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09-15-2010, 01:48 PM
This thread is for discussion on the wonderful film making wizard that is Christopher Nolan and his amazing films. :D

09-15-2010, 01:57 PM
You know, I could've sworn we had a Nolan thread (maybe I'm getting it confused with TDK thread). Otherwse, I'd have made one. :lol: Glad there's a space for it now though!

09-15-2010, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I usually just made threads for his movies as they were released in theaters, but there's enough of us Nolan lovers now so I figured he needed his own thread :D

09-15-2010, 03:15 PM
Darn right he does! :clap:

09-15-2010, 05:42 PM
I had to wait for DVD for Inception, plans to see it kept falling through due to scheduling. We were going to go one afternoon then my friend got a job interview and we never made plans again. Oh well, it'll be on DVD for end of November I am sure.

I've yet to see The Prestige as well.

09-15-2010, 07:22 PM
I've seen all of Nolan's work. The man is good.

09-15-2010, 10:10 PM
How about we start this thread off by everyone ranking the Nolan films they've seen ? I'll start us off :

7. Insomnia
6. Following
5. Batman Begins
4. Memento
3. The Prestige
2. Inception
1. The Dark Knight

09-16-2010, 02:24 AM
now that I think of it, I understand more clearly why I didn't like Memento: it lacked development. I fully realized that it was intended, but two hours of the same stuff all over again, with only my brain working - while my heart and soul were not given anything other than they had been offered during the first fifteen minutes - was way too long for me. It felt like an experiment, kind of a lab work; very good, but not enough for a movie, it takes a lot more to satisfy a bear.

The Prestige, on the other hand, is thoroughly satisfying. I expect it to feel much better on next viewings, because the irritating charade component will be, thank God, reduced to zero. It is, as has been stated elsewhere, beautifully crafted, and I love it in a movie. More important, it is a story of a soul, of a life wasted, and in that it doesn't hesitate to play it rough with my emotions; it is subtle and raw at the same time, and this is what I can't help but admire.

3. Memento
2. Following
1. The Prestige

09-16-2010, 03:05 AM
7. Insomnia
6. Batman Begins
5. Following
4. Memento
3. The Dark Knight
2. The Prestige
1. Inception

09-16-2010, 10:31 AM
I thought he had done more films than he has for some reason? it just seemed like he was everywhere at one point? strange

the only one i have not watched is the Following, so i can't rate that one unfortunatley

6. Insomia
5. Memento
4. Dark Knight
3. the Prestige
2. Inception
1. Batman Begins

To be fair though, i didn't like rating them as i love them all in different way, strange how they are all different - but have similarities.

I love Batman Begins for its explanations and how things start. I love Inception for its vision and its intricate story line.
I love the prestige for its complexity and its beautiful arc.

i could go on, but you catch my drift?

09-16-2010, 10:38 AM
yes, we do, but I still think you should go on. I love reading people's opinions about movies. Especially my friends' opinions.

09-16-2010, 11:13 AM
Yep, do go on, candy. I'm exactly the same when it comes to films Jean, I love reading friends opinions on them, whether we agree or not. Unless they're making an opinion that they haven't seen, that i'm not very tolerant towards, admittedly.

You'd probably enjoy reading my opinions on Edgar Wright films Jean, even if you haven't seen any of them: I'm such a big fan of his work that my recent mostly spoiler free reviews on nearly all his films (I've yet to see A Fistful of Fingers) were massive. God help me if ever I review all 14 episodes of Spaced, it would probably be Lord of the Rings length! :lol:

09-16-2010, 12:50 PM
I haven't seen many, but I like them all! :)

1. The Prestige
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman Begins
4. Momento

09-16-2010, 01:54 PM
As of right now (it could very well change the next time I do a re-watch :lol: ):

1. The Dark Knight
2. The Prestige
3. Inception
4. Batman Begins
5. Following

Still need to see Memento and Insomnia. The latter I'm less concerned about.

09-16-2010, 02:02 PM
Yeah, Insomnia isn't anything spectacular - it's a very by-the-numbers mystery thriller, but it's still a fairly decent film.

Also, only Nolan could have both Pacino and Williams in a film together and persuade them to ground their performance as much as possible and keep them from going off the rails as they usually do :lol:

09-23-2010, 04:37 PM
now that I think of it, I understand more clearly why I didn't like Memento: it lacked development. I fully realized that it was intended, but two hours of the same stuff all over again, with only my brain working - while my heart and soul were not given anything other than they had been offered during the first fifteen minutes - was way too long for me. It felt like an experiment, kind of a lab work; very good, but not enough for a movie, it takes a lot more to satisfy a bear.It’s a departure from narrative tradition, yes. It would have meant more from an established director, I imagine: It could have been more polished, and I have a theory that it feels even more like an experiment as it is, in contrast mainly to the work of others, than it would have been if it were plain experimentation from one with a larger body of his own.
For me, at least, the film did raise a lot of emotions, though; it’s just that, with the plot obscured, I could never trust any of those feelings. Isn’t that interesting? I rather fancy that facing doubt can also be good for soul.
Of course, I’d probably feel differently about Nolan if he’d gone on to show no interest in conventional drama or no aptitude for exploring the normal human condition, but I still appreciate an occasional stretching of the medium.

As for The Prestige, I don't feel entirely qualified to criticize the story because I still haven't read the book, but I really did not find the film thoroughly satisfying. Good, yes. It just didn't mean that much to me.

09-24-2010, 06:19 AM
Have you seen Nolan's Batman films, Path ? If so, what did you think of them ?

09-25-2010, 11:10 AM
Don't you remember my ginormous first post on the Dark Knight's thread?

I was seriously biased against Batman Begins but I liked it anyway. Nonetheless, I still was also very biased against The Dark Knight... but I loved it.

09-27-2010, 09:53 AM
5. Batman Begins
4. The Prestige
3. The Dark Knight
2. Memento
1. Inception


09-27-2010, 01:07 PM
Interesting order, Shizzie. Do you feel that Memento is a better movie than TDK, or do you just like it better ?

09-28-2010, 04:05 AM
I have just seen Memento for the very first time and thought it was genius! Guy Pearce is seriously great, and fortunately and quite unusually considering the time it's been out, it hadn't been spoiled for me in any way. I didn't really know what the film was about or anything, so it was perfect.

09-28-2010, 01:46 PM
I'd like to say a little more about it if you're interested. Perhaps a Memento spoiler thread?

09-28-2010, 02:01 PM
Hmm .... sure, as long as you know that it will most likely end up getting merged back here though at some point throughout the course of our lives.

09-28-2010, 02:15 PM
Well, then I guess we should just post here with spoiler tags. I mean *I* don't care... just trying to be sensitive.

09-29-2010, 12:49 AM
Please do, I'm intrigued now! :D

09-29-2010, 01:02 AM
bears are all ears

09-29-2010, 08:27 AM
Interesting order, Shizzie. Do you feel that Memento is a better movie than TDK, or do you just like it better ?

I adore TDK better. But, Memento hasn't got already loved characters, and it has that different storytelling. These forced me to put it in front of TDK.

09-29-2010, 10:29 AM
Is that large beardy guy, the one who's the hotel clerk in Memento and Gordon's dodgy partner in Batman Begins, in all of Nolan's films?

09-29-2010, 10:59 AM
Ah ! You're referring to Mark Boone. No, he only appears in those two films.

09-29-2010, 11:23 AM
I love Mark Boone. He has some of the best lines in Sons of Anarchy.

I don't want to post in here until I've seen The Prestige, which I really need to hop on. I've started to watch it twice and been interrupted both times. Hopefully this week I'll try again. So. I'll be back.

09-29-2010, 11:25 AM
It's going to change your life, Auntie Em. In at least 5 ways.

09-29-2010, 11:40 AM
Which Nolan films have you seen, Emily ?

09-29-2010, 11:42 AM
Yes, Nolan's Directing Batman 3
But when will the sequel film? Michael Caine thinks he knows.
September 29, 2010

Everyone has been assuming thus far that Christopher Nolan would indeed be back in the director's chair for Batman 3, although no one had officially confirmed it. Until now.

Nolan spoke with Empire Online today, who asked the Inception and Dark Knight helmer if it was safe to assume that he's directing Batman 3. "I think you can at this point, yes," he replied.

Nolan also said, "It's becoming inevitable, I'll put it that way. ... I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I'm pretty excited about what we're doing so... If I haven't announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I'm doing it."

In other Bat-news, Coming Soon points out that Alfred Pennyworth himself, Sir Michael Caine, appeared on The Chris Moyles Show on BBC Radio 1 Wednesday, where he advised them that Batman 3 will probably begin filming next May and that he assumes he'll once again be a part of the cast.

09-29-2010, 12:18 PM
Which Nolan films have you seen, Emily ?

I've seen Memento, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Inception. I saw Memento years ago before I knew of the awesomeness that is Christopher Nolan. I just thought it was an unbelievable movie. Then we watched it in my film interpretation class in high school and I loved it even more (my brother and I used to get high and watch it a lot in high school also, which are some of my fondest memories of those years).

I don't know how I'll be able to put them in order, every time I think I have it right I have second thoughts. Hopefully after I watch The Prestige I'll be able to do it.

09-29-2010, 01:16 PM
Cool, looking forward to it. :)

09-29-2010, 02:11 PM
I still have to see Inception and The Prestige. Watching The Illusionist killed my drive to see another magician movie for sometime.

09-29-2010, 02:39 PM
Inception is my personal film of the year.

The Prestige is an amazing film as well, don't let that other magician film sour you from watching this gem.

09-29-2010, 04:07 PM
My favourite of the year so far is Moon. Maybe Inception on DVD will change that.

09-29-2010, 04:14 PM
But Moon is a 2009 release ? ... :unsure:

09-29-2010, 04:21 PM
For me, it's difficult to decide which film is more awesome. True, Inception was one of the cleverest and most brilliant pieces of work I had seen in a long term, a true merger of the mediums of film both as a blockbuster and as art...

...but Moon had Matt Berry in it, for crying out loud! True, only for a minute, but Matt Berry is God!

YouTube - Greatest 80s line ever

09-29-2010, 10:43 PM
I still have to see Inception and The Prestige. Watching The Illusionist killed my drive to see another magician movie for sometime.
The Prestige is not another magician movie.

