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06-25-2015, 04:02 PM
You're right, I didn't specify which aftermarket slipcase. Thanks for the suggestion!

So now, I need to decide if I'm ok with the book on its side. Tough decision...

06-25-2015, 04:06 PM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?

06-25-2015, 04:21 PM
Excellent question... I think at this point King collectables are on the rise however... What will happen in say 20 years.... Hmmmmmm

Randall Flagg
06-25-2015, 05:12 PM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?
We have a thread or two on this.
The WSJ article had an important line in it:

"Many collectors of old stuff—things of mostly sentimental value, such as matchbooks, menus and postcards—worry that no one will want it all after they die"

If it's monetarily valuable, someone will want it. If it's SK valuable, someone will want it. Most King ephemera will probably be worth little, but a lettered Firestarter will always command attention.

06-25-2015, 05:34 PM
Just watch any episode of American Pickers. Almost everything seems to have value to someone. There will always be collectors out there. It's ingrained in our DNA.

06-25-2015, 06:27 PM
I have not heard of American Pickers. I take RF's point and don't disagree that some of the stuff will retain value. But the WSJ photo of the elderly man holding his auction sign struck a cord and I wonder how much of the book collecting bug will transfer to a digital generation with very different values. Also, I think nostalgia plays a huge role - for me, i collect the most heavily for the 70s up to about the publication of It. I used to read about the limiteds of Eyes of the Dragon and Firestarter and Cujo (and this mysterious work called The Plant!) in Castle Rock and could only dream of owning them with the $ I made while working in high-school. So without nostalgia working and given the reasonable assumption that at some point he will retire (am fairly certain he is human although I question this sometimes - man he works hard) what happens to value?

Final point: the recent saturation of collectibles recently is unprecedented in King collecting (at least I think so) I cannot see that this will do anything but drive value down. I read somewhere on the site an interesting observation that maybe this is deliberate on King's part. I am not sure but it certainly seems that the same people who are designing new special editions of Halloween and The Evil Dead every 6 months are now working for King. It does feel a bit like "lets tap this market now because now is the time." Would be curious to hear views on that as well.

I know this is a bit rambling, but this has been on my mind a lot lately and the article today seemed like a good reason to ramble aloud.

06-25-2015, 09:40 PM
I have not heard of American Pickers. I take RF's point and don't disagree that some of the stuff will retain value. But the WSJ photo of the elderly man holding his auction sign struck a cord and I wonder how much of the book collecting bug will transfer to a digital generation with very different values. Also, I think nostalgia plays a huge role - for me, i collect the most heavily for the 70s up to about the publication of It. I used to read about the limiteds of Eyes of the Dragon and Firestarter and Cujo (and this mysterious work called The Plant!) in Castle Rock and could only dream of owning them with the $ I made while working in high-school. So without nostalgia working and given the reasonable assumption that at some point he will retire (am fairly certain he is human although I question this sometimes - man he works hard) what happens to value?

Final point: the recent saturation of collectibles recently is unprecedented in King collecting (at least I think so) I cannot see that this will do anything but drive value down. I read somewhere on the site an interesting observation that maybe this is deliberate on King's part. I am not sure but it certainly seems that the same people who are designing new special editions of Halloween and The Evil Dead every 6 months are now working for King. It does feel a bit like "lets tap this market now because now is the time." Would be curious to hear views on that as well.

I know this is a bit rambling, but this has been on my mind a lot lately and the article today seemed like a good reason to ramble aloud.

I am only 22 and no one in my family collects or even reads for that matter. I started collecting because I picked up an SK book one day and fell in love. My thoughts for kids in my generation is as long as there are stories to be told and they are interested in hearing them the collecting will always come. Even with the digital generation they can read an ebook and become interested. I know in my mind I am curious in the history of the book and what is the 1st and all the limiteds. Then of course now that I know they all exist and me being a millennial generation I just have to touch it. Everyone knows how it goes from there... Once you start you want them all. Just look at some of the collections here. Hell mine is nothing compared to a lot of people's here but more than most. I guess what I'm trying to say is it will always be around as long as there is a story to tell.

06-26-2015, 12:05 AM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?
We have a thread or two on this.
The WSJ article had an important line in it:

"Many collectors of old stuff—things of mostly sentimental value, such as matchbooks, menus and postcards—worry that no one will want it all after they die"

If it's monetarily valuable, someone will want it. If it's SK valuable, someone will want it. Most King ephemera will probably be worth little, but a lettered Firestarter will always command attention.

Any link to this article?

06-26-2015, 03:19 AM
Any link to this article?


06-26-2015, 03:54 AM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?
We have a thread or two on this.
The WSJ article had an important line in it:

"Many collectors of old stuff—things of mostly sentimental value, such as matchbooks, menus and postcards—worry that no one will want it all after they die"

If it's monetarily valuable, someone will want it. If it's SK valuable, someone will want it. Most King ephemera will probably be worth little, but a lettered Firestarter will always command attention.

RF makes a good point. If I was collecting items with little or no inherent value I might worry about their future too.

Books have inherent value. The market will vary but there will always be value in nice books.

If someone offered me their matchbook collection...thumbsdownsmall If someone offered me their book collection...:thumbsup:

06-26-2015, 04:05 AM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?
We have a thread or two on this.
The WSJ article had an important line in it:

"Many collectors of old stuff—things of mostly sentimental value, such as matchbooks, menus and postcards—worry that no one will want it all after they die"

If it's monetarily valuable, someone will want it. If it's SK valuable, someone will want it. Most King ephemera will probably be worth little, but a lettered Firestarter will always command attention.

RF makes a good point. If I was collecting items with little or no inherent value I might worry about their future too.

Books have inherent value. The market will vary but there will always be value in nice books.

If someone offered me their matchbook collection...thumbsdownsmall If someone offered me their book collection...:thumbsup:

I read the article.. and COULD not agree with your statement more. I think I read once that King was in the top 100 authors of all time (in Time magazine I think).. and he was the ONLY living author. I believe that his work will endure.. thus the value of his legacy will too...

06-26-2015, 07:18 AM
Any link to this article?


Thanks Brian !

06-26-2015, 10:31 AM
I also believe that books are in a different category and can't be compared to matchbooks. Same with coins and to a lesser extent, stamps. And I actually choose to believe that well-kept books in general will probably increase in value/desirability a bit as ebooks become the norm.

07-06-2015, 10:36 AM
For most collectors, are inscribed copies as desirable as flatsigned books? I realize that everyone has their own collecting preferences, but I'm curious how inscribed copies do on the secondary market.

07-06-2015, 10:56 AM
For most collectors, are inscribed copies as desirable as flatsigned books? I realize that everyone has their own collecting preferences, but I'm curious how inscribed copies do on the secondary market.
I think it really comes down to the collector but it can actually drive the value up because with an inscription it is easier to tell if forged or not. I know I prefer just flat signed unless it was made out to my name but that it just me. You will find other who say the exact opposite, they will only buy inscribed ones. Long story short I think they go for greater or equal value to a flat signed.

07-06-2015, 11:10 AM
I prefer a flat-signed copy from a reliable source. That's just me, though.


07-06-2015, 11:26 AM
It's definitely subjective. Personally I like inscribed books. (I like flatsigned too!) When dated pre or close to publication it adds value. The more unique or personal the inscription the better. I feel they are worth at least as much as a flatsigned book and sometimes more.

07-06-2015, 12:02 PM
Flatsigned all the way, unless I can get one signed to me. I will never own a book signed to someone other than myself.

07-06-2015, 12:33 PM
If it's a choice between flatsigned or inscribed to someone other than myself, I prefer flatsigned. I would rather have an inscribed book over flatsigned if it's made out to me though. I don't focus too much on resale value in a case like that. And of course I also agree that if it's dated before or close to publication, then even better.

07-06-2015, 04:37 PM
It's definitely subjective. Personally I like inscribed books. (I like flatsigned too!) When dated pre or close to publication it adds value. The more unique or personal the inscription the better. I feel they are worth at least as much as a flatsigned book and sometimes more.
I agree, I love the unique quotes "Don't Let the Big Dog Bite", "Welcome to the Wild, Weird West" etc....
I'm always looking for a King quip I don't have.

07-06-2015, 04:55 PM
It's definitely subjective. Personally I like inscribed books. (I like flatsigned too!) When dated pre or close to publication it adds value. The more unique or personal the inscription the better. I feel they are worth at least as much as a flatsigned book and sometimes more.
I agree, I love the unique quotes "Don't Let the Big Dog Bite", "Welcome to the Wild, Weird West" etc....
I'm always looking for a King quip I don't have.

Good point there Kerry. I also like the unique quotes. I have one '...dog bite.' signed book and it was the quote that made it more desirable to me when deciding to buy it.

07-06-2015, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the input guys. There are a couple inscribed books that I'm interested in pursuing, so I definitely appreciate the insight.

07-14-2015, 07:48 AM
To eveyone that helped me and gave me advice on my IT Gift issue... thanks so much. The outcome was a heartwarming wonderful one. Not gonna post it all again.. but you can see it on my thread:) Cheers

07-14-2015, 10:27 AM
Not sure where to post this, but am picking this thread. There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal today on how many collectors are finding themselves with expansive collections of stuff that young people don't want to collect anymore. Title is something like the hardest thing these collectors will have trouble finding is someone to buy their stuff. Made me wonder, and not for the first time, what will really happen to the value of King rarities especially after he is no longer publishing. It is inevitable that will happen. Any speculation on this?
We have a thread or two on this.
The WSJ article had an important line in it:

"Many collectors of old stuff—things of mostly sentimental value, such as matchbooks, menus and postcards—worry that no one will want it all after they die"

If it's monetarily valuable, someone will want it. If it's SK valuable, someone will want it. Most King ephemera will probably be worth little, but a lettered Firestarter will always command attention.

RF makes a good point. If I was collecting items with little or no inherent value I might worry about their future too.

Books have inherent value. The market will vary but there will always be value in nice books.

If someone offered me their matchbook collection...thumbsdownsmall If someone offered me their book collection...:thumbsup:

I read the article.. and COULD not agree with your statement more. I think I read once that King was in the top 100 authors of all time (in Time magazine I think).. and he was the ONLY living author. I believe that his work will endure.. thus the value of his legacy will too...

