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11-06-2020, 05:28 AM
Congrats Ari!

11-06-2020, 08:59 AM
Great stuff!

11-06-2020, 09:50 AM
Great stuff Ari.

11-06-2020, 12:13 PM
“The Plant” set is a real victory.
Your perseverance has paid off.
Highly impressed Ari, well done indeed.

11-06-2020, 12:17 PM
Wow, big congrats, ari!

11-06-2020, 12:51 PM
Thanks, everyone! :)

11-06-2020, 12:56 PM
Awesome, as always !

What is this?

https://scontent.feze7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/123914203_10225033043957993_5600140619910782955_o. jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=cjs41BiPFkEAX-Uhk6X&_nc_oc=AQn6VB9bCrMVcAXz-J8CoZa9_q9NPuRKw8_pB1Bz2mnhrVki6ql0JFapVBKYnI2VU9k&_nc_ht=scontent.feze7-1.fna&tp=6&oh=169f4c9b58434126d1467921f9b576c9&oe=5FCBBA36

It's an artwork porfolio of Don Brautigan.

11-07-2020, 10:50 AM
Anybody got anything in the mail recently?
Any new pride and joy?

11-07-2020, 11:11 AM
Anybody got anything in the mail recently?
Any new pride and joy?

I have, I’ll post tomorrow.. 😁
(Tomorrow is my day off)

11-07-2020, 11:24 AM
Anybody got anything in the mail recently?
Any new pride and joy?

I am really close to obtaining several of my "grails". I will post when I get them in my hands.

11-07-2020, 03:40 PM
Anybody got anything in the mail recently?
Any new pride and joy?

Just got The Auctioneer about 20 minutes ago.

11-08-2020, 04:50 PM
This made me happy. Really happy!

I've been here since it started back in 2007 and I'll never be able to thank so many great people for all their friendship, help, knowledge, advices and awesome times. This is an honor.

https://scontent.faep9-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/124055279_10225056809912127_3157054975163720972_o. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=AMkJA31MOaoAX9Tzna9&_nc_ht=scontent.faep9-2.fna&tp=6&oh=286700ad0ee887b5ba733cdcfdad6dcc&oe=5FCF8987

11-08-2020, 05:16 PM
Congrats Ari. Really deserved and cool.

11-09-2020, 12:51 AM
Well deserved !

11-09-2020, 03:12 AM
Smurfs rule, Ari!

11-14-2020, 12:56 PM
That's awesome Ari. Congrats.

11-14-2020, 12:58 PM
Some new pics of my new get

11-14-2020, 01:35 PM
It's what's for dinner......

11-17-2020, 10:23 AM
Got Hearts in Suspension in Bangor and the other two were waiting when we got home. Yeah Duma Key. Been wanting that one for awhile.

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11-17-2020, 10:25 AM
Congrats!! Very nice!

11-17-2020, 11:23 AM
I love Maitz’s Duma Key art. Nice acquisition!

11-17-2020, 11:24 AM
Nice stuff indeed.

George at C-Springs
11-17-2020, 01:05 PM
Have always loved that schooner remarque, one of my favorites from Don Maitz.

11-19-2020, 10:55 AM
Just recieved something interesting.
Nothing special. But a book, not very common, that i've been on the lookout since quite a few years. Have seen one or two people having it, but otherwise, never really saw it around.
And now i understand why : this is a special edition that was exclusive to (french) libraries and city council (for their libraries I guess)

So here is a "big letter" version of "the girl who loved tom gordon"
It goes quite well with the audio version, on tapes, from the same publisher.

I got those a few years after actively hunting them since a good decade. I actually got a second copy recently, and both the ones i got have the same funny backstory. I got them from libraries, from the other side of the globe, that contacted me back 1 year or even more after I contacted them, as they were going to get rid of the tapes as not being used anymore.
So that means that contacting library for items in their collection may be a good idea ;)

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/126524061_3703888102989685_3057142870279972132_o.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=3UuGqdqaqycAX9iITT0&_nc_ht=scontent-cdg2-1.xx&oh=0d23262281435777ccb7c7990df1e621&oe=5FDD2CBD

11-19-2020, 11:12 AM
Nice find and a cool way to obtain it, congrats.

11-19-2020, 12:15 PM
Congrats, J!

11-20-2020, 04:58 AM
That Duma Key is a stunner, congrats Garrell!

Congrats Jeremy, great perseverance!

The Library Policeman
11-20-2020, 11:35 AM
Just got this:



11-20-2020, 11:36 AM
Wow! That’s fantastic!

11-20-2020, 11:36 AM
Oh Man, that is sweet. I love the cover. I still need to get another first of this because somehow mine got miss-placed. But that is really good looking.

11-20-2020, 11:59 AM
That is awesome!!!!!

11-20-2020, 12:30 PM
Wow!! That is in immaculate condition. Good find!

11-20-2020, 07:14 PM

11-20-2020, 10:58 PM
Signed 1st editions Alan, superb.
What could beat it.
First class!!

11-24-2020, 04:29 PM
Agreed to do a trade with @ConstantReader84 for a signed If It Bleeds and he'll be getting an S/L of Later. He was gracious enough to let me hold onto the copy of If It Bleeds now and we'll meet up again when Later releases.

Looks like one of the better looking copies too. Avoided any noticeable damage during shipping. I don't have many signed King books yet, but I'm glad I could add this to my collection!


11-25-2020, 07:34 AM
Very nice. Again, it's great you were able to do a trade. I am very happy I have one of these as well.

11-25-2020, 10:18 AM
Now the wait for the If It Bleeds slipcase. I didn't pre-order when it was initially available, but I'm sure some will be available after it releases.

The Library Policeman
11-25-2020, 02:33 PM
Agreed to do a trade with @ConstantReader84 for a signed If It Bleeds and he'll be getting an S/L of Later. He was gracious enough to let me hold onto the copy of If It Bleeds now and we'll meet up again when Later releases.

Looks like one of the better looking copies too. Avoided any noticeable damage during shipping. I don't have many signed King books yet, but I'm glad I could add this to my collection!


Very nice indeed. Congratulations!

12-02-2020, 07:18 AM
My new P&J.
2nd state Salem's. A few more pics in my thread

12-02-2020, 08:14 AM
Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, still his best!!!!!!! Congrats!

12-02-2020, 08:23 AM
Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, still his best!!!!!!! Congrats!
Thanks a lot Garrell.

12-02-2020, 10:31 AM

12-02-2020, 10:37 AM
Thanks Ari. I appreciate that. It has been one of the books that I have been actively searching for. AHHHHHHHHHHH feels good to have it.

12-05-2020, 10:43 PM
S/L 108/250

12-06-2020, 05:10 AM
Pretty cool !
Were those recently released, or was that years ago?

