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03-25-2019, 04:45 PM
Yes, I'd love to hear people's thoughts. Just remember to put spoiler tags around it so as not to ruin it for anyone :D I actually had a discussion with my boss today because she was listening to a radio show and one of the dj's mentioned something (albeit vague) and I guess the other dj yelled at her because he thought it spoiled the movie. And I agree it did, I would have been super annoyed had I not seen the movie and heard that first :lol:

03-25-2019, 06:11 PM
That's pretty awesome! Since you guys are really close friends at this point, would it be possible for us to pitch him some movie ideas? :lol:


Yes! Aren't we supposed to co-write a movie together? I remember us talking about it...it might've been Jurassic Park. :orely:

03-25-2019, 08:17 PM
Mike just create a separate thread for Us with spoilers and I'll merge it at a later time.

03-26-2019, 12:12 PM
It's going to be a few weeks I think before I can see Us.

03-26-2019, 02:26 PM
It's going to be a few weeks I think before I can see Us.


St. Troy
03-27-2019, 07:24 AM
I like sarcastic Arnold.

03-27-2019, 03:35 PM
It's going to be a few weeks I think before I can see Us.


Nothing poor baby about getting Summerslam tickets 8)

Still Servant
03-27-2019, 04:33 PM
That's pretty awesome! Since you guys are really close friends at this point, would it be possible for us to pitch him some movie ideas? :lol:


Yes! Aren't we supposed to co-write a movie together? I remember us talking about it...it might've been Jurassic Park. :orely:

Yes, I believe it was Jurassic Park! Honestly, I'm pretty sure we could do better than the last two films.


Randall Flagg
03-30-2019, 05:56 AM
The Mustang:

Some films just hurt a little. You leave the theater maybe not having cried, but your heart just aches a bit. Gorgeously shot, with minimal dialogue, the film tells the story of an inmate in Nevada doing a very long sentence for a crime that isn't revealed until midway into the movie.

He reluctantly becomes part of a prison team that "breaks" and trains wild mustangs that are later sold at auction. The upshot is he isn't a "horse whisperer", but eventually the horse becomes a prisoner whisperer.

4.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS

04-04-2019, 03:23 PM
Shazam. What a blast. I hope this does Super well and we get more. The end scene was SICK. Love love love it. Fun and whitty... and comic lover should see this. 9/10 for me

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Still Servant
04-04-2019, 07:56 PM
The Mustang:

Some films just hurt a little. You leave the theater maybe not having cried, but your heart just aches a bit. Gorgeously shot, with minimal dialogue, the film tells the story of an inmate in Nevada doing a very long sentence for a crime that isn't revealed until midway into the movie.

He reluctantly becomes part of a prison team that "breaks" and trains wild mustangs that are later sold at auction. The upshot is he isn't a "horse whisperer", but eventually the horse becomes a prisoner whisperer.

4.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS

I thought that one looked interesting. Plus, I like Matthias Schoenaerts.

Randall Flagg
04-06-2019, 06:04 AM
Pet Sematary (2019):

Creepy and served well by being rated "R". The studio people who revealed a major spoiler in the trailer were criminal (from a movie goers perspective), as had I not known it was Ellie who was killed, it would have been a huge shock the way it was filmed. The ending is a shocker. Not as dark as The Mist, but damn close.

4/6 Beers on the RFSRS. Would have been a 1/2 beer higher had studio not spoiled a major plot point.

04-06-2019, 11:32 AM
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I must admit, it took me a long time to finally check this one out. I was a huge fan of the first film, but when I saw how much lower the score was on Rotten Tomatoes for the sequel, I must admit, I was initially put off.

However, having finally watched it, I'm not sure what the problem is. Yes, the first film is definitely better, and there was never anything as glorious as the church scene in this one, but the second film isn't a huge step down in quality. The Statesmen were fun, and I loved how the film played to US stereotypes as much as the first film played to UK. I liked how it developed the characters and provided a few surprises, while still telling a different story to the first film. And that celebrity appearance has to be one of the most random I've ever seen. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

04-06-2019, 12:22 PM
Pet Sematary (2019):

Creepy and served well by being rated "R". The studio people who revealed a major spoiler in the trailer were criminal (from a movie goers perspective), as had I not known it was Ellie who was killed, it would have been a huge shock the way it was filmed. The ending is a shocker. Not as dark as The Mist, but damn close.

4/6 Beers on the RFSRS. Would have been a 1/2 beer higher had studio not spoiled a major plot point.

I’m with you 100% on what you said my man. Well put!

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04-06-2019, 01:34 PM
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I must admit, it took me a long time to finally check this one out. I was a huge fan of the first film, but when I saw how much lower the score was on Rotten Tomatoes for the sequel, I must admit, I was initially put off.

However, having finally watched it, I'm not sure what the problem is. Yes, the first film is definitely better, and there was never anything as glorious as the church scene in this one, but the second film isn't a huge step down in quality. The Statesmen were fun, and I loved how the film played to US stereotypes as much as the first film played to UK. I liked how it developed the characters and provided a few surprises, while still telling a different story to the first film. And that celebrity appearance has to be one of the most random I've ever seen. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

I've had it on the DVR for awhile and still haven't gotten around to watching it. I think it's one of those movies you have to be in the mood for. Glad to hear it was decent, though. I enjoyed the first one.

04-06-2019, 01:44 PM
Shazam! is amazing. Everyone go see it as soon as possible! One of the best superhero movies to date, easily. And the marketing has shown maybe 5% of the story. That's how you do marketing, don't spoil anything major. So much fun. Loved it. Let's get it to a billion and get a sequel stat!

This does doors as portal so much better than The Dark Tower movie. Because they're doors.

04-06-2019, 02:36 PM
Rose and I saw Tomb Raider today. The new one with Alicia Vikander. 5/5. Indiana Jones of the modern age. Not sure if this movie got love or not, but it should have.

04-06-2019, 03:01 PM
Shazam! is amazing. Everyone go see it as soon as possible! One of the best superhero movies to date, easily. And the marketing has shown maybe 5% of the story. That's how you do marketing, don't spoil anything major. So much fun. Loved it. Let's get it to a billion and get a sequel stat!

This does doors as portal so much better than The Dark Tower movie. Because they're doors.

Totally agree. I hope it doesn’t get lost with all the other movies coming out.

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04-06-2019, 04:23 PM
Rose and I saw Tomb Raider today. The new one with Alicia Vikander. 5/5. Indiana Jones of the modern age. Not sure if this movie got love or not, but it should have.

5/5? What? So you thought it was a perfect movie? I enjoyed it and it was fun, but...

