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View Full Version : Best Comedy Tournament: Round 1 - Group L

03-02-2015, 06:40 AM
For the Round 1 polls, please vote for up to six titles to move on to the next round. You can vote for less, but please make sure you are not voting for more before clicking that Vote button. The poll will be open for one week. The top six titles will be moving on to Round 2.

Clue (1985) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_%28film%29)


The Sunshine Boys (1975) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sunshine_Boys_%281975_film%29)


Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbott_and_Costello_Meet_Frankenstein)


I Love You, Man (2009) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Love_You,_Man)


The Ref (1994) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ref)


Election (1999) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_%281999_film%29)


Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gremlins_2:_The_New_Batch)


The Trouble with Harry (1955) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trouble_with_Harry)


The Nutty Professor (1996) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nutty_Professor_%281996_film%29)


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Lampoon%27s_Christmas_Vacation)


03-02-2015, 07:17 AM
Just three for me, but three great ones that must go far: The Ref, Election, and The Trouble with Harry.

03-02-2015, 01:04 PM
Need votes for The Ref and Election. Couldn't find a trailer for The Ref so that terrible-looking TV spot was all I could manage but I'm sure we've all seen The Ref, hystrical performance by Denis Leary and Kevin Spacey being that cool Kevin Spacey. As well, Election is pure genius and one of the best films of the '90s.

03-02-2015, 01:05 PM
Only voting for two, Nutty Professor and Christmas Vacation. If you don't think Christmas Vacation is absolutely hilarious then I don't think I could watch movies with you.

03-02-2015, 03:39 PM
I loved The Ref and Election. Two great films. And, yeah, Christmas Vacation. Although I'm scared to watch it again as I might not find it as funny as I did when I was in college.

03-02-2015, 03:58 PM
I have to watch Christmas Vacation every year. And it still continues to crack me up.

Still Servant
03-02-2015, 05:35 PM
Yay! I can officially vote for Clue!

As for Christmas Vacation, am I the only one that mumbles, "It's good, it's good, it's good" when sipping Eggnog around Christmas?


03-02-2015, 07:04 PM
I got tired of it. (Christmas Vacation.) It's not as strong as the first one.

03-02-2015, 10:57 PM
A great breakdown of Gremlins 2 (contains spoilers).


03-03-2015, 05:43 AM
You know what's funny? Words with a "k" in them.

03-03-2015, 06:49 AM
I just vaguely remember Gremlins 2. I don’t think I’ve seen it since I was a kid. Seems like one of those movies that didn’t logically need a sequel but the movie studios wanted to cash in and then they ended up with something that wasn’t nearly as good as the original.

03-03-2015, 08:27 AM
I just vaguely remember Gremlins 2. I don’t think I’ve seen it since I was a kid. Seems like one of those movies that didn’t logically need a sequel but the movie studios wanted to cash in and then they ended up with something that wasn’t nearly as good as the original.

The whole story is laid out in the video above. The films are completely different. G2 is a parody of the first film and a total blast.

03-04-2015, 09:42 AM
The Ref is sixth, yes! Hopefully both it and Election can make it, as well as The Trouble With Harry :excited:

03-04-2015, 09:45 AM
I really hope The Trouble With Harry makes it on.

03-04-2015, 02:04 PM
Went for Christmas Vacation and Clue, The Ref almost got a vote.

03-04-2015, 09:22 PM
Election with only three votes is mind-blowing. It's one of the funniest movies of the entire 1990s:


03-05-2015, 07:57 PM
Election with only three votes is mind-blowing. It's one of the funniest movies of the entire 1990s:


Sorry, but that is two minutes of my life that I will never get back.

03-05-2015, 09:56 PM
Really? You never saw Election? You're missing out on a classic.

03-05-2015, 11:42 PM
I should've nominated Dick. Forgot about it.


03-06-2015, 07:23 AM
Three days to go, please get your votes in!

Need more Election votes, lest Gremlins 2 gets in over that great film!

Still Servant
03-06-2015, 11:51 AM
I'm shocked at how poorly some of the more recent comedies are doing in this tournament. I'm not sure if it's because they are newer and haven't paid their dues, or people just haven't seen them. Then again, maybe people just don't like them. I find it hard to believe that everybody dislikes most of the new comedies. I Love You, Man should have more than 2 votes. It's one of the better comedies of recent years.