12-06-2020, 07:29 AM
Pretty cool !
Were those recently released, or was that years ago?

All GRRM S/L Fanpro issues are relatively expensive and not that easy to find, published 2014.

12-06-2020, 10:19 AM
Nice S/L'd Martin's :) Congratulations !!

12-06-2020, 04:34 PM
Nice GRRM’s!

12-07-2020, 10:49 AM

12-09-2020, 02:24 PM


Received this today.....it is a 1st edition oversized paperback.

That said...if anyone out there has a signed 1st edition hardback of The Gunslinger: Revised and Expanded Throughout....that you might consider selling or trading.....please let me know.

12-09-2020, 06:33 PM
Very nice

12-16-2020, 09:21 AM
Pure quality. Never thought I would be happy to own a book of poetry. Amazing.

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12-16-2020, 10:51 AM
Congrats all!

Years ago I dreamt about a Lettered edition and today my dream came true!
A gorgeous edition from CD....
A huge thank you to my great friend Siep!
https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131894804_3592162254207747_6572222926381366487_o.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=pSFh4ZX1u_QAX9canYe&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=01ae8275dfb33c2c60005a0d7d6e5874&oe=60000843

https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131511051_3592162857541020_7102358797753010210_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=Ei5AXl0G6L0AX_ONGqD&_nc_oc=AQlN_YNSKGFPFv30aW5y_-NeHk28gjwXQfVUHzIVDIJBYrLUtwuy2bkMeWXNrAzcQ7g&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=38760c075050fbe4615e221993e5cddf&oe=6000A028

https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131418117_3592162847541021_6497067041703889102_o.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=1wIGWEe88zoAX9pvy3j&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=bc0fd5675af89cc94d490ba26a8fad96&oe=60019EC0

12-16-2020, 11:40 AM
Congrats everyone!!

12-16-2020, 03:03 PM
Congrats all!

Years ago I dreamt about a Lettered edition and today my dream came true!
A gorgeous edition from CD....
A huge thank you to my great friend Siep!
https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131894804_3592162254207747_6572222926381366487_o.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=pSFh4ZX1u_QAX9canYe&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=01ae8275dfb33c2c60005a0d7d6e5874&oe=60000843

https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131511051_3592162857541020_7102358797753010210_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=Ei5AXl0G6L0AX_ONGqD&_nc_oc=AQlN_YNSKGFPFv30aW5y_-NeHk28gjwXQfVUHzIVDIJBYrLUtwuy2bkMeWXNrAzcQ7g&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=38760c075050fbe4615e221993e5cddf&oe=6000A028

https://scontent-ams4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131418117_3592162847541021_6497067041703889102_o.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=1wIGWEe88zoAX9pvy3j&_nc_ht=scontent-ams4-1.xx&oh=bc0fd5675af89cc94d490ba26a8fad96&oe=60019EC0Awesome! The case looks nice!

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12-17-2020, 01:24 AM
Thank you. It is indeed a nice case!

12-19-2020, 05:41 AM
Recieved those recently : Lyras's leather edition of "Stardust" and Suntup "Invisible Man"

> More pictures in my collection thread (https://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?10936-Book-Collection-herbertwest&p=1226037#post1226037)


12-19-2020, 06:14 AM
2 very nice productions. Wish I had got the Stardust. Congrats.

12-19-2020, 06:22 AM

Randall Flagg
12-19-2020, 09:02 AM
<-----Double green with envy.

12-23-2020, 06:05 AM
Hunted awhile to finally find a clean copy. Really happy. Still on the hunt for a clean Shining with a realistic price.

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12-23-2020, 07:15 AM
Congratulations Garrell !!
Nice pick up, good looking copy :thumbsup:

12-23-2020, 09:11 AM
Beautiful looking copy, Garell! That's a sweet looking copy.

12-23-2020, 09:38 AM
Very nice, Garrell! Congrats!

12-23-2020, 12:01 PM
Thanks all.

12-23-2020, 12:01 PM
Nice score - that looks like a very fine copy...

12-24-2020, 09:19 AM
My Christmas Present, from me - for me...

Stephen King - Sleeping Beauties Portfolio
traycased, limited 492/850 signed and remarqued from Jana Heidersdorf





Randall Flagg
12-24-2020, 12:29 PM

12-24-2020, 12:44 PM

12-24-2020, 09:04 PM
Congrats all. Nice portfolio and scary statue.

George at C-Springs
12-25-2020, 09:54 AM
Santa brought me EXACTLY what I wanted!


12-25-2020, 10:02 AM
Very, very nice acquisitions Garrell, Frank, Jerome, and George!


Randall Flagg
12-25-2020, 10:13 AM
Congratulations George. Great image.

Randall Flagg
12-25-2020, 10:39 AM
This has been laying around unopened for the last 15 months. I have no idea where I am going to display the behemoth.

More pics in my collection thread.



12-28-2020, 11:36 PM
My Christmas present to myself just came today. Been wanting to get one for a while and finally found one in my price range and condition range.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50774331967_a9ecac414e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2kmKHWF)Front Cover (https://flic.kr/p/2kmKHWF) by zuko1312 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/zuko33/), on Flickr
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50774218071_6e9fe9d892_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2kmK95X)COpyrite page (https://flic.kr/p/2kmK95X) by zuko1312 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/zuko33/), on Flickr

12-29-2020, 11:56 AM
My SWTWC by CP. More pics in my thread

12-30-2020, 06:59 AM
no pics but I got a numbered secretary of dreams vol. 1 for xmas so now have a complete set!

01-02-2021, 09:55 AM
Dark Half 1st inscribed to baseball great Ted Williams. Pretty stoked for this one

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Randall Flagg
01-02-2021, 10:19 AM
That is a magnificent find!

01-02-2021, 01:17 PM
super cool!!

01-02-2021, 01:53 PM
Amazing find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-03-2021, 05:32 AM

01-03-2021, 04:59 PM

01-03-2021, 06:14 PM
Wow...that definitely is a one of a kind find!

George at C-Springs
01-03-2021, 06:35 PM
Dark Half 1st inscribed to baseball great Ted Williams. Pretty stoked for this one.

Any provenance with it tying it to the Ted Williams?

01-04-2021, 12:59 AM
Very cool !

01-04-2021, 12:55 PM
Just bought Dark Tower 2 - The Drawing of the Three S/L #640 from a member on here (namelessnpoor). Been trying to find a nice copy for a while now and am really happy to get this one. Haven’t received it yet but hopefully I can figure out how to post pics in the meantime!!

01-05-2021, 01:38 PM
Pretty good book haul today.

The Secretary of Dreams Vol. 1 & 2 gift bought on Betts from John Hanic's collection.