04-06-2019, 06:54 PM
Pet Sematary was great. I avoided the trailers so nothing was ruined and it was very enjoyable. Theater was packed and the audience seem to love it as well. Highly recommend. 5/6

Still Servant
04-06-2019, 07:01 PM
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I must admit, it took me a long time to finally check this one out. I was a huge fan of the first film, but when I saw how much lower the score was on Rotten Tomatoes for the sequel, I must admit, I was initially put off.

However, having finally watched it, I'm not sure what the problem is. Yes, the first film is definitely better, and there was never anything as glorious as the church scene in this one, but the second film isn't a huge step down in quality. The Statesmen were fun, and I loved how the film played to US stereotypes as much as the first film played to UK. I liked how it developed the characters and provided a few surprises, while still telling a different story to the first film. And that celebrity appearance has to be one of the most random I've ever seen. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

It's funny because I stayed away from this one too because of the initial reviews. It's too bad too because I loved the first film. With your review, and the 3rd film being released this year, I really have to sit down and give it a shot.

04-06-2019, 08:43 PM
Rose and I saw Tomb Raider today. The new one with Alicia Vikander. 5/5. Indiana Jones of the modern age. Not sure if this movie got love or not, but it should have.

5/5? What? So you thought it was a perfect movie? I enjoyed it and it was fun, but...

Not perfect, but really good. Good character development, story, acting, choreography, characters. I don't think I can think of one thing I didn't like about the movie. Maybe that the secondary Asian characters didn't really do much in the last act? That's about it. And rose liked it, which is always a plus. And Alicia Vikander is purty, which also helps, lol. Ex Machina? Mmmmmm

04-08-2019, 09:13 AM
Watched a bunch of movies recently

Free Solo 5/5 - Excellent movie. Definitely deserving of its Oscar win. It follows a climber who attempts to climb up El Capitan without ropes! Even though I knew the outcome this film was so intense and nerve wracking. I was so nervous to even watch parts of it.

The Dawn Wall 4/5 - After watching Free Solo we watched this movie that recently came to Netflix. It follows 2 climbers who attempt to be the first two to climb the dawn wall portion of El Capitan. While not as insane as Free Solo this one was still really interesting.

78/52 - 5/5 A good breakdown of the shower scene from Psycho. Definitely recommend to any film lover out there.

Green Book - 3/5 I enjoyed it. I guess I'm not shocked it won best picture, although I haven't watched all the films yet. My favorite out of the ones I've seen so far. Next up is The Favourite.

Pet Semetary - Well I wasn't expecting to like this one so I guess I'm not really disappointed. I didn't really care for it at all. They changed a lot and I feel like the main theme of the book, dealing with grief and the loss of loved ones really seemed to be missing from this one. It felt like just another forgettable generic horror film that's been getting put out these days. Also like RF mentioned I'm so confused as to why they spoiled a key thing in the trailer because it was filmed in such a way as it was meant to shock you, but there was no shock because you already knew it happened. Leads me to further believe that they should only release teaser trailers because they typically give away way too much.

04-08-2019, 09:26 AM
Watched a bunch of movies recently

Free Solo 5/5 - Excellent movie. Definitely deserving of its Oscar win. It follows a climber who attempts to climb up El Capitan without ropes! Even though I knew the outcome this film was so intense and nerve wracking. I was so nervous to even watch parts of it.

The Dawn Wall 4/5 - After watching Free Solo we watched this movie that recently came to Netflix. It follows 2 climbers who attempt to be the first two to climb the dawn wall portion of El Capitan. While not as insane as Free Solo this one was still really interesting.

78/52 - 5/5 A good breakdown of the shower scene from Psycho. Definitely recommend to any film lover out there.

Green Book - 3/5 I enjoyed it. I guess I'm not shocked it won best picture, although I haven't watched all the films yet. My favorite out of the ones I've seen so far. Next up is The Favourite.

Pet Semetary - Well I wasn't expecting to like this one so I guess I'm not really disappointed. I didn't really care for it at all. They changed a lot and I feel like the main theme of the book, dealing with grief and the loss of loved ones really seemed to be missing from this one. It felt like just another forgettable generic horror film that's been getting put out these days. Also like RF mentioned I'm so confused as to why they spoiled a key thing in the trailer because it was filmed in such a way as it was meant to shock you, but there was no shock because you already knew it happened. Leads me to further believe that they should only release teaser trailers because they typically give away way too much.

WELL said on the grief thing. I felt that was the biggest part of Pet S when I read it back in the day. It was so missing here from the movie. Horror movies are all the same. I loved US and before that? IT was the last one I liked... I detest 80% of them.

04-08-2019, 02:41 PM
Free Solo 5/5 - Excellent movie. Definitely deserving of its Oscar win. It follows a climber who attempts to climb up El Capitan without ropes! Even though I knew the outcome this film was so intense and nerve wracking. I was so nervous to even watch parts of it.

Exactly how I felt, too. I knew the ending (to a degree), but it was still so tense. I can't get over how he did that with no ropes. Some of those "handholds" he was using were like the size of pebbles!

Pet Semetary - Well I wasn't expecting to like this one so I guess I'm not really disappointed. I didn't really care for it at all. They changed a lot and I feel like the main theme of the book, dealing with grief and the loss of loved ones really seemed to be missing from this one. It felt like just another forgettable generic horror film that's been getting put out these days. Also like RF mentioned I'm so confused as to why they spoiled a key thing in the trailer because it was filmed in such a way as it was meant to shock you, but there was no shock because you already knew it happened. Leads me to further believe that they should only release teaser trailers because they typically give away way too much.

Oh man. Bummer. You pretty much included all my fears about what this movie would be. I'm going to lower my expectations ever further now. :(

04-08-2019, 03:12 PM
WELL said on the grief thing. I felt that was the biggest part of Pet S when I read it back in the day. It was so missing here from the movie. Horror movies are all the same. I loved US and before that? IT was the last one I liked... I detest 80% of them.

I know. I love horror movies, but I rarely go to see them in theaters these days. I even skip most of them once they hit dvd. They're just all the same. However there's a few gems in the mix. I really enjoyed US as well. Have you seen Hereditary yet? If not I'd highly recommend that. It's a slow burn, but that one actually flat out terrified me. It was so tense. And that's really hard to come by in horror films these days.

Free Solo 5/5 - Excellent movie. Definitely deserving of its Oscar win. It follows a climber who attempts to climb up El Capitan without ropes! Even though I knew the outcome this film was so intense and nerve wracking. I was so nervous to even watch parts of it.

Exactly how I felt, too. I knew the ending (to a degree), but it was still so tense. I can't get over how he did that with no ropes. Some of those "handholds" he was using were like the size of pebbles!