Good article.

I liked this line: "the hunt for that rare Beanie Baby is less interesting now that it can be found instantly on eBay."

I think that's very true - I know my collecting interest dwindled when it became less about the 'hunt' and more just about being willing to pay the issue price.

My collecting began because it was hard and neat and slightly competitive, but that's really ended over the last few years. Part of my willingness to go to the Maine signing was because that WAS work, and it can't be replaced or artificially purchased.

07-18-2015, 07:19 AM
Does anyone know off the top of their heads which edition of The Stand would have had $19.95 on the DJ?

There was also a code(?) just above it, T.S.


07-18-2015, 07:46 AM
Does anyone know off the top of their heads which edition of The Stand would have had $19.95 on the DJ?

There was also a code(?) just above it, T.S.


I'm going to guess it was published in the late 1980's since that was what new books were starting to sell for then. The T.S. is just the title of the book abbreviated.

07-22-2015, 10:29 AM
Hoping to get some advice...
Just came back from a bookstore that i have only been to once before but has been in its location for 20 or so years.
He had a very nice copy of DT-VII A/E for $85. That seems appropriate, if not good, based on what ive seen elsewhere.

My question concerns a copy of Cujo, inscribed, signed and dated 5/??/81
The DJ has some issues and is probably (in my very untrained eye) graded as a good.
He also wants $85 for this.
As i only have a 5th edition, almost anything is an upgrade, and i'm not worried about the signature, but is the signature alone enough tto ofset the lower value of the DJ?

I hope that this is not an obvious case of "why are you still sitting there" , but money is tight right now and i would have to do a fair bit of justification to the wife if this were to happen.


07-22-2015, 10:31 AM
Hoping to get some advice...
Just came back from a bookstore that i have only been to once before but has been in its location for 20 or so years.
He had a very nice copy of DT-VII A/E for $85. That seems appropriate, if not good, based on what ive seen elsewhere.

My question concerns a copy of Cujo, inscribed, signed and dated 5/??/81
The DJ has some issues and is probably (in my very untrained eye) graded as a good.
He also wants $85 for this.
As i only have a 5th edition, almost anything is an upgrade, and i'm not worried about the signature, but is the signature alone enough tto ofset the lower value of the DJ?

I hope that this is not an obvious case of "why are you still sitting there" , but money is tight right now and i would have to do a fair bit of justification to the wife if this were to happen.


More for the Experts thread where this is members selling Chris.. but my opinion.. grab it! You can always get another dust jacket if the book itself is in good shape.

07-22-2015, 10:33 AM
If the Signature is good and the book itself is at least very good, then buy, buy, buy! You will have no problem in finding a first edition Cujo with a decent jacket to replace the one on the signed copy. The value of a signed book with a decent jacket will outweigh the costs of purchasing both.

07-22-2015, 10:59 AM
Grant is still selling the DTVII artist edition for $68 shipped.

You can get it with the Talisman/Black House set for $173 shipped.


I agree with Simon about the Cujo.

Randall Flagg
07-22-2015, 12:20 PM
My question concerns a copy of Cujo, inscribed, signed and dated 5/??/81
The DJ has some issues and is probably (in my very untrained eye) graded as a good.
He also wants $85 for this.
As i only have a 5th edition, almost anything is an upgrade, and i'm not worried about the signature, but is the signature alone enough tto ofset the lower value of the DJ?

If the book is a true 1st edition 1st printing with a legit signature, AND in Good+ condition, $85 isn't too high.
The book was believed to have been published in October of 1981. An earlier dated book would be interesting.

07-22-2015, 05:16 PM
I will admit to no doing full diligence on the date as i had literaly 5 minutes to browse. I could easily be wrong on the month. The year i am 99% certain on. I will try to get back asap and let everyone know.

EDIT: i went back and it was dated 12/5/81. I knew there was a 5 in there somewhere.
It was also a 5th printing.

No sale.

07-23-2015, 01:16 PM
Ok, so recently I bought Night Shift 1st/1st from Betts, and I felt that that completed my set of 1st/1st US editions. I used the list found at: http://stephenking.com/other/identifying_first_editions.pdf as my initial guideline. However I reviewed the list of books in the 1st editions WIKI and found several that I don't have, and wondered if my set would be considered complete without these. They are:

1: The Colorado Kid Trade HC
I do have a S/L of the J.K. Potter cover, and a reprint of the Glenn Chadbourne cover

2: Creepshow:
wasn't sure I really considered this a "book". However I am actively trying to acquire this one now.

2: Drawing of the Three - Trade HC 2nd Ed
Well its got 2nd Ed in the title, so hard to call it a 1st Ed

3: Drawing of the Three, Trade HC Viking
Again, I wouldn't consider this a 1st/1st, more like a 3rd/1st

4: The Girl who loved Tom Gordon Pop-up:
I don't know, do you consider this a different book? Or a 2nd edition of the non-pop-up.
(by the way are there multiple printings of this? Just wondering if I need to ask for clarification before buying on ebay)
On the other hand I did buy the illustrated version of Salem's lot to complete the set, so I guess this is no different.

5: The Gunslinger Trade HC 2nd ED
6: The Gunslinger Trade HC 3rd ED

7: Nightmares in the Sky
Didn't really consider this a Stephen King book per-se

8: Stephen King Trade HC Omnibus
seems like it is just a reprint, but I guess it is no different then the Bachman collection.
Note, I see some that only have 3 books collected, I assume that the 4 book Omnibus is the only (US) one worth collecting?

9: Umney's last case:
seems like a reprint. I did order one from Amazon sellers, but got a UK edition instead. Seems like a lot of options on Amazon, but hard to tell if they will be the US or UK version. Shipping is usually more then the cost of the book.

10: Waste Lands Trade HC Viking
11: Wizard and Glass Trade HC Viking

So just curious what people think I should focus on to honestly say it is complete. (I will probably get them all at some point). I think #2, 4, 7, 8, 9.


07-23-2015, 01:23 PM
One persons opinion, but I wouldn't consider any of that list to be required for a 1st edition set.

Randall Flagg
07-23-2015, 01:28 PM
Creepshow 1st. IMO is required. Yes it's a "comic" (graphic book), but the wriring is King and that's the first appearances of the work.
TGWLTG pop-up is a quirky item. It's a children's pop-up book and none of the text itself was written by King. Don't fret about it, however it can be obtained with patience for a low price.

Skip all of the other items UNLESS you feel they are needed for a complete set.

07-23-2015, 01:29 PM
One persons opinion, but I wouldn't consider any of that list to be required for a 1st edition set.

And I would :) I have all of those and consider the list of first editions on this site to be the complete set (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/forumdisplay.php?191-Stephen-King-First-Editions).

By the way the 3 book omnibus is the UK version. (I have both)

07-24-2015, 06:39 AM
Thanks everyone for their comments.

For now I think I will concentrate on Creepshow, as I want that anyway.

I see a set of the DT1-IV Viking HC is available on Ebay, but as has been pointed out in another thread, it seems to be overpriced (plus I already have the DT1 revised, so I would be double dipping on that one)


07-24-2015, 06:52 AM
Thanks everyone for their comments.

For now I think I will concentrate on Creepshow, as I want that anyway.

I see a set of the DT1-IV Viking HC is available on Ebay, but as has been pointed out in another thread, it seems to be overpriced (plus I already have the DT1 revised, so I would be double dipping on that one)


It IS overpriced, I think I paid an average of $20 for each of mine last year (and I feel I was lucky with some). However trying to track down 1st printings in Fine/Nr Fine condition is not easy. Most eBay sellers don't post the print line details and you waste a lot of time emailing to get the info. I'm not saying this justifies the price, but it's worth considering.

My 2c.

07-24-2015, 07:05 AM
Regardless of whether any of those items are considered necessary for a complete 1st collection, there will come a time when you will want them all. At least that's my feeling on it. I know I got to that point. At first I didn't care about many of the secondary editions on your list but after some time, I just had to have them in the collection.

As to that set of Viking books being overpriced, they may be but I tend to agree with Simon's point. If you can get them all in one shot in great condition, why not. It saves you having to hunt them down individually. Unless you enjoy that part. I don't mind paying a premium sometimes in a case like this.

07-24-2015, 11:13 AM
As to that set of Viking books being overpriced, they may be but I tend to agree with Simon's point. If you can get them all in one shot in great condition, why not. It saves you having to hunt them down individually. Unless you enjoy that part. I don't mind paying a premium sometimes in a case like this.

David has a set for sale at Betts…$295

07-24-2015, 01:11 PM
As to that set of Viking books being overpriced, they may be but I tend to agree with Simon's point. If you can get them all in one shot in great condition, why not. It saves you having to hunt them down individually. Unless you enjoy that part. I don't mind paying a premium sometimes in a case like this.

David has a set for sale at Betts…$295

He also has a flatsigned Revival for $275.

I doubt he'll get either soon.

07-24-2015, 01:46 PM
As to that set of Viking books being overpriced, they may be but I tend to agree with Simon's point. If you can get them all in one shot in great condition, why not. It saves you having to hunt them down individually. Unless you enjoy that part. I don't mind paying a premium sometimes in a case like this.

David has a set for sale at Betts…$295

He also has a flatsigned Revival for $275.

I doubt he'll get either soon.

The Revival's is an old post. He updates the top and takes him forever to change them or update them. I can promise he isn't selling those for $275. No question.

07-24-2015, 02:38 PM
As to that set of Viking books being overpriced, they may be but I tend to agree with Simon's point. If you can get them all in one shot in great condition, why not. It saves you having to hunt them down individually. Unless you enjoy that part. I don't mind paying a premium sometimes in a case like this.

David has a set for sale at Betts…$295

He also has a flatsigned Revival for $275.

I doubt he'll get either soon.

The Revival's is an old post. He updates the top and takes him forever to change them or update them. I can promise he isn't selling those for $275. No question.

I spoke to him at the Manatee signing. He said that he was listing his copy at $275 and not changing the price. He's been true to his word so far.

