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02-03-2008, 06:13 PM

Some are scared of them, some are indifferent...

I didn't really know precisely where to put this thread but I thought I'd start with this quiz:


My chances were 42% of surviving...

I thought that since I always have bad dreams involving zombies if I planned for the worst - that will probably never happen - then my subconcious will be prepared and I can get over them.

Besides, zombies are entertaining!

What is your opinion of zombies, and would you be able to survive? Please explain.

I can't say for sure that I believe in them.. but my subconcious sure seems to.

02-03-2008, 06:24 PM
the only possible way i'd be afraid of zombies is if i was unarmed

02-03-2008, 06:26 PM
DO you always carry weapons? If I didn't live in paranoid America I might be able to always carry one...

02-03-2008, 06:31 PM
these days i dont leave my house much, but i am armed.

02-03-2008, 06:34 PM
You sound like a retired secret agent man! :D

02-03-2008, 06:49 PM
no, just a basic civillian who bought a gun incase some fuck tried to break in.

02-03-2008, 06:51 PM
I stabbed a guy in the arm with a fork that tried to break into my apartment... But that won't help if it's a zombie...

I do still have that bowling pin though...

02-03-2008, 07:47 PM
Real live footage of russian special forces vrs. Zombies.

YouTube - Zombies attack man in Russia

02-03-2008, 09:51 PM
That video is great.

59% of survival.

What would I do to survive? Find a self storage, shed. Have plenty of food/water. They wouldn't be able to get into it, well, maybe if there were hundreds of them...

02-03-2008, 09:57 PM
dr zeus wrote:

First things first, you have to know your enemy. Zombies come in two flavors: fast and slow. Fast are definitely cool, but you'll need more than a baseball bat and a pair of running sneakers to survive that zombie attack. Slow zombies - well why the heck would anyone die from a slow zombie? If you can't get away from a slow zombie, you earned dismemberment.

Let's suppose that you made it through the first 10 minutes of the zombie-fest, and while most of your town are looking for live flesh to feast on, you're wondering how to hot-wire a car and get out of town. You need a plan of action...


I'm assuming the reader isn't currently experiencing a zombie outbreak. If you are, skip down to the next section.

Preparing now for zombiedom is a good idea. Remember what the TV preacher said, "When hell is full, the dead will walk the earth." So it's bound to happen sooner or later. Since it would look wierd if you started bricking up your windows and stockpiling rifles, you have to be smart about this.

First, get to know the guy in town who bought a pallet of Spam to survive Y2K. He probably still has a ton of that stuff around, and knows all the good hiding places.

Next, scout out all the big box retailers that carry ammo and food. Not too many eh? Tough luck, blue-stater. Someplace like WalMart is ideal, especially with the Garden Center for seed and stuff for longterm survival. A big bonus would be a nearby Home Depot or some such place so you can get plenty of lumber and quick-mix concrete for fortification.

While you're preparing, always keep in mind locations where people congregate - you're likely to find lots of zombies there when things turn ugly. Highways, malls, and schools are especially bad. You also might want to mention to your friends and family in passing how well your hiding place could be defended, etc. That way, when the zombies come, they'll remember you said that and come help you. I don't recommend telling them you're preparing for a zombie invasion.

First, the Fun Stuff

After your initial panic, it's important to remember that a significant component of your surivival is the demise of the ghouls trying to get your tasty brains. Despite some reports to the contrary, the only way to permanently un-animate a zombie is to destroy its brain. This isn't rocket science (although that would be a cool way to do it). A gunshot to the head is the most direct way to disable a zombie, but not the only way. Decapitation also works, although the head will probably still function so don't let it bite you. If you survive long enough, and society collapses along with any hope of rescue, you'll need to develop some means of skull penetration that doesn't involve guns - a professional bowhunting setup works if you can get it. You might be squeamish at first, taking out your neighbors; with time this will pass, you might even adopt a gleeful hangman's sense of humor in your executions.

Run or Hide

This is a no-brainer. You gotta hole up somewhere eventually, but pick carefully. Let's say that the outbreak is localized to your city, but you know that the neighboring town is zombie-free. Flee to the neighboring town. I know this sounds obvious, but don't sit around waiting for grandma to bite you. Get to the safe town, find a gun store, and join the Minuteman Militia.

But that isn't much fun, so let's think about what you'd do if the whole country is overrun. Since you already did your prep work, make a bee line for the WalMart you picked out earlier. Hot Tip: Pick a new WalMart if you can. Zombies tend try to do the things they were doing when they were alive, so they're gonna head to the mall, or WalMart, or school... you get the idea. And since we're on the subject, malls are a bad place to hole up in. Too many entrances, and not enough goodies for long term survival.

In short, pick a new general merchandise or grocery big box store. You get lots of canned food to eat, and only one or two large entrances to guard.

Use the Buddy System

Don't be a dummy. If your buddy is bitten by a zombie, shoot him in the head and get it over with. Otherwise, gather the refugees, Rambo, and lead them to safety. People will follow anyone who acts like they know what they're doing, and you need the manpower to subdue the throngs at WalMart.

Not to mention that a good zombie attack needs plenty of extras.

Since the average WalMart has enough food to keep a few thousand people fed for a week or more, you should have enough staples to get by for a few months if you limit your group to around 100 or so. There's a trade-off here between having enough people to defend your fort, and enough food to keep them fed. I don't know if zombies are edible, but that's a possibility if things get rough. It's not really cannibalism, is it?

The basic idea to get from this section is, have enough people to root out the zombies and block the entrances, but not so many people that you have to ration the food heavily. Also, make sure you have some girls. Preferably hot chicks, but in the absence of those some tough biker babes would work.

Zen and the Art of Fortification

How lame is this... you and a few buddies are holed up in a mall, with who knows how many entrances, and instead of bricking up the glass you eat hot dogs on the fine china Macy's?

First, you aren't going to do that, because you already picked out the big box retailer you're taking over. Second, you're going to spend the first day sealing all entrances. If you chose wisely, you have a store with some kind of concrete mix in it, or a home building center nearby. As soon as you've cleared the store of zombies, and maybe even before, you need to brick up the glass entrances. You can worry about the others later, they're smaller and harder to open from the outside anyway.

Be generous and thorough with your fortification. A few pieces of lumber nailed up is OK for an emergency start, but don't forget to make it permanent. You might consider some kind of buttress design as well, since I'm not sure what kind of force thousands of zombies could put on an amateur brickwork.

Finally, don't make the mistake of assuming your fortifications will hold. Check them everyday, measuring the wall to make sure it hasn't moved. You also might consider building a second wall in case the first gets broken through.

T-Shirts aren't Bite Proof

This is one I've never figured out. Zombification occurs shortly after being bit by a zombie. So why are people running around in t-shirts for days and weeks after Z-Day? Get some freakin armor! Thick leather will work in the short term. Later on, get some aluminum siding or something else metallic and affix it to your clothes. Even zombies can't bite through that stuff. Important areas to protect include the forearms, neck, and legs. Just make sure it's flexible enough to give you some freedom of movement. Helmets are a good idea too, but anything other than motorcycle helmets would look dorky, and I'd rather be a zombie than a dork with a pail on my head.

Long Term Survival

Let's recap: you've survived the initial zombie invasion, banded together a few dozen survivors, and fortified a big box retail store with plenty of food and goodies. So what's your long term prognosis? Not good.

You'll eventually run out of water, canned food, and fuel for the generator. In fact, you'll be in the dark in a day or two, and the water will be gone shortly after that. Unless, of course, you don't panic, and plan ahead. Don't worry, I'll help you out.

If you took a WalMart like I told you, you don't need to worry too much about lighting. The skylights do a fair job of illumination during the day, and battery powered flashlights will be OK at night time. But if you're brave, you can venture outside to get fuel from filling station. And if you're lucky, you'll find a tanker truck to drive back to home base. Personally, I'd rather live in the dark. It might be a good idea to keep a CB radio in your car for just this type of event, and try to get a trucker to bring the tanker to your fort when Z-Day arrives.

For water and food, I can help you out there. The first thing to do after securing your fort is fill every container in the store with tap water. You might have a few days of water available, but I wouldn't count on it. Electricity, water, and sewage will disappear soon, so you want all the drinking water you can get.

Now that you've got that straightened out, you're going to become a farmer. Lucky for you, the Garden Center has lots of seeds and soil, and the store has a big roof for planting. This is a good time to learn the art of composting and water filtration - your alternative to the toilet. I'd place that on the roof too, otherwise things could get smelly inside.

So now you are set. You've butressed the walls to protect against the press of the zombies, you have a few dozen armed followers, and enough veggies to keep everyone fed. You can hold out here for years.


What happens next depends on a lot of variables. Are there any other survivors? I can imagine a naval fleet having no problems defending itself from zombies. Nuclear powered submarines should be especially safe, they can run for decades. Maybe enough people survived somewhere to come rescue you. If everyone else is zombied, well that would suck.

How long will zombies "live"? This has never been addressed, to my knowledge. Even though they're dead, they still maintain some kind of metabolism and thought process. You'd think that eventually they'll cease activity and it will be safe enough to venture out. Then again, they might be immortal, in which case you are screwed. It's kinda hard to kill 6 billion zombies with just a few 22s and a shotgun.

In any case, I hope I've helped you in formulating your own zombie survival plan.

