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10-27-2010, 03:41 AM
Michael Rooker - Check out Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

Disturbing as all get out, and he's the main reason. Talented doesn't touch how good he is in that.

10-27-2010, 03:45 AM
Do you have a special edition called Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer


10-27-2010, 04:03 AM
No, I don't have the special edition. Honestly, I saw it twice and I still get creeped out sometimes thinking about. That whole sort of weird documentary, insiders look feeling of the movie... it has stayed with me a long time. I'm all set with any future re-watches.

10-27-2010, 05:18 AM
Apocalypto - 9/10

The title makes plenty of sense considering what happens at the end. Gibson did a great job filming it. <...>
I am glad you liked it, it's one of my favorite movies.

10-27-2010, 06:26 AM
.......feeling of the movie... it has stayed with me a long time. .....

Miracle Mile did that to me. Absolutely haunted me.

10-27-2010, 06:44 AM
.......feeling of the movie... it has stayed with me a long time. .....

Miracle Mile did that to me. Absolutely haunted me.

OMG! Miracle Mile with Denise Crosby, Anthony Edwards and Mare Winningham?!? I thought I was the only person on Earth who even saw that movie!

10-27-2010, 06:47 AM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Classic.

10-27-2010, 08:27 AM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Classic. which reminds me, it's been almost whole six months since I watched it last time... got to remedy this some time soon

10-27-2010, 10:23 AM
...I just feel like the whole movie was unnecessary...there was just something about Apocolypto that tore a gaping wound in my soul ...Respect to your opinion, but, to me, it's movies that don't do that which seem unnecessary. :orely:

10-27-2010, 10:55 AM
... which somewhat sums up what I've been trying to say elsewhere

thank you path

10-27-2010, 07:56 PM
Apocalypto - 9/10

The title makes plenty of sense considering what happens at the end. Gibson did a great job filming it. <...>
I am glad you liked it, it's one of my favorite movies.

After loving Apocalypto I'm almost tempted to watch Passion of the Christ but I still have very little interest. I've heard without having the faith to fuel the emotion of the movie, you're left with feeling bad for Jim Caviezel as he's tortured for two hours and that wears off before the end.

10-28-2010, 01:30 AM
Apocalypto - 9/10

The title makes plenty of sense considering what happens at the end. Gibson did a great job filming it. <...>
I am glad you liked it, it's one of my favorite movies.

After loving Apocalypto I'm almost tempted to watch Passion of the Christ but I still have very little interest. I've heard without having the faith to fuel the emotion of the movie, you're left with feeling bad for Jim Caviezel as he's tortured for two hours and that wears off before the end. I think this is correct. Anyway, Apocalypto is by far the best Gibson movie, although I dearly love Braveheart, too.

Still Servant
10-28-2010, 05:23 PM
The Girl Who Played With Fire 7/10

While reading the book, I had a feeling that they would have a hard time bringing the second book to the big screen. I think I was right for the most part. The second book is just so dense and there is so much going on, it's hard to boil that down to a 2 hour film.

That's not to say the film is bad, it just loses a lot of the feel of the second book because of the pruning. Noomi Rapace is once again great as Lisbeth Salander, but I feel Blomkvist's character wasn't given enough to do.

The early reviews for the third film are not very good. I'm starting to think that David Fincher might have an easier time topping the originals than I had initially thought.

If you haven't red the second book, I could see how the film might be more enjoyable to you.

Mordred Deschain
10-28-2010, 05:47 PM
Jackass 3D was....well....Jackass.

Yeah Sure Whatever
10-28-2010, 05:49 PM
...I just feel like the whole movie was unnecessary...there was just something about Apocolypto that tore a gaping wound in my soul ...Respect to your opinion, but, to me, it's movies that don't do that which seem unnecessary. :orely:

Absolutely to each their own. I like my movies a little less soul sucking. Life packs enough punches as it is, for me anyway. I like to keep my movies light hearted

10-28-2010, 06:20 PM
The Girl Who Played With Fire 7/10

While reading the book, I had a feeling that they would have a hard time bringing the second book to the big screen. I think I was right for the most part. The second book is just so dense and there is so much going on, it's hard to boil that down to a 2 hour film.

That's not to say the film is bad, it just loses a lot of the feel of the second book because of the pruning. Noomi Rapace is once again great as Lisbeth Salander, but I feel Blomkvist's character wasn't given enough to do.

The early reviews for the third film are not very good. I'm starting to think that David Fincher might have an easier time topping the originals than I had initially thought.

If you haven't red the second book, I could see how the film might be more enjoyable to you.

I had no idea it was out already! I can't wait to see it.

10-28-2010, 07:33 PM
I fanally saw Inception the other night(don't know why I waited so long).It was so unbelievably good and walked out of the theatre with my mind spinning.I have been into the concept of Lucid Dreamingfor awhile now so this movie was right up my alley.5 stars and I will definately be watching it again soon.

10-28-2010, 10:07 PM
Panic Room - 8/10

The Expendables 7/10

This movie was decent. The action scenes were well done and there were some nice dialogue but aside from that the movie was lacking something. I loved Stone Cold in it and he's supposively going to be in the sequel despite getting shot and catching on fire so he's sure to be pissed off. Randy Coutoure and Terry Crews had like no character. Dolph Lundgren was my favourite part of the movie. Somehow Terry Crewes had an AA-12 that fired like hundreds of rounds that blew up a tower from 70 feet away...made no sense. Even with explosive rounds it doesn't make sense for the range it had.

10-29-2010, 07:01 AM
I fanally saw Inception the other night(don't know why I waited so long).It was so unbelievably good and walked out of the theatre with my mind spinning.I have been into the concept of Lucid Dreamingfor awhile now so this movie was right up my alley.5 stars and I will definately be watching it again soon.

There's an Inception thread in the gem theater if you're interested in discussing the film further. :)

10-29-2010, 12:43 PM
...Life packs enough punches as it is, for me anyway. ...Oh, my life is certainly not easy. I guess that we just differ in our coping strategies. I don't need movies that are mere distractions.

Still Servant
10-29-2010, 05:45 PM
Panic Room - 8/10

The Expendables 7/10

This movie was decent. The action scenes were well done and there were some nice dialogue but aside from that the movie was lacking something. I loved Stone Cold in it and he's supposively going to be in the sequel despite getting shot and catching on fire so he's sure to be pissed off. Randy Coutoure and Terry Crews had like no character. Dolph Lundgren was my favourite part of the movie. Somehow Terry Crewes had an AA-12 that fired like hundreds of rounds that blew up a tower from 70 feet away...made no sense. Even with explosive rounds it doesn't make sense for the range it had.

Don't judge the AA-12 from what you see in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. What you may or may not know is that in that game the gun has no range at all.

In reality the weapon is far more powerful with amazing range. The game dumbed it down. If they made it as beastly as it is in real life, everybody would just run around with the AA-12 and nothing else.

It actually has an effective range of 100 meters, which is about 328 feet. That's equal to the length of a football field. Pretty crazy, right?

Still Servant
10-29-2010, 05:50 PM
The Cove 10/10

If you see just one documentary the rest of the year, make it The Cove. It's a truly amazing film. I'm not embarrassed to say that I teared up numerous times during this film.

I really don't know what else to say. That film really has me flustered.

10-29-2010, 10:09 PM
The Thing 9/10

10-30-2010, 08:48 AM
The Cove 10/10

If you see just one documentary the rest of the year, make it The Cove. It's a truly amazing film. I'm not embarrassed to say that I teared up numerous times during this film.

I really don't know what else to say. That film really has me flustered.

SS - I started a documentaries thread ... can you go over there and give some more details? I've heard so much about this movie.

10-30-2010, 08:52 AM
V For Vendetta - 8/10

This was actually my first time seeing this, though it's been on my list for quite a while.
It was pretty good. I'm not sure it lived up to the hype some of my friend's gave it though.
I guess I was under the impression is was more of an action movie, but it still was able to hold my interest fairly well, especially since I watched it at 2 a.m - something I don't usually do!

10-30-2010, 02:10 PM
V for Vendetta is one of my all time favorite movies.

Yeah Sure Whatever
10-30-2010, 04:06 PM
The Imposter I thought was very good.

11-01-2010, 09:40 PM
WALL-E 8.5/10

I just watched this for the first time. I wish I hadn't waited so long. This movie was fantastic, I don't even know where to begin. Just awesome.

11-02-2010, 12:23 AM
Yes, Wall-E is amazing. Such an intelligent and well presented movie.

11-02-2010, 05:45 AM
In the Mouth of Madness: I liked the first 30 and the last 5 minutes. The rest was all tentacles and special effects; bears aren't really into either.

11-02-2010, 07:40 AM
Aww, I'm sorry you didn't like it very much. I promise you'll love the other one :couple:

11-02-2010, 09:30 AM
I enjoyed it anyway, because it was you who recommended it, and while watching, I knew I was seeing what you once saw :rose:

I am watching Charlotte now, and loving it!

11-02-2010, 10:03 AM
Bette Davis is amazing. I love her.

11-02-2010, 10:58 AM
Bette Davis is amazing. I love her.


11-03-2010, 06:31 AM
Bette Davis is my goddess. Especially her voice... no, her eyes... no, her everything!

Have just watched Charlotte, loved it! thank you Heather! :rose: :rose: :rose:

P.S. I've finally finished and posted a Cul-de-Sac review for you

P.P.S. Maybe be there are more movies like Charlotte I don't know of? Maybe there's something else you could recommend to a bear?

11-03-2010, 07:19 AM
V for Vendetta is one of my all time favorite movies.

Yes! I love how they didn't f*ck it up. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving were brilliant. This is one of my top ten movies of all time. Maybe even top five...

11-03-2010, 07:24 AM
V for Vendetta is one of my all time favorite movies.

Yes! I love how they didn't f*ck it up. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving were brilliant. This is one of my top ten movies of all time. Maybe even top five...