Pet Semetary - Well I wasn't expecting to like this one so I guess I'm not really disappointed. I didn't really care for it at all. They changed a lot and I feel like the main theme of the book, dealing with grief and the loss of loved ones really seemed to be missing from this one. It felt like just another forgettable generic horror film that's been getting put out these days. Also like RF mentioned I'm so confused as to why they spoiled a key thing in the trailer because it was filmed in such a way as it was meant to shock you, but there was no shock because you already knew it happened. Leads me to further believe that they should only release teaser trailers because they typically give away way too much.

Oh man. Bummer. You pretty much included all my fears about what this movie would be. I'm going to lower my expectations ever further now. :(

Yes, my expectations were fairly low. But then I started hearing good things so I thought it might be better than I was anticipating, but sadly I wasn't a fan. Maybe you'll enjoy it more than me though.

As for Alex, I still can't even understand how that's even possible to do. He's like a real life spider man :lol:

04-13-2019, 12:18 AM
Last movie - Pet Sematary - I've had a week to reflect on this now...I give it a C+. The "big change" really didn't detract from the movie or story ( to ME. Maybe it was the whiskey sours though). In the end it was nothing to write home about

Randall Flagg
04-13-2019, 07:18 AM

Viewed in XD.

Cute and mildly amusing story and performances. I must say that I'm suffering a bit of superhero fatigue. Endless battles, and the introduction of new superheroes is approaching the ridiculous.

3.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

04-13-2019, 08:46 AM
Marwen- It was ok but very strange, Carrolls' cup of tea in most movies he in in. Not for everyone but I have seen worse (Birdman). 2/6

04-13-2019, 02:42 PM
Light It Up. 5/5

Came out about twenty years ago (wow) but it never really approached my radar. Put it on a few nights ago before I went to bed and wow. Just wow. Fantastic movie. If you're a fan of Dangerous Minds, The Principal, and the tv show Boston Public, check this movie out. Don't read a synopsis, don't look at the cast list (pleasantly surprised with a bunch of familiar actors), just go into it blind.

Still Servant
04-14-2019, 04:49 PM
Marwen- It was ok but very strange, Carrolls' cup of tea in most movies he in in. Not for everyone but I have seen worse (Birdman). 2/6

You're saying you enjoyed Welcome to Marwen more than Birdman?


04-15-2019, 05:16 AM
Yes. I hated Birdman more than About Schmidt

04-15-2019, 11:18 AM
Just the way most scenes were shot in Birdman should make most people appreciate the movie.

04-15-2019, 11:25 AM
Nope, story was really bad. Two hours of my life lost on bad writing and good camera work

Randall Flagg
04-15-2019, 12:03 PM
Just the way most scenes were shot in Birdman should make most people appreciate the movie.

I loved the movie. Technical aspects were superior, and the story and acting were also great.

04-15-2019, 12:58 PM
Birdman is a technical wonder, and while I enjoyed it immensely I could see why some people wouldn't.

04-16-2019, 07:18 AM
Yes. I hated Birdman more than About Schmidt

Wait wait wait wait.... You hated About Schmidt? :O That's possible?

04-16-2019, 07:23 AM
I could tell from the trailer Pet Semetary would suck and the themes of the book would be lost. Then it seems like they added more crap to it. And then the trailer showed it's Achilles Heel. Sad!

Instead of seeing Pet Semetary, I'm going to see Howl's Moving Castle instead.

04-16-2019, 07:59 AM
A nude scene with Kathy Bates and Jack Nicholson, should have had a warning on the screen beforehand:mad1:

04-16-2019, 01:24 PM
I could tell from the trailer Pet Semetary would suck and the themes of the book would be lost. Then it seems like they added more crap to it. And then the trailer showed it's Achilles Heel. Sad!

Instead of seeing Pet Semetary, I'm going to see Howl's Moving Castle instead.

Good choice. It was playing in theaters here the other week but I didn't get a chance to go :(

04-16-2019, 04:54 PM
A nude scene with Kathy Bates and Jack Nicholson, should have had a warning on the screen beforehand:mad1:

That's one of the best parts of the movie!

04-16-2019, 07:44 PM
Echoing Jerome, Rose and I saw Shazam! an hour or so ago, and while I laughed and found the numerous parts numerous, any and all "straight" parts just weren't that good. Like ... did the forgettable bad guy even have a name besides Thaddeus? Lol

04-17-2019, 10:56 AM
A nude scene with Kathy Bates and Jack Nicholson, should have had a warning on the screen beforehand:mad1:

That's one of the best parts of the movie!

Which is a sad statement about the quality of the movie. I am with Garrell on this because that movie bored the hell out of me. The only thing I actually remember of it is the nude scene because at least that was surprising.

Still Servant
04-18-2019, 04:59 PM
Echoing Jerome, Rose and I saw Shazam! an hour or so ago, and while I laughed and found the numerous parts numerous, any and all "straight" parts just weren't that good. Like ... did the forgettable bad guy even have a name besides Thaddeus? Lol

I like Mark Strong in everything.

04-18-2019, 05:58 PM
A nude scene with Kathy Bates and Jack Nicholson, should have had a warning on the screen beforehand:mad1:

That's one of the best parts of the movie!

Funny as it actually was, and horrific at the same time. It still gives me nightmares.

04-18-2019, 09:03 PM
Echoing Jerome, Rose and I saw Shazam! an hour or so ago, and while I laughed and found the numerous parts numerous, any and all "straight" parts just weren't that good. Like ... did the forgettable bad guy even have a name besides Thaddeus? Lol

I like Mark Strong in everything.

As do I, but I meant his codename. Just looked it up, apparently his name was Doctor Sivana

04-20-2019, 04:56 PM

I am amazed, freaking AMAZED that this film grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. This might be the worst comic book movie I've ever seen. It is almost insultingly bad. Nothing works here. Not the acting, the cheesy ham fisted dialogue, special effects. Only reason I finished it is because I paid $3.99 to rent it lol. Wow, just wow.


04-20-2019, 04:58 PM

I am amazed, freaking AMAZED that this film grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. This might be the worst comic book movie I've ever seen. It is almost insultingly bad. Nothing works here. Not the acting, the cheesy ham fisted dialogue, special effects. Only reason I finished it is because I paid $3.99 to rent it lol. Wow, just wow.


1/5? Come on man. Lol you should have seen in the theatre. It was fun on the big screen!

04-20-2019, 05:01 PM
I'm livid at having paid money for this turd fest. It's fucking God awful.

04-20-2019, 05:03 PM
Hm I thought Aquaman was a lot of fun. The chase scene alone was worth it. Or that Nicole Kidman fight sequence. Lots of cool moments, like Aquaman riding a seahorse just like on Superfriends. Not as good as Wonder Woman or Shazam, but very good still.

04-20-2019, 05:05 PM
I wanted the movie to end or my life. Whichever came first :lol:

St. Troy
04-21-2019, 06:39 AM
...Nicole Kidman fight sequence.

I think i’d pay to see this.