20th Century Ghosts. The new S/L from Lividian Publications. Brian with another beautiful edition to go alongside Revival.

Night Shift Gift edition. Long wait, but it turned out great. 95 bucks feels like a steal.

And finally....The Shining S/L Folio Society edition. Paid $700 for that one which I think is pretty damn good deal considering there's not many out there.


Randall Flagg
01-05-2021, 04:00 PM
That Shining Folio was a very good price.

Ben Eads
01-05-2021, 05:00 PM
I LOVE this edition from Lividian Publications!





01-07-2021, 03:42 PM
Couple new ones. I had to get Full Throttle after hearing all the raves. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210107/010ff7e0aa3fafcc4c679bca7cc760b6.jpg

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01-07-2021, 03:44 PM
Hopefully, Full Throttle didn't disappoint.

01-07-2021, 04:09 PM
Hopefully, Full Throttle didn't disappoint.It did not. Very cool book design and art!

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Randall Flagg
01-13-2021, 05:04 PM

01-13-2021, 05:04 PM
Nice :)
Can't wait to receive mine. Congrats!

01-13-2021, 08:02 PM
Nice! Glad you got yours!

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01-13-2021, 08:46 PM
Hopefully, Full Throttle didn't disappoint.It did not. Very cool book design and art!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Glad you got one. Full Throttle (Subterranean) and Red Dragon (Suntup)- numbered editions- were the nicest books I received in 2020. Any other contenders?

01-14-2021, 07:52 PM
Picked up this proof to the limited edition release of Cari Mora for my Harris collection. Black painted edges and a limitation page are a nice touch. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210115/55581b8936fb810ffabf1e91d07ce8eb.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210115/801615d4179f29f6d9eed4f26f83680a.jpg

Iso suntup red dragon arc

01-14-2021, 08:35 PM
Very nice proof

01-15-2021, 12:57 AM
Nice proof !

01-15-2021, 06:04 AM
Very nice. Congrats.

01-19-2021, 06:06 PM
I LOVE this edition from Lividian Publications!




https://i.imgur.com/VZ8ciztl.jpgCongrats Ben. Sharp book right??

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01-19-2021, 06:15 PM
To prepare myself for the Neuromancer release. Nice looking book. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210120/431c8570191c9adbf8201ffe9601b664.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210120/303564e6d22078f2c5180486e1f04435.jpg

01-19-2021, 06:41 PM



01-19-2021, 08:09 PM



Congrats....and a belated welcome to the site!

01-19-2021, 08:10 PM

01-19-2021, 08:28 PM
To prepare myself for the Neuromancer release. Nice looking book. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210120/431c8570191c9adbf8201ffe9601b664.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210120/303564e6d22078f2c5180486e1f04435.jpg

Awesome! I got this one to tide me over while I wait for my Suntup:




01-20-2021, 06:24 AM
Nice Insomnia. It's one of my favorites. The book and the story, which I read a long time ago.

01-21-2021, 03:37 PM

01-21-2021, 03:45 PM

Congrats, Brian!!

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01-21-2021, 04:04 PM
Breathtaking!!! Lividian FTW

01-21-2021, 04:16 PM
Thanks, guys!

01-21-2021, 09:31 PM
Congrats, Brian!

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01-22-2021, 12:58 AM
Think i have seen 6 of them so far, i now own 3 of them:

Stephen King + Peter Straub - Der Talisman
German Leseexemplar/ARC
The Leseexemplar is slightly smaller than the HC 1.edition, it also has an cover but its a soft cover.

01-22-2021, 03:12 AM
Nice !

I like to see foreign ARCs !
As a matter of fact, i've seen about 3-4 poping up randomly in french fan collections, since the summer. Usually buying it and finding out by accident as they are marked as such with punched holes

01-22-2021, 06:29 AM
I wanted to take a minute and thank Jerome for helping me with this book. I always wanted a flatsigned Slinger. When we were In Florida together.. RF scored his slinger signed. Years later he asked if I wanted a chance at it. For a awesome deal from my friend? HELL YES. For 8 years I’ve wanted a Whelan remarque. He won’t do them anymore.... when I bought OUTSIDE ELURIA from him, I asked if he would consider doing one for me. Over a year ago I sent him the book I got from RF. Today.... it came.

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01-22-2021, 06:29 AM
That foreign Talisman ARC is pretty cool. Congrats on that.

01-22-2021, 06:37 AM
Damn, Kris! That's awesome!

01-22-2021, 06:58 AM
Wow. I saw the video on FB also. That is one of the greatest re-marques I have ever seen. A huge congrats on that one. But can you go in and rotate the first pic so it's straight?
It really deserves to be seen like that.

01-22-2021, 07:05 AM
Wow. I saw the video on FB also. That is one of the greatest re-marques I have ever seen. A huge congrats on that one. But can you go in and rotate the first pic so it's straight?
It really deserves to be seen like that.



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01-22-2021, 07:10 AM
There you go. Wow. That is simply amazing. It deserves another congrats.

01-22-2021, 07:13 AM
Congrats on the ARC and also on The Gunslinger. Very nice acquisitions.

01-22-2021, 07:16 AM
Congrats! Very, very nice!

01-22-2021, 07:33 AM
Congratulations Kris. That’s something to behold.

01-22-2021, 08:54 AM
Wow. I saw the video on FB also. That is one of the greatest re-marques I have ever seen. A huge congrats on that one. But can you go in and rotate the first pic so it's straight?
It really deserves to be seen like that.



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This is not just a remarque. This is an incredible artwork!

01-22-2021, 08:55 AM
Dumb question but... with those kind of remarques : how do collector put it in their collection? And to highlight that this is not just a "basic" book, meaning, the same edition but with additional artwork?
Closed but with a bookmark? Left open? Other options?

Randall Flagg
01-22-2021, 09:05 AM
That remarque is wicked! One of the best I have ever seen. Congratulations!

01-22-2021, 09:15 AM
Amazing ARC! Congratulations on owning 3 of them, Frank.


01-22-2021, 09:21 AM
Great Insomnia and a great 20th Century Ghosts! Congratulations!


01-22-2021, 09:24 AM
Superb remarque on The Gunslinger, Kris!


01-22-2021, 10:26 AM
I wanted to take a minute and thank Jerome for helping me with this book. I always wanted a flatsigned Slinger. When we were In Florida together.. RF scored his slinger signed. Years later he asked if I wanted a chance at it. For a awesome deal from my friend? HELL YES. For 8 years I’ve wanted a Whelan remarque. He won’t do them anymore.... when I bought OUTSIDE ELURIA from him, I asked if he would consider doing one for me. Over a year ago I sent him the book I got from RF. Today.... it came.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkTHEEEE BEST I have EVER seen! Congrats, Kris.