02-03-2008, 10:31 PM
Somehow I am not into zombies and usually I find them funny... or redicious. :)

02-04-2008, 04:23 AM
They bore me to tears. Zombies are an overdone genre in every medium they've appeared in and I'd be happy not to see another for a few decades.

I'd kill for a good Frankenstein movie though.

02-04-2008, 05:22 AM
According to the quiz I'd have a 97% chance of survival.

02-04-2008, 05:42 AM
i got 49%, though i suspect i could do a bit better. i suppose if there is a zombie apocalypse we shall see if i post again afterwards...:shoot:

02-04-2008, 07:12 AM
I didn't realize there was a quiz involved. I just voted and commented.

I have a 40% chance of surviving.

Why would I want to survive if the world is screwed though?

02-04-2008, 08:11 AM
My wife is a wedding photographer and I am her second shooter. One of the brides who's wedding we shot mentioned that she had always wanted to play a zombie. Not a zombie from one of todays movies, but from movies like the original NOTLD or Carnival of Souls. So we had the couple come over, I did some old fashined fx make-up on them and we went out for a shoot. You can see some of the pics on Julie's blog.

02-04-2008, 08:14 AM
That's great! Y'all did an amazing job of it. :)

02-04-2008, 10:31 AM
I find zombies to be a great source of enterainment and money.

02-04-2008, 10:52 AM
I find zombies to be a great source of enterainment and money.

you make money off zombies? is this some kind of pyramid scheme? :lol:

02-04-2008, 10:55 AM
I don't, but I hear that some can. :P

02-04-2008, 10:58 AM
According to the quiz I'd have a 97% chance of survival.

In this case I will follow you. :) /if you let me/

02-04-2008, 11:01 AM
90% chance

I didn't even see the quiz the first time.

02-04-2008, 11:01 AM
They bore me to tears. Zombies are an overdone genre in every medium they've appeared in and I'd be happy not to see another for a few decades.

I'd kill for a good Frankenstein movie though.

They just need a change up. I read this book called City Of The Dead where zombies take over the world but the zombies are actually dead bodies possessed by demons. They can talk drive cars, use guns and tanks etc, and they eat humans for food. If they get killed they just take a number and wait for their turn to possess again. It was definitely a unique take on them.

02-04-2008, 11:03 AM
if the zombies come, i'm throwing my lot in with Brice and Storyslinger.

02-04-2008, 11:05 AM
"Survivors, to me!" :shoot:

02-04-2008, 11:08 AM
lol, I did it a few more times and purposely got zero and a hundred percent.

02-04-2008, 12:48 PM
I have 30% Chance of Survival! :lol:

02-04-2008, 12:50 PM
According to the quiz I'd have a 97% chance of survival.

So whenever I chose this you had chosen the opposite...? :scared:


02-04-2008, 01:45 PM

I guess that "yes, I will shoot my friends" question didn't go over well

02-04-2008, 01:52 PM
28 days later was terrifying to me

02-04-2008, 01:53 PM
Fast zombies... so not cool for my subconcious.

02-04-2008, 02:27 PM
60% chance of surviving

I absolutely love zombies. They're one of my favorites when it comes to the horror genre.

02-04-2008, 02:33 PM
I think I should become friends who are better survivors than me ;)

02-04-2008, 03:22 PM
71 oh yeah

02-04-2008, 03:26 PM
Go Malficeus!

02-04-2008, 04:40 PM
54% chance of survival. I need guns, apparently.

02-05-2008, 05:23 AM
According to the quiz I'd have a 97% chance of survival.

In this case I will follow you. :) /if you let me/

You know I'd not only let you. I'd come find you. :couple:

if the zombies come, i'm throwing my lot in with Brice and Storyslinger.



I guess that "yes, I will shoot my friends" question didn't go over well

I answered I would. Once they're zombies...they are unsaveable. I might as well save my own ass at that point. I'm not sure which question I answered less than perfect though. :unsure:

According to the quiz I'd have a 97% chance of survival.

So whenever I chose this you had chosen the opposite...? :scared:


On which question dear?

02-05-2008, 05:54 AM
I have extra guns if anybody needs one.

Take a number!

02-05-2008, 11:49 AM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

02-05-2008, 11:57 AM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

so when it happens, the survivors can seek you out like mother abigail?

02-05-2008, 12:46 PM
Or "Father Weed"...which ever you like. :lol:

02-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Or "Father Weed"...which ever you like. :lol:

sounds just fine to me. i'll beware the walkin' dude, just have a bowl waiting when we get there. fighting off zombies is a buzz-kill, i'll need it.

02-05-2008, 03:49 PM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

You would've been taken out by that Giant Snake from South Park lol

Zombies that don't run are pussy zombies. It's one thing if it's a reanimated corpse, to be slower. But the people that are bit, well they just turn almost instantly when they die. All their muscles are good, it seems more realistic for them to run. But I think a zombie's speed should be depending on certain conditions. While it awesome, 500 pounds woman running like an olympic Gold Medalist was ridiculous. It would be better to see some fat zombies plodding along trying desperately to feed.

Slow zombies are too easy to evade unless they surround you with great numbers.

02-05-2008, 04:56 PM
Slow zombies are too easy to evade unless they surround you with great numbers.

Which is usually the case in every medium they appear in.

02-05-2008, 05:35 PM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

what about a red dawn situation?

02-05-2008, 09:27 PM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

what about a red dawn situation?

An assault by the ATF is more likely.

02-05-2008, 09:30 PM
For those of you who know him, if there is ever a zombie outbreak, I'm driving the one hour drive to Valtr0n's house. He will protect me with his arsenol of weapons. :lol:

02-05-2008, 09:34 PM
For those of you who know him, if there is ever a zombie outbreak, I'm driving the one hour drive to Valtr0n's house. He will protect me with his arsenol of weapons. :lol:

From MY zombie repellent kit.

http://i5.tinypic.com/16bevdd.jpgmini 14
http://i4.tinypic.com/16bewsh.jpg 12 gage and 37 mm launcher
http://i4.tinypic.com/16c1lwk.jpg custom 10/22, all titanium internal parts
http://i4.tinypic.com/16c26md.jpg1917 Winchester 30-06, carved by me great grand pappy; bagged many a meals
http://i5.tinypic.com/16c271k.jpgdetail of carvings. The mountain lion was shot on my grandmothers poarch. Who knows how many dozens of deer met their fate with this gun.

I'm ready.

02-05-2008, 09:36 PM
ATG, I'll trade you my soul for that 37 MM Launcher. :)

02-05-2008, 09:44 PM
ATG, I'll trade you my soul for that 37 MM Launcher. :)

They are legal in most states.

37 mm, m203 style launchers may be had from a variety of websites, although I don't think it's in the sites best interest for me say say where...oh what the hell (http://37mm.com/), they are legal, or in most states. And, this is a thread about zombie awareness and prevention.

I think I paid around $400.00 for mine but beware of hunks of shite, like mine that look cool but work for crap. I'd part with it.

02-05-2008, 09:56 PM
Yes...apparently having guns and stockpiles of food is key. I only got 58%. I went back and said I had guns and stockpiles of food and my chances went up to 79%

Oh and I like zombies ok I guess. Are they overdone? Sure. But so are a lot of the subjects I'm into, like vampires.

02-05-2008, 11:52 PM
Slow zombies are too easy to evade unless they surround you with great numbers.

Which is usually the case in every medium they appear in.

That's because those people are stupid. It's not like you can't see a mob of them coming and you can avoid them at a steady stroll.

02-06-2008, 01:58 PM
One of the major reasons I live in rural colorado is because I can escape all the movie disasters.

Superbug, nukes, terrorists---zombies of course.

I have already planned how to make my property into a fortress but I figure it'll be used to save me from the ATF before any of the above. :lol:

what about a red dawn situation?

Like it was said below this, I think the ATF is more likely.

But I will say that if this country was ever invaded like that, you can bet I would be out with Patrick Swazey and the rest of them. :lol:

02-06-2008, 02:00 PM
When I here Swazey, I think about The Outsiders.

02-06-2008, 02:13 PM
I think tight pants and Dirty Dancing :lol:

02-06-2008, 02:59 PM
Now that I think of it, Dirty Dancing was a pretty good movie.

02-06-2008, 03:02 PM
What quiz?

02-06-2008, 03:10 PM
There's a quiz in the first post, about how good your chances of surviving a zombie attack are.

02-06-2008, 03:11 PM
I'll check it out.

02-06-2008, 03:26 PM
i got 70%. not too shabby...

02-06-2008, 10:19 PM
I couldn't but notice the misspellings of Patrick Swayze above...

As could as guns would be during a zombie outbreak, you have the problems of ammunition. Nothing would be more useful than a 14' Machete.

02-07-2008, 05:06 PM
I read in a zombie handbook that the crowbar is the ultimate weapon... now to just buy a crowbar...

02-08-2008, 05:24 PM
I couldn't but notice the misspellings of Patrick Swayze above...

As could as guns would be during a zombie outbreak, you have the problems of ammunition. Nothing would be more useful than a 14' Machete.

my plan was to always barracade myself in Wal-Mart i mean come on i never understood why Max Brooks said dont go there but it has alot of ammo, guns, food and shelves that can be used to barricade doors and windows.... yep Wal-Mart

02-09-2008, 09:17 AM
I could be talked into taking over a walmart for sure. :lol:

02-09-2008, 03:37 PM
just dont go into mine im rigging it to electrify anything that touches the metal fences around the doors. Booby trapped areas where shotguns go off... ahh cant wait lol

02-11-2008, 10:06 PM
I couldn't but notice the misspellings of Patrick Swayze above...

