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08-11-2008, 09:09 AM
Do you know if a publisher is trying to publish a limited edition of Shining?

I think one would be possible with the (complete) Before the Play & illustrations by Berni Wrightson that were published in the TV mag (containing the abridged version of the story)

of course, the top would be After the play, but as it is lost...
Would you like something like this?
Is there any plans???

08-11-2008, 09:12 AM
Do you know if a publisher is trying to publish a limited edition of Shining?

I think one would be possible with the (complete) Before the Play & illustrations by Berni Wrightson that were published in the TV mag (containing the abridged version of the story)

of course, the top would be After the play, but as it is lost...
Would you like something like this?
Is there any plans???

Jerad Walters of Centipede Press has tried to do one but has not gotten King to agree. The project appears dead at this point.

Randall Flagg
08-11-2008, 07:10 PM
This thead will be merged into the "question" thread.

08-14-2008, 07:53 AM
Hello Collectors :rock:

Our new chat modification allows for seperate rooms and I'm wondering if it would be useful to have a collectors one.

(this idea came about because it was suggested we could have rooms for the categories on the site).

At any rate, obviously you guys wouldn't be able to be there all the time but we could use it for general collecting chat in real time but we could also determine times when a MEGA collector could be in there to answer general question and advertise that to new members. Like once a month or something.


08-14-2008, 07:56 AM
I like the once a month idea. Kind of like a club meeting.

You could pick a set time, and something like the 1st Thursday of each month.

My vote for time is 7pm PST.

08-14-2008, 10:08 AM
Unfortunately, 7pm PST is 11pm EST, which is WAY past my bedtime. :P

I would like to see a separate chat set up, though. Maybe some type of compromise on the time between those on the west coast and those on the east.


08-14-2008, 10:44 AM
I would participate, and I agree with the once a month idea. I don't use chats regularly, but I would be tempted if it was once in a while.

maybe on the weekend might be a better idea, like Sunday, so we can have it early enough for the east coast people with getting the west coast people. But maybe not, John might go to sleep at 7:00 pm :wtf:

08-14-2008, 10:44 AM
i'm thinking a sunday late afternoon 8:00 pm eastern = 7:00 central = 6:00 pm mountain = 5:00 pacific sounds good to me.

of course for you UK members, that'd mean you'd have to stay up til 1 am-ish... :yawn:

08-14-2008, 10:54 AM
My normal bedtime is about 10-10:30. After the local news/weather. :thumbsup:


08-14-2008, 11:04 AM
Well, even though a time hasn't been agreed upon, I would say the room idea is definitely a yes. :)

08-14-2008, 11:31 AM
Yeah, I like the once a month chat "featuring" thing would be cool!

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-14-2008, 11:45 AM
My normal bedtime is about 10-10:30. After the local news/weather. :thumbsup:


I never go to bed on the same day as I get up. :(

08-14-2008, 12:02 PM
Would someone explain to me the difference between a proof copy and ARC (if there IS a difference)?

08-14-2008, 12:04 PM
A proof is a copy prior to publication for in house use only. An ARC is a copy sent out for review.

08-14-2008, 12:07 PM
I use the terms interchangeably, but I am incorrect in doing this. Normally, I think, a proof is produced by the publisher for in-house use. The ARC, or Advance Reading Copy, is what is sent out to reviewers, etc. for their use. I could be wrong in these distinctions, but, again, I use the terms interchangeably. Here's a link to a bookseller's site about this:

Uncorrected Proofs/Advance Copies: Introduction (http://lopezbooks.com/catalog/pr/pr-01.html)

(This link was posted somewhere earlier on this board.)


08-14-2008, 12:08 PM
Thankee, sai! :couple:

Randall Flagg
08-14-2008, 02:38 PM
Obviously there is no consensus on a time, so I don't see a need at this time for a Collector's chat room.

08-14-2008, 02:39 PM
Hmmmm...that's one "no" on doing it at all I guess.

The time thing was just for structure, you don't think people might have fun with it just any old time?

08-14-2008, 04:18 PM
Why does it have to be a "no"? I think we all liked the idea and were just figuring out a good time to have a "group" discussion.


Bev Vincent
08-14-2008, 04:37 PM
Yeah, that's about the size of it. You can throw the term "galley" into the mix, too. Galleys and proofs are much the same. There is something called "page proofs," which is the book printed on normal 8-1/2 x 11" paper with the trim size indicated on the sheets. (I have page proofs of 999). For some books, both proofs and ARCs go into distribution.

Proofs are typically sent to long lead time publications, like Publishers Weekly, who need to have the books in time to make recommendations to book buyers, whereas reviewers only need them in time to get reviews out around the time of publication.

ARCs are usually closer to the final product in terms of content and layout. Proofs often contain more errors as they are produced earlier in the process.

08-14-2008, 04:41 PM
John, Matt was just saying there was ONE VOTE against.

I like the Sunday idea.

How about we just make it Sunday evening starting at 6:00 PM PST?

08-14-2008, 05:55 PM
Heres a question I've been tossing around in my head for a little while - and I figure the answers will be divided. I guess I'm just looking for some re-assurance myself!

Say a collector wants to obtain a S/L of every Dark Tower book - including the Little Sisters of Eluria:

Which is more important, the S/L of Legends (the TRUE 1st appearance) OR the forthcoming S/L from Grant (the TRUE publisher of the Dark Tower series - and sorta the 1st appearance of the story on its own)?

Both isn't and answer!!:P

08-14-2008, 05:58 PM
Personally, I'd say the s/l of Legends would take precedence.


08-14-2008, 06:01 PM
Oh, okay.

The Sunday idea sounds good to me!


08-14-2008, 06:09 PM
Of course, if you want to get all the DT s/ls, then you need them both anyway...

I'm kind of the opposite as John...I'm sort of excited about the new LSOE limited, while I would only get a Legends if I could get the matching number with my other books...Part of it is the whole anthology idea too...for Legends, King's name wasn't even on the spine...But I'm just being contrary.

Randall Flagg
08-14-2008, 06:50 PM
I only gave my opinion, and thus it was and is only one no.
Members have IMO a stronger vote than I. It just seemed there was not even a consensus on a day/time.
This forum is here for all, I am only here to help on the back end.
Let's do it!:thumbsup:

Randall Flagg
08-14-2008, 06:55 PM
Heres a question I've been tossing around in my head for a little while - and I figure the answers will be divided. I guess I'm just looking for some re-assurance myself!

Say a collector wants to obtain a S/L of every Dark Tower book - including the Little Sisters of Eluria:

Which is more important, the S/L of Legends (the TRUE 1st appearance) OR the forthcoming S/L from Grant (the TRUE publisher of the Dark Tower series - and sorta the 1st appearance of the story on its own)?

Both isn't and answer!!:P
Sorry. To this collector, BOTH is the answer. :)

08-14-2008, 08:06 PM
Say a collector wants to obtain a S/L of every Dark Tower book - including The Little Sisters of Eluria:
Which is more important, the S/L of Legends (the TRUE 1st appearance) OR the forthcoming S/L from Grant (the TRUE publisher of the Dark Tower series - and sorta the 1st appearance of the story on its own)?

The answer to that question is TLSOE. It will be published by Grant Books who published the entire DT series. It is just a better fit.

Now if the question had been.....

If a magical elf offered you the choice between a free S/L of Legends or a free S/L of TLSOE, then the answer would be LEGENDS. With only 250 copies, I think we can all agree that it is a much rarer book than TLSOE will be.

08-14-2008, 08:08 PM
Say a collector wants to obtain a S/L of every Dark Tower book - including The Little Sisters of Eluria:
Which is more important, the S/L of Legends (the TRUE 1st appearance) OR the forthcoming S/L from Grant (the TRUE publisher of the Dark Tower series - and sorta the 1st appearance of the story on its own)?

The answer to that question is TLSOE. It will be published by Grant Books. who published the entire DT series. It is just a better fit.

Now if the question had been.....

If a magical elf offered you the choice between a free S/L of Legends or a free S/L of TLSOE, then the answer would be LEGENDS. With only 200 copies, I think we can all agree that it is going to be a much rarer book than TLSOE.


08-14-2008, 08:13 PM
And that brings up an interesting question. Will the Grant publication of TLSOE Negatively affect the value of the S/L Legends?


08-14-2008, 09:07 PM
And that brings up an interesting question. Will the Grant publication of TLSOE Negatively affect the value of the S/L Legends?


I doubt it...with only the 200 copies it will always be a top collectible...

But, to be wishy washy...when a would-be collector sees the same story with "Stephen King" on the spine as opposed to "Robert Silverberg," that might make a difference too...

08-15-2008, 05:15 AM
And that brings up an interesting question. Will the Grant publication of TLSOE Negatively affect the value of the S/L Legends?