10-01-2010, 07:14 AM
I'm in a play about Harry Houdini that opens tonight and all I can think about is The Prestige.

10-01-2010, 07:21 AM
Is there any way your teacher will let you work the "you want to be fooled" quote in there somehow ? :rofl:

10-01-2010, 07:21 AM
Which Nolan films have you seen, Emily ?

I've seen Memento, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Inception. I saw Memento years ago before I knew of the awesomeness that is Christopher Nolan. I just thought it was an unbelievable movie. Then we watched it in my film interpretation class in high school and I loved it even more (my brother and I used to get high and watch it a lot in high school also, which are some of my fondest memories of those years).

I don't know how I'll be able to put them in order, every time I think I have it right I have second thoughts. Hopefully after I watch The Prestige I'll be able to do it.

Hey stoner,

I kept it in my dvd player on constant repeat for I don't know how long. I'd just watch it over and over, stoned or not, in full or in part. I didn't have any idea who did it. I didn't really pay attention to that sort of thing much then. All I knew is it was (and is) about a billion kinds of awesome.

10-01-2010, 07:41 AM
I just watched the Inception once again.
I fell in love with its creator once again.

10-01-2010, 09:29 AM
I just watched the Inception once again.
I fell in love with its creator once again.

I love that you discover new things during each viewing, it truly is an amazing film.

10-01-2010, 05:00 PM
Nolan's Catwoman Says No?
Oscar winner rumored to have turned down Batman 3 role(s).
October 1, 2010

She's been mentioned for awhile now as a possibility to play Catwoman -- a characters we've only heard whispers of maybe being in Batman 3 -- but now the buzz online is that Oscar winner Marion Cotillard has turned down the role.

While the original report at ComicBookMovie.com appears to have been removed, Scriptflags claims it said that Cotillard, who previously worked with Bat-director Christopher Nolan on Inception, was approached by Warner Bros. to play either Catwoman or Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Batman Begins villain Ra's Al Ghul, in the third installment of Nolan's rebooted franchise.

- Warner Bros.

Marion Cotillard, opposite Ken "Fake Ra's Al Ghul" Watanabe, in Christopher Nolan's Inception.

The report supposedly said "Cotillard has had to turn down the offer as of now as she's unsure whether the planned shooting start date of the next Batman movie will clash with other projects she's either interested in or already committed to, despite the fact that she's reportedly keen to re-team team with Christopher Nolan."

Batman 3 will reportedly film in either April or May of next year.

10-01-2010, 05:03 PM
Aw man, that's too bad. I have the ultimate girl crush on Marion Cotillard. Maybe it'll end up working out? That would be funking awesome.

10-01-2010, 05:08 PM
I would love for Nolan to use Talia Al Ghul in the third installment, it would bring the series full circle ... ending it where it began.

10-01-2010, 05:21 PM
I don't know how keen I am on a villain being Catwoman. I'm not too familiar with the comics or anything, but she (it?) doesn't seem very...menacing.

10-01-2010, 06:01 PM
Marion Cotillard as Catwoman?

Hmm.... What am I missing here. I just can't see her as being, I don't know how else to explain it, but I can't see her as being physical enough for the part. I mean, she's sexual and sensual and has a physical presence, but could she pull of the phsyicality that is going to be needed?

10-01-2010, 09:37 PM
I think I remember reading that Nolan wouldn't want to use Penguin or Catwoman. In the case of the latter - it took almost an entire movie to show us why one man would resort to dressing up like a bat, imagine how much screen time it would take to give us an origin on Catwoman ?

10-02-2010, 06:42 AM
Yeah, I'd be okay if they stayed away from Catwoman. I loved Michelle Pfeiffer's cheesey-sultry take on the part ( please don't mention that other movie, starring the Oscar winner, pretty please ). Penguin just wouldn't work. I suppose, technically, he could use any DC comic villian, yes?

10-02-2010, 07:26 AM
He could, but I don't think he'd use a villain that isn't specifically a part of Batman's rogue gallery. I like the idea of The Riddler being the confrontational villain, and Talia being more of a pulling the strings behind the curtain type character.

10-04-2010, 01:16 PM
Are you retiring The Dark Knight's thread (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?t=3559)?

10-04-2010, 01:26 PM
Yeah, I think it might end up getting merged on here ...

10-14-2010, 09:11 AM
New Mad Max Joins Batman 3
Inception's Tom Hardly reportedly cast in top secret role.
October 13, 2010

And Batman's next villain might be ... The Forger?

Deadline reports that English actor Tom Hardy, 33, has been cast in an unnamed "lead role" in Batman 3. Hardy previously worked with Bat-director Christopher Nolan in this summer's Inception.

"Insiders are keeping the role secret and won't even say if he's up for a villain role, but that seems a reasonable assumption," according to the site. Rumors swirled in August that Hardy was under consideration for the role of Riddler.

Hardy first came to audiences' notice as the villainous Praetor Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis before later gaining critical acclaim for his prison drama Bronson. He also starred opposite Daniel Craig in Layer Cake, and has appeared in RocknRolla, Black Hawk Down and Band of Brothers.

Hardy will also play the title role in Warner Bros.' now-delayed Mad Max 4: Fury Road after making Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and This Means War with Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine. He'll next appear onscreen in Warrior.

10-14-2010, 09:23 AM
The Forger?!?

I'm not a huge Batman fan ... but I've never heard of The Forger.

ETA: I couldn't find The Forger listed at the DC Comics site. Weird.

What am I missing?

10-14-2010, 09:25 AM
The Forger was his role in Inception. :lol:

10-14-2010, 09:28 AM
The Forger?!?

I'm not a huge Batman fan ... but I've never heard of The Forger.

ETA: I couldn't find The Forger listed at the DC Comics site. Weird.

What am I missing?

Turtle, The Forger (http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Tom-Hardy-Inception-The-Forger-Poster.jpg) is the nickname of the character Eames played by Tom Hardy in the movie Inception.

10-14-2010, 09:30 AM
The Forger was his role in Inception. :lol:

The Forger?!?

I'm not a huge Batman fan ... but I've never heard of The Forger.

ETA: I couldn't find The Forger listed at the DC Comics site. Weird.

What am I missing?

Turtle, The Forger (http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Tom-Hardy-Inception-The-Forger-Poster.jpg) is the nickname of the character Eames played by Tom Hardy in the movie Inception.


My comic geekiness just took a huge hit !! :blush:

Thank you, folks!!! :rofl:

10-14-2010, 09:33 AM
By the way, I wish the rumours are true and he will play The Riddler.

:) Turtle: :huglove:

10-14-2010, 10:09 AM
Tom Hardy would make an excellent Riddler. He's such a versatile actor, and couple that with Nolan's guidance, it could do for him what The Joker did for Ledger. (RIP)

10-14-2010, 10:15 AM
Tom Hardy would make an excellent Riddler. He's such a versatile actor, and couple that with Nolan's guidance, it could do for him what The Joker did for Ledger. (RIP)

I would love to see that!

( and there's no way he could be worse than Jim Carrey )

10-14-2010, 10:36 AM
Tom Hardy would make an excellent Riddler. He's such a versatile actor, and couple that with Nolan's guidance, it could do for him what The Joker did for Ledger. (RIP)
Well said.

Tom Hardy would make an excellent Riddler. He's such a versatile actor, and couple that with Nolan's guidance, it could do for him what The Joker did for Ledger. (RIP)

I would love to see that!

( and there's no way he could be worse than Jim Carrey )

Oh, please don't say that. Just look at him, see how cool he was:

10-18-2010, 07:45 AM
Ahhhh, The Prestige was amaaaaazing! I'd tried reading the book and couldn't get into it and then heard fans of the book slate the film, but I'm glad I didn't read the book now because the movie seemed perfect. I've not seen a better performance by Michael Caine and I'm currently running away from home to marry Christian Bale.

10-18-2010, 08:02 AM
Ahhhh, The Prestige was amaaaaazing! I'd tried reading the book and couldn't get into it and then heard fans of the book slate the film, but I'm glad I didn't read the book now because the movie seemed perfect. I've not seen a better performance by Michael Caine and I'm currently running away from home to marry Christian Bale.
:rose: :rose: :rose:

talking about Caine, though - have you seen Educating Rita and The Man Who Would Be King?

10-18-2010, 08:08 AM
Lisa ! I didn't think it was possible to lurve you anymore ! :wub:

I'm glad to see you enjoyed The Prestige, definitely one of the better films this decade. I loved that as both Angier and Borden's obsessions grew, so too did the deviousness of their methods in attempts to one-up each other. Such a great film.

10-18-2010, 10:23 AM
Inception is now available for pre-order through amazon!


10-18-2010, 11:56 AM
talking about Caine, though - have you seen Educating Rita and The Man Who Would Be King?
Educating Rita, yes - I don't think you're allowed to be British and not have seen it :D The second film, no - I'm putting it on my list now :thumbsup:

Lisa ! I didn't think it was possible to lurve you anymore ! :wub:
Well I'm not just gonna put it all out there on the first date, you'd never ring back! :lol: :couple:

I'm glad to see you enjoyed The Prestige, definitely one of the better films this decade. I loved that as both Angier and Borden's obsessions grew, so too did the deviousness of their methods in attempts to one-up each other. Such a great film.
So well acted, I'm not normally a Jackman fan but he was perfect in his role...infact, they both played obsessives so well I started thinking that a roughed up Jackman would be a great Roland, as a slightly younger Bale would be awesome as Eddie.

But honestly though, I really haven't enjoyed a film this much in quite a while. It was right up my street :cool:

10-18-2010, 01:09 PM
Man, I really need to see The Prestige. This week, I swear it.

10-20-2010, 10:03 AM
By casting doubt as to whether a vigilante has killed the guilty party or an innocent bystander, this film raised serious questions about the nature of justice to my mind.
Even if it were true that everyone is guilty of something, I don't believe that would mean that capital punishment is never wrong, but it makes me wonder whether it is ever right. I can see how Memento could seem to be not very meaningful to someone who starts out already believing that that's never right, and so having no sympathy for Leonard even trying to kill the original attacker. It's not too interesting to watch characters, all deeply evil, fight amongst themselves.
Again, though, I think the movie is actually about how to define guilt and innocence. It's rather intriguing, if you're willing to wade into so much ugliness.
In the end, the character I find most interesting is Natalie. Did she know that John Gammell was "Teddy"? If not, why did she give Leonard his information? I have no doubt that she's basically a petty, selfish person, but once the story's all told, I think see something there which might be a bit redeeming.

