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View Full Version : Rank and File--Collectors

10-18-2007, 06:44 PM
So, just as the military has Privates and Generals, how do collectors "rank" themselves. I've heard the term "Super" collector, and it's pretty self-explanitory. That could be the General. You guys own just about everything King.

Maybe the Private would be called a "Reading" collector. Meaning that he/she collect books simply to read, regardless of the format (paperback, BCE, etc.). As I was once. I couldn't tell a first edition from a rock.

I think I'm somewhere in the middle now. I've got Hardcover First Editions, a few ARCs, some sigs, etc. No real Limited Editions signed by King. So, maybe I'm a 2nd Lieutenant or something like that. :pirate:

Where are you??? Rank yourself today. And what do you need to do to get promoted. Me, I need to either increase my ARC collection or get my first SK Limited. Maybe then, I can be a 1st Lieutenant. :rock:

10-18-2007, 07:34 PM
I'd be the foreign collector then? :D

Randall Flagg
10-19-2007, 12:05 AM

10-19-2007, 02:03 AM

Oh yeah, Jerome. Try again!

10-19-2007, 02:05 AM
Honestly, I think I'm one of those General guys. I know a couple others that put me to shame (guess they would be McArthur and Patton), but my collection is wery wery nice, so's I think. So General, yeah, fits me pretty well.

10-19-2007, 02:27 AM
Maybe the Private would be called a "Reading" collector. Meaning that he/she collect books simply to read <...>

that would be me http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bear_original.gif

10-19-2007, 03:13 AM
I'm a Private too.
Although in the fantastic updates to the King Collection on the site, I have noticed I do have some first editions I didn't realize I had. *shrugs* :)

10-19-2007, 04:02 AM
I'd put myself in as a Colonel, or maybe a Lieutenant Colonel. I have some suprising holes in my collection.


10-19-2007, 04:12 AM
I'm no rank buck Private. I've been here before. :lol:

funky dredd
10-19-2007, 04:54 AM
I'm a beginner. I have a lot of the first editions but no signed books. I only spend what I can afford and that's not a lot, so most of the signed or limited are way out of reach for me.

10-19-2007, 05:29 AM
I would say Lieutenant. I own all the major books, a lot of sigs and Limited Editions, a lot of UK's and proofs. But I would say I only own half of what I want. There's a lot of stuff I'm missing.

10-19-2007, 06:46 AM
Private, though I don't have many expensive books, I have all of King's books in paper back, and most in hard cover

10-19-2007, 07:29 AM
Great answers! RF, fortunately, we do accept civilians amongst our ranks. ;)

I did my Private time, both in real life, and here as a collector. I don't know what "swtich" was flipped that made me a more avid collector, but it was likely a Dark Tower book. :)

Thanks for all the responses. I enjoy EVERY level of collecting. It's just fun!

10-19-2007, 07:29 AM

10-19-2007, 07:37 AM
I guess I would be a Private First Class. I collect hardcovers to read. I never knew anything about first editions, limiteds, signed and lettered, or what half of all of the book collecting terminology means.

I just finished the Dark Tower and finally searched the net for Dark Tower discussion when I came across this site and another. So this whole book collecting thing is new to me, but very compelling. Maybe I can move up the ranks sometime. :)

10-19-2007, 07:53 AM
well... if we consider bob (the one and only) as commander in chief aka. president bob....
i guess i might possibly rank as a one star general....with several 2-5 star generals above me.

but... as i said... i'm awol for a while.:cool:

10-19-2007, 10:49 AM
I'm all about the S/Ls.

I have very few Trade First Editions, the ones I have are mostly recent mass printings (aside from 1st/1st's of The Gunslinger and DTII). So I do not consider myself a collector of trade firsts, although I would like to get them for DT III and IV. I don't think I even have trade firsts of DTV and DTVI, I listened to the books on audio and consider the AEs as reading copies if I'm ever so inclined.

I own no ARCs nor proofs.

