View Full Version : The Murder of Stephen King

09-14-2016, 02:01 PM

Notoriously prolific author James Patterson announced in June a new publishing imprint called BookShots, which focuses on short, 150-page novels meant to be read in a single sitting.

The latest BookShots thriller from Patterson is eye-catchingly titled The Murder of Stephen King. The book follows a “a fictional Stephen King character” whose stalker is recreating the horrific events from King’s books.

Patterson said of the book in a press release:

I’ve been a Stephen King fan for many years, and writing this book gave me the opportunity explore what happens when an author’s own novels put him in danger. The story is entirely fictitious, and a product of my imagination. Readers will be surprised by the outcome, and I hope that my fans – and all mystery fans alike – will enjoy it.

The release didn’t provide a quote from King himself and as of this writing, he has yet to post about the forthcoming book on his social media, so it’s unclear how much involvement, if any, he had in the novel. It may be important to note that King has been rather critical of Patterson in the past, saying he’s “a terrible writer but he’s very successful.” Patterson once responded to King’s criticisms by telling The Wall Street Journal, “I read his stuff. I like breaking his balls by saying positive things about him,” so maybe this is another way of riling King up.

The Murder of Stephen King will be released on Nov. 1 for just $3.99 in trade paperback, e-book, and audiobook.

09-14-2016, 02:18 PM
It's really sad what hack writers will do to sell a book.

09-14-2016, 02:38 PM
I don't think money is a problem for Patterson. He makes King look like a penniless hobo. Also, King has had something like this coming. He's not too shy when it comes to crapping on other writers.

09-14-2016, 02:52 PM
I don't think money is a problem for Patterson. He makes King look like a penniless hobo. Also, King has had something like this coming. He's not too shy when it comes to crapping on other writers.

When King did that, he was usually right. Just like his tweets about Trump and LePage. Patterson is probably just bitter and jealous...he's nothing compared to the King!

09-14-2016, 05:34 PM
I enjoy Patterson now and again.

Back when I was still in N.Y. his books were considered good "Beach Books" lol

09-16-2016, 05:38 AM
I used to like Patterson's old stuff - the books he actually wrote. Most of his new stuff is crap IMHO, although I have read 2 of the NYPD Red series and those were okay.

09-16-2016, 08:37 AM
Dumb. Did he write it, or "write" it with 3 other people doing the research and typing?

09-16-2016, 01:13 PM

A new novel from James Patterson has a title that calls for a disclaimer and a spoiler alert: "The Murder of Stephen King."

"A work of fiction," readers are assured. "All incidents and dialogue, and all characters with the exception of Stephen and Tabitha King, are products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real."

And, yes, the story has a happy ending.

But still, that title.

"I think it's a good title," Patterson told The Associated Press during a recent telephone interview. "It's exactly what the book is."

Not exactly - the murder is only attempted.

"I guess we could have put in 'attempted,'" he added.

Patterson's 150-page book, which comes out Nov. 1, tells of an obsessed fan out to get King and of the detective (who happens to be named Jamie Peterson) trying to save him. The novel is part of his "BookShots" series of "pulse-pounding thrillers under $5 and 150 pages or less." The prolific Patterson, who averages several best-sellers a year and openly works with co-authors, collaborated with Derek Nikitas on the King story.

Other fiction writers have imagined - or least suggested - the demise of a public figure. Hilary Mantel's short story "The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher: August 6th 1983" came out in 2014, after the former British Prime Minister had died. Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives were angered by Nicholson Baker's 2004 novel "Checkpoint," in which an opponent of the Iraq War considers killing then-President George W. Bush and a friend tries to dissuade him.

King, through an assistant, declined comment on Patterson's book, but confirmed he has received an advance copy.

In "The Murder of Stephen King," the villain's motive is explained at the start: "He'll write a tell-all book from his prison cell and be crowned the new King of Horror. All the readers will scream: The King is dead; long live the King!" Patterson says the novel is clearly a homage to the author, with praise for his work and for King. He notes that King has included crazed readers in his books, notably in "Misery," and that Patterson has encountered his own share of "buzzing pests" and "scary kooks."

