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07-11-2014, 07:49 AM
oh yeah justin i also had to throw in a copy of "King's" 1973 novel of satanism EXORCISM written under the name Eth Natas.

Is this confirmed information that this was a pseudonym?

07-11-2014, 07:55 AM
oh yeah justin i also had to throw in a copy of "King's" 1973 novel of satanism EXORCISM written under the name Eth Natas.

Is this confirmed information that this was a pseudonym?

It is NOT written by King.


07-11-2014, 08:07 AM
oh yeah justin i also had to throw in a copy of "King's" 1973 novel of satanism EXORCISM written under the name Eth Natas.

Is this confirmed information that this was a pseudonym?

It is NOT written by King.


Kinda figured that

07-11-2014, 09:26 AM
This article needs to be updated with all these unpublished stories: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unpublished_and_uncollected_works_by_Stephen_King

Brian James Freeman
07-11-2014, 10:39 AM
We have a good customer who will be selling his 'Salem's Lot Limited Edition from Centipede Press, #24 of 300. Any thoughts on a fair price?


The Library Policeman
07-11-2014, 10:53 AM
I paid $1300 from David at betts for my copy of 'Salem's Lot a couple of years a go if that's any help, Brian

Brian James Freeman
07-11-2014, 11:41 AM
I paid $1300 from David at betts for my copy of 'Salem's Lot a couple of years a go if that's any help, Brian

Thank you!

07-11-2014, 11:44 AM
We have a good customer who will be selling his 'Salem's Lot Limited Edition from Centipede Press, #24 of 300. Any thoughts on a fair price?


I would be happy to buy it for $1300!!

Ben Mears
07-11-2014, 11:58 AM
oh yeah justin i also had to throw in a copy of "King's" 1973 novel of satanism EXORCISM written under the name Eth Natas.

Is this confirmed information that this was a pseudonym?

Highly unlikely The Satan is a pseudonym!

07-11-2014, 12:15 PM
oh yeah justin i also had to throw in a copy of "King's" 1973 novel of satanism EXORCISM written under the name Eth Natas.

Is this confirmed information that this was a pseudonym?

Highly unlikely The Satan is a pseudonym!

You mean Hte Satan

07-11-2014, 12:21 PM
Heart-Shaped Box Lettered copy "B"....help a guy out, what is a fair retail and a fair wholesale price please?

07-11-2014, 12:26 PM
Heart-Shaped Box Lettered copy "B"....help a guy out, what is a fair retail and a fair wholesale price please?

Camelot has a deluxe limited listed for $700. That had 200 copies. The lettered only had 15. Has to be at least $1500-$2000 I would think.

07-11-2014, 12:31 PM
Yeah, I sold a copy to a guy at $1999 and he wants to sell it back and he knows it would be less than that.

Randall Flagg
07-11-2014, 12:41 PM
one example is a certain piece that i had from a collector. a few years ago, someone started talking about it on a forum and that collector came back to me and was very upset, asking why i had shared it. in actuality, i did not share it and the person who was posting on the message board had gotten it from an alternate source. at any rate, it can be a delicate issue.


By the process of elimination I have concluded that the guilty party in this leakage was Tyson Blue. Tyson, if you are reading this (and even if you aren't reading this) you are a douchebag.
If you are going to call someone out as a DB, at least share some of the background. I love hearing the history of things like this.

Randall Flagg
07-11-2014, 12:45 PM
I paid $1300 from David at betts for my copy of 'Salem's Lot a couple of years a go if that's any help, Brian

I paid $1300 from David at betts for my copy of 'Salem's Lot a couple of years a go if that's any help, Brian

Thank you!
The price has gone up since then. I say don't even think of selling one for less than $1,500; and good luck buying one at <$1,500.

07-11-2014, 01:29 PM
one example is a certain piece that i had from a collector. a few years ago, someone started talking about it on a forum and that collector came back to me and was very upset, asking why i had shared it. in actuality, i did not share it and the person who was posting on the message board had gotten it from an alternate source. at any rate, it can be a delicate issue.


By the process of elimination I have concluded that the guilty party in this leakage was Tyson Blue. Tyson, if you are reading this (and even if you aren't reading this) you are a douchebag.
If you are going to call someone out as a DB, at least share some of the background. I love hearing the history of things like this.

Sigh! The things I let myself get dragged into. Here it is:

In 2002 I bought a copy of The Drum from 1966. It was the Lisbon High School student produced newspaper that contained a story (poem actually) by King called "The 43rd Dream." The seller was Prudence Grant who was the faculty advisor for the newspaper at the time and had come across some old copies of The Drum. She had two or three copies of the issue from 1965 with “Codename: Mousetrap” but only one copy of the issue with “The 43rd Dream.”
I thought it would be cool to keep the story under wraps for awhile but I did send a copy of the story to Bev Vincent because he is a friend, he is cool and….well, he’s Bev. I asked him not to share it with anyone else. Then Rocky Wood got wind of my purchase and wanted a copy. I asked him why he wanted it and he said that he “needed to authenticate it.” I thought to myself “I know exactly what I have and I don’t need you to authenticate anything.” But, in the end, I sent him a copy and he sent it to King’s office and (wonder of all wonders!!) they said it was indeed authentic. I asked Rocky not to share it with anyone else.
A short time later I got an e-mail from Rocky saying that Tyson Blue would like a copy and could he send him one? I thought “WTF does this guy need it for?” but in the end I relented with the same caveat and told Rocky that Tyson was not to make any other copies.
Then a few years later I heard from someone on TDT.net that they had a copy that they had gotten from Justin Brooks. I wondered where in the hell Justin had gotten a copy and figured it must have been from Rocky since they worked together on some projects. I e-mailed Rocky and asked if he had made a copy for Justin. He got very indignant and angry that I would ask him such a thing since he had given his word not to make any copies. He told me it wasn’t him.
It wasn’t Bev so that leaves Tyson Blue.
Justin once told me that the person he got it from instructed him “not to make any copies for a year” or some such nonsense. If my memory is faulty on this I imagine Justin can straighten me out.
Anyway, I suspect Tyson Blue and even if it wasn’t he is still a douchebag because of some other stuff that has been told to me by others (i.e. the old Bett’s Bookstore and Centipede Press). But that is confidential stuff and I can’t put it in this post.
In the end it is no big deal that copies circulate. It is just that I felt betrayed by some people I thought I could trust. Of course the other possibility is that Justin got a copy from King’s office. I never really considered that until just now but I don’t think they would have put the “no copies for a year” nonsense as a condition.

Randall Flagg
07-11-2014, 01:33 PM


Thanks for sharing. You have great knowledge and recollection. It adds quite a bit to our site.

The Library Policeman
07-11-2014, 01:54 PM
You know, sometimes I enjoy Bob's King related stories as much as the books themselves. :D

07-11-2014, 03:30 PM
You know, sometimes I enjoy Bob's King related stories as much as the books themselves.

Couldn't agree more!

As for the sharing/not sharing, it's a complicated topic but there's one clear thing when it comes from stuff released from King's office: if the stuff is out because King's office let it go (no matter if it was to 5 or 50 people) then they knew the risks.

Now, when it comes to collectors, then I understand that it's all a matter of trust. I had some rare stuff that I shared and some people kept it and some didn't. Well...shit happens.

07-11-2014, 04:11 PM
hey, those stories were in the ebook version of my bibliography from last year! i had actually known about them for almost a decade and wasn't allowed to mention the titles until a couple of years ago. honestly, i'm surprised (and a little disconcerted) that "The Null Set" is now in the wider trading circle.


Well, one thing I learned is that some stuff isn't supposed to be shared, until the other person has something you're desperate to get. That also happens a lot. So maybe it wasn't supposed to be in this "second" trading circle (outside hardcore collectors or people with the correct contacts), but if it got there, then someone in this exclusive circle wanted something really bad. :)

you ever seen a ghost?
07-11-2014, 06:48 PM
the funny thing is, i did not get "The 43rd Dream" from Tyson Blue. i got it back in 2005 from someone (i forget who and i don't have that e-mail address any longer). so, it may have indirectly been Tyson giving it to someone and then that someone giving it to me! Rocky had actually not given me the story (even though i work with him) and he asked me (because he forgot i guess) whether he gave it to me. he was going to try to get clearance to give it to me (clearance from you, Bob) but then didn't have to as i got it from this mysterious source. i swear i really don't remember who it was, but it wasn't a King writer or big collector or else i would remember the name!

to clarify the "disconcerted" part of my post: i'm mainly saying this because i don't want to lose credibility as i'm sure this new "leak" did not originate with me! i've had those damn stories for a decade and only just mentioned the titles in the 2013 edition of my bibliography once i got clearance from my source!


07-11-2014, 09:12 PM
Maybe I'm missing something but as far as I know, I didn't understand that someone pointed a finger at you, Justin :)

As a matter of fact, I can say that once I asked for something and you explained me perfectly why you couldn't share it. I also can mention that someone else (who is not a member in this forum as far as I know) replied in not a very kind way (and I knew he asked for something before I did with the same reason as I did...)

07-11-2014, 09:34 PM
I did not realize there was this underground secret society of King collectors!!! How do I get in? do I have to have 10000 posts? Money? I am in, start the hazing now!. but I don't have money. :( especially after I bought the lettered carrie from PS publishing.

FEEL FREE TO SHARE ANY AND ALL UNPUBLISHED WORKS WITH ME!!! I will take them to my grave and I will tell no one!!! I would like at least one thing that neat and special in my collection. which I didn't even know exsisted until today!!!

Mr. Rabbit Trick
07-11-2014, 11:05 PM
FEEL FREE TO SHARE ANY AND ALL UNPUBLISHED WORKS WITH ME!!! I will take them to my grave and I will tell no one!!! I would like at least one thing that neat and special in my collection. which I didn't even know exsisted until today!!!

There is a pdf file that has been on the Net for many years that contains many of the unpublished works. It's called "The Collective", or something like that. Google it.

07-12-2014, 01:07 AM
THere were quite a few versions of this COLLECTIVE file actually. it's dating back to 2004/2005 and is a good way to start getting older/rare stuff

07-12-2014, 02:41 AM
Thanks for that guys, I'd not heard of The Collective before.

07-12-2014, 03:52 AM
FEEL FREE TO SHARE ANY AND ALL UNPUBLISHED WORKS WITH ME!!! I will take them to my grave and I will tell no one!!! I would like at least one thing that neat and special in my collection. which I didn't even know exsisted until today!!!

