View Full Version : The eBay BS Game: Questionable items, Stephen King signatures, sellers

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03-15-2014, 10:41 AM
Stephen King Signed Needful Things book! (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-Signed-Needful-Things-book-/181351794058?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item2a3968c58a)

Maybe he was signing this as the van hit him?

03-17-2014, 04:39 AM
Anyone besides me think this one stinks?


Randall Flagg
03-17-2014, 05:03 AM
I looked through > 20 King inscriptions and none of had the "F" on "For" look like a #4 with a top line. The "best" looks like "lust" and in those days (late 80's) King's "B" did not look like that.
No bueno.

Randall Flagg
03-21-2014, 05:46 AM
I don't like it:
Cell SIGNED by Stephen King 1ST/1ST (2006, Hardcover) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cell-SIGNED-by-Stephen-King-1ST-1ST-2006-Hardcover-/301130322525?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item461cc4125d)

03-21-2014, 05:59 AM
I don't like it:
Cell SIGNED by Stephen King 1ST/1ST (2006, Hardcover) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cell-SIGNED-by-Stephen-King-1ST-1ST-2006-Hardcover-/301130322525?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item461cc4125d)

That's funny looking.

03-21-2014, 06:02 AM
I don't like it:
Cell SIGNED by Stephen King 1ST/1ST (2006, Hardcover) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cell-SIGNED-by-Stephen-King-1ST-1ST-2006-Hardcover-/301130322525?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item461cc4125d)


Randall Flagg
03-22-2014, 05:02 AM
Crap just keeps popping up:
Stephen King Signed Needful Things book! (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-Signed-Needful-Things-book-/181357939732?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item2a39c68c14)

03-22-2014, 05:49 AM
I realise I'm bucking the trend and going out on a limb here, but I thought I'd post MY Ebay item. To clarify, I'm a keen SK fan and keen collector. I have 81 SK 1st editions in my collection, none of them especially rare, but all very much cherished. A long time ago I was given a signed SK IT dust jacket (IT is my favourite of his work), which I have kept safe but which I'm looking to sell in order to add maybe one of his older, more coveted books to my set (the oldest 1st I have is The Dead Zone). Now, this item has been authenticated by Hutch's Rare Books, but I'm opening the floor to you guys to offer your thoughts. This is the eBay listing (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251463948257?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649):

Thanks! :-)

The Library Policeman
03-22-2014, 06:08 AM
Hi and welcome to the site. In my opinion (and it's just an opinion) your signed dustjacket is way, way overpriced.

03-22-2014, 06:41 AM
Welcome BrotherBarr - are you asking us to give an opinion on the signature or thoughts on your listing price or...?

For what its worth I think the sig is probably legit but the listing price is about four times+ what I would pay

I realise I'm bucking the trend and going out on a limb here, but I thought I'd post MY Ebay item. To clarify, I'm a keen SK fan and keen collector. I have 81 SK 1st editions in my collection, none of them especially rare, but all very much cherished. A long time ago I was given a signed SK IT dust jacket (IT is my favourite of his work), which I have kept safe but which I'm looking to sell in order to add maybe one of his older, more coveted books to my set (the oldest 1st I have is The Dead Zone). Now, this item has been authenticated by Hutch's Rare Books, but I'm opening the floor to you guys to offer your thoughts. This is the eBay listing (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251463948257?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649):

Thanks! :-)

03-22-2014, 07:03 AM
Welcome BrotherBarr - are you asking us to give an opinion on the signature or thoughts on your listing price or...?

For what its worth I think the sig is probably legit but the listing price is about four times+ what I would pay

Thank you, both. I appreciate your feedback; the price was originally based on a price I found for a signed IT (which admittedly included the book, and was signed inside!) on Ebay. But I'll definitely take your feedback on board. I was just loathe to ask about value because I didn't want my post to look like I was plugging my listing! So no, I was really just looking for any validation on authenticity.

On a related note, am I alone in thinking this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301126718533?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) looks a bit dubious? I contacted the seller, and apparently King visited the seller's son at his army base and gave him this signed copy. I must admit I did think at the time, even if that's true, how ungracious are you for selling it!?

03-22-2014, 07:08 AM
On a related note, am I alone in thinking this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301126718533?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) looks a bit dubious? I contacted the seller, and apparently King visited the seller's son at his army base and gave him this signed copy. I must admit I did think at the time, even if that's true, how ungracious are you for selling it!?

That sig looks legit to me. Typical of the current "ugly" King signature. But the story seems bogus. I'm not aware of King visiting Army bases handing out free signed books.

03-22-2014, 07:14 AM
His description is of a UK edition, picture is a US edition and story sounds like a load of crap.
Ugly sig, too. But almost all the sigs Ive seen lately have been ugly so it might be legit. I find it really hard to tell these days.

Welcome BrotherBarr - are you asking us to give an opinion on the signature or thoughts on your listing price or...?

For what its worth I think the sig is probably legit but the listing price is about four times+ what I would pay

Thank you, both. I appreciate your feedback; the price was originally based on a price I found for a signed IT (which admittedly included the book, and was signed inside!) on Ebay. But I'll definitely take your feedback on board. I was just loathe to ask about value because I didn't want my post to look like I was plugging my listing! So no, I was really just looking for any validation on authenticity.

On a related note, am I alone in thinking this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301126718533?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) looks a bit dubious? I contacted the seller, and apparently King visited the seller's son at his army base and gave him this signed copy. I must admit I did think at the time, even if that's true, how ungracious are you for selling it!?

The Library Policeman
03-22-2014, 07:16 AM
King visited a US army base when in Germany last November I believe :)

03-22-2014, 07:21 AM
King visited a US army base when in Germany last November I believe :)

Hmm now that you mention it I think I did read something about that somewhere.

03-22-2014, 07:37 AM
I realise I'm bucking the trend and going out on a limb here, but I thought I'd post MY Ebay item.

Thanks! :-)

You are more than welcome to post items for sale in the Collectible Classified thread. Even shameless self promotion is acceptable. http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?6468-Collectible-Classifieds

This thread is for questionable sales or items, so posting your items here isn't to your best advantage.

03-22-2014, 07:54 AM
This thread is for questionable sales or items, so posting your items here isn't to your best advantage.

He was looking for opinions on the signature he is selling. I appreciate that since it sounds like he may not be familiar with King's signature and wants to make sure his is legit.

03-22-2014, 08:15 AM
For what its worth I think the sig is probably legit but the listing price is about four times+ what I would pay

$150 would be about right IMHO.

Randall Flagg
03-22-2014, 10:44 AM
King visited a US army base when in Germany last November I believe :)

Hmm now that you mention it I think I did read something about that somewhere.
Stephen King captivates Ramstein Air Base crowd on 1st USO tour


...."King donated about 400 signed hardback copies of “Doctor Sleep,” which were given out to attendees as they left the theater Monday."

03-22-2014, 11:41 AM
Yes, one of the 400 signed Ramstein Air Base books....

Randall Flagg
03-23-2014, 05:45 AM
Stay away:
Christine a Novel SIGNED by Stephen King (1983, Hardcover) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Christine-a-Novel-SIGNED-by-Stephen-King-1983-Hardcover-/251483642160?pt=US_Texbook_Education&hash=item3a8d97d930)

03-23-2014, 06:21 PM
WTF is this?


03-23-2014, 06:30 PM
WTF is this?


Great deal!!! LOL It's been covered, Tim LOL

03-23-2014, 09:07 PM
All listed by the same seller

CELL (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-Signed-by-Author-THE-CELL-1ST-EDITION-1ST-PRINT-SCRIBNER-2010-HC-DJ-/111308840643?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19ea861ec3)

SKELETON CREW (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-Signed-by-Author-SKELETON-CREW-HC-DJ-Putnam-1985-First-Edition-/380870175275?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item58ada1aa2b)

ALL SK "SIGNED" BOOKS OFFERED BY ANTIQUESHERE (http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=380870175275&pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&_osacat=0&hash=item58ada1aa2b&_ssn=antiqueshere&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.H0.Xking&_nkw=king&_sacat=0&_from=R40)

03-24-2014, 04:08 AM
$20K start price...optimistic!

03-24-2014, 02:04 PM
WTF is this?


Great deal!!! LOL It's been covered, Tim LOL

With the bargain 'buy it now' price of $100,000!!! someone is taking the piss here... :wtf:

I was just about to post about this load of bollocks but you guys beat me to it... LOL!! :P

03-24-2014, 02:09 PM
I wrote him and asked if he really wanted to sell them or if this was simply a comedy routine.

No reply as of yet.

Randall Flagg
03-25-2014, 05:42 AM
Not impressed with this:
FULL DARK, NO STARS STEPHEN KING SIGNED BY AUTHOR 2010 SCRIBNER HC/DJ 1ST ED. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/FULL-DARK-NO-STARS-STEPHEN-KING-SIGNED-BY-AUTHOR-2010-SCRIBNER-HC-DJ-1ST-ED-/111309574732?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19ea91524c)

03-25-2014, 05:50 AM
That seller has several questionable items.