04-21-2019, 12:04 PM
I liked Aquaman a lot. A 4/5 if I remember correctly.

04-21-2019, 03:17 PM
The Favorite - not! Very disappointed in this one. Great cast, mediocre movie. Very overrated. Best picture nominee? Not even in a bad year. 5/10

Randall Flagg
04-21-2019, 04:08 PM
The Favorite - not! Very disappointed in this one. Great cast, mediocre movie. Very overrated. Best picture nominee? Not even in a bad year. 5/10
First off, you have to spell the title correctly. That gives you a clue it has a "British" flair to it. It's a dry, satirical, sardonic movie. Sorry it didn't impress you. I rather enjoyed it.

04-22-2019, 02:29 AM
Mission Impossible 6 Fallout

04-22-2019, 12:57 PM

I am amazed, freaking AMAZED that this film grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. This might be the worst comic book movie I've ever seen. It is almost insultingly bad. Nothing works here. Not the acting, the cheesy ham fisted dialogue, special effects. Only reason I finished it is because I paid $3.99 to rent it lol. Wow, just wow.


1/5? Come on man. Lol you should have seen in the theatre. It was fun on the big screen!

How does the size of a turd make it more fun? lol

I sure as heck am never watching Aquaman. I LOLed at the trailer and not in a good way.


04-22-2019, 01:02 PM

I am amazed, freaking AMAZED that this film grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. This might be the worst comic book movie I've ever seen. It is almost insultingly bad. Nothing works here. Not the acting, the cheesy ham fisted dialogue, special effects. Only reason I finished it is because I paid $3.99 to rent it lol. Wow, just wow.


1/5? Come on man. Lol you should have seen in the theatre. It was fun on the big screen!

How does the size of a turd make it more fun? lol

I sure as heck am never watching Aquaman. I LOLed at the trailer and not in a good way.


You know what then say.. opinions are like assholes... everyone has one.

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Still Servant
04-22-2019, 02:47 PM
The Favorite - not! Very disappointed in this one. Great cast, mediocre movie. Very overrated. Best picture nominee? Not even in a bad year. 5/10

The Favourite is fantastic. There is so much going on in that film. Plus, it features 3 outstanding performances, amazing set design and beautiful cinematography.

I'm just curious, are you a fan of Lanthimos' other films?

04-25-2019, 04:40 PM
I seen cinematic history tonight. Endgame....

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Randall Flagg
05-01-2019, 06:37 AM
Avengers Endgame: Viewed on IMAX 2d screen.
Plodding and maudlin, the movie is an opus to fans of the MCU. Some moments seem forced, and many don't make sense (the refrigerator effect). BTAIM, it was beautifully shot and had several genuinely funny moments. Seemingly had half a dozen false endings, and thankfully no end of credits scene requiring an additional 20 minutes of time.

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

05-04-2019, 02:24 PM
the last one i watched was one i've seen countless times and that was an old one from (1987) Police Academy 4: Citizen's on Patrol i'd say 3 and a half out of 5 stars. i love the film but the 3rd one is easily a better written film.i haven't seen anything new in awhile so bear with me

05-04-2019, 02:47 PM
The Favorite - not! Very disappointed in this one. Great cast, mediocre movie. Very overrated. Best picture nominee? Not even in a bad year. 5/10

The Favourite is fantastic. There is so much going on in that film. Plus, it features 3 outstanding performances, amazing set design and beautiful cinematography.

I'm just curious, are you a fan of Lanthimos' other films?

I've only seen one other one - The Lobster, which I loved. Perhaps that is why I was so disappointed in this one. Sure, it looked good, and the performances were individually excellent, but I found it to one of those films where all of the individual pieces just didn't come together and resonate with me.

Randall Flagg
05-08-2019, 10:33 AM
Long Shot:

Initially this looked like a remake of Knocked Up. Slobby Seth Rogan somehow hooks up and impregnates a woman way out of his league. Fortunately this movie take a different course. Rogan is a writer for a left leaning publication that quits when he learns the company has been taken over by a far right leaning media mogul that he hates. Meanwhile, Charlize Theron is the Secretary of State for a president who was a former TV star, the president confides in Theron that he will not pursue reelection so that he con transition to a film star. He agrees to endorse Theron for president, but at a cost that will later be revealed.

Theron needs a speechwriter to help punch up her speeches as study groups have stated she isn't very funny. Theron hires Rogan.

The film does a great job of skewering the left and the right, and has quite a few funny moments, including one laugh-out-loud moment during a tryst.

5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

St. Troy
05-08-2019, 10:39 AM
I recently saw Winchester. Short on story and long (or attempted so) on atmosphere. I'd give it a solid "meh" - if you are in love with the idea and enjoy most horror movies you see, go ahead, but I'm not rushing anyone to check it out.

(Unrelated: I have trouble saying/typing the word "Winchester" without thinking of Shaun Of The Dead (now, there's a great movie).)

05-11-2019, 05:54 AM
The Wandering Earth. Pretty neat to see an adaptation of Cixin Liu's story on Netflix. Unfortunately the movie focuses more on adventure than the science. It's understandable though, audiences generally seem to prefer their movies with regurgitated plots and shit being blown up. In that sense, the movie is a success because this is the ultimate space adventure - the entire planet is hurtling through space towards a new Solar system. I'd have preferred a deeper look into the science and making of the giant engines; desperation, sacrifice, and hopelessness of pretty much the entire human race; the mechanics of the underground cities etc. Entertaining but I wanted something deeper (like Space odyssey, Ex Machina, Arrival, Annihilation etc.) 3/5.

05-13-2019, 01:39 PM
Watched the last Spike Lee movie of my life the other day. Debated even posting my feelings about it. Blackkklansman. Was really excited to see it, curious about the oscar buzz and all. Was decent for the most part but somewhat offensive to both races I thought. The last part was just plain hateful and very unneeded. The seen where the poor girl is killed at the rally should not be on film, I felt it was insulting to her and her family members. I normally just say ok, that movie sucked, but this one was so full of hatred that it was offensive. I am very anti-racist and hate the "N" word so much that I cannot say or even type it. I felt that Spike Lee was racist to both black and white and jewish people.


Still Servant
05-13-2019, 02:10 PM
Long Shot:

Initially this looked like a remake of Knocked Up. Slobby Seth Rogan somehow hooks up and impregnates a woman way out of his league. Fortunately this movie take a different course. Rogan is a writer for a left leaning publication that quits when he learns the company has been taken over by a far right leaning media mogul that he hates. Meanwhile, Charlize Theron is the Secretary of State for a president who was a former TV star, the president confides in Theron that he will not pursue reelection so that he con transition to a film star. He agrees to endorse Theron for president, but at a cost that will later be revealed.