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01-22-2021, 01:23 PM
Kris - that is just stunning. Kudos to you!

01-22-2021, 01:42 PM

I'm often driven to uncontrollable levels of envy in this thread, but I'm way beyond envy now. This has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Man oh man.

Brian James Freeman
01-22-2021, 01:46 PM
That remarque is just insane! Congratulations!

01-22-2021, 03:05 PM

I'm often driven to uncontrollable levels of envy in this thread, but I'm way beyond envy now. This has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Man oh man.

^^^^^That!!!!!!! Unbelievable cool

01-22-2021, 04:01 PM
Congratulations Kris !!
Stunning remarque, absolutely without a doubt the best I’ve seen.

01-22-2021, 06:50 PM
Congrats, Brian!

Thanks, Bryan!

01-22-2021, 06:54 PM
Great Insomnia and a great 20th Century Ghosts! Congratulations!



01-22-2021, 06:54 PM
Congratulations Kris !!
Stunning remarque, absolutely without a doubt the best I’ve seen.

No doubt! A true treasure, Kris.

01-23-2021, 10:43 AM
Congratulations Kris !!
Stunning remarque, absolutely without a doubt the best I’ve seen.

No doubt! A true treasure, Kris.


01-23-2021, 01:47 PM
Congratulations Kris !!
Stunning remarque, absolutely without a doubt the best I’ve seen.

No doubt! A true treasure, Kris.


Absolutely incredible!!

01-23-2021, 10:02 PM
Dumb question but... with those kind of remarques : how do collector put it in their collection? And to highlight that this is not just a "basic" book, meaning, the same edition but with additional artwork?
Closed but with a bookmark? Left open? Other options?

Glad you asked!! I use those sheets of round colored stickers which I place discreetly on the spine AFTER the brodart has gone on the book. Red for signed editions, Yellow for those with a remarque, green for "special editions" (like the "Thinner" with belly band) and so on. Works pretty good after you painstakingly go through your entire collection book by book. But once you've accomplished that task it's easy to keep it up for new acquisitions. I NEVER place a sticker on the actual book or DJ. Only on the cover or sometimes the slipcase underneath where it sits on the shelf covered. Then you just have to pick up the book and look to see what you have by consulting my master for the coding system. Naturally, you can make up your own personalized system for your collection. Works pretty well, especially when my kids are perusing the collection and asking questions. It'll also work pretty well when they have to deal with the collection after I'm gone. Sort of reduces the need for a spread sheet inventory of the books. Not that that is still a good idea to have (as I do) as a "Master" so to speak. I just find that I'm more up to date with the color code then updating the spread sheet. That I only do every couple of months. Works for me anyway.

01-24-2021, 02:44 AM
That's an interesting system, thanks for sharing.
Years ago, probably 5-10, I got a few "signed" stickers to put on books. For my signed copies (not only King).

But once I moved, I couldnt find those stickers and couldnt be bothered because I have too many signed books from some other authors. So mostly, if someone doesnt open the book to check, they wont necessarily know. Besides my excel spreadsheet, of which I printed a version in september and put in my "will" folder. In case I was to pass. So that my wife or someone else has an idea of books / values / who to contact

So does that mean that, with your system you put brodart covers on each book?
Makes sense not to put the sticker directly in the book. But that must be time consuming. For a start. And each time you recieve books

01-24-2021, 06:17 AM
late to the party, but what a pleasure seeing that Slinger remarque! congrats, kris

01-24-2021, 06:56 AM
That's an interesting system, thanks for sharing.
Years ago, probably 5-10, I got a few "signed" stickers to put on books. For my signed copies (not only King).

But once I moved, I couldnt find those stickers and couldnt be bothered because I have too many signed books from some other authors. So mostly, if someone doesnt open the book to check, they wont necessarily know. Besides my excel spreadsheet, of which I printed a version in september and put in my "will" folder. In case I was to pass. So that my wife or someone else has an idea of books / values / who to contact

So does that mean that, with your system you put brodart covers on each book?
Makes sense not to put the sticker directly in the book. But that must be time consuming. For a start. And each time you recieve books

It was a bit time consuming when I went back through my collection to put the stickers on the first time, but after that it's no big deal to stay current. Stickers stick nicely to the brodart covers and I cover just about all my books. Except for oversize and S/L which stand out anyway as something "Special".

01-24-2021, 08:32 AM
I Brodart almost every book and I do do put "signed" stickers on them. I also catalogue them in an app called CLZ Books.

01-24-2021, 10:39 AM
I know anything I put will pale in comparison, but here are my most recent gets
Now FDNS numbered with a re-marque
More pics in my thread.

01-24-2021, 10:43 AM
I also catalogue them in an app called CLZ Books.

Do they charge you? It looks like that costs $14.99 per year?

Edit: The app says it's $14.99 per year or $1.49 per month.

You apparently find it worth the price.

I'm not sure I want to pay that for the rest of my collecting life.

01-24-2021, 03:43 PM
I am ok with the fee. I do need to put it all in an Excel file at some point.

01-24-2021, 04:19 PM
I am ok with the fee. I do need to put it all in an Excel file at some point.

So overall you're very happy with that program, right? I'm thinking I may go for the PC version at $30 a year with the cloud back up. I just finished a large step in configuring my home library and I have to say it's coming out better than I thought it would. Still waiting for a new bookcase to arrive, a lamp, charging cable and have to procure a nice leather wingback chair and overhead lamp, but what I had has all been moved to the new larger room and configured perfectly.

Next step will be to review and update and finally catalogue on paper/program my entire collection for posterity's sake and my children. That way when I go to that library in the sky they'll be able to easily ID everything I have and then either maintain and add or sell it off. I'm really, really happy with the new digs and can't wait to get started!!! I think if you give it your blessing I'm gonna give this program a go. $30 ayear seems very reasonable (less than $3 bucks a month) and as long as they have staying power it seems like a no brainer. They provide ample room for notes to designate signatures, AE's, Remarques and special editions? Will the program find ALL ISBN's? Even limited and artist editions as well as multiple publishers so that I can viably utilize the book cover template? How is it to navigate? Simple?

I would greatly appreciate any input reccomendations you can provide, Garrell!!!! Feel free to put it in a PM so we don't bore the multitudes!!! LOL LOL

01-24-2021, 08:55 PM
It is a great program that is very user friendly. You can make notes, pricing for bought and current, place bought from you name it, tons of info can be input to it and most have slots for it. It is worth the $15 a year to me because of the ease. You can search older books and enter most by scanning bar codes.

01-24-2021, 09:22 PM
It is a great program that is very user friendly. You can make notes, pricing for bought and current, place bought from you name it, tons of info can be input to it and most have slots for it. It is worth the $15 a year to me because of the ease. You can search older books and enter most by scanning bar codes.