03-25-2014, 06:07 AM
That seller has several questionable items.

Which makes me question everything he's selling. He obviously has no integrity.

03-25-2014, 07:16 AM
I wrote him and asked if he really wanted to sell them or if this was simply a comedy routine.

No reply as of yet.

LOL He did respond to me. Said it was a one of a kind collection and that King does not sign books anymore. LOL I told him he was on glue....

03-25-2014, 07:40 AM
I wrote him and asked if he really wanted to sell them or if this was simply a comedy routine.

No reply as of yet.

LOL He did respond to me. Said it was a one of a kind collection and that King does not sign books anymore. LOL I told him he was on glue....

Then who the hell was the guy with the ample philtrum who signed my book last week? He was a very convincing impersonator.

Note to self: Don't sniff glue.

Randall Flagg
03-28-2014, 05:07 AM
"Thinner" Hardcover signed by Stephen King (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thinner-Hardcover-signed-by-Stephen-King-/171281435352?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item27e12b4ad8)

03-28-2014, 05:22 AM
"Thinner" Hardcover signed by Stephen King (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thinner-Hardcover-signed-by-Stephen-King-/171281435352?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item27e12b4ad8)

I really like the description. "Dust jacket has some minor wear on corners and small rip on top."


03-28-2014, 06:48 PM
Thoughts ?

CHRISTINE by Stephen King 1st edition/1st printing SIGNED (http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHRISTINE-by-Stephen-King-1st-edition-1st-printing-SIGNED-/111313038076?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19eac62afc)

03-28-2014, 06:51 PM
Thoughts ?

CHRISTINE by Stephen King 1st edition/1st printing SIGNED (http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHRISTINE-by-Stephen-King-1st-edition-1st-printing-SIGNED-/111313038076?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19eac62afc)

Looks like the real thing to me.

03-29-2014, 03:44 AM
Thoughts ?

CHRISTINE by Stephen King 1st edition/1st printing SIGNED (http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHRISTINE-by-Stephen-King-1st-edition-1st-printing-SIGNED-/111313038076?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19eac62afc)

Real. Might go for a good price too.

03-29-2014, 07:32 AM

03-29-2014, 09:37 AM
Picked up 2 signed Stephen King books on ebay. Sellers are legit and seem nice (they may even be members here). And sigs look legit too. But I'm just getting back into collecting King sigs after years and ebay is never 100 percent so wanted to see what you guys thought. I think these are legit but what say you all - Legit or no?



Thanks in advance! :)

03-29-2014, 09:42 AM
Both fake....you should send them to me asap to keep the from tainting the rest of your collection.


03-29-2014, 09:44 AM
Those look like two very good ones.

03-29-2014, 09:49 AM
Thanks guys. Was almost sure they were legit, but they didn't go very high or get many bids, so just wanted to make sure, as I always think it's weird if I get a genuine King sig and not many people bid on them or the price didn't go too high. I've only got 3 non-S/L from ebay now so still a relative beginner at this too! The first & last time (before these 2) I bought a King sig before this on ebay was 2009 lol.

03-29-2014, 10:04 AM
They both look good to me. Congratulations!


03-29-2014, 11:23 AM
Thanks John!

03-29-2014, 02:55 PM
Thanks guys. Was almost sure they were legit, but they didn't go very high or get many bids, so just wanted to make sure, as I always think it's weird if I get a genuine King sig and not many people bid on them or the price didn't go too high. I've only got 3 non-S/L from ebay now so still a relative beginner at this too! The first & last time (before these 2) I bought a King sig before this on ebay was 2009 lol.

Those two sigs look great. Congratulations on your deal. The price might have gone higher if a bidder was named "Laura" or "Janet Cruff"(??).

03-29-2014, 03:48 PM
In the future, check with these guys first before buying. Eliminates a lot of heart ache. The folks here are generally gracious and will not jump the auction on you. Right, guys? LOL

Nice acquisition!!!

03-29-2014, 04:15 PM
In the future, check with these guys first before buying. Eliminates a lot of heart ache. The folks here are generally gracious and will not jump the auction on you. Right, guys? LOL

Nice acquisition!!!
YEAH... That is always a good idea ! Especially when we like the sigs (as these are great ones) and we would never consider bidding against you on what you showed us here.....

.... you made a good move if you got a good price on an unnoticed item or two. CONGRATs

03-29-2014, 07:03 PM
Thanks everyone. There's a couple I'm bidding on now, I'll upload scans. The ones I posted above I bought in early March before I came back on the forum here. In future I'll check here first before I even bid, as with ebay there's always a risk.

03-29-2014, 07:09 PM
Ok here we go, I got them uploaded. These 3 look legit to me. Thoughts? & Thanks in advance... my next goal is to get an Agatha Christie signed - I bought one but it turned out to be fraudulent sadly. Don't suppose anyone here is also a Christie sig expert LOL! :)


03-29-2014, 08:28 PM
All good.

03-29-2014, 08:55 PM
Look good to me..........I Love those older signatures....:tongue1:

03-30-2014, 03:05 AM
100% Legit.....

03-30-2014, 08:00 AM
Two copies of "Misery" signed - one on abebooks, one on ebay. Are they both genuine? they both look genuine/legit to me but compared to each other some differences in loops, leg of the y, the word "your", etc, major differences in the swirls on the "t" letters too. What do you guys think? I think the Annie Wilkes one is pretty cool.


03-30-2014, 10:02 AM
Both look good.

Randall Flagg
03-30-2014, 10:05 AM
I agree. Good.

03-30-2014, 10:42 AM
I agree with everyone--good.


03-30-2014, 02:49 PM
Well, these (http://www.ebay.com/itm/King-Stephen-Umneys-Last-Case-/131131930335) have certainly risen in value.... :orely:

03-30-2014, 03:50 PM
Well, these (http://www.ebay.com/itm/King-Stephen-Umneys-Last-Case-/131131930335) have certainly risen in value.... :orely:

The seller is Princeton Books. I am familiar with their listings on ABE and eBay. Their listings are always laughably high.

Randall Flagg
03-31-2014, 12:07 PM
I cry bullshit:

The FIRST BOOK is a true first editionfirst printing of this rare book. The book is in goodcondition. No writings, remainders, names, etc that I can see. The book hasfirst edition listed on the copyright page with no print line and in the backof the book has the code T39. I cannot show you a picture of this because Iwill not bend the binding to provide that, but it is there…

Stephen King The Stand 1st Editions (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-The-Stand-1st-Editions-/151267731713?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item2338426901)

03-31-2014, 12:11 PM
I like this, too:

THE DUST JACKETIS NOT ORGINAL TO THE BOOK AND DOES NOT HAVE THE $12.95 PRICE TAG.................... I found a later versiondust jacket with a $21.95 price tag and put it on the book


03-31-2014, 05:58 PM
I won this earlier today. Signature seems genuine/legit looking but a bit squiggly or ugly looking - is this one of the newer "ugly" signatures I've seen mentioned on the board?


99 percent sure it's genuine though. I got it at last minute bid, never won at last minute before - I just happened to be on my computer when it was ending and got a pop up notification to "bid again". Usually I don't watch to last minute or I win by the high bid I entered early on. I must see if I can get one of those Overlook slipcases to put this in.

On another note, can't decide if this is genuine or just "ugly ugly" - it doesn't look great.



03-31-2014, 06:08 PM
I think it's okay.


03-31-2014, 06:10 PM
The "Cell" one you mean? I don't think I'll go for it. But I'm happy enough with "11/22/63" - does that one look ok to you John?

03-31-2014, 06:11 PM
11/22/63 sig is good....

Cell sig is NO GOOD....

03-31-2014, 06:56 PM
I agree w AKC.

Randall Flagg
04-01-2014, 04:46 AM

04-01-2014, 05:29 AM
Is this about what the signed books at the Florida event look like? It looks good to me, but I thought I might as well check with the experts.

Thank you very much!


04-01-2014, 05:50 AM
Is this about what the signed books at the Florida event look like? It looks good to me, but I thought I might as well check with the experts.

Thank you very much!

Pretty much.

Here's mine:


Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-01-2014, 06:35 AM
The Doctor Sleep signatures are all crap...

but genuine.

04-01-2014, 06:47 AM
The "Cell" one you mean? I don't think I'll go for it. But I'm happy enough with "11/22/63" - does that one look ok to you John?

The Cell stinks. 11.22.63 is good--crappy but good.


04-01-2014, 06:57 AM
I was reviewing my signed books from the Sarasota Bookstore1 signing yesterday and noted there was an anomaly which I don't always see at signings. Quite often sigs from a particular signing are consistent in placement and style. Here are a couple of examples of how King was less consistent at this signing. His underscore or squiggled line varied from the sig I got in UK Dr Sleep to my wife's who was in line right after me.