10-20-2010, 10:30 AM
Did anyone else see the awesome opening/Inception tribute at the Scream awards last night? They had a GIANT spinning top. It was awesome. Nolan won an award for Inception, too. :clap:

10-26-2010, 06:08 PM
Nolan Seeks Batman 3 Babe
Director reportedly meeting with actresses for female lead.
October 26, 2010

We recently learned that Inception's Tom Hardy had been cast in an unspecified role in Batman 3. Now comes word that Bat-director Christopher Nolan is narrowing down his search for the female lead in the highly anticipated sequel.

"Several young ('Late 20′s, early 30′s') ladies are meeting with the Caped Crusader's resuscitator this week to talk about the new film. Interestingly enough, quite a few of the ladies don't actually know what role they're being asked to read for/meet Nolan about," according to Moviehole.

The site claims to know who some of the actresses are, but declined to name them out of respect to their reps. "What I can say is that Nolan is open to casting a fresh face as the female lead; he's not necessarily bringing in the big guns," Moviehole reports.

So who is the female lead? The oft-rumored Catwoman? Maybe Talia Al Ghul, whose dad Ra's was the baddie in Batman Begins? Or maybe Harley Quinn? Barbara Gordon? Poison Ivy? Silver St. Cloud? Huntress? Leslie Thompkins??

The Catwoman rumor mill has suggested actresses ranging from Emily Blunt and Megan Fox to Oscar winners such as Angelina Jolie and Marion Cotillard (who worked with Nolan on Inception and reportedly turned down the Catwoman role recently).

Thanks to Batman-on-Film for the head's-up!

10-27-2010, 02:57 AM
Oh come on!!! Cast this thing, would you please!!! :lol:

Um, if he goes with Megan Fox ... sorry, but I'll send a hit squad. :shoot: Honestly, she can't act and I don't even find her attractive. I know, I know, lots of folks think she's hawt and sexy, but I just see a lot of sweat, very big man hands and often ... an Adam's Apple! :scared: :lol:

Harley Quinn would be awesome - an another great villain with face paint!

10-27-2010, 05:52 AM
Nolan Seeks Batman 3 Babe
Director reportedly meeting with actresses for female lead.
October 26, 2010 I read "repeatedly"... Sorry, tired after work...

10-27-2010, 10:47 AM
Source: Comingsoon.net

Third Batman to be Titled The Dark Knight Rises
Source: Hero Complex October 27, 2010

In an interview with Hero Complex, Christopher Nolan revealed that the title for his third Batman movie will be The Dark Knight Rises. He added that the villain "won't be the Riddler."

"We'll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we'll be introducing some new ones," Nolan said cryptically. He also said that the studio has agreed with him not to shoot the film in 3D.

The Dark Knight Rises is scheduled for a July 20, 2012 release.

Read more: Third Batman to be Titled The Dark Knight Rises - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=71200#ixzz13afB84cL

Hmm...not sure how I feel about this. I was hoping for something a little more original, for lack of better words.

Pretty interesting that The Riddler won't be the villain, though! Makes me wonder what Nolan's got up his sleeve...

10-27-2010, 10:53 AM
well, i'm excited:excited::excited:

don't mind who the villian is as long as they stay true to the darkness of it all.

10-27-2010, 11:01 AM
... Christopher Nolan revealed that the title for his third Batman movie will be The Dark Knight Rises. ...Sounds dumb.
lol, here we go again; that's what I was saying about everything I heard about the last two prior to seeing them.

Nolan Seeks Batman 3 Babe
Director reportedly meeting with actresses for female lead.
October 26, 2010 I read "repeatedly"... Sorry, tired after work...:rofl:

10-27-2010, 11:47 AM
Not sure how I feel about the name yet, but I'm sorely disappointed that The Riddler won't be making an appearance in TDKR ... still, I have faith in Nolan and I'm fairly positive whichever villain he chooses to utilize will both be a worthy adversary, and will also tie in to the previous two films. Can't wait for more details ...

10-27-2010, 12:01 PM
I think what it is about the name to me is that it sounds too cliche, kind of like The Dark Knight Returns or something like that.

10-27-2010, 12:07 PM
That, and it sounds more upbeat than The Dark Knight. Let's face it: TDK was an all-time classic in comic book movies, and you know the secret to its success? Because it was absolutely fucking miserable (you can definitely tell that Nolan has some British blood, in this case). Our hero gets emotionally fucked over by the villain in this one, and by the end he's not even much of a hero, at least as far as the citizens of Gotham are concerned. It's the story of how a hero falls in everyone else's eyes, and yet ironically seems even more heroic to the audience as a result.

And now you want him to rise? You should torture him even more! (I'm sure Nolan will, though. Because a lot of his titles do refer to the endings more than the overall story, after all.)

10-27-2010, 12:15 PM
The Dark Knight Returns was great. What upsets me is The Dark Knight Strikes Again. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s12/POTT2007/smileys/smiley-yuck.gif

10-27-2010, 12:26 PM
DD, I totally agree with your statement there. TDK Rises does sound a little more upbeat, a kind of "rejuvenized" Batman. In Nolan's Gotham, Batman needs to be miserable, like you said, and his world needs to remain dark. Though, I'm just going off the title here and I'm sure Nolan will deliver.

10-27-2010, 01:39 PM
Here's another theory, though. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong and "Rises" isn't so upbeat after all - perhaps it's meant to give more of a "bad moon rising" feel to it.

Maybe in this film Batman is the villain by the end! Sounds ridiculous, but...this is Nolan we're talking about. Ever since Inception, there's nothing he could do that would surprise me. Not unless he took a bad idea and actually made it bad, at least. Nolan's just the kind of director who can take a crap idea, including make a film about dreaming in an age where you would've thought everything had been done concerning dreams in film and therefore should've been completely unoriginal, and instead he made it great - he's of a rare breed of writer/director that can do that, really!

10-28-2010, 03:23 AM
Rises? When did The Dark Knight fall? :cry:

I don't like it.

10-28-2010, 07:24 AM
...Maybe in this film Batman is the villain by the end! Sounds ridiculous...No, not ridiculous, just pointless.

I know a lot of people feel like The Dark Knight showed an interpretation of Batman that's, like, also good, alongside the normal Batman-and-Robin hero that they've always known, but to me it was more like showing what the real point of the character has always been beneath that useless, melodramatic popular projection.

When did The Dark Knight fall?Exactly.

10-28-2010, 07:52 AM
You guys are taking the title at face value. Perhaps the 'rise' part means that he's going to rise - symbolically- above and beyond what he originally had planned, harking back to the ending of The Dark Knight Returns.

10-28-2010, 07:56 AM
That's going to be one hell of a subtitle, then! :lol:

The Dark Knight Rises : above and beyond what he originally had planned.

:lol: Just sassing you, Feev. :huglove:

10-28-2010, 07:59 AM
Haha ! You dork :couple: :wub:

10-28-2010, 08:27 AM
Well, last time, the whole movie built to a justification of the title, (and an excellent one, at that) so... maybe, we'll see.

I just like to gripe because I worry.

10-28-2010, 09:37 AM
Well, last time, the whole movie built to a justification of the title, (and an excellent one, at that) so... maybe, we'll see.

I just like to gripe because I worry.


10-28-2010, 10:23 AM
Path - you shouldn't worry, after all ...

In Nolan We Trust.

10-28-2010, 11:58 AM
Confession - I haven't seen Inception yet. :panic:

Empath of the White
10-28-2010, 11:58 AM
Maybe the title is indicative of things getting really bad in Gothan, with some real glimmers of hope at the end. I hope Catwoman isn't our female lead.

10-28-2010, 12:31 PM
Maybe the title simply refers to his reaction to meeting whoever she is.

10-28-2010, 01:45 PM
Confession - I haven't seen Inception yet. :panic:


Luckily, you'll soon be able to remedy this wrong doing. Inception is being released on blu-ray and DVD on December 7th IIRC, just in time for the holiday season ! :D

10-28-2010, 01:47 PM
Feev, speaking of the Inception DVD, have you heard any news about a US special edition? The only bits I'm able to find are that of the UK S.E.

10-28-2010, 02:21 PM
Oh, now that I like ...

The Dark Knight : Gotham Rises

Okay, that's the winner ... who's got Nolan's phone number?!??

10-28-2010, 02:25 PM
Feev, speaking of the Inception DVD, have you heard any news about a US special edition? The only bits I'm able to find are that of the UK S.E.

I haven't heard any news of a US special edition myself Jigsaw, but all I can say is...it's times like this that make me glad to be a Brit!

(Not that I'll be getting the special edition, most likely, but it's nice to have the option, at least! I'm more concerned with a special edition of a certain show that's released in just over a week...and is also exclusive to the UK. I know you and feev won't care, but I suspect Pond's going to be pissed!)

10-28-2010, 02:37 PM
Feev, speaking of the Inception DVD, have you heard any news about a US special edition? The only bits I'm able to find are that of the UK S.E.

I haven't heard of a SE being released in the US, at least not yet. I'm sure one will come along soon though, most likely after the holiday season ... possibly around Easter. I'm getting the Blu-Ray+DVD+Digital copy version myself :D

Oh, now that I like ...

The Dark Knight : Gotham Rises

Okay, that's the winner ... who's got Nolan's phone number?!??

1-800 In-Nolan-We-Trust. Don't worry if it doesn't add up.

10-28-2010, 03:31 PM
What the hell is this with DD bringing up Doctor Who in Nolan's thread? :lol:

10-29-2010, 12:11 PM
Hey, where did I mention Doctor Who? You were the one who brought it up!

(Although now that you mention it, a Doctor Who story written and directed by Nolan would be pretty awesome to watch! Would almost be ridiculous, but let's face it: once you've got Richard E. Curtis and Neil-bloody-Gaiman writing episodes, fact is anything is possible!)

10-29-2010, 02:13 PM
Noooo. You didn't just put Nolan and DW in the same sentence! :scared:

10-29-2010, 02:18 PM
Noooo. You didn't just put Nolan and DW in the same sentence! :scared:Why not? I'd buy that.