I'm sure he'd take $250 if offered though. :wtf:

07-24-2015, 02:50 PM
Yeah probably. I think he has a few... Prob even lower than that.

Lot guy
07-24-2015, 05:19 PM
Yeah probably. I think he has a few... Prob even lower than that.

David has a copy listed Fine/Fine copy for $210.00 which seems very fair

07-24-2015, 05:21 PM
Yeah probably. I think he has a few... Prob even lower than that.

David has a copy listed Fine/Fine copy for $210.00 which seems very fair

Yep. Agreed for sure.

André Linoge
07-24-2015, 06:31 PM
Still pretty new (to collecting, not King's work)....why does Revival flatsigned fetch such a lesser price? Sheer volume?

07-24-2015, 07:35 PM
Still pretty new (to collecting, not King's work)....why does Revival flatsigned fetch such a lesser price? Sheer volume?

Yes. Signed Revivals were quite plentiful after the release because of the touring King did. I don't remember the number but someone had estimated that there were 2000 or 3000 ? flatsigned Revivals out there. They were easy to find.

07-25-2015, 03:17 AM
Still pretty new (to collecting, not King's work)....why does Revival flatsigned fetch such a lesser price? Sheer volume?

Yes. Signed Revivals were quite plentiful after the release because of the touring King did. I don't remember the number but someone had estimated that there were 2000 or 3000 ? flatsigned Revivals out there. They were easy to find.

I think it was 3200 signed copies out there..

07-25-2015, 03:41 AM
Still pretty new (to collecting, not King's work)....why does Revival flatsigned fetch such a lesser price? Sheer volume?

Yes. Signed Revivals were quite plentiful after the release because of the touring King did. I don't remember the number but someone had estimated that there were 2000 or 3000 ? flatsigned Revivals out there. They were easy to find.

They still are easy to find.

I have one available for sale or trade. :cool:

André Linoge
07-25-2015, 06:07 AM
Ahhh. Very well. Thanks gents!

07-25-2015, 09:45 PM
Revival was my first Flat Signed, and I jumped on the first one I saw which led to a VERY overpriced book! It still stings to think about it. LOL. That is the way it goes sometimes, sometimes they COME BACK! ;)

07-27-2015, 12:10 PM
My signed Stephen King book collection consists of just two - the PS10 signed hardcover and the Under the Dome S/L (both of which, in retrospect I overpaid for). So trying to get smarter about this.
What recommendations would anyone have as good values for signed SK books? It seems like with the large number of Revivals out there, that one seems like a good one to start with (assuming a legit seller), but other suggestions?

07-27-2015, 12:16 PM
My signed Stephen King book collection consists of just two - the PS10 signed hardcover and the Under the Dome S/L (both of which, in retrospect I overpaid for). So trying to get smarter about this.
What recommendations would anyone have as good values for signed SK books? It seems like with the large number of Revivals out there, that one seems like a good one to start with (assuming a legit seller), but other suggestions?

If you are looking for flat signed non S/L then yes Revival is a cheaper one (assuming you are looking for low price), if you are looking at S/L then Desperation and Insomnia are two safe cheaper ones.

07-27-2015, 06:03 PM
My signed Stephen King book collection consists of just two - the PS10 signed hardcover and the Under the Dome S/L (both of which, in retrospect I overpaid for). So trying to get smarter about this.
What recommendations would anyone have as good values for signed SK books? It seems like with the large number of Revivals out there, that one seems like a good one to start with (assuming a legit seller), but other suggestions?

If you are looking for flat signed non S/L then yes Revival is a cheaper one (assuming you are looking for low price), if you are looking at S/L then Desperation and Insomnia are two safe cheaper ones.

The Black House S/L is also not too expensive. Joyland is pretty reasonable as well. The Shining and Doctor Sleep can be had for not too much above their publication prices, and the Dark Tower series #4-7 can be had pretty reasonable on ebay these days. You really have to trust the seller when buying a flat signed book. I have found that most people here are pretty reputable, and most won't price gouge either. That should be enough to get you hooked.

07-27-2015, 06:38 PM
My signed Stephen King book collection consists of just two - the PS10 signed hardcover and the Under the Dome S/L (both of which, in retrospect I overpaid for). So trying to get smarter about this.
What recommendations would anyone have as good values for signed SK books? It seems like with the large number of Revivals out there, that one seems like a good one to start with (assuming a legit seller), but other suggestions?

If you are looking for flat signed non S/L then yes Revival is a cheaper one (assuming you are looking for low price), if you are looking at S/L then Desperation and Insomnia are two safe cheaper ones.

I second the reccommendation for the Desperation S/L -- a beauty production by Donald Grant, in a traycase with a fantastic artist, and you can find it in the ~$350 or less range without too much work. It feels like you get something that should cost more than you paid.

07-28-2015, 12:38 AM
I would go for a Desparation. Killer artist and nice production! $350 is a good price too:)

07-28-2015, 05:24 AM
A collecting question:

Did King ever used to sign and date books with the format of writing out the date? By that I mean December 25, 1980 rather than his usual 12/25/80.

Randall Flagg
07-28-2015, 05:27 AM
A collecting question:

Did King ever used to sign and date books with the format of writing out the date? By that I mean December 25, 1980 rather than his usual 12/25/80.
Many a time before 1979.

07-28-2015, 06:41 AM
A collecting question:

Did King ever used to sign and date books with the format of writing out the date? By that I mean December 25, 1980 rather than his usual 12/25/80.

The one example that comes to mind is the Firestarter S/L.

Randall Flagg
07-28-2015, 08:29 AM
I have ~12 images of books King inscribed and included a full date on. I don't have any images from after September 7, 1979

Mr. Rabbit Trick
07-28-2015, 08:35 AM
I have ~12 images of books King inscribed and included a full date on. I don't have any images from after September 7, 1979

RF is spot on. King printed full date until 1980.

07-28-2015, 12:19 PM
I would go for a Desparation. Killer artist and nice production! $350 is a good price too:)

I'd agree. I held one of these in my hands yesterday and it was quite a beauty. Loved the inside color of the traycase; outside of the book itself being quite nice. I think I'll be looking for one sooner rather than later.

07-29-2015, 05:16 AM
I would go for a Desparation. Killer artist and nice production! $350 is a good price too:)

I'd agree. I held one of these in my hands yesterday and it was quite a beauty. Loved the inside color of the traycase; outside of the book itself being quite nice. I think I'll be looking for one sooner rather than later.

Desperation was my first King book I read... I loved it. The S/L is great, I also ordered a Dust Jacket from the gift edition that I added to my S/L because I wanted more Maitz on my book :)

07-30-2015, 10:37 AM
Desperation was my first King book I read... I loved it. The S/L is great, I also ordered a Dust Jacket from the gift edition that I added to my S/L because I wanted more Maitz on my book :)

I've become a genuine Maitz fan after seeing a big spurt of his Desperation artwork from the HF2015!

Now, I'm patiently waiting on a package from Lot Guy; one very old and one very new! I can't wait to include them as the key pieces of one of my next New P&J posts!

07-30-2015, 04:04 PM
So today I see the posting on the new book/edition by George Beahm. I saw several of his on my aunt's bookcase this weekend, but didn't know them and didn't pay much attention to them with all of the actual SK that was there! There was one more Beahm SL that was still in the shipping package, but don't have it pictured, nor remember specifically WHICH one it was, but it was a more limited version of one of the 4 in this picture. Everything here is all pristine 1sts with several signed if it matches everything else that I saw in the bookcase. Did I overlook some treasures here?

07-30-2015, 04:18 PM
So today I see the posting on the new book/edition by George Beahm. I saw several of his on my aunt's bookcase this weekend, but didn't know them and didn't pay much attention to them with all of the actual SK that was there! There was one more Beahm SL that was still in the shipping package, but don't have it pictured, nor remember specifically WHICH one it was, but it was a more limited version of one of the 4 in this picture. Everything here is all pristine 1sts with several signed if it matches everything else that I saw in the bookcase. Did I overlook some treasures here?

I have most (if not all) of the books pictured here. There are various numbered (black ink, red ink) and lettered editions. Most can be picked up for $60 - $100 with the lettered ones fetching not much more. This seems to be a good time to be picking up these books about King as they are at a low selling point currently.

07-30-2015, 04:34 PM
Interesting. I was so focused in on the actual SK, that I jumped right over these. Just shows you to never discount anything.

07-30-2015, 04:54 PM
There's also Beahm's SK Collectibles, which, although the pricing is very outdated, is a gold mine of information. I can't tell it it's in there or not.


07-30-2015, 05:52 PM
I don't think so, unless it is the one facing inward. (or the one in the padded shipping envelope). Interesting reconnaissance mission for next time I go down. :)

07-31-2015, 03:43 AM
I don't think so, unless it is the one facing inward. (or the one in the padded shipping envelope). Interesting reconnaissance mission for next time I go down. :)

Nope Thats not it - it looks like this:

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/FD70AAC8-5A52-4DAE-AFD0-D194E604307F_zpsfhtckhii.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/FD70AAC8-5A52-4DAE-AFD0-D194E604307F_zpsfhtckhii.jpg.html)

and I agree with John, a mine of information. The pricing is outdated (Bachman Rage - $50 :panic:) but also interesting to see which books have increased more in value. Its also one of the best guides to books about King as well as his own works.

You can pick up a paperback copy for low money (I was kindly sent one by a member here and is my reading copy) Since then I have picked up this signed Limited 1st edition.

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/05CD70B8-0FD0-4DB4-A196-3B806B2BF11A_zpsh0umkaac.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/05CD70B8-0FD0-4DB4-A196-3B806B2BF11A_zpsh0umkaac.jpg.html)

07-31-2015, 12:23 PM
More of a general collecting question

I have 2 identical first edition HC books (not King), both SIGNED - one is signed on the title page and one is signed on a tipped in page. The condition of the book with the tipped in page is one degree better than the title page signed. I would say NF vs. VG

If I need to keep one - Which one to keep ?

07-31-2015, 12:27 PM
More of a general collecting question

I have 2 identical first edition HC books (not King), both SIGNED - one is signed on the title page and one is signed on a tipped in page. The condition of the book with the tipped in page is one degree better than the title page signed. I would say NF vs. VG

If I need to keep one - Which one to keep ?