Just something I noticed.. and had not seen so obvious before.

04-01-2014, 07:58 AM
Maybe King tried to draw a straight line but found it a difficult after a couple brewskys?

Bev Vincent
04-01-2014, 08:12 AM
King doesn't drink.

I signed my name about 1300 times a couple of weekends ago for a limited edition -- my signature changed a lot during that session. It would start to degenerate and then I'd take a break and it would go back to "normal" and then...

04-01-2014, 08:16 AM
Come on, I was kidding.

04-08-2014, 11:47 AM
Even if the signature is authentic (and I think it is), they've ruined the book:

The book comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) with matching holograms on the book and (COA) and comes with a set of proof pictures.



04-08-2014, 12:09 PM
Even if the signature is authentic (and I think it is), they've ruined the book:

The book comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) with matching holograms on the book and (COA) and comes with a set of proof pictures.



Why, oh why would anyone do that? I wonder where the hologram is attached.

04-08-2014, 12:29 PM
Even if the signature is authentic (and I think it is), they've ruined the book:

The book comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) with matching holograms on the book and (COA) and comes with a set of proof pictures.



Why, oh why would anyone do that? I wonder where the hologram is attached.

and so much for this seller having any smarts as he has the wrong date for the Sarasota signing in listing... not even the right month.

.............. and he has a buyer waiting since Feb 23 on a $1.04 baseball card .............. according to feedback

Randall Flagg
04-08-2014, 04:01 PM
Even if the signature is authentic (and I think it is), they've ruined the book:

The book comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) with matching holograms on the book and (COA) and comes with a set of proof pictures.


I can't see the hologram :-)

04-09-2014, 05:24 PM
5 minutes left on the "Major" Stephen King collection for $20,000 or BIN $100,000 - surprisingly no bids LOL. :smile_002:


04-09-2014, 05:38 PM
Damn, I was hoping to snipe it right at the end for 20 grand, but I mistimed it.

04-09-2014, 05:41 PM
Darn. You should have just jumped on the $100,000 BIN. LOL

But don't worry Frankie he's just relisted it for $20,000 opening bid again! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271450222543

I wonder how many times he will relist this and slowly drop the price down. How much IS it worth anyway in everyone's opinions? What would you pay for that lot?

Randall Flagg
04-09-2014, 06:18 PM
How much IS it worth anyway in everyone's opinions? What would you pay for that lot?

04-09-2014, 06:23 PM
LOL. Pity he doesn't have a "make best offer" option and we could all offer him a buck - or two.

04-09-2014, 07:05 PM
Darn. You should have just jumped on the $100,000 BIN. LOL

But don't worry Frankie he's just relisted it for $20,000 opening bid again! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271450222543

Ha! :)

I wonder how many times he will relist this and slowly drop the price down. How much IS it worth anyway in everyone's opinions? What would you pay for that lot?

His descriptions, and pictures, kind of suck.

Because of that I'm not even entirely sure what we're talking about, but seems like six books, one without a DJ, plus a short typed letter that is signed? And none of the six books have much, or any, intrinsic 1st/1st collector value. I'd say three grand would be extremely generous, and that's assuming some of the early signatures are worth more on earlier books. I'd lean more towards 2 grand. I don't think the "collection" is any more valuable than the individual books, other than to him.

I'd say he'd be better off breaking it up and selling it, though that would undoubtedly cause him to ask 3 grand per book. It's obvious from the "Major King collection" nonsense that this guy doesn't have a real firm grip on reality.

I like his description of 1993 being "10+ years ago". Also his description of King's "regard for certain readers" (i.e. him and his wife), like thousands of people haven't been sending him stuff to sign for decades.

04-09-2014, 07:21 PM
I would have leaned towards $2,000 max as well - maybe (big maybe) $3,000 at a push. I wouldn't personally buy them though but in terms of what they might at a stretch be worth... I usually budget myself $200 for a signed King - I've gotten them for less, and for more. So 6 x $200 is $1,800. But this guy's attitude seems to suck and the quality of the books might be bad as he hasn't really posted info on that.

Maybe him and the wife don't really want to sell them and just put them up and said "well ok if we get 20 grand or more then we can let go of them but otherwise we want to keep them." But then why put them up at all...

Randall Flagg
04-12-2014, 06:00 AM
Thinner signed by Stephen King (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thinner-signed-by-Stephen-King-/171298749181?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item27e2337afd)

STEPHEN KING In-person Signed Book - GERALD'S GAME (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-In-person-Signed-Book-GERALDS-GAME-/310927821921?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4864be0c61)

04-12-2014, 01:16 PM
Looking for a reference from a pair of King inscriptions from the early 1980s: "Vicki," someone who SK would've thanked "for all your work" and "with admiration," apparently based in NYC, and who would've received early (including pre-official publication date) copies.

Randall Flagg
04-12-2014, 02:04 PM
Looking for a reference from a pair of King inscriptions from the early 1980s: "Vicki," someone who SK would've thanked "for all your work" and "with admiration," apparently based in NYC, and who would've received early (including pre-official publication date) copies.
I'm a bit confused. Can you clarify a bit more?

04-12-2014, 02:11 PM
Looking for a reference from a pair of King inscriptions from the early 1980s: "Vicki," someone who SK would've thanked "for all your work" and "with admiration," apparently based in NYC, and who would've received early (including pre-official publication date) copies.
I'm a bit confused. Can you clarify a bit more?

Yes. --We picked up first edition copies of CUJO and DIFFERENT SEASONS, both inscribed (warmly) to "Vicki." The inscription in CUJO includes "Much Love"; the inscription in DIFFERENT SEASONS is fabulous and includes "good wishes and lots of admiration," a contextual John Lennon reference to "some time in New York City," and "thanks for all your work." CUJO is dated one day after the publication date (9/9/81), and DIFFERENT SEASONS is dated about two weeks prior to the publication date.

Hope that helps. These look great from everything I know, and a couple of friends have also weighed in on them. I was going to post pictures here but am challenged in getting a simple jpeg in. Working on the eBay listings now and will include links to them after they are up.

04-12-2014, 02:26 PM
Here are the "Vicki" inscriptions.
Input would be most welcome


Randall Flagg
04-12-2014, 05:34 PM
Both of the inscriptions look wonderful to me. Prices will be wildly different depending on whether the books are 1st edition 1st printings, or not, if the correctly priced DJ is present, and condition.
The inscriptions are marvelous. I have no idea as to the specific (last name etc.) person(s) they were noted to, but they are pleasing to see.

04-12-2014, 06:11 PM
Awesome! Totally awesome!

I don't collect personally inscribed books, so I don't follow that market. But the inscriptions and signatures look great.

04-12-2014, 06:16 PM

what do you guys think on this?

04-12-2014, 06:24 PM
I think its good. The photo's not that great; you don't see any hesitation points do you?

Randall Flagg
04-12-2014, 08:06 PM

what do you guys think on this?
Looks dark.

04-12-2014, 08:27 PM
Here are the "Vicki" inscriptions.
Input would be most welcome


WOW...have any of you seen such a long King inscription before? It's wonderful!!!

04-12-2014, 11:00 PM
Here are the "Vicki" inscriptions.
Input would be most welcome


WOW...have any of you seen such a long King inscription before? It's wonderful!!!

Wonderful - I collect King inscriptions and would love them. Pity my name isn't "Vicki" but otherwise love them! :)

04-13-2014, 01:14 AM
Wonderful - I collect King inscriptions and would love them. Pity my name isn't "Vicki" but otherwise love them! :)

We could start calling you Vicki. Maybe it would stick? :evil:

04-13-2014, 01:53 AM
LOL! But I can't decide if I want to be known as Vicki with an i or Vicky with a y - leave it with me...

Weirdly, I've never been able to find an inscribed "To John" (my real name) - and "John" is a simple and common name ! or even a "To Jonah" (my nickname) signed King, but I've got all sorts of others - a Laura, a Don, an Anna Lisa, a Janet...

04-13-2014, 02:55 AM

what do you guys think on this?
Looks dark.

I don't like it at all. Need a better picture to be sure.

04-13-2014, 08:17 AM
lets try again with a close-up


04-13-2014, 08:40 AM
lets try again with a close-up


OK. Good. Now I think it is probably legit.

04-13-2014, 09:46 AM
lets try again with a close-up


OK. Good. Now I think it is probably legit.

I don't like it. Comparing it with the variety of signatures RF put together - none of them have the curve off the "n" touching the "S" & "h" in Stephen perfectly. That makes me a bit suspicious, enough to ask a seller where/how they got it to better judge.

04-14-2014, 11:53 AM
What do you say, fellow collectors - legit?
Who has it ?
Thanks guys.

04-14-2014, 11:56 AM
Sorry Moshe, but I don't have a Google account, so I can't see what you're asking about.