10-29-2010, 02:23 PM
Noooo. You didn't just put Nolan and DW in the same sentence! :scared:

Dude. You've watched a Moffat ep of Who. You know for a fact that the show can have as big, awesome, but most important of all, brilliantly clever ideas as a Nolan film, but with a reduced budget. Seriously, reading aloud from a transcript of a conversation that the Doctor's still having? A conversation that had appeared throughout the ep yet only made any sense at all at the end? And Moffat was in a rush when he wrote that! He's written a lot more time bending confusing shit since then, I can tell ya! And you watched an ep that was designed to have a low budget - have you seen Silence in the Library? Or action/horror fest the Time of Angels? Sure, Who's more lighthearted than a Nolan film, but I reckon he could easily write an episode. Only requirement is it he has to just get the Doctor, other than that, he's a perfect choice for the show. He has got British blood, after all!

10-29-2010, 03:02 PM

10-29-2010, 03:14 PM
A facepalm...coming from the man who hasn't even watched a Moffat ep yet?


10-29-2010, 03:15 PM
What's a moffat ? It sounds like something I wipe my ass with.

10-29-2010, 03:18 PM
What's a moffat ? It sounds like something I wipe my ass with.

My previous post, x2.

And it's Steven Moffat: writer of some of the best episodes of Doctor Who yet, along with Jekyll, one of the best mini-series of the past five years, plus one of the current producers of Sherlock, a show so awesome it shat on the Guy Ritchie movie and did for Sherlock Holmes what Nolan did for Batman. Especially with The Great Game. Watch it on PBS Masterpiece if you can.

10-29-2010, 03:57 PM
Does this mean I've seen more episodes of DW than feev? :lol:

10-29-2010, 07:48 PM

Oh, damn you! I tried to find this picture and post it earlier here but I couldn't and then gave up! :lol:

10-30-2010, 02:11 AM
Oh, now that I like ...

The Dark Knight : Gotham Rises

Okay, that's the winner ... who's got Nolan's phone number?!??

:clap: i will go an call him now

11-02-2010, 11:50 AM
Dark Knight Rises for Charlize?
Several actresses rumored to have auditioned for Batman 3.
November 2, 2010
by Scott Collura

Today is rumor day. First we had the Wolverine in X-Men: First Class talk, and now it's the token The Dark Knight Rises leaks and counter-leaks. Specifically, the latest word on the streets of Gotham is that Charlize Theron may be up for a part in the third Batman film.

ComicBookMovie.com has a tipster who supposedly has the inside word from one of the Hollywood talent agencies. Emphasis on the word "supposedly," but let's go with this for a minute…

"Charlize Theron, who is a client, has been approached to play a detective named Sarah Essen -- a love interest for Jim Gordon," says the source. "Actresses Kacie Thomas and Vera Farmiga have auditioned for the character role of Julie Madison. A love interest for Bruce Wayne."

Bat-history tells us that Sarah Essen first showed up as a Gordon home-wrecker in the awesome Batman: Year One, which of course was one of Christopher Nolan's inspirations for his first two films in the series. Eventually she married Gordon, only to get offed by the Joker.

Julie Madison debuted back in 1939, serving as romantic companion to Bruce Wayne and frequent target of Batman's enemies. She also had some run-ins with the original Clayface, which should add fuel to the villain rumor fire some.

So, again, this is all very much rumor but still food for thought on a slow news day. It also raises the question: What does a Batman movie need with a Jim Gordon or Bruce Wayne love interest anyway? Stick to one or the other, maybe, but both? Will we even get to see the batsuit before the end of the first act?

11-02-2010, 03:29 PM
Wait, when did Gordon's wife get murdered? Was this only in the comics?

11-03-2010, 12:32 PM
She didn't die, she's still alive at the end of TDK. Christ I hope this rumor is false, this is one subplot that does not need to be created/explored at all.

11-03-2010, 12:35 PM
Okay, that's what I thought. Just making sure.

11-03-2010, 12:35 PM
She didn't die, she's still alive at the end of TDK. Christ I hope this rumor is false, this is one subplot that does not need to be created/explored at all.

Well, whether it's true or not feev, that doesn't matter. "In Nolan We Trust." Remember?

11-03-2010, 12:38 PM
I have absolutely no interest in seeing a Sarah Essen character in this film, or in any other Batman film to come. Of all the awesome story lines they could do for Gordon, this is so far down on my list I didn't even consider it. Bleh.

11-23-2010, 12:49 PM
Plot for Dark Knight Rises Revealed?
Which comic book arc could be the basis for Batman 3?
November 23, 2010
by Jim Vejvoda

The rumor mill is claiming to know which Batman comic book storyline will serve as the basis for Christopher Nolan's sequel The Dark Knight Rises.

Batman-on-Film and Entertainment Weekly point out a report that originated at ScriptFlags, which claims to have heard from a public relations source that the third Nolan-directed Bat-film will be based on the "Prey" storyline that appeared in the comic book Legends of The Dark Knight issues #11-15.

Neither BoF nor EW are saying that "Prey" will be the basis for The Dark Knight Rises; they are merely reiterating the speculative scuttlebutt that's out there online right now.

ScriptFlags reminds us that "Prey," written by Doug Moench, is set during the early days of Batman's career and "centers itself around Batman being pursued by the deranged police psychiatrist ..Doctor Hugo Strange. When a police officer Max Cort is sent to Strange for treatment for his hatred of vigilantes, Strange hypnotises Cort into becoming a costumed vigilante himself named Night Scourge in the hopes of bringing Batman out of hiding. Strange also convinces the mayor to prepare a special task force to capture Batman with Commissioner Gordon as its head." Strange eventually learns Batman's secret identity, but keeps the discovery to himself. Catwoman also appears in it.

"Prey" certainly lends itself to the world established in Nolan's previous Batman films and would be a logical story to use as a structural basis for the threequel given the ending of The Dark Knight. So for the hell of it, let's say this rumor pans out. Would Tom Hardy be playing Hugo Strange (whom he looked something like in Bronson) or perhaps the detective-turned-vigilante Cort?

It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for Nolan and Co. to use "Prey" as the basis for their sequel. They may have drawn heavily from Batman: Year One for Batman Begins, but they also poached from less celebrated comic book stories such as "Batman: The Man Who Falls" and "Batman: Blind Justice," which introduced the character of Henri Ducard. The Dark Knight was heavily influenced by Joker's first appearance in Batman #1. It should be noted that Hugo Strange, like Joker and Catwoman, is among Batman's earliest recurring villains, first appearing in 1940 in Detective Comics #36

12-13-2010, 10:25 PM
I finally watched The Prestige tonight. I honestly don't have enough good things to say about this film. Christopher Nolan is a genius. I haven't had this much fun watching a movie since... Inception. I hate myself for even waiting this long to watch it. Talk about just freaking awesome. Michael Caine, as always, is absolutely amazing in this. He was a joy to watch. Christian Bale was also fantastic, and Hugh Jackman (who sometimes gets on my nerves) was creepily fascinating. I also really liked Scarlett Johansson, she was beautiful and enjoyable to watch. Watching the obsession ruin their own and eachother's lives was simultaneously heart wrenching and gross. I can't wait to watch it again to see the stuff I missed the first time around. I may have liked this even more than Memento, which has been a favorite of mine for years.

12-14-2010, 08:21 AM
Awesome, Emily! I'm so glad you liked it! It's one of my favorite movies ever and the first Nolan film I saw. I left the theater blown away and never had a movie had that big of an impact on me. The whole movie is just...amazing, but the meshing/reprise of the opening and closing scenes mixed with Michael Caine's closing dialogue, "You don't really want to work it out. You want to be...fooled" is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

12-14-2010, 11:40 AM
Glad you enjoyed it, Emily ! For an even greater appreciation of the film, rewatch it sometime in the near future so that you can pick up on small details that you might have missed the first time or are now able to pick up on now that you've taken a gander at the bigger picture.

What other Nolan films have you not seen yet ?

12-14-2010, 11:51 AM
Definitely doing a rewatch soon.

The ones I haven't seen so far (that I know of) are Insomnia and Following. I think I'll most likely go with Following next, it seems to be more liked than Insomnia.

12-14-2010, 11:56 AM
Following is okay for a debut film. You can definitely tell it had a small production budget, but some of the films made for the least money are the best. I think you'll enjoy it.

I have yet to see Insomnia as well. And Memento.

12-14-2010, 11:58 AM
Following is a great film when taken on it's own terms - remember that it was his first experience as a director and thus is not as flashy or as grandeur as say a TDK or Prestige, but it still contains many of the now classic Nolan elements. Insomnia is a fairly straight forward film, not spectacular, but Robin Williams underplays his part (thankfully) and imbues his character with an aura of creepy that suits his character perfectly.

12-14-2010, 12:04 PM
I just watched Inception. Great little movie.

12-14-2010, 12:05 PM
Ricky, you haven't seen Memento?! Whaaaaaaaaaaaatt?? WATCH IT!

12-14-2010, 12:26 PM
I just watched Inception. Great little movie.

I can't see the review you posted in the rate thread, something is obviously wrong with my computer. Brb, reformatting hard drive.

12-14-2010, 12:42 PM
I just watched Inception. Great little movie.

I can't see the review you posted in the rate thread, something is obviously wrong with my computer. Brb, reformatting hard drive.

Reformat your eyes. :cyclops: I said above it was a great little film. Really the reaasons why there is not a detailed criticism are multi-fold.

1. I have VERY little internet time lately...basically whenever I can steal wi-fi. :innocent:

2. I've never really been a fan of critcism be it literary, artistic, film, or whatever. If there are specific questions regarding a piece i attempt to answer them or discuss specific points that interest me to my ability, but as all art is subjective actual criticism (good or bad) holds little merit for me. I view critics as the people who can't create. :lol: Which isn't to say i don't have opinions, but if specifics are being discussed I may or may not have an opinion.

3. In this case I liked the film a lot, but any in-depth discussion should be reserved for after multiple viewings. I've only seen it once so far. The fact that I would watch it multiple times should tell that I enjoyed it, but really it's a film that deserves multiple viewings. If you have specific questions though feel free to ask and I'll answer them as best as I can as soon as I can. :)

12-14-2010, 02:15 PM
Aha ! But I never inferred as to how you felt about the film from a critical-standpoint, I was more looking for a more in-depth post about your thoughts on the film as a whole. :)

At any rate, I'm glad that the film was such that it warrants multiple viewings from you. As always, I'll be eager to read any and all thoughts regarding Nolan's films, be they good or bad.