As could as guns would be during a zombie outbreak, you have the problems of ammunition. Nothing would be more useful than a 14' Machete.

my plan was to always barracade myself in Wal-Mart i mean come on i never understood why Max Brooks said dont go there but it has alot of ammo, guns, food and shelves that can be used to barricade doors and windows.... yep Wal-Mart

A Canadian Wal-Mart is pretty useless, without guns/ammo.

A zombie outbreak in Canada would require much more tact to survive unlike you yanks which have guns at your disposal. For a Canadian (and i suppose, good chunk of the world) outbreak the weapons I would have are:

- 5' Stick
- 14" Machete
- Crowbar
- Pellet rifle

My backpack would be full of aerosol cans (flammables) with Zippos taped to them. You strike the zippo, throw the can, shoot it with a pellet rifle and you've got an explosion. I would have some smaller knives, as well.

If there was any place I would hole myself up in, provided I have food/water is a hardware store. Plenty of knives, axes, hatchets etc. I have a heavy duty Ice Scraper that would be a dirty weapon against zombies. Best bet would be to have several pnuematic nail guns at disposal incase of attack.

02-12-2008, 01:48 PM
no offense man but up in Canada what zombie is going to attack when they got food all the way down to south America and the snow will keep them frozen just like Alaska!!-(resident evil 3) and as for your hardware store i never thought about all that stuff build many a things in there.....hmm

02-13-2008, 08:36 AM
I really wish in RES3 that they had shown more ... you know, like if they made it to Alaska okay or not. They kinda left that open.

02-13-2008, 08:37 AM
Maybe I should move to Alaska. hmmm..

02-13-2008, 02:19 PM
I really wish in RES3 that they had shown more ... you know, like if they made it to Alaska okay or not. They kinda left that open.

they might in the next movie i just want to know what they did to valentine between 2 and 3?

02-13-2008, 03:03 PM
What will you do when they come moaning to your door? Go ahead and tell us what your plans so we might get an idea in case of an emergency.

Mine is to go to walmart and block all doors with the giant shelves and attach many electric car batteries from auto-departments to the shelves to fry anything that touches them. Go to sporting goods and load every gun full and take count of ammo. stockpile all food that does not require to be in a fridge. Punch a hole through the many sun windows and have a sniping point to shoot off some if necessary

02-13-2008, 03:08 PM
I would just shoot myself and join them.

02-13-2008, 03:57 PM
I would just shoot myself and join them.

ah come on man why not try and take out as many as you can before they do i mean come on running down main street with an AK in your hand.

02-13-2008, 04:24 PM
tell them i don't believe in zombies so they should fuck off.

02-13-2008, 06:06 PM
i'd round them all up and keep them as secret pets and let one loose once in a while just to see my zombie on the news. when i decide i don't like someone a zombie pops up in their house, or i could set a resident evil ambush with a big box of zombies in the driveway! i can't wait for the zombies to come.

02-13-2008, 08:09 PM
I'll merge this thread with the existing Zombuie discussion thread ;)

Edit: fuck, it killed the poll. *headbash*

02-13-2008, 08:48 PM
I'll merge this thread with the existing Zombuie discussion thread ;)

Edit: fuck, it killed the poll. *headbash*

lol thanks thats why i made it any way, but you killed the pole how could you?!!!

02-13-2008, 09:44 PM
I thought mine was better *sniffles*

02-13-2008, 09:45 PM

I loved how you edited my opening statement... I sound even cheerier than in real life!!!! Didn't think that was possible!!! Thanks! :D

02-13-2008, 10:13 PM
Damn poles :(

02-13-2008, 10:14 PM
I liked my poll...

02-13-2008, 11:20 PM
we might be able to get it back, hang in there :)

02-13-2008, 11:31 PM
*grips onto stairwell handrails*

I'm ready!!! :D

02-14-2008, 03:44 AM
lost forever in the abyss...

02-14-2008, 04:22 AM
A few select friends are to bring food and water here. We have the rest.

Mr. Woofer is planning on remodeling the outside stairs so we can pull them up drawbridge-style. Take that, zombies!


I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

02-14-2008, 06:11 AM
I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

Try it first and let us know. :fairy:

02-14-2008, 06:37 AM
hmm, i've got a 54% chance of survival--mainly because i hate buying groceries and never have more than 2 meals worth of stuff in the house and the whole running thing. however, i'm fairly confident that running for my life would add a little more oomph to my stride than hot dot barksdale's PE class ever did. and i'm heading over to the target when the zombie outbreak emerges--all the benefits of wal-fart but with nicer clothes and it's right next door to home depot.

02-14-2008, 06:43 AM
but with nicer clothes

So. you're plan is to die fashionably if you gotta' go? :rofl:

02-14-2008, 06:46 AM
hell, why would i care about that as a zombie when i never did alive?

quick, does anyone know how effective chemical weapons would be against zombies?? i forget i'm only 5 minutes away from one of the largest stockpiles in the US...

02-14-2008, 07:02 AM
hell, why would i care about that as a zombie when i never did alive?

quick, does anyone know how effective chemical weapons would be against zombies?? i forget i'm only 5 minutes away from one of the largest stockpiles in the US...

Well, honestly that depends on which ones you were to use most likely. If you were to use something such as BZ it would likely have little helpful effect as it effects the mind more than the body. Certain corrosive chemicals might have some degree of effectiveness. Maybe something like Mustard gas, or even regular CS would be helpful.

02-14-2008, 07:06 AM
knowing uncle sam, there's probably a little bit of everything--the stuff they admit to and the stuff they don't--out there. :lol:

02-14-2008, 07:11 AM
knowing uncle sam, there's probably a little bit of everything--the stuff they admit to and the stuff they don't--out there. :lol:

Actually, there is. That's why it's best to know what to look for and where. ;)

02-19-2008, 09:15 AM
I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

Try it first and let us know. :fairy:

You'll probably get infected from e3ating their undead flesh...

02-19-2008, 03:14 PM
I'm not sure the gas would work--do they breath?

I guess if it was a skin removing one it might be okay but I'm not sure it would stop them.

02-19-2008, 06:07 PM
I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

Try it first and let us know. :fairy:

You'll probably get infected from e3ating their undead flesh...

See? That is what I'm afraid of. Depending on how the virus works as well as is transmitted, e.g. does it take over on a cellular level or a systemic level or what (if, indeed, it is a virus-based zombie invasion), then the body may or may not be edible. I think I'll err on the side of caution.

However, if I do decide to try roast zombie, I promise that I will hop on here and post the results right away (provided, you know, there's a here to which I can post).

02-19-2008, 07:08 PM
zombies still aren't here :(

02-20-2008, 03:27 AM
I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

Try it first and let us know. :fairy:

You'll probably get infected from e3ating their undead flesh...

See? That is what I'm afraid of. Depending on how the virus works as well as is transmitted, e.g. does it take over on a cellular level or a systemic level or what (if, indeed, it is a virus-based zombie invasion), then the body may or may not be edible. I think I'll err on the side of caution.

However, if I do decide to try roast zombie, I promise that I will hop on here and post the results right away (provided, you know, there's a here to which I can post).

Sorry to say but the whole notion of eating zombies, probably infection aside, is cast aside once you realize that it's rotting, decomposing meat that will just make you sick.

02-20-2008, 05:11 AM
I wonder if a head-shot, truly dead zombie is edible?

Try it first and let us know. :fairy:

You'll probably get infected from e3ating their undead flesh...

See? That is what I'm afraid of. Depending on how the virus works as well as is transmitted, e.g. does it take over on a cellular level or a systemic level or what (if, indeed, it is a virus-based zombie invasion), then the body may or may not be edible. I think I'll err on the side of caution.

However, if I do decide to try roast zombie, I promise that I will hop on here and post the results right away (provided, you know, there's a here to which I can post).

Sorry to say but the whole notion of eating zombies, probably infection aside, is cast aside once you realize that it's rotting, decomposing meat that will just make you sick.

Pssst. So's the stuff in your grocer's meat section. In fact, beef is often allowed to rot just a bit before selling because it tenderizes the meat. Really, really good rotted meat is more expensive than the regular cuts.

From http://www.askthemeatman.com/dry_aging_beef_info.htm:

The time-honored process of dry-aging begins with top quality meat. Only a fraction of beef dry ages well: well-marbled prime grade and meat from those exceptional cattle breeds. Extremely lean beef won't age without spoiling as it needs that protective fat coating. The meat is hung in large sterile refrigerators with carefully controlled air flow, humidity, and temperature for two to six weeks. During this ripening period, several key things happen. Enzymes break down the muscle fibers, improving tenderness, until by the third week the meat is positively buttery. A 20 percent moisture loss concentrates the beefy flavors, leaving an intense, almost gamey, taste. The meat's ability to hold onto moisture with cooking is improved, too, making for juicier cooked steaks. Dry-aged beef also develops a crust which has to be trimmed away, resulting in an additional loss of up to 25-percent of the meat's original weight, adding to its cost.

Even though it's an expensive proposition, dry-aged beef has long been considered the best among seasoned steak connoisseurs. They describe its flavor as rich and nutty, decadently tender, and "beefier" than nonaged. Its intensity requires a robust erudite palate.