Randall Flagg
04-14-2014, 12:07 PM
I don't believe both are 1st's:
Black House & The Talisman by: Stephen King vg 1st editions (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Black-House-The-Talisman-by-Stephen-King-vg-1st-editions-/291125196621?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43c869f74d)

04-14-2014, 12:08 PM
I received the pic straight (no link) into my email, don't know how to pull it out. I did all my best, but ... Thanks anyhow.

04-14-2014, 12:26 PM
I received the pic straight (no link) into my email, don't know how to pull it out. I did all my best, but ... Thanks anyhow.

I think if you save the image, and then upload it photobucket, etc., you should be able to use the proper link.

04-14-2014, 12:28 PM
What do you say, fellow collectors - legit?
Who has it ?
Thanks guys.

Click on the image, then right click on the image, then select "Copy Image Location", then post that URL using the http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/images/editor/insertimage.png button.

04-14-2014, 12:32 PM
Thanks Brian and John. I hope it works out now.

04-14-2014, 01:59 PM
I think it's better now. Thanks bdwyer19.

04-14-2014, 02:02 PM
I wouldn't touch it

04-14-2014, 02:04 PM
I think it's better now. Thanks bdwyer19.

That signed Secret Windows is not a legit signature.

Randall Flagg
04-14-2014, 02:06 PM
Very bad.

04-14-2014, 02:12 PM
Thank you guys. Thank you all for the help.

04-15-2014, 01:18 AM
Autographed Stephen King Pet Sematary Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Autographed-Stephen-King-Pet-Sematary-Book-/221413080972?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item338d3f7f8c)

The seller thinks this is signed. This is hilarious LOL. Ignorance/genuine stupidity or hoping to deceive a gullible buyer?

04-15-2014, 03:33 AM
Just sad.


04-15-2014, 03:44 AM
Autographed Stephen King Pet Sematary Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Autographed-Stephen-King-Pet-Sematary-Book-/221413080972?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item338d3f7f8c)

The seller thinks this is signed. This is hilarious LOL. Ignorance/genuine stupidity or hoping to deceive a gullible buyer?

That is more common than you might think.

04-15-2014, 04:37 AM
Autographed Stephen King Pet Sematary Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Autographed-Stephen-King-Pet-Sematary-Book-/221413080972?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item338d3f7f8c)

The seller thinks this is signed. This is hilarious LOL. Ignorance/genuine stupidity or hoping to deceive a gullible buyer?

That is more common than you might think.

Mainly because there are more stupid people than you would hope...

04-15-2014, 08:01 AM
Autographed Stephen King Pet Sematary Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Autographed-Stephen-King-Pet-Sematary-Book-/221413080972?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item338d3f7f8c)

The seller thinks this is signed. This is hilarious LOL. Ignorance/genuine stupidity or hoping to deceive a gullible buyer?

I don't know about you, but as an author, I always sign the boards, especially the black ones, in my gold leaf pen. Under the jacket is the only way to go. I find that more people appreciate it there rather than someplace obvious like the title page or something. It protects it from the Heisenberg Uncertainty damage!

Randall Flagg
04-15-2014, 02:48 PM
Not worthless, but of little value:
STEPHEN KING Carrie, 1974 FIRST EDITION, Hardcover w/Jacket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-Carrie-1974-FIRST-EDITION-Hardcover-w-Jacket-/151279980691?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item2338fd5093)

04-15-2014, 02:52 PM
Not worthless, but of little value:
STEPHEN KING Carrie, 1974 FIRST EDITION, Hardcover w/Jacket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-Carrie-1974-FIRST-EDITION-Hardcover-w-Jacket-/151279980691?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item2338fd5093)

It's not a first edition.


04-15-2014, 02:54 PM
Not worthless, but of little value:
STEPHEN KING Carrie, 1974 FIRST EDITION, Hardcover w/Jacket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-Carrie-1974-FIRST-EDITION-Hardcover-w-Jacket-/151279980691?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item2338fd5093)

What makes him think this is a 1st edition? Just another price clipped BCE

Randall Flagg
04-17-2014, 06:16 AM
Stephen king signed autograph book "from a buick 8" (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-king-signed-autograph-book-from-a-buick-8-/251507449310?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item3a8f031dde)

04-17-2014, 06:20 AM
Stephen king signed autograph book "from a buick 8" (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-king-signed-autograph-book-from-a-buick-8-/251507449310?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item3a8f031dde)

but... but... it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity! :emot-roflolmao:

his other book (also apparently "signed outside of a hotel SK was staying in") is even worse.

04-17-2014, 06:29 AM
THINNER **SIGNED Special ABA Edition w/ provenance** (http://www.biblio.com/book/thinner-signed-special-aba-edition-w/d/601504010)

04-17-2014, 11:34 AM
Trying to decide if any - or all - of these are genuine signatures. At first I thought no, then I thought yes, now I'm not sure. If they are, they look a bit rushed/cramped.

Firestarter by Stephen King First 1980 Issue Hardback Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/111325952584?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)

Misery by Stephen King 1987 First Issued Slipcased Hardback Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/111325946834?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)

Stephen King Signed Misery BCA First Edition (http://www.ebay.com/itm/141257215914?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)

04-17-2014, 11:43 AM
I wouldn't own any of them

04-17-2014, 11:49 AM
I agree. They are all bad.

04-17-2014, 11:51 AM
I don't like them either.


04-17-2014, 11:57 AM
I don't like the "Firestarter" or first "Misery" at all.

The third "Misery" (the BCA one) MIGHT be ok. The loop on the Stephen is a bit too big and the "King" looks like "Kig" but it does vaguely match some of the signatures around 2009 on the sig forum. But still don't like it much...

Randall Flagg
04-17-2014, 01:56 PM
Run, don't walk, away quickly. Very bad.

Randall Flagg
04-17-2014, 02:06 PM
Rubbish. Deceptive ad wording likely to fool a newbie:
Salem's Lot By; Stephen King 1st Edition (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Salems-Lot-By-Stephen-King-1st-Edition-/291127516058?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item43c88d5b9a)

04-17-2014, 02:23 PM
Is there a technically correct term for a book like that? First edition BCE? (whereas just calling it a first edition without mentioning BCE is lying by omission) Early BCE? Original BCE?

04-17-2014, 02:33 PM
Is there a technically correct term for a book like that? First edition BCE? (whereas just calling it a first edition without mentioning BCE is lying by omission) Early BCE? Original BCE?

No price on DJ = No sale!! LOL

04-17-2014, 02:40 PM
it's not just 'Salem's Lot, he has a bunch of other purported 1sts:


Randall Flagg
04-17-2014, 03:57 PM
Is there a technically correct term for a book like that? First edition BCE? (whereas just calling it a first edition without mentioning BCE is lying by omission) Early BCE? Original BCE?
Rubbish. Deceit. Fraud. Worthless (other than to actually read).

04-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Stephen king signed autograph book "from a buick 8" (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-king-signed-autograph-book-from-a-buick-8-/251507449310?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item3a8f031dde)
Looks like something he did out of Desperation. Steven King signed autograph "Desperation" http://www.ebay.com/itm/Steven-King-signed-autograph-Desperation-/251507450157?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3a8f03212d

04-18-2014, 04:09 AM
Rubbish. Deceptive ad wording likely to fool a newbie:
Salem's Lot By; Stephen King 1st Edition (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Salems-Lot-By-Stephen-King-1st-Edition-/291127516058?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item43c88d5b9a)

I wrote him. His listing says that we should check SKs site to verify the first edition so...

************************************************** ******************

"if you are not sure of it's edition, go to Stephen King site to see that this is a true first edition"

That's great advice. You should take it, and then stop listing a BCE as a first edition.


Salem's Lot 1975 Doubleday 5.75 x 8.5 x 1.25" $7.95/$8.95
"First Edition" on CP
Q37 on page 439
Three dust jacket states:
1)$8.95 on DJ, Father Cody error (rare!)
2)price clipped, $7.95, Father Cody error
3)$7.95 on DJ, Father Callahan

04-18-2014, 04:13 AM
it's not just 'Salem's Lot, he has a bunch of other purported 1sts:


I'm tempted to buy them all, and then get a refund while leaving negative feedback.

04-18-2014, 05:35 AM
Does anyone know who this person is? Goes by the name of "rareandsigned" on ABE. Advertises himself (or herself) as the "leading Stephen King autograph expert on the internet." What an overinflated claim!

http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12633576068&searchurl=an%3Dking%2Bstephen%26amp%3Bbi%3D0%26amp %3Bbsi%3D60%26amp%3Bbx%3Don%26amp%3Bds%3D30%26amp% 3Bkn%3Dking%2BNOT%2Baudio%2BNOT%2Baudiobook%2BNOT% 2Baudiobooks%26amp%3Bprl%3D20%26amp%3Brecentlyadde d%3D1day%26amp%3Bsortby%3D0%26amp%3Bx%3D65%26amp%3 By%3D17

Ben Staad
04-18-2014, 05:49 AM
I looked through multiple pages on on Yelp (searched bookstores in Leeds) and didn't see any mention of SK. Thought it may have helped narrow it down but it didn't. Sorry.