There is a pdf file that has been on the Net for many years that contains many of the unpublished works. It's called "The Collective", or something like that. Google it.

Thanks for the info. Again, I've never heard of it. I checked it out. Lots of stories I don't have.
Thanks again.

07-12-2014, 06:55 AM
I don't understand this need to keep information "under wraps" from fans... If it's out there, why can't we know?

07-12-2014, 07:36 AM
This is probably more of a 'King Item Wanted' post but it starts with a question, so... has anyone ever seen spare Danse Macabre S/L slipcases for sale? I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but hey....

*edit: perhaps your dog ate your copy of the book and you kept the slipcase for nostalgic reasons, and now is the time to let go and move on? I'll be happy to buy it (the slipcase, not the dog)!

*edit 2: I know it's a very plain case but I'd love to have an original to go with my publisher's copy sans slipcase.

07-12-2014, 10:04 AM
In the end it is no big deal that copies circulate. It is just that I felt betrayed by some people I thought I could trust. Of course the other possibility is that Justin got a copy from King’s office. I never really considered that until just now but I don’t think they would have put the “no copies for a year” nonsense as a condition.

I just want it on record that I had an advance-advance-advance review copy of DT VII several months before there were even printed advance copies - at I think 6-8 months before the book itself - and nobody heard what the ending would be from me!

So anyone who wants to send me anything, go ahead - haha.

Randall Flagg
07-12-2014, 11:25 AM
You screwed up. You shouldn't have mentioned that you had an "advance-advance-advance" DTVII, now you can't be trusted.
First rule of The Fight Club.


07-12-2014, 11:33 AM
You screwed up. You shouldn't have mentioned that you had an "advance-advance-advance" DTVII, now you can't be trusted.
First rule of The Fight Club.


Haha...well, that was never a secret. It's the one item I'll ever have that's one-up on Bob.

07-12-2014, 11:41 AM
You screwed up. You shouldn't have mentioned that you had an "advance-advance-advance" DTVII, now you can't be trusted.
First rule of The Fight Club.


Haha...well, that was never a secret. It's the one item I'll ever have that's one-up on Bob.

I didn't think that was actually possible.

07-12-2014, 12:18 PM
You screwed up. You shouldn't have mentioned that you had an "advance-advance-advance" DTVII, now you can't be trusted.
First rule of The Fight Club.


Haha...well, that was never a secret. It's the one item I'll ever have that's one-up on Bob.

I didn't think that was actually possible.

It's definitely possible. There are quite a few collectors (many on this site) that have items I would like to have.

07-12-2014, 12:35 PM
It's definitely possible. There are quite a few collectors (many on this site) that have items I would like to have.

I know you've been eyeballing my mint & shinkwrapped copy of the Blood & Smoke audiobook Bob, but just so you know - I will take that with me to my grave!!

07-12-2014, 12:40 PM
It's definitely possible. There are quite a few collectors (many on this site) that have items I would like to have.

I know you've been eyeballing my mint & shinkwrapped copy of the Blood & Smoke audiobook Bob, but just so you know - I will take that with me to my grave!!

Yes. I really lust over that. (?)

Lot guy
07-12-2014, 07:06 PM
I wanted to ask if any of you have noticed that your 'Salem's Lot S/L BLACK NUMBERED 1-300 was signed by King in Blue ink versus the Black. After looking through the collections thread & else where I've only seen it signed in Black except for the one. Please let me know if anyone's seen a Blue signature.

07-12-2014, 10:37 PM
You screwed up. You shouldn't have mentioned that you had an "advance-advance-advance" DTVII, now you can't be trusted.
First rule of The Fight Club.


Haha...well, that was never a secret. It's the one item I'll ever have that's one-up on Bob.

Except that, as he wont speak about the Fight Club, he will not say that he secretly got the pen, the notebook, the computer, the desk where King wrote it + the advance-advance-advance-advance version of the manuscript.


07-13-2014, 11:04 AM
I wanted to ask if any of you have noticed that your 'Salem's Lot S/L BLACK NUMBERED 1-300 was signed by King in Blue ink versus the Black. After looking through the collections thread & else where I've only seen it signed in Black except for the one. Please let me know if anyone's seen a Blue signature.

Mine has a blue ink signature.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
07-13-2014, 11:24 AM
I wanted to ask if any of you have noticed that your 'Salem's Lot S/L BLACK NUMBERED 1-300 was signed by King in Blue ink versus the Black. After looking through the collections thread & else where I've only seen it signed in Black except for the one. Please let me know if anyone's seen a Blue signature.

Mine has a blue ink signature.

Mine is blue as well.

07-13-2014, 12:27 PM
Blue here also.

07-13-2014, 12:47 PM
Mine I think is black

Randall Flagg
07-13-2014, 02:04 PM
Mine I think is black
Mine is pink...

07-13-2014, 02:16 PM

07-13-2014, 05:08 PM
Mine I think is black
Mine is pink...
"GEE" Did you order that one.....

07-13-2014, 05:11 PM
Mine I think is black
Mine is pink...
"GEE" Did you order that one.....


:Ball Kick:

07-13-2014, 05:21 PM
Mine I think is black
Mine is pink...
"GEE" Did you order that one.....


:Ball Kick:


07-13-2014, 05:24 PM
Who says he wears any....

07-13-2014, 05:26 PM

You won't be angry that I am now taking six steps away from you to avoid the impending retribution and subsequent fallout? LOL

07-14-2014, 04:42 AM
Man, you go away for 2 days and you guys are after RF about his underwear. Leave the poor guy alone!:emot-flame:

07-14-2014, 07:45 AM
has this circulated anywhere?

Randall Flagg
07-14-2014, 08:53 AM
Please pose questions like these in the proper thread. I suggest this one:
Collecting Questions (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?1283-Collecting-Questions)

you ever seen a ghost?
07-14-2014, 09:51 AM
has this circulated anywhere?

it is at least in limited circulation, yes.


07-14-2014, 01:11 PM
I remember reading a script for the Chinga episode online a long time ago but IDK if it was the Molly one. There were some differences, like the little girl asks Scully about her sister. Just looked around and I can't find it now.

07-20-2014, 03:45 AM
Hopefully someone will be able to help me out with this question. Does anybody know if the 2003 Viking hardback reissues of DT 1-4 were first printings only of 25000? Were there any later printings or are you guaranteed a first printing if you buy one?

07-20-2014, 03:51 AM
I don't know the print run numbers but they were reprinted. They are not all 1sts.

The Collector says 60,000 print run.

"A re-issue of 60,000 copies by Viking Books, revised throughout and with a new forward by SK; released in 2003 coinciding with the release of the fifth volume of the Dark Tower series. Still pretty small by print run standards, it will probably go up in the next few years as it is currently the only revamped gunslinger book."

07-20-2014, 04:23 AM
Thanks Brian.

07-20-2014, 06:02 AM
Jon, to echo Brian, there have been at least 3 print runs. Most ebay sellers don't offer (or are not aware) of this information, so when I was looking I had to contact quite a few. The highest I saw was a 3rd printing.

07-20-2014, 06:09 AM
Thanks Simon, I have contacted the seller and he says it is a 1st. It was not listed as such in the description. I had read somewhere of low print runs for a 1st/1st for them, but thank you and Brian for your help. I don't want a 3rd!!

Room 217 Caretaker
07-20-2014, 06:22 AM
Thanks Simon, I have contacted the seller and he says it is a 1st. It was not listed as such in the description. I had read somewhere of low print runs for a 1st/1st for them, but thank you and Brian for your help. I don't want a 3rd!!

Verify the copyright page has the following for it to be a 1st.......1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

1 indicating first Viking print run.


07-20-2014, 07:02 AM
Thanks Ralph.

07-20-2014, 07:08 AM
Thanks Simon, I have contacted the seller and he says it is a 1st. It was not listed as such in the description. I had read somewhere of low print runs for a 1st/1st for them, but thank you and Brian for your help. I don't want a 3rd!!

My pleasure, Jon.

I didn't buy these at issue either. By the time I bought them there was at least a second printing. No we don't want 3rd printings!

Since the seller didn't specify that they were 1sts in the first place it seems prudent to follow Ralph's advice and verify the numberline. The seller might not know how to tell a 1st printing.

Perhaps someone else can chime in about the print run as I don't have knowledge of that. Jared at SKCollector usually has his facts straight. http://stephenkingcollector.com/limited/dt1.html 60,000 copies sounds right to me. I can't think why they wouldn't print that many at that point.

07-21-2014, 05:05 AM
I posted this in the "tell me where to go" section but it probably didnt hit most peoples radars.

I'm in Boston (Well Cambridge actually) till Weds of this week and I'm looking for a bricks and mortar store that will sell Mylar book covers. (Preferably 'Just a fold III and also preferably on a roll, but any brand will do in a pinch). I know I can order on line, but I dont have time for it to be delivered before I go.

Anyone know of a retail outlet or store that stocks this?

07-21-2014, 08:46 AM
Thanks Simon, I have contacted the seller and he says it is a 1st. It was not listed as such in the description. I had read somewhere of low print runs for a 1st/1st for them, but thank you and Brian for your help. I don't want a 3rd!!

Verify the copyright page has the following for it to be a 1st.......1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

1 indicating first Viking print run.


Hey buddy!!!! I did not know you were back.. my shitty day got a little brighter:) Missed you Ralph~

07-21-2014, 09:00 AM
Since this is a sort of regular question on this forum, maybe we should create a thread about tips of local book stores?

Randall Flagg
07-21-2014, 11:13 AM
Since this is a sort of regular question on this forum, maybe we should create a thread about tips of local book stores?
We have one, but his question wasn't answered there.

Randall Flagg
07-21-2014, 11:20 AM
I posted this in the "tell me where to go" section but it probably didnt hit most peoples radars.

I'm in Boston (Well Cambridge actually) till Weds of this week and I'm looking for a bricks and mortar store that will sell Mylar book covers. (Preferably 'Just a fold III and also preferably on a roll, but any brand will do in a pinch). I know I can order on line, but I dont have time for it to be delivered before I go.

Anyone know of a retail outlet or store that stocks this?
I checked a few places and that is going to be very difficult to find.

07-21-2014, 12:11 PM
I posted this in the "tell me where to go" section but it probably didnt hit most peoples radars.

I'm in Boston (Well Cambridge actually) till Weds of this week and I'm looking for a bricks and mortar store that will sell Mylar book covers. (Preferably 'Just a fold III and also preferably on a roll, but any brand will do in a pinch). I know I can order on line, but I dont have time for it to be delivered before I go.