01-19-2011, 12:53 PM
Catwoman Joins The Dark Knight Rises
Selina Kyle cast and Tom Hardy's role revealed in Nolan's threequel.
January 19, 2011 January 19, 2011 January 19, 2011
by Phil Pirrello

After much speculation, Warner Bros. confirmed today that Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman, will be in Chris Nolan's new Batman movie. And she will be played by...wait for it... Anne Hathaway.

In addition to Hathaway's casting, it was also revealed that Tom Hardy will play Bane, and not Hugo Strange, as widely rumored.

All of this nerd fuel comes via press release:

Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. She will be starring alongside Christian Bale, who returns in the title role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Christopher Nolan stated, "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story."

In addition, Tom Hardy has been set to play Bane. Nolan said, "I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman's most formidable enemies."

Nolan will direct the film from a screenplay he wrote with Jonathan Nolan, from a story by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer. Nolan will also produce the film with his longtime producing partner, Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven. The Dark Knight Rises is slated for release on July 20, 2012. The film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

We're still waiting to hear how the rumors regarding Eva Green as Talia Al Ghul pans out, as well as Naomi Watts in the role of a potential love interest for Bruce Wayne. There's still a chance Talia could be in the movie.

And no word yet on how closely Nolan's take on the Bane character will mirror comic book version, which had Bane as the Venom-fueled brute who broke Batman's back. (We can only hope Hardy's Bane will do the character as much justice as Schumacher did in Batman & Robin. *slide whistle*)

And as for Selina Kyle's role in TDKR, IGN reported recently that Nolan's story will find Catwoman filling the void left by a fugitive Batman, with her vigilante activity prompting Batman's return.

Use the rest of your day to take up considerable space in our Comments Section regarding these two announcements, and IGN Movies will keep you updated as more news comes from Nolan's vault.

01-19-2011, 03:40 PM
I actually really like the idea of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. :)

01-19-2011, 03:41 PM
I think I do too. I'm happier with her than a lot of the other names that were thrown around for Catwoman. I can't picture her being physical, but I'm sure she'll be great. And Tom Hardy is just awesome.

01-19-2011, 04:32 PM
I'm not familiar with the comics at all, but Catwoman doesn't sound...very villain-y. Maybe someone could enlighten me.

01-20-2011, 12:20 PM
Femme fatale. Morally ambiguous personally; Batman usually has to struggle over his feelings for her. Probably the only love interest we'll see in this film. A triangle might be interesting with a more straight-laced other woman, but Talia Al Ghul would make for a complicated plot on the romantic level. Hard to imagine how Nolan would fit in so much of that along with everything else that the movie will have to address. Catwoman is basically a cat-burglar -- criminal, (usually) but, no, not "villiain-y" in terms of staging epic threats to the whole city. I'm sure that that's what Bane is for.

01-20-2011, 12:42 PM
BTW, the title "Dark Knight Rises" seems fitting to the possibility that he's drawing on the Batman: Knightfall story arc.

01-23-2011, 02:27 AM
The Knightfall story arc seems to be what Nolan is aiming for. I'm interested to see how he's going to weave Catwoman and Bane in the storyline. Honestly, at this point Nolan has earned my trust. I don't even think about questioning his decisions.

Btw, I've seen most of Nolan's films . . . many times. The only ones I haven't are The Following and Insomnia. My favs:

1. Inception
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Prestige
4. Memento
5. Batman Begins

01-25-2011, 09:56 AM
I'm not too enamored with the idea of Catwoman, but the Nolan brothers have done nothing to dispel my trust so we'll see what happens.

Tom Hardy as Bane is going to be fucking phenomenal, of that I have absolutely no doubt.

01-26-2011, 01:22 AM
Nolan's Best Director nom hurts. :(

01-26-2011, 03:25 AM
It makes sense to have Catwoman. With Racheal dead his character will need some kind of love interest or female party. No Batman movie yet has been without a quasi-romantic subplot. Wouldn't feel right without it.

01-26-2011, 03:26 AM
As for rating Nolan movies:

1. Memento
2. Inception
3. The Dark Knight
4. Batman Begins

01-26-2011, 11:00 AM
Someone pointed out to me this morning that it isn't certain that Catwoman will definitely be in the film, and that it's only been confirmed that Selina Kyle will be. Thoughts?

Matt, have you not seen The Prestige? It's fantastic.

01-26-2011, 11:25 AM
hear, hear

01-26-2011, 03:09 PM
Matt, have you not seen The Prestige? It's fantastic.

No, that and Following are the only Nolan I haven't seen yet. Always wanted to see Prestige (especially after my dislike of the Illusionist) but haven't had the chance, none of my friends own it and I don't have much money to rent movies.

01-26-2011, 04:46 PM
Someone pointed out to me this morning that it isn't certain that Catwoman will definitely be in the film, and that it's only been confirmed that Selina Kyle will be. Thoughts?.
Now I'm confused.

...as for Selina Kyle's role in TDKR, IGN reported recently that Nolan's story will find Catwoman filling the void left by a fugitive Batman, with her vigilante activity prompting Batman's return.

01-26-2011, 04:53 PM
Yeah, I know. I figured I'd bring it up anyway though.

Empath of the White
02-21-2011, 12:25 PM
I was hoping Nolan would use Andrea Beaumont/The Reaper as the love interest. Given the changes he made to the Joker in terms of costume--and his interpretation of the character--I'm expecting something pretty brutal from his version of Bane.

02-21-2011, 12:50 PM
Oops, forgot to post this :

Cotillard Joining Dark Knight Rises
The Inception actress reportedly cast as second female lead.
February 14, 2011 February 14, 2011 February 14, 2011
by Jim Vejvoda

The Dark Knight Rises has reportedly added another Oscar winner to its cast (after Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman).

Batman-on-Film first pointed out this article at Le Figaro that claims Marion Cotillard has been cast as the second female lead in the Bat-threequel and will shoot her scenes this summer.

The Hollywood Reporter has now confirmed this with the actress' reps, who said Cotillard is "in discussions" to join the film and is currently discussing scheduling issues. Cotillard is pregnant, but she's due this spring so it's possible she could be back to work by summer.

"The plan is for Cotillard to start shooting mid-June in London, film all summer in L.A. and Pittsburgh and wrap mid-November in New York," according to THR.

While Cotillard's role isn't specified, both BoF and THR speculate that she'll most likely play Talia Al Ghul. Liam Neeson played her father Ra's in Batman Begins.

Cotillard, who also starred in Bat-director Christopher Nolan's Inception, was previously linked with the role of Catwoman, a part that ultimately went to Anne Hathaway.

UPDATED: THR adds that "Nolan had been focusing on finding the romantic lead for Christian Bale in recent weeks, reading and meeting with several actresses, including Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts, according to insiders."

02-21-2011, 01:42 PM
I would love if Rachel Weisz was in TDKR. Personally, I thought she would've made a great Rachel Dawes after Katie Holmes backed out.

02-21-2011, 02:08 PM
Marion Cotillard. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

03-03-2011, 08:33 AM
Dark Knight Rises: Plot Revealed?
Batman is said to be fighting an old set of foes again.
March 2, 2011 March 2, 2011 March 2, 2011

Here's the online community's latest attempt to decipher the plot to The Dark Knight Rises.

Badass Digest claims to have learned from "a good source near the Batcamp" how all the elements we've learned about the film so far -- Catwoman, Bane, Talia Al Ghul -- fit together in the Bat-threequel. The site isn't saying this is for sure, mind you, so bear that in mind when you read these possible (if true) spoilers.

"I can't tell you what role she has in the beginning, but by the end of the story Catwoman isn't a villain but rather an ally of Batman. And who are they teaming up to take out? The League of Shadows," according to Badass Digest. "Headed by Talia Al'Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest."

They add that they have been told Joseph Gordon-Levitt will also play a villain in the film, but they're not sure which one. Anne Hathaway plays Selina Kyle opposite Tom Hardy as Bane. Marion Cotillard is reportedly up for the role of Talia. Liam Neeson recently told us that he won't be back as Ra's for TDKR.

The League of Shadows makes sense seeing as how they also appeared in Batman Begins headed by Talia's father, Ra's Al Ghul. Bruce Wayne trained with them, so presumably that would be how the villains would already know Batman's secret identity. Hell, they all showed up at the end to burn Wayne Manor down and not all of them died, so presumably someone made it back overseas to tell the tale.

In the comics, Bane spent time with Ra's Al Ghul not long after the former had broken Batman's back during the "Knightfall" storyline. Ra's had considered the musclebound baddie as a possible heir and husband to Talia, but that didn't end up working out. Bane later returned to Gotham City to seek out Bruce Wayne for a very different reason: He'd learned during his stay with Ra's that his mysterious biological father might be the late Dr. Thomas Wayne, which would make him and Batman half-brothers.

UPDATED: Batman-on-Film says its confirmed the aforementioned plot rumors as being accurate.

Source. (http://movies.ign.com/articles/115/1153197p1.html)

03-09-2011, 08:36 AM
Gary Oldman on Dark Knight Rises
Commissioner Gordon weighs in on Batman's return.
March 8, 2011 March 8, 2011 March 8, 2011
by Jim Vejvoda

Gary Oldman has been busy doing press lately for his new movie Red Riding Hood, during which time the inevitable questions about The Dark Knight Rises came up. Here's what the actor had to say about his return as Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon in the Christopher Nolan Bat-sequel.

Oldman told Collider that he begins filming in May, but still hasn't read the script yet. However, Nolan told him the story in a conversation and Oldman called it "fantastic." The actor said, "You think you can't top The Dark Knight and I think he may have."

Oldman opened up a bit more about the tone of the film in a chat with MTV, calling TDKR "a great story" and saying Gordon has "a good role" in this one from what Nolan has told him.

"The scope and also the way he brings it back to Batman Begins, and really what Christian, Bruce Wayne, discovers about himself. What he learns about himself at the end of this one," said Oldman.