04-18-2014, 05:51 AM
Does anyone know who this person is? Goes by the name of "rareandsigned" on ABE. Advertises himself (or herself) as the "leading Stephen King autograph expert on the internet." What an overinflated claim!

http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12633576068&searchurl=an%3Dking%2Bstephen%26amp%3Bbi%3D0%26amp %3Bbsi%3D60%26amp%3Bbx%3Don%26amp%3Bds%3D30%26amp% 3Bkn%3Dking%2BNOT%2Baudio%2BNOT%2Baudiobook%2BNOT% 2Baudiobooks%26amp%3Bprl%3D20%26amp%3Brecentlyadde d%3D1day%26amp%3Bsortby%3D0%26amp%3Bx%3D65%26amp%3 By%3D17

Rareandsigned.com has it's own website. Wonder if it's the same guy.

Ben Staad
04-18-2014, 05:58 AM
Slaps head. I should have tried that first. It seems like it could be the same company as they boast having a massive collection of over 300 hand signed SK books. Here is the link to the about us page:


Does anyone know who this person is? Goes by the name of "rareandsigned" on ABE. Advertises himself (or herself) as the "leading Stephen King autograph expert on the internet." What an overinflated claim!

http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12633576068&searchurl=an%3Dking%2Bstephen%26amp%3Bbi%3D0%26amp %3Bbsi%3D60%26amp%3Bbx%3Don%26amp%3Bds%3D30%26amp% 3Bkn%3Dking%2BNOT%2Baudio%2BNOT%2Baudiobook%2BNOT% 2Baudiobooks%26amp%3Bprl%3D20%26amp%3Brecentlyadde d%3D1day%26amp%3Bsortby%3D0%26amp%3Bx%3D65%26amp%3 By%3D17

Rareandsigned.com has it's own website. Wonder if it's the same guy.

04-18-2014, 11:52 AM
What do you think guys on :
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11021.m45.l1123/7?euid=110f987304434d26a01549d191bea20f&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll %3FViewItem%26item%3D181385323351%26ssPageName%3DA DME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123&exe=10017&ext=100033&sojTags=exe=exe,ext=ext

04-18-2014, 11:54 AM

The Library Policeman
04-18-2014, 11:55 AM
Looks bad to me.

Lot guy
04-18-2014, 12:22 PM
Check his 1 other sale he made under recent feedback, the "Signed Dolores looks as bad & EXACTLY the same he must be practicing

04-18-2014, 01:06 PM
Thank you guys, I appreciate your help!

04-18-2014, 02:26 PM
Check his 1 other sale he made under recent feedback, the "Signed Dolores looks as bad & EXACTLY the same he must be practicing

Yeah and both plenty fuzzy!

04-20-2014, 04:13 PM
Is this COA sticker actually attached to the title page of the book?!?



04-20-2014, 04:20 PM
Is this COA sticker actually attached to the title page of the book?!?



I think (hope) that is just a card strategically placed in the photo, but if it is not, OMG!!! LOL

04-20-2014, 05:05 PM
Is this COA sticker actually attached to the title page of the book?!?



I don't think so. I think it is just laid in. However, in the bottom right corner is what I think is a permanently affixed small sticker with a matching number to the COA. IMO, that really devalues the book rather than enhancing the value.

04-20-2014, 05:17 PM
I didn't even notice that. I agree.


04-20-2014, 05:23 PM
I didn't even notice that. I agree.


So do I. I did not see it at first either, good catch, Bob. How else could a bonafide Authenticater insure accuracy? You can't put it on the "Brodart", maybe peelable on the DJ?

04-20-2014, 05:39 PM
Am I missing something ??


04-20-2014, 06:14 PM
Seems a TAD high!!

04-20-2014, 06:21 PM
I didn't even notice that. I agree.


So do I. I did not see it at first either, good catch, Bob. How else could a bonafide Authenticater insure accuracy? You can't put it on the "Brodart", maybe peelable on the DJ?

PSA/DNA, IMO, is no more a bonafide authenticator than anyone else when it comes to King's signature. A COA from them carries no weight with me. I have seen them authenticate examples of King's signatures that I am sure are forgeries. Anything permanent that they attach to a book devalues it, IMO. I put it in the same category as a previous owner's name in ink, a price-clipped dust jacket, an embossed seal or anything else that permanently changes a book from the state in which it was issued. All of those make the book non-collectible to me.

The people who work for PSA/DNA and other primarily sports autograph authenticators are probably pretty good at spotting a fake Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio or Babe Ruth autograph but I am willing to bet they have looked at less King signatures (real and fake) than most of the members on this site. We are much better judges than they are simply because of our experience. As we have said many times, a COA is worthless when it comes with a King signature.

Room 217 Caretaker
04-21-2014, 04:13 AM
I couldn't agree more with Bob. Thank you for putting your opinions in writing.


04-21-2014, 06:08 AM
Very well written Bob!
I am still trying to figure out why a Stephen King signed baseball is
always worth more than a book? Of course, the baseball is authenticated!

04-21-2014, 08:57 AM
100% agree, CoA means very little.

04-21-2014, 11:40 AM
Haven't we already met him??
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11021.m45.l1123/7?euid=e923b8adad924ec8b240e7e88109f51a&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll %3FViewItem%26item%3D181388242352%26ssPageName%3DA DME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123&exe=10017&ext=100033&sojTags=exe=exe,ext=ext

04-21-2014, 02:49 PM
What do you guys think of this signature?


I tried saving the picture and posting it here, but all I can get is a tiny thumbnail and I'm not smart enough to figure out how to enhance it. If the sig looks legit, I'd probably pull the trigger on this one.

edit, I may have figured it out

http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s428/drofduf/_57_zps73829f5b.jpg (http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/drofduf/media/_57_zps73829f5b.jpg.html)

Randall Flagg
04-21-2014, 03:06 PM
Terrible. Obviously not a legitimate Stephen King signature.

04-21-2014, 03:49 PM
Not just "no"; but Hell No.

Bev Vincent
04-21-2014, 03:56 PM
Only if he signed it in 2035. Or 1953.

04-21-2014, 05:06 PM
That's one of the worst I've seen.


04-21-2014, 05:21 PM
thanks everyone. I'm not very familiar with what his earlier signatures look like. I guess that's why it has been listed for quite a while.

04-23-2014, 05:22 AM
What do you think of these 3 guys? Genuine or excellent forgeries? I think they look genuine (Despite "best" looking like "lust"), but wanted some opinions!




04-23-2014, 06:07 AM
What do you think of these 3 guys? Genuine or excellent forgeries? I think they look genuine (Despite "best" looking like "lust"), but wanted some opinions!

I don't like them.

All three are from the same hand so if one is bad then the others are as well. It appears as though all three could have been signed on the same day. All three are offered by the same seller.

The '93 signature looks nothing like his signature from that era. It is too clean. King has a sloppy signature by and large. The first name is written in a shorter manner similar to his more recent signature. Back in the day he wrote out the name a little more. The loop in the "K" is wrong. King looks like "King" instead of the typical "Knig" There are other things wrong with it/them.

They might have fooled me with the Gerald's Game alone.

http://www.thedarktower.org/custom/images/1351195790-King%20signature%20comparisons%20revised%20black%2 0slide%202.jpg

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-23-2014, 07:02 AM
What do you think of these 3 guys? Genuine or excellent forgeries? I think they look genuine (Despite "best" looking like "lust"), but wanted some opinions!

I don't like them. The "King" should be "Knig".

04-23-2014, 07:04 AM
The "g"s look wrong to me in all of them, if supposedly from 1993.

04-23-2014, 10:19 AM
Thanks everyone - and thankfully I was outbid on them, I only bid 1 dollar above starting bid on them. They looked good to me but on recollection and with the photos Brian posted, they look a bit "forged" or "too neat". And I agree the "g" looks wrong. Whoever did them did a great job of the "Stephen" part, though. I hate that these *%&^*£ are out there though. Guess if it looks like too good a deal for a signed King, it is...

04-23-2014, 01:25 PM
What a deal! Only $2,799.00."Please note that this item is an original, authentically signed historical document. Please do not be fooled by others selling copies/reprints as originals." LOL!

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-23-2014, 02:03 PM
What a deal! Only $2,799.00."Please note that this item is an original, authentically signed historical document. Please do not be fooled by others selling copies/reprints as originals." LOL!

History for sale. It's obviously genuine and worth every penny!

04-23-2014, 03:48 PM
What a deal! Only $2,799.00."Please note that this item is an original, authentically signed historical document. Please do not be fooled by others selling copies/reprints as originals." LOL!

History for sale. It's obviously genuine and worth every penny!

I looked the first time and saw the bad signature.