This. :wub:

11-03-2010, 07:48 AM

11-03-2010, 09:23 AM
Bette Davis is my goddess. Especially her voice... no, her eyes... no, her everything!

Have just watched Charlotte, loved it! thank you Heather! :rose: :rose: :rose:

P.S. I've finally finished and posted a Cul-de-Sac review for you

P.P.S. Maybe be there are more movies like Charlotte I don't know of? Maybe there's something else you could recommend to a bear?

I knew you were going to love it. It's such a good film. Not to mention stylistically speaking, the cinematography is absolutely breathtaking in that picture. :huglove:

What about The Magnificent Ambersons, or have you already seen it? Pam recommended that one to me awhile back, and I absolutely loved it. Let me think for a little bit, and I'll be back with some more recommendations for you. And I saw the review you posted the other day. I meant to go back and read it last night, but I didn't get a chance. I'll post my thoughts as soon as I do.

11-03-2010, 09:31 AM
I think I've seen every Bette Davis film ... and even with the film itself it's that great - Bette just shines. She's a classic.

Did I miss a discussion on all her classics : All About Eve, Jezebel, Deception, Now Voyager...

The Magnificent Ambersons. :wub: One of my favorites. It's editing, lighting, blocking, etc is really wonderful.

11-03-2010, 04:36 PM
I should have Netflix by the weekend!!! Canadians rejoice....WE HAVE IT!!!

11-04-2010, 12:25 PM
4.Toy Story 3 4/10 it was ok, and i can see why it was popular but i didnt get the whole - this is the best film of the franchise that a few of my friends said, and what part of the film was supposed to make grown men cry?Agree. In my eyes, it was barely as good as the first two. I guess I'd give it at least a 5/10, tho.

11-04-2010, 12:27 PM
4.Toy Story 3 4/10 it was ok, and i can see why it was popular but i didnt get the whole - this is the best film of the franchise that a few of my friends said, and what part of the film was supposed to make grown men cry?Agree. In my eyes, it was barely as good as the first two. I guess I'd give it at least a 5/10, tho.

Oh I loved Toy Story 3. I hated the second one, but I felt number three redeemed the series.

11-04-2010, 12:28 PM
Well maybe that's it. I liked the second one.

11-04-2010, 12:36 PM
It still baffles me that Toy Story 2 is considered better than the original. TS1 is miles, leagues better than the sequel.

11-04-2010, 12:53 PM
Nah, I would say that TS2 is better... by inches. It is easy to forget how great the original was, however, because the greatest thing about it was how original it was. Very fresh at that time. The only bad thing about part 2 that I'm aware of is that some of the jokes were really stupid and carried a little too far. I hope y'all didn't let just that spoil it for you, tho.
TS3 also still very good; just not so special that it deserves all the raves I've heard this year.

11-04-2010, 01:01 PM
My order would be

Toy Story 1 > Toy Story 3 > Toy Story 2

11-04-2010, 01:12 PM
Nah, I would say that TS2 is better... by inches. It is easy to forget how great the original was, however, because the greatest thing about it was how original it was. Very fresh at that time. The only bad thing about part 2 that I'm aware of is that some of the jokes were really stupid and carried a little too far. I hope y'all didn't let just that spoil it for you, tho.
TS3 also still very good; just not so special that it deserves all the raves I've heard this year.

I think with Toy Story 3, you have to come at it with a very specific view point.

Take my friends and I, for example. We went to go see it the day before I moved here to Ames, to start college. Among all 5 of us, I was the only one moving away. And the last scene made us all cry like babies. It's not that it was a universally moving piece of cinema, but it completely echoed what was going on in our own lives at the moment. That's what made it love it so much.

11-04-2010, 01:14 PM
So did you... find good homes for your old toys? I remember leaving home, but that made me feel only strangely guilty.

11-04-2010, 01:17 PM
I'll be watching Toy Story 3 on Netflix. I loved the first two.

11-04-2010, 01:18 PM
I didn't....only because I kept them all. I'm a pack rat....I still even have my Rex toy! He was the only one of the movie toys I ever had or ever wanted...he rocked :D

11-04-2010, 03:17 PM
Regarding Toy Story, my ranking would be:

Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3

I liked 3, but felt that it was mainly a re-hash of 2. If it hadn't included the sentimental plot point of Andy having to give away his toys, I don't think it would be considered as good.

Yeah Sure Whatever
11-04-2010, 03:46 PM
Toy Story makes me feel strangely guilty about what happens to the kids toys

Still Servant
11-04-2010, 04:33 PM
Again, the folks at DT amaze me. You are the only people I have talked to that dislike the third Toy Story. There's not just one of you, but 3. Also, some of you don't just think it's average, but you seem to think it's a below average film.

That's why I love this place. It's mind boggling, but I still love it.

It has a Yahoo user rating of A. It has 99% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which would be higher if it weren't for the attention whore that is Armond White.

I've yet to meet anybody in my real life that didn't enjoy Toy Story 3. As long as you guys aren't disliking it just to be different, (like Armond White) then I'm cool.

11-04-2010, 05:34 PM
Mike, I love you man. Give me an internet-manly-bearhug.

11-04-2010, 08:38 PM
1408: one of my favourite horror movies. Enjoy it more and more everytime. Always something new to catch.

11-04-2010, 11:24 PM
I know this is nothing new to you guys but...I HAVE NETFLIX. It's finally in canada. Some great movies...I so Yojimbo on there, Jean would want me too watch that one near the front.

11-04-2010, 11:35 PM
Do it now, Mattrick my friend. NOW.

11-05-2010, 07:37 AM
What the bears said ! Yojimbo is one of my all time favorite films :wub:

11-05-2010, 08:55 AM
Mattrick - You should really also check out some of the classic movies you've said you've never seen before!

11-05-2010, 12:28 PM
Again, the folks at DT amaze me. You are the only people I have talked to that dislike the third Toy Story. There's not just one of you, but 3. Also, some of you don't just think it's average, but you seem to think it's a below average film.

That's why I love this place. It's mind boggling, but I still love it.

It has a Yahoo user rating of A. It has 99% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which would be higher if it weren't for the attention whore that is Armond White.

I've yet to meet anybody in my real life that didn't enjoy Toy Story 3. As long as you guys aren't disliking it just to be different, (like Armond White) then I'm cool.I know... and it pulled in all that money! That's why I brought it up. I don't get it. :unsure:

I'm just glad I read candy's comments here before I went and rented it, or I would have been totally, totally unprepared for how underwhelming it was.

11-05-2010, 02:16 PM
I'm so excited...how do you set up a que?

Turtlex - Vertigo is high on my list.

11-05-2010, 08:15 PM
Rules of Attraction - 8/10

I haven't seen it in years. A pretty solid movie and a unique take on a party type movie. Uncharacteristic performances and a solid script from Roger Avary. This movie is truly a hidden gem imo.

11-06-2010, 02:28 AM
4.Toy Story 3 4/10 it was ok, and i can see why it was popular but i didnt get the whole - this is the best film of the franchise that a few of my friends said, and what part of the film was supposed to make grown men cry?Agree. In my eyes, it was barely as good as the first two. I guess I'd give it at least a 5/10, tho.

:couple:oh thank god there is someone else. I was starting to think there was something wrong with me, and the whole world had been zombiefied into liking TS3 (sounds suspiciously like a stephen king novel:scared:)

So did you... find good homes for your old toys? I remember leaving home, but that made me feel only strangely guilty.

See, i think thats why i didn't 'get it' - i left home with nothing and left nothing behind as all my stuff was binned. Maybe if i had lived the whole 'toys in a box and then put into storage with love' i may have got the whole guilt thing more?:unsure:

11-06-2010, 04:43 AM
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 1,5/10

What a piece of... I mean I didn't like it much.
Any fans out there? :)

11-06-2010, 05:43 AM
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 1,5/10

What a piece of... I mean I didn't like it much.
Any fans out there? :)

nope, and i pretty much concur with your comments, i had to watch it twice as the first time i fell asleep. I feel asleep the 2nd time too, but decided that fate did not want me to watch this film?

11-06-2010, 07:30 AM
i now have Yojimbo on my screen. :D

11-06-2010, 07:32 AM
up next? knowing:evil: hope it's good
sorry for double posting:scared::doh:

11-06-2010, 07:40 AM
hmmm, knowing. Good film let down by the lead actor:unsure:

11-06-2010, 07:42 AM
Richard is setting it up in my rooom now, taking a break to watch it.:unsure:

11-06-2010, 07:48 AM
let me know what you think, i did actually like the premise of it, and it had a wonderful build up, i personally felt the ending was slightly weak, but some people disagree with me and loved the ending

11-06-2010, 07:50 AM
I'll let you know:dance:

11-06-2010, 08:00 AM
i now have Yojimbo on my screen. :D oh, great!

Yeah Sure Whatever
11-06-2010, 11:31 AM
I heard Knowing was a steaming pile, your thoughts?

11-07-2010, 12:39 PM
Knowing was okay. Interesting idea overall but not a very great movie. I'd give it six out of ten for trying.

11-07-2010, 05:15 PM
Vertigo - A pretty great film. Was never sure which direction the plot was going. Ending was incredible. 9/10

11-07-2010, 10:57 PM
Vertigo - A pretty great film. Was never sure which direction the plot was going. Ending was incredible. 9/10

You must have watched a different version, the Vertigo I saw is missing the ending :lol:

11-08-2010, 01:14 AM
Vertigo - A pretty great film. Was never sure which direction the plot was going. Ending was incredible. 9/10http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/0134-bear.gifhttp://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/0134-bear.gifhttp://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/0134-bear.gif

11-08-2010, 03:54 AM
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 1,5/10

What a piece of... I mean I didn't like it much.
Any fans out there? :)

:lol: Ha! Letti! This made me laugh.

I actually thought it was okay. And I mean, just okay. I think I would have given it a 5/10 though. I thought, for once, Gwyneth Paltrow was allowed to be funny and charming and found her comedic timing just excellent. Also, well, you all know that I like Angelina Jolie... so there! :P

Mostly, I liked the production values, the sets, the acting was pretty good but the script sucked.