I think so to some degree. I think it's always been overpriced as it is for an anthology.

I was also thinking the same would happen to the s/n Gunslinger. A lot of collectors I would think would just defer to the cheaper newer edition than paying $3,000 for an original Gunslinger. I would assume the market for an original will suddenly get a lot smaller.

08-15-2008, 05:30 AM
I guess I have a preference for the initial publication of an item. Maybe that's why I like proofs/ARCs so much!


08-15-2008, 05:54 AM
And that brings up an interesting question. Will the Grant publication of TLSOE Negatively affect the value of the S/L Legends?

I think so to some degree. I think it's always been overpriced as it is for an anthology.

I was also thinking the same would happen to the s/n Gunslinger. A lot of collectors I would think would just defer to the cheaper newer edition than paying $3,000 for an original Gunslinger. I would assume the market for an original will suddenly get a lot smaller.

That I don't personally believe...the market for the original GS was small already...nobody who was on the fence about spending $3K is suddenly going to be happy with LSOE as a substitute.

The original s/l of Gunslinger is the most significant s/l, I think...you either have it or you don't.

But, yes, some collectors who were never going to pay the huge $$ for GS might decide it's an acceptable alternative...but they were probably never really in the GS market anyway.

08-15-2008, 06:09 AM
Randall Flagg, your vote counts just as much as anyone's! :)

08-15-2008, 06:16 AM
Its a pretty simple thing to do and would cause no problem if no one used it. I just felt like it was necessary to gauge interest.

I appreciate everyone's opinion and I'm glad its something that you guys feel like you might be interested in.

The whole point is that its fun and interesting--if it works out that way then that can only be a good thing. Creating it would take two seconds, same with a discontinue if it doesn't work out. :grouphug:

08-15-2008, 06:19 AM
Heres a question I've been tossing around in my head for a little while - and I figure the answers will be divided. I guess I'm just looking for some re-assurance myself!

Say a collector wants to obtain a S/L of every Dark Tower book - including the Little Sisters of Eluria:

Which is more important, the S/L of Legends (the TRUE 1st appearance) OR the forthcoming S/L from Grant (the TRUE publisher of the Dark Tower series - and sorta the 1st appearance of the story on its own)?

Both isn't and answer!!:P
Sorry. To this collector, BOTH is the answer. :)

Thats my true feeling as well, I'm just trying to prioritize more so I guess - if the new S/L said "the Gunslinger" on the spine then I think I'd be more inclined to get Legends, but when its going to specifically be a S/L of TLSOE.... it makes me want to save my pennies and stick with Grant. (For instance, I was able to talk myself out of the UK S/L W&G because it wasn't the 1st and it wasn't Grant)...

I'm leaning towards not getting Legends now - I mean for $1K I could get a S/L Salem's Lot or a lot of other cool stuff. BUT, the authors in Legends are just that - legends - and the novellas add to their seminal works... so its kind of the anthology of all anthologies in the sci-fi genre, so on its own it would be worth owning. AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Okay, so to end my rambling... I'm getting the new S/L of TLSOE either way --> if I'm saving up for something big, would I be better grabbing the only copy of Legends I'm aware of on the market or, taking advantage of the low King market and grabbing another S/L?

08-15-2008, 06:22 AM
I'm certainly up for the idea - but I'm not sure setting a specific day/time will be terribly necessary. Maybe just a specific day for general chat (that way there will at least be more folks online) - and then the experts can set their own days/times and we can fit it into our schedules. If Bob says hes there tomorrow at midnight - I'll be there tomorrow at midnight goddamnit!

08-15-2008, 06:46 AM
Speaking of LEGENDS, Randall Flagg needs some images of it for the Signed, Numbered or Lettered Edtions (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?t=1135) section of The King Collectibles Catalog.

Can anyone here help?

08-15-2008, 07:12 AM
If Bob says hes there tomorrow at midnight - I'll be there tomorrow at midnight goddamnit!

Midnight is too late for this old man!

08-15-2008, 07:54 AM
Perhaps special guests could be contacted for chat-room "interviews".

Off the top of my head, here a few people that I would like to "see".

All of The Dark Tower Artists
Robert Weiner
Jerad Walters
Stephen King <---on the fence about this guy...he's kind of a hack :P
Tomas Krynsky
Stu Tinker

I know there are more...just kind of drawing a blank.

08-15-2008, 11:04 AM
And that brings up an interesting question. Will the Grant publication of TLSOE Negatively affect the value of the S/L Legends?

I think so to some degree. I think it's always been overpriced as it is for an anthology.

I was also thinking the same would happen to the s/n Gunslinger. A lot of collectors I would think would just defer to the cheaper newer edition than paying $3,000 for an original Gunslinger. I would assume the market for an original will suddenly get a lot smaller.

That I don't personally believe...the market for the original GS was small already...nobody who was on the fence about spending $3K is suddenly going to be happy with LSOE as a substitute.

The original s/l of Gunslinger is the most significant s/l, I think...you either have it or you don't.

But, yes, some collectors who were never going to pay the huge $$ for GS might decide it's an acceptable alternative...but they were probably never really in the GS market anyway.

Well I admit that there was a small market of people who would be in for a first Limited Gunslinger to begin with. But I think it’ll get smaller still even with people on the fence. There are plenty of collectors like myself that have no problem paying over 2 grand for The Stand, because it’s the only version or $1,500 for one of the other Limiteds of King’s which I have done in the past. Now I’ll admit I have never even considered owning the first Gunslinger because I own a first trade and the signature doesn’t justify the cost. But as I continue to complete my King collection I always knew that one day I would be addressing this issue. Do I want to buy a first signed Gunslinger or not? If that was the only option available I would eventually. But that might not be for another 5 years, as there are other items I want first. But now that I have a cheaper alternative to purchase, that now really pushes the first signed Gunslinger to the bottom of the pile. I probably won’t consider it again until I have everything by King that I want, which could be 10 years from now, unless the price falls. Then I would consider buying it earlier.

I think people who really want the book will still buy the book. But I think the middle collector, like myself who’s put, jeeze I hate to say it, but close to 20 grand into the collection, and buys all the Limited’s, will still keep the first Gunslinger out of their collection because the price tag is too high. And there is now a happy cheaper alternative.

One thing of note, though I will say. I am a Stephen king collector, not a Dark Tower collector. The Dark Tower books are just part of my collection. The Dark Tower collectors would obviously be more inclined to buy the first signed Gunslinger than myself.

08-15-2008, 11:08 AM
I guess I have a preference for the initial publication of an item. Maybe that's why I like proofs/ARCs so much!

First Trade editions will always be popular. But with the Gunslinger there was also a trade, which is identical to the two signed editions sans the slipcase and signature. So in this case there are alternatives.

And you do know you are in the minority John when collecting proofs? You are one of the die hards. Many collectors do not bother with proofs.

08-15-2008, 11:11 AM
I know.

Of course, that means that I have a better chance of getting the ones I want, too.:P


08-15-2008, 11:16 AM
I know.

Of course, that means that I have a better chance of getting the ones I want, too.:P

True, but those new ones. Ouch! There are some hard fought battles for the new proofs. You have plenty of competition. :)

08-15-2008, 12:47 PM
Now I’ll admit I have never even considered owning the first Gunslinger because I own a first trade and the signature doesn’t justify the cost.

Don't forget that slipcase! :lol:

You know, I too was one of those people that never thought I would own a S/L Gunslinger. And then the one with my matching number came up on ebay and I had to buy it.

I think people who really want the book will still buy the book. But I think the middle collector, will still keep the first Gunslinger out of their collection because the price tag is too high. And there is now a happy cheaper alternative.

I just don't see it as an alternative. To me, it is an apples and oranges thing.

The Lady of Shadows
08-15-2008, 04:05 PM
please know that this is speaking as a total newbie at the serious collecting thing.

a chat room would be a good way to allow us newbies a chance to actually "meet" some real live legends from our site and learn about them in a more personal environment. even if we just went in and "observed". you know, kind of like at the zoo. :lol:

oh, and that stephen king guy? i hear he's a one hit wonder; that he's not really going to amount to much. :evil:

08-15-2008, 04:42 PM
i'm sure a collectors room will come in handy in more ways than one

08-16-2008, 11:55 AM
This was posted on the skcollector forums:

Has anyone noticed that the ISBN on the dustjacket doesn't correspond to the ISBN on the copyright page in the Grant artist edition of DT VII?

The dustjacket says 1-880418-64-1 and the copyright page says 1-880418-61-4

I checked my copy and its the same - thoughts?

08-16-2008, 03:06 PM
Justin Brooks' Primary Bibliography lists the Artist edition as 1-880418-64-1. I'm not sure which is the misprint. (Just switch the last three characters from 4-1 to 1-4.) I'm sure one of them is incorrect, but I don't know how to find out which is which.