03-06-2015, 12:45 PM
How does Election and I Love You, Man have so few votes? Election is fantastic and I Love You Man is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen...both have great performances and have great satirical humour. Alexander Payne, I will weep for you :'(

Voted: Election, I Love You, Man and The Ref.

03-06-2015, 12:56 PM

03-06-2015, 02:37 PM
Let's at least pull Election into a tie for sixth! I'm sure it can take out Gremlins 2 (ugh) in a tiebreaker:


03-06-2015, 02:48 PM
Gremlins 2 is awful. The original is leagues better.

03-06-2015, 03:30 PM
Just for that, more Gremlins 2 footage! :D



03-06-2015, 03:37 PM
This scene from Gremlins is funnier than the whole of Gremlins 2


03-06-2015, 03:55 PM
Let's at least pull Election into a tie for sixth! I'm sure it can take out Gremlins 2 (ugh) in a tiebreaker:


Gremlins 2 is awful. The original is leagues better.

For the record, Election is 92% on RT.

03-06-2015, 04:56 PM

03-06-2015, 06:47 PM
I'm shocked at how poorly some of the more recent comedies are doing in this tournament. I'm not sure if it's because they are newer and haven't paid their dues, or people just haven't seen them. Then again, maybe people just don't like them. I find it hard to believe that everybody dislikes most of the new comedies. I Love You, Man should have more than 2 votes. It's one of the better comedies of recent years.
There are many recent movies which I haven't watched, but I have seen I Love You, Man and if it's true that it's one of the better comedies, then I'll probably continue to just take my time getting to all of the others.

03-06-2015, 08:34 PM
I love the satirical aspect of I Love You, Man. Seeing the tropes and cliches of a romantic comedy: the meet cute, the awkwardness as they get to know each other, the changes it brings upon them, the new significant other meetings the friends, the fight that leads to the break up where they both discover truths about themselves and the romantic, over the top gesture brings them together at the end, yet it also contains all the tropes and cliches of a buddy comedy....and there is also Peter and Zoe going through some typical romantic comedy cliches...t's all there and it's so well done. The characters in the movie are all so well realized and well acted. There are some visual gags but for the most part the humour comes through the dialogue and the nuances.
Paul Rudd does awkward better than anyone, like this scene shows


It has a great ensemble cast: Paul Rudd, Jason Siegel, Rashida Jones, J.K. Simmons, Jane Curtain, Andy Samberg, Jaime Priessly, Jon Favreau, Lou Ferrigno...as far as I am concerned it's a modern comedy classic. I can only hope it attains cult status. Sometimes comedy is no ahead of its time (or behind its time) it takes awhile for it to catch on. In my personal life I don't know anyone who doesn't love I Love You, Man, or at the very least like it.


03-07-2015, 05:08 AM
I really liked ILYM but Election is an undisputed classic. Just two more votes move it into sixth and into Round 2.

03-07-2015, 05:48 AM
Please define "undisputed" sir.

And while we're at it, what is satire? I see what you're saying about the tropes and cliches of romantic comedy at play in I Love You, Man, Matt, but is the intent or effect to satirize movies of that genre? Or for some other purpose, might you say?

03-07-2015, 08:32 AM
I need to watch I Love You Man. I hate not being able to partake in the discussion lol.

03-07-2015, 09:00 AM
Please define "undisputed" sir.


In April 1999, when "Election" opened in limited release, moviegoers were only just getting to know Reese Witherspoon. "Man in the Moon," "Fear" and "Pleasantville" had provided glimpses of the actress, but it was in March of that year, when "Cruel Intentions" opened, that Witherspoon began to emerge as a household name. And then, along came Tracy Flick, the high-strung high schooler who would stop at nothing to be elected student body president. That character, and Witherspoon, became part of the pop culture lexicon -- despite originally hailing from a novel that almost didn't get published, a director whose first movie failed to gross $1 million at the box office and a marketing campaign that teetered somewhere between ineffective and disastrous.