I rarely buy gift editions. I have the gift edition of The Talisman (because I love that book in general and would buy just about any version of it), the gift ed. of 'Salem's Lot (because it is so cool with traycase and pics), and the relatively inexpensive AEs of DTV, VI and VII (for potential reading copies and to give to my kids when they're old enough).

Occasionally I pick up some cool ephemeral items, but that doesn't happen often.

I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly and throw away every issue after I read it, even the ones with SK columns or articles. :o

So, Bill, where does that put me in the hierarchy?

10-19-2007, 11:25 AM
i think im probably a lieutenant like you gguthrie.just short 2 UK 1st's,have the US 1st's,all gifts and most limited(over 35 king sigs)and am attacking the proofs with a vengeance.lol.i have about 25 of them.i see a lot of holes in my collection so i guess that makes me an addict.hey,its all good clean fun right?

10-19-2007, 11:44 AM
So, Bill, where does that put me in the hierarchy?

You've got some heavy collectibles, so I'd put you up in the Colonel area. Go pay good money for a 1st Edition Dolores Claiborne and you might make General yet! :evil:

8) ;)

In reality, it's all about where you think you are. I really enjoy seeing your books.

shnnrc01, all those sigs!!! You're up there!!! :) :) :)

10-19-2007, 12:20 PM
Thank you, sir! :D

10-19-2007, 12:54 PM
Reader. I like hardcover editions, limited and illustrated, but generally, I wouldn't spend what they cost on it.

Randall Flagg
10-19-2007, 04:37 PM

10-20-2007, 06:24 AM

That's classified!! :ninja:

10-20-2007, 02:39 PM
Jerome, your collection is one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen.

As for me, I have two S/L, one personalized and 7 signed. Some Arcs, some 1st editions...I guess I'm 1st Lieutenant but with a lower rank than others 1st L. :D

10-22-2007, 08:07 AM
Well thought I'd pipe in. I am thinking LtCol at best due ot the holes in my collection.

I do have almost all first editions - except Salem's Lot, The Shining, Night Shift, the original 4 bachman paperbacks, Thinner and The Gunslinger.

I have several signed copies including the following S/Ls:
Six Stories, From A Buick 8, The Colorado Kid, Postscripts 10,
Quietly Now, Borderlands 5, Life in the Cinema, The Girl Next Door,
Secretary of Dreams Vol I (Vol II on order)

I have other signed copies including gift editions of Insomnia & Desperation that I mailed to King's office (way back when he was doing that) and have personalized to me.

I have a few first editions that I have managed to get signed including
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon 9fromteh Haven Foundation)
On Writing 9purchased at an RBR COncert),
The Stand (the Uncut Version) - personalized to me at teh Bag of Bones signing at Betts
Legends - signed at the Betts Bag fo Bones booksigning - also got Terry Goodkind to personalize it to me as well.

Last but not least I have an RBR poster matted and framed and signed by all band memebers obtained at an RBR performance in Washington DC in 2000 (I think). I had a VIP Pass for that performance and got to attend a receptio with the band before they played. A bunch of us hung with King mostly for about 30 minutes - it was truly awesome and I got my picture taken with him. I also got Amy tan, Dave Barry, Kathi Goldmark and Ridley Pearson to sign my Mid Life Confidential - oddly enought I couldn't get King's signature on it that night. He wasn't signing anything as he was saving his strength for the performance (he was still recuperating from his accident!

I also collect all the old (and new) magazines with King Appearances - but only have one of the Cavalier editions. Nor do I have any of the really rare stuff like Moth, but I do own both of hte Startling Msytery Stories that carried King's first two paid publications. I have a complete set of Castlerock Newsletters as well.

Other peripheral stuff include S/Ls from Spignesi, Beahm, Underwood, Collins, ...

So call me lite colonel Bob - not to be mistaken for General Bob who seems to have just about everything. :-)

10-22-2007, 08:13 AM
Wow! Colonel Bob!!! Quite impressive. I salute you! :lol:

You failed to mention that you're published IN Lighthouse VI!!!