Anyone know of a retail outlet or store that stocks this?
I checked a few places and that is going to be very difficult to find.

Thanks RF, appreciate you looking.

07-22-2014, 07:18 AM
Does anyone have (and can share) a pic of the cover of these magazines?

* Redbook (Mrs. Todd's shortcut)
* Maine (March/April 1977) (One for the road)


07-22-2014, 07:46 AM
Ari, Here's the Maine magazine (which I don't own):

http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr60/johnhanic/Other_items/MaineMagazine1977_zps70d4a37b.jpg (http://s469.photobucket.com/user/johnhanic/media/Other_items/MaineMagazine1977_zps70d4a37b.jpg.html)

I own the Redbook, but it's boxed away and I don't have a picture.


07-22-2014, 06:19 PM

07-23-2014, 07:50 AM
Thanks, John and Bruce!

07-24-2014, 05:07 AM
Has anyone read the June 13, 2014 Entertainment Weekly non-fiction piece by Stephen King? It's about the fight of book companies against Amazon.

Bev Vincent
07-24-2014, 06:41 AM
Yep -- and he's since added his name to the group (http://www.thebookseller.com/news/amazon-offers-donate-hachette-book-proceeds-charity.html) Authors United

07-24-2014, 07:02 AM
I really need to read more info about this fight. I will probably read the article.

07-24-2014, 07:27 AM
What is the Jist of it?

07-25-2014, 01:20 PM
Thinking sbout picking up a slipcased copy of Smoke and Mirrors. How are the stories? How about the quality of the book?

07-26-2014, 01:40 PM
What's my number? This is from The Colorado Kid S/L by Glen Chadbourne. It is the version signed by King. Any ideas what number it could be? Judging from the catalog it isn't a publishers copy; they look like they were stamped by PS Publishing.


07-26-2014, 01:49 PM
Not all the publishers copies were stamped. Mine is blank, it's possible someone wrote their own number/or letter?

Is yours the slip cased (150) or the Traycased (33) ? Mine is the tray cased edition (but without the traycase...)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/dec07ac0-795d-4a65-891c-58a8a55e75cc_zps76f83cbc.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/dec07ac0-795d-4a65-891c-58a8a55e75cc_zps76f83cbc.jpg.html)

07-26-2014, 01:57 PM
It has the slipcase. It is signed by King, Chadbourne, and Ardai. The Traycased version had more signatures.

Randall Flagg
07-26-2014, 01:58 PM
What's my number? This is from The Colorado Kid S/L by Glen Chadbourne. It is the version signed by King. Any ideas what number it could be? Judging from the catalog it isn't a publishers copy; they look like they were stamped by PS Publishing.

That is not a number. It is an "R" (IMO). To my knowledge there were no official "Lettered" copies. I think stroppygoblin may be onto something.

07-26-2014, 03:37 PM
I was leaning that direction, but wanted to check with the vast knowledge of the forum.

07-26-2014, 08:58 PM
Pete Crowther is now a member here, maybe he can help? I believe there are lettered copies but they are either the 100-copy 'signed by all and traycased' edition, or the 'commissioned-by-Steve Sargent remarqued trade edition'.

07-27-2014, 01:43 AM
What's my number? This is from The Colorado Kid S/L by Glen Chadbourne. It is the version signed by King. Any ideas what number it could be? Judging from the catalog it isn't a publishers copy; they look like they were stamped by PS Publishing.


Hi Dan,

That book is letter R. A few years ago PS publishing sold 26 Deluxe Lifetime subscriptions for approx £4500. The subscriber would receive all of PS deluxe editions after subscribing for life. Each subscriber was assigned a letter which was written on the limitation page rather than a number. They are identical to the normal deluxe editions. I was assigned letter C (I have many pictured in my collection thread).
Hope this helps

PS this copy would have been the 150 copy slipcased version

PPS this is the limitation page of my copy of Pet Sematary
http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y496/fenpad/IMG_2823_zps9d79e021.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/fenpad/media/IMG_2823_zps9d79e021.jpg.html)

07-27-2014, 03:10 AM
Just thought of some additional information:
I was told by Pete when taking out the subscription that these copies were additional to the original print run. For example, Pet Sematary had a print run of 750 numbered copies, 26 subscriber lettered copies and unknown number of PC copies.
This starts getting confusing when it comes to Lettered deluxe copies. I have copies with 'C' (in quotes) rather than C or 'Life C' instead of C. Therefore, a lot of PS lettered editions have actually 52 copies with two lettered Cs. PLEASE NOTE THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CARRIE WHICH HAS NO SUBSCRIBER COPIES (somehow I don't think Pete wants to give away 26x £2595 books'!!)

Letter with 'C'
http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y496/fenpad/IMG_2655_zpsccf433cd.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/fenpad/media/IMG_2655_zpsccf433cd.jpg.html)
Letter with Life C
http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y496/fenpad/IMG_2650_zps5f5b72a9.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/fenpad/media/IMG_2650_zps5f5b72a9.jpg.html)
A numbered edition of Joe Hill's Horns as letter C
http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y496/fenpad/IMG_2347_zps414d6015.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/fenpad/media/IMG_2347_zps414d6015.jpg.html)

A quote from Pete last year explaining these lettered copies (there had been a lot of letter 'R's on eBay in the last couple of years - a Scottish collector selling their PS collection)

'The 'R' (the example letter I provided based upon a version on ebay) is the first letter of the surname of one of our lifetime customers. Many years ago customers were given the opportunity to pay a lump sum of money and become a lifetime subscriber. This could be for either the unsigned editions or the signed editions. So every time we bring out a new title they automatically receive a copy. Each lifetime subscriber has their own letter or number that goes in the front of each book.

Of course by now these customers are in the fortunate position that they are receiving books for free but this incident has certainly caused us to look at how we manage future titles.'

07-27-2014, 03:15 AM
Thanks, Jon! I remember reading your explanation before, but hadn't even considered it for this. It makes me feel better about the copy I have.

07-27-2014, 03:23 AM
No problem Dan. So your copy is legit!

Randall Flagg
07-27-2014, 05:25 AM
For most books that shouldn't be too tough to figure out, but for Colorado Kid did the person with "R" receive one each of the 1/150 copies from Chadbourne, Miller, and Potter, or did they have to choose one of the three artists?

07-27-2014, 05:36 AM
I'm not sure Jerome. I was not a subscriber at the time, so I do not have one with a letter. However, the two I have seen have both been Chadbourne editions, but that may just be coincidence. I do not know if subscribers were asked at the time, but PS generally just send them through in batches just after release.

07-31-2014, 08:04 AM
Not King or related, but I thought to ask here to see if someone has an opinion (RF - feel free to let me know if I'm breaking some rules here....)

Found this Advance Uncorrected Proof of Robert Jordan's "The Further Chronicles of Conan" at my local bookstore. Does it have any value ? it is worth spending $20 on it ? is it rare ?


http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/Skelton%20crew/5CDBC34C-B218-483C-8610-16E1D70D5773.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/Skelton%20crew/5CDBC34C-B218-483C-8610-16E1D70D5773.jpg.html)

08-01-2014, 09:13 PM
Not King or related, but I thought to ask here to see if someone has an opinion (RF - feel free to let me know if I'm breaking some rules here....)

Found this Advance Uncorrected Proof of Robert Jordan's "The Further Chronicles of Conan" at my local bookstore. Does it have any value ? it is worth spending $20 on it ? is it rare ?


http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/Skelton%20crew/5CDBC34C-B218-483C-8610-16E1D70D5773.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/Skelton%20crew/5CDBC34C-B218-483C-8610-16E1D70D5773.jpg.html)

For $20 I'd be all over it and take the chance. If nothing else it is probably a unique item to have in one's collection. I always loved the "Conan" books when I was younger.

08-02-2014, 06:00 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

08-02-2014, 06:05 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Way overpriced. Don't pay more than $300-325.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-02-2014, 07:58 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Way overpriced. Don't pay more than $300-325.

Yes. They are selling for $275 at the moment.

08-02-2014, 10:51 AM
Question... For the Clorado Kid... Where there are three signed editions... So they have the possibility of matching numbers?

08-02-2014, 10:54 AM
I have all three signed editions #14 of 150.


Randall Flagg
08-02-2014, 10:55 AM
Question... For the Clorado Kid... Where there are three signed editions... So they have the possibility of matching numbers?
Yes. There all also quite a few PC's which can be easily matched.

08-02-2014, 11:35 AM
And another question guys... What is the consensus on a matching set price wise?

08-02-2014, 12:18 PM
My two cents worth--the initial selling price was $150 each.


Randall Flagg
08-02-2014, 12:39 PM
My two cents worth--the initial selling price was $150 each.

I think they were £150 upon issue. That being said, I think they can be had for less than that ($250 by pounds to dollars conversion).

08-02-2014, 12:44 PM
Strange, I show it as $150. I may have made a mistake on my spreadsheet. I ordered them on 8/27/06 and received them on 7/20/07.


08-02-2014, 12:47 PM
So a matching set signed by King for about $450 bucks?

08-02-2014, 01:07 PM
I think that's low.


08-02-2014, 01:08 PM
So a matching set signed by King for about $450 bucks?

If you multiply the less than $250 each that RF suggested then you are looking at less than $750 per set of three. That isn't necessarily a matched set.

Randall Flagg
08-02-2014, 01:58 PM
Strange, I show it as $150. I may have made a mistake on my spreadsheet. I ordered them on 8/27/06 and received them on 7/20/07.

My info could be wrong. SK Collector shows 125 pounds/$250. A definitive clarification would be nice.

08-02-2014, 02:36 PM
Strange, I show it as $150. I may have made a mistake on my spreadsheet. I ordered them on 8/27/06 and received them on 7/20/07.

My info could be wrong. SK Collector shows 125 pounds/$250. A definitive clarification would be nice.

I think the 125 pounds selling price is correct. For my set (unmatched and from three different sellers) I paid $247, $242 and $260.

08-02-2014, 02:50 PM
So is the collective saying $750us should buy a set? Matching numbers?

08-02-2014, 02:58 PM
I have a modest collection of King works, but my better half has suggested I take up a hobby so I am thinking about becoming a more serious collector. I have a fairly good collection of firsts that I have read over the years, but I'd like to become a little more serious about it all. I read that setting collecting goals is a good idea and you all seem to be experts. Any advice to someone just jumping in? Thank you.

