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View Full Version : Nip/Tuck - Beauty is a Curse... -- watch out for **SPOILERS**

05-11-2007, 06:33 AM
Who else loves this show? I am currently in the middle of watching season 4... not as exciting as last year, but I am still enjoying it!

05-11-2007, 10:01 AM
Has season 4 come out on DVD Odetta?

I'm a Nip/Tuck addict. I've never watched the show actually when it was on TV though, I've seen the whole thing through DVD.

I have to admit.....I'm head over heels in love with Dr. Christian Troy. :wub:

Sean's too much of a little whiny baby for me. I've always liked my men to be slightly asshole-ish. :lol: Or in Christian's case...major asshole-ish.

05-11-2007, 12:37 PM
I'm a Nip/Tucker.

05-11-2007, 12:39 PM
Has season 4 come out on DVD Odetta?

I'm a Nip/Tuck addict. I've never watched the show actually when it was on TV though, I've seen the whole thing through DVD.

I have to admit.....I'm head over heels in love with Dr. Christian Troy. :wub:

Sean's too much of a little whiny baby for me. I've always liked my men to be slightly asshole-ish. :lol: Or in Christian's case...major asshole-ish.

no, I don't think it's out yet... but I'm in Canada and one of our channels just started showing the latest season about a month ago.

I heart Dr. Troy as well. and I agree, Sean is a whiner!

05-11-2007, 10:49 PM
I was a big fan of the show while I was watching it, but i never got around to even finishing the second season for various reasons.

05-14-2007, 06:54 AM
well, the 2nd and 3rd seasons are the best, I would say.

05-14-2007, 11:14 PM
Ive added a spoiler warning to the topic of this just as a precaution aswell.

05-15-2007, 02:32 AM
There's a lot of sex on this show.

05-15-2007, 03:41 AM
There's nothing quite like snorting a line of coke off a model's ass.

05-15-2007, 06:26 AM
are those really SPOILERS? I mean, if you've seen even ONE episode, you would have seen those things! ;)

05-15-2007, 03:51 PM
They should be on massive public billboards IMO :)

I think we needed to change the titles just in case someone charges in and then reads the season ending and has a caniption about it :)

05-15-2007, 05:18 PM
I picked up the discs that I hadn't seen of Season 2 at blockbuster today with my blockbuster.com mailer exchange thing. I haven't had a chance to watch any of them yet, though.

05-15-2007, 11:12 PM
Season 2 Episode 8:
When you see girls like Agatha...resorting to self-stabbing...for protection and food...shining halos worn in youth tend to tarnish.

That was some powerful shit. That's also the episode where Sean finds out the truth about Matt. Very powerful episode all around.

05-16-2007, 06:11 AM
that's one thing I like about the show... there's some powerful messages.

05-17-2007, 10:09 PM
Wow, Ava is really really fucked up. Also, I think I may have to find the guy who plays Christian Troy and punch him in the face for even playing a guy who is so such an asshole to Natasha. :arg:

05-18-2007, 12:59 PM
Isn't he just great? I love Christian Troy... he is such a bastard!

05-21-2007, 11:22 AM
I still want to have his painfully attractive babies.

And Chris....have you found out Ava's secret yet. I loved when that came out.

05-21-2007, 11:35 AM
Yeah. I just finished season 2 and started on season 3. Pretty crazy stuff.

05-23-2007, 05:10 AM
So, I just finished watching episode 5 of season 3. Is it bad that I actually cheered for The Carver when the camera panned around at the end of the episode and the victim in Christian's office was Kit McGraw? I seriously hate her character. I was like "OOOOOO, face! That's what you get for trying to convinct the wrong man you jealous hooker!" Season 3 is amazingly good. I just wish I had the next disc. I may have to go get it form blockbuster tomorrow and actually pay to rent it since I don't have anymore blockbuster.com mailers to trade in until later this week.

05-24-2007, 08:05 PM
I was so happy when that happened too! Has no one spoiled the ending of season 3 for you? I heard Lindsay say who the Carver was once before I had seen it. Grrrr.

You can borrow my season 3 if you want. I bought it awhile back.

05-24-2007, 08:16 PM
Noone has ruined it for me yet, thankfully. I'd probaly get pretty angry.

05-24-2007, 08:37 PM
Three Cheers for late night mailbox dropoffs. :)

05-25-2007, 12:10 AM
I catch up with it when the DVD sets come out. But I'm a Nip/Tuck fan.