Patterson says he doesn't know King, although he has heard he's a "neat guy." The book is entirely imagined, down to the King household, as seen by Detective Peterson.

"Classic images come to mind: killer clowns whispering from inside sewer drains, teenage vampires scraping their claws on your bedroom window, creepy twins in a hotel hallway, rabid dogs and undead cats and crazed prom queens drenched in pig's blood. I'm about to meet the guy whose head it all spilled out of," Patterson and Nikitas wrote.

"But Steve King's pushing seventy these days, clean-shaven with backswept gray hair. He sits at the kitchen table, so engrossed in a book that his nose is practically touching the pages. His long upper lip gives him a harmless, almost rabbitlike appearance."

While Patterson speaks warmly of King, King has not returned the compliments in the past. In a 2009 interview with USA Weekend, he said Patterson was "a terrible writer but he's very successful." Speaking to the AP, Patterson is dismissive of King's remarks, calling them "hyperbole," in the style of Donald Trump.

"I know I'm not a terrible writer," Patterson says. "That's a little over the top."

Patterson said those who know about his book have not objected to the title, and that some have even found it funny.

And what if King were to write a novel called "The Murder of James Patterson"?

"If Stephen King wrote it," he said, "I would definitely want to read it."

Randall Flagg
09-16-2016, 02:08 PM
Not having read the book, I think it's a great idea.

09-16-2016, 03:37 PM
That will really feed into King's paranoia about his fans.

09-16-2016, 10:47 PM
I wonder if there will be television ads.

09-16-2016, 11:56 PM
I don't think money is a problem for Patterson. He makes King look like a penniless hobo. Also, King has had something like this coming. He's not too shy when it comes to crapping on other writers.

I don't know how accurate this is. But you are right. A lot more millions than King.

James Patterson · Net worth
$470 million USD

Stephen King
$400 million USD (2016)

John Grisham
$220 million USD (2016)

David Baldacci
$45 million USD (2016)

Patricia Cornwell
$15 million USD (2016)

09-17-2016, 02:40 AM
He is always #1 at the Forbes top writers fortune, WAY above King. But then, he has a LOT more books being published every year, many of which he "cowrites"

09-17-2016, 06:53 AM
It sounds kind of interesting, but I'm not sure it would be for me. I wonder how King feels about it :cool2:

09-17-2016, 03:09 PM
King already touches on this possibility by putting himself as a character into the series for which this website and forum is named ... Patterson's pretty late to the party.

Randall Flagg
09-17-2016, 05:10 PM
King already touches on this possibility by putting himself as a character into the series for which this website and forum is named ... Patterson's pretty late to the party.
Late doesn't mean it doesn't have the possibility of being interesting.
We have a thread for it, so it's intriguing.

The Movie "You Can't Kill Stephen King" was terrible....but so bad as to be good.

09-17-2016, 05:30 PM
Ive never read James Patterson, not sure if I should spend the time and money. There was a movie that never got finished called Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen but I've never heard of You Can't Kill Stephen King. Btw, greetings, long time no see...

09-18-2016, 12:37 AM
Co-writing a 140p book, means... that he gave the title and idea, then put his name on it?
At least, RL Stine writes entirely 140p stories

09-18-2016, 05:11 AM
If a writer gets to a place where every book is co-authored, maybe it's time to hang up his/her professional writer's hat?

09-18-2016, 05:25 AM
If a writer gets to a place where every book is co-authored, maybe it's time to hang up his/her professional writer's hat?

It seems to be working pretty well for him if he has made $500 million. I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.

Roland of Gilead 33
09-18-2016, 01:18 PM
actually Patterson's a favorite of mine and i have to disagree about his recent stuff being shit. Now I see her i think the name of it is? i read last year and that book is about 5 years old that's the most recent one i read of his and i fucking loved it. I may love SK as writer as well but i'm really surprised no author has done this before to be honest. if it's done well and i'm not saying it will be as i haven't read it yet it won't bother me. though i don't get why Patterson doesn't write his own stuff anymore outside of his Alex Cross Novels that is. i don't mind if he does work with other authors but he does it far far too damn often and i wonder how much of it he actually writes anyways?