Still, no one denies that dry-aging is basically controlled rotting, and the meat is an acquired taste. "It has a green taste that's hard for many diners to appreciate, to the point of being offensive," said Chamberlain.

So a relatively fat zombie in cool, mild fall would probably be okay, infection and internal organ decomposition contamination aside of course.

And from the wiki article on steak tartare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_tartar):

The basis of the name is the legend that nomadic Tatar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatars) people of the Central Asian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Asia) steppes did not have time to cook and thus placed meat underneath their horses' saddles.[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)] The meat would be tenderised by the end of the journey.

Mmmm, raw steak. I'm like Denis Leary on steak:

Just bring me the cow. I'll carve off what I want to eat and ride the rest home.

Besides, you are assuming I'm thinking of eating long-dead zombies versus the recently-dead-made-zombie-then-headshot-dead-again zombies. Plus, I'm pretty sure the human body can adjust to consuming a little bit of rotting meat. We didn't always have MSG - or even salt.

02-20-2008, 09:47 AM
I love Denis Leary... I would love to hear his take on zombies. Let's pin him down and get an interview!

02-21-2008, 05:47 AM
I'm with you! Let's go!


02-25-2008, 08:02 AM
Ahhhhh.. so the cures for zombies is cat-controllers... Hmmm...

03-04-2008, 03:52 PM
I shall be a cat-controller!!!!!

03-12-2008, 03:46 PM
hell yah 82%

thank you US Marine Corps. Training

03-12-2008, 05:11 PM
If there is ever a zombie outbreak, but general plan is to hunt down every person that I hate(which is quite a long list), and kill every one of them that hasn't yet turned into a zombie.I figure I can get away with it during the confusion of an outbreak. I'd also kill the ones that were already zombies, but they would be of less importance at the beginning. I would then fall back to my fathers house in the hills of eastern Kentucky where there are no neighbors within sight, frequently making trips out for food and zombie killing.

03-13-2008, 01:08 PM
Damn you got it all planed out...

if i was home i would run to the gun cabnet, grab everything, all hunting knives, and bows, drive to gander mountian (hunting and fishing store)
killing zombies on the way, get all amunition and none perishables i can carry
(do more trips if no zombies in the area), Drive to camp (were the closet building is about 2 miles away) set up bear traps and what not
making trips into town for food,amunition, and gas

03-14-2008, 02:52 PM
If the zombies come I will be very disappointed... That's an understatement.

03-17-2008, 05:18 AM
i like that plan chris, its logical and can be done

03-17-2008, 06:49 AM
If there is ever a zombie outbreak, but general plan is to hunt down every person that I hate(which is quite a long list), and kill every one of them that hasn't yet turned into a zombie.I figure I can get away with it during the confusion of an outbreak. I'd also kill the ones that were already zombies, but they would be of less importance at the beginning. I would then fall back to my fathers house in the hills of eastern Kentucky where there are no neighbors within sight, frequently making trips out for food and zombie killing.

Ooo, sounds like what one of my characters did in my zombie horor story. As a Misanthropist in his last hours made sure he hurt the society he hates.

Seems the commute from the house and a place with rations would be a very dangerous one.

Top of the CNN Tower would be a great place to hole up in a zombie apocolypse.


As long as they can't get up the 500+ flights of stairs you're fine. restaurant would be fully stocked and last awhile. On top of that it's full of powerful broadcasting equipment so it can be used to find/utilize survivors with a birds eye view of the surrounding area. Sounds good to me.

03-17-2008, 03:05 PM
I will survive because I live in the UP with lots of people who own guns.

03-17-2008, 03:13 PM
If there is ever a zombie outbreak, but general plan is to hunt down every person that I hate(which is quite a long list), and kill every one of them that hasn't yet turned into a zombie.I figure I can get away with it during the confusion of an outbreak. I'd also kill the ones that were already zombies, but they would be of less importance at the beginning. I would then fall back to my fathers house in the hills of eastern Kentucky where there are no neighbors within sight, frequently making trips out for food and zombie killing.

Ooo, sounds like what one of my characters did in my zombie horor story. As a Misanthropist in his last hours made sure he hurt the society he hates.

Seems the commute from the house and a place with rations would be a very dangerous one.

Top of the CNN Tower would be a great place to hole up in a zombie apocolypse.


As long as they can't get up the 500+ flights of stairs you're fine. restaurant would be fully stocked and last awhile. On top of that it's full of powerful broadcasting equipment so it can be used to find/utilize survivors with a birds eye view of the surrounding area. Sounds good to me.

Gotta watch out for the hanggliding zombies, though.

03-17-2008, 04:39 PM
I will survive because I live in the UP with lots of people who own guns.




03-17-2008, 08:16 PM
Oh yeah, I've got a five foot stick and that's all I need. A five foot stick means they won't get within seven feet of me :cool:

03-19-2008, 04:59 PM
why have a stick when you can have a gun that when you run out of ammo you can use as a stick

03-20-2008, 01:19 PM
Although crowbars are nice too...

03-20-2008, 01:20 PM
If you live anywhere near a city, you are doomed for sure.

Its only us rural folks that will hold out :lol:

03-20-2008, 01:43 PM
The UP is sprinkled with cities but there's TONS of rural areas left out here... I just have to befriend one who likes to kill things and is good at doing that.

03-20-2008, 04:21 PM
why have a stick when you can have a gun that when you run out of ammo you can use as a stick

I'd like to see someone do this YouTube - Bowstaff Skills with a gun. He's even got several around him.

If there is Emo music playing she'll kick the zombies asses. YouTube - bow staff girl

I would, of course, attach large blades to the end of the stick, ensuring a good 8 feet radius of pure zombie ass handing. The Vietnamese were extremely deadly with their Kendo sticks in the Vietnam war. If you know to crack skulls open with a stick then in a zombie situation it would extremely usefull.

03-21-2008, 09:16 AM
The UP is sprinkled with cities but there's TONS of rural areas left out here... I just have to befriend one who likes to kill things and is good at doing that.

hell yah killin stuff is my job

but we would need mattrik and his bow staff skills if we run out of ammo

03-21-2008, 10:32 AM
Excellent.... *twiddles fingers maniacally*

03-21-2008, 01:27 PM
The UP is sprinkled with cities but there's TONS of rural areas left out here... I just have to befriend one who likes to kill things and is good at doing that.

but we would need mattrik and his bow staff skills if we run out of ammo

No word of a lie, I've got a 5 ft stick about 2 1/2 inches thick I call me 'defense stick' against whatever. I'm not expert and it's a heavier, thicker stick so I can't do no acrobatics with but I crack some skulls and keep a distance between me and someone.

But hell, give me a gun too, I'm a good shot with a rifle but if a gun can't keep them within grabbed distance a stick will. Zombies are too stupid to block a stick or try and grab it.

There is a chemical, I cannot recall what it's called, but it ignites upon contact with water. You talk about your ultimate weapon. I'm talking From Dusk Till Dawn, use super soakers and water balloons then squirt them with some chemical and watch them burn.

03-21-2008, 01:31 PM
That sounds excellent! Squirt them with flaming stuff and keep them away from you with your stick!!!

03-21-2008, 01:57 PM
I watch Shaun of the Dead a lot...so I can totally handle a zombie revolution.:lol:

03-21-2008, 02:05 PM
If they're not fast :$

03-21-2008, 03:34 PM
There is a chemical, I cannot recall what it's called, but it ignites upon contact with water. You talk about your ultimate weapon. I'm talking From Dusk Till Dawn, use super soakers and water balloons then squirt them with some chemical and watch them burn.

its magnesium hydride its hard to get a hold of unless we rob a science class

but we could use home made napalm
dont worry i know about 5 diffrent ways to make some we would just have to rob a post office

plus water makes it burn hotter

03-21-2008, 09:52 PM
That's where I seen it lol, in science. My friends wanted to steal it and throw it in my pool. Could you imagine place that stuff all around a building and when it rains you've got a protective shield.

03-22-2008, 06:47 AM
There is a chemical, I cannot recall what it's called, but it ignites upon contact with water. You talk about your ultimate weapon. I'm talking From Dusk Till Dawn, use super soakers and water balloons then squirt them with some chemical and watch them burn.

its magnesium hydride its hard to get a hold of unless we rob a science class There are actually other exothermic chemicals that have such a reaction with water. Any pure alkali metal should react this way and the further one goes down the column of alkali metals the more volatile the reaction should be. Oh, and these aren't so hard to get either.

but we could use home made napalm
dont worry i know about 5 diffrent ways to make some we would just have to rob a post office There are many ways to make a mixture that has a napalm like reaction. For that matter Napalm itself isn't that difficult. I am pretty good with chemicals.

03-24-2008, 10:45 AM
cool i didnt know you were a chemistry buff to

03-24-2008, 10:52 AM
That's where I seen it lol, in science. My friends wanted to steal it and throw it in my pool. Could you imagine place that stuff all around a building and when it rains you've got a protective shield.

but if we had a lot of francium just through a 1lb. ball of it into a a very large group of WET zombies we would be set

03-24-2008, 11:11 AM
Hey, what's that poll above? Do you see anything in it? Is it alive?

03-24-2008, 12:44 PM
I had a poll asking people if they were scared of, inspired, entertained, etc.,. by zombies and someone merged this with another zombie thread and killed my poll. :(

03-24-2008, 01:40 PM
Now the poll is undead.