Oldman's not the only Batman Begins veteran who's been asked about TDKR lately. Liam Neeson reiterated what he told us a few weeks ago that his villain, Ra's Al Ghul, won't appear in the threequel despite rumors to the contrary.

"That rumour's totally not true. In the comic books, Ra's Al Ghul goes into a life bath of some sort and immerses himself to become immortal. So that's probably where that comes from," Neeson informed UK magazine Empire. "But no-one's approached me with an offer. I'd like to if it happens."

04-09-2011, 11:15 AM
Ra's Al Ghul IS in Dark Knight Rises
Social Network's Pence cast in flashback scenes.
April 8, 2011 April 8, 2011 April 8, 2011

So Ra's Al Ghul will be in The Dark Knight Rises after all, but not in the way that you remember him from Batman Begins.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, actor Josh Pence (The Social Network, Battleship) has been cast as young Ra's in the threequel:

"The story line has also been kept locked up in the Batcave but Pence's casting throws more than a few crumbs to follow. Ra's Al Ghul was played by Liam Neeson in Batman Begins, thus paving the way for a possible return of the supposedly dead character. Also, while the studio never confirmed [Marion] Cotillard's character, it has been rumored to be that of Talia Al Ghul, the daughter of Batman's mentor-turned-enemy. Sources say Pence will appear in scenes that take place 30 years prior to the present story."

Pence played Tyler Winklevoss in The Social Network, but his face was digitally replaced by his "twin" Armie Hammer's in the final film.

harrison ryan
04-09-2011, 04:56 PM
A young Liam Neeson? I don't know about you, but I can definitely see it:


04-10-2011, 04:17 PM
The physical resemblance is there, but let's see if his acting abilities are up to par.

04-14-2011, 03:20 AM
would you recommend the Dark Knight to a bear? I liked all other Nolans I have seen, and loved at least one.

04-14-2011, 07:42 AM
You should start off with Batman Begins, Jean. What makes Nolan's Batman films so intriguing is that he turned them into more of a character study, tracing the origins of Wayne's transformation into the dark knight. He grounds the films in reality and gives Batman staples such as the grappling hook or the armor he wears real world explanations. I'd give the edge to TDK but they are both great, great films.

04-14-2011, 12:27 PM
The Dark Knight's villains are quite effective. I say go. First Batman Begins, a decent movie anyway, and if it seems less than great, don't be deterred. TDK is worth it.

04-14-2011, 02:40 PM
In hindsight I'm retracting my earlier statement to coincide with Path. Begins is a good film, The Dark Knight is a great film. Let us know if you decide to check them out Jean.

04-15-2011, 01:37 AM
I am going to give it a try. Will have to wait when am less tired, though: most movies lull me into sleep immediately these days

04-16-2011, 03:40 AM
i really liked the movie named- Inception by Christopher Nolan !

04-16-2011, 06:20 AM
Nestor Carbonell Joins The Dark Knight Rises

Source: Variety April 15, 2011

Nestor Carbonell looks to be returning to Gotham City. Variety reports that the actor is set to reprise his role as the city's Mayor Garcia in the conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.

The Dark Knight Rises will begin production shortly in Pittsburgh and is set to feature the return of Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman as well, along with roles for Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Juno Temple, Josh Pence, Daniel Sunjata, Diego Klattenhoff and Burn Gorman. It is set for release on July 20, 2012

Read more: Nestor Carbonell Joins The Dark Knight Rises - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=76513#ixzz1JhSUoM3X

Hmm...ille que nos omnes servabit? :orely:

04-18-2011, 02:32 PM
I honestly have no idea why websites bothered making an article about that, I always thought it was pretty much a given that Carbonell would reprise his role. Must have been a slow workday.

04-18-2011, 03:23 PM
I guess because it's such a big franchise and anything Nolan is hot right now, any TDKR news is news worth reporting.

04-28-2011, 12:35 PM
The Dark Knight Rises begins filming one week from today ! :excited:

Source. (http://batman-news.com/2011/04/28/the-dark-knight-rises-begins-filming-at-mehrangar-fort-on-may-6th/)

05-07-2011, 12:24 PM
First Dark Knight Rises Set Photo Leaked!

Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=77280#ixzz1LhjFWinT

05-09-2011, 09:00 AM
Ohhh, that one ! Yeah I saw that one a few days ago. I /hope/ that's not a Lazarus Pit, I don't want to see one in Nolan's batverse. But Josh Pence (the actor playing a young Rha's Al Ghul) was reportedly on set so this seems a bit suspicious ...

05-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Ah, okay. Didn't know if you had seen that one.

I don't know what they plan on doing with that set, but it looks like there's going to be some serious CGI usage.

05-09-2011, 09:25 AM
Yeah, that's just green-screen: no reason to think that it's meant to be a pit at all.

05-09-2011, 09:26 AM
Nolan isn't really a huge fan of CGI, but it looks like there will be be a hefty amount used for this ... whatever it is.

Empath of the White
05-09-2011, 04:04 PM
Ohhh, that one ! Yeah I saw that one a few days ago. I /hope/ that's not a Lazarus Pit, I don't want to see one in Nolan's batverse. But Josh Pence (the actor playing a young Rha's Al Ghul) was reportedly on set so this seems a bit suspicious ...

I don't think this is a Pit. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/164757-josh-pence-joins-the-dark-knight-rises

This report thinks its a flashback. If so, maybe Bane is the one who killed Ra's wife and the pit is actually going to be from an explosion Bane uses to escape prison. Ra's is there to stop him. Its green screened, so that's a possibility.

It could also be a source of Venom.

05-20-2011, 01:48 PM
First Look at Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises!

May 20, 2011

Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=77792

Scooper 'Chad' alerted us that the official site for The Dark Knight Rises has come online at TheDarkKnightRises.com (or TheDarkKnightRises.WarnerBros.com). For now it's just a black page with the sound of people chanting. You can click on the black page to be taken directly to the sound file. Is it the start of another impressive viral campaign like the studio put together for The Dark Knight?

Now filming on three continents for a July 20, 2012 release, the Christopher Nolan sequel stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Juno Temple, Josh Pence, Daniel Sunjata and Nestor Carbonell.

UPDATE: That didn't take long. SuperHeroHype Forums member 'Riskproduction' figured out using an audio program that in spectrum the audio says "#thefirerises" which of course would mean something on Twitter. There's even a Twitter.com/TheFireRises account!

Ahh!!! Things are starting to roll! :excited:

05-21-2011, 06:02 PM
That looks fucking incredible. I'm assuming those skeleton-finger looking mask is actually tiny pipes that help him breathe because of his breathing defect.

I hope Nolan goes with the specifically engineered to destroy Batman approach to Bane's origin. Whatever he goes with though, I cannot wait for this. Can.Not.Wait.

05-22-2011, 07:13 AM
I know literally nothing about him from the comics, so whatever Nolan decides to do it cool with me.

05-22-2011, 07:27 AM
The Dark Knight's villains are quite effective. I say go. First Batman Begins, a decent movie anyway, and if it seems less than great, don't be deterred. TDK is worth it.

In hindsight I'm retracting my earlier statement to coincide with Path. Begins is a good film, The Dark Knight is a great film. Let us know if you decide to check them out Jean.

Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knight

05-22-2011, 08:39 PM
Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knightHave you ever read very many Batman comics?

05-23-2011, 08:12 AM
I know literally nothing about him from the comics, so whatever Nolan decides to do it cool with me.

If you're even remotely interested, check out the Knightfall trilogy - all three volumes are available in TPB. It explores Bane's first contact with Batman and shows that he is both his intellectual and physical equal , not just a buffoonish musclehead as the cartoons / Batman & Robin would have you believe.

Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knight

You're definitely not alone. Check out the IMDB segments for both , there are many that prefer BB over TDK, and vice versa.

05-24-2011, 02:28 AM
Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knightHave you ever read very many Batman comics?

No, in fact I am not really a comic person unfortunatley:unsure:

05-24-2011, 04:22 AM
Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knightHave you ever read very many Batman comics?

No, in fact I am not really a comic person unfortunatley:unsure:Well, I feel as though BB was a great film version of some very good comics, whereas tDK was a great film about comics and these characters, archetypically. I mean, I like the latter film better because I see it as more self-possessed with a more distinct message; further evolved artistically. I really didn't pick up on many internal back-steps. In what way does it seem lesser to you?

05-24-2011, 05:53 AM
I have been told that if you are a fan of the comics then TDK is the better version, for me though, i felt that BB was the darker story. I suppose in a twisted way I related more to BB then to TDK.

The character of the Sarecrow scared me more than the Joker, (again I realise I am in a minority here so i am not trying to start an online arguement with my next sentence, its just my own opinion) I believe that The Joker was a more cartoony character than the scarecrow and therefore distracted from the film.

I also enjoyed Bruce Waynes journey in BB and I felt that journey could have better been explored in TDK, I also felt his relationship with Rachel could have gone deeper than it did as it felt to me like they were just skimming the surface. In BB I actually cared at the end about the Rachel/Bruce relationship, whereas in TDK there didn't seem the same chemistry there. I am not sure if this was down to the actors involved or the writing?

05-24-2011, 08:04 AM
I see where you're coming from, Candy, and I can coincide with you in part. I value BB because it made Wayne the narrative centerpiece, deftly exploring his attempts to forge his body and his mind into a formidable weapon against evil.

However, I felt that TDK pushed the envelope in so many regards, taking concepts initially explored in BB and exacerbating them. Gordon confesses to Wayne at the end of BB that he fears escalation, a fear that comes to fruition in TDK when the Joker enters the scene. The Joker is a visually and thematically polar opposite of Wayne, the chaos he unleashes threatens the order that Wayne has fought so hard to keep.

I might be jumping the gun here a bit, but to me TDK is a modern masterpiece.

05-24-2011, 08:15 AM
I might be jumping the gun here a bit, but to me TDK is a modern masterpiece.

QFT. To me, The Dark Knight isn't just one of the best comic book movies ever made, but it is a truely classic film in its own right, working so wonderfully well not just with its fast paced plot but also its character development, both psychologically and emotionally. The Joker is, despite the cartoony appearance, one of the most believeable madmen ever seen in a PG-13 movie: his motivation, of notsomuch wanting the Batman dead as instead bring him down to his level, is brilliant. Definitely one of my favourite villain revivals in the last decade.