08-17-2008, 06:04 AM
Justin Brooks' Primary Bibliography lists the Artist edition as 1-880418-64-1. I'm not sure which is the misprint. (Just switch the last three characters from 4-1 to 1-4.) I'm sure one of them is incorrect, but I don't know how to find out which is which.


Hmmm.... Karen?

08-17-2008, 10:00 AM
I just found a site in which you can search for a book by its ISBN. It showed a "book not found" for the 4-1 number, but showed The Dark Tower for 1-4. I'd say that's the real number.

Bookfinder4u site (http://www.bookfinder4u.com/IsbnSearch.aspx?isbn=1880418614&mode=direct&second_search=true)


08-18-2008, 01:14 AM
Perhaps special guests could be contacted for chat-room "interviews".

Off the top of my head, here a few people that I would like to "see".

All of The Dark Tower Artists
Robert Weiner
Jerad Walters
Stephen King <---on the fence about this guy...he's kind of a hack :P
Tomas Krynsky
Stu Tinker

I know there are more...just kind of drawing a blank.

I suspect the noncollector's might crash the party if some of them show up. :lol:

08-18-2008, 09:20 AM
I like the idea of a chat....sometimes you can make it, other times not, but people on the site would benefit overall. That's how I see it anyway.

08-18-2008, 09:32 AM
Speaking of LEGENDS, Randall Flagg needs some images of it for the Signed, Numbered or Lettered Edtions (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?t=1135) section of The King Collectibles Catalog.

Can anyone here help?

I have one at home. Once I get reajusted from my holidays, I will try to take some pictures.

And to weigh in on the situation, some of you might be suprised that I side with the Legends as the key book over the S/L Little Sisters due to it being first and more rare.

08-18-2008, 06:02 PM

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-19-2008, 08:01 AM
Does anyone know of another confirmed publication of "Rest Stop" other than the one in Esquire magazine?

For completist info only:

I can confirm that "Rest Stop" was published in "The Times" (London) newspaper over 2 days on 16th and 17th February 2004. This is the second publication of this story, the first being in Esquire magazine.

08-19-2008, 08:10 AM
Personally, I love the idea. Special guests? I'm there!!! :dance:

08-19-2008, 09:48 AM
i thought that you found the first publication of it, but it would have been weird that it would have been missed..

anyway, congratulations its always a joy to discover unknown or not really known publications :-)

08-19-2008, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the honest opinions everyone, I have set up the room and we'll try and schedule some fun events in there as time goes on. :fairy:

08-19-2008, 02:45 PM
So a few years ago I was looking at purchasing a first edition of the first dark tower books. I was not so smart and decided not to purchase at that time and now they have gone up in price.

I'm just wanting the original copy of the first book, don't really care about having copies of the others. Due to financial restraints how much can I expect to pay for a second edition of the first Dark tower book? I'm refering to the one with the same art work as the first edition. Does anyone happen to know the going rate for such a book.

I've seen the first edition selilng for around $1000 and up so I expect the second edition to be much cheaper, just wondering how much cheaper.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

08-19-2008, 02:47 PM
I got this moved to Calvin's Corner where the Collectors are

good luck on your quest.

08-19-2008, 02:49 PM
hehe thanks.... I moved it myself and now we got double posts! lol :nope:

08-19-2008, 02:53 PM
I wondered what happened to my post. :lol:

You just started another one?

At any rate, I'll get rid of the one that is not this one. :harrier:

08-19-2008, 03:08 PM
Hi Pacem,

You should be able to find a second edition of The Gunslinger for somewhere in the $150-250 range. I picked up a very nice copy from eBay about a year ago for $155.

Here's one on eBay with a BIN of $200:

Gunslinger 2nd (http://cgi.ebay.com/Stephen-Kings-The-Gunslinger_W0QQitemZ290254028329QQihZ019QQcategory Z29223QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)


08-19-2008, 03:46 PM
I recently sold one for $185.00

$185.00 The Dark Tower Gunslinger Grant 2nd Edition (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290244245680)

Here is one that recently ended for $114.12

$114.12 The Dark Tower Gunslinger Grant 2nd Edition (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=130245795112&ssPageName=STRK:MEDW:IT&ih=003)

So I guess you could say $150 ± $35.

Condition of course will be a factor. I think both of the books listed above would be considered NEAR FINE. If you wanted FINE or VERY FINE, then you are looking at $200-$250.

08-19-2008, 06:06 PM
Just be careful. Collecting beyond regular First Editions will soon follow! I started my DT collection for just under $300. It was a second edition (price clipped) Gunslinger and 1st of everything else. This was when Wizard and Glass was fetching quite a bit.

I've upgraded to Artists Editions of 5-7 and a non-price clipped 2nd Edition.

It's addicting! My next move is S/Ls. :)

BTW, I resold the price clipped 2nd Edition for almost $200, so I feel pretty good about my initial purchase.

08-19-2008, 06:38 PM
Just a small info some of you might find useful.
There´s a newspaper in Spain called La Razón ("the reason"), which adquired the stories of Night shift and they're being published in different numbers of it.

08-20-2008, 05:17 AM
was it published in the past, or will it be published?
interesting for the collector in you i guess ;-)

According to an article into the Times (London, july 2006) (http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article690412.ece), Stephen King would have written an introduction to the Matheson's I am a Legend...
An edited version is available in the article...
but i do hardly find anything about it on the internet (couple of articles which do mention details of the edition)... does anyone know more about it??? [i know that he wrote an interview for the collection of Matheson's stories but for the novel?)

08-20-2008, 05:34 AM
I AM LEGEND, the Matheson anthology, will be published in limited editions by Gauntlet Press in February 2009. I think they're sold out, but there's a waiting list. You can find more info here Gauntlet Press (http://www.gauntletpress.com)

EDIT: Here's a synopsis from the site:

Coming February 2009

Just say the name and the memories come flooding back -- Somewhere in Time, Duel, The Shrinking Man, I Am Legend, and countless more. He's one of the greatest storytellers of our time -- or any time.

Now Gauntlet Press has assembled He Is Legend: An Anthology Celebrating Richard Matheson, a spectacular anthology of original, never-before published stories by today's best writers -- stories set in Richard Matheson's own fictional universes, and published with Mr. Matheson's complete cooperation!

And, among the many contributions to the book, is the first collaboration ever between Stephen King and his son Joe Hill, the novella "Throttle" -- their take on Matheson's classic "Duel." This is, obviously, a once-in-a-lifetime publishing event, as it's father and son's first collaboration. Both Stephen King and Joe Hill will be signing both the numbered and lettered editions.

Other contributors to this anthology, edited by Christopher Conlon, include F. Paul Wilson, Joe Lansdale, Whitley Strieber, Richard Christian Matheson, William F. Nolan, Gary Braunbeck, Thomas Monteleone, John Shirley and an introduction by Ramsey Campbell (additional contributors will be announced at a later date).

And, as an added bonus, He Is Legend features the original full-length screenplay "Conjure Wife" -- over 20,000 never-before published words by Richard Matheson himself, in collaboration with the late Charles Beaumont that was filmed as "Burn, Witch Burn."

Cover art and six interior illustrations by Matheson's favorite artist Harry O. Morris.

08-20-2008, 05:40 AM
but this is not the same thing, cause the article have been published in 2008 (and Gauntled will be publishing "HE is legend"...)

by reading an excerpt, it looks like that the I AM LEGEND (if really exists) have the same introduction than the anthology "Nightmare At 20,000 Feet"

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-20-2008, 06:20 AM
The Times article was published on July 22 2006. The extract is not from the forthcoming Gauntlet book "He is Legend".

King and son contributed a short story called "Throttle" for the Gauntlet book.

08-20-2008, 08:55 AM
Yeah so true about wanting more.

So what can a guy expect to pay for say a first edition of the second book? LOL

I'm trying to work out a deal for both at the moment. Any info provided about the value of the second dark tower book first edition is greatly appreciated.

08-20-2008, 09:00 AM
Grant Books has some they are selling. They might even have the ones signed by Phil Hale who illustrated it still.

08-20-2008, 09:16 AM
Grant's price is $75. No extra price for Hale's signature as long as they last.

Grant DTII Page (https://secure.grantbooks.com/z-sk-dt-2.html)


08-20-2008, 10:45 AM
Oh wow... and thats a true first edition from Grant then I assume?

08-20-2008, 11:29 AM
Oh wow... and thats a true first edition from Grant then I assume?

sure is

08-20-2008, 11:31 AM
Pacem, I guess it's time that one of us warns you:

Collecting Stephen King is addictive!!!



08-20-2008, 11:50 AM
Pacem, I guess it's time that one of us warns you:

Collecting Stephen King is addictive!!!