Sounds great, thank you. One thing, I don't use a smart phone so being able to search for S/L, AE etc by the isbn no. makes a big difference. Does it do that or do I have to manually enter the book? Again, I really appreciate your insight and info.

01-25-2021, 12:49 AM
I am ok with the fee. I do need to put it all in an Excel file at some point.

So overall you're very happy with that program, right? I'm thinking I may go for the PC version at $30 a year with the cloud back up. I just finished a large step in configuring my home library and I have to say it's coming out better than I thought it would. Still waiting for a new bookcase to arrive, a lamp, charging cable and have to procure a nice leather wingback chair and overhead lamp, but what I had has all been moved to the new larger room and configured perfectly.

Next step will be to review and update and finally catalogue on paper/program my entire collection for posterity's sake and my children. That way when I go to that library in the sky they'll be able to easily ID everything I have and then either maintain and add or sell it off. I'm really, really happy with the new digs and can't wait to get started!!! I think if you give it your blessing I'm gonna give this program a go. $30 ayear seems very reasonable (less than $3 bucks a month) and as long as they have staying power it seems like a no brainer. They provide ample room for notes to designate signatures, AE's, Remarques and special editions? Will the program find ALL ISBN's? Even limited and artist editions as well as multiple publishers so that I can viably utilize the book cover template? How is it to navigate? Simple?

I would greatly appreciate any input reccomendations you can provide, Garrell!!!! Feel free to put it in a PM so we don't bore the multitudes!!! LOL LOL

What software is it?

A few years back I looked into similar softwares, but decided to go the excel way.
For several reasons, and here is what I would recommend people to look into :
- is the software a proprietary software, or can you easily export to xls? because it is $15 today, but what if the company goes bankrupt or decides suddenly to charge 500 a year? Can you get out of it or will you have to restart from scratch?
Kind of like imageshack for those that were using it : they decided to move from free to 250 dollars a year and at first there were no real ways to retrieve the pictures, if i recall correctly? A big sort of blackmail for those that were desperate to get their files

- how easy is it to add YOUR books? ISBN is useful, but what if you got books without isbn? Like proofs? Old magazines and fanzines? what about items that are not books? : like vhs or dvd / bluray, promo items. Can you enter them as well?
do you have to add manually a lot of informations to create an entry or does it take 5 seconds?

- how customisable is it? can you add the columns and infos you need? excel can be pretty customisable. I can create a cell that counts my purchase costs, my estimate value of the collection... however it doesnt really allow covers. although I could add links to an external folder that could contain them

Excel may not be the nicest to look at, but to me it does the job. I have tabs about books/items I am looking for ; other tabs for specific parts of my collection (given I collect a few authors), and being synchronized in Dropbox, I can access it anywhere from my laptop to my phone

01-25-2021, 08:19 AM
I am ok with the fee. I do need to put it all in an Excel file at some point.

So overall you're very happy with that program, right? I'm thinking I may go for the PC version at $30 a year with the cloud back up. I just finished a large step in configuring my home library and I have to say it's coming out better than I thought it would. Still waiting for a new bookcase to arrive, a lamp, charging cable and have to procure a nice leather wingback chair and overhead lamp, but what I had has all been moved to the new larger room and configured perfectly.

Next step will be to review and update and finally catalogue on paper/program my entire collection for posterity's sake and my children. That way when I go to that library in the sky they'll be able to easily ID everything I have and then either maintain and add or sell it off. I'm really, really happy with the new digs and can't wait to get started!!! I think if you give it your blessing I'm gonna give this program a go. $30 ayear seems very reasonable (less than $3 bucks a month) and as long as they have staying power it seems like a no brainer. They provide ample room for notes to designate signatures, AE's, Remarques and special editions? Will the program find ALL ISBN's? Even limited and artist editions as well as multiple publishers so that I can viably utilize the book cover template? How is it to navigate? Simple?

I would greatly appreciate any input reccomendations you can provide, Garrell!!!! Feel free to put it in a PM so we don't bore the multitudes!!! LOL LOL

What software is it?

A few years back I looked into similar softwares, but decided to go the excel way.
For several reasons, and here is what I would recommend people to look into :
- is the software a proprietary software, or can you easily export to xls? because it is $15 today, but what if the company goes bankrupt or decides suddenly to charge 500 a year? Can you get out of it or will you have to restart from scratch?
Kind of like imageshack for those that were using it : they decided to move from free to 250 dollars a year and at first there were no real ways to retrieve the pictures, if i recall correctly? A big sort of blackmail for those that were desperate to get their files

- how easy is it to add YOUR books? ISBN is useful, but what if you got books without isbn? Like proofs? Old magazines and fanzines? what about items that are not books? : like vhs or dvd / bluray, promo items. Can you enter them as well?
do you have to add manually a lot of informations to create an entry or does it take 5 seconds?

- how customisable is it? can you add the columns and infos you need? excel can be pretty customisable. I can create a cell that counts my purchase costs, my estimate value of the collection... however it doesnt really allow covers. although I could add links to an external folder that could contain them

Excel may not be the nicest to look at, but to me it does the job. I have tabs about books/items I am looking for ; other tabs for specific parts of my collection (given I collect a few authors), and being synchronized in Dropbox, I can access it anywhere from my laptop to my phone

I have been using access for the last 2 years or so. It is pretty fun, but tedious. It was originally for SK books only, so didn't even add an Author field, but now that I have several Suntup books and started to collect Joe Hill, need to decide whether to have one big database, or 1 per author. Having multiple authors would mean adding another field, and updating all my queries.

01-25-2021, 10:05 AM
I had an excel spreadsheet, and then my SSD died and I lost it. I have backup solutions too (dropbox and external HDD) but for some reason never made a copy of it. I was thinking about just moving to Google sheets so I don't do something stupid like that again.

You could potentially have excel/google sheets/whatever query an external JSON service that returns the title/whatever you want for an ISBN you type in. Here's an example from openlibrary.org:


01-26-2021, 01:33 PM
Not many people in my "real" life get the excitement that comes with book collecting, but I know you guys do. I just happened to log into eBay today for a quick SK browse and found an almost too-good-to-be-true listing of a book I've been looking for in perfect condition for the past 15 years. I messaged the seller to confirm the condition and got this reply: "Yes, unread tight binding. It’ll be as if you time traveled back to 19_ _ and purchased the book new directly from the book store." The heavens opened up, angels sang, and it rained Hershey bars and candy canes. :excited:

Guess the title...NOW.

Randall Flagg
01-26-2021, 01:48 PM
Lisey's Story:Shithead emoji::crow burp:

01-26-2021, 03:21 PM
How'd you know?! :lol:

01-27-2021, 02:19 PM
Here is my first french official book, and not self-printed : it's an essay about Bernard Werber, a french author that is mostly unknown to the english-speaking readers as only his first book was released in the USA.