11-08-2010, 07:53 AM
Okay so I just watched Lost Boys: The Thirst and I have to say not as bad as I thought it would be. Not an amazing movie but still pretty damn good considering the second was such a piece of shit of a movie. Corey Feldman was actually good in it. great to see both of the Frog Brothers again and I like how they poked fun at the Twilight Series alot. Nostalgia watching this movie even if it was very cheesy. 7/10

11-08-2010, 09:49 PM
How To Train Your Dragon - 9/10

I absolutely loved this movie. I love dragons and anything Norse related, and I loved all the different types of dragons they showed (felt like looking through the D&D Monster Manual). The story wasn't exactly ground breaking for a kid's movie, but was fantastic none the less, and for me the sheer awesomeness of the animation, characters, and dragons made up for anything it lacked in that department. It also had that old fashioned, fairy tale-esque feel that a lot of animated films don't have anymore, in my opinion. One of the most enjoyable movies I've seen in forever.

11-08-2010, 09:55 PM
How To Train Your Dragon - 9/10

I absolutely loved this movie. I love dragons and anything Norse related, and I loved all the different types of dragons they showed (felt like looking through the D&D Monster Manual). The story wasn't exactly ground breaking for a kid's movie, but was fantastic none the less, and for me the sheer awesomeness of the animation, characters, and dragons made up for anything it lacked in that department. It also had that old fashioned, fairy tale-esque feel that a lot of animated films don't have anymore, in my opinion. One of the most enjoyable movies I've seen in forever.

This has nothing to do with movies. I'm just making note that the fact that you know what a D&D Monster Manual is makes me like you all the more.

I still haven't gotten around to watching How to Train Your Dragon, but Craig Ferguson is in it, so I will almost certainly enjoy it.

11-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Pi - A very strange style I really enjoyed. My friend said it seemed really Polanski like. A somewhat confusing movie where you're left wondering where sanity ends and insanity begins. Very interesting movie I'll have to watch again.


11-08-2010, 10:08 PM
Pi - A very strange style I really enjoyed. My friend said it seemed really Polanski like. A somewhat confusing movie where you're left wondering where sanity ends and insanity begins. Very interesting movie I'll have to watch again.


I LOVE that movie. I can only watch it when I am really in a mood to pay super close attention to a movie, though.

11-09-2010, 01:16 AM
Pi - A very strange style I really enjoyed. My friend said it seemed really Polanski like. yes, I've read that it was much influenced by Repulsion. Sounds like I got to watch it at last.

11-09-2010, 03:17 AM
Oh Jean, you definitely should. It's a great film. :thumbsup:

11-09-2010, 03:41 AM
downloading it right now http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bearheart.gif

11-09-2010, 03:50 AM
Pi - A very strange style I really enjoyed. My friend said it seemed really Polanski like. A somewhat confusing movie where you're left wondering where sanity ends and insanity begins. Very interesting movie I'll have to watch again.


I loved Pi. Loved it. It's a great example of what a true independent film can be.

11-09-2010, 11:00 AM
I'm watching Yojimbo with a friend in the next week or two....I'm thinkin I'll get some Kubrick out and watch either Dr. Strangelove or Paths of Glory.

11-09-2010, 12:21 PM
Pi is an amazing film, anything that Aronofsky does is great really.

11-09-2010, 02:06 PM
This has nothing to do with movies. I'm just making note that the fact that you know what a D&D Monster Manual is makes me like you all the more.

I still haven't gotten around to watching How to Train Your Dragon, but Craig Ferguson is in it, so I will almost certainly enjoy it.

I still love looking through the Monster Manual. Mind Flayers = terrifying. Nymphs = uncomfortably attractive. And you should definitely watch HTTYD. Freaking awesome.

Still Servant
11-09-2010, 05:32 PM
Winter's Bone 7.5/10

Winter's Bone is a bleak and gloomy glimpse at a part of America that is rarely seen. The cinematography really stands out. The Missouri countryside is captured beautifully and the conditions in which the characters live really feels authentic.

There are also some very strong acting performances by relative unknowns, mainly Jennifer Lawrence, who is sure to nab an Oscar nod. Lawrence really gives a powerful performance as Ree Dolly, a 17 year old looking for her father in order to save the family house from being taken away.

You can feel the pressure and stress that she is burdened with. She must take care of a sick mother and her two siblings. Ree does all this with little or no money. When her father puts the house and land up for bail and then skips out, you can feel the determination and desperation Ree has in every scene as she sets out on her journey to find him.

Winter's Bone is a slow, deliberate film. The pacing might turn a lot of people off, but that's not where the film falters for me.

Where it misses for me is the story and the plotting. Just when the story seems like it's going to take an interesting turn, it stops short. In the end, the final payoff is not enough. It's possible that my expectations where too high, and that's why it didn't live up to the hype for me.

Winter's Bone is still definitely worth a rental. It’s an interesting character study of teenage girl forced to become an adult and provide for her family. In many ways Winter’s Bone feels like it takes place in another country. It’s hard to believe so many people live so close to the poverty line in our own country.

11-09-2010, 09:09 PM
500 Days of Summer: What a great, great movie. It's so wholesome and real. They show how relationships work in hindsight, where our memories of a person are nothing more than glimpses or odd happenings or painful or soothing moments. When you take a step back it's all a mosaic and all of these memories make up that person for you, but that picture is only yours. Great acting, music, everything


the dalinean
11-10-2010, 12:31 AM
Not quite the most recent movie I saw, but "Inception" had maybe several of the most interesting visual moments that I've seen so far this year.

Still Servant
11-10-2010, 04:57 PM
Not quite the most recent movie I saw, but "Inception" had maybe several of the most interesting visual moments that I've seen so far this year.

I couldn't agree more. I'm looking forward to the Blu-ray release. Unfortunately, they are only releasing the special edition briefcase edition in England. :(

11-10-2010, 11:38 PM
Lord of the Flies (1960) - 7/10

11-11-2010, 03:45 AM
Pi - A very strange style I really enjoyed. My friend said it seemed really Polanski like. A somewhat confusing movie where you're left wondering where sanity ends and insanity begins. Very interesting movie I'll have to watch again.


:clap: Pi is one of my favourites. :)

I recently (and FINALLY) got around to watching Being John Malkovich.
I have no idea why it took me so long, but it was definitely worth the wait. I was blown away completely - painfully close to perfection, and just downright odd. Definitely my kind of film! 9/10

11-11-2010, 10:55 AM

11-11-2010, 11:14 AM
I dunno if this is the latest fim I watched, regardless of whether i've watched before, or the last new film I watched. In either case.

Last film : I Love You Man: 8.5/10, I love Jason Segel and I love this film, I laugh everytime

Last new film@ Paranormal activity 2: 4/10. Boring until the end, a bit jumpy.

11-11-2010, 12:17 PM
Unfortunately, they are only releasing the special edition briefcase edition in England. :(

Tell me about it! I really, really, wanted that to be released in the US, too. Instead, I'll be forced to get the plain DVD without any awesome special features or slipcase. I guess the marketing department forgot that not everyone owns a Blu-Ray player. :arg:

11-11-2010, 12:19 PM
Ahhh, the joys of owning a PS3 :D

11-11-2010, 12:19 PM
:gives feev the finger:

11-11-2010, 12:22 PM
:gives feev the finger:

(whirring) (clink clank clunk)


11-11-2010, 12:29 PM

11-11-2010, 01:10 PM
Last new film@ Paranormal activity 2: 4/10. Boring until the end, a bit jumpy.

It's supposed to be worst than the first one which I rate a 3/10

11-11-2010, 05:23 PM
Just saw Megamind. It was really good, but Despicable Me was better. I am so happy with all the Villain friendly movies coming out.

11-11-2010, 11:06 PM

Quite a twisted movie. Michael Pitt especially is haunting. A completely stoic person who has no regard for human emotion. He even seems to not be receiving emotional gratification from his and Brady Corbet's actions against Naomi Watts, Tom Roth and their son. The family they torment is in emotional tatters throughout the movie in direct contrast to their ease of joy upon driving to their cabin. The two young men however don't even seemed to notice the anguish. To them, it's funny games.


11-12-2010, 11:07 PM
Gosford Park - I'm sure what it was but I just couldn't get into this movie. It was good but I was expecting something other than what it was. 7/10

Still Servant
11-14-2010, 06:00 PM

Quite a twisted movie. Michael Pitt especially is haunting. A completely stoic person who has no regard for human emotion. He even seems to not be receiving emotional gratification from his and Brady Corbet's actions against Naomi Watts, Tom Roth and their son. The family they torment is in emotional tatters throughout the movie in direct contrast to their ease of joy upon driving to their cabin. The two young men however don't even seemed to notice the anguish. To them, it's funny games.


I really liked Funny Games. I've had some pretty great discussions about that film. There are just tons of people who totally hate it. I can understand why though. I thought Michael Pitt was amazing in that film.

After watching his performance a few years back, I had a feeling he was going to go on and become a big time actor. Then Boardwalk Empire came along and now I'm positive he will become a big time actor.

11-21-2010, 10:43 AM
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

4 out of 10 stars. Overall a pretty stupid movie. If I'd seen it in the theater I would have either fallen asleep or walked out before it was over.

11-21-2010, 04:25 PM

What a fantastic movie. So much haunting imagary. It's said to be strictly environmental but I believe it's quite societal and psychological as well. Instead of seeing nature = beautiful, man = ugly, I witness a different story. About the earth giving birth to man and giving us what we needed for food, shelter and other necessities of life. We then see a rocket being launched, mankinds dream of outerspace. Not much different than a child outgrowing his need for his parents and rising above their hold. We see how nature flows and how cities flow, how we distance ourselves from being a part of nature but in the end we create similar flows.