Yeah im catching on to that fact.... the last two days of work have been spent searching online for Stephen King books. I'm a fan of Stephen King, but I think, thankfully as of right now im only really interested in Collecting Dark Tower books.

We'll see how that goes :beat:

08-20-2008, 11:52 AM
I decided that I'm only going to collect things that are signed to me, in front of me or are gifts.

I've already got something from every member of the family that writes. :rock:

08-20-2008, 12:07 PM
Pacem, I guess it's time that one of us warns you:

Collecting Stephen King is addictive!!!



Yeah im catching on to that fact.... the last two days of work have been spent searching online for Stephen King books. I'm a fan of Stephen King, but I think, thankfully as of right now im only really interested in Collecting Dark Tower books.

We'll see how that goes :beat:

But there are Dark Tower books from the UK, not to mention other countries, including one (DTIV) that was issued as a signed limited from the UK (500 copies!). It's not visually very attractive (a red book, no dust jacket, in a black slipcase), but...


funky dredd
08-20-2008, 02:14 PM
I got a second edition around a year or so ago and paid $200 for mine.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-20-2008, 02:18 PM
I decided that I'm only going to collect things that are signed to me, in front of me or are gifts.

I've already got something from every member of the family that writes. :rock:


Randall Flagg
08-20-2008, 06:59 PM
I am going to merge this with the Collecting Questions thread.
I'll leave a 1 day redirect, but hopefully the question(s) have been answered.

08-21-2008, 08:12 AM
Pacem, I guess it's time that one of us warns you:

Collecting Stephen King is addictive!!!



Yeah im catching on to that fact.... the last two days of work have been spent searching online for Stephen King books. I'm a fan of Stephen King, but I think, thankfully as of right now im only really interested in Collecting Dark Tower books.

We'll see how that goes :beat:

But there are Dark Tower books from the UK, not to mention other countries, including one (DTIV) that was issued as a signed limited from the UK (500 copies!). It's not visually very attractive (a red book, no dust jacket, in a black slipcase), but...

Of note, is does have the illustrations inside the book. So it's an attractive interior, but bland as chalk on the outside.

08-22-2008, 10:18 AM
A few admittedly stupid questions:

Is there a hard cover of "Cycle of the Werewolf" outside of the Land of Enchantment limited edition? - I know there's been permabound copies of the softcover floating around - but was there ever a hard cover with dust jacket released?

Which should be considered the first edition hard cover of "The Colorado Kid" - the US large print edition or the UK limited? I know the large print came first, but I've always felt that large print books are almost a fourth format of book (soft cover, hard cover, book club, etc.) and are not overly collectible (although thats a pretty abstract term) due to their existence being for hard of sight people to read. (My thinking being that none are kept from new as a collectible).

08-22-2008, 10:23 AM
As far as I know, other than the Land of Enchantment books and those from Permabound, there has not been a hardcover issue of Cycle of the Werewolf.

I would consider the UK publication of the The Colorado Kid editions the first hardcover edition of that book. I agree, large-print editions are, for the most part, not really collectibles (at least to me). I'm sure there are those out there who would disagree with me on that, however. One possible exception to this would be the large-print edition of The Breathing Method, mainly, however, because that's the ONLY hardcover printing of that story from Different Seasons.


08-22-2008, 11:07 AM
As far as I know, other than the Land of Enchantment books and those from Permabound, there has not been a hardcover issue of Cycle of the Werewolf.

I would consider the UK publication of the The Colorado Kid editions the first hardcover edition of that book. I agree, large-print editions are, for the most part, not really collectibles (at least to me). I'm sure there are those out there who would disagree with me on that, however. One possible exception to this would be the large-print edition of The Breathing Method, mainly, however, because that's the ONLY hardcover printing of that story from Different Seasons.


Thanks John, thats what I was thinking too.

08-23-2008, 02:46 PM
... I have never even considered owning the first Gunslinger because I own a first trade and the signature doesn’t justify the cost. ... one day I would be addressing this issue. ... which could be 10 years from now, unless the price falls. Then I would consider buying it earlier.

I think people who really want the book will still buy the book. But I think the middle collector, like myself who’s put, jeez I hate to say it, but close to 20 grand into the collection, and buys all the Limited’s, will still keep the first Gunslinger out of their collection because the price tag is too high. And there is now a happy cheaper alternative. ...
This pretty much sums up my view on this topic, even though I have The Stand S/L, etc. As much as I'd love to own The Gunslinger S/L, I'll make due with a 1st/1st and the new TLSOE S/L. With two small kids and a California-size mortgage, I just can't justify the $3K+ price.

That said, I don't know what I'd do if, like Tippy, "my number" ever came up on eBay. ><

08-23-2008, 11:04 PM
I like the concept, Matt. I'd have a hard time being there at any time reasonable to the East Coasters as I wouldn't show up until my kiddos were asleep.

08-24-2008, 03:50 PM
Hey all,
Just a quick question on 1st edition's of Eyes of the Dragon. On the dust jackets spine the EOTD is in red foil on the copy I've had for years, and on the identifying 1st pages I've seen, and I recently picked up a copy with gold foil instead. Just wondering if anyone else has gold... or maybe its like the tommyknockers gold and red split 1st run deal. Both books are the same and the jackets match other than noted. Thanks for all the info...:shoot:

08-25-2008, 08:41 PM
With all the nifty special editions of King's novels, including that S/L edition of The Stand... why no love for It?

08-25-2008, 08:55 PM
There actually was an apparently unauthorized limited edition of It called Es done by the german publisher Edition Phantasia.

08-25-2008, 08:56 PM
There actually was an apparently unauthorized limited edition of It called Es done by the german publisher Edition Phantasia.

Key word: "unauthorized" :cyclops:

It wouldn't be the first of King's books that had a Limited edition released years later. The Stand and 'Salem's Lot are just two examples that came long after the books had been out.

We all hope someday there will be one. Keep your fingers crossed.

08-25-2008, 08:58 PM
And if you're interested in buying a copy of "Es", I was in a bookstore last week and they had one for $850.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-25-2008, 10:40 PM
And if you're interested in buying a copy of "Es", I was in a bookstore last week and they had one for $850.

I got one for $530 two weeks ago on eBay and the seller also sold another for $495 days later.

08-26-2008, 02:18 AM
I have one that I would sell for $450 if someone is interested.

Bev Vincent
08-26-2008, 02:31 AM
I have a special leatherbound edition of IT:


Conventional wisdom is that it was produced by the publisher. Apparently they used to bind a few copies of certain books like that for presentation.

08-26-2008, 02:32 AM
Cool! I've never seen that before.

08-26-2008, 03:47 AM
I have one that I would sell for $450 if someone is interested.

Just sold! Now that was quick!

08-26-2008, 05:31 AM
wiz gave someone a good deal.... he's so nice.

back when i bought mine- 10+ years ago- these were hard to find (i guess everyone was holding on to them) - i searched for months on end and the cheapest i was able to find was 1200.00 - which is what i paid for mine. prices sure have dropped on them since then.

08-26-2008, 05:42 AM
I love seeing that edition of IT bev, that is one special treasure.

Just out of curiosity, what do people think Bev's edition of IT would be worth?

also, the Green Mile is another limited released years later.

08-26-2008, 05:43 AM
wiz gave someone a good deal.... he's so nice.

back when i bought mine- 10+ years ago- these were hard to find (i guess everyone was holding on to them) - i searched for months on end and the cheapest i was able to find was 1200.00 - which is what i paid for mine. prices sure have dropped on them since then.

Sold to one of our own collectors here on the site. I acquired mine in a trade with Kenny (Dolan) two summers ago. If I remember correctly, I traded him a S/L Buick 8 and a S/L Desperation for Es. So, yes, I am taking a good size hit on this one, but that's ok. :)

08-26-2008, 06:17 AM
I love seeing that edition of IT bev, that is one special treasure.

Just out of curiosity, what do people think Bev's edition of IT would be worth?

also, the Green Mile is another limited released years later.

either priceless - or no value at all... since i don't think bev's going to sell it. ha ha

and wiz... that's ok... you and bob both have money trees in your back yards - right?

oh wait... i think bob has an entire orchard of money trees out there in west texas... or is that oil wells bob????

08-26-2008, 06:53 AM
Doesn't everyone have one of these in their yard?


08-26-2008, 06:59 AM
I have something like that in my basement :ninja:


08-26-2008, 07:09 AM
Doesn't everyone have one of these in their yard?

Bob has those Texas money trees in his back yard...:panic:

08-26-2008, 07:22 AM
Doesn't everyone have one of these in their yard?


Mine died!!



08-26-2008, 07:25 AM
[quote=Sir_Boomme;236518]wiz gave someone a good deal.... he's so nice.