Theron needs a speechwriter to help punch up her speeches as study groups have stated she isn't very funny. Theron hires Rogan.

The film does a great job of skewering the left and the right, and has quite a few funny moments, including one laugh-out-loud moment during a tryst.

5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

I also enjoyed Long Shot. It wasn't wall to wall laughs, but I thought Rogen and Theron had great chemistry.

Randall Flagg
05-15-2019, 07:16 AM
The Intruder:

As I viewed the film, I kept wondering: Who are these dummies? Not the producers, not the director, not the actors, but the people in the audience (including me) who paid $6 to watch this mess.

Totally ludicrous, predictable, and almost made me think they were making a farce intentionally.

2.5 beers on the RFSRS (I rated it so high as it's like a trainwreck; one can't take their eyes away from the mess).

Randall Flagg
05-16-2019, 09:33 AM
The Hustle:

Mildly amusing, with a few quite funny scenes. Rebel Wilson goes all out for laughs-some of which are duds. There seems to be no chemistry between Wilson and Anne Hathaway. In fact the butler and the local police detective (a woman) are the funniest people in the movie. The twist was easy to predict.

3/6 Beers on the RFSRS

Still Servant
05-16-2019, 03:05 PM
Watched the last Spike Lee movie of my life the other day. Debated even posting my feelings about it. Blackkklansman. Was really excited to see it, curious about the oscar buzz and all. Was decent for the most part but somewhat offensive to both races I thought. The last part was just plain hateful and very unneeded. The seen where the poor girl is killed at the rally should not be on film, I felt it was insulting to her and her family members. I normally just say ok, that movie sucked, but this one was so full of hatred that it was offensive. I am very anti-racist and hate the "N" word so much that I cannot say or even type it. I felt that Spike Lee was racist to both black and white and jewish people.


A 0!?! No way. That film is fantastic. It's based on a true story. How was Lee racist to blacks and jews? I have no doubt that the KKK morons act the way they were depicted in the film.

05-16-2019, 03:19 PM
Watched the last Spike Lee movie of my life the other day. Debated even posting my feelings about it. Blackkklansman. Was really excited to see it, curious about the oscar buzz and all. Was decent for the most part but somewhat offensive to both races I thought. The last part was just plain hateful and very unneeded. The seen where the poor girl is killed at the rally should not be on film, I felt it was insulting to her and her family members. I normally just say ok, that movie sucked, but this one was so full of hatred that it was offensive. I am very anti-racist and hate the "N" word so much that I cannot say or even type it. I felt that Spike Lee was racist to both black and white and jewish people.


A 0!?! No way. That film is fantastic. It's based on a true story. How was Lee racist to blacks and jews? I have no doubt that the KKK morons act the way they were depicted in the film.

I agree that KKK people are morons, they are also cowards. I did say that overall it was decent, but the end stuff ruined it. As a Marine, I do not respect the depiction of the flag, people of many races and religions have fought and died for our freedoms, at least show respect to the flag or don't show it at all. As a human, I see good and bad people from all races but he mainly shows blacks against white and vice versa.

Still Servant
05-16-2019, 03:22 PM
Watched the last Spike Lee movie of my life the other day. Debated even posting my feelings about it. Blackkklansman. Was really excited to see it, curious about the oscar buzz and all. Was decent for the most part but somewhat offensive to both races I thought. The last part was just plain hateful and very unneeded. The seen where the poor girl is killed at the rally should not be on film, I felt it was insulting to her and her family members. I normally just say ok, that movie sucked, but this one was so full of hatred that it was offensive. I am very anti-racist and hate the "N" word so much that I cannot say or even type it. I felt that Spike Lee was racist to both black and white and jewish people.


A 0!?! No way. That film is fantastic. It's based on a true story. How was Lee racist to blacks and jews? I have no doubt that the KKK morons act the way they were depicted in the film.

I agree that KKK people are morons, they are also cowards. I did say that overall it was decent, but the end stuff ruined it. As a Marine, I do not respect the depiction of the flag. As a human, I see good and bad people from all races but he mainly shows blacks against white and vice versa.

I could have done without the end as well. I think he was just trying to tie in to the film what was going on decades ago and show that it's still going on today and that people haven't changed all that much.

Randall Flagg
05-17-2019, 09:40 AM
Sitting in an IMAX theater for the start of John Wick 3. Technical problems and previews haven't even started.
25 minute delay so far. How long does one wait before getting a refund?
Personally I think 40-45 minutes is max for me.

Randall Flagg
05-17-2019, 10:17 AM
Aborted the mission.

Randall Flagg
05-18-2019, 07:08 AM
So I bought my ticket using Fandango. The theater refunded the ticket price to me, but not the $1.95 service charge from Fuckdango. Fuckdango's policy is no refunds. What a crock of shit. I disputed the $1.95 charge through Paypal. We'll see where that goes.

St. Troy
05-18-2019, 10:10 AM
So I bought my ticket using Fandango. The theater refunded the ticket price to me, but not the $1.95 service charge from Fuckdango. Fuckdango's policy is no refunds.

"Fuckdango," outstanding.

05-18-2019, 12:13 PM
So I bought my ticket using Fandango. The theater refunded the ticket price to me, but not the $1.95 service charge from Fuckdango. Fuckdango's policy is no refunds.

"Fuckdango," outstanding.


05-18-2019, 02:28 PM
Tremors 5:Bloodlines (2015) 5/10 i bought this on blu-ray used like a year or so ago and i finally got around to watching it late last night. and it had some good parts in it don't get me wrong but it was the worst one of them are to be honest well that i've seen. i haven't seen the 6th one yet. the script was awful i think. it starts out strong and than in the middle falls apart and than it does pick up again into being good but than you have scenes with Burt Drinking his own piss and bathing in it too.

it was shot for some reason in africa and so was the 6th one too. my question is WHY? the 6th one is suppose to take place in Canada yet if IMDB is right they shoot it in Africa? why not just go to Canada itself? it prolly is cheaper maybe? the budget is lower in the 5th film than in the previous films. i love low budget films but the creators CGI look fucking awful. it was more believable when they would make them like in the 1st 4 films. no not all of them are in CGI but enough of them is.

has anyone seen this one?

Jamie Kennedy who i actually like felt miscast too and his character felt out of place too. apparently a 7th one is being made i sure hope it's not shot in africa and i sure hope the script is better. the same guy who wrote parts 5 and i think 6? wrote Part 3 and i loved Part 3. the first 3 are the best ones the 4th one the last one Stampede made in (2004) is a medicore pointless sequel

05-19-2019, 02:58 PM
So I bought my ticket using Fandango. The theater refunded the ticket price to me, but not the $1.95 service charge from Fuckdango. Fuckdango's policy is no refunds. What a crock of shit. I disputed the $1.95 charge through Paypal. We'll see where that goes.