Randall Flagg
10-22-2007, 09:05 AM
I'd say Carlosdetweiler and Hutch are 2 of the four 5 Star Generals in the world.
Just like in the real world, there are only four to ever achieve that rank.

10-22-2007, 09:09 AM
So these two and then there was Charlie Fried and there was Chris Cujo and then wasn't there some super collector woman from Japan? That would be 5 5 Stars!

And NK - thanks - yes I was published in LH VI- someday there will be more (I hope). :-)

10-22-2007, 11:01 AM
But Chris Cujo sold all his collection, and both Charlie and the woman from Japan are dead (RIP).
Or am I wrong?

10-22-2007, 11:22 AM
Ari I think you are right - I was just trying to come up with who was / is on the list of Super Collectors! I feel preveledged to have met two of them - at the Bag of Bones signing at Betts!

10-23-2007, 07:37 AM
no...as i said, bob....aka carlosdetweiler.... is president Bob.... commander in chief.

hutch is definitely a 5 star though.
i just wish we could get him to post some pics of his collection someday (you're so reclusive dave):ninja:

10-23-2007, 11:15 PM
I love hearing you old-timers talk about the times when gods walked the earth.


10-24-2007, 02:21 AM
:lol: :rofl: :lol: Last I saw, Patrick, you might be sporting a few grey hairs yourself. :evil:

I love hearing you old-timers talk about the times when gods walked the earth.


10-24-2007, 09:46 PM
I love hearing you old-timers talk about the times when gods walked the earth.

:lol: :rofl: :lol: Last I saw, Patrick, you might be sporting a few grey hairs yourself. :evil:
Yeah, ok, you got me on that one. :unsure:

10-25-2007, 05:16 AM
Grey is OK - trust me!

03-30-2008, 03:36 PM
We've had a lot of new people join and participate in this forum the past few months, so I thought I'd bump this thread. :)

03-30-2008, 04:56 PM
lol I never saw this thread before!
You guys are too funny.

I guess I would be a private 1st class. I have only 1 signed limited.
I have one book flat signed, and a bunch on read hard covers that I don't even know if they are 1sts! LOL

03-30-2008, 05:25 PM
Well, I'm not sure where I'd be classified or ranked. I have an author's copy of Christine, two lettered editions (not King), two other King signed books, two S/L Joe Hill's, a personalized Joe Hill, four or five ARCs, about a dozen or so foreign editions, probably about three quarters of the first editions, and some promo stuff.

03-30-2008, 05:59 PM
I'm going to stand up and salute all my higher ups...but I'd say I'm a 1st Leutenant...

03-30-2008, 06:56 PM
:lol: I'm not too familiar with military rankings but I'd be whoever cleans the bathrooms.

I've got some signed and personalized books, but none of them are King. As for Sai King, I've got almost all of his books in hardback with a few first editions. I'd love to go to a signing someday and get a signed copy.

Oh, and back before Lisey's Story came out, I entered a contest to win an ARC of it and was told I won in a letter, but then didn't get the book until after it came out and the front cover was a letter saying something like it wasn't really a real ARC or something due to a legal problem (it's been awhile since I've looked at it, so i'm not 100% on this). So I don't know what exactly that is, but I've got it. :beat:

03-30-2008, 07:07 PM
Did it look like this Erin?


03-30-2008, 07:20 PM
Yep exactly! What was the deal with all that?

03-30-2008, 07:22 PM
It is the ARC. The letter on the cover was just a bullshit attempt to keep people from reselling them when they recieved them.

03-30-2008, 07:25 PM
Ahhh. Well what do you know. I've got an ARC. :lol:

Like I said, it's been forever since I've read that letter on the front and I remember it being very vague and confusingly worded.

03-30-2008, 07:29 PM
:lol: I'm not too familiar with military rankings but I'd be whoever cleans the bathrooms.