Sold to one of our own collectors here on the site. I acquired mine in a trade with Kenny (Dolan) two summers ago. If I remember correctly, I traded him a S/L Buick 8 and a S/L Desperation for Es. So, yes, I am taking a good size hit on this one, but that's ok. :)

A bit of a hit now, but that was a good trade at the time...Buick and Desp. go for about $300 usually, but sometimes don't sell for awhile...so to sell 'It' and get $450 cash in hand was a decent sale for both buyer and seller.

Why have they showed up so much lately? That ebay seller that we all hate (can't remember his name - Mike Autry?) had a few lately and they actually seemed to be legit auctions.

08-26-2008, 07:36 AM
The only tree I have gives....lemons :D

08-26-2008, 08:22 AM
oh wait... i think bob has an entire orchard of money trees out there in west texas... or is that oil wells bob????

I have none of those things but our tomato plants are doing really well this year.

Bev Vincent
08-26-2008, 08:24 AM
My IT has some condition problems. Though you can barely tell in the photos abouve unless you know what you're looking for, there are some major scrapes on the leather front of the book.

08-26-2008, 08:26 AM
Why have they showed up so much lately? That ebay seller that we all hate (can't remember his name - Mike Autry?) had a few lately and they actually seemed to be legit auctions.

His copies are all (supposedly) still wrapped in original shipping paper. I have wondered if he might have worked a deal with Edition Phantasia to obtain copies they still had but were not permitted to legally sell.

The rumor was that "all but 50 copies were destroyed" but I have never thought that was true. There seems to be no shortage of copies.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-26-2008, 08:29 AM
Why have they showed up so much lately? That ebay seller that we all hate (can't remember his name - Mike Autry?) had a few lately and they actually seemed to be legit auctions.

His copies are all (supposedly) still wrapped in original shipping paper. I have wondered if he might have worked a deal with Edition Phantasia to obtain copies they still had but were not permitted to legally sell.

The rumor was that "all but 50 copies were destroyed" but I have never thought that was true. There seems to be no shortage of copies.

I bought mine from him. It was in the original wrapping from the publisher.

08-26-2008, 08:34 AM
Why have they showed up so much lately? That ebay seller that we all hate (can't remember his name - Mike Autry?) had a few lately and they actually seemed to be legit auctions.

His copies are all (supposedly) still wrapped in original shipping paper. I have wondered if he might have worked a deal with Edition Phantasia to obtain copies they still had but were not permitted to legally sell.

The rumor was that "all but 50 copies were destroyed" but I have never thought that was true. There seems to be no shortage of copies.

I bought mine from him. It was in the original wrapping from the publisher.

Wow...that would be a significant discovery if that was the case...and that's a good theory about Phantasia still having them...odd they took this long to surface.

Kind of like New Lt. Rap...if SK ever opens his safe, the bottom sort of drops out of the market on that one!

Rabbit, what number was your copy? Did you happen to check?

08-26-2008, 09:10 AM
Not as nice as ES or Bev's leatherbound copy, but there is also a 'collectors' paperback UK edition that comes with a facimile signature and an introduction from King. supposedly with printing of only 1000 copies . I have one of those.

08-26-2008, 09:12 AM
Not as nice as ES or Bev's leatherbound copy, but there is also a 'collectors' paperback UK edition that comes with a facimile signature and an introduction from King. supposedly with printing of only 1000 copies . I have one of those.

Could you post a picture?


08-26-2008, 09:18 AM
Sure. It is a copy I have for sale.

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9893/fronteu1.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fronteu1.jpg)

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2972/faxsigtt9.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=faxsigtt9.jpg)

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-26-2008, 09:18 AM
Rabbit, what number was your copy? Did you happen to check?

213/250 (http://www.akyle.f2s.com/images/es_it1.jpg)

Mr. Rabbit Trick
08-26-2008, 09:20 AM
Sure. It is a copy I have for sale.

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9893/fronteu1.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fronteu1.jpg)

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2972/faxsigtt9.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=faxsigtt9.jpg)

I sold that to you :clap:

08-26-2008, 09:26 AM
Sure. It is a copy I have for sale.

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9893/fronteu1.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fronteu1.jpg)

http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2972/faxsigtt9.th.jpg (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=faxsigtt9.jpg)

Selling where and for how much?

08-26-2008, 09:27 AM
Did you now?. What a small world. I was not aware of that. :dance:

Wiz, it was at least a year ago. I forgot what I paid for it. Somewhere around $80?. If anyone is interested, please PM me.

08-26-2008, 09:33 AM
Rabbit, what number was your copy? Did you happen to check?

213/250 (http://www.akyle.f2s.com/images/es_it1.jpg)

Kind of hoping it was "MY" number...oh well...there were a half-dozen or so for sale, but with them wrapped up there was no way for me to ask...needle in a haystack anyway! Haha...

08-26-2008, 11:59 AM
Not as nice as ES or Bev's leatherbound copy, but there is also a 'collectors' paperback UK edition that comes with a facimile signature and an introduction from King. supposedly with printing of only 1000 copies . I have one of those.

A introduction for this edition?

08-26-2008, 12:12 PM
Not as nice as ES or Bev's leatherbound copy, but there is also a 'collectors' paperback UK edition that comes with a facimile signature and an introduction from King. supposedly with printing of only 1000 copies . I have one of those.

A introduction for this edition?

Just those few sentences above the facimile signature.

08-27-2008, 12:21 AM
I love how Steve started this thread with what appeared to be a simple question, and now three different existing special editions are being discussed and even a sale/purchase has resulted.


08-27-2008, 04:07 AM
Two sales--I bought the Collector's Edition paperback from fmsdr.


08-27-2008, 10:06 PM
:clap: Excellent.

08-28-2008, 03:07 AM
Hey guys!

Can anyone recommend someone or a company that will make custom slipcases?

I want to slipcase a few items but don't really know where to begin.



08-28-2008, 05:26 AM
Try here: http://www.currierbindery.com/boxes.html

Bob recommended them to me (I have not used them myself) as I recall and I think Juliana has used them.

08-28-2008, 05:27 AM
I thought someone recommended DragonFlyBindery too. I haven't used them though.

08-28-2008, 05:33 AM
I thought someone recommended DragonFlyBindery too. I haven't used them though.

This is all I could find on a quick search of Dragonfly Bindery:

Dragonfly Bindery

For twenty five years, George and Pat Sargent have run the Dragonfly Bindery as a celebration of all that they love in books new and old. Trained at The Rhode Island School of Design, George and Pat began by specializing in the restoration and rebinding of old books, documents, and maps, and quickly branched into the creation of one-of-a-kind designer bindings and cases for all sorts of precious items. They have made special boxes to house a piece of the Berlin Wall, 3-D Collectibles such as Burmese Shadow Puppets, Quilts, Marionettes, and historical artifacts from the Suffragette Movement.

George and Pat have also made limited editions of books ranging from a collection of handwritten recipes to a collection of the early drawings of American artist Robert G. Hamilton, accompanied by interviews with his wife and son. These are one-of-a-kind books whose design and finish match the meaning of their contents. In 2005, three hundred of their unique custom clamshell cases protecting rare books were auctioned at Christie’s of New York.

08-28-2008, 05:37 AM
Check out over at the Pride and Joy thread - I believe it was carlosdetweiller who had something cased at DragonFly. I recall it being quite beautiful which is why it stuck with me.

08-28-2008, 06:37 AM
Try here: http://www.currierbindery.com/boxes.html

Bob recommended them to me (I have not used them myself) as I recall and I think Juliana has used them.

It wasn't me but it looks like they do nice work. I have bookmarked them for future use. Thanks.

08-28-2008, 06:42 AM
Just out of curiosity what would on expect to pay to have a custome slipcase made? Just something plain that fits,I don't care about the extra bells and whistles.

The reason I'm asking is from what I've seen the prices are higher than the books I want to slipcase. I don't mind paying $50, but obviously you could get a great traycase made for $350, which I'm not looking for unless I have an original manuscript or something. I'm looking for the cheaper stuff.

08-28-2008, 09:12 AM
Try here: http://www.currierbindery.com/boxes.html

Bob recommended them to me (I have not used them myself) as I recall and I think Juliana has used them.

It wasn't me but it looks like they do nice work. I have bookmarked them for future use. Thanks.

It was Dragonfly Bindery that made a traycase for me for my set of The Plant. I paid $110 for it. It was a plain green traycase with black label on the spine with gold lettering for the tittle.

08-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Thanks for all of the great info!


09-01-2008, 04:35 AM
I have a question about a book i picked up at a flea market the other day. It is a DT 7, Its the standard Grant trade edition, even says first trade edition on copyright page and has the full number line. The jacket looks just like my other grant trade edition, everything appears normal, except there is no price ont dust jacket Just curious if anyone knows why this would have price on it.
I only gave up a entire .25 cents for it, so really only curious !