I didn't even notice the price. :panic:

04-23-2014, 05:21 PM
Bad as in fake or just bad as in bad?

04-23-2014, 05:33 PM
Bad as in fake.


04-23-2014, 05:55 PM
That's what I was leaning towards, but I'm no expert. Or even well informed amateur.

04-23-2014, 11:48 PM
Yep, looks fake - also noticed that, the big squiggle under his name too. But even if it wasn't fake, it's overpriced. As it is, the listing is just laughable. Reported to ebay.

04-24-2014, 03:40 PM
Thoughts ?


04-24-2014, 03:43 PM
I personally wouldn't - there's no mention of how it was obtained, its a random edition... just seems fishy

04-24-2014, 04:52 PM
This lordoftherings77 person seems to have loads of fake King sigs constantly listed. 100 % feedback on ebay too. I've noticed a lot of the sellers of fake sigs have 100% positive feedback - not all, but a lot, and some with high numbers too. Weird.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=221419927435&pt=Fiction&_osacat=0&hash=item338da7f78b&_ssn=lordoftherings77&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xstephen+k ing+signed&_nkw=stephen+king+signed&_sacat=0&_from=R40

04-24-2014, 06:00 PM
Thoughts ?


This one is good.

04-24-2014, 06:01 PM
This lordoftherings77 person seems to have loads of fake King sigs constantly listed. 100 % feedback on ebay too. I've noticed a lot of the sellers of fake sigs have 100% positive feedback - not all, but a lot, and some with high numbers too. Weird.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=221419927435&pt=Fiction&_osacat=0&hash=item338da7f78b&_ssn=lordoftherings77&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xstephen+k ing+signed&_nkw=stephen+king+signed&_sacat=0&_from=R40

If you call them on it then they apologize and act all innocent and ignorant. There is only a small window to give the negative feedback and most people give the benefit of the doubt, especially when they receive a refund.

04-24-2014, 08:21 PM
Thoughts ?


This one is good.
In my humble, amateur opinion, I agree.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-24-2014, 10:44 PM
Thoughts ?


This one is good.
In my humble, amateur opinion, I agree.

Yes, its good.

Randall Flagg
04-25-2014, 05:16 AM
Thoughts ?

I posted it earlier in the "Intriguing auctions.." thread.
I believe the signature is legit.

04-25-2014, 05:52 AM
Thoughts ?


The seller has 0 feedback. The listing states "Like New" while the picture shows obvious damage to the cover. The book itself isn't worth anything.

The only collectible thing about it is the signature. That's probably okay. It might make a good bookplate for a more collectible edition.

04-25-2014, 08:13 AM
How about this one:

http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s428/drofduf/12064501677_zps97371218.jpg (http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/drofduf/media/12064501677_zps97371218.jpg.html)

it's on Abebooks for what I consider a good price, but I'm a little wary of this one.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
04-25-2014, 08:34 AM
Signature looks too large to me.

04-25-2014, 10:16 AM
Anyone find this packaging acceptable? One layer of bubblewrap (that didn't actually even cover 100% of the book), and in a box that's just enough bigger than the book that it can rattle around in it nicely (air bags top and bottom, but nothing on the sides/corners).

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m270/nicolaskl/003Medium_zps03c75c44.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/nicolaskl/media/003Medium_zps03c75c44.jpg.html)

04-25-2014, 10:49 AM
Signature looks too large to me.

Way too large.

04-25-2014, 11:07 AM
Signature looks too large to me.

Way too large.

My first thought too, though I thought maybe the fact that it's a paperback may make it look that way. I haven't seen many of his signatures in paperback books. Thanks guys!

Robert Fulman
04-25-2014, 11:17 AM
Anyone find this packaging acceptable? One layer of bubblewrap (that didn't actually even cover 100% of the book), and in a box that's just enough bigger than the book that it can rattle around in it nicely (air bags top and bottom, but nothing on the sides/corners).
I've seen better, and I've seen worse. I get annoyed when condition is described "as new" but then little care is taken to ensure that it arrives that way in the mail.

04-25-2014, 11:31 AM
Anyone find this packaging acceptable? One layer of bubblewrap (that didn't actually even cover 100% of the book), and in a box that's just enough bigger than the book that it can rattle around in it nicely (air bags top and bottom, but nothing on the sides/corners).
I've seen better, and I've seen worse. I get annoyed when condition is described "as new" but then little care is taken to ensure that it arrives that way in the mail.

I've seen better, but tbh I've never seen worse on a ~$300 book. On a 5-30 dollar book, sure. Maybe even < $100. But not $200+.

The top two traycase corners are bumped to the point of being bent over mush. Though it may have been that way or mostly that way already, though that just shifts the transgressions of the seller from packaging to accurately describing. And the capper is that the seller wrote four or five lines of pricing and stock number bullshit on the page opposite the signature. Yeah, it's in pencil, but yeah, I couldn't get it all off either, not to the point where I can't tell it was there. IMO anyone that writes in a collectible book is a twat, no matter how gently they think they're doing it.

Randall Flagg
04-26-2014, 05:09 AM
Intentionally blurry:
From a Buick SIGNED by Stephen King 1ST/1ST (2002, Hardcover) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/From-a-Buick-SIGNED-by-Stephen-King-1ST-1ST-2002-Hardcover-/301165523395?pt=US_Fiction_Books&hash=item461edd31c3)

04-26-2014, 05:44 AM
[QUOTE=Frankie;845931]Anyone find this packaging acceptable? One layer of bubblewrap (that didn't actually even cover 100% of the book), and in a box that's just enough bigger than the book that it can rattle around in it nicely (air bags top and bottom, but nothing on the sides/corners).

Book should not rattle in the box, especially with just one layer of bubblewrap, IMO.

04-26-2014, 06:05 AM
Just won this item on ebay. Signature looks genuine but before I pay thought I'd double-check with you guys.

Also, assuming sig is indeed genuine, if you were me would you cover this book with a dustjacket and keep it as is? Or would you cut out the signature and paste it into a nicer edition of IT?


04-26-2014, 06:17 AM
Just won this item on ebay. Signature looks genuine but before I pay thought I'd double-check with you guys.

Also, assuming sig is indeed genuine, if you were me would you cover this book with a dustjacket and keep it as is? Or would you cut out the signature and paste it into a nicer edition of IT?


I think the inscription and signature are genuine.

Ben Staad
04-26-2014, 06:30 AM
My opinion is that you leave the book as is and add a DJ. I do not like the idea of cutting it out and adding the signature as a book plate to another copy of IT. That is just my two cents.

...if you were me would you cover this book with a dustjacket and keep it as is? Or would you cut out the signature and paste it into a nicer edition of IT?

04-26-2014, 06:32 AM
[QUOTE=Frankie;845931]Anyone find this packaging acceptable? One layer of bubblewrap (that didn't actually even cover 100% of the book), and in a box that's just enough bigger than the book that it can rattle around in it nicely (air bags top and bottom, but nothing on the sides/corners).

Book should not rattle in the box, especially with just one layer of bubblewrap, IMO.

I always think about my Knowing Darkness... The clever seller send it
absolut unwrapped in an box... The damaged box arrived and....
surprise... my Knowing Darkness was OK !!!

04-26-2014, 06:52 AM
My opinion is that you leave the book as is and add a DJ. I do not like the idea of cutting it out and adding the signature as a book plate to another copy of IT. That is just my two cents.

...if you were me would you cover this book with a dustjacket and keep it as is? Or would you cut out the signature and paste it into a nicer edition of IT?

I think you're right Ben. I hope this is a first edition, despite the damage, I won't know until it arrives. Probably the cheapest way to get a copy of IT signed...

04-26-2014, 07:08 AM
Just won this item on ebay. Signature looks genuine but before I pay thought I'd double-check with you guys.

Also, assuming sig is indeed genuine, if you were me would you cover this book with a dustjacket and keep it as is? Or would you cut out the signature and paste it into a nicer edition of IT?


I like the signature.

It looks like it is signed on the FFEP. Probably best to leave it in that book.

04-26-2014, 07:38 AM
Just find a dust jacket. DON'T cut the page out.


Randall Flagg
04-26-2014, 10:29 AM
The book looks water damaged on the lower part of the pages. If the page where the signature is, also is damaged, there would be no sense in removing it.

04-27-2014, 08:32 PM
Just find a dust jacket. DON'T cut the page out.


I agree with John and the others. Do not cut. If you do cut, do not paste it anywhere, just lay it in loose.

04-28-2014, 03:52 AM
Just find a dust jacket. DON'T cut the page out.


I agree with John and the others. Do not cut. If you do cut, do not paste it anywhere, just lay it in loose.