In spite of all that, "Election" has prevailed as a defining film for millennials as well as major-studio projects that employ indie sensibilities (it was produced by MTV Films and distributed by Paramount). Perhaps it was thanks to Matthew Broderick, who received top billing as the well-liked teacher fed up with Tracy's manipulation and overzealousness. Maybe it was the modesty displayed by Chris Klein and Jessica Campbell, unknown actors cast to play the sibling duo that would challenge Tracy in the heated race. This is to say nothing of Witherspoon, whose manic performance etched itself among the greatest screen characters of the '90s, nor director Alexander Payne, who would soon become one of Hollywood's most respected auteurs. Whatever the concoction was, "Election" has become a modern cult classic.

Witherspoon earned a Golden Globe nomination, Payne and co-writer Jim Taylor grabbed an Oscar nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay and the movie took home Best Film at the Independent Spirit Awards. It's proof that a film's longevity is not inherently tied to big budgets or massive box office receipts. Fifteen years later, and "Election" still ranks among the most memorable releases of the past two decades. HuffPost Entertainment caught up with many of the movie's major players for a look back at how it came together and why it remains a force in pop culture.

Still Servant
03-07-2015, 10:00 AM
I wanted to mention one other aspect of I Love You, Man that I really appreciated that I don't see talked about much and that is the fact of your friends growing up and moving on with their lives. In I Love You, Man, all of Sydney's (Jason Segel) friends have moved on with their lives with families of their own and kind of left him behind. He's actually a really lonely guy.

Peter comes into his life at the perfect time.

John Hamburg knows how to write comedies. Meet the Parents is great, then again he also wrote the cinematic turd that is Meet the Fockers.

03-07-2015, 11:51 AM
Please define "undisputed" sir.

And while we're at it, what is satire? I see what you're saying about the tropes and cliches of romantic comedy at play in I Love You, Man, Matt, but is the intent or effect to satirize movies of that genre? Or for some other purpose, might you say?

I think it's satirising both the romantic comedy and the buddy movie by pushing them together. If the movie were just a buddy comedy and didn't have that level of picking apart a romantic comedy, it would still be funny but not as clever. While I Love You, Man isn't a straight up satire, it has a lot of satirical elements by both poking fun at all the tropes and cliches it's stacked one atop the other while equally embracing them which gives the movie a tremendous amount of heart.

I wanted to mention one other aspect of I Love You, Man that I really appreciated that I don't see talked about much and that is the fact of your friends growing up and moving on with their lives. In I Love You, Man, all of Sydney's (Jason Segal) friends have moved on with their lives with families of their own and kind of left him behind. He's actually a really lonely guy.

Peter comes into his life at the perfect time.

John Hamburg knows how to write comedies. Meet the Parents is great, then again he also wrote the cinematic turd that is Meet the Fockers.

That's an aspect about the movie I love is Jason Siegel's performance. He's a very realistic man child in the sense he rebelled against growing up as everyone in his life grew up. As Ebert's review began, "I would like to have a friend like Sydney Fife. I think a lot of guys would. Even though it's funny, charming and light-hearted, that may be the basic appeal of "I Love You, Man." Sydney represents the freedoms most men hesitate to give themselves, maybe through fear of ending up alone, arrested or locked inside behavior that looks fun when you're young but crazy when you're older. The great thing about Sydney is that he lives your fantasies so you don't have to yourself."

And he ends it with, "I Love You, Man" is, above all, just plain funny. It's funny with some dumb physical humor, yes, and some gross-out jokes apparently necessary to all buddy movies, but also funny in observations, dialogue, physical behavior and Sydney Fife's observations as a people-watcher. I heard a lot of real laughter from a preview audience, not the perfunctory laughter at manufactured payoffs. You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"

And I agree with that last sentiment. I Love You, Man makes me feel good. It's one of the mandatory 'resetting' films I have to watch a couple times a year, because it always leaves me feeling levity by its end.

I need to watch I Love You Man.

Yes, you do :)

03-07-2015, 11:56 AM
Gremlins 2 is awful. The original is leagues better.

Gremlins is a horror film. Gremlins 2 is a comedy. As far as this tournament goes, neither film can be rated as being "better" than the other.

