View Full Version : 75 YEARS AGO TODAY 10/30/1938

10-30-2013, 05:21 PM






Ben Staad
10-30-2013, 07:00 PM
Cool thread. I've always thought this was a very creative and amazing event. I wonder if this social climate is similar to what it was back in 1938.

Still Servant
10-30-2013, 07:08 PM
I think the climate is probably the opposite. I just think people are just far to aware nowadays. People were understandably naive back then. I think it's one of the charms of the time period.

I'm not saying people today can't be fooled. That's not true at all. I just think if it were to be on a level as this, it would have to be pretty well thought out.

Ben Staad
10-30-2013, 07:13 PM
I'm not so sure. People are so "fooled" by FB posts and the "news" and memes. I think people are losing some of their ability to use critical thinking and have forgotten about research.

I think the climate is probably the opposite. I just think people are just far to aware nowadays. People were understandably naive back then. I think it's one of the charms of the time period.

I'm not saying people today can't be fooled. That's not true at all. I just think if it were to be on a level as this, it would have to be pretty well thought out.

10-30-2013, 07:18 PM
I'm not so sure. People are so "fooled" by FB posts and the "news" and memes. I think people are losing some their ability to use critical thinking and have forgotten about research.

I think the climate is probably the opposite. I just think people are just far to aware nowadays. People were understandably naive back then. I think it's one of the charms of the time period.

I'm not saying people today can't be fooled. That's not true at all. I just think if it were to be on a level as this, it would have to be pretty well thought out.

Good point!!!

11-01-2013, 05:55 AM
i saw this one last night and seeing this thread made me think about it...


11-01-2013, 09:14 AM
It is fairly amazing how gullible people are nowadays; considering the vast amount of information that is available to fact-check posted 'facts'. Its not like we're all sitting around the radio waiting for information to be broadcast to us...yet, we buy into the stupidest statements as though they were proven facts.
The internet hasnt ushered in the enlightened, educated age like it was supposedly going to do. It merely allows us to gossip and snipe across the globe with lightning speed. Yay.

Fall of Gilead
11-01-2013, 03:35 PM
A more modern example of the WOTW effect would be the debacle after the showing of Blair Witch Project. Too many people immediately came to the conclusion that it was real and wanted to mount search parties to look for the "missing" students. I had heard that the town hall of Burkitsville eventually made a special answering machine message telling everyone that the movie is fiction.

11-02-2013, 01:22 AM
http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif (http://s91.photobucket.com/user/mishemplushem/media/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif.html)http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif (http://s91.photobucket.com/user/mishemplushem/media/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif.html)http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif (http://s91.photobucket.com/user/mishemplushem/media/Facilitation/bear_shocked.gif.html)