We see nature, sedimentary rocks. The layers and how long it took to create these rocks. We see the colorado river which made the grand canyon, we ask ourselves how long it took for nature to do that. How long did it take to create this twisted canyon? We then see the hoover dam, street views of New York skyscrappers and we wonder how quick we created these things that both mimic and destroy what nature creates. We how powerful mankind as a collective is; the power to create fast, destroy fast, reach outer space but on a single level we're far weaker. We're homeless people looking through change, people living in poverty stricken lands, working on assembly lines or sick and dying. We go through our day to day lives oblivious to the planet itself; reading our newpapers, playing our video games or watching our televisions. Humankind all grown up is self-absorbed and disregarding of the parent who once gave us life and the tools for life. We've forgotten about our mother earth and instead only focused on ourselves. We take for war, for growth, for novelty and for family. But as much as we thnk of ourselves as the rulers of the planet nothing we make will last forever. The Grand Canyon, the Rocky Moutains, the ocean, the sky...they will outlive and outlast anything we create.

In the end I felt this was a movie about being out of balance with nature. How by putting ourselves above nature we've hurt the relationship we had with it.


Yeah Sure Whatever
11-21-2010, 06:18 PM
Gosford Park - I'm sure what it was but I just couldn't get into this movie. It was good but I was expecting something other than what it was. 7/10

I felt the same way when I saw it way back when 7 is a bit generous I think

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

4 out of 10 stars. Overall a pretty stupid movie. If I'd seen it in the theater I would have either fallen asleep or walked out before it was over.

I dont go to the theater because first off its just too expensive and 2 paying for movies has gone the way of paying for cds. Things I just wont do

Still Servant
11-22-2010, 03:17 PM
I'm not really sure I buy the whole CD analogy. With the way technology is now, purchasing a CD is less and less necessary. Technology just passed the medium by. Watching a film on a big screen is still relevant. Yes, we are much more equipped to get a cinematic experience at home than we were 20 years ago with HDTV's, Blu-ray players and surround sound, but there still is nothing like watching a movie on the big screen.

Also, I just saw a movie the other day for $5. Hardly expensive. You don't have to spend money on snacks and soda. That's really where they get you.

11-22-2010, 03:34 PM
I see it like this;

Movies take lots of money. Some movies have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in it. By downloading it or getting bootleg copies, you prevent the studios from making money. If a quality movie takes a loss due to downloading, studios likely won't invest in another similar movie. This is why family movies, comic book movies and action movies get greenlighted due to sales because people will see those for thrills or family entertainment.

To make a CD, not nearly as much is invested. Not to mention bands/artists have DVD sales, merchandise sales, concert sales...unless it's a merchandising beast like Star Wars, Harry Potter or Twilight, movies generally only have sales to fall back on. You don't see The Road merchandise or anything.

If people pay to see average/shitty movies due to big screen effects, actually good movies will never get wide releases (hello Buried!)

11-23-2010, 02:25 AM


What a good film. :)

I lent my mind to Cold Mountain yesterday, and it was pretty bitchin'.
Seeing Jack White's face floating around was an instant plus point, and Rene Zellweger's character was a source of constant smiles.

11-23-2010, 04:25 PM
Deathly Hallows 4/10

Gets a four for the cinematography which was awesome and reminiscent of PoA for it's dark, fairytale quality. Otherwise I was disappointed and disinterested. I appreciate screenplays can't match a book word for word, but so much important material was sacrificed for special effects. I really don't think it would make sense if you hadn't read the books.

11-23-2010, 05:08 PM
Just saw Zombieland for the first time. I didn't like the younger sister, but the movie was really good.

11-23-2010, 05:56 PM

Quite a twisted movie. Michael Pitt especially is haunting. A completely stoic person who has no regard for human emotion. He even seems to not be receiving emotional gratification from his and Brady Corbet's actions against Naomi Watts, Tom Roth and their son. The family they torment is in emotional tatters throughout the movie in direct contrast to their ease of joy upon driving to their cabin. The two young men however don't even seemed to notice the anguish. To them, it's funny games.


Michael Pitt plays a great psychopath. I've really been enjoying him on Boardwalk Empire.

11-28-2010, 10:38 PM

A pretty good movie. The friend I made watch it doesn't have a great taste in movies. He watches a movie like this and he doesn't get it. He said it was like Last House on the Left, except shitty lol.

I thought it was a very good and powerful movie. I always liked William Mapother and thought he was great in it. Some terrific acting and I enjoyed the directing style. My favourite scene was when Tom Wilkinson was talking with his lawyer on the street, brilliantly directed.


12-02-2010, 03:42 AM

Excellent movie. Good performances all around. Didn't know that iconic shot of the cowboy on a nuke came from this movie. A good view on how weapons of mass destruction can literally destroy everything, all spawned from the crazy mind of one man with too much power. Line of the movie: "You can't fight in here! This is the war room!"

Question, The Russian ambassador toyed with something at the end, are we to believe that he detonated some kind of device, killing all in the war room?


12-02-2010, 05:21 AM

The more I see of Kubrick's work, the more I love his work. I was pretty moved by this movie, especially the ending. How political image is more important than the lives of single men. I haven't seen Kirk Douglas in much be he was fantastic in this. Adolphe Menjou and George Macready also really impressed me.


12-03-2010, 03:50 AM

Fantastic fucking movie. Coppola is really good with his shots. How empty and desolate he managed to make everything look, reflecting Harry's own life. I found this character so intriguing. The way his self isolation and paranoia stem from his guilt of what his work has done to others lives. Hackman was just great. Harrison Ford definitely still had screen presence before he made it big.

12-03-2010, 07:16 AM
I really need to watch The Conversation, one of the few Coppola films I haven't seen yet.

12-03-2010, 11:52 AM
I've got to hand it to you, Mattrick: you've really gotten into the spirit of this thread. Thanks for all of these great reviews.

Still Servant
12-03-2010, 03:26 PM
I've been meaning to see The Conversation for years, but I always end up watching something else. It's next on my Netflix Queue.

The Color of Money 9/10

I just love Paul Newman. While it's not as good as The Hustler, it's still a very solid film. Tom Cruise proved at a young age that he was an acting force of nature. I think Eddie Felson is a great film character and it was great to see him develop over all these years.

Alice in Wonderland 6/10

Not a bad film, I was just expecting it to be a little more vibrant and full of life. I was kind of disappointed to see Wonderland in a post apocalyptic state. Still some cool CGI stuff and the tale really is a classic.

12-04-2010, 03:51 AM
I've got a stack of DVD's to go through:

Two Brothers: A movie about two tiger cub brothers, separated and their very different experiences...it's great and stars Guy Pierce. Good family fare, check out this hidden gem.

Little Children: From Todd Field, director of In The Bedroom. Was told it was great and has Jennifer Connelly and Kate Winslet...SOLD.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: My dad, grandma, uncles, aunts...all hated it. My friend said he loved it. Then again, my friends taste in films is more trusted by me. What a cast...Pitt, Renner, Affleck (casey), Rockwell, Shepard.

Valkyrie: Saw this advanced screening, been wanting to see it for a while. It's got a great cast; Cruise, Nighy, Kretschmann, Wilkinson, Stamp and Brannagh. Always though this movie was short changed because people love to hate on Tom Cruise.

12-04-2010, 07:50 AM
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: My dad, grandma, uncles, aunts...all hated it. My friend said he loved it. Then again, my friends taste in films is more trusted by me. What a cast...Pitt, Renner, Affleck (casey), Rockwell, Shepard.

Valkyrie: Saw this advanced screening, been wanting to see it for a while. It's got a great cast; Cruise, Nighy, Kretschmann, Wilkinson, Stamp and Brannagh. Always though this movie was short changed because people love to hate on Tom Cruise.

I hated the AOJJBTCHF. The beginning was good, then it started to drag, and drag it did. I loved Renner, always.

Valkyrie I didn't like so much. I'm a huge Cruise fan, still loyal, but I just couldn't get into it.

12-04-2010, 10:32 AM
Valkyrie is alright. It doesn't excel at anything, nor is it an award worthy film by any means, but it's entertaining enough.

12-05-2010, 12:19 AM
It's just a good entertainment movie. Singer knows how to make a good, tense movie. I think the movie would have benefited from an all german speaking cast, but it starting and ending in german was a clever way of saying 'it's all in german...we just have it in english'

12-05-2010, 08:52 AM
UP - 9/10

I can't believe I waited this long to see this movie! It was adorable, very sad at parts, and very sweet. It probably helped that I have a soft spot for animals like Kevin and Doug, and that Carl reminded me of my grandpa, but it was really good.

12-05-2010, 06:09 PM
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: My dad, grandma, uncles, aunts...all hated it. My friend said he loved it. Then again, my friends taste in films is more trusted by me. What a cast...Pitt, Renner, Affleck (casey), Rockwell, Shepard.

I loved this movie! Have you watched it yet? I can't believe so many people disliked it. It's seriously got some amazing cinematography in it. And it's also got one of my favorite movie scores.

Little Children is also an excellent film. I recommend it if you haven't watched it yet.

12-05-2010, 06:28 PM
I just saw Tropic Thunder. I have to say, I liked it; however, I feel some of the scenes could have been done better. Last night I watched The Taking Of Pelham 123 and I enjoyed it. I freakin' love John Travolta and he's awesome as a villain.

12-05-2010, 06:41 PM
I just saw Tropic Thunder. I have to say, I liked it; however, I feel some of the scenes could have been done better. ...Well said. Some people totally hate on it, but it's enough, to me, to say just that it was not the best.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-05-2010, 07:56 PM
I just saw Tropic Thunder. I have to say, I liked it; however, I feel some of the scenes could have been done better. Last night I watched The Taking Of Pelham 123 and I enjoyed it. I freakin' love John Travolta and he's awesome as a villain.

I didnt like it at all the first time I saw it. But after watching it again, it got better. For me anyway

12-05-2010, 07:57 PM
UP - 9/10

I can't believe I waited this long to see this movie! It was adorable, very sad at parts, and very sweet. It probably helped that I have a soft spot for animals like Kevin and Doug, and that Carl reminded me of my grandpa, but it was really good.

first half of Up > second half

Tropic Thunder is pretty great.