03-07-2015, 01:09 PM
...Ebert's review..."... You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"This is why I didn't especially want to do a comedy tourney at all. It's too broad of a category, with too many definitions and potential simultaneous directions.
I Love You, Man is a fair feel good movie.
Election is a hard behavioral satire.
Gremlins 2 is not a good film, but, actually, not such a bad comedy.

...an aspect about the movie I love is Jason Siegel's performance.That brings into focus for me the point about the better of recent comedy, as a matter of fact. Siegel is much more respectable than Seth Rogen. Franco should have tried to team with him instead after "Freaks and Geeks."

And I like Reese Witherspoon, too, generally speaking.

Please define "undisputed" sir.


In April 1999, when "Election" opened in limited release, moviegoers were only just getting to know Reese Witherspoon. "Man in the Moon," "Fear" and "Pleasantville" had provided glimpses of the actress, but it was in March of that year, when "Cruel Intentions" opened, that Witherspoon began to emerge as a household name. And then, along came Tracy Flick, the high-strung high schooler who would stop at nothing to be elected student body president. That character, and Witherspoon, became part of the pop culture lexicon -- despite originally hailing from a novel that almost didn't get published, a director whose first movie failed to gross $1 million at the box office and a marketing campaign that teetered somewhere between ineffective and disastrous.

In spite of all that, "Election" has prevailed as a defining film for millennials as well as major-studio projects that employ indie sensibilities (it was produced by MTV Films and distributed by Paramount). Perhaps it was thanks to Matthew Broderick, who received top billing as the well-liked teacher fed up with Tracy's manipulation and overzealousness. Maybe it was the modesty displayed by Chris Klein and Jessica Campbell, unknown actors cast to play the sibling duo that would challenge Tracy in the heated race. This is to say nothing of Witherspoon, whose manic performance etched itself among the greatest screen characters of the '90s, nor director Alexander Payne, who would soon become one of Hollywood's most respected auteurs. Whatever the concoction was, "Election" has become a modern cult classic.

Witherspoon earned a Golden Globe nomination, Payne and co-writer Jim Taylor grabbed an Oscar nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay and the movie took home Best Film at the Independent Spirit Awards. It's proof that a film's longevity is not inherently tied to big budgets or massive box office receipts. Fifteen years later, and "Election" still ranks among the most memorable releases of the past two decades. HuffPost Entertainment caught up with many of the movie's major players for a look back at how it came together and why it remains a force in pop culture.Ok, nice review, but none of that proves that everyone agrees, much less that everyone else has to like watching the movie. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/bandwagon

My point of view is, here are two 3-star films that never really clicked with me, a wicked puppet show hilarious to preteens, and a 4-star genuine classic (The Sunshine Boys) that's sadly unrecognized. That was the show that restored George Burns from obscurity for his whole latter career. It's so funny! *sigh*

03-07-2015, 01:36 PM
Gremlins 2 is awful. The original is leagues better.

Gremlins is a horror film. Gremlins 2 is a comedy. As far as this tournament goes, neither film can be rated as being "better" than the other.

They're both comedies, one just treads the line of comedy/horror more than the other one.

03-07-2015, 01:39 PM
...Ebert's review..."... You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"This is why I didn't especially want to do a comedy tourney at all. It's too broad of a category, with too many definitions and potential simultaneous directions.
I Love You, Man is a fair feel good movie.
Election is a hard behavioral satire.
Gremlins 2 is not a good film, but, actually, not such a bad comedy.

I think we should be judging comedies based not just on how much they make us laugh, but also how good the rest of it is. Some comedies may not be as funny as other, but have better performances and a story. The key, I think, is to vote for that middle ground. What is funny about the film? Is it the sight gags and the parody? The character relationships? The satire? The dialogue? The story? I think the best comedies excel in most of these kind questions.

03-07-2015, 03:04 PM
I'm really surprised we can't get at least one more vote for either I Love You, Man or Election to tie with Gremlins 2 for a tiebreaker. Or to pass it entirely.