08-02-2014, 04:31 PM
You should decide on just what you want to collect--an area of specialization, so to speak. Are you interested in first editions? Signed limiteds? Proofs? To try to collect EVERYTHING is extremely difficult to bring off. You may also be limited by your budget. It's really up to you.

There are some collectors that are just happy to have a copy of each book, whether paperback or hardcover.


Randall Flagg
08-02-2014, 05:08 PM
So is the collective saying $750us should buy a set? Matching numbers?
Matching numbers would be near to impossible to obtain piecemeal. Thus you have to buy from someone with all three (duh!). $750 seems fair to me, but no more.

08-02-2014, 05:12 PM
So is the collective saying $750us should buy a set? Matching numbers?
Matching numbers would be near to impossible to obtain piecemeal. Thus you have to buy from someone with all three (duh!). $750 seems fair to me, but no more.
RF... You would be surprised at what I am able to obtain my good friend:):):)

Randall Flagg
08-02-2014, 05:16 PM
So is the collective saying $750us should buy a set? Matching numbers?
Matching numbers would be near to impossible to obtain piecemeal. Thus you have to buy from someone with all three (duh!). $750 seems fair to me, but no more.
RF... You would be surprised at what I am able to obtain my good friend:):):)
If you are that good, you don't need to ask advice from here; you should be providing it.:couple:

08-03-2014, 12:35 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Way overpriced. Don't pay more than $300-325.

Yes. They are selling for $275 at the moment.

Thanks for the feedback guys. It was actually Robert at Grant Books that offered me copy #60 of Desperation for $450. Was $450 the original published price, or is Robert inflating it somewhat? :confused:

One other question, as the S/L edition does not have a dust jacket, has anyone put a dust jacket from the gift edition on their copy and would doing so make it more aesthetically pleasing? :idea:

As ever, any comments and feedback concerning these two questions would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-03-2014, 12:46 AM
So is the collective saying $750us should buy a set? Matching numbers?

Matching set #4 sold for $750 at Betts.

08-03-2014, 03:35 AM
I've corrected my spread sheet to show the correct prices for The Colorado Kid.


08-03-2014, 04:43 AM
I have all three signed editions #14 of 150.


#14 has become my number of choice John, all my PS and CD anniversary editions will be #14.
Do you keep your house well locked? :cool_002:

08-03-2014, 07:57 AM
Strange, I show it as $150. I may have made a mistake on my spreadsheet. I ordered them on 8/27/06 and received them on 7/20/07.

My info could be wrong. SK Collector shows 125 pounds/$250. A definitive clarification would be nice.

WITH MY SET I HAVE A COPY OF AN OLD EMAIL DATED 6/20/06 WHICH LISTS THE ORIGINAL PRICING L125/$250 PRICE. This was back when only Potter and Miller were noted as artistwith third artist listed as "to be confirmed"

Slipcased Hardcover, signed by the author and the artist
450 copies priced at £125/$250 (postage, packing and insurance per copy is £5 within the UK and £10/$20 elsewhere)
(1) 150 copies illustrated by Edward Miller - ISBN 978-1-905834-07-5
(2) 150 copies illustrated by J.K. Potter - ISBN 978-1-905834-08-2
(3) 150 copies [artist to be confirmed] - ISBN 978-1-905834-09-9

I noticed the other day that my set is not all same numbers even though ordered at same time;
#92 Chadbourne, #145 Miller, #64 Potter. Apparently I did not pay attention to that at the time.

08-03-2014, 08:09 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Way overpriced. Don't pay more than $300-325.

Yes. They are selling for $275 at the moment.

Thanks for the feedback guys. It was actually Robert at Grant Books that offered me copy #60 of Desperation for $450. Was $450 the original published price, or is Robert inflating it somewhat? :confused:

One other question, as the S/L edition does not have a dust jacket, has anyone put a dust jacket from the gift edition on their copy and would doing so make it more aesthetically pleasing? :idea:

As ever, any comments and feedback concerning these two questions would be greatly appreciated. :smile:


08-03-2014, 08:14 AM
I have all three signed editions #14 of 150.


#14 has become my number of choice John, all my PS and CD anniversary editions will be #14.
Do you keep your house well locked? :cool_002:

I keep my watch dragon hungry. :tongue:


08-03-2014, 08:35 AM
Hi guys,

I have been after a copy of the signed limited edition of Stephen King's Desperation for quite awhile now, and have been offered the chance to purchase a copy for $450. I am not sure how much the book originally cost or how much it is worth today, so would like to ask whether $450 is a good deal for a copy of this book?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Way overpriced. Don't pay more than $300-325.

Yes. They are selling for $275 at the moment.

Thanks for the feedback guys. It was actually Robert at Grant Books that offered me copy #60 of Desperation for $450. Was $450 the original published price, or is Robert inflating it somewhat? :confused:

One other question, as the S/L edition does not have a dust jacket, has anyone put a dust jacket from the gift edition on their copy and would doing so make it more aesthetically pleasing? :idea:

As ever, any comments and feedback concerning these two questions would be greatly appreciated. :smile:


The catalog is your friend. Desperation S/L (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Desperation+-+S+L)

As to the dust jacket, I would wonder why you would want one. It didn't come with one. If you don't care for the looks of the book why not just get the gift edition? That being said, I don't know if it would fit.

Also, I recently paid $250 for my copy, so $450 is way out of the current market.

super sam
08-03-2014, 12:23 PM
I have two different copies of Stephen King country by George Beahm.
On the picture the red lettered is a 1st trade without the DJ, but i don´t know what ed. the other one is.
The book is in "fake leather",no DJ, same info on CP page as 1st trade ,same size, different look on spine.
Anyone know what ed it is. PC copy?

08-03-2014, 07:34 PM
I have two different copies of Stephen King country by George Beahm.
On the picture the red lettered is a 1st trade without the DJ, but i don´t know what ed. the other one is.
The book is in "fake leather",no DJ, same info on CP page as 1st trade ,same size, different look on spine.
Anyone know what ed it is. PC copy?

Pics of the first couple inside pages may help with identification I would think.

super sam
08-03-2014, 10:49 PM
Of course
Same info on cp page on both ed.
The 1st trade have black front and end paper, the other ed. have grey.

08-04-2014, 03:08 AM
Maybe it is a rebound copy of the trade hardcover? The limited and lettered editions were numbered/lettered, so without the limitation page, I'm guessing a rebound book.

08-04-2014, 03:52 AM
Maybe it is a rebound copy of the trade hardcover? The limited and lettered editions were numbered/lettered, so without the limitation page, I'm guessing a rebound book.

That is what I think too. I've got a lettered and a trade edition. Neither are bound like that.

super sam
08-04-2014, 06:10 AM
Thanks for the info.
If someone wants to buy it,just send me a PM

Citizen of Lud
08-06-2014, 10:33 AM
I have seen two different versions That have the 625 Madison Avenue on the CP on Ebay. One with gold lettering on the spine of the book and one with red, is this a first and second state I have only seen these in pictures not first hand. Thanks

08-06-2014, 10:53 AM
Forgive me if this is the wrong thread to post this question. Still learning my way around.

But, the title of the thread seems about right so here goes: Does anyone know of an online resource (website) available to lookup how many copies were published of various editions of books? Also, is there a tool (might be the same one) that can provide a definitive list of how many total editions of a given book have been published, the year of each and by what publisher?

08-06-2014, 11:04 AM
Forgive me if this is the wrong thread to post this question. Still learning my way around.

But, the title of the thread seems about right so here goes: Does anyone know of an online resource (website) available to lookup how many copies were published of various editions of books? Also, is there a tool (might be the same one) that can provide a definitive list of how many total editions of a given book have been published, the year of each and by what publisher?

Try this website for most info (except the number of copies)


08-06-2014, 11:32 AM
That's a NEAT website!


08-06-2014, 11:40 AM
That's a NEAT website!


Yeah, no kidding! Thanks, Sharki. Amazing response time, and a very helpful tool.

Now, if only someone could somehow combine that site's wealth of detail around editions with a magical collection of all the various publishers' data around # of copies per printing, I'd have the utopian collector's panacea I've been dreaming of.

Citizen of Lud
08-06-2014, 11:51 AM
I should have posted this here instead of making a new thread sorry.

I have seen two different versions That have the 625 Madison Avenue on the CP on Ebay. One with gold lettering on the spine of the book and one with red, is this a first and second state or BCE and trade. I have only seen these in pictures not first hand. Thanks

08-06-2014, 01:38 PM
Mine is in gold

08-06-2014, 01:47 PM
Mine is also gold

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-06-2014, 02:10 PM
how many copies were published of various editions of books?

This is sensitive commercial business information and is not to be in the public domain. (Same for any business)

P.S. A good guide is the NYT Best sellers list.

Citizen of Lud
08-06-2014, 02:21 PM
I should have posted this here instead of making a new thread sorry.

I have seen two different versions That have the 625 Madison Avenue on the CP on Ebay. One with gold lettering on the spine of the book and one with red, is this a first and second state or BCE and trade. I have only seen these in pictures not first hand. Thanks

I believe the Red Lettering is the BCE one of the postings in Ebay either posted the wrong pics or is pulling some funny business please correct me if I am wrong

08-06-2014, 02:24 PM
I checked my 1st edition and the lettering on the spine is gold.

08-06-2014, 02:27 PM
I should have posted this here instead of making a new thread sorry.

I have seen two different versions That have the 625 Madison Avenue on the CP on Ebay. One with gold lettering on the spine of the book and one with red, is this a first and second state or BCE and trade. I have only seen these in pictures not first hand. Thanks

I believe the Red Lettering is the BCE one of the postings in Ebay either posted the wrong pics or is pulling some funny business please correct me if I am wrong

I checked my 1st edition and the lettering on the spine is gold.

Yeah, I think "Citizen" got it right, the "red" is a BCE. IMHO

08-07-2014, 02:18 AM
Regarding the Dead Zone and other early Viking titles:

I copied and saved the following regarding identifying the Dead Zone first edition vs. the Book Club edition back in September 2006. I WISH I had noted from where and whom I copied it. My sincerest apologies to whomever first penned this!

Viking moved in the early 80's. Not sure exactly when, but it was between the publishing of Different Seasons and Christine, so either 1982 or 1983. The earlier address was 625 Madison Avenue, they moved to 40 West 23rd Street (both in N.Y). This is of crucial importance because most of the books published around that date are fairly hard to identify as firsts.

