View Full Version : Thomas Pynchon

05-02-2008, 10:40 AM
Lately I've been reading a lot of Thomas Pynchon. He's definitely the most serious author I've tackled--Cormac McCarthy and Stephen King nonwithstanding. It takes a real literary man or woman to chew through Pynchonalia, let me tell you. My own dad tried to slug through "Gravity's Rainbow" but he couldn't do it the first time. But I fell in love with Pynchon ever since I read "Against the Day" and worked my way back. I highly recommend this author for anyone looking for a change of pace.

05-02-2008, 10:56 AM
plus, he done The Simpsons, twice...


05-02-2008, 11:33 AM
I loved those episodes. "I love this book almost as much as I love cameras!"

05-07-2008, 06:14 AM
Just finished Mason & Dixon, the last Pynchon book I had to read (save for his short story collection). A helluva yarn, almost a religious experience. So I rank his books thus:

1.) Against the Day
2.) Gravity's Rainbow
3.) Mason & Dixon
4.) V.
5.) Vineland
6.) The Crying of Lot 49

05-08-2008, 08:02 PM
I read The Crying of Lot 49 a few years ago. (I started with that one because I wanted to know why the Radiohead fanclub was called W.a.s.t.e.)

Still planning on reading some of his others, I just haven't gotten around to them yet. Gravity's Rainbow is high on the list though.

02-05-2009, 09:55 PM
Just ordered a new hardcover copy of Against the Day for just ten bucks. My reading list grows longer yet.