05-24-2011, 09:00 AM
... Gordon confesses to Wayne at the end of BB that he fears escalation, a fear that comes to fruition in TDK when the Joker enters the scene. ......which lends that much more poignancy to the foreshadowing, later in TDK, for the next one.

05-24-2011, 10:48 AM
Definitely. That is one of the series's greatest strengths I'd day, taking the thematic undercurrents of the previous film and exploring them further in the next installment.

06-22-2011, 02:11 PM
The Dark Knight Rises Mystery Masked Man Set Photo

A new photo from the UK based Croydon set of The Dark Knight Rises has emerged, and it actually showcases some of director Christopher Nolan's action prowess. This image is of a mysterious masked man climbing through the window of a skyscraper. Some speculate that it is Tom Hardy as Bane. Or it could be his stuntman. Check out the pic in question below, and decide for yourself.

The Dark Knight Rises comes to theaters July 20th, 2012 and stars Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film is directed by Christopher Nolan.

(Picture: http://www.movieweb.com/news/the-dark-knight-rises-mystery-masked-man-set-photo)

Interesting. :orely:

Empath of the White
06-26-2011, 01:14 PM
Black Mask cameo? That would be awesome. He could easily be employed as a cameo to show the Freaks taking over Gotham's underworld. Word has it Liam was spotted on set as well. Methinks Bane shall indeed by tied to the LoS.

06-27-2011, 09:30 AM
It's possible, but I don't think Nolan would add another villain to the roster as the film is already jam packed as it is. Shoehorning characters into the last minute isn't Nolan's style, especially considering that this is the last Batman film under his supervision.

07-08-2011, 04:06 PM
Dark Knight Rises Trailer Coming
When can you expect to catch your first glimpse of Nolan's latest?
July 8, 2011 July 8, 2011 July 8, 2011

Rumblings have indicated for a while now that Warner Bros. would debut a Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 next week. And now word has come which seemingly confirms this.

Superhero Hype reports that a "trustworthy source" says that the teaser and a poster for Christopher Nolan's third and final Batman film will show up with the last Potter adventure.

The site even has the running time on the teaser -- one minute and 33 seconds. It'll play in both 2D theaters and IMAX 3D.

We've got word in to Warner Bros. for confirmation on this but have yet to hear back...

07-08-2011, 04:58 PM
I think I read the same article. This would fall in alignment with the release for the trailer of TDK, a year before release. I'm really excited!

The Road Virus
07-08-2011, 05:38 PM
The Dark Knight's villains are quite effective. I say go. First Batman Begins, a decent movie anyway, and if it seems less than great, don't be deterred. TDK is worth it.

In hindsight I'm retracting my earlier statement to coincide with Path. Begins is a good film, The Dark Knight is a great film. Let us know if you decide to check them out Jean.

Personally I found Batman Begins a far superior film, and i know that goes against what 99% of what most people believe. But for me the origins of Batman were fantastic and i loved (and still love) that film over the Dark knight

I'm with you Candy. I love both films but I really thought BB was better. I could (and have) watch (ed) BB literally dozens of times.

07-10-2011, 06:01 AM
I think I read the same article. This would fall in alignment with the release for the trailer of TDK, a year before release. I'm really excited!

Is it weird that I'm equally as (or perhaps more) excited about the one and a half minute teaser trailer as I am about the actual HP movie ? :lol:

07-10-2011, 06:27 AM
Nope, not in the slightest. I speak from experience.

Also, considering how the teaser for the Dark Knight was one of the best teasers ever, even though it didn't really show or actually tell us anything about the film whatsoever, i'm looking forward to seeing what the next teaser is gonna be like!

07-10-2011, 08:47 AM
Not at all, feev. :lol:

Though I do think it's ridiculous that I'm seeing posts that people are going to buy a ticket JUST to see the TDKR trailer and walk out.

Empath of the White
07-11-2011, 07:06 PM
This is from the official website: http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/images/TheDarkKnightRises_TeaserPoster.jpg


07-12-2011, 07:37 AM
I saw that this morning before realizing it was official. I love that teaser!

07-14-2011, 01:08 PM
Since the Harry Potter premiere is tonight, we should have a first official teaser trailer as early as tomorrow morning ! :excited:

07-14-2011, 01:14 PM
Key word is should. ;)

I'm hoping that it'll be with HP7 (it'd be a great marketing move by the studio) but it's still a rumor, albeit a very good one.

07-14-2011, 02:19 PM
It seems all but official now that it will premiere during the , er ... premiere :lol: I've told all of my friends that are attending the midnight viewing to text me the SECOND that trailer comes up on screen.

07-14-2011, 02:32 PM
I really hope so. It's disgusting that we're looking forward to the trailer to the trailer of the film. :lol:

07-15-2011, 10:23 AM
So, way i hear it is that the trailer hasn't appeared in either the UK or US showings for HP7 yet. So where the hell is it appearing?!?

07-15-2011, 10:37 AM
I have no idea....all I know is hat I really looking forward to seeing it this morning and was sorely disappointed...

07-15-2011, 11:13 AM
Two of my friends went to the midnight viewing of Deathly Hallows in separate locations and they both got to see the trailer ... maybe it was exclusive to the midnight showing only ?

07-15-2011, 11:39 AM
Well, I went to the midnight showing, and I certainly didn't see it. I was slightly dissapointed, i must say.

07-15-2011, 01:33 PM
Hmm, that is strange. I'm watching the Potter flick tomorrow morning so I'll let youse know if the trailer came up for me.

07-15-2011, 04:06 PM
I am half-tempted to go into the theater and ask if I can sit just for the trailer. That's not strange, right? Right?

07-18-2011, 07:23 AM
Perfectly sane my boy ! :lol:

Also, I've watched the trailer about a thousand times already (:blush:), just didn't get a chance to post it on here over the weekend. The quality is bootleg, but you can make out most of what's going on


Batman backing away from Bane !?!?

07-18-2011, 07:35 AM
I've been waiting (it's been hard!) to watch it. Rumor is that WB will release the HD version today. :excited:

07-18-2011, 07:45 AM


At the risk of getting fired, I'll be sure to scour the internet every few minutes :lol:

07-18-2011, 08:51 AM


07-18-2011, 01:05 PM
#%@#%!!!!!!!! I just checked the TDKR site and then saw your post! :excited: :panic:


07-18-2011, 01:13 PM
Gordon : "We were in this together ... and then you were gone. Now this evil rises ... the Batman must come back .."

Wayne : " What if he doesn't exist anymore ?"

Gordon : "He must ... he must ... "


07-18-2011, 01:18 PM
That was the best part of the trailer. They could've had a 30 second trailer and only use that dialogue and I'd have been happy. Those few lines perfectly sets up the tone of what the film is going to be like.

Trailer verdict: good teaser snippets, but not enough to give away any plot direction. My only complaint: the (somewhat) corny phrasing between the shots.

So excited for next summer! :excited:

07-18-2011, 01:29 PM
I've seen the new teaser, and I liked it, but I still prefer the sheer simplicity of the teaser for The Dark Knight. More ominous and really sent chills down my spine that one. Although I guess that was kinda more appropriate to the feel of the Dark Knight, really. Rises, well, it's clear from the title alone that it's more about the classic fallen hero needed more than ever, which Gordon's dialogue was very good at establishing. Anyway, can't wait for it!

07-18-2011, 02:21 PM
I'm loving the tone that Nolan is administering for this. It's very high stakes, very end-game. That final battle between Bane and Bats is going to give me a nerdgasm.

07-18-2011, 02:55 PM
I'm so excited! (yeah, I said it LOL)

07-18-2011, 03:01 PM
Of course you are. How could you not be ? This is going to be fucking incredible.

07-18-2011, 03:15 PM
I know I am not known as one who stays up on current movies :P This is one of the favorite franchises at my house.

07-18-2011, 05:56 PM
Anyone planning on going to the midnight release of it? I've never gone to one before, but am seriously considering it.

07-19-2011, 07:36 AM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D

07-19-2011, 07:44 AM
You got to be kidding me. That's where I draw the line. :lol:

07-19-2011, 07:59 AM
I go to the midnight viewings at this awesome theater in Hollywood, and believe me, EVERYONE there goes dressed up for the show. People that don't go dressed up are actually in the minority :lol:

07-19-2011, 08:04 AM

So since you've been to a lot of them, how do they generally work? By that I mean like, do you end up waiting in line for awhile before the theater opens? I would think that that would be the case in order to get a good seat.

07-19-2011, 08:06 AM
Now that sounds like fun! I'm definitely planning on going to the midnight showing of Rises when it's released. It was pretty cool going to the midnight showing of HP last week, as there were a surprisingly high number of people there, but thankfully, none of the kind that can ruin a movie experience, so I think I'll do the same thing when Rises is finally released next year! Probably not in a costume, though! :lol: Idk, I highly doubt I'll go to a midnight showing for any film in a costume, no matter how much I'll love it. Actually, I can't think of any likely midnight film showings I'll be going to in the next few years other than Rises.

07-19-2011, 08:14 AM
there were a surprisingly high number of people there, but thankfully, none of the kind that can ruin a movie experience

That's exactly what I worry about whenever I consider things like this or going to later showings. Sometimes it's just not worth it to me to risk dumb kids being rowdy and texting during the entire film.

07-19-2011, 08:20 AM

So since you've been to a lot of them, how do they generally work? By that I mean like, do you end up waiting in line for awhile before the theater opens? I would think that that would be the case in order to get a good seat.

Yeah, it's still first come first serve, unless you're seeing it in IMAX, I believe they have numbered seating. My suggestion to you is, if you're planning on going to the midnight viewing NON-Imax, be there at least an hour and a half before the show, that way you get awesome seating !

Now that sounds like fun! I'm definitely planning on going to the midnight showing of Rises when it's released. It was pretty cool going to the midnight showing of HP last week, as there were a surprisingly high number of people there, but thankfully, none of the kind that can ruin a movie experience, so I think I'll do the same thing when Rises is finally released next year! Probably not in a costume, though! :lol: Idk, I highly doubt I'll go to a midnight showing for any film in a costume, no matter how much I'll love it. Actually, I can't think of any likely midnight film showings I'll be going to in the next few years other than Rises.