I had the same problem with Fandango (except they refused to give me a refund at all...even after speaking with multiple tiers up the managerial ladder). For that negative experience alone, I will never order tickets through them again. Now I go right through AMC's site and refunds, when needed, are 100% quick, easy, and painless.

Still Servant
05-19-2019, 04:17 PM
Sitting in an IMAX theater for the start of John Wick 3. Technical problems and previews haven't even started.
25 minute delay so far. How long does one wait before getting a refund?
Personally I think 40-45 minutes is max for me.

For John Wick? An eternity.

05-20-2019, 05:51 AM
my folks went and saw that but at a normal theater, i was invited but i haven't seen the other films and i want to see those first

05-20-2019, 10:36 AM
I'm seeing John Wick 3 today with my pops. Stoked!

Still Servant
05-20-2019, 03:34 PM
I'm seeing John Wick 3 today with my pops. Stoked!

I'm seeing it tomorrow with my dad. I will be wearing my John Wick t-shirt.

05-20-2019, 08:45 PM
Dude. It's spectacular. Can't think rn cause too sleepy but it might be the best action film of this decade.

05-21-2019, 05:18 AM
Dude. It's spectacular. Can't think rn cause too sleepy but it might be the best action film of this decade.

Any more thoughts? I have IMAX in 7 hours

05-21-2019, 08:59 AM
Dude. It's spectacular. Can't think rn cause too sleepy but it might be the best action film of this decade.

Any more thoughts? I have IMAX in 7 hours

It's visceral, and those first fight scenes are very creative. Hard pressed to think of a better paced action film, other than maybe Mad Max.

05-21-2019, 03:03 PM
Your right. There hasn’t been a better action film in the last decade. Maybe more. Best of the franchise and I seen action sets I have never seen before. This was amazing and beautifully shot. Highly recommend this movie. That knife scene though.... #nowords.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Still Servant
05-21-2019, 05:58 PM
I said it after the first film. I said it after the second film. I will say it after the third.

Give me 3 more John Wick films all day.

I'm sure people will say the action is repetitive. I say bullshit. Each fight scene and shootout feels different. They are incredibly unique and original. I didn't think a franchise could top The Raid so soon when it comes to action, but John Wick has done that. The knife scene alone is worth the price of admission.

The films are simple, but the action is allowed to breath. They aren't cut to death and the camera isn't too tight. Then you have the lore. It's just weird enough to be interesting, but at the same time still plausible.

As for Reeves, the man is an action god. He literally has a handful of lines in each film, but you can't take your god damn eyes off of him.

05-22-2019, 03:49 AM
I said it after the first film. I said it after the second film. I will say it after the third.

Give me 3 more John Wick films all day.

I'm sure people will say the action is repetitive. I say bullshit. Each fight scene and shootout feels different. They are incredibly unique and original. I didn't think a franchise could top The Raid so soon when it comes to action, but John Wick has done that. The knife scene alone is worth the price of admission.

The films are simple, but the action is allowed to breath. They aren't cut to death and the camera isn't too tight. Then you have the lore. It's just weird enough to be interesting, but at the same time still plausible.

As for Reeves, the man is an action god. He literally has a handful of lines in each film, but you can't take your god damn eyes off of him.

ALL THIS. I agree with. And being a book guy..... I mean come on!!! He kills a guy with a book?!!??? I am going back to see it again... because I have to. I was cheering to much and closed my eyes or looked at my buddies and missed some it was so fast. That knife scene... that was one of the best action fight scenes of all time. PERIOD.

05-22-2019, 09:50 AM
I firmly believe that this year might be the biggest year of my life for film. I have never been more excited to see so many films. Some of my favorites of all time have sequels finales. Glass, Pet S, IT 2, Shazam, Captain Marvel, T3 (I am calling it this as the rest do not exist) Avengers, Spiderman, End of Star Wars, Wick 3, HObbs and Shaw, even the new Joker movie. I know I am missing many more but SO FAR... there have been some disappointments. BUT Avengers and Wick 3 are among my top movies of the last decade. Maybe more. I really have high hopes for what else is to come.

Still Servant
05-22-2019, 04:24 PM
I firmly believe that this year might be the biggest year of my life for film. I have never been more excited to see so many films. Some of my favorites of all time have sequels finales. Glass, Pet S, IT 2, Shazam, Captain Marvel, T3 (I am calling it this as the rest do not exist) Avengers, Spiderman, End of Star Wars, Wick 3, HObbs and Shaw, even the new Joker movie. I know I am missing many more but SO FAR... there have been some disappointments. BUT Avengers and Wick 3 are among my top movies of the last decade. Maybe more. I really have high hopes for what else is to come.

I hear that. I've gotten really good about not letting my expectations get too high. I would say I haven't been disappointed yet with Endgame and Wick. Glass could have been better, but I enjoyed it more than most.

05-24-2019, 04:11 PM
Anything thinking of catching Brightburn?

I'm on the fence. I love superhero mythos and horror films, but the reviews for this have been polarizing.

05-24-2019, 04:29 PM
Anything thinking of catching Brightburn?

I'm on the fence. I love superhero mythos and horror films, but the reviews for this have been polarizing.

Not after I seen all the reviews...

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05-24-2019, 06:41 PM
I've stopped reading all reviews for movies I want to see until after I see them. I do want to see Brightburn, but not sure if I'll end up catching it at the theater or on DVD.

05-27-2019, 12:27 PM
I firmly believe that this year might be the biggest year of my life for film. I have never been more excited to see so many films. Some of my favorites of all time have sequels finales. Glass, Pet S, IT 2, Shazam, Captain Marvel, T3 (I am calling it this as the rest do not exist) Avengers, Spiderman, End of Star Wars, Wick 3, HObbs and Shaw, even the new Joker movie. I know I am missing many more but SO FAR... there have been some disappointments. BUT Avengers and Wick 3 are among my top movies of the last decade. Maybe more. I really have high hopes for what else is to come.

Nowv that John Wick 3 is out (but I haven't seen it yet) the only movie I'm waiting for is IT Chapter 2. I wasn't even the hyped for Endgame. On my end it looks like a pretty weak year for movies. I guess I'm maybe looking forward to Woody's 4th existentialist crisis?

There might be more movies I don't know about I'll want to see, but right now all my theatre dates are with Studio Ghibli movies.

Still Servant
05-30-2019, 07:39 AM
Anything thinking of catching Brightburn?

I'm on the fence. I love superhero mythos and horror films, but the reviews for this have been polarizing.

I'm hoping to catch it before it leaves theaters. I saw Booksmart instead over the weekend. While it's nowhere near as funny as Superbad, I really enjoyed it.

I wish people weren't putting the Superbad label on the film.