05-25-2007, 01:55 AM
I had nothing else to do for the night, so I have been watching the show all night. I am on episode 10 of season 3 now. I was laughing so hard that I was afraid I might wake up my roomates when Christian and Sean were at the tasting for Christian's wedding and the lady mistakes them for a couple and they decide to pretend to be. It was hilarious, and at the same time seemed to be them putting some stuff in the past. As I type this, Matt is just starting to hook up with the skinhead girl. It reminds me of the assholes that my cousin hung out with when I was growing up. Too bad, she was kind of hot before she turned out to be a racist turd. Matt really annoys me. I'd be ok if they killed him off on the show.


Wow, I just watched the episode with "Flabby Abby" and Christian is such a douchebag. I was kind of starting to like him, but now he should seriously die. And seriously, if your lot in life is to be a closet sadist on top of being a general asshole, don't cry about it when noone is looking.

05-25-2007, 06:32 AM
have you figured out who the Carver is yet????

*bats eyelashes*

05-25-2007, 08:43 AM
That Carver story arc was pretty good. And I remember Flabby Abby--that episode was really shocking.

05-25-2007, 11:44 AM
have you figured out who the Carver is yet????

*bats eyelashes*

Nope. I am oblivious, and I usually figure that sort of stuff out really quickly. I was expecting that it would quentin from the time he came into the story, but I am halfway through the next to last episode(watched all of those last night, but then had to go to sleep), and they have brought Quentin in for questioning, so I am pretty sure it isn't him now. I think they set him up as such a creepy guy just to throw you off. I should know by sometime late tonight after I get off work. haha.

05-25-2007, 12:40 PM
have you figured out who the Carver is yet????

*bats eyelashes*

Nope. I am oblivious, and I usually figure that sort of stuff out really quickly. I was expecting that it would quentin from the time he came into the story, but I am halfway through the next to last episode(watched all of those last night, but then had to go to sleep), and they have brought Quentin in for questioning, so I am pretty sure it isn't him now. I think they set him up as such a creepy guy just to throw you off. I should know by sometime late tonight after I get off work. haha.

oh... you're in for a shocker.

05-25-2007, 01:45 PM
:dance: I can't wait for Chris to find out the Carver mystery.

And I too never liked Matt. He really pisses me off as well.

My favorite episode from Season 3 is when:
The plane crashes and Julia's mother is on the flight. I love the ending when she thinks she is dead, but wakes up and Julia suffocates her. Then she finds out it wasn't her mother at all! :o :o :o

Has anyone seen season 4 yet? I have to wait for it to come out on DVD as my school schedule wouldn't let me watch it when it came on TV. Is it any good?

05-25-2007, 06:16 PM
I am watching season 4 right now... I think I am halfway through. (Canada just started airing the episodes a couple of months ago).

Is it any good? Well, it's different. Calmer.

Here's a little tidbit...
Julia has sex with a "little person".

05-25-2007, 07:39 PM
Damnit it all to hell.

I totally had The Carver pegged from the minute he stepped into the series, and then I talked myself out of it. I should trust my instincts more often. :\ How many movies did I figure the end out to before it was even halfway over when we used to watch stuff together all the time, Erin? haha.

However, I did not realize that Kit was going to end up being his sister until it hit me right as Christian's crazy ex said that the stuff he used on her knocked her out until the police showed up, then I was like "Waaaait a minute...". I knew I hated that skank for a reason.

P.S. This show is all about some incest.

P.P.S. Matt has somewhat redeemed himself by the end of season 3. Too bad Ariel didn't stop being a psycho skinhead so that I could find her hot again.

05-25-2007, 08:05 PM
I considering putting together a carver costume for Halloween this year if I can find a good voice changer. I need to find someone to go to parties with me as a Carver Victim, though. :)

05-26-2007, 08:03 AM
that would be great! the victim would be easy... just face paint, really. :lol:

yeah, the real shocker was about Kit.

05-28-2007, 12:39 PM
Release Date for Season 4 DVD: September 4th, 2007

:nope: This will just not do. That's too far away.

06-06-2007, 10:13 AM
They're already showing previews for "McNamara/Troy Hollywood" coming out this fall. I can't wait! :rock:

06-06-2007, 11:43 AM
They're already showing previews for "McNamara/Troy Hollywood" coming out this fall. I can't wait! :rock:

WHAT?!?! What is this?

06-06-2007, 10:59 PM
They're already showing previews for "McNamara/Troy Hollywood" coming out this fall. I can't wait! :rock:

WHAT?!?! What is this?

They're not showing much. Just a close up of the Hollywood sign with some cool music in the background. Then it fades to black and has "McNamara/Troy : Hollywood" Then under it it says "Opening this fall"

06-07-2007, 06:33 AM
ugh! Now I have to wait!