09-18-2016, 05:59 PM
actually Patterson's a favorite of mine and i have to disagree about his recent stuff being shit. Now I see her i think the name of it is? i read last year and that book is about 5 years old that's the most recent one i read of his and i fucking loved it. I may love SK as writer as well but i'm really surprised no author has done this before to be honest. if it's done well and i'm not saying it will be as i haven't read it yet it won't bother me. though i don't get why Patterson doesn't write his own stuff anymore outside of his Alex Cross Novels that is. i don't mind if he does work with other authors but he does it far far too damn often and i wonder how much of it he actually writes anyways?

Ad campaign right in the title!!! lol

09-20-2016, 03:26 PM
Yeah, RichardX, I don't expect Patterson to hang it up, it just seems as though he should ... either that or go stay at a monastery somewhere for awhile and get his writing mojo back ....

Roland of Gilead 33
09-20-2016, 05:47 PM
i do find it really odd that he would do this though. but i do agree that he needs to go back to actually writing his actual fucking books. i mean come on he works with more authors than any author than i can think of!

09-22-2016, 02:17 PM

‘Murder of Stephen King’ Pulled By Author James Patterson (http://www.thewrap.com/murder-of-stephen-king-pulled-by-author-james-patterson/)

Author James Patterson is canceling the release of what was supposed to be his next novel, “The Murder of Stephen King.”

According to the Associated Press, the author released a statement through Little, Brown and Company explaining that he didn’t want to cause Stephen King or his family any trouble.

09-22-2016, 02:29 PM

‘Murder of Stephen King’ Pulled By Author James Patterson (http://www.thewrap.com/murder-of-stephen-king-pulled-by-author-james-patterson/)

Author James Patterson is canceling the release of what was supposed to be his next novel, “The Murder of Stephen King.”

According to the Associated Press, the author released a statement through Little, Brown and Company explaining that he didn’t want to cause Stephen King or his family any trouble.

I bet he didn't run this by King first and King must've sicced some sick lawyer types on him.

09-22-2016, 02:44 PM
Yeah something must have transpired behind the scenes. It would be interesting to know some details. I wasn't a fan of this idea and wouldn't blame King for not taking kindly to it.

09-22-2016, 02:55 PM
I was kinda looking forward to this, weirdly.

09-22-2016, 10:51 PM
As if they didn't think that through first.
Just a big marketing scheme.

09-23-2016, 09:07 AM
If they kept the name and the "murder" inside the book and its plot, that probably would've been fine. The title must've been what did it. I know that whether I was famous or not, I wouldn't want another writer to have a title about the murder of me. Seems like a tasteless marketing ploy.

09-23-2016, 12:21 PM
Stephen King has a thing about fanfic. He doesn't like it, due to legal problems that might arise, such as reverse-plagiarism claims ... ("hey I came up with a new situation for your character Roland, and then you used it in the movie sequel without giving me credit!!") Somewhere in that murky territory, if Patterson didn't check with him first, lies the cancellation of the book.

09-23-2016, 02:15 PM
Yeah but Roland and the tower aren't exactly King's intellectual property either. Nor are Harry Potter and DC characters he mentioned in Wolves. Or any other bazillion pop culture references he has made.

I don't think we'll ever know what the true reason for cancelling the book is. That's between the two camps involved.

09-24-2016, 04:44 AM
Yeah but Roland and the tower aren't exactly King's intellectual property either.

A valid point, Pb.

But I suspect a book about one's murder; or attempted murder is far more personal than intellectual property.

09-27-2016, 04:41 PM
While the book was pulled, here's the cover anyway:


Roland of Gilead 33
09-27-2016, 07:29 PM
i would have read it 1. cause i do like the author. and 2 just cause i am honestly curious if it was a good one or a bad one? i wonder if he'll ever put it out? my guess he should have talked to King 1st and also sent him a copy of the book before he took it to his publisher to read to know if he's okay with him publishing it or not.