03-24-2008, 01:41 PM

I dig that...

03-26-2008, 10:54 AM
pretty funny

03-29-2008, 12:02 AM
I was explaining my stick idea to friends. It was a mixed reaction but demonstrating it helped. I have a 5 ft. stick that's pretty thick with some good weight to it. I want to by some daggers (so i can swipe zombies with the blade) that have flat, metal handles about half a foot long. I would bolt these blades to both ends of the stick, increasing it's total length to close to seven ft.

Zombies would be grabbing at you to bit you. Simply I pushing a stick (almot seven feet wide of coverage I can hold them back while taking quick swipes at them with the blade. Taking out zombies from all around would be easy. Squating and spinning the stick around head level can result in some serious decapitations.

With a semi-automatic rifle for long range and the stick for close hand defense I think you'd have a good chance at survival, especially if you have a posse.

03-29-2008, 02:00 PM
one flaw i found in your plan is that if you think of killing large amounts of zombies with your bo staff with daggers at the end is that you wouldnt have the endurance to kill them all after (i dont know what type of physical condition your in so please dont get mad) half an hour or so (presuming your still alive or still human) you would most likley be very tired and there would maybe or maybe not be more zombies to kill forcing you to keep fighting or to run but being tired you may not be able to fight/run that effectivly

if i was going on a large group zombie killing spree with a meele weapon i would go with not a lengthy close range weapon but with effectiveness, maybe a chainsaw they do have a shorter range but you can ensure after hitting a zombie in the head the would 100% be down for good

03-30-2008, 10:06 AM
one flaw i found in your plan is that if you think of killing large amounts of zombies with your bo staff with daggers at the end is that you wouldnt have the endurance to kill them all after (i dont know what type of physical condition your in so please dont get mad) half an hour or so (presuming your still alive or still human) you would most likley be very tired and there would maybe or maybe not be more zombies to kill forcing you to keep fighting or to run but being tired you may not be able to fight/run that effectivly

Not as tired as running around holding a handgun with an empty clip.

if i was going on a large group zombie killing spree with a meele weapon i would go with not a lengthy close range weapon but with effectiveness, maybe a chainsaw they do have a shorter range but you can ensure after hitting a zombie in the head the would 100% be down for good

Chainsaws require gas. Hard to chainsaw more than a zombie or two at the time, much great risk of self injury. Swinging a chainsaw would result in loss of balance leaving yourself more prone to attack from the sides or back. Not to mention, if the virus (if there is one) can go through the blood a la 28 Days Later, a weapon that shoots blood every possible direction isn't very handy.

03-31-2008, 06:40 AM
Not as tired as running around holding a handgun with an empty clip.

for one i wouldn't be running around with just a handgun if i was even running around, i would carry at least 2 hand guns on me at all times plus some sort of automatic riffle/SMG/shotgun also i would most likly find my self on top of a building with some homemade Napom Grenades (id also carry at least 1 napom grenade so that if i get bit in a croud of zombie)

Chainsaws require gas. Hard to chainsaw more than a zombie or two at the time, much great risk of self injury. Swinging a chainsaw would result in loss of balance leaving yourself more prone to attack from the sides or back. Not to mention, if the virus (if there is one) can go through the blood a la 28 Days Later, a weapon that shoots blood every possible direction isn't very handy.

very true you would most likly loose your balence if you would spin around with a chainsaw, seeming that there really is no great choice for a meele weapon just who would be likes what better, you may want to go with agility with a bostaff, while i would go with power like a chainsaw or sledge hammer.

03-31-2008, 06:42 AM
improvised explosives :)

03-31-2008, 06:24 PM
hey this looks real familar like a thread i started on Dt.net. must have liked it alot.

okay my plan is simple. pawn shop for guns and ammo. then wal-mart for supplies/ then reinforce and hold out before heading north

03-31-2008, 06:26 PM
check, dont foget the cookies!

04-01-2008, 11:45 AM
Not as tired as running around holding a handgun with an empty clip.

for one i wouldn't be running around with just a handgun if i was even running around, i would carry at least 2 hand guns on me at all times plus some sort of automatic riffle/SMG/shotgun also i would most likly find my self on top of a building with some homemade Napom Grenades (id also carry at least 1 napom grenade so that if i get bit in a croud of zombie)

If you happen to own weapons like this, have the ability to carry them and ammo at all times while able to still make tracks if needed and defend yourself close range then that arsenal would be perfect. But if there is one thing I've learned in a zombie holocaust is that guns run out of ammo, they weigh a lot and are high matainence and make running more difficult.

I'd keep myself two handguns, one accessable in waist or holster, one in some kind of side bag. One would most likely be standard, something firing standard nine mm parrabellum rounds, semi-automatic, hopefully with a 15 clip. If possible I'd carry a much more powerful handgun for those sticky situations with a 7 foot zombie. On my back would be a high power, bolt action rifle accurate and powerful enough to conserve bullets when I have the time to aim.

Living in Canada we don't have guns lying all over the place and with Britain's and gun control it's no wonder they stood no chance against the infected. I'd have to rely on cunning, ability to make tracks, find safehouses and use melee and home made weapons.

very true you would most likly loose your balence if you would spin around with a chainsaw, seeming that there really is no great choice for a meele weapon just who would be likes what better, you may want to go with agility with a bostaff, while i would go with power like a chainsaw or sledge hammer.

My love for the raw and grit of zombies is what fueled my novel. Since they are living people who are just sick and really, no stronger than those not infected, they are incredibly human and weak. One of my characters actually fills a large sack with kitchen knives, forks, solid, heavy glasses...anything that can be thrown and inflict damage or crack a skull.

Since in real life I can't possibly ever see actual living dead but a mutated strain of rabies like mine, or rage or some weird virus or plague I could see and often think more along the lines of that. I think against the living dead it doesn't matter what you do lol.

04-01-2008, 12:53 PM
i didnt know that you wrote a novel about zombies who im i for saying what to use your a master on the subject

whats your book called i would love to read it!

04-02-2008, 10:53 PM
It's called Rabid Euphoria. I've completed about 330 pages but haven't gotten around to finishing it. It's been untouched for about three months now. Tells the story of a drunk and two junkies who fight for survival in a zombie-esque outbreak in a small (fictional) city in Northern Ontario.

The outbreak's origin is unknown but it's a strain of the rabies virus that has mutated and become incredibly volatile to humans. Virus is passed through the saliva so bites still work. Depending on where you're bit and how bad it can take anywhere from a matter of moments to hours until symptoms begin to show. Much like normal rabies, chances of surivial are essentially zero when symptoms start. Those infected are highly aggressive and primal with little ability to reason. The infected suffer from intense hallucinations making them lose touch with reality. Eventually their body begins to lock up, their muscles seize and they shake, have fits and seizures until they die usually within a day or two of symptoms showing. My Rabid will attack animals and even each other, there is no distinction for them.

I wrote a scene in which a character has been bitten but I don't tell the reader. The scene is written first from an outside view and then it shows how he thinks and what he sees as the transformation happens and what fuels the rabid.

It's been a constant challenge to take a motif such as a zombie and make it original while avoiding cliche situations, characters and events. I think the fact my Rabid become increasingly weak and they are not invincible makes a huge difference. I don't think it takes away the horror of it all as I feel it's much more down to earth. Rabies is a virus everyone knows exists and I think makes the entire event hit closer to home.

My biggest problem with zombie works is that there isn't enough kid zombies. Another, is where are the big zombies? Too many zombies look the same. Where are the seven foot tall, 300 plus pound zombies? Zombies that would be almost unstoppable? We need more of those zombies. Heck, toss a midget zombie in there somewhere as well.


That's an older version, not edited and I think it goes about a third or half of what I've written. I hate getting people to read it because the first 60 pages need a lot of work (wrote them over a year before the rest) and many of my ideas didn't make it through to the plot and some of it was just poorly concieved. My favourite stuff is after the first night and the entire next day. It moves so quickly and is very unpredictable with a lot of surprises and thrills. You could probably read that stuff with being lost...tell me if you'd like to and I'll hook you up with it.

04-02-2008, 11:07 PM
My friend who read World War Z told me they use a similar idea to my stick w/ daggers on the ends in the book. Makes me feel proud. :cowboy:

04-04-2008, 12:39 AM
I still have to read that but I'm finally getting to finish the zombie survival guide since Raron FINALLY found it and gave it back to me.

04-04-2008, 10:28 AM
I've no interest in the zombie survival guide lol. Between all my movies, beating the resident evil games no problem dozens of times and the books along with my wicked skills with a bowstaff I've got my guide here.

btw, I'm tapping my head.

04-04-2008, 11:44 AM

I have tons of zombie books and mostly they're lessons in what not to do... I guess what I need to do to survive is to be experimented on by an unfit company and become their killing machine like Alice...

04-04-2008, 10:58 PM
The resident Evil movies went downhill from the moment they concieved maknig them :arg: The first movie was decent...

04-12-2008, 01:57 PM
So what do you think about 28 days later?

05-21-2008, 05:22 AM
what do you do

my family and school has emergency protocols in case af an assault from the undead

The Lady of Shadows
05-21-2008, 05:32 AM
:rolleyes: :lol:

dude, seriously.

you just singlehandedly changed my mood from gloomy. congrats! :rose:

i don't think i've ever been asked that question before. so, tell me what is the protocol for a zombie attack? i'm all ears darling.

