View Full Version : S.T. Joshi's Junk Fiction: America's Obsession with Bestsellers

06-19-2010, 07:58 AM

S.T. Joshi, that well-known H.P. Lovecraft scholar has a book out. Here's how he describes it:

A rather different book of mine is Junk Fiction: America’s Obsession with Bestsellers, just published by Borgo Press (now a division of Wildside Press). This substantial treatise discusses the work of such popular writers as Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Clive Cussler, Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), and numerous others, in an attempt to ascertain their true aesthetic merits and the reasons for their popularity. There is a lengthy chapter on popular horror writing as represented by Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz.