Tough one, I would keep the flat signed one and let the tipped-in one go. My thinking is if you later regret it, the tipped-in edition MAY be easier to find depending on the book. Of course this is all speculation on my part so you might want to wait to hear from other, more knowledgeable collectors!

07-31-2015, 01:02 PM
More of a general collecting question

I have 2 identical first edition HC books (not King), both SIGNED - one is signed on the title page and one is signed on a tipped in page. The condition of the book with the tipped in page is one degree better than the title page signed. I would say NF vs. VG

If I need to keep one - Which one to keep ?

sharki69, i am very disappointed in this question. :panic: the obvious answer is you keep them both (I know you said it was not KING, but if it was you keep them both). I think i have about 5 or 6 variations of each book all signed by Joe Hill. My wife always asks how many copies of the same book do you need, my answer is ALL. That is why we hang on this site. It is a support group.

i like tipped in books (Joe Hill for example), i have both, would not get rid of either.

to address your question I prefer my KING signatures

1. Flatsigned and on the title page (and in person).
2. Then on the tipped in page.

NEVER on the Cover.

07-31-2015, 01:40 PM
I'd keep them both too. I've faced a similar question regarding two copies of Armada that I have. Once is signed on the title page, and one on a bookplate. I was going to sell one, but couldn't decide with to sell, so I eventually settled on keeping them both. What time does group therapy start? :arg:

Randall Flagg
07-31-2015, 01:53 PM
Sell or donate both.
If you had to ask, that means it bothers you.
Insomnia will ensue...

07-31-2015, 03:24 PM
I'd keep them both too. I've faced a similar question regarding two copies of Armada that I have. Once is signed on the title page, and one on a bookplate. I was going to sell one, but couldn't decide with to sell, so I eventually settled on keeping them both. What time does group therapy start? :arg:

I just received the UK ARMADA with a bookplate. While I would have prefer the book itself to be signed I'll be keeping it regardless.

07-31-2015, 03:27 PM
Thanks all for your advice !!! I didn't mean to disappoint anyone and it doesn't bother me so much - just a beginner question trying to learn from the pros

Since it's not a cheap book and I don't have unlimited resources, selling one of these books will allow me to buy King signed trade or King S/L or Joe Hill S/L. So Keeping both is a good option but I want to expand my collection.... :)

07-31-2015, 03:36 PM
Then I'd sell the bookplated book.

07-31-2015, 04:20 PM
I'd keep them both too. I've faced a similar question regarding two copies of Armada that I have. Once is signed on the title page, and one on a bookplate. I was going to sell one, but couldn't decide with to sell, so I eventually settled on keeping them both. What time does group therapy start? :arg:

I just received the UK ARMADA with a bookplate. While I would have prefer the book itself to be signed I'll be keeping it regardless.

Ah, you're right. I was thinking about the Barnes & Noble one where the signature isn't on the title page. The UK edition is a keeper for sure.

Cordial Jim
07-31-2015, 05:38 PM
I found a 2nd state 'Salem's Lot at a book sale recently. The dust jacket is a little ragged, but there are no markings or damage on the inside of the book. Pretty excited to find this. Does anybody know how many 2nd states were produced? Of the 20,000 first printings, were there more 2nd states or 3rd states? Just curious. Thanks.


07-31-2015, 07:05 PM
So I just realized that my little Sisters AE was bound upside down when I went to cover it. Is anyone else's bound incorrectly?

08-01-2015, 01:40 AM
Never heard this before. Mine is bound correctly.

08-01-2015, 03:23 AM
I hadn't heard of this either. Mine is correct.

08-01-2015, 07:49 AM
I'll take a picture tonight and post it up. And I guess its bound normal but the spine lettering was put on upside down.

08-01-2015, 10:02 AM
I can see how easily this could happen..since there is no way to tell front cover from back (unlike the slipcase.)

08-01-2015, 07:59 PM
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I didn't even know it was until last night. Oh well maybe someone will think it's cool and pay extra... or maybe ill just keep it and be happy lol

Randall Flagg
08-03-2015, 12:51 PM
Asked in the Catalog but received no answer.
What was publication date (in 2004) for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Pop-Up book?

Room 217 Caretaker
08-03-2015, 01:08 PM
Asked in the Catalog but received no answer.
What was publication date (in 2004) for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Pop-Up book?


Information comes from my Advance Reader Pop-up sample.


08-03-2015, 02:19 PM
I purchased my copy on 10/12/2004.


08-03-2015, 02:43 PM
I purchased my limited edition 6 months before for 500.00... then a couple of weeks later... after S&S found out what the demand was, they raised the price to $750.00.... since they still had a waiting list... they raised the price to $1000.00... I canceled my limited order sometime before 10/12/2004... however, I forgot to cancel the order for the trade edition...

I think I burned that one in the BBQ pit cooking some weiners sometime around 11/ 30/2004.

The hotdogs tasted like shit.

André Linoge
08-04-2015, 05:55 AM
TDT Pros,

Doing an independent internet search, but wanted confirmation from y'all. You're an invaluable resource.

Night Shift first edition coverhttps://p2.liveauctioneers.com/642/13452/4023865_1_l.jpg

Does this cover appear on any later printings/editions or is it purely for the 1st/1sts? I see it appears as a book Club edition...

Thank you all in advance! You're the best!

Room 217 Caretaker
08-04-2015, 06:22 AM
Yes, it appears on Kings club editions, Book of the Month Club Editions, First Edition, and Later Printings in hardback.

The only important one is the First Edition with $8.95 printed directly on jacket.

Hope this helps


André Linoge
08-04-2015, 07:22 AM
Excellent. Certainly helpful.

Thanks, Ralph!

08-07-2015, 02:50 PM
Need some help....
I picked up some place-holder copies of Carrie, 'Salems Lot, Night Shift, and Christine.
Now, i knew i was getting BCE's and that was fine. They are in very good condition and I have no problems with them.
Except for Christine. She is giving me more mixed-messages than my senior prom date. And trust me, I'm prepared for this to also be an Epic Fail!

It is a BCE because it dosen't have a price on the DJ.
It dosen't say "book club edition" on the DJ
It has the first edition ISBN code. (Don't different editions have different ISBN?)
It has the wrong back cover. The "Stephen King and Friend"banner is missing.
It has "first published in 1983 by the viking press" on the CP
AND most strange to me, it dosen't have the red and black coverboards. It is all black, with a silver SK on the front cover and as other editions, red lettering on the spine. None of the pictures i could find online show an all-black cover. Even the BCE had the red and black.

How many different BCE are there for a single title? Is this copy a real bottom-of-the-food-chain book club edition?
It is also larger than other BCE that i have. It is approx 6 1/2 by 10 1/2.

You all realize this is your fault don't you? If i hadn't found TDT.Org i wouldn't feel the need to learn everything i can!!!!
:). :)

08-07-2015, 03:14 PM
Need some help....
I picked up some place-holder copies of Carrie, 'Salems Lot, Night Shift, and Christine.
Now, i knew i was getting BCE's and that was fine. They are in very good condition and I have no problems with them.
Except for Christine. She is giving me more mixed-messages than my senior prom date. And trust me, I'm prepared for this to also be an Epic Fail!

It is a BCE because it dosen't have a price on the DJ.
It dosen't say "book club edition" on the DJ
It has the first edition ISBN code. (Don't different editions have different ISBN?)
It has the wrong back cover. The "Stephen King and Friend"banner is missing.
It has "first published in 1983 by the viking press" on the CP
AND most strange to me, it dosen't have the red and black coverboards. It is all black, with a silver SK on the front cover and as other editions, red lettering on the spine. None of the pictures i could find online show an all-black cover. Even the BCE had the red and black.

How many different BCE are there for a single title? Is this copy a real bottom-of-the-food-chain book club edition?
It is also larger than other BCE that i have. It is approx 6 1/2 by 10 1/2.

You all realize this is your fault don't you? If i hadn't found TDT.Org i wouldn't feel the need to learn everything i can!!!!
:). :)

1. Not all BCE's state Book Club Edition
2. The Copyright page invariably is identical on early books (before the numberline became common place)
3. ISBN Codes do not necessarily differ between trade editions and BCE's
4. BCE's may have been published multiple times over the years, a change in size is not uncommon

all the above are reasons why eBay sellers keep listing as "First Edition - RARE!!!!" :)

If it aint got the price on the DJ, it's pretty much 100% guaranteed to be a BCE.

08-07-2015, 03:41 PM
1. Not all BCE's state Book Club Edition
2. The Copyright page invariably is identical on early books (before the numberline became common place)
3. ISBN Codes do not necessarily differ between trade editions and BCE's
4. BCE's may have been published multiple times over the years, a change in size is not uncommon

all the above are reasons why eBay sellers keep listing as "First Edition - RARE!!!!" :)

If it aint got the price on the DJ, it's pretty much 100% guaranteed to be a BCE.

That all makes sense. As i said, i knew it was a BC, but then i kept seeing all these little discrepencies.

I have tried very hard to keep track of all the Points that define the different editions, to the extent that i have made a small notebook to carry with as much relevent information as i can find for each book.

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" , but alot of knowledge can save you a buttload of money...

Thanks again!

08-07-2015, 03:53 PM
1. Not all BCE's state Book Club Edition
2. The Copyright page invariably is identical on early books (before the numberline became common place)
3. ISBN Codes do not necessarily differ between trade editions and BCE's
4. BCE's may have been published multiple times over the years, a change in size is not uncommon

all the above are reasons why eBay sellers keep listing as "First Edition - RARE!!!!" :)

If it aint got the price on the DJ, it's pretty much 100% guaranteed to be a BCE.

That all makes sense. As i said, i knew it was a BC, but then i kept seeing all these little discrepencies.

I have tried very hard to keep track of all the Points that define the different editions, to the extent that i have made a small notebook to carry with as much relevent information as i can find for each book.

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" , but alot of knowledge can save you a buttload of money...

Thanks again!

One day I'm hoping this (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?18882-New-project-but-don-t-hold-your-breath!) will replace your notebook....