03-08-2015, 04:27 AM
I just realised I haven't voted in this poll yet... :excited:

Voted for Clue, Gremlins 2: The New Batch and The Nutty Professor!!! :thumbsup:

03-08-2015, 05:32 AM
Need at least two more votes for Election :panic:

03-08-2015, 07:44 AM
]Gremlins 2: The New Batch[/I] and The Nutty Professor!!! :thumbsup:

So...you think this is the end isn't funny due to some ejaculation jokes but you vote for Nutty Professor which is a barrage of fat and fart jokes. That, that makes a lot of sense lol.

03-08-2015, 09:01 AM
Well, you guys convinced me there's enough respective merit to I Love You, Man and Election that I'd like to add a vote for each of them. I only used four of mine earlier. That's still legal, isn't it?

03-08-2015, 09:04 AM
Certainly. Will keep in mind. But they need more if they're to move on

03-08-2015, 10:43 AM
]Gremlins 2: The New Batch[/I] and The Nutty Professor!!! :thumbsup:

So...you think this is the end isn't funny due to some ejaculation jokes but you vote for Nutty Professor which is a barrage of fat and fart jokes. That, that makes a lot of sense lol.

Comedy is all about the delivery and comic timing.

Eddie Murphy has the skill to actually make people laugh. Seth Rogan and Danny McBride are just a pair of twats.

03-08-2015, 10:54 AM
Well, you guys convinced me there's enough respective merit to I Love You, Man and Election that I'd like to add a vote for each of them. I only used four of mine earlier. That's still legal, isn't it?

Certainly. Will keep in mind. But they need more if they're to move on

What a surprise, you're trying to fuck about with the voting process again! Like WTF dude!!! Seriously???

You have cast your votes and you should stick to them. It's not fair to everyone else if you get to add films to those you have already selected. You chose to only vote for four films, knowing that you could actually vote for six if you wished. You chose to cast four and you should stick to those four.

If you do this, it will cause chaos to the whole voting system with people saying that they want to add films to their selection or complaining that a film has already been eliminated and they didn't know that they could add films at a later date etc...

Just leave the voting as it is! If you are unsure about how many votes to cast then don't jump in with voting straight away. It's as simple as that.

03-08-2015, 11:37 AM
Well, you guys convinced me there's enough respective merit to I Love You, Man and Election that I'd like to add a vote for each of them. I only used four of mine earlier. That's still legal, isn't it?

Certainly. Will keep in mind. But they need more if they're to move on

What a surprise, you're trying to fuck about with the voting process again! Like WTF dude!!! Seriously???

You have cast your votes and you should stick to them. It's not fair to everyone else if you get to add films to those you have already selected. You chose to only vote for four films, knowing that you could actually vote for six if you wished. You chose to cast four and you should stick to those four.

If you do this, it will cause chaos to the whole voting system with people saying that they want to add films to their selection or complaining that a film has already been eliminated and they didn't know that they could add films at a later date etc...

Just leave the voting as it is! If you are unsure about how many votes to cast then don't jump in with voting straight away. It's as simple as that.The rules should be clear and consistent, that much is true. It's fair if everyone can do the same. People should be allowed to choose what they want. Being able to change your mind is a good thing. You have to learn to be mature.

03-08-2015, 11:49 AM
Vote up to 6 times and done. No changing or adding votes.

03-08-2015, 12:04 PM
Causing chaos with everyone changing their votes at the last minute is not a good thing. You chose the films you wanted. Nobody forced you to choose only four.

But let's be clear. This is not a simple case of changing your mind when the outcome of the poll is still up in the air, it's a blatant attempt to alter the final outcome at the last minute, just like you did with Clueless in Poll F.

As for learning to be mature, I suggest you take your own advice. Continuously trying to make random changes to the rules at the last minute to suit yourself is not an act of maturity. It's something I would expect from a 9 year old, that's losing at a board game.

Grow up and take some responsibility on how you vote.

03-08-2015, 12:32 PM
Causing chaos with everyone changing their votes at the last minute is not a good thing. You chose the films you wanted. Nobody forced you to choose only four.

But let's be clear. This is not a simple case of changing your mind when the outcome of the poll is still up in the air, it's a blatant attempt to alter the final outcome at the last minute, just like you did with Clueless in Poll F.