12-05-2010, 08:12 PM
UP - 9/10

I can't believe I waited this long to see this movie! It was adorable, very sad at parts, and very sweet. It probably helped that I have a soft spot for animals like Kevin and Doug, and that Carl reminded me of my grandpa, but it was really good.

first half of Up > second half

Indeed it was. But the first half was so good....it was very hard to beat the emotional, nostalgic scenes with some random plot about an explorer who wanted to capture a bird....

12-05-2010, 11:37 PM
Indeed it was. But the first half was so good....it was very hard to beat the emotional, nostalgic scenes with some random plot about an explorer who wanted to capture a bird....

Don't forget dogs that can fly bi-planes. Up felt to me as if they made a short film and then decided to tack a children's movie on the end of it.


Enjoyed this movie overall. The movies conclusion was no surprise to me as I'd assumed it would go down such a path from the beginning. All performances were good, Scorcese moulded a perfect mood for this story. I'd no idea Denis Lehane wrote the novel this was based on. considering how much I enjoyed Gone Baby Gone and Mystic River, I should really read some of his books.


Yeah Sure Whatever
12-06-2010, 12:39 AM
Scott Pilgrim was pretty cute, will watch again.

I do have low standards though

12-06-2010, 05:50 AM
Watched "Panic" on Netflix. Damn good. 8.5 out of 10.

12-06-2010, 06:53 AM
I had a lazy Sunday watching the Saragossa Manuscript yesterday, and though it's hard to think of much to say, I have to state that it left an imprint in my mind. The cinematography is just beautiful, and I'm a sucker for fantasy. There was always something to demand attention, and though I was close to dropping off after eating the biggest roast dinner the world's ever seen, somehow it managed to keep my eyes peeled and my sleepy mind entranced. An absolutely gorgeous film full of magic - I think it really succeeds in freezing the mysterious little moments of life, and painting a beautiful picture from it. 9/10 .

12-06-2010, 02:43 PM
Enjoyed this movie overall. The movies conclusion was no surprise to me as I'd assumed it would go down such a path from the beginning. All performances were good, Scorcese moulded a perfect mood for this story. I'd no idea Denis Lehane wrote the novel this was based on. considering how much I enjoyed Gone Baby Gone and Mystic River, I should really read some of his books.


Always glad to see appreciation for this film. I feel that many mark points off simply because the end is somewhat predictable, as if how it got to that point didn't matter.

12-07-2010, 05:59 AM
Valhalla Rising

It's about a group of Nordic warriors bound for the Holy Lands. Their ship gets blown off course and they end up on the North American shore. (and I really watered down a big part of the first half) Apparently, the natives don't like the look of them and they begin to hunt them down. (kinda makes you wonder what kind of a world this would be had the native americans reacted this way to everyone else that showed up) Not sure how to rate it. A 7 out of 10 maybe...possibly 8...maybe more depending. Was a very strange (but at the same time, wondrous) movie. It was surreal and gory (which guarantees it at least a 5 on my scale). But I didn't get the feeling that the gore was gratuitous. There was very little dialogue but it wasn't necessary. It was well acted by all involved and much of the story is told in expressions, symbolism, and imagery. The scenery is great...bleak as it might be. All in all, I'd recommend this movie. I will say that the movie sports a very, very Viking moral.

12-08-2010, 04:12 AM
Finally got a chance to see The Kids Are All Right ... and it was outstanding. Giving it a 9/10.

It's got Academy Award nominations written all over it for both Bening and Moore. Bening deserves the win, but likely, they'll cancel each other out in the votes. ( my guess for a win is Natalie Portman ).

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-08-2010, 08:21 AM
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me

I dont even know how to rate this. We both liked it and were intrigued, and we've been wanting to watch the show for some time now. As with typical David Lynch there were quite a few WTF moments, and we're left with a lot of questions. Gonna have to watch again, maybe after we watch the series

12-08-2010, 08:26 AM
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me

I dont even know how to rate this. We both liked it and were intrigued, and we've been wanting to watch the show for some time now. As with typical David Lynch there were quite a few WTF moments, and we're left with a lot of questions. Gonna have to watch again, maybe after we watch the series

I'm hoping you'll like Twin Peaks series - it's one of my family's all-time favorites :)

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-08-2010, 08:30 AM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

12-08-2010, 10:17 AM
Finally got a chance to see The Kids Are All Right ... and it was outstanding. Giving it a 9/10.

It's got Academy Award nominations written all over it for both Bening and Moore. Bening deserves the win, but likely, they'll cancel each other out in the votes. ( my guess for a win is Natalie Portman ).

Mark Ruffalo is also in that, right? It looked good but could easily not be good. Glad to hear something positive.

12-08-2010, 10:39 AM
Yup. Ruffalo was excellent and honestly, he needed to be to pull this part off. I love his work, and he delivered. I know everyone is shouting about how great Moore and Bening are, but he really holds his own.

12-08-2010, 10:48 AM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

12-08-2010, 12:09 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

Twin Peaks is incredibly enjoyable! Do NOT look up any spoilers. The last like 6 episode in the series suck though.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-08-2010, 01:00 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

Same here!

Twin Peaks is incredibly enjoyable! Do NOT look up any spoilers. The last like 6 episode in the series suck though.

You dont me girl! I already know all the spoilers!!! For us its cool though, because we dont want to waste time on something thats crap. For example I LOVED the X Files but the last 3 seasons were shit, but my husband had to watch all of them. He said that he should have listened to me!

How did you feel about the movie in relation to the show?

12-08-2010, 01:05 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

Same here!

Twin Peaks is incredibly enjoyable! Do NOT look up any spoilers. The last like 6 episode in the series suck though.

You dont me girl! I already know all the spoilers!!! For us its cool though, because we dont want to waste time on something thats crap. For example I LOVED the X Files but the last 3 seasons were shit, but my husband had to watch all of them. He said that he should have listened to me!

How did you feel about the movie in relation to the show?

X Files movies were crap, pure crap.

12-08-2010, 01:24 PM
From what I've heard about X-Files: I Want to Believe and after reading Ebert's review...I desperately want to see it.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-08-2010, 01:37 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

Join the club! The first disc of Twin Peaks has been in my Netflix queue for the longest time listed as "very long wait!" :arg:

Same here!

Twin Peaks is incredibly enjoyable! Do NOT look up any spoilers. The last like 6 episode in the series suck though.

You dont me girl! I already know all the spoilers!!! For us its cool though, because we dont want to waste time on something thats crap. For example I LOVED the X Files but the last 3 seasons were shit, but my husband had to watch all of them. He said that he should have listened to me!

How did you feel about the movie in relation to the show?

X Files movies were crap, pure crap.

Oh yeah I know that. I meant how did you feel about Twin Peaks Fire Walk Withe Me in relation to the series

From what I've heard about X-Files: I Want to Believe and after reading Ebert's review...I desperately want to see it.


12-08-2010, 01:39 PM
OH! I've never seen the TP movie, I hear it's horrible though!

12-08-2010, 02:53 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

You're in luck! I was just looking for it for someone, and I found it on youtube.
Twin Peaks Pilot - Part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On4UaWQqJOw&feature=related)
And after that you can find all the remaining eps on hulu.

Enjoy! It's such a great show.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-08-2010, 06:28 PM
We're having a hard time finding the pilot, cant start without it!

You're in luck! I was just looking for it for someone, and I found it on youtube.
Twin Peaks Pilot - Part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On4UaWQqJOw&feature=related)
And after that you can find all the remaining eps on hulu.

Enjoy! It's such a great show.

Dude!!! Thank you

12-08-2010, 09:40 PM

Unabashed honesty. Ebert gave it a real good review, 3 1/2 stars.

12-09-2010, 12:56 AM

Dont know how to score this one. Spent the entire movie in varying degrees of confusion. I thought that it would all be clear at the end, but it wasnt. Was asking myself wtf is going on until at least 20 - 30 minutes into the movie. I think that my appreciation for this movie might improve upon rewatching it several times. But on a pure entertainment level, I don't find a movie that I spend the majority of the time feeling that I've missed some vital information to be very enjoyable. Overall, I still don't understand what is so fantastic about this movie, or Nolan for that matter.

12-09-2010, 01:41 AM
But on a pure entertainment level, I don't find a movie that I spend the majority of the time feeling that I've missed some vital information to be very enjoyable. . bears' issue with all Nolan movies I've seen exactly. (except The Prestige, that is)

12-09-2010, 03:19 AM
Into the Wild.
I had high expectations and they were most definitely met. What a beautiful film, and the soundtrack came as a happy little surprise, too.
Gorgeous cinematography, gorgeous story, easy-on-the-eye casting - it's hard to find a bad thing to say, though I think I'm rather blinded by my own build-up to the film. I've waited a while to wrap my eyes around it, and now that I have, I'm pretty excited. :) 9/10

12-09-2010, 03:20 AM
Being a great fan of the series, I actually enjoyed the X-Files movies. Dana and Fox ... hard to go wrong there.

Alisha? It's one of my all time favorite movies. The book is excellent as well. :couple: :huglove:

12-09-2010, 04:10 AM
:couple: I'm glad to see I'm not alone! I think I'd have to pout it up there in my favourites list: it's been a while since a film blew me away like that did.

I see a discussion on Twin Peaks over yonder, and feel that I should chip in my twopence worth: I'm about to lend my mind to the Pilot after receiving series 1 from LoveFilm - this is something I'm very excited about, and another thing I've been waiting for with bated breath.

12-09-2010, 07:55 AM
Into the Wild.
I had high expectations and they were most definitely met. What a beautiful film, and the soundtrack came as a happy little surprise, too.
Gorgeous cinematography, gorgeous story, easy-on-the-eye casting - it's hard to find a bad thing to say, though I think I'm rather blinded by my own build-up to the film. I've waited a while to wrap my eyes around it, and now that I have, I'm pretty excited. :) 9/10

The Soundtrack is great. I listen to it all the time.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-09-2010, 08:27 AM

Unabashed honesty. Ebert gave it a real good review, 3 1/2 stars.