This is a small chapbook, but I am still pretty happy as I suggested it to the publisher after they released a similar one a few months ago about Stephen King.
And I had been working in the past about a project about Bernard Werber.

First print of 200 copies, and they are pretty cheap : 2€ for digital copies, and 5€ shipped otherwise !



01-27-2021, 03:23 PM
Congrats, J!! 😊😊

Lot guy
01-27-2021, 04:17 PM
Congratulations Jeremy, very cool!!!!

01-27-2021, 04:31 PM

01-27-2021, 05:08 PM
Very cool!

01-27-2021, 05:09 PM
Nice brother. You Should be very proud!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-28-2021, 08:45 AM
Congrats, awesome to get published!

George at C-Springs
01-28-2021, 08:57 PM
Here is my first french official book, and not self-printed : it's an essay about Bernard Werber, a french author that is mostly unknown to the english-speaking readers as only his first book was released in the USA.

This is a small chapbook, but I am still pretty happy as I suggested it to the publisher after they released a similar one a few months ago about Stephen King.
And I had been working in the past about a project about Bernard Werber.

First print of 200 copies, and they are pretty cheap : 2€ for digital copies, and 5€ shipped otherwise !

That's awesome Jeremy, congrats! So what do we need to do to get our hands on the signed/lettered editions? :biggrin1:

01-29-2021, 02:57 PM
Not many people in my "real" life get the excitement that comes with book collecting, but I know you guys do. I just happened to log into eBay today for a quick SK browse and found an almost too-good-to-be-true listing of a book I've been looking for in perfect condition for the past 15 years. I messaged the seller to confirm the condition and got this reply: "Yes, unread tight binding. It’ll be as if you time traveled back to 19_ _ and purchased the book new directly from the book store." The heavens opened up, angels sang, and it rained Hershey bars and candy canes. :excited:

Here we go! My 15 year search for a copy I'm happy with is over. Unread and stored in a plastic tote since it was bought in 1986. Annnnd...no concave or cracked spine! :panic:

https://i.ibb.co/SBnWFDk/it4.jpg (https://ibb.co/x6jPxKn)

https://i.ibb.co/qMzSdwJ/it.jpg (https://ibb.co/N6XvszT)

https://i.ibb.co/KhBBbxZ/it2.jpg (https://ibb.co/xLwwXqv)

https://i.ibb.co/fkLphwp/it3.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ht3zW8z)

01-29-2021, 03:02 PM
Beautiful copy! It’s a great feeling not to have to search any longer!

Randall Flagg
01-29-2021, 03:04 PM
One of the nicest I have seen. Congratulations.

01-29-2021, 03:19 PM

Hunchback Jack
01-29-2021, 03:22 PM
Congrats! That's a stunning copy.

01-29-2021, 03:28 PM
Thanks, guys! The hunt is still on for a Skeleton Crew. :lol:

01-29-2021, 04:20 PM
Not many people in my "real" life get the excitement that comes with book collecting, but I know you guys do. I just happened to log into eBay today for a quick SK browse and found an almost too-good-to-be-true listing of a book I've been looking for in perfect condition for the past 15 years. I messaged the seller to confirm the condition and got this reply: "Yes, unread tight binding. It’ll be as if you time traveled back to 19_ _ and purchased the book new directly from the book store." The heavens opened up, angels sang, and it rained Hershey bars and candy canes. :excited:

Here we go! My 15 year search for a copy I'm happy with is over. Unread and stored in a plastic tote since it was bought in 1986. Annnnd...no concave or cracked spine! :panic:

https://i.ibb.co/SBnWFDk/it4.jpg (https://ibb.co/x6jPxKn)

https://i.ibb.co/qMzSdwJ/it.jpg (https://ibb.co/N6XvszT)

https://i.ibb.co/KhBBbxZ/it2.jpg (https://ibb.co/xLwwXqv)

https://i.ibb.co/fkLphwp/it3.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ht3zW8z)

Over the years. I looked back and had purchased 107 copies of that book. I have one just like you do... but it took me years. I think this book is near impossible to get like this. I ironically kept 26 of those... to have a copy for year year of the 27 year cycle... BUT only one is that nice. I think it’s worth FAR more than anyone wouod guess. Far more.

01-29-2021, 04:22 PM
Here is a pic of them. Along with all my IT stuff. Lol it’s bigger now as that was 2 years ago. Do I love this book?

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Randall Flagg
01-29-2021, 04:53 PM
Can't have too much sh(IT):crow burp:

01-29-2021, 05:16 PM
Here is a pic of them. Along with all my IT stuff. Lol it’s bigger now as that was 2 years ago. Do I love this book?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh man!!!! That is one seriously, fucking cool and awesome looking library. I am humbled by what I am trying to accomplish in my house. My venture plaes in comparison. That is way nice. I'd love to see more pic's if you have them. I'm impressed and jealous!!!

Edit: One question though............................................ ...

I hope the room is "Boulder-Proof". (Rim-Shot) lol lol You can never be too safe from those roving, renegade boulders, baby!!!

Randall Flagg
01-29-2021, 05:26 PM
I love the bow tied EOTD. Pretty sure you won that in the raffle in Bradenton Florida at the King event.

01-29-2021, 05:36 PM
I love the bow tied EOTD. Pretty sure you won that in the raffle in Bradenton Florida at the King event.

Yep. What a time. I have 4 other book cases full too. But it’s all in storage now! Till my condo is done

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01-29-2021, 05:42 PM
I love the bow tied EOTD. Pretty sure you won that in the raffle in Bradenton Florida at the King event.

That was six years ago tonight!! I was going through some miscellaneous items on my shelves, and came across the authentication card that came with the copy of Just After Sunset I won. What a great time!

Randall Flagg
01-29-2021, 06:12 PM
It might have been the best get together of Dt.org members, Don Maitz, Stephen King and general partying...but there was the GMU event (two personal books signed by King and VIP meet and greet)...and this one time in Colorado at the Overlook, and then the park...and the Las Vegas (no King sadly) 2 day orgy including Jae Lee and multiple tattoos...or the Austin event and gathering at a much better version of Hooters...or the Rock Bottom Remainders concert in L.A. ....or the Bridgeton Maine event...Or the Canada event (I missed it)...

01-30-2021, 06:27 AM
Nice Book Shelves Kris. I hope you post pics of the other ones when they are setup in your new place.

01-30-2021, 10:27 AM
Very impressive Kris - is that a pig or a dog in the foreground? Could be Misery.

01-30-2021, 10:29 AM
Very impressive Kris - is that a pig or a dog in the foreground?