As for learning to be mature, I suggest you take your own advice. Continuously trying to make random changes to the rules at the last minute to suit yourself is not an act of maturity. It's something I would expect from a 9 year old, that's losing at a board game.

Grow up and take some responsibility on how you vote.

I am trying to alter the outcome no more or less than any voter does. Let me rephrase: we cannot mature if we can't change. There's already a degree of chaos. These ten movies were put together at random. If you make the rules a little tighter, that doesn't mean that nobody can manipulate them. I think you know that. The only way democracy can work is if we respect each other's good intentions, actually and not just in token.

03-08-2015, 01:21 PM
Pablo - I only voted for 4, can you add on a vote for ILYM as well? Thanks.

Still Servant
03-08-2015, 01:35 PM
]Gremlins 2: The New Batch[/I] and The Nutty Professor!!! :thumbsup:

So...you think this is the end isn't funny due to some ejaculation jokes but you vote for Nutty Professor which is a barrage of fat and fart jokes. That, that makes a lot of sense lol.

Comedy is all about the delivery and comic timing.

Eddie Murphy has the skill to actually make people laugh. Seth Rogan and Danny McBride are just a pair of twats.

Tower Heist. Nobody's perfect.

03-08-2015, 05:49 PM
Comedy is all about the delivery and comic timing.

Eddie Murphy has the skill to actually make people laugh. Seth Rogan and Danny McBride are just a pair of twats.

I would think Seth Rogen's does a good enough job of making people laugh or nobody would pay to see him in comedies. Seeing him in stuff like Funny People and 50/50 displays he's got more talent than people give him credit for. McBride is also a very effective actor. His small role in All The Real Girls was my favourite part of that film and he's also very good in Up In The Air...Eastbound and Down is also a given.

03-09-2015, 04:22 AM
What a surprise, you're trying to fuck about with the voting process again! Like WTF dude!!! Seriously???

You have cast your votes and you should stick to them. It's not fair to everyone else if you get to add films to those you have already selected. You chose to only vote for four films, knowing that you could actually vote for six if you wished. You chose to cast four and you should stick to those four.

If you do this, it will cause chaos to the whole voting system with people saying that they want to add films to their selection or complaining that a film has already been eliminated and they didn't know that they could add films at a later date etc...

Just leave the voting as it is! If you are unsure about how many votes to cast then don't jump in with voting straight away. It's as simple as that.

As much as I think T-Dogz is pretty much an idiot with an incomprehensible taste in movies, I have to agree with this 100%. Make your vote and own it.

I, myself, always vote without seeing how others have voted before me. I vote what I like, NOT based on how others may have voted. I could give a rat's ass how other people vote--my opinion is mine alone.

In all these various contests and votes, I believe I only made one "protest" vote, base on some of the aforementioned idiocy. But that was a first round exception. I don't plan on doing that again.

03-09-2015, 05:20 AM
How can you assert that feelings and first impressions matter more to a contest than discussion and thought and not expect that contest to inordinately favor movies designed to provoke feeling and first impressions over movies designed to provoke thought and discussion? It's not that I suddenly fail to follow that standard of impulse because I so dislike particular movies; it's that I fail to care for those very movies because I do not in general happen to believe in impulsive standards anyway.

So which causes a more unfair bias? Bias toward a critical approach or bias against one?

03-09-2015, 05:41 AM
As much as I think T-Dogz is pretty much an idiot with an incomprehensible taste in movies, I have to agree with this 100%. Make your vote and own it.

I, myself, always vote without seeing how others have voted before me. I vote what I like, NOT based on how others may have voted. I could give a rat's ass how other people vote--my opinion is mine alone.

In all these various contests and votes, I believe I only made one "protest" vote, base on some of the aforementioned idiocy. But that was a first round exception. I don't plan on doing that again.

If you are referring to the tiebreaker between TITE and Fockers, you made your "protest" vote in protest of my "protest" vote. LOL! :D

Fockers is poor, but when compared to TITE it's a bloody masterpiece!! Go back to the tiebreaker thread and read through all the comments. You're basing my taste in movies on a protest vote.