Cue RF moaning at me to get working on the Android version.. :evil:

08-07-2015, 04:57 PM


You want to take my spiral notebook and stubby pencil away from me????
My wife, yes
My dog, maybe
my stubby pencil...NEVER!!!
:) :) :)
That app looks amazing! You must understand though that my phone isn't smart. In fact it barely has a clue.
But i will tell you what, this one app would be enough for me to justify upgrading from the tin can on a string that i am using now.
Good luck with it and i will certainly keep track of your updates in the other thread.

08-07-2015, 05:23 PM
Sometimes I'd like to downgrade to the tin can and string, so I envy you there, but I don't know how I'd get through the day without my iPhone.

08-07-2015, 07:58 PM
As I mentioned, I got to visit my husband's deceased aunt's collection a few weeks ago, and there were a handful of books that were still shrinkwrapped, though most weren't. His uncle had me open them and we found that Wastelands S/L was missing the King signature!!! I initially told him to contact the Grant Books "office" but now I'm wondering if that's the best choice.

Is Grant the way to go, or should he perhaps bypass them and try to deal with King's office? Or.....I can't imagine this is the case..... Is this desirable as a "faulty" edition at this point?

It really was strange to open this up, expect to see that classic signature and the spot was just empty? Those of you with contacts with King's office, is there any way of making a handshake here so I can help his/my uncle correct his Wastelands? It's a near-complete set (DT2 though TWTTK) so hopefully someone up the pipe would want to see that corrected. PM me if that is a better choice. Thanks for your opinions everyone.

08-07-2015, 08:06 PM
Sometimes I'd like to downgrade to the tin can and string, so I envy you there, but I don't know how I'd get through the day without my iPhone.

Every now and then I consider leaving mine at work over the weekend. But I'm too scared and don't like the thought of having withdrawal symptoms for two days! I need help.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-07-2015, 10:18 PM
As I mentioned, I got to visit my husband's deceased aunt's collection a few weeks ago, and there were a handful of books that were still shrinkwrapped, though most weren't. His uncle had me open them and we found that Wastelands S/L was missing the King signature!!! I initially told him to contact the Grant Books "office" but now I'm wondering if that's the best choice.

Is Grant the way to go, or should he perhaps bypass them and try to deal with King's office? Or.....I can't imagine this is the case..... Is this desirable as a "faulty" edition at this point?

It really was strange to open this up, expect to see that classic signature and the spot was just empty? Those of you with contacts with King's office, is there any way of making a handshake here so I can help his/my uncle correct his Wastelands? It's a near-complete set (DT2 though TWTTK) so hopefully someone up the pipe would want to see that corrected. PM me if that is a better choice. Thanks for your opinions everyone.

Grant Books would have been the correct route many years ago. They do not have any replacements nowadays so you are out of luck.
This has nothing to do with King's office and they will not be able to help.
Its not desirable as a "faulty" edition.
Lesson learned. Always remove shrinkwrap as soon as you buy your book. Then you can get a replacement if the book has faults.

08-08-2015, 03:30 AM
As I mentioned, I got to visit my husband's deceased aunt's collection a few weeks ago, and there were a handful of books that were still shrinkwrapped, though most weren't. His uncle had me open them and we found that Wastelands S/L was missing the King signature!!! I initially told him to contact the Grant Books "office" but now I'm wondering if that's the best choice.

Is Grant the way to go, or should he perhaps bypass them and try to deal with King's office? Or.....I can't imagine this is the case..... Is this desirable as a "faulty" edition at this point?

It really was strange to open this up, expect to see that classic signature and the spot was just empty? Those of you with contacts with King's office, is there any way of making a handshake here so I can help his/my uncle correct his Wastelands? It's a near-complete set (DT2 though TWTTK) so hopefully someone up the pipe would want to see that corrected. PM me if that is a better choice. Thanks for your opinions everyone.

If you get a chance to attend a SK book signing bring it! It be interesting to see if SK would sign it on the limitation page and with a later version of his signature would make it unique.

08-08-2015, 06:57 AM
As I mentioned, I got to visit my husband's deceased aunt's collection a few weeks ago, and there were a handful of books that were still shrinkwrapped, though most weren't. His uncle had me open them and we found that Wastelands S/L was missing the King signature!!! I initially told him to contact the Grant Books "office" but now I'm wondering if that's the best choice.

Is Grant the way to go, or should he perhaps bypass them and try to deal with King's office? Or.....I can't imagine this is the case..... Is this desirable as a "faulty" edition at this point?

It really was strange to open this up, expect to see that classic signature and the spot was just empty? Those of you with contacts with King's office, is there any way of making a handshake here so I can help his/my uncle correct his Wastelands? It's a near-complete set (DT2 though TWTTK) so hopefully someone up the pipe would want to see that corrected. PM me if that is a better choice. Thanks for your opinions everyone.

If you get a chance to attend a SK book signing bring it! It be interesting to see if SK would sign it on the limitation page and with a later version of his signature would make it unique.

I really sympathize with you. This is a harsh lesson. I have heard similar stories about the 11/22/63 limited edition, where there was no signature. Sorry to hear.

08-08-2015, 09:37 AM
Exactly on the 11/22/63. My first copy was missing the sig, and had to send it back.

That was perhaps my thought Ivo, was to take it to a signing (s) and attach myself to RedSoxFan or Lot Guy and make up a quick silly story about how he "missed one!"

08-08-2015, 11:14 AM
Reach out to Robert @ Grant books first, if that gets you nowehere, reach out to King's office.

I have an AE of DT6 that was not signed by Anderson....but I never made a fuss about it and think of it as unique.

08-10-2015, 07:54 AM
Did Stephen King write Silver Bullet? or do you think someone else adapted the Cycle of the Werewolf and/or screenplay written by SK into the book that we see today?

Thank You!

PS. Bev, i tried to research it myself in a couple of books, but it did not specifically mention this!

08-10-2015, 08:06 AM
Did Stephen King write Silver Bullet? or do you think someone else adapted the Cycle of the Werewolf and/or screenplay written by SK into the book that we see today?

Thank You!

PS. Bev, i tried to research it myself in a couple of books, but it did not specifically mention this!

pretty sure the CP says "Screenplay and forward by Stephen King" - I'll check when I get home if no one else responds.

Bev Vincent
08-10-2015, 08:09 AM
From IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090021/): Writers: Stephen King (novel), Stephen King (screenplay)

08-10-2015, 09:48 AM
Did Stephen King write Silver Bullet? or do you think someone else adapted the Cycle of the Werewolf and/or screenplay written by SK into the book that we see today?

Thank You!

PS. Bev, i tried to research it myself in a couple of books, but it did not specifically mention this!



08-13-2015, 03:57 PM
I've been thinking about this for a couple of days now and would like peoples thoughts on this....

The original first edition of Carrie was a run of 30,000 copies. On the last 41 years, how many of those copies were lost due to flood, fire, famine, and fornits? 10%? 20%? How many copies are in the hands of Collectors, who haved worked hard to aquire them. How many are with dealers, who know what they have and are looking for buyers?

Most importantly, how many copies are still out there waiting to be discovered in Gramma's attic or in Aunt Abigail's den?

I like to think that as King was a new writer that more copies were focused into Maine and New England to play off the "local boy makes good" theme, but i have no idea if that is the case. It is however what keeps me stopping at every yard sale i see. :)


Randall Flagg
08-13-2015, 05:02 PM
<1% of fine copies are sitting in "grammas attic". Probably as Bob would say "just a handful".

08-13-2015, 05:26 PM
<1% of fine copies are sitting in "grammas attic". Probably as Bob would say "just a handful".

Yes. Followed by a smiley emoticon.

08-13-2015, 09:22 PM
Did Stephen King write Silver Bullet? or do you think someone else adapted the Cycle of the Werewolf and/or screenplay written by SK into the book that we see today?

Thank You!

PS. Bev, i tried to research it myself in a couple of books, but it did not specifically mention this!



Thank you all for the information! I see s o little reference material on this book, I was wondering about it! Took me forever to find a first edition.

08-14-2015, 05:42 AM
Can this slipcase be fixed or is it just junk now

150 seems like a good deal if it's not junk

08-14-2015, 05:49 AM
I doubt it can ever be fixed so that it looks new. $150 does seem a bit high.


Randall Flagg
08-14-2015, 06:11 AM
It probably could be repaired, but wouldn't be worth the effort at that price. I'd buy it for $25 and spend $75 to fix it, but it's priced too high to even bother.

08-14-2015, 06:13 AM
Thanks guys!

08-14-2015, 02:10 PM
I came across a different DJ variant of Lisey's story first edition.
The book on the left seems to be the less common version - flower on top spine is brown opposed to grey/black and shovel Shaft in front cover has same color.

It is not faded...and the book is identical

Any ideas ?

http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/15C6567A-7B0E-4E89-AE9C-6FFB53620D20.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/15C6567A-7B0E-4E89-AE9C-6FFB53620D20.jpg.html)

http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/01C51723-7022-4E4C-9CCD-D355C0D28C63.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/01C51723-7022-4E4C-9CCD-D355C0D28C63.jpg.html)

http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/AFDC01C3-B79A-4109-AAA3-1D08CDF49E42.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/AFDC01C3-B79A-4109-AAA3-1D08CDF49E42.jpg.html)

http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/4E25C035-DF5C-4DC0-8AAD-A1D4720C12CB.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/4E25C035-DF5C-4DC0-8AAD-A1D4720C12CB.jpg.html)

08-14-2015, 02:53 PM
I checked my copy as well as the book club edition in the slipcase, and the one pictured on the left does appear to have different coloring to my copies. Would like to see some other opinions.

08-14-2015, 03:10 PM
I'm guessing printer fault.

08-14-2015, 07:31 PM
I checked my copy as well as the book club edition in the slipcase, and the one pictured on the left does appear to have different coloring to my copies. Would like to see some other opinions.

My bce with slipcase and my 1st/1st are both like the right version, or dark grey.

08-14-2015, 09:31 PM
Mine are as well. Like the right version, I mean.


08-15-2015, 05:51 AM
Both of mine are dark too.

The Library Policeman
08-15-2015, 05:55 AM
And mine.

08-15-2015, 09:28 AM
And mine.

And mine...