"Cut or Cut not. There is no Paste" - Yoda

04-28-2014, 09:09 AM
I got a bit bid happy on it. So at first when I won it, I was like "oh shit, do I really want this?" But I always pay when I win even if I feel "meh". Now I've decided to cover it in a DJ. I won't cut/paste or otherwise mutilate. :D

Do you guys think $105 was good for this? it's inscribed on the ffep and the book is not in good condition. I don't know yet if it's a 1st or not. I already own a BCE in perfect condition and a 1st in "good" condition so depending how this one is when it comes, and if it's a 1st, I'll cover it in a DJ (probably from the BCE edition).

04-28-2014, 09:23 AM
I got a bit bid happy on it. So at first when I won it, I was like "oh shit, do I really want this?" But I always pay when I win even if I feel "meh". Now I've decided to cover it in a DJ. I won't cut/paste or otherwise mutilate. :D

Do you guys think $105 was good for this? it's inscribed on the ffep and the book is not in good condition. I don't know yet if it's a 1st or not. I already own a BCE in perfect condition and a 1st in "good" condition so depending how this one is when it comes, and if it's a 1st, I'll cover it in a DJ (probably from the BCE edition).

I think you did okay regardless of edition.

04-28-2014, 04:52 PM
Just find a dust jacket. DON'T cut the page out.


I agree with John and the others. Do not cut. If you do cut, do not paste it anywhere, just lay it in loose.

"Cut or Cut not. There is no Paste" - Yoda


04-29-2014, 06:45 AM
I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?



04-29-2014, 06:47 AM
I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?



No. Not to me...

04-29-2014, 06:50 AM
I guess cutting anything from any book is defacing it and that would sit with me as wrong. I've never done it myself for the record, I was just wondering what people think. I'd find it hard to deface a book even though I have thought about doing it in and been tempted to in instances like this, my natural instinct usually is to fix/repair the book as best I can, regardless of the book. Just wondering if some collectors do cut nice signatures from poor condition books and paste them into nicer editions. I know there was a really poor condition (and I mean really poor) of "The Stand" that sold on ebay recently - I imagine whoever won it cut out the sig or else got the book totally rebound.

04-29-2014, 07:09 AM
I guess cutting anything from any book is defacing it and that would sit with me as wrong. I've never done it myself for the record, I was just wondering what people think. I'd find it hard to deface a book even though I have thought about doing it in and been tempted to in instances like this, my natural instinct usually is to fix/repair the book as best I can, regardless of the book. Just wondering if some collectors do cut nice signatures from poor condition books and paste them into nicer editions. I know there was a really poor condition (and I mean really poor) of "The Stand" that sold on ebay recently - I imagine whoever won it cut out the sig or else got the book totally rebound.

I agree. It just goes against what I feel is right.


04-29-2014, 07:11 AM
I'd rather have a shoddy copy with a signature than a cut and paste job. The condition of the book shows a history (though I may not personally know that history) and I'd rather have that intact rather than trying to piece together parts from different books.

04-29-2014, 07:17 AM
I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?

I suggested exactly that for this book. The book isn't collectible. The signature is. In this case I think I would use the half-title page as a bookplate laid in, unpasted, to a collectible copy of The Stand. If both the signed bookplate and the signed book were at auction the bookplate would bring every bit as much as the book.

If the book itself was at all collectible I would leave it be.

04-29-2014, 07:42 AM
Two things:

1. The King signature makes the paperback collectible. It is something that ads value to the book even though it's not a first edition. That's why people want King to sign their books.

2. I don't like the idea of vandalizing one book to make a profit. There are stories of book dealers breaking apart copies of the Gutenberg Bible or Shakespeare's First Folio to see the individual pages for more profit.

Just my personal opinion.


I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?

I suggested exactly that for this book. The book isn't collectible. The signature is. In this case I think I would use the half-title page as a bookplate laid in, unpasted, to a collectible copy of The Stand. If both the signed bookplate and the signed book were at auction the bookplate would bring every bit as much as the book.

If the book itself was at all collectible I would leave it be.

04-29-2014, 08:05 AM
Two things:

1. The King signature makes the paperback collectible. It is something that ads value to the book even though it's not a first edition. That's why people want King to sign their books.

2. I don't like the idea of vandalizing one book to make a profit. There are stories of book dealers breaking apart copies of the Gutenberg Bible or Shakespeare's First Folio to see the individual pages for more profit.

Just my personal opinion.


The King signature is the only thing about the book that is valuable other than as a reading copy. If I happened to have King sign the book myself then it would have an emotional value as well as a monetary value. If I bought it on eBay then not so much. I just happen to think it would be more cool as a bookplate.

I understand why a person wouldn't want to "vandalize" a book. I agree within reason.

Randall Flagg
04-29-2014, 10:44 AM
I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?


I think the page could be removed and integrated into a piece of art relative to "The Stand".
It's not "vandalism" to remove a page from a book you own.

04-29-2014, 12:38 PM
I won't cut IT but are there ever times when cutting/pasting IS acceptable to a collector?

For example, what about this signed Stand paperback on eBay? The sig is good, the little logo of good/evil is great, the book doesn't look anything special. Wouldn't this make a nice bookplate in a 1st or early hardback of "The Stand"?


I think the page could be removed and integrated into a piece of art relative to "The Stand".
It's not "vandalism" to remove a page from a book you own.

I'd see that as "value added" rather than vandalism.

04-30-2014, 04:38 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Room 217 Caretaker
04-30-2014, 05:09 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Welcome, hope you stick around, it's a great place.

OK...your question.....it's hard to tell because of no close-up of picture. But more important, the seller mentions "COA with matching hologram on book". That sticker takes away from value and COA guarantees aren't worth the paper printed on. I would recommend purchasing from someone on this website, it won't have a sticker effecting value and you will know for sure it's the real deal.

Hope the above helps

Ralph Mulleins

04-30-2014, 05:23 AM
Thanks! :) Forgive the dumb question, but as I look at the different subforums, is there a 'Sell/Trade' subforum? Thanks again!

04-30-2014, 05:23 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

The "proof" photo signature doesn't match the finished signature.

If for no other reason I wouldn't buy it. The COA is another reason. It adds nothing. It only detracts from value.


Randall Flagg
04-30-2014, 05:34 AM
STEPHEN KING signed 11/22/63 JOHN F KENNEDY SLAIN IN DALLAS LBJ TAKES OATH Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-signed-11-22-63-JOHN-F-KENNEDY-SLAIN-IN-DALLAS-LBJ-TAKES-OATH-Book-/111340441158?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19ec684e46)

Randall Flagg
04-30-2014, 05:36 AM
Thanks! :) Forgive the dumb question, but as I look at the different subforums, is there a 'Sell/Trade' subforum? Thanks again!
Right here in Calvins Corner is a thread for selling:
Collectible Classifieds (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?6468-Collectible-Classifieds)

and a wanted thread too:

King Books/Items Wanted (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?966-King-Books-Items-Wanted)

04-30-2014, 05:38 AM
Thanks! :) Forgive the dumb question, but as I look at the different subforums, is there a 'Sell/Trade' subforum? Thanks again!

Calvin's Corner is the "collectible" section of the site.

Collectible-Classifieds (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?6468-Collectible-Classifieds&p=842803&highlight=horns%2C+shivers#post842803) is where sellers offer their items for sale/trade to other members.

There are various other threads to watch that will list items for sale or post links to sales. For instance if someone is selling a proof they might list it in that thread and nowhere else.

Intriguing-Stephen-King-King-Related-Dark-Tower-Auctions-Sales (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?226-Intriguing-Stephen-King-King-Related-Dark-Tower-Auctions-Sales)
Stephen-King-Proofs (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?443-Stephen-King-Proofs)
Stephen-King-promotional-items (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?2228-Stephen-King-promotional-items)
Quirky-King-and-Dark-Tower-Items (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?182-Quirky-King-and-Dark-Tower-Items)
Other-authors-you-collect (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?2260-Other-authors-you-collect) and its sub-threads.

Randall Flagg
04-30-2014, 05:39 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
This is a legit one:
Stephen King signed Doctor Sleep The Shining Sequel HC book w/signing ticket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-signed-Doctor-Sleep-The-Shining-Sequel-HC-book-w-signing-ticket-/191154799971?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c81b6c563)

04-30-2014, 05:47 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

The "proof" photo signature doesn't match the finished signature.

If for no other reason I wouldn't buy it. The COA is another reason. It adds nothing. It only detracts from value.


TRUE... Serious collectors do not want anything foreign stuck to their books (like Holograms). and COA's are a topic here all the time .. so much fraud among those who use them.

04-30-2014, 05:52 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
This is a legit one:
Stephen King signed Doctor Sleep The Shining Sequel HC book w/signing ticket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-signed-Doctor-Sleep-The-Shining-Sequel-HC-book-w-signing-ticket-/191154799971?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c81b6c563)

David at http://bettsbooks.com (http://bettsbooks.com/w95020ai.html#girl) has one in a CD slipcase for $195.

