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View Full Version : BTVSAT - Round 1: 2000s (Bracket 6)

11-19-2010, 06:19 AM
Arrested Development (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrested_Development_%28TV_series%29)
Life on Mars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_on_Mars_%28TV_series%29)


11-19-2010, 07:51 AM
Arrested Development was one of the best shows on TV... ever... was very sorry to see it cancelled.

11-19-2010, 11:15 AM
Aww, shit. Life on Mars going up against such a heavily praised show as Arrested Development so soon? Well, I'll be fair, i'll watch a couple of eps of AD first before voting, but...come on, Life on Mars. It's easily one of my favourite shows ever. It's what I watched (along with sequel Ashes to Ashes) when everybody else was watching Lost. It had mystery, but that wasn't the appeal so much as alcoholic, chain smoking, scum-kicking bastard Gene Hunt. Also, John Simm? Easily one of the best actors out there. There's a good chance LoM might not win this round, but there's a 99.9999% chance it's getting my vote.

11-19-2010, 11:19 AM
I'm really torn....AD is phenomenal, but so is Life on Mars, from the few episodes I've seen!

I'll be back to this one, to vote later...

11-19-2010, 06:51 PM
Arrested Development...shit is fucking pure gold.

11-20-2010, 02:25 AM
voted LoM, wonderful and quirky. Also very original at the time

i am surprised to see its neck and neck

11-22-2010, 04:50 PM
Wow I can't believe how close it is. Life on Mars is very good, but AD is one show that's definitely the Greatest of All-Time material.

11-22-2010, 04:53 PM
Wow I can't believe how close it is. Life on Mars is very good, but AD is one show that's definitely the Greatest of All-Time material.

Considering just how much of an impact Gene Hunt made on British culture, as well as how wonderfully well written and acted the show was, the same could be said for LoM.

11-22-2010, 07:56 PM
Arrested f*cking Development.
One of the best shows ever, imo. :)

11-24-2010, 10:36 AM
Tied? :panic:

11-24-2010, 04:39 PM
Well, I've finally watched a few episodes of Arrested Development, and it's one of the funniest US shows I've ever watched. I haven't seen a sitcom like it, really. I really do need to get the complete set sometime soon.

Having said that...I still had to vote for Life on Mars. Not only is it too important for me not to vote for it, it's got everything I look for in a truly great show: great performances, great stories, and more classic quotes than you can shake a cowboy boot at. "If I were as worried as you, I'd never fart for fear of shitting myself!" :lol:

11-25-2010, 07:23 AM
I'm glad you finally checked out Arrested Development. It is a truly awesome and genius show. :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 11:38 AM

11-25-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm certainly interested in watching more, Gsd and Odetta, I will say that. Have either of you checked out Life on Mars, btw? The near perfect original with one of the best endings ever, not the one with Harvey Kietel with an ending that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

11-25-2010, 03:25 PM
This poll closes tomorrow morning, so get your votes in if you haven't already.

11-26-2010, 10:33 AM
Bloody hell. A tie. With Arrested Development. Didn't expect that when this round started with my favourite nominated show, I must say! I thought AD would just flat out win!

11-26-2010, 03:44 PM
Tie breaker time !

11-26-2010, 03:58 PM
Seems there were more stated votes for AD.

11-27-2010, 08:10 AM
Arrested Development is moving on to Round 2, having received 11 votes (50.00%), and winning the tiebreak.

Tiebreak of stated votes:

AD: Odetta, Mattrick, pablo, Girlystevedave (4)
LOM: candy, DoctorDodge (2)

11-27-2010, 12:50 PM
Well, at least it came close to beating Arrested Development, and that at least proves Brits, Pablo, Bev Vincent and Stephen King aren't the only people to have seen it and loved it after all! :lol:

11-27-2010, 01:39 PM
Hey....don't forget me! :P I enjoy it, too

11-27-2010, 03:43 PM
Sorry, Pond! It's just that you love English telly so much it's easy for me to forget you're not actually a Brit! :lol:

11-27-2010, 03:54 PM
Sorry, Pond! It's just that you love English telly so much it's easy for me to forget you're not actually a Brit! :lol:

You probably have no idea how happy that makes me :D
I've wished I was British since I was about 12...I'm getting closer everyday, I think!