It was as good as it could have been. It would have been better if it was made closer tot he ending of the show

12-09-2010, 09:07 AM
Into the Wild.
I had high expectations and they were most definitely met. What a beautiful film, and the soundtrack came as a happy little surprise, too.
Gorgeous cinematography, gorgeous story, easy-on-the-eye casting - it's hard to find a bad thing to say, though I think I'm rather blinded by my own build-up to the film. I've waited a while to wrap my eyes around it, and now that I have, I'm pretty excited. :) 9/10

I really, really want to watch this film, everyone that has seen it and bothered to post a review has had nothing but great things to say about it. I keep holding off because I want to read the book first, but with my formidable and ever expanding backlog I just don't see that happening anytime soon. I'll probably end up watching this sometime in the next few weeks.

12-09-2010, 10:13 AM
Feev, it's a wonderful film. GREAT direction by Sean Penn, great script, Emile Hirsch is just spectacular. Everything about it works. Everything.

12-09-2010, 02:20 PM
I've been wanting to watch it again for awhile. Stop talking about it, please :'(

Jean, you'll be happy to know my friend burned me a copy of The Tenant. Can't wait to give it a watch.

12-10-2010, 12:21 AM
ooooh! I wonder what you'll say.........

12-10-2010, 02:45 AM
I went to watch it today and couldn't find it :'(

12-10-2010, 09:10 AM
A Clockwork Orange:
This used to be my all time favorite film, its message so disturbing. I have recently rewatched it a couple of times.
The same film , the same message....not at all the same feelings about it.
The fact that the characture Alex has his free will taken from himstill stinks, but I had a hard time viddying the whole ultra violence thing this time.

12-10-2010, 10:12 AM
Watched the 2010 Clash of the Titans last night. It had a few OK moments I enjoyed because I love all things Greek mythology, but overall it was pretty fail.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-10-2010, 10:47 AM
Watched the 2010 Clash of the Titans last night. It had a few OK moments I enjoyed because I love all things Greek mythology, but overall it was pretty fail.

Its pretty clear in everything thats ever been written about the Gods about their kids, is that they dont give a shit about them

12-10-2010, 11:26 AM
A Clockwork Orange:
This used to be my all time favorite film, its message so disturbing. I have recently rewatched it a couple of times.
The same film , the same message....not at all the same feelings about it.
The fact that the characture Alex has his free will taken from himstill stinks, but I had a hard time viddying the whole ultra violence thing this time.

Maybe a malenky bit of cutter would change your mind? I don't want to have tolchock you!

12-10-2010, 04:43 PM
But on a pure entertainment level, I don't find a movie that I spend the majority of the time feeling that I've missed some vital information to be very enjoyable. . bears' issue with all Nolan movies I've seen exactly. (except The Prestige, that is)

Then again, when I go to a Nolan or Tarantino, etc. I expect to put my thinking cap on, which is nice once in a while for a theater experience, no? Considering the overwhelming amount of drivel we are fed (not saying I don't enjoy drivel on occasion, like "The Expendables" was just good old fun!!!

12-10-2010, 05:09 PM
Thats funny! I watched The Expendables last night and thought it was great. No thinking cap there...haha. And, I don't mean that I disliked Inception, I just found it frustrating and hard to get into. I am sure that I will enjoy it more on a rewatch. I don't have a problem with asynchronous storytelling (pulp fiction and reservoir dogs are some of my favorite movies), but it seemed that being as abstract as this movie's plot is, he could have started you out on a little more solid ground.

12-10-2010, 05:14 PM
I LOVED the Expendables!

12-10-2010, 05:14 PM
I have to admit, I thought he did pretty well with it, but then again I was kinda "into it" from the git-go. I guess a lot can be said for your mind-set going in.

12-10-2010, 05:19 PM
In all fairness, I was trying to watch it at work, and was interrupted quite alot. My perception might therefore be a little skewed.

12-10-2010, 05:45 PM
Hey, to each his own I suppose. Some will love it, some will hate it. I thought it was amazingly clever in light of what Hollywood normally throws at us.

12-10-2010, 08:42 PM
Thats funny! I watched The Expendables last night and thought it was great. No thinking cap there...haha. And, I don't mean that I disliked Inception, I just found it frustrating and hard to get into. I am sure that I will enjoy it more on a rewatch. I don't have a problem with asynchronous storytelling (pulp fiction and reservoir dogs are some of my favorite movies), but it seemed that being as abstract as this movie's plot is, he could have started you out on a little more solid ground.

How was Inception not asynchronous? I'm amazed how linear it actually was. You just got confused because it had characters doing several things at the same time, in different realms. Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs is non-linear because Tarantino doesn't know how to tell a story start to finish. Inception was start to finish, linear.

12-10-2010, 08:46 PM
Expendables was good. Action was well done. Stallone, Lundgren, Stone Cold and Staham were good. No one else seemed to have personality or time to be characters. Jet Li was dull as fuck. Why did David Zayas, a name no one knows, have more character, moral qualms and screen time then the big names advertised? Not much sense. Nothing against Zayas, he's great.

Hopefully the sequel, if it does happen, cuts out the pointless (Crewes, Coutoure) and expands Willis' character. I head Stone Cold was coming back...which will be great because they did a great job of making him seem unstoppable. Him back angry and scarred will be awesome.

12-10-2010, 08:53 PM

I was expecting to like this movie, not love it. During the beginning, the usage of effects worried me. I was afraid the narrative would be overshadowed by the effects and (like the coffee scene with DiCaprio/Paige) how they were being used seemed overindulgent. But by the time the movie got going each piece of special effect fit and didn't feel forced. It amazed me how Nolan was able to capture the time differences between the dreams. Top notch cast, even great to see Pete Postlewaithe appear. Marianne Cotillard was particularily creepy.

I had a grave sense of the limbo discussed. Often I have dreams that seem to go on for a long time, days or weeks. Just the other day I slept for the better part of 18 hours. When I woke up I was all disoriented and that day, like others following a night of intense dreaming, I'm trying to make sense of it all yet it's hard to disavow those dreams as not real, when I experienced them so fully. I can't imagine what feeling like 50 years in a dream would feel like. Damn.


12-10-2010, 08:58 PM
But on a pure entertainment level, I don't find a movie that I spend the majority of the time feeling that I've missed some vital information to be very enjoyable. . bears' issue with all Nolan movies I've seen exactly. (except The Prestige, that is)

Then again, when I go to a Nolan or Tarantino, etc. I expect to put my thinking cap on, which is nice once in a while for a theater experience, no? Considering the overwhelming amount of drivel we are fed (not saying I don't enjoy drivel on occasion, like "The Expendables" was just good old fun!!!

Tarantino films don't require thinking caps. Basterds, I would say yes. All his other films are pure entertainment. You should watch some Rodrigo Garcia if you want a thinking cap on.

12-11-2010, 03:10 AM
Inception finishes where it started. This is non-linear by very definition.

12-11-2010, 04:02 AM
Nolan opened the movie the way he did because he wanted to give the audience the sensation of actually entering a dream. In dreams you often find yourself in the middle of something with no knowledge of how you got to that point. The film is very linear, it's just a bit overwhelming during intial viewing because there are so many different things going on in different levels , it makes it hard to keep up sometimes.

12-11-2010, 07:17 AM
Inception finishes where it started. This is non-linear by very definition.

? Did it not start in Saedo's dream and end when DiCaprio goes home to his children? Don't see how it started and ended in the same place.

12-11-2010, 11:10 AM
But on a pure entertainment level, I don't find a movie that I spend the majority of the time feeling that I've missed some vital information to be very enjoyable. . bears' issue with all Nolan movies I've seen exactly. (except The Prestige, that is)It is too bad that we can't turn off real life when that feeling creeps up, isn't it?

12-11-2010, 02:51 PM
Sabrina 9/10

I absolutely adored this film. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. I'm not a huge fan of romance films but Emily has mentioned it numerous times, so I figured it was worth a watch :couple:

12-11-2010, 06:06 PM
I just saw Shutter Island for the first time. It was awesome. The guy who played the bald doctor is an amazing actor.

I am really sad with the ending. The fact that he's faking regression because he feels like a monster when I don't think it was his fault sucks. It was the wife that killed the children, I would have shot her ass too. I wish it would have ended differently, not because it was bad, but because it wasn't happy.

12-11-2010, 06:44 PM
Sabrina 9/10

I absolutely adored this film. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. I'm not a huge fan of romance films but Emily has mentioned it numerous times, so I figured it was worth a watch :couple:

Oh yay!!! I'm so glad you liked it! Isn't it so charming? It's my favorite Bogart movie, even more so than Casablanca. "A woman happily in love, she burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven." And Audrey Hepburn in that dress at the party :swoon:

12-11-2010, 07:45 PM
Sabrina 9/10

I absolutely adored this film. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. I'm not a huge fan of romance films but Emily has mentioned it numerous times, so I figured it was worth a watch :couple:

Sabrina 9/10

I absolutely adored this film. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did. I'm not a huge fan of romance films but Emily has mentioned it numerous times, so I figured it was worth a watch :couple:

Oh yay!!! I'm so glad you liked it! Isn't it so charming? It's my favorite Bogart movie, even more so than Casablanca. "A woman happily in love, she burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven." And Audrey Hepburn in that dress at the party :swoon:

Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She's got that perfect screen presence which is so elusive for most actors.

12-12-2010, 09:28 AM
I just saw Shutter Island for the first time. It was awesome. The guy who played the bald doctor is an amazing actor.