He is my best little buddy. His name is Indiana Jones or “Indy”. He is a Frenchie. :)


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Ben Eads
01-30-2021, 11:37 AM
Look what Cemetery Dance sent me today! The book is fine but the slipcase is damaged. Looks a lot worse in person. I emailed them and hope they've got an undamaged one to replace mine with.

UPDATES! Cemetery Dance sent me a replacement slipcase in mint condition! CD rocks! New slipcase pics at the bottom.





01-30-2021, 11:41 AM
Nice Kris and Ben. I am sure CD will make it right.

Ben Eads
01-30-2021, 12:04 PM
Nice Kris and Ben. I am sure CD will make it right.

Thanks! Me too. Fingers crossed.

01-30-2021, 03:18 PM
Very impressive Kris - is that a pig or a dog in the foreground?

He is my best little buddy. His name is Indiana Jones or “Indy”. He is a Frenchie. :)


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Very cute. My labradoodle, Willow, is 12 and has had a tough year. Since the pandemic began she contracted glaucoma in one eye, and we had to have the eye removed. Of late she has developed cancerous tumor in her bladder which necessitated a catheter - luckily the medicine we have her on at the moment has shrunk the tumor enough to remove the catheter. Crossing our fingers for a few good months. The things we do for our little loved ones. I hope that was not a downer - she is heading toward 13, and we love having her around.

Ben Eads
01-30-2021, 04:07 PM
Not many people in my "real" life get the excitement that comes with book collecting, but I know you guys do. I just happened to log into eBay today for a quick SK browse and found an almost too-good-to-be-true listing of a book I've been looking for in perfect condition for the past 15 years. I messaged the seller to confirm the condition and got this reply: "Yes, unread tight binding. It’ll be as if you time traveled back to 19_ _ and purchased the book new directly from the book store." The heavens opened up, angels sang, and it rained Hershey bars and candy canes. :excited:

Here we go! My 15 year search for a copy I'm happy with is over. Unread and stored in a plastic tote since it was bought in 1986. Annnnd...no concave or cracked spine! :panic:

https://i.ibb.co/SBnWFDk/it4.jpg (https://ibb.co/x6jPxKn)

https://i.ibb.co/qMzSdwJ/it.jpg (https://ibb.co/N6XvszT)

https://i.ibb.co/KhBBbxZ/it2.jpg (https://ibb.co/xLwwXqv)

https://i.ibb.co/fkLphwp/it3.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ht3zW8z)

Wow! Dude! I would kill for a copy like that! Nice!

Ben Eads
01-30-2021, 04:08 PM
Here is a pic of them. Along with all my IT stuff. Lol it’s bigger now as that was 2 years ago. Do I love this book?

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Holy poop on a stick! Wow! Congrats, man! I'm not worthy!

02-02-2021, 11:48 AM
My first official publication is approved by the person it is about.
And that is PRETTY COOL !

https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/145963072_3659709444065947_7983291815892532397_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=7hdzHBXUlpYAX-OWQ7m&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1.xx&oh=5e0272cb3ff4ec505b6f267ac1a041b5&oe=603D743B

02-02-2021, 11:57 AM
Congrats!! What an honor!

Randall Flagg
02-02-2021, 12:30 PM
Congratulations. You should be proud of your achievement.

02-02-2021, 12:58 PM
That's more than pretty cool. It's totally AWESOME. Congrats.

02-02-2021, 01:17 PM
That is lifetime COOL!!!! Congrats!

02-02-2021, 02:26 PM
Congratulations, Jeremy! That is very impressive!


Ben Eads
02-02-2021, 06:31 PM
My first official publication is approved by the person it is about.
And that is PRETTY COOL !

https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/145963072_3659709444065947_7983291815892532397_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=7hdzHBXUlpYAX-OWQ7m&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1.xx&oh=5e0272cb3ff4ec505b6f267ac1a041b5&oe=603D743B

Congrats! Time to celebrate!

02-02-2021, 08:06 PM
Here is a pic of them. Along with all my IT stuff. Lol it’s bigger now as that was 2 years ago. Do I love this book?

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkRidiculous It Collection! Cool set up too, Kris.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

02-03-2021, 03:29 AM
Thanks everybody :)

Randall Flagg
02-03-2021, 01:20 PM
This recently came. 20th Century Ghosts Lettered by Lividian.
More pics in my collection thread.


02-03-2021, 01:57 PM
Saw this in your thread. Very nice Jerome. Looks like a great production.

Randall Flagg
02-03-2021, 03:37 PM
Just arrived:


02-04-2021, 12:44 AM
Looks very nice !

What are the dimensions?
Is that ink or coal,or else?

02-04-2021, 07:38 AM
Outstanding art.

Ben Eads
02-04-2021, 08:11 AM
Just arrived:



Randall Flagg
02-04-2021, 09:20 AM
Looks very nice !

What are the dimensions?
Is that ink or coal,or else?

15" tall x 12" wide.

It's done in some form of shaded pencil.

02-04-2021, 09:50 AM
Looks very nice !

What are the dimensions?
Is that ink or coal,or else?

15" tall x 12" wide.

It's done in some form of shaded pencil.

Its a form of charcoal. He told me how he did the Knowing remaques but I cannot remember 100% now. I kind of wish I kept that now brother!!! ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-04-2021, 05:51 PM
A want for a while now! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210205/3c92be2384ac0600fdc82a393ab2a4d5.jpg

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

02-04-2021, 06:34 PM
A want for a while now! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210205/3c92be2384ac0600fdc82a393ab2a4d5.jpg

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Now that looks very interesting indeed. Got anymore details?

02-04-2021, 06:45 PM
A want for a while now! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210205/3c92be2384ac0600fdc82a393ab2a4d5.jpg

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Now that looks very interesting indeed. Got anymore details?Pretty crazy. Beautiful art and pics. 16 lbs.
Almost a 3 foot wing span when open.

https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/film/all/01170/facts.the_star_wars_archives_19771983.htm?change_u ser_country=US&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi6Xh-drR7gIVCJyzCh1lLwguEAQYASABEgJ4q_D_BwE


Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

02-04-2021, 06:48 PM
WOW. That's nice!!!

02-04-2021, 06:49 PM
WOW. That's nice!!!Thanks, Sir. Looking forward to digging into it.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

02-04-2021, 08:17 PM
Really neat looking Star Wars.

02-04-2021, 08:18 PM
This recently came. 20th Century Ghosts Lettered by Lividian.
More pics in my collection thread.

http://www.thedarktower.org/custom/images/1612387073-20th%20Century%20Ghosts%20Letter%20traycase.jpegCo ngrats, Sir. Sharp looking book!

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02-05-2021, 05:44 PM
WOW. That's nice!!!Thanks, Sir. Looking forward to digging into it.