08-15-2015, 10:07 AM
:wtf: Book club slipcased bottom flower.

08-16-2015, 03:03 PM
I asked this last year and no one answered, but a lot of new collectors are on here.

I am looking for whoever has the Cujo-10 guitar 24 of 125. I have something for you.

08-18-2015, 07:12 PM
Wondering what you all think of the value of this signature? I'm not including pictures of the book as the location is pretty generic -- it's from the front end paper of a 1st edition Dead Zone. The DJ is VG+ or better and the book is a VG, maybe VG-. The gilt to spine has rubbed a good bit.

But I'm really interested in thoughts on this early signature. I think it's a beauty and clear that he took his time signing. I haven't been able to find an exact Dead Zone publishing date in August of 1979 that everyone agrees on, but I'm this is surely close to the day of publication.

The other Dead Zone 1st's I've seen signed and dated are almost all in September of 79 and use the MM/DD/YY format. This is the only one I've seen in August. Picture is very close up so please forgive the resolution. I'm curious to hear all thoughts on value and general opinions on quality of this sig. Thanks!


08-19-2015, 04:00 AM
The other Dead Zone 1st's I've seen signed and dated are almost all in September of 79 and use the MM/DD/YY format. This is the only one I've seen in August. Picture is very close up so please forgive the resolution. I'm curious to hear all thoughts on value and general opinions on quality of this sig. Thanks!


I think the signature is a beauty. The Dead Zone was King's first book with Viking and his first book with Kirby McCauley as his agent. From what I remember reading King was very impressed with the production quality of this book (compared to the Doubleday books) and was very proud of it. It is not surprising that he took his time and signed in a bold and not rushed style especially on the first copies he signed. I have a copy that King inscribed to Kirby McCauley on August 26, 1979 and I have to assume it was one of the earliest copies he signed. Your copy signed on the following day also has to be one of the earliest dated signatures for that book. I think it is a real gem.

08-19-2015, 04:45 AM
I also think it's genuine. Congratulations!


08-19-2015, 05:04 AM
I do as well.. and as Bob said... what a beaut of a signature!

08-19-2015, 06:52 AM
Why are the CELL Proofs so rare? Obviously commanding a VERY HIGH price…..

Randall Flagg
08-19-2015, 07:06 AM
KingKornKarn, very nice signature.
Here's an inscribed Dead Zone from 7/31/79:


08-19-2015, 07:20 AM
Why are the CELL Proofs so rare? Obviously commanding a VERY HIGH price…..

Not sure. I guess the simple answer is that they didn't do many but I have no idea how many were done. I recall someone saying a Scribner rep told them that Scribner didn't even do a proof for Cell. He was obviously wrong but it seems so few were done that even the reps didn't know of them.

08-19-2015, 07:27 AM
In the past week or so I know of 3 that have been sold. Amazing how we don't see it for years then all of a sudden a few show up.

08-19-2015, 08:00 AM
I have heard some say they are worth 2K.... not sure about Gerald's being signed and all but I cannot imagine anyone paying a price like that. The book isn't even a loved King book!

08-19-2015, 11:29 AM
KingKornKarn, very nice signature.
Here's an inscribed Dead Zone from 7/31/79:


Yes, very nice, KingKornKarn,though I wouldn't have any RF's picture looks it could be an association copy as well. I would take that inscription to be for Stan & Anne Rice.

SIDE-association: Their son Christopher Rice just narrated the new documentary "Upstairs Inferno (http://www.caminaentertainment.com/Site/Upstairs_Inferno.html)" which documents the forgotten story of the largest gay mass murder in US History. Though we didn't meet Christopher, my husband and I were the primary transcriptionists for the many HOURS of interview sessions and then again for the finalized "script". The documentary is just starting to make the rounds of the film festivals right now. Check it out if you get a chance AND check out the director's earlier "Raid Of The Rainbow Lounge (http://www.caminaentertainment.com/Site/Raid_of_the_Rainbow_Lounge.html)". Sorry, didn't intend for this to be self-promotional by way of promoting the work of someone else, but I'm proud of my minor involvement in these two docs.

08-19-2015, 11:44 AM
Why are the CELL Proofs so rare? Obviously commanding a VERY HIGH price…..

Not sure. I guess the simple answer is that they didn't do many but I have no idea how many were done. I recall someone saying a Scribner rep told them that Scribner didn't even do a proof for Cell. He was obviously wrong but it seems so few were done that even the reps didn't know of them.
There was an unsubstantiated rumor that some appeared for sale on eBay and King was upset so the rest were destroyed before being delivered. I've also heard via a Scribner rep.that the same number of proofs were printed for Cell and Everything's Eventual and the other rumor is false and there should be more Cell proofs out there. I honestly don't know but I am still looking for one!

08-20-2015, 01:58 PM
This is not necessarily a King collecting question but it could be. Let's say you have two Lettered copies of a particular book, one is letter G and the other letter DD. The G copy has one damaged page (tear at the bottom about two inches) and the DD copy is undamaged. If you had to keep one and get rid of the other, which would you keep? The "lower" letter damaged copy or the "higher" letter undamaged copy? Apologies if there is another thread this question could be asked in.

08-20-2015, 01:59 PM
Keep the undamaged one IMHO

08-20-2015, 01:59 PM
I personally would keep the DD because it's not damaged. I don't care too much about an earlier letter.

08-20-2015, 02:00 PM
I agree. The undamaged one should be kept.


08-20-2015, 02:01 PM
Thanks Everyone!

08-20-2015, 03:41 PM
I'd keep the undamaged one too. All else being equal I'd take a lower letter, but I'd only care if it was actually the only differentiator.

08-20-2015, 03:46 PM
For some reason I don't see the value in a single letter as I would with a lower number in a numbered edition. Weird, huh?

08-20-2015, 04:27 PM
I can see added value for a Dark Tower book that is number 19.

I can see added value for a matching number in a series.

I don't see any additional value in low numbers or letters.

08-20-2015, 04:31 PM
I tend to agree although if I had a choice I would go for the lower number or letter. But really when you look at it, it doesn't make much difference. One area where I would put more value to a specific letter and/or number is if the letter or number had special meaning or significance to you. Like a lucky number or the first letter of your last name.

08-20-2015, 04:39 PM
I can see added value for a Dark Tower book that is number 19.

I can see added value for a matching number in a series.

I don't see any additional value in low numbers or letters.

I agree with regards to "19" for a TDT book, but maybe value is the wrong way to put it. I do see a quirky, "Nice to have" value in a lower number, but I don't feel the same regarding a letter for some strange reason. I too, would not pay extra unless there was some significance to me personally in the number or letter or if it helped to match other books.

08-20-2015, 04:42 PM
Tommy - great question. I asked the same question about signed books.

The consensus was that I need to keep both or get rid of both :)

Just saying...

08-20-2015, 06:26 PM
I can see added value for a Dark Tower book that is number 19.

I can see added value for a matching number in a series.

I don't see any additional value in low numbers or letters.

I agree with regards to "19" for a TDT book, but maybe value is the wrong way to put it. I do see a quirky, "Nice to have" value in a lower number, but I don't feel the same regarding a letter for some strange reason. I too, would not pay extra unless there was some significance to me personally in the number or letter or if it helped to match other books.

I think lower numbers have a - cliched - cachet, even though it doesn't really matter. It's one of those psychological things that have wormed into collector's minds over the year.

A '19' would have no meaning to me. Beyond being a low number, obviously.

08-20-2015, 06:44 PM
I can see added value for a Dark Tower book that is number 19.

I can see added value for a matching number in a series.

I don't see any additional value in low numbers or letters.

I agree with regards to "19" for a TDT book, but maybe value is the wrong way to put it. I do see a quirky, "Nice to have" value in a lower number, but I don't feel the same regarding a letter for some strange reason. I too, would not pay extra unless there was some significance to me personally in the number or letter or if it helped to match other books.

I think lower numbers have a - cliched - cachet, even though it doesn't really matter. It's one of those psychological things that have wormed into collector's minds over the year.

A '19' would have no meaning to me. Beyond being a low number, obviously.

Well, "19" is a central theme to the story and therefore has a certain appeal to me anyway. Not that I'll ever own one. LOL

08-20-2015, 07:24 PM
Tommy - great question. I asked the same question about signed books.

The consensus was that I need to keep both or get rid of both :)

Just saying...

HA! I wish I could keep both but one will be returned to the publisher because it was sent by mistake. It's a very convoluted story I might share on my collection thread one day but not now. :) Keeping both would also be my choice if I could though. Thanks!

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-20-2015, 07:48 PM
19 has no significance in the Dark Tower books until much later.

08-20-2015, 08:00 PM
19 has no significance in the Dark Tower books until much later.

That sort of depends on how you look at it. In addition to his revisions wasn't the original "foreword" actually "On being 19"? I suppose it's up to each individual in the end

08-20-2015, 09:23 PM
I have a copy that King inscribed to Kirby McCauley on August 26, 1979 and I have to assume it was one of the earliest copies he signed. Your copy signed on the following day also has to be one of the earliest dated signatures for that book. I think it is a real gem.

Been meaning to say thanks to carlosdetweiller, jhanic, webstar, and RF for the replies regarding my questions around this newly acquired Dead Zone sig. You guys always seem to astound with not just solid answers to the question at hand, but also unexpected insights, backstories, and similar examples that provide such awesome context to these intriguing collectables. Thanks!

08-27-2015, 11:25 AM
Justin Brooks Bibliography book lists this item:

Firestarter Signet paperback 1981 Mass-market PP "0-451-16780-5 0-451-13234-3". Includes an afterword.

This picture belongs to a second printing, right?


Bev Vincent
08-27-2015, 11:27 AM
Yep. Only Random House (that I know of) starts their number lines at "2"

08-27-2015, 11:30 AM
First printings of that particular paperback are insanely hard to find. I need one but have not succeeded in finding one yet.

08-27-2015, 11:48 AM
Justin Brooks Bibliography book lists this item:

Firestarter Signet paperback 1981 Mass-market PP "0-451-16780-5 0-451-13234-3". Includes an afterword.

This picture belongs to a second printing, right?


Yes...That is a 2nd printing.