You can call me an "idiot" with an "incomprehensible taste in movies" all you like, but of all the movies that I nominated for this tournament, you have already voted for most of them so far!!! ROFL!! :rolleyes: :lol:

How do you like those apples? :nana:

03-09-2015, 07:21 AM
The poll has closed. The following six titles are moving on to the next round:

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) 75.00%
Clue (1985) 53.57%
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) 35.71%
The Ref (1994) 25.00%
The Trouble with Harry (1955) 25.00%
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) 21.43%

And the following four titles have been eliminated:

The Nutty Professor (1996) 17.86%
Election (1999) 14.29%
I Love You, Man (2009) 14.29%
The Sunshine Boys (1975) 7.14%

03-09-2015, 12:30 PM
Seeing (Seth Rogen) in stuff like Funny People and 50/50 displays he's got more talent than people give him credit for.I still want to see those. I guess I've known that actor had more work which might be good; just haven't bothered to watch that stuff. Except for The Guilt Trip... that was a letdown. In fact, very little of all that I have seen was good at all, but I suppose I could try to reserve judgement a little more.

03-09-2015, 12:36 PM
Seeing (Seth Rogen) in stuff like Funny People and 50/50 displays he's got more talent than people give him credit for.I still want to see those. I guess I've known that actor had more work which might be good; just haven't bothered to watch that stuff. Except for The Guilt Trip... that was a letdown. In fact, very little of all that I have seen was good at all, but I suppose I could try to reserve judgement a little more.

That's usually how it is for comedic actors. They get typecast then have to break the typecast themselves.

03-09-2015, 12:51 PM
...Ebert's review..."... You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"This is why I didn't especially want to do a comedy tourney at all. It's too broad of a category, with too many definitions and potential simultaneous directions.
I Love You, Man is a fair feel good movie.
Election is a hard behavioral satire.
Gremlins 2 is not a good film, but, actually, not such a bad comedy.

I think we should be judging comedies based not just on how much they make us laugh, but also how good the rest of it is. Some comedies may not be as funny as other, but have better performances and a story. The key, I think, is to vote for that middle ground. What is funny about the film? Is it the sight gags and the parody? The character relationships? The satire? The dialogue? The story? I think the best comedies excel in most of these kind questions.

I for one am voting for whichever COMEDY made laugh most and loudest. If you wish to judge a film on the other stuff, stick to other genres.

03-09-2015, 01:14 PM
How can you assert that feelings and first impressions matter more to a contest than discussion and thought and not expect that contest to inordinately favor movies designed to provoke feeling and first impressions over movies designed to provoke thought and discussion? It's not that I suddenly fail to follow that standard of impulse because I so dislike particular movies; it's that I fail to care for those very movies because I do not in general happen to believe in impulsive standards anyway.

So which causes a more unfair bias? Bias toward a critical approach or bias against one?


03-09-2015, 01:24 PM
This made me legit lol ^

03-09-2015, 02:11 PM
...Ebert's review..."... You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"This is why I didn't especially want to do a comedy tourney at all. It's too broad of a category, with too many definitions and potential simultaneous directions.
I Love You, Man is a fair feel good movie.
Election is a hard behavioral satire.
Gremlins 2 is not a good film, but, actually, not such a bad comedy.

I think we should be judging comedies based not just on how much they make us laugh, but also how good the rest of it is. Some comedies may not be as funny as other, but have better performances and a story. The key, I think, is to vote for that middle ground. What is funny about the film? Is it the sight gags and the parody? The character relationships? The satire? The dialogue? The story? I think the best comedies excel in most of these kind questions.

I for one am voting for whichever COMEDY made laugh most and loudest. If you wish to judge a film on the other stuff, stick to other genres.

I don't see what this has to do with anything. So I can't judge how funny the characters are in one movie compared to the parody in another? What if I laugh just has hard at two movies but for every different reasons and I have to pick one? There is no barometer of laughter at my disposal. Movies are funny for so many different reasons it's impossible to even measure laughter levels in movies...some movies make you laugh harder but not as often as, say, a movie that makes you always chuckle but not really belly laugh much. Does why you're laughing not even matter? I think it matters a lot.