I am really sad with the ending. The fact that he's faking regression because he feels like a monster when I don't think it was his fault sucks. It was the wife that killed the children, I would have shot her ass too. I wish it would have ended differently, not because it was bad, but because it wasn't happy.

mostly i think it was because he could not bear to live without them

12-12-2010, 01:02 PM
I just saw Shutter Island for the first time. It was awesome. The guy who played the bald doctor is an amazing actor.:lol: You mean Sir Ben Kingsley. Indeed he is. If you liked this, definitely do try some of his other work.

12-12-2010, 01:56 PM
His performance as Ghandi was amazing. I loved the episode of Sopranos he was in. playing himself. Kinglsey to me is up there with some actors, like Morgan Freeman and Anthony Hopkins. They've had so many good roles they just have to show up. Them being on the screen adds to a movie. I didn't find Kingsley's character in Shutter Island really had much dimension. But he's such a good actor he brings the character to life without making the character stand out.

12-12-2010, 02:06 PM
Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She's got that perfect screen presence which is so elusive for most actors.

I really enjoyed her in this one. It's actually the only film of hers I've seen. I hate to admit this but I tried to watch My Fair Lady last year, and couldn't even make it past the first 15 or so min of her on the screen. But I really would like to go back and try to watch it again because I've heard such good stuff about it.

12-12-2010, 02:37 PM
His performance as Ghandi was amazing. I loved the episode of Sopranos he was in. playing himself. Kinglsey to me is up there with some actors, like Morgan Freeman and Anthony Hopkins. They've had so many good roles they just have to show up. Them being on the screen adds to a movie. I didn't find Kingsley's character in Shutter Island really had much dimension. But he's such a good actor he brings the character to life without making the character stand out.Oh, I guess I see your point about the character, but it was really fun to watch him play with the layers brought to his role there by the nature of the story.

12-12-2010, 02:48 PM
Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She's got that perfect screen presence which is so elusive for most actors.

I really enjoyed her in this one. It's actually the only film of hers I've seen. I hate to admit this but I tried to watch My Fair Lady last year, and couldn't even make it past the first 15 or so min of her on the screen. But I really would like to go back and try to watch it again because I've heard such good stuff about it.

Heather, you should watch Charade. It's such a fun movie. And Wait Until Dark. Both are fantastic.

12-12-2010, 03:35 PM
Thanks, I just added them both to my list :couple:

12-12-2010, 05:17 PM

This was such a wonderful movie. Todd Field is quite the talented director. There were so many great elements to the film; the humanity behind a sex offender, the narration, the great detail taken in displaying the motivations behind the characters actions. In the end it's a film about regret and atonement. The effects of marriage and family the roles we're supposed to fill in society, was well depicted; the film is about struggling with who we are and who we strive to be.


12-12-2010, 05:41 PM
If you don't mind me asking, what was the sex crime involved? You say the humanity of being a sex offender, and it's titled Little Children... just wondering.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-12-2010, 05:59 PM
I think he's a perv, but I dont think anything is shown. Whatever happened took place before the movie *i think*

12-12-2010, 06:06 PM
It's not to focused on but seems his problem lies in exposing himself. Not like he molested/raped or anything.

12-12-2010, 06:08 PM
What's the deal with exposing one's self? I mean, what does the exposer get from this?

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-12-2010, 06:11 PM
Good question

12-12-2010, 06:11 PM
It's sick.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-12-2010, 06:20 PM
I feel like every generation has a memory of some guy they saw somewhere (grocery store for me) that was wearing too short shorts and you could see his dick.

12-12-2010, 06:32 PM
Your post made me feel like your avatar.

12-12-2010, 06:41 PM

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-12-2010, 06:52 PM
Your post made me feel like your avatar.

I have that effect on people

12-12-2010, 07:34 PM
What's the deal with exposing one's self? I mean, what does the exposer get from this?

Today, frostbite.

.....I heard...

12-13-2010, 03:41 AM
Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She's got that perfect screen presence which is so elusive for most actors.

I really enjoyed her in this one. It's actually the only film of hers I've seen. I hate to admit this but I tried to watch My Fair Lady last year, and couldn't even make it past the first 15 or so min of her on the screen. But I really would like to go back and try to watch it again because I've heard such good stuff about it.

My Fair Lady is probably my least favorite Audrey performance ... probably because I knew ahead of time that she was lip syncing ( Marni Nixon dubbed her stuff ). It's a sweet story and all, but it's kind of far fetched to think of Audrey as anything but elegant.

My favorite would probably be Breakfast At Tiffany's. Charade is wonderful and so is Roman Holiday. I think she was a bit out of her element in the musical genre.

I believe the inference for Little Children is that Ronnie exposed himself ... to children. Thus the registered sex offender status. Frankly, the scene in the swimming pool, with him looking at all the kids bodies under water was chilling and creepy as all get out.

12-13-2010, 06:02 AM
Little children is a great movie, I'd love to revisit it sometime soon.

also - i know that the swimming pool scene is supposed to be a powerful one, but I can never take it seriously beause I'm always cracking up at how short J.E Haley looks in that scene, with his adorable little flippers :rofl:

12-13-2010, 07:34 AM
I believe the inference for Little Children is that Ronnie exposed himself ... to children. Thus the registered sex offender status. Frankly, the scene in the swimming pool, with him looking at all the kids bodies under water was chilling and creepy as all get out.

It's hard to say for sure. They never outright say it, they do say he exposed himself to strangers and it was wrong, as opposed to the one woman's brother exposing himself to her. It's so hard not to feel sorry for Ronnie in the film, that pool scene was what made me do it. It's the notion that someone can change but society still labels him a certain way. And they display his deep wanting to change, mostly to make his mother proud of him.

I love the title Little Children; it has so many implications on the narrative.

12-13-2010, 08:03 AM
I got the distinct impression he was a pedophile, but that could be me projecting, but I based that on the responses of the parents, mostly.

12-13-2010, 09:41 AM
I believe the inference for Little Children is that Ronnie exposed himself ... to children. Thus the registered sex offender status. Frankly, the scene in the swimming pool, with him looking at all the kids bodies under water was chilling and creepy as all get out.

It's hard to say for sure. They never outright say it, they do say he exposed himself to strangers and it was wrong, as opposed to the one woman's brother exposing himself to her. It's so hard not to feel sorry for Ronnie in the film, that pool scene was what made me do it. It's the notion that someone can change but society still labels him a certain way. And they display his deep wanting to change, mostly to make his mother proud of him.

I love the title Little Children; it has so many implications on the narrative.

I guess I can understand why you feel bad for him, but I don't care how much someone has changed, if he has somehow sexually assaulted a child there is no redemption in my eyes and I understand why society would be so hard on him. That being said, is he mentally challenged, because I would have a little more sympathy if that was thrown in the mix.

12-13-2010, 12:48 PM
I got the distinct impression he was a pedophile, but that could be me projecting, but I based that on the responses of the parents, mostly.

That's how the film is intended. The audience is supposed to react like the parents 'omg he's in the pool!' but at this point we hardly know him. It isn't until the movie progresses that we see him as a son and a man struggling with his problems and the desire to make his mother proud of him. In the end he realizes that he cannot control himself so he took the drastic measure and did what he (and society) felt was necessary and castrated himself.

I guess I can understand why you feel bad for him, but I don't care how much someone has changed, if he has somehow sexually assaulted a child there is no redemption in my eyes and I understand why society would be so hard on him. That being said, is he mentally challenged, because I would have a little more sympathy if that was thrown in the mix.

It depends how you define mentally challenged. Often those with sexual offension predispositions have something wrong in their brain. Often it's beyond their control and some are powerless despite trying to change. That is how Ronnie was, he tried to change, tried to be a normal person. As far as I'm remember whatever he got in trouble for only happened once and they didn't even say it was a child, just a stranger. The whole point could be the label 'sex offender' causes parents to cradle their children, despite the possible definitions that label can have.

12-13-2010, 03:50 PM
Just a couple "Outta the Blue" movie's that I only recently caught up with and viewed:

"Slumdog Millionaire"

For whatever reason I just wasn't cranked to see it, but man, am I glad I did!!! What a great film!!!

"No Country for Old Men"

Same for this one, I was like "Meh", but now it's one of my favs!!!

12-15-2010, 10:29 AM
Audrey Hepburn is sublime. She's got that perfect screen presence which is so elusive for most actors.

I really enjoyed her in this one. It's actually the only film of hers I've seen. I hate to admit this but I tried to watch My Fair Lady last year, and couldn't even make it past the first 15 or so min of her on the screen. But I really would like to go back and try to watch it again because I've heard such good stuff about it.

My Fair Lady is probably my least favorite Audrey performance ... probably because I knew ahead of time that she was lip syncing ( Marni Nixon dubbed her stuff ). It's a sweet story and all, but it's kind of far fetched to think of Audrey as anything but elegant.

anyway, everything except Hepburn is very good there, so it is still worth watching. Heather: just imagine July Andrews at her place (she was originally meant for the part), and everything starts making sense.

12-15-2010, 10:34 AM
I watched Predators last night and LOVED it! I have always loved the Predator series with the exception of Aliens vs. Predator II. I did like the first Aliens vs. Predator though, a LOT!

Predators was by no means an award winning movie, and my biggest qualm is that Adrian Brody did not 'fit' his role. He put on a voice that didn't match him, and gave him a career that didn't suit him. Topher Grace was AWESOME! Danny Trejo Rocked! Louis Ozawa Changchien (Asian guy) was breathtaking.

I fall in love with villains quite easily, I really love the Predators most of all.

12-15-2010, 10:37 AM
Just a couple "Outta the Blue" movie's that I only recently caught up with and viewed:


"No Country for Old Men"

Same for this one, I was like "Meh", but now it's one of my favs!!!
I wonder if I should re-watch it, then. My first attempt failed: I just slept through most of it.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-15-2010, 12:36 PM
I watched Predators last night and LOVED it! I have always loved the Predator series with the exception of Aliens vs. Predator II. I did like the first Aliens vs. Predator though, a LOT!