05-30-2019, 08:04 AM
meant to be a dark Elseworlds version of DC Comics

05-30-2019, 03:08 PM
New Godzilla.... I wanted to like it. But I cannot stand dark scenes that are clearly done that way to hide the CGI. Felt like I was watching the GOT Dragon fight him... only with three heads. It just wasn’t a good move. The monsters were ok... but it’s the first movie (we did IMAX) that I found too loud. I had a small headache from the constant bass. Won’t see another one of them. John Wick 3 is what you should be asking this weekend.... for the first time or second. 5/10

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Still Servant
05-31-2019, 03:57 PM
New Godzilla.... I wanted to like it. But I cannot stand dark scenes that are clearly done that way to hide the CGI. Felt like I was watching the GOT Dragon fight him... only with three heads. It just wasn’t a good move. The monsters were ok... but it’s the first movie (we did IMAX) that I found too loud. I had a small headache from the constant bass. Won’t see another one of them. John Wick 3 is what you should be asking this weekend.... for the first time or second. 5/10

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh shit. If there is a film that I would think is right up your alley, it's that one.

This is a bad sign and doesn't bode well for me liking it.

05-31-2019, 04:52 PM
New Godzilla.... I wanted to like it. But I cannot stand dark scenes that are clearly done that way to hide the CGI. Felt like I was watching the GOT Dragon fight him... only with three heads. It just wasn’t a good move. The monsters were ok... but it’s the first movie (we did IMAX) that I found too loud. I had a small headache from the constant bass. Won’t see another one of them. John Wick 3 is what you should be asking this weekend.... for the first time or second. 5/10

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh shit. If there is a film that I would think is right up your alley, it's that one.

This is a bad sign and doesn't bode well for me liking it.

Yeah man.... not good. NOW... this may surprise you but Booksmart is cute,
Fun and a lotta laughs. Really enjoyed it. Wish it was doing better in the theatres.

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06-01-2019, 03:54 PM
Rose and I just got back from Brightburn. Loved the trailer, love the idea, but the movie was fucking weak. In addition to almost every beat in the movie being highlighted in the trailer, the whole thing was just lame. Although, the sequel idea hinted at near the end could be VERY interesting. So, we'll see.

Randall Flagg
06-02-2019, 08:11 AM

This movie flips the script on teen high school graduation angst by having the main characters be female, one of whom is gay. There are the usual coming of age tropes, but the writers did come up with a few original very funny ideas. Both actresses do a wonderful job in their roles. I expect to see them in many more movies.

4.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS

Still Servant
06-02-2019, 03:44 PM

This movie flips the script on teen high school graduation angst by having the main characters be female, one of whom is gay. There are the usual coming of age tropes, but the writers did come up with a few original very funny ideas. Both actresses do a wonderful job in their roles. I expect to see them in many more movies.

4.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS

Agreed. I especially think Jonah Hill's sister has a bright future ahead. I've liked her in everything I've seen her in so far.

06-02-2019, 04:09 PM
Deadwood Movie
This has been my favorite show for years. Sad to see this as the final finale, but it was nice to get this and to see where the characters were 10 years later. The show picked up where it always was, a well written story with vulgarity thrown in with a touch of violence. I heard the creator has Alzheimer's now. Anyway, it had what every fan liked about the show and it was a great send off. 9/10.

06-02-2019, 07:28 PM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. Fantastic

06-02-2019, 07:33 PM
Just seen Godzilla. Enjoyed it for what it was, a Godzilla movie. Big battles with big bad guys. They are always fun to me, even the old black & white ones. No they will never win oscars but they entertain. Looking forward to King Kong and Godzilla together in the next one.

06-02-2019, 07:33 PM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. FantasticAmazing show! The speech and tone is different in season two and three. Interesting. Did a re-watch also. First series I have EVER watched a second time. Now going to re-watch The Wire to decide which show is the BEST tv show of all time.

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

06-02-2019, 11:17 PM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. FantasticAmazing show! The speech and tone is different in season two and three. Interesting. Did a re-watch also. First series I have EVER watched a second time. Now going to re-watch The Wire to decide which show is the BEST tv show of all time.

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

GOAT is Mad Men :)

06-02-2019, 11:23 PM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. FantasticAmazing show! The speech and tone is different in season two and three. Interesting. Did a re-watch also. First series I have EVER watched a second time. Now going to re-watch The Wire to decide which show is the BEST tv show of all time.

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

GOAT is Mad Men :)Fuck! Good one!!! Cant argue with that one. Did you check out Matthew Weiner's The Romanoffs???

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

06-03-2019, 03:33 AM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. FantasticAmazing show! The speech and tone is different in season two and three. Interesting. Did a re-watch also. First series I have EVER watched a second time. Now going to re-watch The Wire to decide which show is the BEST tv show of all time.

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

GOAT is Mad Men :)

Mad Men? :orely:

06-03-2019, 05:10 AM
Deadwood movie was really good. One of my all time favorite shows. I have watched the series a few times and in a little bit I will watch it again. Just fantastic writing on that show.

St. Troy
06-03-2019, 11:23 AM
I recently saw The Prodigy. It had one of those trailers where you think they've given away the entire thing, but in this case, they really hadn't; there were some significant departures from what I thought I was getting. Interesting story, not too predictable; whenever I thought I knew where it was about to go, it went somewhere else.

06-03-2019, 11:26 AM
I recently saw The Prodigy. It had one of those trailers where you think they've given away the entire thing, but in this case, they really hadn't; there were some significant departures from what I thought I was getting. Interesting story, not too predictable; whenever I thought I knew where it was about to go, it went somewhere else.Great call, St.! Loved it too!

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

06-03-2019, 02:29 PM
Downloaded the Deadwood movie, then realized I haven't seen the show in almost a decade.

So now I'm halfway through the first season. FantasticAmazing show! The speech and tone is different in season two and three. Interesting. Did a re-watch also. First series I have EVER watched a second time. Now going to re-watch The Wire to decide which show is the BEST tv show of all time.

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

GOAT is Mad Men :)

Mad Men? :orely:


06-03-2019, 02:33 PM
Fuck! Good one!!! Cant argue with that one. Did you check out Matthew Weiner's The Romanoffs???

seeking: anything DT related #246
Night Shift Anniversary Ed. (blue skull cover)

No, not yet. I still have to watch The Wire and Deadwood, among others. I've got HBO GO note so they're available to me for the first time.

06-03-2019, 02:42 PM
Not sure why John Wick 3 is getting all this high praise. I thought the first one was great and the second was good but not up to the same level, though certainly very cool in parts. But this third chapter is just diminishing returns. Nothing but protracted fights with little point and almost the same choreography every time (twist hand, kick face, shoot face, rise, repeat). This did not need to be over two hours. The videogame-like shootout in Casablanca was laughably bad. My friend and I saw this together, both huge fans of the original and he's a big action guy. We both felt it was tedious...