We ALL cleaned the damn bathrooms!!!


I salute you--with all your trade editions, your ARC, and various other authors, I'd say you've got some brass on your shoulder. :thumbsup:

03-30-2008, 07:49 PM
I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

03-30-2008, 07:50 PM
I'm the boot scrubber. :lol:

I've been pulling in King books wherever I can find/afford them, I have about 30. No idea whether any of them are 1st editions, but I will be checking shortly with the help of the catalogue here. :)

And being fairly young, there is time remaining to move up the ranks.

I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

THAT is very cool, kind of borderline obsessive but very cool! :lol:

03-30-2008, 08:01 PM
I'm the boot scrubber. :lol:

I've been pulling in King books wherever I can find/afford them, I have about 30. No idea whether any of them are 1st editions, but I will be checking shortly with the help of the catalogue here. :)

And being fairly young, there is time remaining to move up the ranks.

I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

THAT is very cool, kind of borderline obsessive but very cool! :lol:

YES, the Explorer may seem borderline obsessive........ but actually was great deal and was looking for used SUV when I found it... was way below book value.....and knew it had most likely been well cared for.
It came with the original tiltle with his signature and all. It also gave me an excuse to take a trip to Bangor Maine when I had never been there.
My only concern with it is the odometer is running backwards and I worry what to expect when it reaches 000000

03-30-2008, 08:14 PM
The odometer is running backwards? :lol: How creepy! But what else would you expect from Stephen King's old car?

03-30-2008, 08:36 PM
... My only concern with it is the odometer is running backwards and I worry what to expect when it reaches 000000

03-31-2008, 03:17 AM
Remember Christine!!


03-31-2008, 05:19 AM
:panic: :panic: :panic:

03-31-2008, 06:02 AM
God knows where I'd come in - I've collected so much and sold so much and dipped back in and cursed the fountain for writing crap and bathed in the fountain when the crap turned to alpine spring water....up and down and round and round...in and out...

errrmmmm......I guess that wouldn't make me a navigator :)

03-31-2008, 06:47 AM
I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

Wait a minute...is this Jim?? It's Karen from Grant!! Welcome!! HE HE

Saw that you went to the event in FL. Tad jealous.

How's the truck running?

03-31-2008, 07:24 AM
I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

Wait a minute...is this Jim?? It's Karen from Grant!! Welcome!! HE HE

Saw that you went to the event in FL. Tad jealous.

How's the truck running? Hey Karen, nice to connect here.
Explorer still running fine......still driving on occasion.
We've still been seeking out opportunities to see Mr King speak whenever we can... We did not get any tickets for the Washington event though (3 Kings).
However I did run into him at bookstore in Sarasota when Duma Key first came out. I about dropped my coffee when he walked in the door. I also ran into him and Joe at Red Sox spring training game.
So now have both a US and UK Duma Key autographed.

04-03-2008, 03:35 PM
I would be some sort of Procurement Officer...
Always searching for some way to find items I need to expand collection or items I know other ranking officers need to keep their collection as complete as possible. Always searching for a deal or way to barter for great finds
My collection includes a wide variety of items as well as all 1sts, many signed 1sts, several limiteds (some letterred), many ARCs (several of them signed) OH YEAH........Also own Mr. Kings old Ford Explorer

Wait a minute...is this Jim?? It's Karen from Grant!! Welcome!! HE HE

Saw that you went to the event in FL. Tad jealous.

How's the truck running? Hey Karen, nice to connect here.
Explorer still running fine......still driving on occasion.
We've still been seeking out opportunities to see Mr King speak whenever we can... We did not get any tickets for the Washington event though (3 Kings).
However I did run into him at bookstore in Sarasota when Duma Key first came out. I about dropped my coffee when he walked in the door. I also ran into him and Joe at Red Sox spring training game.
So now have both a US and UK Duma Key autographed.


Glad to have you here!! I would move to Florida...but I kinda like it up here! LOL