So how do you identify, say, a first edition of The Dead Zone? We'll look at the book and the DJ separately. First, the book. First Published in 1979 by The Viking Press is useless, they all say it. Absence of a number line? Usefull in differentiating between a 1st printing and a later printing, but useless in differentiating between a BCE and a 1st printing, because neither has number lines. What about size, you say. Some King BCE's are virtually the exact same size as the 1st editions. (The Dead Zone is one of these, It is another, not sure about others but unless you know for SURE that they NEVER made a BCE that size (and how can you really be sure?), then size wont help either (not all the time anyway). What's left? Quarter bound in black cloth with black boards? They're all like that. So now what's left? According to all the FAQ's I've seen, nothing. So there is NO surefire way to identify The Dead Zone as a first edition.

So basically people are identifying the dust jacket, not the book itself. Well, that's fine, right? If you've got a first edition DJ then it must be a first edition book, why the hell would someone put a first edition DJ on a book club? Where'd the first edition book go? DJ's almost always show wear before the book itself, so if you've got a real nice 1st edition DJ it'd be silly to think it contained a BCE book, right? The other way might happen, a First edition book with a shredded or absent DJ might have a BCE DJ, but you'd avoid that anyway assuming the book was also BCE.

Here's the problem. Later printing DJ's are, in at least some cases, identical to first edition DJ's. Christine is one of em, I own a 1st edition and a 3rd edition and the DJ's are completely identical. Date code is the same, price is the same, ISBN is the same, they're completely identical. The Dead Zone is the same way, at least up to the 6th printing (IIRC). So if you can't tell the difference between a 1st printing DJ and a 5th printing DJ, and you can't tell the difference between a BCE book and first edition book, then couldn't your "verified" first edition be a BCE with a later printing DJ? It sure as hell could, and I've seen several copies of the The Dead Zone in just such a manner sell for 75 dollars and up on eBay (as much as a real first edition, in other words. It's not like seeing a BCE Carrie sell for 75 dollars).

So here's where the little tidbit about Viking moving comes in. All the book clubs I've seen that are the correct size were printed AFTER 1983. The Dead Zone was, of course, printed in 1979. Which means the addresses should be different, and they are. The BCE's have the 40 West 23rd Street address, the real Firsts have the 625 Madison Avenue address. The nice thing here is that Viking printed the address on the CP AND the DJ. The later printings were still at 625 Madison, so when you see a BCE with a later printing DJ, not only is the address on the CP wrong, but the address on the CP and the DJ don't match.

Now, this doesn't mean that there couldn't be some BCE's out there that are the correct size printed before 1983. In which case I don't know what to tell ya.


08-07-2014, 02:40 AM
Reading the above, it seems that my copy of The Dead Zone is 'off' - it has a DJ with the title in gold and the author name in red on the spine and the correct price of $11.95 and the 625 Madison Avenue address on the inner back flap. All pointing to a 1st printing. The copyright page states 40 West 23d Street, however. According to the above the book should then be a BCE. But it seems to be the correct size for a trade edition, which should be impossible (unless BCE and trade differ no more than a few millimeters in size, I did not look that closely).

Does anyone have a copy of the true 1st printing for me? :smile: My other early Vikings seem to be good.

08-07-2014, 03:47 AM
Guys I have a question out there for you all... I have on hold through Bett's all matching numbers in the Whalen signed DT prints. They match my numbered DT set as well... I am wondering if you all would get them (think they are a couple hundred each)... or not bother. I am really into real art and I run a print company and know the cost on these would be a few bucks each... so I basically paying all that money for a number and a signature. Looking for some input from all of you. As some know I recently bought a house that has sucked all my monies away for the time being...:(

08-07-2014, 04:04 AM
Reading the above, it seems that my copy of The Dead Zone is 'off' - it has a DJ with the title in gold and the author name in red on the spine and the correct price of $11.95 and the 625 Madison Avenue address on the inner back flap. All pointing to a 1st printing. The copyright page states 40 West 23d Street, however. According to the above the book should then be a BCE. But it seems to be the correct size for a trade edition, which should be impossible (unless BCE and trade differ no more than a few millimeters in size, I did not look that closely).

Does anyone have a copy of the true 1st printing for me? :smile: My other early Vikings seem to be good.

Michaël, My first edition copies all state 625 Madison Ave. on the copyright page as well as on the rear dj flap.

08-07-2014, 04:42 AM
Regarding the Dead Zone and other early Viking titles:

So how do you identify, say, a first edition of The Dead Zone? We'll look at the book and the DJ separately. First, the book. First Published in 1979 by The Viking Press is useless, they all say it. Absence of a number line? Usefull in differentiating between a 1st printing and a later printing, but useless in differentiating between a BCE and a 1st printing, because neither has number lines. What about size, you say. Some King BCE's are virtually the exact same size as the 1st editions. (The Dead Zone is one of these, It is another, not sure about others but unless you know for SURE that they NEVER made a BCE that size (and how can you really be sure?), then size wont help either (not all the time anyway). What's left? Quarter bound in black cloth with black boards? They're all like that. So now what's left? According to all the FAQ's I've seen, nothing. So there is NO surefire way to identify The Dead Zone as a first edition.

Here's the problem. Later printing DJ's are, in at least some cases, identical to first edition DJ's. Christine is one of em, I own a 1st edition and a 3rd edition and the DJ's are completely identical. Date code is the same, price is the same, ISBN is the same, they're completely identical. The Dead Zone is the same way, at least up to the 6th printing (IIRC). So if you can't tell the difference between a 1st printing DJ and a 5th printing DJ, and you can't tell the difference between a BCE book and first edition book, then couldn't your "verified" first edition be a BCE with a later printing DJ? It sure as hell could, and I've seen several copies of the The Dead Zone in just such a manner sell for 75 dollars and up on eBay (as much as a real first edition, in other words. It's not like seeing a BCE Carrie sell for 75 dollars).

So here's where the little tidbit about Viking moving comes in. All the book clubs I've seen that are the correct size were printed AFTER 1983. The Dead Zone was, of course, printed in 1979. Which means the addresses should be different, and they are. The BCE's have the 40 West 23rd Street address, the real Firsts have the 625 Madison Avenue address. The nice thing here is that Viking printed the address on the CP AND the DJ. The later printings were still at 625 Madison, so when you see a BCE with a later printing DJ, not only is the address on the CP wrong, but the address on the CP and the DJ don't match.

Now, this doesn't mean that there couldn't be some BCE's out there that are the correct size printed before 1983. In which case I don't know what to tell ya.


My BCE DZ is smaller than my 1st DZ. It's the same size as my Shining BCE.


Also, the boards are grey on my BCE while they're black on my 1st.

1st and BCE DZ:
http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s323/skyofcrack/stephen_king/SK_Dead_Zone_1st_zpsc08f507c.jpg~original http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s323/skyofcrack/stephen_king/SK_Dead_Zone_BCE_zps70b8ef5f.jpg~original

There's also more space between SK's name and the top of the book and the tag line and the bottom of the book on the 1st. It's more cramped on the BCE.

I'll get some better pics up later as I have to get them from storage.

08-07-2014, 05:21 AM
heres some additional pictures of the first that matches all the relevant points:

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/17C2647D-23F9-4771-A066-4A833B7D51F6_zps8e0aepfp.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/17C2647D-23F9-4771-A066-4A833B7D51F6_zps8e0aepfp.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/3967f9b6-5f7c-4790-ad7f-6e0b6948bf68_zps40520a2a.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/3967f9b6-5f7c-4790-ad7f-6e0b6948bf68_zps40520a2a.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/E356C997-D19E-4C08-8A66-9004291E23F1_zps2waowklx.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/E356C997-D19E-4C08-8A66-9004291E23F1_zps2waowklx.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/07C71175-5399-4F67-BB12-0393B284D2F7_zpspsrj98bu.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/07C71175-5399-4F67-BB12-0393B284D2F7_zpspsrj98bu.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/3ECA2C8A-BE6A-4109-B155-099AEE12DBEB_zpsoijbxv36.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/3ECA2C8A-BE6A-4109-B155-099AEE12DBEB_zpsoijbxv36.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/133EDF71-2962-45AC-B105-C299041FE1DA_zpshcg245t6.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/133EDF71-2962-45AC-B105-C299041FE1DA_zpshcg245t6.jpg.html)

http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/stroppygoblin/64906DDB-265F-4E2E-B371-DBE3730E4923_zpsxfgkfx85.jpg (http://s938.photobucket.com/user/stroppygoblin/media/64906DDB-265F-4E2E-B371-DBE3730E4923_zpsxfgkfx85.jpg.html)

08-07-2014, 07:55 AM
Guys I have a question out there for you all... I have on hold through Bett's all matching numbers in the Whalen signed DT prints. They match my numbered DT set as well... I am wondering if you all would get them (think they are a couple hundred each)... or not bother. I am really into real art and I run a print company and know the cost on these would be a few bucks each... so I basically paying all that money for a number and a signature. Looking for some input from all of you. As some know I recently bought a house that has sucked all my monies away for the time being...:(

Although they are nice looking they are still just prints signed by whelan and honestly I do t think they will hold that value - unless you sell them with your s/l set... Then maybe...

08-07-2014, 09:42 AM
Guys I have a question out there for you all... I have on hold through Bett's all matching numbers in the Whalen signed DT prints. They match my numbered DT set as well... I am wondering if you all would get them (think they are a couple hundred each)... or not bother. I am really into real art and I run a print company and know the cost on these would be a few bucks each... so I basically paying all that money for a number and a signature. Looking for some input from all of you. As some know I recently bought a house that has sucked all my monies away for the time being...:(

Although they are nice looking they are still just prints signed by whelan and honestly I do t think they will hold that value - unless you sell them with your s/l set... Then maybe...

I would get them. They will hold their value, and you will never get another chance to match your numbers! Maybe Dave will let you do layaway and pay for them in installments. You've been a good customer in the past.

08-07-2014, 10:28 AM
Thanks for the good advice guys... on hold:)

08-08-2014, 07:07 AM
How can you tell if a copy of The Eyes of the Dragon is a first edition, first printing? And what is a good price?

For example is this a first edition first printing?


08-08-2014, 07:16 AM
It appears to be a first printing, third "state" or printer. Check out:

http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Stephen+King+First+Editions:Eye s+of+the+Dragon+The+-+Trade+HC


08-08-2014, 07:22 AM
Who made those SWEET Gunslinger metal cases? I seen them on here (think RF had it) and I grabbed the one Bett's had as I have never seen them for sale... what is the story on them? Limited edition? Thanks guys for the info!