08-27-2015, 11:49 AM
Perfect! Thanks!

Does anyone here have this item and could share a pic?

A celebration of the life and achievements of Evan Hunter A.K.A, Ed McBain ("On Ed McBain" Paperback program bookley new york society of ethical culture in NY"

08-27-2015, 11:50 AM
I have a third printing and it still has the afterward.

08-27-2015, 11:51 AM
First printings of that particular paperback are insanely hard to find. I need one but have not succeeded in finding one yet.

Took me forever to find one. I only managed to get the white cover. Still after the black one.

09-01-2015, 03:59 PM
I'm trying to get dimensions of Just After Sunset w/ dvd. Thanks.

09-01-2015, 04:33 PM
I'm trying to get dimensions of Just After Sunset w/ dvd. Thanks.
6.5 x 9.5 x 1.5 inches.

The thickness is without trying to compress the book.

BTW the book without the CD seems to be 1 3/8 thick.

09-01-2015, 04:40 PM
Ah, Brian beat me too it, I assume you meant the US version?

09-01-2015, 04:47 PM
Ah, Brian beat me too it, I assume you meant the US version?

I did. :cool:

09-01-2015, 06:00 PM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

09-02-2015, 03:41 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

Brian, did you open it? I would not have... I think they do not need a slipcase. My two are not going in a slipcase.. I have them on little book stands (where they lean back facing cover out).

09-02-2015, 03:59 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

There is a slipcase for this book out there. I'll look for it and add a link. Just another option.

09-02-2015, 04:11 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

There is a slipcase for this book out there. I'll look for it and add a link. Just another option.


edit: You beat me to it.

09-02-2015, 04:14 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

There is a slipcase for this book out there. I'll look for it and add a link. Just another option.

I know I've said it before, but I really wouldn't reccomend an Overlook slipcase. They are overpriced and generally have very poor art work. The slipcases themselves are built to a reasonable standard, but some of the designs are IMHO very crude and childlike, not at all professional looking.

Here is the best pictures I can find of this particular case and some other examples:




probably the best of the lot:

09-02-2015, 05:29 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

Brian, did you open it? I would not have... I think they do not need a slipcase. My two are not going in a slipcase.. I have them on little book stands (where they lean back facing cover out).

I opened it several months ago to take a look at the signature, just to make sure it was actually there :) Personally, I don't like having it in the wrap that it came in. It looks better in a broadart. I can still put the ribbon on it, and keep the letter that it came with.

09-02-2015, 05:31 AM
Yep, the US version. Thanks Brian! I'm finally getting a Jeff Whiley slipcase made for the signed copy I won in the raffle at the Bradenton, FL event :rock:

There is a slipcase for this book out there. I'll look for it and add a link. Just another option.

I know I've said it before, but I really wouldn't reccomend an Overlook slipcase. They are overpriced and generally have very poor art work. The slipcases themselves are built to a reasonable standard, but some of the designs are IMHO very crude and childlike, not at all professional looking.

Here is the best pictures I can find of this particular case and some other examples:




probably the best of the lot:

Overlook Connection slipcases are beyond ugly!! Fugly would probably describe them best.

09-02-2015, 05:55 AM
Overlook Connection slipcases are beyond ugly!! Fugly would probably describe them best.

But they glow in the dark!!

09-02-2015, 05:57 AM
I got one from a friend long time ago and...yes. They're really ugly.

09-02-2015, 06:30 AM
Yes they are ugly! I made the mistake of buying one and then replacing it!
I use to buy from Overlook years ago and they were OK, but now they just seem to
push so much 'gimmicky' stuff.

09-02-2015, 07:27 AM
I still prefer that Utd bookcase to that fugly Under the Dome snowglobe DVD limited edition!

09-02-2015, 08:14 AM
Is it even possible to get an Insomnia and matching #'d portfolio? Anyone here have one? Ever seen one offered?

09-02-2015, 08:16 AM
Is it even possible to get an Insomnia and matching #'d portfolio? Anyone here have one? Ever seen one offered?

I think the hardest part is finding the portfolios. Luckily I found both red and blue versions for a great deal. Now I just have to find a matching book.

Red portfolios were numbered 1-10 and blue were the rest.

09-02-2015, 08:34 AM
Is it even possible to get an Insomnia and matching #'d portfolio? Anyone here have one? Ever seen one offered?

I think the hardest part is finding the portfolios. Luckily I found both red and blue versions for a great deal. Now I just have to find a matching book.

Red portfolios were numbered 1-10 and blue were the rest.

You ever see a set matching for sale Nick?

09-02-2015, 08:51 AM
Never - must be pretty rare

Randall Flagg
09-02-2015, 09:36 AM
4/29/10 Per Glimmer Graphics- Phil Hale submitted only ~ 7 of the 10 original art pieces requested. The original piece is not numbered, only added to a few Red folder editions.

There are thought to be 10-20 red folder portfolios.

09-02-2015, 10:07 AM
True on the red portfolio.
I have #5 and #7 Red Versions
Not often seen for sale...

09-02-2015, 10:17 AM
True on the red portfolio.
I have #5 and #7 Red Versions
Not often seen for sale...

But not with a matching S/L?

09-02-2015, 10:41 AM
Overlook Connection slipcases are beyond ugly!! Fugly would probably describe them best.

But they glow in the dark!!

Yeah most of the overlook slipcases look more childish then worth having. The Just After Sunset one isn't too bad. Over priced for sure. Unless you find them on eBay for much cheaper. I got lucky with that with the ones I found. I'd prefer SKCollector or contacting Whiley. But if you can find them cheaper then what overlook has to offer, then it would be better then nothing. Just giving out options.

09-02-2015, 11:01 AM
Sadly nope--my signed limiteds have different numbers...

09-02-2015, 11:19 AM
I need some opinions from others who have Jeff Whiley sliipcases. Jeff is thinking that for Just After Sunset, a red slipcase with black lettering would look best, but I'm torn. Are there better color combinations?

Here is the cover of the book: Just After Sunset (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Just+After+Sunset-Collectors+Set)

09-02-2015, 11:24 AM
I need some opinions from others who have Jeff Whiley sliipcases. Jeff is thinking that for Just After Sunset, a red slipcase with black lettering would look best, but I'm torn. Are there better color combinations?

Here is the cover of the book: Just After Sunset (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Just+After+Sunset-Collectors+Set)

I think that's a good option. I also like red with gold lettering.

09-02-2015, 11:33 AM
I need some opinions from others who have Jeff Whiley sliipcases. Jeff is thinking that for Just After Sunset, a red slipcase with black lettering would look best, but I'm torn. Are there better color combinations?

Here is the cover of the book: Just After Sunset (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Just+After+Sunset-Collectors+Set)

When I purchased some, I was more for protecting the books then what configuration was on them. My books are stacked side by side, so for King books I got colors that were similar to the books and the print on the sides was simply "SK." I had no problem with that. I'm dark color guy. What about a black slipcase with orange or yellow lettering?

09-02-2015, 12:40 PM
I need some opinions from others who have Jeff Whiley sliipcases. Jeff is thinking that for Just After Sunset, a red slipcase with black lettering would look best, but I'm torn. Are there better color combinations?

Here is the cover of the book: Just After Sunset (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Just+After+Sunset-Collectors+Set)

When I purchased some, I was more for protecting the books then what configuration was on them. My books are stacked side by side, so for King books I got colors that were similar to the books and the print on the sides was simply "SK." I had no problem with that. I'm dark color guy. What about a black slipcase with orange or yellow lettering?

That's eactly how I felt about the OC slipcases at the time they were the only option and they protected the book. Now, the heck with them as there are much better options to us all.

09-02-2015, 03:55 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I think I'm going to go with the red slipcase with the black lettering.

Randall Flagg
09-02-2015, 04:25 PM
True on the red portfolio.
I have #5 and #7 Red Versions
Not often seen for sale...
One or both with the Original art?

09-03-2015, 04:19 AM
I need some opinions from others who have Jeff Whiley sliipcases. Jeff is thinking that for Just After Sunset, a red slipcase with black lettering would look best, but I'm torn. Are there better color combinations?

Here is the cover of the book: Just After Sunset (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Just+After+Sunset-Collectors+Set)

There are lots of color combos out there but IMO I like to try and match the book to it's colors. This is my set of Double Day years.

09-03-2015, 04:49 AM
How much is a set like that?

09-03-2015, 05:05 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


09-03-2015, 05:06 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


OMG. Are you serious?????????????/ That is un real..... I am floored Bob.

09-03-2015, 05:07 AM
How much is a set like that?

I think they are around $20US each.. or $12.95pounds per.

09-03-2015, 05:19 AM
I may have to get a set after all, then. Thanks!

09-03-2015, 05:20 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


So, Bob - how much is this set?

Randall Flagg
09-03-2015, 05:26 AM
With or without the folded 'Salem's Lot DJ's?

09-03-2015, 06:16 AM
Amazing to look at Bob! Thanks for posting. Is that 2nd Carrie from the left (the first with the title/author printed in the spine) shorter than the others or is that just the angle of the picture or something?

09-03-2015, 06:22 AM
Amazing to look at Bob! Thanks for posting. Is that 2nd Carrie from the left (the first with the title/author printed in the spine) shorter than the others or is that just the angle of the picture or something?

They are all the same size. I think that the dj's may not all be lined up.

09-03-2015, 06:24 AM
Ah, okay thanks.

09-03-2015, 06:25 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


Wow - very nice.

09-03-2015, 10:53 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


But of course :thumbsup:. And how many of them are signed?!

Randall Flagg
09-03-2015, 10:56 AM
But of course :thumbsup:. And how many of them are signed?!
Those are probably on separate shelves.

09-03-2015, 11:06 AM
Yeah, those are just Bob's reading copies...

Randall Flagg
09-03-2015, 11:07 AM
Those are the parting gifts given to people who come and tour the museum.

09-03-2015, 11:17 AM
I don't know why but I get very 'zen' whenever I see rows of duplicate King books lined up like that.

09-03-2015, 11:18 AM
I don't know why but I get very 'zen' whenever I see rows of duplicate King books lined up like that.

Me too.. and especially rare ones!