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

05-21-2008, 03:15 PM
I want to know too!!!!!!! :D :D :D

05-21-2008, 04:28 PM
Just about anything can be a weapon if you know how to use it. No worries here. Among our friends, we have the go-to place for a zombie apocalypse. :D

05-22-2008, 05:16 AM
well part of the plan involves trampolines, treadmills, and chainsaws at Wal-mart

07-22-2008, 03:46 AM
please continue!

07-22-2008, 07:50 AM
I would be terrified if the Zombie Apocalypse were to happen. According to that quiz, I have a 30% chance of surviving. Not good!

My back alley looks really weird at night. It looks like the perfect place where zombies would start spewing out. I don't like it at all. One day I'll have to take a picture of it at night and post it.

07-22-2008, 08:10 AM
I had a 90% chance. I have been made fun of though for how many cans of soup my parents keep in piles in my basement. But I feel safe!

07-22-2008, 11:52 AM
I got a 58% of survival, but honestly I've always thought zombies were the dumbest and hardest to be afraid of, maybe because I can't get down with the logic of them... why do they need to eat live flesh? it keeps them undead? why can't they just eat other zombies? why are they all dumb and slow?

I've always enjoyed vampires much more :D

07-22-2008, 12:01 PM
I agree that zombies are flawed, but vampires are much harder to kill. But, I would much rather be a vampire than anything else.

07-22-2008, 12:04 PM
i had a dream once that i was turned into a vampire... then i woke up and thought i saw two new moles on my neck, spaced perfectly apart :scared:... i can still go out in daylight and I don't wake up with blood in my mouth so I think i'm ok. Sometimes i think i just have too realistic dreams.

07-22-2008, 12:15 PM

07-25-2008, 08:37 PM
http://psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/zombiewolf.gif<---Zombie wolf (not to be confused with the Zombie Woof)!

07-26-2008, 10:30 AM
Everyone should pretty much just come to my house.


I will train everyone for the zombie apocalypse. No problem.

07-26-2008, 10:31 AM
WTF, double post

07-26-2008, 11:04 AM
Everyone should pretty much just come to my house.


I will train everyone for the zombie apocalypse. No problem.

Thanks for the offer, but...

Just about anything can be a weapon if you know how to use it. No worries here. Among our friends, we have the go-to place for a zombie apocalypse. :D

07-26-2008, 11:27 AM
anyways, the people in the c'box at my school, i got them with me, ad we have an escape plan posted down there. we posted it last year, and i keep expecting it to be torn down, but it didn't over last years summer break, so i wonder if it's still there.

07-26-2008, 02:00 PM
Well, okay Woofer, I'll just keep this half of my arsenel for myself...

07-26-2008, 02:24 PM
Ooo, nice! You can bring that half, and the other half if you like. Suddenly I note we have room for one more. Do you like chocolate?

http://psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/wink.gif http://psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/innocentgrin.gif

P.S. Even Mr. Woofer said "Nice" when he glanced over.

07-26-2008, 02:27 PM
I forgot what brought me here in the first place: Zombie Harmony (http://www.zombieharmony.com/).

07-26-2008, 02:27 PM
Everyone should pretty much just come to my house.


I will train everyone for the zombie apocalypse. No problem.

may i join you? for some reason i don't think i trust the people in my zombie survival group much.

07-27-2008, 05:59 AM
I wanna join too!

True story: I have so many bad zombie dreams that when it is dark out I hate having my car locked because that means it would take more time for me to get away from a potential baddy.

Ves'Ka Gan
07-27-2008, 07:25 PM
64% chance of survival. I guess having a lot of canned food & keeping weapons bumped me up. Plus I read Max Brooks' book about how to survive a zombie apocolypse. Haha.

07-28-2008, 05:53 AM
question #11 hit right on the dime. walmart

07-28-2008, 06:12 AM
Our plan (my group) is to head to the Weigh Station on the interstate. It's two brick layers thick, barred windows, steel door. Also, since it's on the interstate, we can rob anyone who passes by and take their supplies. It's extremely fortified, on the edge of the woods (which we have the run of already... we hunt and shoot on the woods directly behind the Weigh Station.) This is just a generic plan for any cataclysm. It'll work well for zombies. Lots of open area, nice fortified small structure, woods that we know to retreat to...

Sure, my plan includes killing and robbing survivors as well as zombies, but any good plan has to.

Even in a rural area like this, with a population county-wide of something like 25,000+/-, there simply isn't enough sustainable goods for that many people. In a world-changing event, even if 90% of the population dies quickly, that still leaves 2500+/- in this area. There is not enough renewable food to support 2500+/- immediately. In the future as times change and the world renews itself, sure. But in the weeks proceeding an event, the need for food is going to be peaked. And there simply isn't enough.

Even if a zombie apocalypse occurs, I'd wager if you want to survive you'll be killing as many survivors as you will zombies. At least for the first few weeks, if not months.

07-28-2008, 06:17 AM
make sure you set up a tree based walkway. and roof access. because those zombies will have the place surrounded. male sure you can escape through the trees without them seeing you before you go by land

07-28-2008, 06:26 AM
It's a lot simpler than that.

Only semi truck drivers use the weigh station, everyone else just drives on by. It's not a place that's going to attract much of anyone or anything. It's located in such a rural area, there are no homes nearby. It's an interstate, winding through a national forest, with a 100-acre private fenced farm behind the Weigh Station.

The occasional zombie won't be an issue, I'm sure.

07-28-2008, 06:28 AM
trust me. it will be

07-28-2008, 06:40 AM
Our plan (my group) is to head to the Weigh Station on the interstate. It's two brick layers thick, barred windows, steel door. Also, since it's on the interstate, we can rob anyone who passes by and take their supplies. It's extremely fortified, on the edge of the woods (which we have the run of already... we hunt and shoot on the woods directly behind the Weigh Station.) This is just a generic plan for any cataclysm. It'll work well for zombies. Lots of open area, nice fortified small structure, woods that we know to retreat to...

Sure, my plan includes killing and robbing survivors as well as zombies, but any good plan has to.

Even in a rural area like this, with a population county-wide of something like 25,000+/-, there simply isn't enough sustainable goods for that many people. In a world-changing event, even if 90% of the population dies quickly, that still leaves 2500+/- in this area. There is not enough renewable food to support 2500+/- immediately. In the future as times change and the world renews itself, sure. But in the weeks proceeding an event, the need for food is going to be peaked. And there simply isn't enough.

Even if a zombie apocalypse occurs, I'd wager if you want to survive you'll be killing as many survivors as you will zombies. At least for the first few weeks, if not months.

This post is why I said this back in Feb. :lol:

For those of you who know him, if there is ever a zombie outbreak, I'm driving the one hour drive to Valtr0n's house. He will protect me with his arsenol of weapons. :lol:

07-28-2008, 12:16 PM
For those of you who know him, if there is ever a zombie outbreak, I'm driving the one hour drive to Valtr0n's house. He will protect me with his arsenol of weapons. :lol:

I'll be awaiting your arrival. Weigh station on the left of I-64 East, a little past mile marker 147. Those are your directions to survival.

And razz, I assure you, zombies won't even be an issue. I know for sure there will be at least 3 of us, all armed with thousands of rounds, capable of making a headshot every time. There won't be so many zombies in the area that we can't kill them.

07-28-2008, 12:45 PM
You've been thinking of your zombie plan for awhile now, haven't you Val? :lol:

07-28-2008, 01:02 PM
The only plan I have for a zombie take-over is to hide under my bed. I feel safe under there! :)

07-28-2008, 01:04 PM
I have a zombie plan, it involves taking over the entire cole de sac. :rock:

It'll take a while for this thing to go rural.

07-28-2008, 02:11 PM
my brother plans on buying a house with a zombie-proof basement, stocked with a multitude of food, booby traps and weapons so I can just go hang out with him until the crisis ends.

Oh! he's building a zombie-killing mech as well!

07-28-2008, 02:25 PM
Brice, I just like having an all-purpose plan. It'll work for just about anything. Zombies are just a bonus in my book. They'll just be live targets that I won't have to feel bad about shooting recreationally.

Realistically, and I can't stress this enough, in any catastrophe, the real trouble is going to come from other people. People, even ones you trust, gum up the works. It's best to keep groups small, tight-knit, avoid others or places you might find others, and don't hesitate to kill or at least wound anyone or anything you don't recognize.

LadyHitchhiker, you'll need something renewable if you plan on surviving for long. Even a huge storage of food will run dry eventually, and maybe too soon, depending on what kind of event we're talking about.

07-28-2008, 02:25 PM
i think i may just arm myself to the teeth, take my dog, a kill everything else i see. ceuz everytone else will probably just kill me for whatever i have.

07-30-2008, 03:03 PM
i think we will build the house on a farm

07-30-2008, 04:49 PM
And there are species of edible mushrooms that grow underground, Insects are edible and also the plan I like to call "Mount up on the mech, step on everything moaning, walk to town, and pillage" of course that is short term, long term... well that is what building and underground civilization which I will be the mayor of is for. My campaign slogan will be.
I Have A Mech And You Don't.

08-01-2008, 05:05 AM
Oooooooh you have one post, Raron...

08-09-2008, 12:15 PM
And there are species of edible mushrooms that grow underground, Insects are edible and also the plan I like to call "Mount up on the mech, step on everything moaning, walk to town, and pillage" of course that is short term, long term... well that is what building and underground civilization which I will be the mayor of is for. My campaign slogan will be.
I Have A Mech And You Don't.