06-18-2007, 06:50 PM
OK... seen all of season 4... it was good. Not as exciting as previous seasons, but still good.

09-11-2007, 10:54 AM
I can't wait to watch Season 4!

And when does Season 5 start?

09-11-2007, 10:55 AM
S4 came out on dvd today. I may buy it at wal-mart if I can't find a copy free to rent tonight after work.

09-11-2007, 02:09 PM
And did you guess who the Carver was before it turned out?
I did. For a long while. But it was just a faint thought at the back of my mind...

09-11-2007, 07:13 PM

09-11-2007, 08:22 PM
And did you guess who the Carver was before it turned out?
I did. For a long while. But it was just a faint thought at the back of my mind...

It was obvious about the Carver... but I still liked watching it!

09-11-2007, 11:07 PM
And did you guess who the Carver was before it turned out?
I did. For a long while. But it was just a faint thought at the back of my mind...

It was obvious about the Carver... but I still liked watching it!

:blink: And I was proud of myself when I figured it out... *bumps her head to the wall* :lol:

09-12-2007, 06:24 AM
well... I'm one of those annoying people who has to try and figure out the ending of the show before I see it...

What I didn't expect was the OTHER part of the twist!:o

10-10-2007, 03:28 PM
So....I was overall pretty bummed with the 4th season.

It had it's perks of course, but something just didn't seem right about it to me. I also really hated the "future" episode with an 18 year old Connor getting surgery. Is that really the future and fates of the characters? I was hoping they'd at the end make it like it was a dream sequence, but it never happened. If that is what really happens to the characters, it takes all the fun out of wondering if Christian will ever settle down (no), if Julia and Sean will get back together (no) and other things.

Anyways, the new season does seem promising, moving to Beverly Hills.

Oh and I freaking hate Kimber. That is all.

10-10-2007, 06:43 PM
I didn't like that episode either, Erin! I think they meant it to be one possible future...

10-30-2007, 05:18 PM
New season starts tonight! :dance:

10-30-2007, 08:39 PM
I LOVED tonight's episode. It was fun, fresh and interesting. I'm glad they left all the emotional baggage behind. Last season was just so stuffy. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. The scenes from up-coming episodes look really interesting. Especially Christian apparently being on "I Love New York" :lol:

10-30-2007, 10:48 PM
"I feel like I'm trying to sell sperm in a whore house."

10-31-2007, 02:13 AM
How many seasons do they have?

10-31-2007, 02:20 AM
Last night was the first episode of season 5.

11-05-2007, 11:27 AM
Lady Cha Cha--best term ever.

11-06-2007, 09:48 PM
"My wife went from dwarf-humping to carpet-munching"...:lol:

I also love all the "Hearts and Scaples" filming scenes. Tonights was especially funny with the ripping off the clothes for a tourniquet.

11-15-2007, 10:17 PM
Wow...this past episode really got back to what Nip/Tuck was all about in the earlier seasons.

I loved the beginning scene with Sean's girlfriend shitting in the hot-tub..:lol: and then Christian's "Thar she blows!" line..:rofl: It cracked me up.

It was totally awesome that Julia and Christian finally had sex again...and even better that she completely used him.

And holy crap...the Matt stuff. I did NOT see that scene with him and Kimber coming. Did they *really* blow $250,000 on crack? :unsure:

11-30-2007, 07:38 AM
WTF people? Am I the only person watching Nip/Tuck this season?

Well, i'm just going to keep posting to myself like a loser. :lol:

I hate hate hate Eden. What a bitch. Also, I'm so glad Matt and that shitting-in-the-hottub-girl broke up. She was so boring and I didn't believe their relationship for a second.

11-30-2007, 07:40 AM
I don't have FX!!! :(

11-30-2007, 07:47 AM
Awww! That sucks a big one!

11-30-2007, 07:47 AM
I KNOW! I have to wait.

11-30-2007, 01:45 PM
I hate hate hate Eden. What a bitch. Also, I'm so glad Matt and that shitting-in-the-hottub-girl broke up. She was so boring and I didn't believe their relationship for a second.

She was boring as hell. She will not be missed. And I love how they did it in a way that there's no way in hell she's coming back.

I kinda like Eden. :evil:

And I'm so glad Matt didn't have to be the sloppy bottom boy. :lol:

12-04-2007, 06:36 AM
Oh yea. I hate her, but I love to hate her. :ninja:

And I'm also glad Matt didn't do gay porn. :lol: I wonder how long it will be until either he and Kimber OD or get AIDS or something.