09-01-2008, 05:10 AM
It sounds like a Book Club edition. They're the only ones I know of that don't put a price on the dust jacket. At $.25, it's a bargain anyway. You might want to check out Grant's site to see if they have any dust jackets for sale, though.


09-01-2008, 05:33 AM
Maybe someone just traded DJs for some reason? Sounds like a first/first book with a BCE jacket to me.

09-01-2008, 06:09 AM
It's not unknown that the BOMC delivers what appears to be a 1st/1st with their own (unpriced) dust jacket. Black House is one example (although the true 1st/1st had silver lettering on the spine, while the BOMC edition had gold) and the Illustrated Salem's Lot is another. I didn't get a copy of DT VII from BOMC, so I don't know what they did there.


09-01-2008, 06:10 AM
Possibly an export copy?

09-01-2008, 06:57 AM
I think the UK's Hodder & Stoughton is the only one that issues export copies. I could be wrong there, though.


Mr. Rabbit Trick
09-01-2008, 07:56 AM
Insomnia had an export 1st edition. (Both covers)

09-01-2008, 08:25 AM
yeah i thought of the BOMC thing but i wasn't sure if there had been a BOMC for DT 7 or not, and the export thing crossed my mind also but i also wasn't sure about them either, so i wanted to see what you all thought.
thanks for the input and good idea on the jacket, hadn't thought to check grant for a new jacket but i will now !!

09-01-2008, 09:13 PM
A couple weeks ago i was asking about the value of a second edition of the original gunslinger book, and a couple people warned me that wouldn't be the only book i wanted, and that i'd get addicted.... they were right
A few questions...

Dustcover jackets.... how valuable re they? Do they make that big of a difference? I'm just a really really big fan of the series and would just like a first edition of the whole series... but just in case does a ripped dust cover jacket bring the value way down?

I've looked thru my books and five six and seven are fist editions....

How rare are the 3rd and 4th books? I know the 2nd one im expecting from Grant publishing any day. I've been checking ebay alot and have yet to see a first edition of book 3 and have only seen 1 book 4 which sold for more then i paid for a second edition of book 1....

Whats the expected price to pay for First editions of book 3 and 4?

09-01-2008, 10:01 PM
Great questions, Pacem. I'm going to merge this into the Collecting Questions thread.

One bit of feedback: The condition of the dustjacket is usually quite relevant to the price you should pay. That's why there is also a market for fine quality "spare" dustjackets (publishers sometimes have extras for sale as well, depending on the book).

09-02-2008, 03:38 AM
It's been estimated here that the dust jacket is worth about 75-80% of the value of the book.

There were 40,000 copies each of DT books III and IV. One of the possible reasons that DTIV is so much more expensive is that it's the first (and actually only) Grant DT edition that was actually distributed to the chain book stores. This should make it less expensive, right? Wrong! Because a lot of the people who bought this in the chain stores were probably not King collectors, they read the book then either put it away somewhere or got rid of it, thus limiting the number of copies available in the aftermarket. At least, that's one theory.

Just be patient. DTIII should show up eventually on eBay soon. They DO show up there fairly frequently. A number of gently used editions are available on the American Book Exchange (ABE) for less than $100. Waste Lands (http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=Stephen+King&kn=Grant&sts=t&tn=Waste+Lands&x=32&y=13)

A number of the art portfolios are also listed there.


09-02-2008, 05:37 AM
It's been estimated here that the dust jacket is worth about 75-80% of the value of the book.

For me it's even higher. I usually won't buy a book unless the dust jacket is perfect. The only exceptions are when I can't afford a pristine copy, and a flawed copy is a cheaper (in my range) alternative.

09-02-2008, 10:00 AM
It's been estimated here that the dust jacket is worth about 75-80% of the value of the book.

There were 40,000 copies each of DT books III and IV. One of the possible reasons that DTIV is so much more expensive is that it's the first (and actually only) Grant DT edition that was actually distributed to the chain book stores.

Are you sure the 4th one was the only distributed to chain stores? I looked up 5th 6th and 7th, and they say first trade edition inside the cover. I looked over one of the posts that shows pictures of what it should look like inside, I didn't go over it super well, I'll do that tonight, but it looks the same.

09-02-2008, 10:19 AM
I differentiate the fourth one from the last three in that it was the only true Grant edition that was distributed to the chains. The last three trade editions were actually published by Scribner but only had the Grant name on them. Grant did issue the Artist Editions of those that did NOT go to the chains.


09-02-2008, 02:28 PM
I differentiate the fourth one from the last three in that it was the only true Grant edition that was distributed to the chains. The last three trade editions were actually published by Scribner but only had the Grant name on them. Grant did issue the Artist Editions of those that did NOT go to the chains.


ahhhhhh, very interesting. Thanks for the reply.

I'm starting to learn slowly. The wife, not liking this so much. Gonna cost me a couple hundred at least by the looks of it now! lol

09-02-2008, 03:38 PM
Can't say we didn't warn you! :evil:

09-03-2008, 03:41 PM
Found this while wandering through ebay ... http://cgi.ebay.com/Stephen-King-Firestarter-Signed-Limited_W0QQitemZ270271551509QQcmdZViewItem?hash=i tem270271551509&_trkparms=39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A3%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Any thoughts?
What would this book in this condition be worth?
In terms of investment, would it hold/increase in the same fashion as a fine copy (obviously with a price differential)?
Are dust jackets for this book easily available, and/or have you ever seen them offered?

And should I buy it?:onfire:

09-03-2008, 05:29 PM
Yes, go for it! As the ad says, there were only 750 copies printed, so it IS fairly scarce. One in fine/fine condition will go for more than $1000.

Dust jackets are not that easy to come by, but they do show up every once in a while.


Randall Flagg
09-03-2008, 07:16 PM
I would recommend you not spend more than ~$400 for the book, unless you have a line on a replacement dustjacket.
Just my opinion, but you asked.:)

09-04-2008, 02:40 AM
Yes, go for it! As the ad says, there were only 750 copies printed, so it IS fairly scarce. One in fine/fine condition will go for more than $1000.

Dust jackets are not that easy to come by, but they do show up every once in a while.


I got one (new DJ) about 3 years ago directly from a guy at Phantasia. If can find his address/e-mail, you can see if he has any DJs left. Somebody on the old TDT.net gave me the info. Anyone else remember giving me that info?

09-04-2008, 04:27 AM
All I have is the website for Phantasia Press. It has some contact information on it.

Phantasia Press (http://www.psi.edu/~bermandc/Phantasia.html)


09-04-2008, 05:32 AM
I would recommend you not spend more than ~$400 for the book, unless you have a line on a replacement dustjacket.
Just my opinion, but you asked.:)

I did find some info straight from Alex at Phantasia so I do have a replacement in the works.... its just a matter of how much to go for on the auction....

09-04-2008, 05:53 AM
If you're sure you can get a dj, I'd go about $700--there is a bit of damage to the book itself in one of the pictures. A copy in fine/fine condition would go for more than $1000, so I think you're safe with the lower bid. At least, that's what I would do.


09-04-2008, 06:02 AM
Thanks a lot guys - if I ended up winning this book it will be my first major King purchase (outside the Dark Tower S/Ls). Its great to have you guys available to answer questions and ease any worries!:grouphug:

09-04-2008, 06:12 AM
Good luck Eric and thanks John. That link and Alex's name was what I looked for (and did not find) in my files at work this morning. I'm sure I have it at home (at least I have the tube and receipt the DJ came in).

Randall Flagg
09-04-2008, 06:50 AM
FYI, I purchased a replacement DJ from Alex several years ago. I didn't bother to open it for a couple of years. When I did, I discovered it was slightly yellowed on one edge-not a big deal but the dj was not perfect as expected. I wrote to Alex about it and never received a response. My suggestion is you inspect immediately upon receipt.

09-04-2008, 07:14 AM
FYI, I purchased a replacement DJ from Alex several years ago. I didn't bother to open it for a couple of years. When I did, I discovered it was slightly yellowed on one edge-not a big deal but the dj was not perfect as expected. I wrote to Alex about it and never received a response. My suggestion is you inspect immediately upon receipt.

I certainly will, thanks for the heads up. He seems like a pretty good guy, he offered to meet me on MY side of the border! Thanks for the heads up though!

09-04-2008, 10:27 AM
I recently uncovered a hardcover copy of "Firestarter" picked it up for $.50. I'm not sure how to tell what edition it is since I'm kinda new to collecting, I looked it up on the collecting area and it looks like the 1st edition but in a small corner of the sleeve it says "Book Club Edition". Are these the same or is it a mass produced cheaper version of the 1st edition. Also the sleeve is in rough shape but the book is in great condition, is there somewhere to buy new replicated sleeves?

