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Roland of Gilead 33
02-23-2011, 07:47 PM
I just started To read this tonite. I'm not that far into it actually. i've only read 13 pages so far. & i gotta say it's odd & surprising that he would start a "Dark Tower" book with

another set of characters other than the usual Ka-Tet or just Roland. but since "King" is a fan of "Harry Potter" my guess is he was thinking of "The Goblet Of Fire" when he started the book cause that book started with "Voldemort" or however that's spelled?

instead of the normal chapter 1. when J.K. Rowling starts with "Harry" most of the time.

02-23-2011, 11:53 PM
...which one did you just start :lol: You never told us.

I like change though its nice to start with something that surprises you.

02-24-2011, 12:57 AM
The thread is in the Wolves of the Calla forum, so I'm sure that is the book he is talking about.

I suppose he might have thought of that, but I don't think it really compares. If he had started WotC with the Crimson King, then it would be a clear comparison.
I think that King just needed to set up the nature of the Calla and Calla folk before the gunslingers rolled into town

02-24-2011, 03:02 AM
I need to pay more attention to thread names.

Roland of Gilead 33
02-24-2011, 04:23 AM
1stly don't feel bad about that, missed thread names i mean. . we've all done it he he. & yes i meant this book. i FINALLY finished the prolog before bed last nite. & since Father C. was at the end of it. i can see why he started the book like this.

02-24-2011, 10:19 AM
i've only read 13 pages so far. & i gotta say it's odd & surprising that he would start a "Dark Tower" book with another set of characters other than the usual Ka-Tet or just Roland. but since "King" is a fan of "Harry Potter" my guess is he was thinking of "The Goblet Of Fire" when he started the book cause that book started with "Voldemort" or however that's spelled?

I think it's more likely inspired by the start of The Magnificent Seven. Actually much of this story is inspired by that film.

Roland of Gilead 33
02-24-2011, 12:57 PM
actually i've never seen that film.i have the dvd of it. i borrowed from a friend of mine, but i just haven't gotten to around to actually watching the damn thing.

02-25-2011, 08:38 AM
actually i've never seen that film.i have the dvd of it. i borrowed from a friend of mine, but i just haven't gotten to around to actually watching the damn thing.

Take a look. Seriously, the scenes are very similar!

Actually I haven't seen the film all the way through myself, but I watched the start a while back and you could almost swap the Calla folk for Mexicans! (That's probably a bit of an exaggeration, but you'll see what I mean. Don't get me wrong, it's different enough not to be considered a rip-off, but it's a very strong homage.)

By the way, have you read 'Salem's Lot RoG? You don't really need to get the significance for this book but you'll appreciate one of the characters that bit more.

Roland of Gilead 33
02-25-2011, 04:17 PM
well 1stly i know that Sai King was inspired by QUITE a bit by clint eastwood & his westerns he did in Italy. in the 60's. & a shit load of other things for his "DT" series. so it's not surprising that he'd also add "The Magnifiencet Seven" to the list a well.

& i have read "Salam's Lot" but i haven't read the extended 30th anniversary edition yet. just the Original years ago. so i did get the feeling that, THAT book ends on a cliff-hanger & the 2nd & 3rd time i ended up reading it in different years, i got that same feeling. i NEVER did like the fact that he ended it that way. but with "Wolves Of Calla" i think he does fix that. even if i'm not that far into it. & "Father C.' hasn't told his story yet to Roland & his KA-Tet. yet.

02-25-2011, 07:16 PM
& i have read "Salam's Lot" but i haven't read the extended 30th anniversary edition yet. just the Original years ago.

That will do. The anniversary edition has extras, and the two short stories 'Jerusalem's Lot' and 'One for the Road', so it's definitely well worth getting, but the main novel itself is the same. It's not like The Stand unabridged or The Gunslinger Revised edition where new scenes were added within the story. There are alternate scenes but they're not in the novel itself. They're more like the deleted scenes you get on a DVD.

As long as you've read the main story you're all set up, certainly as far as Callahan is concerned.

Roland of Gilead 33
02-26-2011, 12:54 PM
i actually have never gotten around to reading those short stories to be honest. & by the way thanxs for the info.

02-26-2011, 01:59 PM
I don't have much to say on-topic, but I'd just like to mention that that anniversary edition is a beautiful book, and worth reading, IMO.