Doctor Sleep 1st trade edition flatsigned by Stephen King in Doctor Sleep slipcase from Cemetery Dance (value $35); Fine/Fine

Randall Flagg
04-30-2014, 11:05 AM
I have my doubts:
Stephen King's "Pet Sematary", Signed Copy (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-Kings-Pet-Sematary-Signed-Copy-/181396775218?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item2a3c172132)

Horror Author STEPHEN KING signed CHRISTINE 1983 Hard Cover Book (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Horror-Author-STEPHEN-KING-signed-CHRISTINE-1983-Hard-Cover-Book-/141272963152?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item20e4865850)

Randall Flagg
05-01-2014, 05:32 AM
Not impressive:
STEPHEN KING~NEEDFUL THINGS~SIGNED~ FIRST EDITION/1ST PRINT~HC/DJ~1991~ (http://www.ebay.com/itm/STEPHEN-KING-NEEDFUL-THINGS-SIGNED-FIRST-EDITION-1ST-PRINT-HC-DJ-1991-/111341340311?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item19ec760697)

05-02-2014, 07:51 PM
Tallying my eBay romp through The Stand for the evening, we've got:

Real 1st. No DJ. Writing in it. From the pics, may have accidentally fallen off the bookshelf and lain in the cat litter box for several months. $150.

Described as a 1979 "first print". Not sure if he just screwed up the year or if he thinks that on Jan 1st they start a new round of first prints or something. Either way, it isn't a first.

A later printing that people have actually bid up to 36 bucks. Nothing fraudulent here, I just wouldn't pay more than reading copy price for a later printing. As far as I'm concerned might as well buy a BCE for 2 dollars.

A real first with a book plate with the owners name on it, AND his name written in ink separately. Maybe his book plates hadn't come in yet when he wrote his name in it, I guess. Plus I find it slightly amusing that he made sure he noted he was an M.D. after his name, like the book cares, or like someone that borrowed his book might forget whom he borrowed it from and think it was a different S. Hofstetter that wasn't an MD. Again, nothing fraudulent here though.

Claims it's a first but provides absolute zero pictures or description that would verify it as such. Protip: people want to see the CP, not the title page. Probably a BCE for $150.

Non first for $50. To steve.susan's (0 feedback) credit though, he doesn't say it's a first, but his price sucks for a BCE.

$95 BCE. Again, nothing fraudulent, just a stupid price.

Later printing with no DJ and priced at $125. Not fraudulent though.

Real 1st, but has some chunks out of the DJ and water staining and is described as like new and priced at $895. Sent this guy a question via eBay "Do new books usually have water staining and messed up DJs? Just curious". Yes, I'm an ass.

Seen this listing over and over, guy says 1st Stands go from $1200 to 4500.

Well, that's about all I can stand for the night. Made it through half the listings. This is probably the best one so far:


Which I've also listed repeatedly, I believe.

Room 217 Caretaker
05-04-2014, 05:02 AM
A legit signature but a gross misrepresentation of the signed limited Cujo:



05-04-2014, 10:01 AM
A legit signature but a gross misrepresentation of the signed limited Cujo:



That is certainly deceptive.

I wrote him:

"Dear bid4something,

That isn't a limited edition. It isn't even a first edition. I'll give you a chance to change the listing before reporting it."

His response:

"I will take a look tomorrow. Thank you to let me know

- bid4something"

05-04-2014, 12:19 PM
A legit signature but a gross misrepresentation of the signed limited Cujo:



That is certainly deceptive.

I wrote him:

"Dear bid4something,

That isn't a limited edition. It isn't even a first edition. I'll give you a chance to change the listing before reporting it."

His response:

"I will take a look tomorrow. Thank you to let me know

- bid4something"

You mean because there seems to be no DJ? Because it appears to have the proper 1/1 indicator on the CP. I'm always trying to learn more about collecting so any info would be appreciated.

05-04-2014, 12:37 PM
From thedarktower.org:


From the listing:


I'm no expert in these things but the address in the first picture for the Viking Press is different then that in the listing.

From The Collector: Look for Viking's original Address on the copyright page and separately on the dustjacket. You should see 625 Madison Avenue on both.

05-04-2014, 12:41 PM
Ahhh, thanks I didn't notice or go and look at my copy, but the first image looks correct while the second is "off". My thanks for the education.

05-04-2014, 12:43 PM
Ahhh, thanks I didn't notice or go and look at my copy, but the first image looks correct while the second is "off". My thanks for the education.

No problem. I'm learning as well. It's a good thing that publishers now include, for the most part, printing numbers, otherwise the whole collecting world would be a hell of a lot more confusing.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
05-04-2014, 02:07 PM
The catalog is your friend!

There is no such word as catalog. catalogue,catalogue,catalogue.

05-05-2014, 03:29 AM
Hey Guys!
New to the forum. Seems to be a number of Sarasota signings for Doctor Sleep on ebay, most with the numbered ticket to get the book signed. Thoughts on this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/161289784677?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
This is a legit one:
Stephen King signed Doctor Sleep The Shining Sequel HC book w/signing ticket (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stephen-King-signed-Doctor-Sleep-The-Shining-Sequel-HC-book-w-signing-ticket-/191154799971?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c81b6c563)

Won it! Thanks!

Randall Flagg
05-05-2014, 04:59 AM
You are welcome. Enjoy the site.

05-05-2014, 05:59 AM
The catalog is your friend!

There is no such word as catalog. catalogue,catalogue,catalogue.


Catalog is the preferred spelling in the US.

05-05-2014, 06:04 AM
Won it! Thanks!

You did good. You got a legitimate King signature, with the event ticket, and without the damaging COA sticker. You got a better price than the other sold for too.

05-05-2014, 05:05 PM
Tallying my eBay romp through The Stand for the evening, we've got:

Real 1st. No DJ. Writing in it. From the pics, may have accidentally fallen off the bookshelf and lain in the cat litter box for several months. $150.

Described as a 1979 "first print". Not sure if he just screwed up the year or if he thinks that on Jan 1st they start a new round of first prints or something. Either way, it isn't a first.

A later printing that people have actually bid up to 36 bucks. Nothing fraudulent here, I just wouldn't pay more than reading copy price for a later printing. As far as I'm concerned might as well buy a BCE for 2 dollars.

A real first with a book plate with the owners name on it, AND his name written in ink separately. Maybe his book plates hadn't come in yet when he wrote his name in it, I guess. Plus I find it slightly amusing that he made sure he noted he was an M.D. after his name, like the book cares, or like someone that borrowed his book might forget whom he borrowed it from and think it was a different S. Hofstetter that wasn't an MD. Again, nothing fraudulent here though.

Claims it's a first but provides absolute zero pictures or description that would verify it as such. Protip: people want to see the CP, not the title page. Probably a BCE for $150.

Non first for $50. To steve.susan's (0 feedback) credit though, he doesn't say it's a first, but his price sucks for a BCE.

$95 BCE. Again, nothing fraudulent, just a stupid price.

Later printing with no DJ and priced at $125. Not fraudulent though.

Real 1st, but has some chunks out of the DJ and water staining and is described as like new and priced at $895. Sent this guy a question via eBay "Do new books usually have water staining and messed up DJs? Just curious". Yes, I'm an ass.

Seen this listing over and over, guy says 1st Stands go from $1200 to 4500.

Well, that's about all I can stand for the night. Made it through half the listings. This is probably the best one so far:


Which I've also listed repeatedly, I believe.

WOW. Had no idea it was this bad! Apparently I got a good deal on my 1st/1st last year for $125 at the SC Book Festival. Just be patient--sometime you get lucky!!

05-05-2014, 06:40 PM
WOW. Had no idea it was this bad! Apparently I got a good deal on my 1st/1st last year for $125 at the SC Book Festival. Just be patient--sometime you get lucky!!

Unless your copy is in pretty bad shape, I'd say you got a great deal.

05-07-2014, 02:03 AM
Look at this beauty signed by "Steph" King.


and its twin...


Reported both

05-07-2014, 02:22 AM
Does reporting to ebay even work though?

I've reported this lordoftherings77 guy numerous times, he keeps relisting "signed" Stephen King books. He's got 5 more up now again, all fake...

http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=221427789964&pt=Fiction&_osacat=0&hash=item338e1ff08c&_ssn=lordoftherings77&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xstephen+k ing&_nkw=stephen+king&_sacat=0&_from=R40

05-07-2014, 03:31 AM
Does reporting to ebay even work though?

I've reported this lordoftherings77 guy numerous times, he keeps relisting "signed" Stephen King books. He's got 5 more up now again, all fake...

It works, but not well. eBay will contact the seller and ask them to correct/remove the listing. It takes quite a bit to get eBay to remove the listing themselves.

When several people complain about the same item/seller then eBay is a little more motivated to do something about it.

I'll report him too. It might help.

edit: I wrote him and asked him to take them down. I reported all five to eBay as forgeries.

Almost everything he has is "signed." I'm not an expert on all of those signatures, but some of them are obvious forgeries.