09-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Most book club editions are worthles as collectables. There are a few exceptions to this--some of King's works were only published by the Book of the Month Club--the hardcover edition of The Storm of the Century, the collection Secret Windows, and the "gift" edition of Lisey's Story in a slipcase. The others are good only for reading copies. Book club editions can best be identified by the lack of a price on the dust jacket. They may or may not say "Book Club Edition".

There are a few sites that provide information on identifying King first editions. One of the best is:

Hutch's Rare Books (http://www.marketworks.com/storefrontprofiles/deluxepagecreate.aspx?sfid=30007&type=e2)

Or you can just ask us here in this forum!

Your best bet on buying a new dust jacket would be to write to the publisher or try eBay for some of the more rare ones. They show up there occasionally. Most publishers will not have jackets for the older titles.


09-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Awesome very helpful information. Thank you kindly.

Randall Flagg
09-04-2008, 03:48 PM
BeDan, welcome to the collecting area. :thumbsup:
I am going to merge this with the Collecting Q&A thread.

09-04-2008, 09:44 PM
Glad you got a line on a new DJ. As John said above, take into consideration the damage to the book itself - as shown in the photo that was added later.


Good luck in the auction!

09-05-2008, 06:09 AM
Glad you got a line on a new DJ. As John said above, take into consideration the damage to the book itself - as shown in the photo that was added later.


Good luck in the auction!

Yah, I'm certainly taking that into consideration ... I just wish the auction ended tonight so I could stop thinking about it the rest of the week!

09-06-2008, 10:04 AM
I just got the It Collector's Edition pb. You've just got to love our Post Office! 11 days for Media Mail!


09-06-2008, 02:48 PM
Hey All -

Was out crusing through Maine on vacation, and came across the Big Chicken Barn bookstore, and they have a first edition of The Shining for 500 dollars. I have no idea what it's really worth, but I knew you all would.... It wasn't in great condition, but looked pretty good. Unfortunately, the do not have a very good website, so I can't link photos or anything ( http://www.bigchickenbarn.com/ ).

They also had a WasteLands hardcover for 95 dollars, which looked in pretty good condition.

So... did I blow the find of a lifetime, and that Shining is worth 5 grand?

Room 217 Caretaker
09-06-2008, 03:02 PM
Hey All -

Was out crusing through Maine on vacation, and came across the Big Chicken Barn bookstore, and they have a first edition of The Shining for 500 dollars. I have no idea what it's really worth, but I knew you all would.... It wasn't in great condition, but looked pretty good. Unfortunately, the do not have a very good website, so I can't link photos or anything ( http://www.bigchickenbarn.com/ ).

They also had a WasteLands hardcover for 95 dollars, which looked in pretty good condition.

So... did I blow the find of a lifetime, and that Shining is worth 5 grand?

You didn't blow it. The Shining in good condition with intact jacket (meaning not price clipped) is probably $125. A very fine copy is closer to $200 to $250.

Wastelands in good condition should be around $50. Very fine should be $65-$75

Cumberland VA

09-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Really, they are just hoping some dumb tourist will take the bait and pay way more than they are worth!

09-06-2008, 03:07 PM
mulleins - Whew! Glad I didn't blow a it. I've never come across one in person and there's no reliable wireless internet access in their parking lot :) so I had to bargain with myself. The jacket was complete - not price clipped. I did go back and forth on it, but decided that I was on a Dark Tower hunt so I should stay focused.

CRinVA - I'm just glad I wasn't that tourist !


09-06-2008, 04:06 PM
Good thing I insured it, otherwise I would have been worried by now!.

09-06-2008, 04:33 PM
Another Question from a Newbie Collector - I recently bought a UK edition paperback of The Waste Lands, simply because the cover caught my eye. I absolutely LOVE it ( I believe it was drawn by John Avon ). I paid 30 dollars, not sure if it was technically worth it, but it was worth it to me - because, as I said, the cover is striking to me and I love it.

My question - is there a depot someplace of all the DT covers? US and UK, all editions?

Thanks again my friends.

09-06-2008, 04:48 PM
Here's a link SK Book Covers (http://www.stephenkingshop.com/bookcovers.htm). If you click on the individual books, you get TONS. Looks like it hasn't been updated since DT was completed, though.

09-06-2008, 04:58 PM
Here's a link SK Book Covers (http://www.stephenkingshop.com/bookcovers.htm). If you click on the individual books, you get TONS. Looks like it hasn't been updated since DT was completed, though.

That's a great place for me to start, thankee !!!

Looks like my UK edition is from Sphere.

09-06-2008, 08:10 PM
A note of interest for collectors, I just read an article stating that Abe.com has been bought out by Amazon.com. Good news - it will remain operating as an independent company.

09-07-2008, 02:34 AM
Here's a link SK Book Covers (http://www.stephenkingshop.com/bookcovers.htm). If you click on the individual books, you get TONS. Looks like it hasn't been updated since DT was completed, though.

or... http://club.stephenking.free.fr/SK/Biblio.htm
Have been sort of updated since DT... I am the webmaster ;-)

09-07-2008, 04:26 AM
Here's a link SK Book Covers (http://www.stephenkingshop.com/bookcovers.htm). If you click on the individual books, you get TONS. Looks like it hasn't been updated since DT was completed, though.

or... http://club.stephenking.free.fr/SK/Biblio.htm
Have been sort of updated since DT... I am the webmaster ;-)

Thanks so much!

09-07-2008, 07:23 AM
Wish I spoke French! It looks interesting!


09-26-2008, 10:17 AM
NOT a collecting question, but dont really know where to post it:
the official website presents "Nightmares in the sky" as a "Coffee table book"..
hmmm, how are we supposed to understand it? lol

09-26-2008, 10:27 AM
That simply means that the book is an oversized hardcover.


Bev Vincent
09-26-2008, 11:39 AM
So big, the only place you can keep it is on the coffee table.


09-27-2008, 04:42 AM
Funny - I always think of Coffee Table Books as also more expensive, made with fancy paper and oversized with brilliant color, etc. So fancy you leave it on the coffee table when people come to visit, rather than put it on a shelf.

10-09-2008, 07:28 PM
My version of Song of Susannah, the binding is upside down, are there any others like it? Is it rare, valuable, or am I just going crazy?

just wondering??? I didnt notice until I pulled of the paper cover, so not to damage it reading it----again.

10-09-2008, 07:36 PM
That's pretty rare then. :D Can you post a picture?

Btw Welcome to DT.com :)

10-09-2008, 07:39 PM
I can try, give me a few minutes to take neccessary pictures. 1st time in forum, it might take a sec.

10-09-2008, 07:42 PM
Ok but your going to have to use something like photobucket cause you need the image url

10-09-2008, 07:43 PM
Hi, trunks - and welcome to the site! We have a phenominal group of collectors and SK experts on here who I'm sure would be able to give you an evaluation of your book. You might want to post it in this thread (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?t=1987), though, to make sure they see it.

10-09-2008, 07:48 PM
so i can't just take a picture with my phone and upload it to thred???

10-09-2008, 07:50 PM
It wasn't one of my DT books (thankfully) but my copy of Insomnia about three quarters of the way through there is about 35 pages missing. Just thought I would share.:orely:

10-09-2008, 08:03 PM
hope this works

The Lady of Shadows
10-09-2008, 08:05 PM
i wonder if there is a way to find out how many of those they printed before someone caught the mistake.

10-09-2008, 08:07 PM
looks like they uploaded, check out the pictures...kinda weird eh??

thanks for the help and advice to all, and all the greetings, we were all well met.

10-09-2008, 08:30 PM
My book 6 Song of Susannah has been printed upside down when compared to the binding, check pictures tell me what you think.

10-09-2008, 08:32 PM
i moved this thread to calvins corner

10-09-2008, 08:42 PM
I think it would have to be very distinctive to be worth something. Although, I'm not a collector so I could be completely wrong, which is why the suggestion to post this in the collectors' forum is a good one.

I bought a copy of "The Force of Reason" that had a similar mistake, but was able to return it to B&N the next day. As far as I know, they destroy them once they're returned to the seller.

10-09-2008, 08:54 PM
Hi Trunk, my understanding is that that won't increase the value of the book, however I'll let other more knowledgeable members respond.

Then we'll merge this into one of the other question threads. :)

10-09-2008, 09:01 PM
ok, but don't really know what that means...just let me know what forum for the merger?? ill find it

The Lady of Shadows
10-09-2008, 09:04 PM
no trunks, you don't merge. the ptb does it. and they'll probably grab your post in the other forum and bring it along. don't worry. it'll all be handled. and welcome to the site. :D

10-09-2008, 09:07 PM
Welcome to the site trunks.
With your help I have realised that all the Hungarian books are printed this way. (And my Englhs books are in the other.)
Thanks. :D

10-09-2008, 09:07 PM
thankee sai. I kennit very well.