The ambiance for midnight showings is phenomenal, I love it. For the TDK show I showed up as Bats, my brother was Joker, and my sister went as Harley Quinn. It's such a sundry of fanboyish energy, it's overwhelming ! :lol:

07-19-2011, 08:33 AM
A family cosplay?!? That is fucking brill! Can't imagine any of my family doing it, certainly not my brother and sister! :lol: Myself, outside of Halloween, I've only cosplayed once. Went with a mate to London, but he refused to join in, the selfish bastard! Don't think I'll ever be involved in a group cosplay, unless...

Pond, when are you coming over to England?!? The sooner, the better! :lol:

07-19-2011, 05:26 PM
A family cosplay?!? That is fucking brill! Can't imagine any of my family doing it, certainly not my brother and sister! :lol: Myself, outside of Halloween, I've only cosplayed once. Went with a mate to London, but he refused to join in, the selfish bastard! Don't think I'll ever be involved in a group cosplay, unless...

Pond, when are you coming over to England?!? The sooner, the better! :lol:

Umm...probably after this movie comes out... (no worries, my family never would either! They might even refuse to take me if I showed up in costume....)

but you know I would totally go in costume, if I had the opportunity! I mean, I went to Harry Potter in costume, and it wasn't even the midnight showing. I just felt like it. :lol: and, yes....I was the only there in costume. This movie would be a good time to do it again. I'm really excited for it, to say the least!

07-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D


Annabeth has a wicked HQ costume. We should change the NYC gathering to coincide with the opening of this :P

Empath of the White
07-19-2011, 07:22 PM
I think Bane might be the one who put Gordon in the hospital. He's famous for breaking Batman's back in Knightfall. Joker was famous for trying to destroy Gordon in The Killing Joke. In a way, Nolan did take some inspiration from TKJ, but replace destroying Gordon with destroying Harvey Dent. So I could see him doing something similar here. What I would really like to see is Bane revealing that he knows Batman's identity by showing up in the Wayne Manor graveyard when Bruce is spending time with his parents, then proceeding to mop the floor with him.

The chanting that accompanies Bane reminds me of the Mutant Leader and his gang from The Dark Knight Returns. If the League of Shadows is actively involved, I think it would be neat if it were to appear that Batman dies brining down Bane...only to have a closing scene establish that Bruce survived, and has taken leadership of the League. Sort of like he did with the Sons of the Bat in The Dark Knight Returns.

07-20-2011, 07:36 AM
Tomorrow at Comic-Con:

MUST SEE: 7:30-9:00 PM
Detecting Deviants in the Dark Night: Profiling Gotham City's Serial Killers. A group of forensic psychiatrists and a retired FBI agent explore the question: How should Batman really deal with the serial killers that often terrorize Gotham City? If you're thinking: ''People take this s--- wayyy too seriously,'' then you, my friend, simply don't deserve Comic-Con. (Room 8)

How cool is that?

07-20-2011, 07:50 AM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D


Annabeth has a wicked HQ costume. We should change the NYC gathering to coincide with the opening of this :P

Wait, I was going to show up at the gathering with my costume anyway ! Didn't I tell you that ? :rofl:

I think Bane might be the one who put Gordon in the hospital. He's famous for breaking Batman's back in Knightfall. Joker was famous for trying to destroy Gordon in The Killing Joke. In a way, Nolan did take some inspiration from TKJ, but replace destroying Gordon with destroying Harvey Dent. So I could see him doing something similar here. What I would really like to see is Bane revealing that he knows Batman's identity by showing up in the Wayne Manor graveyard when Bruce is spending time with his parents, then proceeding to mop the floor with him.

The chanting that accompanies Bane reminds me of the Mutant Leader and his gang from The Dark Knight Returns. If the League of Shadows is actively involved, I think it would be neat if it were to appear that Batman dies brining down Bane...only to have a closing scene establish that Bruce survived, and has taken leadership of the League. Sort of like he did with the Sons of the Bat in The Dark Knight Returns.

I'm pretty sure that it will be Bane that puts Gordon in the hospital. Agreed, that chant is eerie as all hell, and it fits the tone of the film perfectly. I'm hoping for a city ranging , no holds barred free for all a la Knightfall. My brother found this picture of Hardy online without his mask on, he has shaggy hair so I'm assuming the guy in the trailer doing the push ups is Bane and NOT Batman.

Tomorrow at Comic-Con:

MUST SEE: 7:30-9:00 PM
Detecting Deviants in the Dark Night: Profiling Gotham City's Serial Killers. A group of forensic psychiatrists and a retired FBI agent explore the question: How should Batman really deal with the serial killers that often terrorize Gotham City? If you're thinking: ''People take this s--- wayyy too seriously,'' then you, my friend, simply don't deserve Comic-Con. (Room 8)

How cool is that?

Those guys are my heroes :lol:

07-20-2011, 07:57 AM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D


Annabeth has a wicked HQ costume. We should change the NYC gathering to coincide with the opening of this :P

Wait, I was going to show up at the gathering with my costume anyway ! Didn't I tell you that ? :rofl:

well, that seals the deal. I will be there :P

Empath of the White
07-20-2011, 03:24 PM
Filming is moving to Pittsburgh: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/167937-details-on-the-dark-knight-rises-pittsburgh-filming

Interesting details: From Aug. 10 to 21, streets will close, parking will be restricted and sidewalks will be blocked at various places throughout the Golden Triangle. Explosions and gunfire will erupt. High-speed chases will occur.

It will snow.

"It's going to be really cool," said Dawn Keezer, director of the Pittsburgh Film Office.

A letter went out to Downtown property owners, residents and merchants this month foretelling some of the mayhem.

"Our scenes include daytime exterior dialogue with precision driving and special effects. Our special effects include but are not limited to gunfire, sparks, squib hits, smoke, debris, air mortars and controlled pyrotechnic blasts,"

07-20-2011, 03:27 PM
Excellent. It looks like he's looking to surpass the sterling chase of TDK. Can't wait to see what Nolan has in store for us.

07-20-2011, 03:32 PM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D


Annabeth has a wicked HQ costume. We should change the NYC gathering to coincide with the opening of this :P

Wait, I was going to show up at the gathering with my costume anyway ! Didn't I tell you that ? :rofl:

well, that seals the deal. I will be there :P

Right, I need to sort myself out a particular awesome costume for the NY gathering so me and feev could re-enact the most awesome moment in comics history:


Hopefully, someone will remember a camera! :lol:

07-20-2011, 05:38 PM
Did you really just ask that ? :lol: I went to the midnight release of TDK dressed up as Batman, I'll most likely do the same thing for Rises :D


Annabeth has a wicked HQ costume. We should change the NYC gathering to coincide with the opening of this :P

Wait, I was going to show up at the gathering with my costume anyway ! Didn't I tell you that ? :rofl:

well, that seals the deal. I will be there :P

Right, I need to sort myself out a particular awesome costume for the NY gathering so me and feev could re-enact the most awesome moment in comics history:


Hopefully, someone will remember a camera! :lol:
That Was epic

07-20-2011, 07:03 PM
They're going back to PA? That's funny. They were just there not too long ago scouting out extras.

07-20-2011, 07:31 PM
Yeah. ErinPatricia is beyond stoked.

07-21-2011, 07:44 AM
Do you know if she went around where they were shooting any?

07-23-2011, 12:35 PM
I'm so excited for the movie! May be my most anticipated movie of all time!

Empath of the White
07-30-2011, 12:42 PM
Got some pics from a ninja at the Pittsburgh filming.

http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv196/RedJoker0/batbaneriot.png and http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv196/RedJoker0/blackgatedent.jpg

What makes that second picture interesting is that the same ninja reported seeing a scene where Bane ripped up a picture of Harvey Dent (same as from his funeral at the end of TDK, only smaller like an old campaign advertisement) while standing atop a military camo-style Tumbler.

08-01-2011, 07:35 AM
I got your back, Empath :

http://whatculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/267256_239333556098434_117326344965823_833423_2072 211_n.jpg


08-01-2011, 05:57 PM
Tom Hardy looks sweet.

08-04-2011, 07:51 AM
Bane Not Daunted by Ledger's Joker
Tom Hardy on playing the villain in The Dark Knight Rises.
August 4, 2011

It's clear to anyone who has been following his work these last few years that Tom Hardy is a pretty fearless actor. That's why he wasn't daunted by the prospect of following the late Heath Ledger's Oscar-winning turn as the villain in the next Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises.

In an exclusive chat with Total Film, Hardy, who plays Bane in the Christopher Nolan-directed sequel and is also set to play the title role in Mad Max 4: Fury Road, was asked if he had any trepidation in following Ledger's Joker. "No, none at all," he said. "Brilliant actor, brilliant work – that's it. I've got a job to do. ... It's the same with Mad Max and Mel Gibson. I'm not here to engage in a competition with their talent. It's to play the character that I've been given."

Hardy also isn't fazed by having to wear a mask for much of the movie: "Any time you put something over your face, you're going to adopt a personality and a physicality that has nothing to do with acting. It allows a performance to be free."

"I think Bane's (expletive) cool so I'm really excited to play him," said Hardy, who insisted that his interpretation will be nothing like the "bommmbbbb"-dropping Bane in Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin.


Great to see him teeming with confidence. Hardy is a fearless actor and I have no doubt whatsoever that he's going to knock this out of the ballpark.

Empath of the White
08-04-2011, 11:18 AM
Same here. I think he's a great villain to end the trilogy on, as he will present Batman with a physical challenge in addition to an intellectual one. Though Bane's mask here isn't a full luchador/gimp mask as in the comics, you can still see some references to it. Notice how the mask is strapped--the areas of Hardy's face that are exposed are in a shape similar to the "wings/fins" on the classic mask.

08-06-2011, 07:14 AM
Wonder what's going to happen with the torn-up stadium? Looks like an earthquake displaced the whole thing. It's in Gotham, that's pretty much all I can gather.


08-06-2011, 07:36 AM
Earthquake?!? Has anyone read No Man's Land?

Empath of the White
08-06-2011, 03:29 PM
An extra posted what bit of Bane's dialogue they could make out. "Gotham take control. Take control of your city. This... this is the instrument of your liberation. Identify yourself to them."

I think he's talking about that assumed "earthquake machine."

08-06-2011, 05:02 PM
ErinP was there today. I can't wait to talk to her.