Predators was by no means an award winning movie, and my biggest qualm is that Adrian Brody did not 'fit' his role. He put on a voice that didn't match him, and gave him a career that didn't suit him. Topher Grace was AWESOME! Danny Trejo Rocked! Louis Ozawa Changchien (Asian guy) was breathtaking.

I fall in love with villains quite easily, I really love the Predators most of all.

We've had this since it came out and havent watched it yet

12-15-2010, 12:40 PM
You really should. It's something you really don't have to think about while watching, you can just sit there and enjoy it.

Yeah Sure Whatever
12-15-2010, 12:42 PM
I'm all for that!

12-15-2010, 02:13 PM
The Russia House ( 1990 ) - 9/10.

Based on a novel by John le Carre.

I absolutely love this movie. I think both Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer give excellent performances and the ending is just wonderful.

I'm fairly sure that at least part of it was filmed in Russia, and it's always intrigued me.

Jean, have you ever seen it?

12-15-2010, 02:27 PM
No. Do you think I should?

12-15-2010, 04:12 PM
Just a couple "Outta the Blue" movie's that I only recently caught up with and viewed:


"No Country for Old Men"

Same for this one, I was like "Meh", but now it's one of my favs!!!
I wonder if I should re-watch it, then. My first attempt failed: I just slept through most of it.

I suppose it could be considered an "Acquired taste", but I really liked the subtle overtones and commentary on today's society. I really liked the generational aspects as well. Plus I went to college in Texas!!!! They used to ask me "What's a city boy doing down here"? My answer "Trying to get out"!!!!! LOL

12-16-2010, 08:48 AM
No. Do you think I should?

re: Russian House ....

I'm not sure. I truly enjoyed it, but I love Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. It's kind of a suspense/spy movie. ( An expatriate British publisher unexpectedly finds himself working for British intelligence. )

Parts of it were filmed in Russia ( I checked the IMDB listing ) and I think it's one of the reasons I so want to visit your homeland one day.

12-16-2010, 08:51 AM
I really liked the subtle overtones and commentary on today's society. I really liked the generational aspects as well.

Definitely. I love the Sheriff's whimsical musings , trying to understand a world where murder is the order of the day, and where money and drugs are the building blocks that drive the underworld forward. And of course, Javier Bardem's incredible performance.

12-16-2010, 10:28 AM
No. Do you think I should?

re: Russian House ....

I'm not sure. I truly enjoyed it, but I love Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. It's kind of a suspense/spy movie. ( An expatriate British publisher unexpectedly finds himself working for British intelligence. )

Parts of it were filmed in Russia ( I checked the IMDB listing ) and I think it's one of the reasons I so want to visit your homeland one day.
I see, love, thank you. I think I'll give it a try, although whenever they touch upon Russia in an American movie - well, preposterous doesn't even begin to describe it.

12-16-2010, 11:12 AM
I see, love, thank you. I think I'll give it a try, although whenever they touch upon Russia in an American movie - well, preposterous doesn't even begin to describe it.

You mean, you guys don't all walk around with long dark trench coats and KGB-assault rifles !? Preposterous !!

12-16-2010, 11:47 AM
I see, love, thank you. I think I'll give it a try, although whenever they touch upon Russia in an American movie - well, preposterous doesn't even begin to describe it.

You mean, you guys don't all walk around with long dark trench coats and KGB-assault rifles !? Preposterous !!

Come to think of it, we do. We also have a Lenin portrait in every apartment, speak with an American accent, play balalaikas and drink tea from samovars; and the only dream the best of us have is how to defect to the dreamland, the U.S. of A.

12-16-2010, 12:28 PM
I'm glad you've come to accept the truth, Jean. It's like the way American chooses to portray Mexico/Mexicans, I mean, why fight it ? We all stagger walk around in half sane, drunken frenzies - a bottle of Jose Cuervo tequila in one hand and a six-shooter in the other, our vaquero boots sending up squirts of dust as we stumble around and howl at the moon, oversized tejano hats strapped to our heads. I mean, sometimes we just have to face the truth.

12-16-2010, 12:32 PM
You just made me think of Danny Trejo... LOVES HIM!

12-16-2010, 12:39 PM
Feev & Jean, you forgot that all of your women also have moustaches!:P

12-16-2010, 01:09 PM
machete don't text

12-16-2010, 01:57 PM
I see, love, thank you. I think I'll give it a try, although whenever they touch upon Russia in an American movie - well, preposterous doesn't even begin to describe it.

You mean, you guys don't all walk around with long dark trench coats and KGB-assault rifles !? Preposterous !!

Come to think of it, we do. We also have a Lenin portrait in every apartment, speak with an American accent, play balalaikas and drink tea from samovars; and the only dream the best of us have is how to defect to the dreamland, the U.S. of A.

Be fair, Jean. It's not just the Americans who portray you like that: we Brits have always done our best to potray you Russians in an even more ridiculous way in our James Bond movies. Even after the Cold War, we were always keen to show that every Russian is a big bastard who deals in arms, chainsmokes every day and is a lover of vodka. Well, with the exception of that last part, that's really Robbie Coltrane, the big Scottish bastard playing something with a bit more variety, for once!


To be honest, though, anything with Robbie Coltrane in is usually great entertainment, in my book! :lol:

12-16-2010, 03:27 PM
No. Do you think I should?

re: Russian House ....

I'm not sure. I truly enjoyed it, but I love Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. It's kind of a suspense/spy movie. ( An expatriate British publisher unexpectedly finds himself working for British intelligence. )

Parts of it were filmed in Russia ( I checked the IMDB listing ) and I think it's one of the reasons I so want to visit your homeland one day.
I see, love, thank you. I think I'll give it a try, although whenever they touch upon Russia in an American movie - well, preposterous doesn't even begin to describe it.

Well, actually neither the Americans nor the Russians come off so great in this one, so maybe that's saying something. :lol: Just remember it was made in 1990, so it's somewhat dates there.

:couple: Let us know what you think once you've seen it.

12-16-2010, 04:41 PM

A largely underrated movie. This title received a lot of flack for Tom Cruise (who was really good) and basically flopped. Despite the talent involed; Bryan Singer, Christopher McQuarrie. The ensemble cast all played their parts perfectly, especially Tom Wilkenson and a reserved performance by Bill Nighy. Bryan Singer know how to create suspense. David Bamber who played Adolf Hilter was incredible. Every seen with him in it was uncomfortable and tense. Whomever did the sets deserved an oscar, feels like you're in the heart of Berlin before the fall.



I was putting of watching this movie for awhile, mostly just waiting until I really felt like watching it. A lot of what Cauron wanted to say wasn't hard to find, but the presentation of what he wanted to say was just incredible. The long shot he did near the end gave the movie a real organic feel; man, how tough it would be to arrange a shot like that, with so many actors and effects and stunt work and have it not only filmed right but everyone is on mark. Major respect for that sequence. A lot of shocking scenes, a very intense movie and good performances. My favourite aspect was his take on traditional movie hero, Clive Owen doesn't even hold a gun the entire movie (to my recollection) and if he does, he surely didn't fire.


12-16-2010, 04:50 PM
I didn't like Valkyrie because of how bad I felt by the end. Tom Cruise did a great job, I love him despite the press he gets. I really just don't like those types of movies.

12-16-2010, 08:59 PM
I didn't like Valkyrie because of how bad I felt by the end. Tom Cruise did a great job, I love him despite the press he gets. I really just don't like those types of movies.

I suggest you don't watch Paths of Glory then. Excellent movie but draining emotionally.

12-17-2010, 06:59 AM
I'm pretty emotionally shallow, so thanks!

12-17-2010, 07:17 AM
Mattrick? What's that last movie you have there? The link is broke ( or elese my computer stinks ... which is very possible ).

12-17-2010, 01:41 PM

12-17-2010, 02:32 PM
I LOVED children of men. It was an incredible movie, and some of it was rather unexpected. Clive Owens is an amazing actor.

12-17-2010, 06:15 PM
I didn't like Valkyrie because of how bad I felt by the end. Tom Cruise did a great job, I love him despite the press he gets. I really just don't like those types of movies.

I know what you mean. Like Titanic & The Perfect Storm while the "How they got there" is somewhat interesting we all know how its coming out in the end. My bet was they did'nt get Hitler either!!! LOL LOL

Still Servant
12-19-2010, 06:53 AM
I watched a couple docs recently:

Restrepo 8.5/10

Restrepo is an intense portrayal of the war in Afghanistan. The film does a great job at balancing war with play. In the end, you will wonder if there is any point to the war in Afghanistan. It seems impossible to get anything positive done there at all.

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work 8.0/10

I know a lot of people don't like her, but I say give this doc a shot. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy the film. I know I for one have a new found respect for Joan as a comedian. Her preparation and perseverance is truly amazing.

12-19-2010, 07:57 AM

I was putting of watching this movie for awhile, mostly just waiting until I really felt like watching it. A lot of what Cauron wanted to say wasn't hard to find, but the presentation of what he wanted to say was just incredible. The long shot he did near the end gave the movie a real organic feel; man, how tough it would be to arrange a shot like that, with so many actors and effects and stunt work and have it not only filmed right but everyone is on mark. Major respect for that sequence. A lot of shocking scenes, a very intense movie and good performances. My favourite aspect was his take on traditional movie hero, Clive Owen doesn't even hold a gun the entire movie (to my recollection) and if he does, he surely didn't fire.


I LOVED children of men. It was an incredible movie, and some of it was rather unexpected. Clive Owens is an amazing actor.

i loved children of men also, i was surprised to like it as it got a really bad write up here, which once i had watched it really surprised me.

as you say mattrick a very intense film which takes a whole different look at the 'action' movie

12-19-2010, 09:37 AM
Children of Men was ... decent. It wasn't horrible, and it wasn't amazing, it was right smack in the middle for me.

12-19-2010, 01:33 PM
On the way back from NYC last night, a lady on our bus bought some pirated movies and we played one the bus (Skyline). :lol:

I'll limit my comments to that I'm considerably less upset that I missed it while it was in the theater. It ALMOST had a plot, almost.