If I have to choose between eating insects and the zombies. To hell with it...I'll join the zombies.

08-09-2008, 01:58 PM
well here's the thing. Many viruses are unable to survive certain conditions. they need a certain blood pH, or they die, or the heart rate needs to be of a certain speed. too fast and they die. first thing's first. test on birds. if they survive, farm them.

08-09-2008, 03:19 PM
The best laid plans often go awry.

If any of you are truly worried about a disaster, whether it be zombies, floods, famine, economic collapse, prepare for it now. All the rhetoric in the world won't save you when the time comes and you simply aren't ready.

Because once the time comes, it's too late. You're gonna have to live with what you've got at the moment or what you can get down the road.

08-09-2008, 03:35 PM
Then most of us are basically fucked. :lol:

08-09-2008, 04:43 PM
luckily i won't be a phoner. i don't have or use a cell

08-12-2008, 11:56 AM
my cell phone is never more than ten feet away from me... it's like an umbilical cord.. i'd definitely be a phonie.

08-12-2008, 01:05 PM
What do you do if the zombies are like the phoners in Cell and can read your mind?

I hate to be crude but they'd all be having sex with each other and reading...

Oh and writing parodies and rescuing animals...

08-12-2008, 01:09 PM

08-12-2008, 09:29 PM
What do you do if the zombies are like the phoners in Cell and can read your mind?

Poor them.


08-13-2008, 03:41 AM
The best laid plans often go awry.

If any of you are truly worried about a disaster, whether it be zombies, floods, famine, economic collapse, prepare for it now. All the rhetoric in the world won't save you when the time comes and you simply aren't ready.

Because once the time comes, it's too late. You're gonna have to live with what you've got at the moment or what you can get down the road.

Indeed. That's why our friends tagged our house as the place to be. Sounds like we'll need to establish contact later - DT.com Tet 1 and DT.com Tet 2.

What do you do if the zombies are like the phoners in Cell and can read your mind?

Poor them.


Poor them indeed. Still, more interesting than a dead bee.

One of our lookouts is seen here (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?p=227298#post227298).

08-14-2008, 02:48 PM
If zombies take over I am going to one of your houses and hope you are not taken over by the virus...

08-14-2008, 02:54 PM
I think if the zombies did manage to get to Val and he still understood how to use his arsenal we're all pretty much screwed. :panic:

08-14-2008, 04:05 PM
If Land of the Dead is right, I could remember.

But probably not.

08-14-2008, 04:17 PM
Yeah...I'm gonna' go with Land Of The Dead being wrong for my own sanity. :lol:

08-15-2008, 06:02 AM
for our own safety too. :|

04-05-2009, 08:43 PM

do zombies poop? if so, do they use the bathroom, or how does that work?

this has been an intense debate in my house over the last few days.

04-05-2009, 08:50 PM
According to "The Zombie Survival Guide", none of their digestive organs retain function once they've been reanimated. (Slightly para-phrased.)

04-05-2009, 08:52 PM

i win.

thank you!

04-06-2009, 02:02 AM
so what happens with the brains they eat? do they just fill up the body until it bursts? of so, we win (eventually).:rock:

04-06-2009, 05:00 AM

04-06-2009, 06:43 AM
According to "The Zombie Survival Guide", none of their digestive organs retain function once they've been reanimated. (Slightly para-phrased.)

it also says that if they eat enough they will get bloated and their meals will pop their guts
and that if you can wait them out they will starve/exert themselves to death
an idea which was also touched upon it 28 days later

04-06-2009, 06:44 AM
so, still...i win.

even more awesome.

04-06-2009, 09:07 AM
it also says that if they eat enough they will get bloated and their meals will pop their guts
and that if you can wait them out they will starve/exert themselves to death
an idea which was also touched upon it 28 days later

But those weren't zombies, they were just really, REALLY pissed off humans :lol:

04-06-2009, 11:16 AM
yeah but its the same principal, once they're bodies start to fail (and without the ability to feel pain that is more difficult) then theyre done, in the "rage-zombies" case it was because they didnt know how to eat and it wore them down

04-06-2009, 11:20 AM
look, as long as i've won, there's really no need to continue the discussion.


04-06-2009, 11:30 AM
However, they're still not going to stop until the brain is destroyed, so there'll just be rotting half-zombies and shit trying to get at people. Zombies under water. Frozen zombies. Zombies in the grass.

lead dealer
04-06-2009, 07:50 PM
Darn quiz blocked by the filter, foiled again........

I assume I have a rather high survival rate with living in the sticks, owning many large caliber firearms. And haveing the repair ability for them ( Unprofitable hobby job). Haveing the big 1952 Dodge army truck helps too.....

That and the chainsaw.......

And the saber collection.......

I need to buy more ammo.....:shoot::evil:

04-07-2009, 01:59 AM
75% of survival

humm this thread sounds like my house on a friday night (the discussion not the desire for brains), anyway my house has pvc windows and doors which i believe to be zombie proof ,if not can someone tell me, (my survival may be at stake!!) we have semi-auto shotguns, quite a lot of sharp edged weaponary and a local population of 250 approx. Survival in a rural area should be easy

lead dealer
04-07-2009, 02:14 AM
Thank god, or whomever someone prays too when the dead walk.

My Freinds and I are not the only ones that have these bizarre topics of conversation on their friday nights.

Personally I do not want them close enough to be able to use a shotgun, within 50 meters, no thank you!!

When in doubt, Board up the windows, alla- shawn of the dead/ winchester style and wait for the national guard to come in and waste anything that drools.....

04-07-2009, 03:20 AM
National guardsmen are edible too. :lol: I'll rely on myself... and a bit of ...umm improvised weponry. :D I don't like the idea of letting anything getting in the range of ANY gun. I'd rather just take out the whole fuckin' neighborhood at once. :grouphug:

04-07-2009, 04:04 AM
37% chance. I'm boned.

04-07-2009, 07:01 AM


04-07-2009, 07:39 AM

Looks like I have some work to do.

04-07-2009, 09:46 AM
I dont know what quiz u guys r taking but my plan to survive the zombie apocalypse would be to get myself a copy of the veronica virus and get me some superpowers Albert Wesker style!

04-07-2009, 09:54 AM
The quiz is linked on the first post of this thread. :D

04-07-2009, 08:34 PM
47% Chance

Personally, I think I could do better than the quiz gives me credit for. Especially after playing so many zombie video games. An apartment may be difficult to fortify but I'm not far from the hood, which means many gun and pawn shops, liquor for molotov cocktails, and fried chicken to give me energy. There's also an armory not too far away, and you never know if a flamethrower might be in one of those. I'm also very good at climbing trees and not bad with a sniper rifle (and I actually know the pawn shop down the street has a couple of these at the moment).

04-07-2009, 08:35 PM
This cat loves Zombie movies ;>


04-07-2009, 08:43 PM
:rofl: been checking out the heavy artillery?

04-07-2009, 08:49 PM
You've always got to be thinking ahead to the apocalypse. :cool:

04-07-2009, 08:52 PM
i like your attitude, sir.

lead dealer
04-08-2009, 09:08 PM
Ahh, fellow pureists... Large caliber weapons. .30 or better are perfect for removing the heads of the undead. You wand a good vantage point. Most of you know this. And want at least 100 yards stand off distance. Avoid the "mouse guns" like the popular ar-15/M16-M-4 sereis. Little bullets bearly work on the living, let alone the reanimated dead. Older guns like the M1 Garand and the M-14 type are ideal. Keep a shotgun handy when they get in close (you screwed up and they are swarming) within 50m.

Hey I work a 3rd watch job where they give me an automatic weapon. My Mind wanders after seeing wayyyyy to many zombie movies......

Firearms, it is what I know and what I do..... :shoot::cool:

04-08-2009, 09:13 PM
I'm going to try and get up to lead dealer's place during the apocalypse.

I like the suggestion of the Garand, but I think I'd fare better with a Gewher in the rifle camp. The M-14 is a good suggestion as well.

The flamethrower would only be used in the event of an oncoming hoarde that needed to be weakened quickly and effectively. Light them on fire and then climb into a deer stand and take them out with the rifles.

lead dealer
04-08-2009, 09:21 PM
My "appocoplipse" gun is a socom-16. For those not in the know it is a short barreled m-14 type rifle. My lovely wife has claimed the g-3. The equaly lovely m-1928 thompson will be kept near by.....

Oh wonderfull, FLAMEING undead animals coming for me..... yea, great.....:onfire::onfire:

04-08-2009, 09:24 PM
The Thompson would be a winner as long as the hoarde wasn't too big. The g-3 is a good call and I assume your wife is pretty good with her aim. Its not an amateur gun. In the wrong hands, it would be terribly ineffective.

lead dealer
04-08-2009, 09:45 PM
She Is rather good, shoots marksman or better every time. Has rather ecclectic weapon choices. Her favorites are a .308 mas-36 and a webley mkVI in .45acp. She can hold her own rather well. She knows quality! But yes, the g-3 is a bit of a bear to charge... But you would need a good semi auto or better for the undead. There is always the kalishni- copy.....
And She is DEATHLY fearfull of zombies. She knows it is an irrational fear, but keeps watching the movies anyways....

Created a monster, she can shoot very well. Wants to go to the range. Beautyfull. What more could I want?