02-26-2011, 03:45 PM
I don't have much to say on-topic, but I'd just like to mention that that anniversary edition is a beautiful book, and worth reading, IMO.

Indeed. I forgot to mention, RoG 33, there are some wonderful eerie photographs included in that edition of the book too.

i actually have never gotten around to reading those short stories to be honest.

You don't need to for Wolves... As I said, you've read 'Salem's Lot so that will do. They are a great read in themselves though. Much as I like King's work, I'm not usually scared by it, but those stories genuinely gave me the creeps. Mind you, so did 'Salem's Lot. King really does vampires right!

But back on topic, I hope you're enjoying Wolves.., and you haven't had it spoiled too much. Bear in mind this part of the forum does contain spoilers for that book so be careful.

Roland of Gilead 33
02-27-2011, 05:32 PM
oh hell spoilers doesn't bother me, iv'e heard how this or that book or this or that tv episode, or film ends & i say fuck it & i still watch it. it's really never been a problem for me. i've actually taken a couple of days off from reading. i like to take some time off from it sometimes so i can take breather & catch up stuff iv've either downloaded from some site. may it be a film or a tv episode from this past week.

iv'e been watching "MSTK3000" these past couple of days actually i downloaded KTMA episodes like a year or so ago. & i watched a few of those. plus the oscars are tonite. well speaking of them they are on. so i'm going to watch them

Roland of Gilead 33
02-27-2011, 05:45 PM
funny thing is i didn't read "Salem's Lot" until i was in maybe my mid teens. so i grew up on the TVM film version of it. well the (1979) version anywys. which is a classic film by the way. yet i don't think the film version felt much like a cliff-hanger & the book did. odd huh?

Roland of Gilead 33
03-09-2011, 06:30 PM
it's been awhile since i last updated here. so i'll post on where i am in the book right now. not far i'm afraid. but i am 129 pages into it. basically they are just meeting the townsfolk. & they haven't asked for help yet. so it's not very far into the book. actually the only part that i found a bit boring for some weird reason was the part where we have Mia go through the castle. i dunno why that just felt kinda boring to me but it for some reason took me for ever to read. & also to listen on the audio book

which i'm also listening to so i can keep on track with the DT Series.

03-12-2011, 03:43 PM
I love mst3k!!!!

Roland of Gilead 33
03-12-2011, 11:00 PM
so do I. the KTMA days really aren't as bad as people say they are. at least i don't think they are. i watched a bad one. the film NOT the episode. the episode was a decent one.

"The Slime People" from Season 1. god was that film bad. next uP episode 109 or episode 29 i believe otherwise. "Project Moonbase" i think is the name of it. have you seen those?

03-13-2011, 12:19 AM
are you all still on topic?

this thread is shortly be merged anyway

Roland of Gilead 33
03-13-2011, 12:23 AM
well sorry i went off topic a bit. i was just saying how i tend to take some time off to read & why. & what i was watching in the meantime. & Ladyhitchiker said she enjoys MSTK3000 which is what i have been watching. that's all. i haven't read a lot this week in my book only up to like page 140. cuz i've just been to damn tired to read actually.

Roland of Gilead 33
03-15-2011, 09:42 PM
well i'm a bit further tonite. page 189 now., it's still going a bit slow. but than it's at a bit further faster pace than "W&G" was during the flashback. they are going todash for the 1st time in black thirteen. & by they i mean the whole group.

03-16-2011, 03:07 PM
well i'm a bit further tonite. page 189 now., it's still going a bit slow. but than it's at a bit further faster pace than "W&G" was during the flashback. they are going todash for the 1st time in black thirteen. & by they i mean the whole group.

I loved that scene! Really cool and atmospheric!

Roland of Gilead 33
03-16-2011, 07:59 PM
i agree i'm a few pages more into it. & i'm just about to head off to read more of it tonite before bed. pg. 194. upon reading it what surprised me to be honest. in this particular scene anyways. was the fact that they were able to see the rose at all! since black thirteen pretty much sent them there.

& that's the most EVIL of them all from what i understand. & please correct me if i'm wrong. but if they go into the ball which represents evil,

i get that they'd be able to go back to New York. but i didn't really think they'd be allowed by black thirteen to even either reach the roses or be able to see into it. though the scene where as Roland Guesses & i think he's right when Mia comes along with it. since she gave Suze legs. it also caught me by surprise that Jake is NOW calling her Suze when before that scene it was just Eddie.

to my best of knowledge. did this occur to anyone else when they were reading it? also i'd LOVE to know more about Jerico Hill does Sai King tell us more about it?