03-09-2015, 05:31 PM
How can you assert that feelings and first impressions matter more to a contest than discussion and thought and not expect that contest to inordinately favor movies designed to provoke feeling and first impressions over movies designed to provoke thought and discussion? It's not that I suddenly fail to follow that standard of impulse because I so dislike particular movies; it's that I fail to care for those very movies because I do not in general happen to believe in impulsive standards anyway.

So which causes a more unfair bias? Bias toward a critical approach or bias against one?

You tell everybody to follow dumb rules, everybody picks dumb movies. That doesn't prove that they are really the best; it only proves that you are all being dumb.
Do you understand this time, or do I have to use flash cards?

03-09-2015, 05:59 PM
yay for Clue!! :cool:

Still Servant
03-09-2015, 06:05 PM
yay for Clue!! :cool:

"I had to stop her screaming..."

03-09-2015, 06:19 PM
yay for Clue!! :cool:

"I had to stop her screaming..."


I had a VHS player and very few tapes and this one, Clue, got watched MANY times :thumbsup: A very fun movie still

03-10-2015, 05:38 AM
I'm happy it's doing so well, never knew there was so much love for it.

03-10-2015, 06:50 AM
By complete coincidence I happened to catch Clue on TV the other day. I missed the first half of the movie but what I saw wasn’t too bad. I may even throw it a vote in the next round.

My daughter came in when I was watching it and said “Is this Clue?” I said yes and she was like “Really? They made a movie out of the board game?”

03-10-2015, 07:27 AM
You have to watch the whole thing, if you enjoyed what you saw then I'm sure you'll love the rest.

Still Servant
03-10-2015, 12:55 PM
My daughter came in when I was watching it and said “Is this Clue?” I said yes and she was like “Really? They made a movie out of the board game?”

It's better than Battleship.

03-10-2015, 04:21 PM
You tell everybody to follow dumb rules, everybody picks dumb movies. That doesn't prove that they are really the best; it only proves that you are all being dumb.
Do you understand this time, or do I have to use flash cards?

Nope. You're gonna have to explain it to me. Please do enlighten me with your intellect. :rolleyes:

With flash cards! LOL! LOL! :lol:


Still Servant
03-10-2015, 05:26 PM
Path and T-Dogz going at it?

That's like watching HBK vs. Rick Flair.

03-10-2015, 05:55 PM
Path and T-Dogz going at it?

That's like watching HBK vs. Rick Flair.


You know I was going to lol

03-11-2015, 05:19 AM
You tell everybody to follow dumb rules, everybody picks dumb movies. That doesn't prove that they are really the best; it only proves that you are all being dumb.
Do you understand this time, or do I have to use flash cards?

Nope. You're gonna have to explain it to me. Please do enlighten me with your intellect. :rolleyes:

With flash cards! LOL! LOL! :lol:

Yeah, if that's what you think I was saying, then you really do not have the comprehension to rate my time. Not everyone else takes internet polls seriously, dummy.

I need to watch I Love You Man. I hate not being able to partake in the discussion lol.

Yes, you do :)
Pablo - I only voted for 4, can you add on a vote for ILYM as well? Thanks.
I'm sorry they left out your vote because of me. We should be having a ILYM/Gremlins tiebreaker right now, but heaven forbid it be up to the community taking a closer look.

...Ebert's review..."... You feel good watching the movie. That's what comedies are for, right?"This is why I didn't especially want to do a comedy tourney at all. It's too broad of a category, with too many definitions and potential simultaneous directions.
I Love You, Man is a fair feel good movie.
Election is a hard behavioral satire.
Gremlins 2 is not a good film, but, actually, not such a bad comedy.

I think we should be judging comedies based not just on how much they make us laugh, but also how good the rest of it is. Some comedies may not be as funny as other, but have better performances and a story. The key, I think, is to vote for that middle ground. What is funny about the film? Is it the sight gags and the parody? The character relationships? The satire? The dialogue? The story? I think the best comedies excel in most of these kind questions.

I for one am voting for whichever COMEDY made laugh most and loudest. If you wish to judge a film on the other stuff, stick to other genres.You don't have to think about the theory of humor to watch a funny movie. The guy who made that movie thought about it more than enough for the both of you.