll take some pics shortly. Still gazing in awe at it just now.

I may even start one of those "collection threads" now. :dance:

Yes defo do make a collection thread, i will look forward to seeing it!

05-13-2010, 07:30 AM
Me too! We're all book nuts here so give us our fix!

05-13-2010, 08:10 AM
Good mail day today:

'Salem's Lot gift edition + prints
Wolves AE (all 3 goodies from Betts)
The Stand 1st
Slob reprint on Centipede (thanks to Randal Flagg for turning me on Rex Miller, I bought this because I saw the artwork in your post and knew I had to have the book)

some comics

05-13-2010, 08:40 AM
Received from that really nice fella at Betts today, S/L Regulators in toy box and a set of 'Salem's Lot prints. Pictures to follow........:dance:

Wow! That guy at Betts really is a nice guy! :couple:

05-13-2010, 11:05 AM
Dark Tower 1-7 German softcover publisher Heyne metall cover

Owen king - We´re all in this together - Der wahre Präsident von Amerika German HC... still wrapped Joe Hill - Heart-Shaped Box - Blind German HC

05-13-2010, 11:06 AM
Dark Tower 1-7 German softcover publisher Heyne metall cover

Owen king - We´re all in this together - Der wahre Präsident von Amerika German HC... still wrapped Joe Hill - Heart-Shaped Box - Blind German HC

05-13-2010, 11:49 AM
Gotta get the dutch one then! :)

Look at catawiki.com. It is a site from/for collectors and have 4 for sale.
The 1983 copy is a first edition

They don't come cheap, prices vary from 30 euro (good) to 50 euro (mint), without shipping. All sellers are from Belguim/The Netherlands.

(I have a fair copy for sale)

super sam
05-13-2010, 01:05 PM
Dark Tower 1-7 German softcover publisher Heyne metall cover

Owen king - We´re all in this together - Der wahre Präsident von Amerika German HC... still wrapped Joe Hill - Heart-Shaped Box - Blind German HC

I can´t see any pictures?

05-13-2010, 01:19 PM
Super_sam, the only way I can see the pictures is if I use Firefox for my browser. They just don't show up on any of the Internet Explorer versions.


super sam
05-13-2010, 02:09 PM
Ok, never used anything other than explorer!

The Library Policeman
05-14-2010, 09:55 PM
Here is my copy of The Regulators S/L, received from David at Betts a couple of days a go.


I also ordered a set of 'Salem's Lot prints from David, and here they are, nestled in my traycase along with my gift edition of the book.


Absolutely thrilled with my new aquisitions. Thanks again David. :thumbsup:

05-15-2010, 01:03 AM
Here is my copy of The Regulators S/L, received from David at Betts a couple of days a go.


I also ordered a set of 'Salem's Lot prints from David, and here they are, nestled in my traycase along with my gift edition of the book.


Absolutely thrilled with my new aquisitions. Thanks again David. :thumbsup:

Wow they look great :clap:

05-15-2010, 04:27 AM
Here is my copy of The Regulators S/L, received from David at Betts a couple of days a go.

Congratulations, Alan. I've always like the job Charnel House and Dutton did on THE REGULATORS. And each check being different makes each book unique. I'm drawing a blank on the check's reference to a subscription to Inside View. Do you know which book or story it is from?

05-15-2010, 04:31 AM
The Night Flier, Bob...actually I believe inside view is mentioned in a couple King short stories, but Richard Dees worked for that paper.

05-15-2010, 04:39 AM
The Night Flier, Bob...actually I believe inside view is mentioned in a couple King short stories, but Richard Dees worked for that paper.

Thanks, Brice. I need to reread the short stories. It has been a long time since I last read them and can only recall reading "The Night Flier" once.

05-15-2010, 04:42 AM
I'm happy to help. I am always rereading something by King and I love his short stories.

05-15-2010, 04:47 AM
Congratulations, Alan. Some VERY nice acquisitions!


Randall Flagg
05-15-2010, 04:50 AM
Here is my copy of The Regulators S/L, received from David at Betts a couple of days a go.

Congratulations, Alan. I've always like the job Charnel House and Dutton did on THE REGULATORS. And each check being different makes each book unique. I'm drawing a blank on the check's reference to a subscription to Inside View. Do you know which book or story it is from?

106- (The Dead Zone) Inside View Magazine offered Johnny a job as a psychic.

05-15-2010, 04:50 AM
I'm happy to help. I am always rereading something by King and I love his short stories.

I love his short fiction too.

Despite writing some epics, in general I much prefer the short stories and novellas.

05-15-2010, 04:51 AM
I knew there was at least one reference I was missing. Thanks, Jerome!

05-15-2010, 04:52 AM
I'm happy to help. I am always rereading something by King and I love his short stories.

I love his short fiction too.

Despite writing some epics, in general I much prefer the short stories and novellas.

Though I love a good fat novel. I adore short stories (king, or otherwise) and am almost always reading some.

The Library Policeman
05-15-2010, 12:20 PM
Thanks everyone. :thumbsup:

Ahhh it was The Dead Zone Inside View featured in. I knew it was in The Night Flier but I couldn't remember which novel.

Thanks Jerome.

Randall Flagg
05-15-2010, 03:59 PM
I'm not so sharp-the reference came from
(bear with me and think of Star Wars)
Yoda: 'The answer you seek...it will come'..Luke: The Force Is With You'


05-15-2010, 05:28 PM
Here is my copy of The Regulators S/L, received from David at Betts a couple of days a go.


I also ordered a set of 'Salem's Lot prints from David, and here they are, nestled in my traycase along with my gift edition of the book.


Absolutely thrilled with my new aquisitions. Thanks again David. :thumbsup:

I am always thrilled to have happy customers! It's what I'm here for!

05-15-2010, 06:57 PM
Alan - congrats on your copy of The Regulators S/L! Very, very cool.

David ... nothing buy happy customers!

05-16-2010, 12:09 AM
I'm happy to help. I am always rereading something by King and I love his short stories.

I love his short fiction too.

Despite writing some epics, in general I much prefer the short stories and novellas.

Though I love a good fat novel. I adore short stories (king, or otherwise) and am almost always reading some.

I've got into the habit of reading a couple of short stories when I finish each novel, I do end up reading a few crap ones but at least you only waste half hour if it's a load of rubbish.

05-16-2010, 04:16 AM
Alan, VERY nice Regulators. :thumbsup:

One of these days, I'll be able to acquire one for myself.

When I do, it will be from David's Bett's Bookstore !!


05-16-2010, 05:05 AM
Kingdom of Fear sig lim 440


Seven - Stephen King special for Lisey´s promo tour

Times - Stephen King special for Lisey´s promo tour


05-16-2010, 06:46 AM
What is the content of those 2 items?
Mainly interviews?

05-16-2010, 10:07 AM
in the 27 pages Times special are interviews, articles and a 13 page exclusive
extract from Lisey´s.

in Seven / Sunday Telegraph is a long article about SK´s nightmares and Lisey