09-29-2016, 01:27 PM
It probably, in the end, does have something to do with Stephen's thoughts on Patterson and other authors' writing. I don't think he feels he would be done justice in a Patterson co-authored novel. And he has copyrighted himself as a character in the Dark Tower series. When there's a group Halloween story on the SKMB there's a no fanfic allowed rule, and there's enough copyrighted material in the Dark Tower I'm sure that still makes it a possible legal issue ..... (and almost certainly a personal one as well)

Roland of Gilead 33
10-16-2016, 05:08 PM
actually what i read online wasn't that, it was Patterson had read that in the past he has had fans come to his house and i think he was afraid his novel would make more fans attempt to do just that. i love king like you do. i'd love to be invited inside his wonderful house but i would never try and force myself into there. and hell i'd love to Meet King too. apparently also what i read online how it ended was King didn't actually end up getting killed. still i would have liked to read it but oh well ya know? you may also be right too it may also have had to do with that as well.

10-20-2016, 08:42 PM
i would have read it 1. cause i do like the author.

patterson, or the author he got to actually write it?

10-21-2016, 12:20 AM
I wonder if somehow a few review copies had been sent out (and what would be their value), or if that was just a big marketing campaign with maybe not even a written book

Bev Vincent
10-21-2016, 04:20 AM
According to the first report, King had been sent a galley of the book, but I imagine that was one of the first internal copies and that none have escaped into the wild.

10-21-2016, 10:33 AM

‘Murder of Stephen King’ Pulled By Author James Patterson (http://www.thewrap.com/murder-of-stephen-king-pulled-by-author-james-patterson/)

Author James Patterson is canceling the release of what was supposed to be his next novel, “The Murder of Stephen King.”

According to the Associated Press, the author released a statement through Little, Brown and Company explaining that he didn’t want to cause Stephen King or his family any trouble.

I was trying to confirm directly from the Co-Author, this is what he stated:

From: Derek Nikitas
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 12:53 PM
To: Reitz, Glennon
Subject: RE: Followup- The Murder of Stephen King

Hi, Glen. Thanks again for your note. I'm sorry to say there's not much I can comment on (in most cases, I really don't even know the answer). I can verify what Mr. King himself has publicly stated, which is that the book was completed and a galley was sent to him by Little, Brown. I'll also echo what Mr. Patterson has said publicly, which is that the story was written with absolute admiration and love for Mr. King and his literary career.

Stephen King was my earliest and most fundamental influence as a writer, and he continues to be an inspiration to me. I've cut my teeth as a mystery/crime writer, but the next two books I've written with Jim Patterson are both horror, and I'm thrilled to be working in the same genre as one of my biggest literary heroes so often does.

And, no, the character of Stephen King does not die in the book! (Jim Patterson has also said that publicly).

Derek Nikitas

Roland of Gilead 33
10-21-2016, 09:24 PM
i've always wondered just how much James Patterson does write when he doesn't write most of his own work anymore. if memory serves me right and i could be wrong i think one thing he did say was he does do an outline of the story he wants to do however he didn't much say more than that i don't think. while it's true no doubt that it can be hard to tell which author is which but when you have King and Straub like The Talisman or The Black House if you know both authors writing style cause no doubt there's more people on here that know both authors far better than i do you can perhaps tell which style is which. i have no issues with stuff like at all with authors working on whatever book, but i don't get how Patterson can use that many on so many books? does anyone have any kinda how many books he does a year anymore? off the top of my head the only ones he does do himself are the Alex Cross books and he puts one of those out every year. truth be told i've never read any of his co-writes solo books so i dunno their style at all. thanks for an update on this though i think that was awfully nice of him to respond back to you even though he didn't really say much.

but i also don't think he was lying either. or he just was saying what he was allowed to either way he seemed to be honest with you

10-28-2016, 02:42 PM
Hmm, well, that mostly clears everything up, then ....