Hard to unsee that! Trigger finger is pretty itchy.

George at C-Springs
02-06-2021, 08:55 PM
Well, got lucky and saw this pop up on eBay, "my" #186; made an offer and the seller accepted, should be here in a few days! With this one I now have #186 of: Salem's Lot, Christine, IT, The Dark Man, Doctor Sleep, Gwendy's Button Box, Sleeping Beauties, The Shining, Faithful, The Wind Through the Keyhole (UK/700), and a slew of titles by other authors as well. This also means I now have an extra Christine, #583; anybody collect #583?

Anybody have any #186's in their collection that they might be willing to part with? PM me!

http://www.thedarktower.org/gallery/data/500/medium/Christine186-1.jpg http://www.thedarktower.org/gallery/data/500/medium/Christine186-3.jpg

02-07-2021, 09:28 AM
Looks great and happy you got another one of "your" number. Good luck in your quest.

George at C-Springs
02-07-2021, 11:40 AM
Looks great and happy you got another one of "your" number. Good luck in your quest.

Thank you! You get lucky sometimes in the search, they pop up every once in a while; my last two 186's (Doctor Sleep and the Centipede Salem's Lot) were courtesy of members here dropping a note saying they saw it or having it in their collection.

Of course my ultimate goal is to woo papeseraphim with an offer he can't refuse for his #186 DT collection plus a few others!

02-07-2021, 01:20 PM
I am just doing the best I can. Which means passing on some stuff because I need to allocate funds elsewhere. But
I do like stopping in here to see what people get.

02-09-2021, 12:57 PM
Today’s mail. Finders Keepers is from a John’s collection. Just missing Mr. Mercedes to complete the trilogy.

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Randall Flagg
02-09-2021, 01:54 PM
You saved the tough one for last.

02-10-2021, 06:22 AM
Yea, that one is tough. I wish you luck. Somehow, somebody like me ended up with one. I have all 3. Go figure. I wonder how many firsts ed of Mr. Mercedes are really signed. But I do hope you get one.

02-10-2021, 06:56 PM
Best I could do is a Soft Cover edition signed in, Brooklyn and gifted to me by, Lot Guy (Again, many, many thanks for that particular treasure)!!!!

02-12-2021, 08:28 AM
Congrats all!

Lot guy
02-12-2021, 09:52 AM
Best I could do is a Soft Cover edition signed in, Brooklyn and gifted to me by, Lot Guy (Again, many, many thanks for that particular treasure)!!!!

I'm glad you your enjoying it my friend.

02-12-2021, 12:28 PM
I got mine (Hardcover 1st) from Lot Guy too (as well as several other books), which I paid an amount for, but I value it as if it was a gift. It felt really great to have one of the first handful or so of the full trilogy signed. They look awesome sitting on my shelf side by side in the CD slipcovers. Hopefully, I'll get more from him, once I have the means to actively collect again. Thanks Matt!

02-12-2021, 01:43 PM
I got mine (Hardcover 1st) from Lot Guy too (as well as several other books), which I paid an amount for, but I value it as if it was a gift. It felt really great to have one of the first handful or so of the full trilogy signed. They look awesome sitting on my shelf side by side in the CD slipcovers. Hopefully, I'll get more from him, once I have the means to actively collect again. Thanks Matt!


02-16-2021, 03:49 PM
Just got s/‘s of The Stand and The Regulators today. Will try to get pics on here at some point.

What’s the best way to display the stand? I saw somewhere on here that someone had the box to one side and the book on a clear stand of some sort to hold the book. Not sure best way to display it. Any suggestions?

Randall Flagg
02-16-2021, 03:58 PM
Just got s/‘s of The Stand and The Regulators today. Will try to get pics on here at some point.

What’s the best way to display the stand? I saw somewhere on here that someone had the box to one side and the book on a clear stand of some sort to hold the book. Not sure best way to display it. Any suggestions?

If you have the space, something similar to what I have.
I'm the one with both the case and the book displayed on acrylic stands.

02-16-2021, 04:28 PM
Thanks! Do you have a source for the acrylic stand?

Randall Flagg
02-17-2021, 08:14 AM
I had mine made at a local plastic fabrication shop.

See post #52, and #55:

Randall Flagg
02-17-2021, 03:07 PM
More pics in my collection thread:


02-17-2021, 04:16 PM
Same Night Shift as everyone else. Here are my images that are different from others. :)


02-18-2021, 08:47 AM
Love those remarques, really fine job by CD!

02-19-2021, 10:15 AM
I was hoping to get a copy in november, then that I wouldn't get any, but it's still prior to the release date and that's always a pretty cool feeling.
I know what I am going to read this weekend


02-19-2021, 10:16 AM
COngrats, J!

02-19-2021, 10:20 AM
Sweet! Congrats!!

02-20-2021, 09:22 AM
I was hoping to get a copy in november, then that I wouldn't get any, but it's still prior to the release date and that's always a pretty cool feeling.
I know what I am going to read this weekend

https://club-stephenking.fr/wp-content/uploads/images/collection-herbertwest/Collecting/misc/2021/later-hardcasecrime.jpgCongrats! Let us know what u think!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Ben Mears
02-25-2021, 03:07 PM
Some new additions by Second Coming artist Robert Addison...

Switching Yard Oil on Canvas, 20" x 28", 1948:

Interior Barn Egg Tempera on Masonite Board, 20" x 36", 1970:

Lonely Is The Word Gouache on Board, 17.5" x 26.5", 1980:

02-25-2021, 03:08 PM

02-25-2021, 04:10 PM
The lighting used in the barn pic is wonderful.

Randall Flagg
03-01-2021, 12:10 PM
Just came today:



More pics in my collection thread.

03-01-2021, 12:17 PM

03-01-2021, 12:57 PM
Congratulations Jerome !

Can we see the other signatures as well? :)

St. Troy
03-01-2021, 05:20 PM


St. Troy
03-01-2021, 07:04 PM

Man, that LP spine.

St. Troy
03-01-2021, 07:20 PM
A want for a while now! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210205/3c92be2384ac0600fdc82a393ab2a4d5.jpg

Taschen does nice work; I’m sure it’s nice.

Brian James Freeman
03-01-2021, 07:30 PM

Man, that LP spine.

That photo made ME want to run out a buy a copy!


St. Troy
03-02-2021, 08:09 AM
That photo made ME want to run out a buy a copy!

I mean, you could lose your car keys in those indents.

03-05-2021, 04:45 PM
Couple of new sets. Centipede and Sub Press killing it with these two. I was beginning to think Altered Carbon did not exist on earth anymore! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210306/3aeb49cffbe0ce5e79544eb0ee701255.jpg

Ben Eads
03-11-2021, 12:39 PM
look what I got in the mail today! WOOT!