12-04-2007, 12:53 PM
I was really hoping Matt would end up having to do the gay porn.

12-04-2007, 09:04 PM
I was really hoping Matt would end up having to do the gay porn.

I LMAO when the porn dude went "So I'm gonna break this guy in?"

Tonight's ep was all right. I just wish New York had more air time. She's loud obnoxious trash, but damn if I don't love here. :lol: And I don't buy for a second Eden't attempt to act like a human being.

12-11-2007, 08:21 PM
Holy shit, tonight's nip/tuck was insane.

Great episode.

12-18-2007, 08:36 PM
I took their advice and hauled my cracker ass out of there.

01-15-2008, 08:59 PM
Wow, tonight's episode was actually pretty dull.

More drugged out Kimber please!

01-16-2008, 12:28 PM
ARGH!!! We don't get FX!


01-16-2008, 02:31 PM
I thought that the new episode was pretty entertaining. I enjoyed the fight between Sean and Christian, as well as the suicide bomber stuff. I didn't think it was dull at all.

01-20-2008, 08:13 PM
I finally watched the latest episode tonight (I was working on Tuesday) and I liked it. I've been waiting for Sean vs. Christian for years now and I'm glad they finally did it. That really is how guys resolve stuff: beat the hell out each other and all is forgiven afterwards.

Plus I can't be the only one who saw the humor in Rosie O'Donnell making anti lesbian slurs. LOL

01-20-2008, 08:48 PM
You know, I watched the episode again last night and I liked it a ton more. I guess I was just in a bad mood or something the first time.

01-31-2008, 09:55 PM
Gah! We had a big storm Tuesday night and the cable kept cutting in and out, so I haven't seen the new episode yet. But it comes on again later this week, so I'll just have to wait until then. :sigh:

02-01-2008, 02:30 AM
I got lucky and caught the reairing right after the first went off and recorded it. It was a great episode.

02-04-2008, 09:10 PM
It was! The scene where the Sean's manager kills the guy by stuffing him like a teddy bear and then stabs the fake teddy bear in his eyes is probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen aired on a television show. Really, I was unsettled for a few hours after that. It was scary.

02-04-2008, 10:01 PM
I totally didn't realize until today that Sean's agent is Cagney from Cagney and Lacey.

02-05-2008, 07:56 AM

Woo-hoo! We are finally getting the new season! Watched season opener on Sunday night!

Christian with hair plugs! :lol:

02-09-2008, 02:58 PM
I totally didn't realize until today that Sean's agent is Cagney from Cagney and Lacey.

Oh shit, that is her. :lol:

What is it about Sean and Christian that attracts crazy bitches? I have to admit that after years of watching John Sneider play a goody-goody it's nice to see him play a sleezy porn king.

02-09-2008, 06:15 PM
Yay Odetta! You're in for a treat! This season has been excellente!

02-10-2008, 01:33 PM
Ok... just saw episode 2... Julia being a dike is great!

02-10-2008, 05:35 PM
Julia is a channel for water?

02-11-2008, 07:40 AM

02-14-2008, 11:35 AM
The had to go there, didn't they. At first I thought it was cool that they had a character from Georgia but you saw which way they went with it. :arg:

02-19-2008, 08:01 PM
Tonights episode was completely insane.

I don't even know where to start.

If Eden doesn't stop getting away with all of her bullshit soon, I am going to get annoyed with the show. The Julia having retrograde amnesia bit seems kind of cheap for me.

And...OMG what a final scene!

I don't see how Sean can survive that at all.

02-20-2008, 01:48 AM
Eeeek! The season finale! :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

How can the show go on if Sean is dead? It didn't look too good for him. And did the crazy bitch kill Liz and Christian as well? Liz had just walked into the room where she came out with the knife and Christian was in the office too.

I think Julia is going to soon remember everything that happened to her and Eden is finally going to take the fall. That bitch.

02-20-2008, 01:52 AM
I figure she just knocked Liz out and Christian will be the one who walks in on her standing there. I doubt they will let Sean die from it, but I don't see how he will survive when he was coughing up that much blood.

02-20-2008, 10:40 AM
Theres no way he could survive that in real life, but as its still just fiction I bet he survives

04-26-2008, 11:39 AM
OK... just watched the episode where Julia figures out she's been poisoned and Matt finds out he screwed his sister!!!!
AAAHHHH! I can't wait until next week! :excited:

05-21-2008, 01:06 PM
well... I must say I loved the season finale!

The only thing that annoyed me is them playing the amnesia card with Julia... it was a little too typical and this show doesn't usually do typical!

05-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Yay! That was my only issue with it as well. It was such a great finale though!