09-03-2015, 11:22 AM
I don't know why but I get very 'zen' whenever I see rows of duplicate King books lined up like that.

I love looking at books like that. If money wasn't an issue (and space too), I can see myself collecting multiple copies of the same book or books. I have a few duplicates here and there, but I can never see myself parting with them.

09-03-2015, 11:26 AM
If you search the forum, there was a guy a couple of years ago who had dozens of duplicates of several King books. Nothing rare but it looked pretty cool. He wasn't very active and I can't remember his name. I'll see if I can dig him up.

09-03-2015, 11:28 AM
I'll see if I can dig him up.

You buried him?!?

09-03-2015, 11:30 AM

This was the guy but unfortunately most of his pics turned into Imageshack placeholders...


09-03-2015, 11:35 AM

Does anyone here have this item and could share a pic?:

A celebration of the life and achievements of Evan Hunter A.K.A, Ed McBain ("On Ed McBain" Paperback program bookley new york society of ethical culture in NY"

09-03-2015, 11:42 AM

This was the guy but unfortunately most of his pics turned into Imageshack placeholders...


I can only imagine. Bummer that the pics are gone. Thanks for looking it up.

09-03-2015, 11:55 AM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


But of course :thumbsup:. And how many of them are signed?!

all of them.

09-03-2015, 12:33 PM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


I always say, "When you got it, flaunt it". LOL Very impressive, Bob!!! Color me green with envy!!!

09-03-2015, 12:51 PM

Does anyone here have this item and could share a pic?:

A celebration of the life and achievements of Evan Hunter A.K.A, Ed McBain ("On Ed McBain" Paperback program bookley new york society of ethical culture in NY"

I only have a screenshot from the one that was on the website : On Ed McBain - He wrote like an angel

09-03-2015, 12:54 PM
Here are my Doubleday Years.


Mindblowing shelves, Bob! Most of them look in great condition as well!

In quality, it really beats my collection of 225 exactly the same small Dutch paperbacks of Dolan's Cadillac...

09-03-2015, 02:26 PM
How much is a set like that?

I paid 81.30 GBP shipped to my door

This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.

Thanks a lot Bob... Now I just need to come tour the museum!

09-03-2015, 02:40 PM
Does anyone know if there were multiple printings of the first editions of the original four Bachman books? I just ordered a copy of The Running Man from a seller on ABE (at least they had the first edition ISBN listed. It didn't list what printing it is, though.

09-03-2015, 02:41 PM
This is my set of Double Day years.

Here are my Doubleday Years.


You are so bad.. That's funny.

09-03-2015, 07:07 PM
4/29/10 Per Glimmer Graphics- Phil Hale submitted only ~ 7 of the 10 original art pieces requested. The original piece is not numbered, only added to a few Red folder editions.

There are thought to be 10-20 red folder portfolios.

I would think more just based on the fact that I have one as well.

Thats at least four accounted for from three members.

09-04-2015, 10:55 AM
So, is the below considered to be a PC Copy of Skeleton Crew?

I bought it from Lloyd at LWCurrey books as the Signed/Limited Edition. Received it today.


http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd470/avidkingcollector/153053%20Skeleton%20Crew%20Limitation%20Page_zpswy 8xjlg0.jpg

09-04-2015, 10:56 AM
So, is the below considered to be a PC Copy of Skeleton Crew?

I bought it from Lloyd at LWCurrey books as the Signed/Limited Edition. Received it today.


http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd470/avidkingcollector/153053%20Skeleton%20Crew%20Limitation%20Page_zpswy 8xjlg0.jpg

BIG return on that. ANY respectable book dealer would issue a FULL REFUND. If there are ANY out there that would not... please tell me so I know for my own AND your safety. Sorry to hear this Tim:(

09-04-2015, 10:58 AM
This would be my guess AKC: and congrats!
There were also 25 unsigned PC copies of the limited edition book, The overruns are the same as the limited edition, except they are not signed or numbered. For a picture of the official letter from Scream Press about this click here Also the black slipcase may or may not have the Skeleton Picture pasted to it (depending on the book) I own two PC copies, one has the picture on the slipcase, the other does not....$300-$350 (from SKCollector's site).

09-04-2015, 11:01 AM
This would be my guess AKC: and congrats!
There were also 25 unsigned PC copies of the limited edition book, The overruns are the same as the limited edition, except they are not signed or numbered. For a picture of the official letter from Scream Press about this click here Also the black slipcase may or may not have the Skeleton Picture pasted to it (depending on the book) I own two PC copies, one has the picture on the slipcase, the other does not....$300-$350 (from SKCollector's site).

NO congrats!!! It was supposed to be signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-04-2015, 11:01 AM
This would be my guess AKC: and congrats!
There were also 25 unsigned PC copies of the limited edition book, The overruns are the same as the limited edition, except they are not signed or numbered. For a picture of the official letter from Scream Press about this click here Also the black slipcase may or may not have the Skeleton Picture pasted to it (depending on the book) I own two PC copies, one has the picture on the slipcase, the other does not....$300-$350 (from SKCollector's site).

This is the letter referenced...


09-04-2015, 11:01 AM
Interesting that the signature, limitation page on the Limited Editions contain the Skeleton. This one is just BLACK and BLANK.

Looking for confirmation as to what the hell I have going on here....

Talked to Lloyd at LWCurrey books and he offered a full refund but, prior to sending it back, am really curious what the hell this version is.....

09-04-2015, 11:08 AM
This would be my guess AKC: and congrats!
There were also 25 unsigned PC copies of the limited edition book, The overruns are the same as the limited edition, except they are not signed or numbered. For a picture of the official letter from Scream Press about this click here Also the black slipcase may or may not have the Skeleton Picture pasted to it (depending on the book) I own two PC copies, one has the picture on the slipcase, the other does not....$300-$350 (from SKCollector's site).

NO congrats!!! It was supposed to be signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh. Sorry AKC, I thought you were happy with the purchase. I can't see why they don't accept the return, or perhaps refund the difference of the real value of the book if you wanted to keep it. Good luck.

09-04-2015, 11:32 AM
So, is the below considered to be a PC Copy of Skeleton Crew?

I bought it from Lloyd at LWCurrey books as the Signed/Limited Edition. Received it today.


http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd470/avidkingcollector/153053%20Skeleton%20Crew%20Limitation%20Page_zpswy 8xjlg0.jpg

Thanks for all of the initial feedback. Interesting that, according to the description of the PC copies, they should be the exact same as the signed copies. This one, as mentioned, does not have the Skeleton on the limitation page. Just a blank page.

Sent a pic to David and he said he's never seen a copy like this either.

Oh well, sending it back to Llyod for a full refund!

09-04-2015, 11:34 AM
Very odd, Tim. Well I guess we know now why it was 50% off!

09-04-2015, 11:39 AM
There was a Skeleton Crew like this on ebay very recently. I'm not sure if it sold. They tried to play it up like it was even more special because it was limited to 25.

09-04-2015, 11:40 AM
Very strange.

09-04-2015, 11:40 AM
Actually, still on ebay

Skeleton Crew (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Skeleton-Crew-by-Stephen-King-1985-Hardcover-Limited-/331642629946?hash=item4d3770ef3a)

plus it comes with a random birthday card that has been used already.

09-05-2015, 02:23 PM

Does anyone here have this item and could share a pic?:

A celebration of the life and achievements of Evan Hunter A.K.A, Ed McBain ("On Ed McBain" Paperback program bookley new york society of ethical culture in NY"

I only have a screenshot from the one that was on the website : On Ed McBain - He wrote like an angel

Yeap. I have that one. But does anyone own the actual physical piece?

09-05-2015, 05:29 PM
http://i902.photobucket.com/albums/ac228/n8qvx/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/E98CC0A0-7A9F-4155-B179-3FD3F964BF30_zpsulwsevq8.jpg (http://s902.photobucket.com/user/n8qvx/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/E98CC0A0-7A9F-4155-B179-3FD3F964BF30_zpsulwsevq8.jpg.html)
I also have this one, no slipcase and some other art work is missing, it came with letter from scream press.

09-11-2015, 01:48 PM
Looking for some opinions on this signature. Thanks guys.


09-11-2015, 01:50 PM
Not sure, but FWIW I wouldn't want it in my collection. Fugly at best. IMHO

09-11-2015, 02:22 PM
I would buy it. What book is it in?

09-11-2015, 02:38 PM
I would buy it. What book is it in?

I thought it was a legit sig. Good to get an experts take. I too am curious to know the title.

Randall Flagg
09-11-2015, 03:27 PM
Not sure, but FWIW I wouldn't want it in my collection. Fugly at best. IMHO

I would buy it. What book is it in?

I thought it was a legit sig. Good to get an experts take. I too am curious to know the title.

You can't have it both ways. Granted you didn't say it was bogus, but you said it was "Fugly".

It's a legit inscription and signature and IMO beautiful, not (paraphrasing here), "fucking ugly" as you said.

09-11-2015, 03:39 PM
In retrospect perhaps it was a poor choice of words. Though I initially thought it was legit from experience, my first thought at seeing it was it screamed "Forgery" because it looks somewhat childish(?) especially considering the date. Back then his signature was still"young" so to speak and not the scribble it has become these days.

I'm not trying to knock him or the sig. As a former signator I am fully aware what happens when you are signing your name a thousand plus times a day!!! It was just a knee jerk observation and I apologize if I came off wrong.

09-11-2015, 04:05 PM
Looking for some opinions on this signature. Thanks guys.


Gorgeous signature......WOW. What is it in?

09-11-2015, 04:10 PM
I think that signature is nice too... Totally actually. Sorry Bill:(

09-11-2015, 05:29 PM
It's okay, pile it on boys. I have big shoulders!! LOL LOL

09-11-2015, 08:52 PM
I think I've seen this one before, but I can't recall the book it's in. It's not the best out there, but it's nicer and more flowing than any of handful of flatsigned sigs I've got and many of the S/L's (and I RELISHED when one of my books came up in the middle of a debate on another seller's book's authenticity :cry: :thumbsup: ) I'd call this a middle of the pack signature. I wouldn't kick it out of my collection, but wouldn't be the first I showed off.