03-17-2011, 03:43 AM
i agree i'm a few pages more into it. & i'm just about to head off to read more of it tonite before bed. pg. 194. upon reading it what surprised me to be honest. in this particular scene anyways. was the fact that they were able to see the rose at all! since black thirteen pretty much sent them there.

& that's the most EVIL of them all from what i understand.

I get your reasoning, but I'm not sure it quite works like that. I don't want to spoil it for you too much, but let me just say, it is a treacherous glass. The Wizard's Rainbow as a whole can be used as tools to serve the users' requirements, but... they work towards their own objectives too. Look at Maerlyn's grapefruit for example. It allowed Rhea to to spy out her neighbours, but it also exerted a price from her. The same can be said for Roland. It showed him the Tower, was a catalyst in sending him on the journey (although I suspect he would have come to this decision eventually anyway) but it also hurt him.

i get that they'd be able to go back to New York. but i didn't really think they'd be allowed by black thirteen to even either reach the roses or be able to see into it. though the scene where as Roland Guesses & i think he's right when Mia comes along with it. since she gave Suze legs. it also caught me by surprise that Jake is NOW calling her Suze when before that scene it was just Eddie.

I don't remember Jake calling her that earlier, either, but I think they've all really bonded by this point. They've been treking together for a good while now, and not just the stuff we've seen in the books. They've been together between the books too... Something the new DT novel will be dealing with, I understand.

also i'd LOVE to know more about Jericho Hill does Sai King tell us more about it?

There is one passage where King describes some of it. It's been a little while since I read Wolves of the Calla though, so I forget where it happens. The comics cover a bit more, but it does contradict King's account a bit, to my mind, anyway.

Roland of Gilead 33
03-17-2011, 12:35 PM
the only seen so far that i've read i that one right before he goes to new york in the 2nd Todash but Roland's 1st. well Eddie & Jake's 2nd Todash Trip anyways. i've been reading the comments on here as well as on the IMDB boards. it's amazing how people REFUSE to even give any of Sai King's books a fucking chance ever since he had his accident. & it's amazing how much hatred some people have for the last 3 books as well.

so far i'm actually enjoying "The Wolves of the Calla' page 208 now. so far i don't really see that much of a change in style of his writing since the 4th book came out. i of course am referring to the DT series. this one so far feels like one of the earlyier books. maybe NOT the 1st book of course. i so far don't get why people don't like it. some people i of course mean.

i think my brother said when i asked him once which one was his favorite? & i think he said this one. i also get a kick out & excuse me if have already posted this before.

on how people don't like the ending. i don't need to use the spoiler for this cause i won't say how it ends. i don't think i need to anyways. i already know. my point is i think he would have ended the series like he did weather he had his accident or not. i don't think it really would have made any difference to be honest. because going back to the 1st 4 books. all you really need to do is just pay attention to what any of the characters say to each other or think to themself. such as when Eddie

is riding a horse for the 1st time he thinks to himself. damn it feels like i've done this a thousand times. or even in 'The Waste Lands" written years before his accident. when they know "Blaine' will be Pink & NOT know HOW they know that. that's clues right there on how it's going to end. or even when Jake dies in the 1st book when he says there are other worlds than these. go now.

pretty much hinting the end of the series. somewhat anyways. & there are of course MAN other things in the 1st three books as well as the rest to hint on how the series will end.

so in short, he left you clues long before he had his accident. & i think if you really put all those together. you would be able to somewhat figure it out anyways. ya know? least that's my take on it. my apologies if i've revealed to much.

Roland of Gilead 33
03-23-2011, 05:25 PM
i'm now on page 246 i think ? this is a book that for me has been going pretty fast. i mean with W&G it just went slow as fuck. at least for me. that doesn't mean i think it's a bad book it isn't. it was a good book actually. but it just seemed to drag on too damn much. he he.

& this one so far anyways has been going at a MUCH faster pace. & is so far a faster read. which i just LOVE it when books are like that. i never though i'd learn that Roland can sing, dance & jump off a stage like "Joey Ramone" as Eddie Dean Says. anyways it's so far a good book. right now i'm at where Roland is telling Eddie that Suze is preggers with basically

Damon. you know that evil bastard from classic film "The Omen" what can i say i channeled my inner Eddie Dean he he