08-08-2014, 07:25 AM
Who made those SWEET Gunslinger metal cases? I seen them on here (think RF had it) and I grabbed the one Bett's had as I have never seen them for sale... what is the story on them? Limited edition? Thanks guys for the info!


08-08-2014, 07:29 AM
So in this case does third state mean third printing or are the three states alll first printings that just happened at different printers?

08-08-2014, 07:31 AM
So in this case does third state mean third printing or are the three states alll first printings that just happened at different printers?

My understanding is the latter - printed simultaneously. Though not sure how that could be proved. You would need to find people who bought on day of release and compare dates of purchase with printer.

08-08-2014, 07:32 AM
WOW... there are only 6 of these in the world and no more to be made? Or am I smoking something? haha

08-08-2014, 08:26 AM
So in this case does third state mean third printing or are the three states alll first printings that just happened at different printers?

My understanding is the latter - printed simultaneously. Though not sure how that could be proved. You would need to find people who bought on day of release and compare dates of purchase with printer.

I agree. I think they were all released the same day.


Randall Flagg
08-08-2014, 08:46 AM
WOW... there are only 6 of these in the world and no more to be made? Or am I smoking something? haha
More could be made. They are just expensive.

08-08-2014, 08:58 AM
WOW... there are only 6 of these in the world and no more to be made? Or am I smoking something? haha
More could be made. They are just expensive.

I grabbed the one at Bett's after I seen yours. It is really nice... a must have for that book. I hope no more get made.. kind of neat only a few out there...

08-08-2014, 09:02 AM
WOW... there are only 6 of these in the world and no more to be made? Or am I smoking something? haha
More could be made. They are just expensive.

I grabbed the one at Bett's after I seen yours. It is really nice... a must have for that book. I hope no more get made.. kind of neat only a few out there...

I believe a member here was involved in the design. It's a third party case, a different type of dolso if you will, not an official SK thing. Cool nonetheless though.

Randall Flagg
08-08-2014, 09:04 AM
Cook created the cases. He was the genius behind it all. Garrell did the artwork.
Most slipcases are not an "official SK thing".

08-08-2014, 09:07 AM
Cook created the cases. He was the genius behind it all. Garrell did the artwork.
Most slipcases are not an "official SK thing".

I do not think Dolso is official is he? Either way... gunmetal look for the Gunslinger 1st?? I am in... $270 seemed like a steal so I grabbed it. I have never seen one of the others for sale and love them. I am going to find a mint 1st to put in her:) I want my S/L to stay in the slipcase it came. Hey Rf how heavy does it feel in your hand? Must have a nice smooth metalic feel eh?

08-08-2014, 09:14 AM
Hey Rf how heavy does it feel in your hand? Must have a nice smooth metalic feel eh?

Thats what she said.

08-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Hey Rf how heavy does it feel in your hand? Must have a nice smooth metalic feel eh?

Thats what she said.


08-08-2014, 09:16 AM

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-08-2014, 10:13 AM
Most slipcases are not an "official SK thing".

I do not think Dolso is official is he?

There are always exceptions...


08-08-2014, 10:19 AM
Most slipcases are not an "official SK thing".

I do not think Dolso is official is he?

There are always exceptions...


Very cool! That was commissioned by CD was it?

Robert Fulman
08-08-2014, 11:30 AM
I've got this one. The catalog(ue) is your friend: http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showwiki.php?title=Centurys+Best+Horror+Fiction+Th e+-+Artist+Edition

Randall Flagg
08-08-2014, 03:01 PM
. Hey Rf how heavy does it feel in your hand? Must have a nice smooth metalic feel eh?

It feels like 3lbs 10 ounces. That's what it weighs. Although machined aluminum, it feels like gunmetal. That was part of the genius of the case. $270 is a good price. Issue price was $249 + shipping. I later sold one for $319.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-08-2014, 10:12 PM
Very cool! That was commissioned by CD was it?

Yes. As Robert Fulman says, the info is in the catalog.

08-11-2014, 07:07 AM
Any idea what is the value of The Shining 1st DJ in Fine condition ? Thanks

08-11-2014, 08:08 AM
Any idea what is the value of The Shining 1st DJ in Fine condition ? Thanks

Uh oh...do you have one to sell?? :smile:

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-11-2014, 09:32 AM
Any idea what is the value of The Shining 1st DJ in Fine condition ? Thanks


08-11-2014, 06:22 PM
Any idea what is the value of The Shining 1st DJ in Fine condition ? Thanks


Doesn't the book and DJ go for that amount these days? Just curious. Then again, I suppose if you are willing to seperate the two in some way it would go up in value. Never mind, Mr. R.T.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-11-2014, 09:37 PM
Any idea what is the value of The Shining 1st DJ in Fine condition ? Thanks


Doesn't the book and DJ go for that amount these days?

You are right. I missread it.

08-13-2014, 03:10 PM
I know it's not one of the 3 first edition states, but Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something here. Is this one of the later editions Dj ?

http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/sharki69/A08CA803-214F-4F59-95D2-EBA9DBF040A8.jpg (http://s367.photobucket.com/user/sharki69/media/A08CA803-214F-4F59-95D2-EBA9DBF040A8.jpg.html)

08-13-2014, 03:52 PM
It's got to be an early printing because of the price.


08-14-2014, 12:21 AM
That cover just doesnt make sense. It's either a hoax or there is a later printing at a higher price that I haven't seen before.

A book with a price of $8.95 should have the "Father Cody" error and the last line should have 'Salem's Lot' capitalised. (and it would be worth a fortune).
The text matches that of a 3rd state, but price should be $7.95

Has anyone ever seen a later printing priced at $8.95 ?

08-14-2014, 03:36 AM
That cover just doesnt make sense. It's either a hoax or there is a later printing at a higher price that I haven't seen before.

A book with a price of $8.95 should have the "Father Cody" error and the last line should have 'Salem's Lot' capitalised. (and it would be worth a fortune).
The text matches that of a 3rd state, but price should be $7.95

Has anyone ever seen a later printing priced at $8.95 ?

Total scam... there is like only a handful of these in existence... hey does anyone know if Bob has one? Or anyone on this site?

08-14-2014, 04:08 AM
I know of someone who does...

08-14-2014, 04:09 AM
That cover just doesnt make sense. It's either a hoax or there is a later printing at a higher price that I haven't seen before.

A book with a price of $8.95 should have the "Father Cody" error and the last line should have 'Salem's Lot' capitalised. (and it would be worth a fortune).
The text matches that of a 3rd state, but price should be $7.95

Has anyone ever seen a later printing priced at $8.95 ?

Total scam... there is like only a handful of these in existence... hey does anyone know if Bob has one? Or anyone on this site?

The dust jacket in question is a later printing. You can tell because the Father "Cody" error has been corrected to read Father Callahan. The price of $8.95 reflects a price increase from the $7.95 that the first edition sold for. I don't think this is a scam.....just a later printing.

The rare one are the ones with a price of $8.95 and the erroneous reference to Father "Cody" in the text on the inner dust jacket flap.

08-14-2014, 04:24 AM
Bob, that was my point, it's not trying to pass itself off as one of the original 'saved' books, but have you ever seen a later printing @$8.95? I thought all the later printings had prices much higher (my 17th printing is $25)

Robert Fulman
08-14-2014, 04:33 AM
I would just assume it's a jacket that was used a year or two later. At some point, they raised the price from $7.95 to $8.95 (and then to $14.95 and $24.95, or whatever the price would be now.)

08-14-2014, 04:37 AM
I would just assume it's a jacket that was used a year or two later. At some point, they raised the price from $7.95 to $8.95 (and then to $14.95 and $24.95, or whatever the price would be now.)

But has anyone ever actually seen one before?, a $1 price rise is pretty low, why go to the trouble of reprinting the cover for $1?

I suppose the question that hasn't been asked to the OP is 'where did this picture come from?'

08-14-2014, 04:37 AM
Bob, that was my point, it's not trying to pass itself off as one of the original 'saved' books, but have you ever seen a later printing @$8.95? I thought all the later printings had prices much higher (my 17th printing is $25)

I can't recall if I have actually seen one or not. But seeing this one doesn't surprise me or make me think it is not legit. I suspect they raised the price of the book in increments with subsequent printings so earlier printings would be priced lower than later printings.

Robert Fulman
08-14-2014, 04:58 AM
Who knows why we focus on the things we do? We've decided that the first three states of the dust jacket matter, and the later ones don't. We (really just people on this forum, I think) decided that the Holdorff art covers were worth pursuing and thus valuable. I would love to see a listing of all dust jacket variations, as well as a listing of all of the gutter codes used for particular books, and the relative scarcity of each. For all we know, this $8.95 Father Callahan dust jacket is the rarest of them all because it was never associated with a first printing book and now there are no pristine copies left.

08-14-2014, 05:33 AM
Who knows why we focus on the things we do? We've decided that the first three states of the dust jacket matter, and the later ones don't. We (really just people on this forum, I think) decided that the Holdorff art covers were worth pursuing and thus valuable. I would love to see a listing of all dust jacket variations, as well as a listing of all of the gutter codes used for particular books, and the relative scarcity of each. For all we know, this $8.95 Father Callahan dust jacket is the rarest of them all because it was never associated with a first printing book and now there are no pristine copies left.

The first 3 matter because they were the only covers that enclosed a book that stated "First Edition". So all are valid "States" of a first edition cover. I think we all (as collectors) agree that first editions are the most important and most collectible.

08-14-2014, 05:33 AM
Good morning guys. Interesting discussion here and Thank you all for your input. I love this forum!

Bob - your endless knowledge is precious
Goblin - I found it yesterday at my local used book store. Of course the book is not first edition...

Should I go back and grab it for $20?

08-14-2014, 05:45 AM
Good morning guys. Interesting discussion here and Thank you all for your input. I love this forum!

Bob - your endless knowledge is precious
Goblin - I found it yesterday at my local used book store. Of course the book is not first edition...

Should I go back and grab it for $20?

does it have a print line? I would expect it to be about a 3rd or 4th printing at that price.

08-14-2014, 05:48 AM
Should I go back and grab it for $20?

I would.

08-14-2014, 06:19 AM
Good morning guys. Interesting discussion here and Thank you all for your input. I love this forum!

Bob - your endless knowledge is precious
Goblin - I found it yesterday at my local used book store. Of course the book is not first edition...

Should I go back and grab it for $20?

does it have a print line? I would expect it to be about a 3rd or 4th printing at that price.