10-09-2008, 09:10 PM
Welcome to the site trunks.
With your help I have realised that all the Hungarian books are printed this way. (And my Englhs books are in the other.)
Thanks. :D

oh cool, no hungarian books here---but i have few with a Mad Hungarian

Bev Vincent
10-10-2008, 02:01 AM
There were a lot of binding problems reported with the last three Dark Tower books. Pages missing, pages repeated, pages upside down, etc. Unless you find someone who is specifically interested in collecting that sort of ephemera, I don't believe there is any intrinsic value in your book beyond cover price. If it was a rare book with a rare defect, maybe, but a mass produced book with a simple binding error...not so much.

10-10-2008, 03:39 AM
A misprinted book does have a slightly greater value than the regular trade edition if you can find a buyer who's interested in such matters. There are a few out there. One other common printing error is that one or more of the signatures (a group of pages folded together) is duplicated while another signature is omitted, thus creating a duplicate paging. Again, there are collectors out there who like this sort of thing.


Mr. Rabbit Trick
10-10-2008, 04:21 AM
There were a lot of binding problems reported with the last three Dark Tower books. Pages missing, pages repeated, pages upside down, etc.

I wonder how many collectors have shrinkwrapped DT signed/limited books which have binding problems? Maybe even signature sheets missing.

Randall Flagg
10-10-2008, 03:41 PM
I have a copy of Insomnia that had the pages bound upside down. Stephen King inscribed it and put the note and signature on the back page upside down!
I'll try to get get a pic up soon.

10-11-2008, 09:35 AM
I have a DT6 Artist Edition that Darrel Anderson forgot to sign.

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/1554/sosnw6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

I tried to sell it once, and there was not a lot of interest.

I agree with Bev's comment that "Unless you find someone who is specifically interested in collecting that sort of ephemera, I don't believe there is any intrinsic value in your book beyond cover price."

10-13-2008, 06:31 AM
I have a copy of Insomnia that had the pages bound upside down. Stephen King inscribed it and put the note and signature on the back page upside down!
I'll try to get get a pic up soon.

I remember this one Jerome. This was great, please show it again!

Randall Flagg
10-14-2008, 06:39 AM
I have a copy of Insomnia that had the pages bound upside down. Stephen King inscribed it and put the note and signature on the back page upside down!
I'll try to get get a pic up soon.

I remember this one Jerome. This was great, please show it again!


10-14-2008, 08:01 AM
so funny! He did it purposely :P

(well, i dont see how he could do it by mistake)

10-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Just noticed on Lilja's site a picture of the forthcoming "Just After Sunset".

Am I right to think there will be no difference between the 1st edition and the "Collectors Edition"? It looks as though the book has a different front & back cover, and thats why there were different covers shown on amazon et al.


Mr. Rabbit Trick
10-15-2008, 08:01 AM
Here's the pictures of the books....


US Trade - US Limited - UK Trade - US Proof - UK Sampler

10-15-2008, 08:04 AM
I think the UK trade cover looks so much better than the US cover. :orely:

10-29-2008, 09:15 AM
Sorry to bother again with this but I´ve been unable to find the post about The Shining were Bob (Carlosdetweiller) showed that a copy of After the play was auctioned.

Does anyone have the link?

10-29-2008, 09:18 AM
Here ya go, Ari. Link (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showpost.php?p=130866&postcount=37)

10-29-2008, 09:29 AM

10-29-2008, 09:33 AM
YW. :) Amazingly enough, the DT search found it! :D

10-29-2008, 09:54 AM
I searched through there but no results for me :(

Randall Flagg
10-29-2008, 09:56 AM
YW. :) Amazingly enough, the DT search found it! :D
Please share your search technique.

10-29-2008, 10:12 AM
I clicked on the Search link, typed in "after the play" (with the quotation marks), selected Show Posts, and hit Go. Found the post about 4th or 5th down, I think.

10-29-2008, 10:23 AM

10-30-2008, 01:45 PM
Anyone know whats going on with skcollector.com?

10-30-2008, 01:47 PM
Tomas? Why do you ask?

Randall Flagg
10-30-2008, 02:08 PM
The site (domain name) has either been bought, sold, stolen etc. Just a spam site right now.

10-30-2008, 02:10 PM
Interesting since I just went there and it looks fine to me.


Randall Flagg
10-30-2008, 02:16 PM
The bookmarked link I have/had was for Stephenkingcollector.com
The valid link you provided is for skcollector.com
Strictly a guess, but perhaps he did not renew both domain names.

10-30-2008, 02:30 PM
For me the home page is fine for both, but the forum section and all others are coming up as spam.

Randall Flagg
10-30-2008, 02:38 PM
The domain name stephenkingcollector.com expired as of 10/30/08 00:00:00

Creation date: 30 Oct 2002 00:00:00
Expiration date: 30 Oct 2008 00:00:00

It may have been grabbed by a domain squater.

skcollector.com also has expired, but perhaps it isn't such a glamorous name.

10-30-2008, 02:40 PM
You're right - forums don't work at all. And I sent Tomas an email to both domain names, and both bounced back . . .

Does anyone have an alternate way to reach him, by chance?

Randall Flagg
10-30-2008, 02:44 PM
I just spoke with Tomas @ skcollector.com
He was unaware of the problem and is getting onto it as we speak.

10-30-2008, 02:48 PM
:thumbsup: Excellent, Jerome!

10-30-2008, 03:10 PM
The Forums are back on-line.


10-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Not on my PC. Just tried from both domains and got that same spammy site. But stephenkingcollector.com works now!

10-30-2008, 03:47 PM
And its back online for me now! Forums and all!

Randall Flagg
10-30-2008, 04:43 PM
A quick check showed the site and its links functioning properly.
Great thanks to e_taylor for pointing the problem out.:thumbsup:

10-30-2008, 06:49 PM
Has anyone heard anything regarding the release of Rocky Wood's Stephen King: The Non-Fiction??

10-31-2008, 06:31 AM

it is a Cemetery Dance Publication.

I just checked my records and I see that I ordered (and paid) for this book on 9/20/06. It is now 25+ months later. They seem to be right on schedule! :P Gee if I had not purchased and paid for that book my $75 would probably be worth about $76.50 in today's economy! :-) In retrospect, a small price to pay I guess!

For the record I know from a personal conversation with Rocky that he is rather "unpleased" with the time it is taking to get this book on the street!

10-31-2008, 06:44 AM
Sorry, there were 666 replies to this thread, and this being Halloween, and me lovin' you guys, I had to correct that.

You may now resume....

10-31-2008, 06:45 AM
For the record I know from a personal conversation with Rocky that he is rather "unpleased" with the time it is taking to get this book on the street!

I wonder if there is anyone who is "pleased" with anything regarding Cemetery Dance these days?

Finding such a person might make Diogenes' search for an honest man seem easy by comparison.

10-31-2008, 06:51 AM
For the record I know from a personal conversation with Rocky that he is rather "unpleased" with the time it is taking to get this book on the street!

I wonder if there is anyone who is "pleased" with anything regarding Cemetery Dance these days?

Finding such a person might make Diogenes' search for an honest man seem easy by comparison.

I am sure Rocky will publish more books - just not any more with CD Pubs is my guess! He has made a name now and I am sure there are other specialty small presses that would be interested in publishing him!

10-31-2008, 07:29 AM

Guys - I'm pretty sure its legit, especially since its one of Greg's auctions, BUT, I'm half considering this one so I just want some confirmation. Is this legit? Is it a good price?

10-31-2008, 07:40 AM

Guys - I'm pretty sure its legit, especially since its one of Greg's auctions, BUT, I'm half considering this one so I just want some confirmation. Is this legit? Is it a good price?

I think the signature is legit. The price seems reasonable to me.

Mr. Rabbit Trick
10-31-2008, 08:23 AM
Sig looks fine to me as well.

10-31-2008, 09:21 AM
Looks good to me and even better at a great price.


Guys - I'm pretty sure its legit, especially since its one of Greg's auctions, BUT, I'm half considering this one so I just want some confirmation. Is this legit? Is it a good price?

Randall Flagg
10-31-2008, 02:53 PM
In this market, given that it will be a minimum of $25 to ship to the USA (unless you want by boat and it could take months), I think the price is too high-by at least 10%.

10-31-2008, 03:14 PM
In this market, given that it will be a minimum of $25 to ship to the USA (unless you want by boat and it could take months), I think the price is too high-by at least 10%.

But can you steer him to a cheaper copy with a definitely legit signature from a definitely legit seller? The only one I found on ABE (admittedly a very quick search) was over $1200 and it was also in the UK.