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View Full Version : Dark Tower Video Game?

Serpent Raptor
01-13-2011, 10:09 AM
How awesome would that be?

It should be like Fallout but on a much bigger scale, and with switchable perspectives.
You'd have five playable characters--Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, Oy. Which could mean up to four player coop (Oy could be an extra that any player can switch back and forth to)! Imagine jumping at people as Oy, and biting them?

Either release a game for each book (using the same game save so you carry over stats and weapons to the next game?), or as downloads, part by part. You'd follow the events in the game, changing characters throughout. There would be combat, exploration and puzzle solving—heres are just some scenes from the books which would be great in the video game:

• Fighting the Slow Mutants under the mountains
• Slaughtering the whole Village (Tull)
• Having to avoid obstacles as you are forced to keep running forward by Gasher
• Solving Riddles on Blaine.
• Killing Vampires and Can Toi in the Dixie pig,
• Going through the mind trap—say at the start of the game it asks you what scares you most, and you select from a list, which then makes the mind trap different for you then someone else?
• Having a massive battle with the Wolves of course! What would be cool is if the game was in real time, so you could intercept the train with the wolves on and stop them there, or wait till they got to the village, and the farmers would help you fight them! If it was an open world game, you wouldn’t have to stop the wolves a certain way, or even stop them at all!
• The Battle of Jericho hill, maybe as an unlockable mode?

Maybe there could be an online mode, or the game itself could just be online, and you could be the man in black, trying to stop Roland, who is being played by a mate. The awesome possibilities are endless.

01-15-2011, 09:07 AM
I'd prefer it to be a mortal kombat style beat em up, imagine how entertaining it would be to see Sussanah beat the crap out of Sheemie with her wheelchair.

01-15-2011, 11:25 AM
I love videogames as much as the next guy, but honestly do not see Dark Tower as being a solid game. However with the big budget movie and tv series it is a real possibility I imagine. When was the last time you played a decent movie tie in game? (NEVER?)

01-15-2011, 11:35 AM
I'd prefer it to be a mortal kombat style beat em up, imagine how entertaining it would be to see Sussanah beat the crap out of Sheemie with her wheelchair. No, definitely a good ole quest. You walk round and round, cursing and clicking for a missed artefact for a hundredth time, while Roland, Eddie and the rest of them stand where you left them, autistically staring into space and answering your desperate clicks with "There will be water if God wills it" and "Go then. There are other worlds but these" over and over again. To which you have only one single option left, "Thankee sai".

01-15-2011, 12:13 PM
Oy-vea! As I am not a huge fan of video gaming I'll just say I love the books, possible I will really like a film, but no not at all in with this idea. Who knows? Would Jack Mort and all the other minor creeps be part of it too? How would it effect the story? How could thew charactures do whatever you wanted to do? :nope:

01-15-2011, 02:15 PM
No, definitely a good ole quest. You walk round and round, cursing and clicking for a missed artefact for a hundredth time, while Roland, Eddie and the rest of them stand where you left them, autistically staring into space and answering your desperate clicks with "There will be water if God wills it" and "Go then. There are other worlds but these" over and over again. To which you have only one single option left, "Thankee sai".

Yeah but fallout 3 was over rated in my opinion, slow and boring.

Kidd Ikarus
01-15-2011, 02:21 PM
I've been into video games most of my life . . . I've often thought about this, but I can't picture it being a good video game. Even more so if it was modeled after Mortal Kombat. That would be horrible.

Roland of Gilead 33
01-15-2011, 05:24 PM
i was JUST thinking about this the other nite actually. if they made it for one of the systems i DO have a PS2, i don't have a PS3 yet. too much money.

nor do i have a Wii yet. but i'd love to see all the platforms get this on it. & let it be a bloody son of a bitch! my guess you can choose who you would want to play as. or they could do after "Eddie" for example joins the quest the levels can have you play as say "Eddie" on one level "Oy" maybe on another level kinda like how in 'Buffy's: Chaos Bleeds' at least for "Gamecube" i dunno about the other platforms it's on. but on that game one level

we get to play as "buffy' another is "Spike" another is "Faith" & so on. the only one we don't fight as is "Giles" since he prolly would be pretty useless anyways. & that's one of my favorite games! :) anyways as for this game it could be like that.

i can't see a "Mortal Combat" kind of game & by that i mean on how that game is kickboxing if memory serves me right. my GUESS is they will make a different game with each release. since it's a franchise or will be anyways movie wise. it makes sense that they would do that. but of course this is just me guessing.

01-15-2011, 05:53 PM
I've been into video games most of my life . . . I've often thought about this, but I can't picture it being a good video game. Even more so if it was modeled after Mortal Kombat. That would be horrible.

What? why would that be horrible? the fact that its a video game means its not meant to be taken seriously and to have a bit of fun, turning it into an RPG like fallout or bioshock would be the obvious predictable thing to do, however, turning into a beat em up with fatalities and babalities, i mean come on how funny would that be !

However, it might be cool if it were modeled after FF7....

Kidd Ikarus
01-15-2011, 06:57 PM
Wow. I don't know if you are truly being serious or not . . . Because that IMHO that is . . . Or would be; like I said: Horrible. You would want to turn a TDT video game into a beat 'em up where Susannah does some kind of a handstand and magically kicks a character (not to mention Sheemy) in the face with her wheelchair? And you think that would be cool? Wow.

01-15-2011, 08:46 PM
I think there is great potential for The Dark Tower to be a video game. Back a few years ago I imagined the game like Red Dead Revolver. I even broke down how I would divide it up into stages and how the big bosses would work. I look at games like Grand Theft Auto and Dead Red Redemption and can't imagine a better format.