I doubt that it will have a print line. Not sure when those started. I've got a copy I bought new in about 1983 or so that has a price of $15.95 and no numberline.

And I think that I would buy it for $20.

08-14-2014, 06:26 AM
That cover just doesnt make sense. It's either a hoax or there is a later printing at a higher price that I haven't seen before.

A book with a price of $8.95 should have the "Father Cody" error and the last line should have 'Salem's Lot' capitalised. (and it would be worth a fortune).
The text matches that of a 3rd state, but price should be $7.95

Has anyone ever seen a later printing priced at $8.95 ?

Total scam... there is like only a handful of these in existence... hey does anyone know if Bob has one? Or anyone on this site?

Sounds like there are at least two collection threads that you should re-visit.... ;)

08-14-2014, 06:29 AM
No number line.
Less $20 in my pocket :)

08-14-2014, 06:30 AM
Re: the DJ, I agree with Bob. I'm actually pretty sure I've seen one priced at $8.95 before.

This reminds me: does anyone remember that company that produced those facsimile dust jackets? They reproduced the 1st state 'Salem's Lot DJ among others. Indistinguishable at first sight (although I'm sure they're easily spotted as fakes if you compare them side-by-side to an actual 'Salem's Lot DJ) - at least they did have the decency to print a small disclaimer somewhere on the DJ.

The Library Policeman
08-14-2014, 06:36 AM
Re: the DJ, I agree with Bob. I'm actually pretty sure I've seen one priced at $8.95 before.

This reminds me: does anyone remember that company that produced those facsimile dust jackets? They reproduced the 1st state 'Salem's Lot DJ among others. Indistinguishable at first sight (although I'm sure they're easily spotted as fakes if you compare them side-by-side to an actual 'Salem's Lot DJ) - at least they did have the decency to print a small disclaimer somewhere on the DJ.


08-14-2014, 06:37 AM

08-14-2014, 06:50 AM
Thats interesting. Not sure how I feel about those. On the one hand, they are what they are ie. copies. but for those very hard to come by 'perfect' dust jackets for the early doubleday books, would I consider wrapping them in one of these for a nice look on the shelf?
hmmm... probably not, but it's a thought.

08-14-2014, 09:34 AM
Thats interesting. Not sure how I feel about those. On the one hand, they are what they are ie. copies. but for those very hard to come by 'perfect' dust jackets for the early doubleday books, would I consider wrapping them in one of these for a nice look on the shelf?
hmmm... probably not, but it's a thought.

I bought this one (http://www.facsimiledustjackets.com/cgi-bin/fdj455/31909.html) a while back just for fun. I wouldn't put it on a book, it was more out of curiosity.

08-14-2014, 09:38 AM
Thats interesting. Not sure how I feel about those. On the one hand, they are what they are ie. copies. but for those very hard to come by 'perfect' dust jackets for the early doubleday books, would I consider wrapping them in one of these for a nice look on the shelf?
hmmm... probably not, but it's a thought.

I wouldnt... but I still have yet to buy the Double Day 1st's... I know most start their collecting with this goal... but I did not. Why? There is one simple reason. I find the S/L's and Lettereds fascinating in their presentation and quality. I like looking at them and they look great in my little library! I have about 70% of all S/L's and GE's and a few lettereds... and my last goal will be 1st's. I love being backwards though..

08-15-2014, 08:30 PM
I have been sent a description of some magazines to buy as follows:

Phantasmagoria : The Final Chapter boundin leather and signed and in paperback format
phantasmagoria issue #11, #9, #7, #6, # 5, #4. #1-3 reprints.

I don't really know anything about these. Can anyone shed some light on them for me please, and possibly let me know what they may be worth?


08-16-2014, 02:50 AM
They are newsletters published irregularly and in varying formats by George Beahm. I think he started doing them to fill the void when the Castle Rock newsletter folded. They were well done, professional and reasonably informative. But never, IMO, as good as Castle Rock because they lacked King's input and frequent contributions.

I'll let someone else try to estimate value. Personally I would value them a bit less than issues of Castle Rock.

08-17-2014, 05:09 PM
After looking at my BCE of Dead Zone, there are several differences.

1. The BCE is the same size as the 1st/BCE's of the early Doubleday books (Carrie->The Stand). BCE is 8.5 in. tall while the 1st is 9.5 in. tall.


2. The copyright page is different. BCE has no LOC info and the song lyrics info is from different pages since the books are of different length (372, BCE vs. 428 (1st). Says 'first published' in 1st and just 'published' in BCE.



3. Books have different boards. Variations with the BCE.

Light Blue boards with SK stamp BCE and Black Cloth boards for 1st:

Grey Boards with no SK stamp BCE:

Grey Boards Spine BCE:

Black Cloth spine 1st:

4. Back Cover 1st has ISBN at bottom and The Viking Press Publishers New York under the quote while the BCE only has quote.



5. Inner flap is black on 1st with price and white with no price on BCE. Back flap has Viking address with logo while BCE doesn't.





6. The BCE gutter code is J 49 which indicates printing in December 1979 while the 1st came out in August 1979.


7. The gutter code for The Shining BCE is S19 which indicates printing in May 1977. In both cases, the BCE comes out 5 months after the 1st.

Shining gutter code BCE:

8. Maybe when Viking moved offices in 1983, they started producing BCE's the same size as the 1st's. The gutter codes would tell the story there. In 1979, they were small.

08-17-2014, 05:15 PM
Very, very interesting!


08-18-2014, 03:31 AM
I have a quick question for anyone who has a copy of the Centipede Press book Knowing Darkness: Artists inspired by Stephen King...

Does anyone know if the book can be remarqued by one of the artists involved? I am looking at getting my hands on a copy of this book and would definitely like to get it remarqued if I can, but I have received conflicting information in the past (not from this forum) on whether this is possible. :scared:

At first, I was told that the pages were suitable for a remarque to be drawn on, but then another person suggested that the pages are made from special photographic paper which is unsuitable for drawing on. Then finally, another person told me that the pages were okay to draw on, but there were no blank pages or suitable location for a remarque to be drawn in the book. I am so confused, I don't know which way is up LOL!!! :pullhair:

Therefore, can someone please provide a definitive answer on whether the book can be remarqued or not? :doh:

Any help received with this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

08-18-2014, 04:19 AM
If you get the sines version they could Remarque their signature boxes.

08-18-2014, 05:36 AM
Given the sheer size of the volume, I'd be very, very hesitant about sending it out through the Post Office and then having it sent back again. Too much chance of damage.


08-18-2014, 07:32 AM
I have a quick question for anyone who has a copy of the Centipede Press book Knowing Darkness: Artists inspired by Stephen King...

Does anyone know if the book can be remarqued by one of the artists involved? I am looking at getting my hands on a copy of this book and would definitely like to get it remarqued if I can, but I have received conflicting information in the past (not from this forum) on whether this is possible. :scared:

At first, I was told that the pages were suitable for a remarque to be drawn on, but then another person suggested that the pages are made from special photographic paper which is unsuitable for drawing on. Then finally, another person told me that the pages were okay to draw on, but there were no blank pages or suitable location for a remarque to be drawn in the book. I am so confused, I don't know which way is up LOL!!! :pullhair:

Therefore, can someone please provide a definitive answer on whether the book can be remarqued or not? :doh:

Any help received with this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

I had my copy signed ( at least ) by Don Maitz last March at our pre-signing gathering in Sarasota.
Since I was driving to Sarasota & hosting the gathering it was within reason to bring it along.
It is not something I'd want to mail or carry on a flight.
Don did some remarques or sketches on some things.
I would have to pull from display case & look to see if also had KD remarqued. EDIT: Knowing Darkness Signed without a remarque

08-18-2014, 12:18 PM
I agree with many here - the sheer weight would worry me. I would be more inclined to send the signature sheets for smaller remarques. I did this with my signature sheet for my IT art portfolio. Shipping in a tube is so much easier.

08-18-2014, 06:43 PM
I have a quick question for anyone who has a copy of the Centipede Press book Knowing Darkness: Artists inspired by Stephen King...

Does anyone know if the book can be remarqued by one of the artists involved? I am looking at getting my hands on a copy of this book and would definitely like to get it remarqued if I can, but I have received conflicting information in the past (not from this forum) on whether this is possible. :scared:

At first, I was told that the pages were suitable for a remarque to be drawn on, but then another person suggested that the pages are made from special photographic paper which is unsuitable for drawing on. Then finally, another person told me that the pages were okay to draw on, but there were no blank pages or suitable location for a remarque to be drawn in the book. I am so confused, I don't know which way is up LOL!!! :pullhair:

Therefore, can someone please provide a definitive answer on whether the book can be remarqued or not? :doh:

Any help received with this would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

Since it is a book of Remarques, so to speak, and the pages very glossy I would suggest obtaining "Remarques" from the artists on card stock and including them with the book. BTW I have a copy I bought recently for $150 and added the plastic case for it. I really have no where to display it and would happily sell it to you for my cost, which is like $175-200, but you pay the s/h to the U.K. and boy, is this book one heavy Mofo!!! Let me know what you think. You could even pay in installments since I will more than likely just donate the funds to the 2015 HF anyway.

08-19-2014, 07:55 AM
Having a HUGE argument with one of my employees. Yes, I could fire his ass and tell him "your fired.. there I win" HOWEVER... I thought I would ask my Ka-tet friends of DT.org their opinions. So, the argument you ask? The basic question is: "Over the test of time will Stephen King's The Dark Tower saga not compare, compare or be larger than the Lord of the Rings books" Three are many arguments on this like that AMAZING job Jackson did with the movies thus bringing them into pop culture or LOTR being around much large to meet a wider audience... or how King has woven a much more epic story out of so many of his books. Either way... what is your thoughts guys? I am King bias but thought I would see others thoughts here... thanks!

08-19-2014, 08:01 AM
Nope. Not even close.

08-19-2014, 08:15 AM
Having a HUGE argument with one of my employees. Yes, I could fire his ass and tell him "your fired.. there I win" HOWEVER... I thought I would ask my Ka-tet friends of DT.org their opinions. So, the argument you ask? The basic question is: "Over the test of time will Stephen King's The Dark Tower saga not compare, compare or be larger than the Lord of the Rings books" Three are many arguments on this like that AMAZING job Jackson did with the movies thus bringing them into pop culture or LOTR being around much large to meet a wider audience... or how King has woven a much more epic story out of so many of his books. Either way... what is your thoughts guys? I am King bias but thought I would see others thoughts here... thanks!