04-08-2009, 09:52 PM
Sounds too good to be true lead dealer. Good for you man.

04-08-2009, 10:11 PM
I'd have to play more like the father/daughter combo from 28 days later. Barricade myself on the top of a highrise with flights of stairs between me and the horde to barricade with all kinds of misc crap. Tons of food and water to last a long seige, maybe a sniper rifle and my trusty mauser bolt action for entertainment.

lead dealer
04-08-2009, 10:35 PM
It is a good plan, Not sure how sustainable it would be for a really long seige. Zombies seem to work on the old russian tactical doctrine. Send many, many bodys toward your target, let them over heat their guns and swarm them with the remainder. Overwelm with numbers. Once they are close and blocking your only way out. Where are you going to run to?
And you do have a sniper rifle, the 8mm mauser is in the 30.06 power class. Open sights, but they are easyer for snap shooting anyways. Many a man has gotten wacked, or in this case bitten, attempting to squint through a scope. If your eyes are good. If you can see it you can hit it. Never discount the old guns as "entertainment" Lots of dead russians have proved that to be false in afganistan.....

More ramblings from the zombie fearing gun guy....

04-09-2009, 01:30 AM
When Z-day comes im planning on having an armoured bulldozer. Since the 'dozer place is 8 miles away on the edge of town we have to make it there in one piece first, that gave me this idea.

If you had to make this journey what kit would you bring? Most of the journey is by car but the building is on the outskirts of town.There are 2 other people making the journey with you and the primary weapon has to be a shotgun.Try to be realistic in terms of weight etc.

mine would be

winchester 20 gague 5 shot
bolt cutters
ammo belt

04-09-2009, 10:36 PM
It is a good plan, Not sure how sustainable it would be for a really long seige. Zombies seem to work on the old russian tactical doctrine. Send many, many bodys toward your target, let them over heat their guns and swarm them with the remainder. Overwelm with numbers. Once they are close and blocking your only way out. Where are you going to run to?
And you do have a sniper rifle, the 8mm mauser is in the 30.06 power class. Open sights, but they are easyer for snap shooting anyways. Many a man has gotten wacked, or in this case bitten, attempting to squint through a scope. If your eyes are good. If you can see it you can hit it. Never discount the old guns as "entertainment" Lots of dead russians have proved that to be false in afganistan.....

More ramblings from the zombie fearing gun guy....

I've thought about this alot, you collect rainwater and condensation on the roof of the highrise. As well as making sure you stockpile seeds and soil, As long as you have enough supplies to last a few months you can grow your own food and sustain your basic needs. .Also how long will the zombie last without food to sustain it?

As for the mauser, very true. . But there is something about having a 50 cal sniper that would just be so entertaining!

In this day and age, all my guns are strictly for my entertainment (besides the 1911 and the mossberg being for home protection). I love going out into the desert and using my semi 22 rimfire rifle for target practice. The mauser makes a nice hole as well.

04-09-2009, 10:45 PM
When Z-day comes im planning on having an armoured bulldozer. Since the 'dozer place is 8 miles away on the edge of town we have to make it there in one piece first, that gave me this idea.

If you had to make this journey what kit would you bring? Most of the journey is by car but the building is on the outskirts of town.There are 2 other people making the journey with you and the primary weapon has to be a shotgun.Try to be realistic in terms of weight etc.

mine would be

winchester 20 gague 5 shot
bolt cutters
ammo belt

My kit would consist of:

I love bolt action but would have to go semi auto rifle 7.62
1911 or sig 9mm sidearm with ammo belt
Machete (good call)

lead dealer
04-12-2009, 12:04 AM
I would advise against a shotgun, especally a 20ga. Your target has to be rather close to use one of them. We are told do not engage a target with a 12ga at longer than 50m. Really that is not to far away! The shotgun is more of a defenceive arm rather than an offencive. Sold on the shotgun? Go with at least a 12ga. The 20ga you have to be close to take a head off, the 12, not as close!
As for 9mm, it bearly works on living, bleeding targets. Let alone an undead brain eater. Go with gods own gun, the M1911, .45. Combat prefection (more or less) since 1911....

And yes the .50 barret would be so much fun as a pink mist maker....:shoot:

My kit (oh boy, you asked for it)

7.62 battel rifle, with combat load (7 loaded mags)
.45 with 5mags, hollow points, hell make it two .45's one for each hip.
IBA (interceptor, ballistic, vest) with the neck guard in place and the ballistic plates removed.
Heavy winter weight bdu's (less l8ikely to be bitten through)
Well balenced saber (preffer the 1850 light artillery model) Sharpened of course.........
Riot helment
Water (2x 2qt canteens)
Medkit with alchohol and quick clot....

Now I am thinking of ways to "mad max" out my 52' dodge M-37..... Cow catcher, spikes on the wheels..... Flame thrower.........:orely:

04-12-2009, 04:32 AM
i dont really like the idea of just having a shotgun but it's all i can get ('till i put my 'dozer through the local police station wall, the cops pack H&K MP5's over here).

What ammo would you suggest for the s/gun lead dealer??

04-12-2009, 10:14 AM
lead dealer, you forgot to add "cb radio" because I'm going to need to get in touch with you so we can smoke them together.

lead dealer
04-12-2009, 08:23 PM
The millitary tells me that OObuck is good for anti personel. That is a good stand by. My personel favorate is an evil round known as a fleshett. These are a tiny titanium dart. About 25-30 of these can be placed in a 12gage round. not sure on a 20. Remember you want something that would be reguarded as "inhumane" if used on a living person. For the zombies it should be just right.....

Ps. a 9mm bullet (the mp-5) should be avoided with the undead.Unless you use "multiple and frequent applications".:) Even the jacketed hollow points take 18-24 inches of tissue to open up. you average person is not that thick. Leaves 9mm holes going in and comeing out. You want MASS TISSUE TRAMA!!!!

04-13-2009, 06:11 AM
Really, on a zombie, I'd think mass tissue trauma would be irrelevant, as long as it goes through the brain you're good. In a zombie situation, I'd take a lighter round over a heavy round solely due to the fact that you can carry more of it, and there's not going to be any shortage of zombies for you to kill.

Comparing .308 to .223, you could probably carry at the very least 50% more ammo for the exact same weight. Assuming you're good with headshots, that's 50% more zombies you could kill. I really don't think mass tissue trauma is a factor in the zombie uprising. Shot placement, as always, should be key in eliminating a threat, whether it be zombie or living.

Same argument goes for 9mm versus .45. The argument between them has gone on for nearly a century, but there is no lack of persons killed by both rounds. Same goes for .45, I'd take a .40 or a 9mm over a .45ACP. Not only because of the weight difference, but most local and state police departments, specifically in my area, carry 9mm or .40. You'll be hard pressed to come across a dead guy carrying magazines of .45 ACP.

Against a living combatant bound and determined to kill me, I'd probably take my CETME and a 1911. Against legions of the undead or a survival situation, I'd take a 5.56 and a .40 solely for the amount of ammo I can carry compared to the amount of weight I'd have to carry. And I don't think anyone will argue that if you put two people side by side and shot one in the head with a 7.62 and the other with a 5.56, they sure as hell wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I think the best strategy isn't an individual loadout, but to plan on having 3 or 4 friends with you with seperate loadouts, with seperate purposes. A shotgunner and a sniper would be a necessity, with the remaining two or three being your mid-range guys.

My ideal zombie loadout:

M4 Carbine with Eotech/AIMpoint sight, ten 30 round magazines - (say what you will about the M4/M16 series, modern revisions have pretty much eradicated problems. I've put over 10,000 rounds through 2 of them, and the only time I've ever had a failure it was due to the magazine. Even my shitty $600 Olympic Arms M4-copy shot impeccably. And they're not even that hard to maintain/clean. I've taken my RRA hiking in the snow, dropped it, banged it, gotten it muddy and dirty, and the M4 and the Eotech both still function 100% and are no worse for the wear.)

Springfield Armory XD-40, with 180gr Golden Sabers, five 12-round magazines.

Kukri machete.

Also a couple of small backup guns, 9mm Makarovs.

04-13-2009, 03:00 PM
Can I be your shotgun guy Val?

04-13-2009, 03:37 PM
I've already got my team put together, obscurejude. :P But if one bites the dust, and you can get here to take his place, you're more than welcome.

04-13-2009, 04:31 PM
Of course what we need really all depends on the type of zombies, method of contagion, etc. All we can do is put together a basic package and adjust according to the news we get.

04-13-2009, 06:12 PM
Good point. I don't want to gear up for a virus only to find out it's a parasite, or expect undead, and find out that their still alive and can be easily killed without brain removal.

I suggest a photon cannon in every package

lead dealer
04-13-2009, 09:33 PM
Small bullets== small holes. You have to destroy the brain, not just hit it! The shotgun would be ideal. Except for the major factor of range. You have to be really freeking close to use one to take a head off....

You don't need enough ammo to fight the war. Just enough to get to the store:pirate:

With how many ar15 types that come my way I have a good reason to dislike them. Weather it be the full autos with the military or the semis. Besides Would you use a .22lr to kill a man outside of an execution? Weak round would have to use up quite a few to drop something....
Take no chances with the living dead, use the biggest bullet you can! Or just hit them with the car.......

04-14-2009, 03:26 AM
Someone shot my brother-in-law with a .22. It pissed him off, so he took the gun away from the guy and beat him up with it.