01-16-2011, 06:46 AM
Wow. I don't know if you are truly being serious or not . . . Because that IMHO that is . . . Or would be; like I said: Horrible. You would want to turn a TDT video game into a beat 'em up where Susannah does some kind of a handstand and magically kicks a character (not to mention Sheemy) in the face with her wheelchair? And you think that would be cool? Wow.

Oh come on its a joke, lighten up ! Fact is making a video game of it is pretty pointless anyway, so if they do, they may as well make something silly like a puzzle fighter or an interactive cooking game for the wii featuring the dixie pig and Roland's secret recipe for gunslinger burrito's !

Off topic, I don't think you can criticise my idea when you have an advent children image when we all know THAT was horrible :P

Kidd Ikarus
01-16-2011, 08:19 AM
I actually liked it a lot. Great movie to get high to.

01-16-2011, 10:36 AM
If i got high watching a.c id fall asleep after about 10 minutes, an hour of pointless action sequences and unsatisfying story isn't my idea of a spin off to the greatest game ever created.

Kidd Ikarus
01-16-2011, 11:16 AM
Worthy . . . No. What they should have done was a remake ustilizing nex-gen software. Bujt if you pay attention, there's some actually pretty cool things in there.

01-16-2011, 09:02 PM
darn straight...i liked Advent Children as well especially the final fight scene. that was epic. Maybe they could make the game with a combination of all the games mentioned here with the Mortal Kombat style as a mini game like they did with ffx and the Blitz ball games....just a thought.

Serpent Raptor
01-18-2011, 09:46 AM
Also, what if in deathmatch mode you could be a thunderclap wolf--you'd be able to throw sneetches at each toher, and have lightsab--sorry, lightSTICk fights with other wolves!

01-19-2011, 11:55 AM
Mmmyeah!! A massive DT role playing game (i.e. Dragon Age) would be soooo good!

01-20-2011, 04:20 AM
Personally I think a MMORPG would be much more satisfying, pick a role as a 'prentice Gunslinger, or can-toi before the fall of Giliad, with quests based on situations from the books, rather than following the story line. That way the mythology could be woven in without beating the player around the head with it. Given the number of tie-ins to other SK works there is a vast scope for side quests on other worlds via thinnys or twinners etc.

01-20-2011, 09:41 AM
mmmm... maybe. I'm not into MMORPG's though.

01-20-2011, 10:55 AM
mmmm... maybe. I'm not into MMORPG's though.

Me neither, IMHO a Action/Adventure game would be much better.

01-20-2011, 08:42 PM
I'm telling you open-world GTA style would be awesome.

01-28-2011, 11:29 AM
Game Set in Stephen King's Dark Tower to Complement Movie/TV Show

01-28-2011, 06:52 PM
:onfire: :onfire: :onfire: head explodes

Roland of Gilead 33
01-28-2011, 09:04 PM
is it just me or did i read that the script is done? if they are starting to SLOOOOWLY cast i mean. i mean hell i could be wrong. but am i ?

anyways, i can't wait until the video game comes out fellow gunslingers. i hope it's on ALL Platforms. & it isn't a shooting game like the "James Bond"
games are where it doesn't show your body at all but just the gun you use. kinda like the old game "Duck Hunt" on the original "NES" was back in the day. & well for those who don't know i don't want it to be a shooting gallery game to best describe it. but a game where you can play as

characters like Jake & so on. the rest i've already said here. hell i've wanted a game of this series FOR YEARS! & to be honest i thought "SK" would have let say "Nintendo" for example develope a game for it. but i think it's good he didn't cause the graphics will be better & the storyline & so much more. ya know what i mean?

02-02-2011, 07:53 AM
What? why would that be horrible? the fact that its a video game means its not meant to be taken seriously and to have a bit of fun, turning it into an RPG like fallout or bioshock would be the obvious predictable thing to do, however, turning into a beat em up with fatalities and babalities, i mean come on how funny would that be !

However, it might be cool if it were modeled after FF7....
You think that it should essentially be a joke just because it's a videogame? I strongly disagree. Games can be a powerful storytelling medium, and I think The Dark Tower could make a fantastic, serious, adult RPG or action game. Something along the lines of BioShock or even Red Dead Redemption would be wonderful. If they were going to make a 'funny' fighting game as you suggest, I'd rather they not make one at all.

The thing that interests me most about the recent revelation that they're actually planning a Dark Tower game is the idea that it will draw upon elements from the books that were not used in the films. Perhaps the game(s) will have sections involving related King books like 'Salem's Lot, The Stand etc? A prequel side-story where you play as Callahan during the vampire infestation could make for terrific downloadable content...

02-07-2011, 09:08 PM
could you imagine a red dead redemption type game it could start out with roland as a kid and work forward from there, you could literally include everything in the books it would make an epic game and i hope with the release of the movie and tv series they will make a game adaptation after all the lowly world of the hobbit and the lord of the rings have about 5 or 10 and i think we can all agree the dark tower would make a way mor epic game

Bryn Lucas
04-11-2011, 01:27 PM
Well i see it being more of a Squaresoft "Final Fantasy" style game, turn based combat, evolving special moves, getting to play all the main characters. Now that would suit me.

04-12-2011, 10:31 AM
I don't think a turn-based RPG would be a good fit for the material (or the people likely to be drawn in by the films). I hope they make it an intelligent but action-oriented game. The report says they're planning to incorporate material from the books not used by the films – perhaps The Wind Through the Keyhole could be used to pad out the game, even in the event that it's (understandably) chopped from the film series?