This would have been a much more interesting question before Jackson's films, but as you note, the films have solidified Tolkein's place for the foreseeable future. Sorry dude.

08-19-2014, 08:20 AM
Sorry Kris. The pop culture argument wins it. Those who don't read King know nothing about The Dark Tower. Meanwhile everyone knows at least something about LOTR. You mentioned the way the DT world is woven throughout so many books. But for the casual King reader who might read a book here or there, the references would never be noticed.

So, not only should you not fire him, but he should get a raise!

08-19-2014, 08:33 AM
Yeah, The Dark Tower (as good as it is) is niche. The Lord of the Rings is practically universal.

I believe this would be true even without the Jackson films.

08-19-2014, 08:37 AM
Sorry Kris. The pop culture argument wins it. Those who don't read King know nothing about The Dark Tower. Meanwhile everyone knows at least something about LOTR. You mentioned the way the DT world is woven throughout so many books. But for the casual King reader who might read a book here or there, the references would never be noticed.

So, not only should you not fire him, but he should get a raise!

Oooo - I like the raise idea!

08-19-2014, 08:41 AM
I would even argue that LOTR is much more important and widely known prior to the movies. Heck I know that a lot of schools have the Hobbit as required reading in middle/high school. The DT may be good but LOTR is the pinnacle and probably will never be surpassed both on its quality and just it's importance and contribution to literature in general.

Bev Vincent
08-19-2014, 08:58 AM
Jackson didn't bring them into pop culture. LotR has had generations to become a cultural phenomenon. There were Frodo Lives t-shirts decades ago. Leonard Nimoy sang a trippy song about Bilbo in 1967! There was an enormous built-in fan base for these movies.

Half of King's fan base hasn't read the Dark Tower (by his estimation).

08-19-2014, 09:02 AM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

08-19-2014, 09:23 AM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

Yep, you are dealing with a fan base that has transcended generations. It's not even a fair fight.

08-19-2014, 09:26 AM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

Yep, you are dealing with a fan base that has transcended generations. It's not even a fair fight.

true eh? No raise but I got him a coffee. Haha he is happy.

08-19-2014, 09:45 AM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

Yep, you are dealing with a fan base that has transcended generations. It's not even a fair fight.

true eh? No raise but I got him a coffee. Haha he is happy.

I think the discussion on this is over but just incase…

“Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear.
How years ago in days of old, when magic filled the air.
T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her, her, her....yeah.”

– Led Zepplin, Ramble On: 1969

08-19-2014, 10:41 AM
I agree with the mob above Kris. But you should still fire him...

08-19-2014, 10:51 AM
I agree with the mob above Kris. But you should still fire him...


08-19-2014, 12:35 PM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

Give it 50 or 100 years and some amazing movies I'd say it could compare. Couldn't ever see it being larger.

The problem would be making movies that really did it justice. LOTR is really only about a thousand pages once you get rid of all the maps and songs at the end and shit. And that was what, over 9 hours worth of movies even in their theatrical release form?

What's DT at not counting TWTTK and LSOE? 3000? Best hope is a Game of Thrones type situation, but as good as Game of Thrones is I don't think it could ever compete with LOTR just from a budget/production value standpoint.

08-19-2014, 02:55 PM
Wow... maybe my heart was in it to much. Ok... what if DT gets made... and made as well or better than Jacksons films... sprinkle a little time in the mix... still the same outcome?

You're heart was definitely in it too much.

The Lord of the Rings wins without a fight for multiple reasons. With or without the movies.

I don't see that changing.

Randall Flagg
08-19-2014, 03:01 PM
Fire yourself. The guy will get your job.
Next time, don't put so much on the line.

I hope you get I am joking without me adding smileys.

08-19-2014, 05:10 PM
Fire yourself. The guy will get your job.
Next time, don't put so much on the line.

I hope you get I am joking without me adding smileys.


08-19-2014, 06:17 PM
Fun fact: LOTR is second only to the Bible in worldwide book sales.

08-20-2014, 03:47 AM
Fun fact: LOTR is second only to the Bible in worldwide book sales.

That is an amazing fact... that 100% true Bill? wow...

08-20-2014, 05:11 AM
I've also read that.


08-20-2014, 05:47 AM
Fun fact: LOTR is second only to the Bible in worldwide book sales.

That is an amazing fact... that 100% true Bill? wow...

It was at the time I read it, It may have changed since, but as far as I know it is 100% true.

08-20-2014, 06:44 AM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


Then I found this which suggests Don Quixote is the highest selling


08-20-2014, 09:49 AM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


Then I found this which suggests Don Quixote is the highest selling


It may have been at one particular time, but still, it's up there and TDT is no where to be seen. Not that I don't love TDT, just saying is all.

08-20-2014, 11:44 AM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


LOTR was published a hundred years later and still ranks second on the list.

08-20-2014, 11:47 AM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


LOTR was published a hundred years later and still ranks second on the list.

And "The Hobbit" is right there too!!!

08-20-2014, 12:30 PM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


LOTR was published a hundred years later and still ranks second on the list.

True but what's your point? There was a lot less people and a lot less publishers back then as well which makes it an even greater accomplishment that A Tale of Two Cities is number 1 or 2 depending on which list you look at, but then again it has had more time to circulate and get published in various editions however, when I got to the bookstore there is an entire section devoted to the different editions of LotR and The Hobbit but not that many copies of A Tale of Two Cities so I guess it is all relative, Anyway LotR is a cultural phenomenon that we may never see the likes of again, Incidentally does anyone know what Stephen King's highest selling book is?

08-20-2014, 12:36 PM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


LOTR was published a hundred years later and still ranks second on the list.

True but what's your point? There was a lot less people and a lot less publishers back then as well which makes it an even greater accomplishment that A Tale of Two Cities is number 1 or 2 depending on which list you look at, but then again it has had more time to circulate and get published in various editions however, when I got to the bookstore there is an entire section devoted to the different editions of LotR and The Hobbit but not that many copies of A Tale of Two Cities so I guess it is all relative, Anyway LotR is a cultural phenomenon that we may never see the likes of again, Incidentally does anyone know what Stephen King's highest selling book is?

Wow!! I never would have thought, but apparently as far as a single book goes, King is not even in the running...


Who would have thought? TDT comes in at $30 million for a series.

08-20-2014, 12:44 PM
He is on a list of the highest-selling authors, just behind Dean Koontz actually but I suppose no one book of his has really out sold any of the others, (4 billion Agatha Christie novels in the world and I haven't read one of them yet, jeez)


08-20-2014, 01:03 PM
He is on a list of the highest-selling authors, just behind Dean Koontz actually but I suppose no one book of his has really out sold any of the others, (4 billion Agatha Christie novels in the world and I haven't read one of them yet, jeez)


That's a pretty interesting list. Just looking at some of the more contemporary authors on an average per book basis, the order changes a little:

J. K. Rowling 40.9 million
Dan Brown 33.3 million
Stephenie Meyer 19.3 million
Dr. Seuss 11.4 million
John Grisham 11.4 million
J. R. R. Tolkien 6.9 million
Danielle Steel 6.7 million
Stephen King 5.0 million
Dean Koontz 4.4 million
Anne Rice 3.7 million
James Patterson 2.8 million

Robert Fulman
08-20-2014, 01:19 PM
He is on a list of the highest-selling authors, just behind Dean Koontz actually but I suppose no one book of his has really out sold any of the others, (4 billion Agatha Christie novels in the world and I haven't read one of them yet, jeez)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_fiction_authorsThe Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a fantastic book; definitely the best murder mystery I've ever read.

08-20-2014, 02:00 PM
He is on a list of the highest-selling authors, just behind Dean Koontz actually but I suppose no one book of his has really out sold any of the others, (4 billion Agatha Christie novels in the world and I haven't read one of them yet, jeez)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_fiction_authorsThe Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a fantastic book; definitely the best murder mystery I've ever read.

Thank you for the tip, I will definitely try to read it soon!

08-20-2014, 02:24 PM
Wikipedia suggests the highest selling novel is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens but it is Wikipedia


LOTR was published a hundred years later and still ranks second on the list.

True but what's your point? There was a lot less people and a lot less publishers back then as well which makes it an even greater accomplishment that A Tale of Two Cities is number 1 or 2 depending on which list you look at, but then again it has had more time to circulate and get published in various editions however, when I got to the bookstore there is an entire section devoted to the different editions of LotR and The Hobbit but not that many copies of A Tale of Two Cities so I guess it is all relative, Anyway LotR is a cultural phenomenon that we may never see the likes of again, Incidentally does anyone know what Stephen King's highest selling book is?

My point is that TOTC has had an additional 100 years of sales. (Don Quixote has had even more time.) There were actually a lot more publishers back then and no television. While there were fewer people those generations must be added to those alive today and so the total number of possible book purchasers is far greater.

08-20-2014, 02:54 PM
This is about highest sales not necessarily Better sales, if LotR was published the same year as AToTC, it would probably have out performed it by now but it wasn't, as is AToTC is a higher selling novel than LotR, Perhaps LotR is a Better selling novel but that is a different story

08-20-2014, 02:57 PM
Incidentally does anyone know what Stephen King's highest selling book is?

08-20-2014, 02:57 PM
Yes, but if you want the complete set of LotR books you need to buy three volumes of books versus one Dickens.

08-20-2014, 03:07 PM
Incidentally does anyone know what Stephen King's highest selling book is?

The '78 or '90 version or do they count as the same in terms of sales?

08-20-2014, 03:08 PM
Yes, but if you want the complete set of LotR books you need to buy three volumes of books versus one Dickens.

that is a good point as well, the list does not specify

Randall Flagg
08-20-2014, 03:11 PM
Back on topic about Stephen King Collecting Questions.
There are other sections of the forum where each and every King book is discussed, other authors are discussed, and these type of issues can be debated.
Take at look at Cara Laughs, (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/forumdisplay.php?14-Cara-Laughs)Dutch Hill (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/forumdisplay.php?55-Dutch-Hill), Gilead (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/forumdisplay.php?19-Gilead), and The Baronies (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/forumdisplay.php?20-The-Baronies).

Citizen of Lud
08-22-2014, 01:00 PM
Are the Desperation Gift Editions numbered?

The Library Policeman
08-22-2014, 01:29 PM
Are the Desperation Gift Editions numbered?


Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-22-2014, 01:30 PM
Are the Desperation Gift Editions numbered?


Citizen of Lud
08-22-2014, 01:37 PM