06-03-2019, 03:54 PM
I recently saw The Prodigy. It had one of those trailers where you think they've given away the entire thing, but in this case, they really hadn't; there were some significant departures from what I thought I was getting. Interesting story, not too predictable; whenever I thought I knew where it was about to go, it went somewhere else.

Agreed! I really liked it as well. Just enough twists to make it fresh. But man, I was questioning the mom's parental choices in the last third! :lol:

Still Servant
06-04-2019, 04:53 PM
Not sure why John Wick 3 is getting all this high praise. I thought the first one was great and the second was good but not up to the same level, though certainly very cool in parts. But this third chapter is just diminishing returns. Nothing but protracted fights with little point and almost the same choreography every time (twist hand, kick face, shoot face, rise, repeat). This did not need to be over two hours. The videogame-like shootout in Casablanca was laughably bad. My friend and I saw this together, both huge fans of the original and he's a big action guy. We both felt it was tedious...

No way. All the fight scenes felt different. The knife scene alone was worth the price of admission. The motorcycle scene was great. The Casablanca scene with the dogs was great. The end with the guys with better gear was great. I don't need much plot or story when it comes to the John Wick films.

06-04-2019, 05:00 PM
Not sure why John Wick 3 is getting all this high praise. I thought the first one was great and the second was good but not up to the same level, though certainly very cool in parts. But this third chapter is just diminishing returns. Nothing but protracted fights with little point and almost the same choreography every time (twist hand, kick face, shoot face, rise, repeat). This did not need to be over two hours. The videogame-like shootout in Casablanca was laughably bad. My friend and I saw this together, both huge fans of the original and he's a big action guy. We both felt it was tedious...

No way. All the fight scenes felt different. The knife scene alone was worth the price of admission. The motorcycle scene was great. The Casablanca scene with the dogs was great. The end with the guys with better gear was great. I don't need much plot or story when it comes to the John Wick films.

Yeah I with you. I haven’t met or talked to a person that didn’t fuckin love this movie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Still Servant
06-04-2019, 05:11 PM
Not sure why John Wick 3 is getting all this high praise. I thought the first one was great and the second was good but not up to the same level, though certainly very cool in parts. But this third chapter is just diminishing returns. Nothing but protracted fights with little point and almost the same choreography every time (twist hand, kick face, shoot face, rise, repeat). This did not need to be over two hours. The videogame-like shootout in Casablanca was laughably bad. My friend and I saw this together, both huge fans of the original and he's a big action guy. We both felt it was tedious...

No way. All the fight scenes felt different. The knife scene alone was worth the price of admission. The motorcycle scene was great. The Casablanca scene with the dogs was great. The end with the guys with better gear was great. I don't need much plot or story when it comes to the John Wick films.

Yeah I with you. I haven’t met or talked to a person that didn’t fuckin love this movie.

I watched John Wick 2 twice and I kind of felt like Mae feels about 3. Some of the fight and shootout scenes felt repetitive, but I never felt that was the case while watching 3.

Earl of Popkin
06-04-2019, 05:29 PM
I loved the first half of 3. Halle’s dogs and Keanu’s horse were straight up sick, but I did think it felt a little long overall. 2 is also my least fave. The knives at the beginning of 3 was a high point of the series for me

06-07-2019, 09:25 PM
John Wick 3 > John Wick 2 > John Wick


John Wick 3 was positively amazing. I love the first two movies, but John Wick 3 can basically go on the Mount Rushmore of Action Movies along with Fury Road, Die Hard, and T2. That fucking cinematography man. It's so beautiful. Mad Max is a bad ass action film that is pure art, but it isn't a pure arthouse action film like John Wick 3. There isn't too often when it comes to action films I get excited about the sets, but the entire environment in these films, especially 2 and 3, is just so organic and fluid and is as much a player in every action scene as the actors. When Wick went after the Samurai/Ninja guys near the end...the use of glass and reflections, and how constantly people were just vanishing and appearing in ways that were so seamless and impressive that it was done to the point where in any other movie I'd be like 'come on, this wore out it's welcome!' but in John Wick 3, it never lost it's lustre (and I loved the literal video game 'defeat various levels to reach area boss' aspect to that fight. However, if there was any part of the film that felt to drag it was those fights, but they were also incredibly entertaining and it made sense because considering it's been what, 3 weeks since the first film started? Wick must be exhausted...long fights make sense by then. And the way in the stables the horses got involved. The way the dogs went in and out of the frame.

The comedic timing in the third movie too was just on point. Every joke landed at the exact right time. It was just brilliant in that regard.

I absolutely loved the super armoured guards which were a perfect counter to John Wick's love for headshots. And then when they found a counter to those things, my god was that awesome.

The action choreography is too good. That knife fight at the beginning was amazing. That first guy who walked through the door and took an instant headshot got off easy.

This movie was well made it made Halle Barre a total badass and I haven't given a literal fuck about anything Halle Barre has done in like 15 years. Not only did she nail the action stuff and seem as much a legitimate badass as Wick, I enjoyed her character as a whole.

A big ol' 10/10 from me. Actually, and 11. Wick finished off a fight with a deadly, double-arm belly-to-belly suplex and a mother fucking Angle Slam through a mother fucking glass floor.


06-08-2019, 04:03 AM
John Wick 3 > John Wick 2 > John Wick


John Wick 3 was positively amazing. I love the first two movies, but John Wick 3 can basically go on the Mount Rushmore of Action Movies along with Fury Road, Die Hard, and T2. That fucking cinematography man. It's so beautiful. Mad Max is a bad ass action film that is pure art, but it isn't a pure arthouse action film like John Wick 3. There isn't too often when it comes to action films I get excited about the sets, but the entire environment in these films, especially 2 and 3, is just so organic and fluid and is as much a player in every action scene as the actors. When Wick went after the Samurai/Ninja guys near the end...the use of glass and reflections, and how constantly people were just vanishing and appearing in ways that were so seamless and impressive that it was done to the point where in any other movie I'd be like 'come on, this wore out it's welcome!' but in John Wick 3, it never lost it's lustre (and I loved the literal video game 'defeat various levels to reach area boss' aspect to that fight. However, if there was any part of the film that felt to drag it was those fights, but they were also incredibly entertaining and it made sense because considering it's been what, 3 weeks since the first film started? Wick must be exhausted...long fights make sense by then. And the way in the stables the horses got involved. The way the dogs went in and out of the frame.

The comedic timing in the third movie too was just on point. Every joke landed at the exact right time. It was just brilliant in that regard.

I absolutely loved the super armoured guards which were a perfect counter to John Wick's love for headshots. And then when they found a counter to those things, my god was that awesome.

The action choreography is too good. That knife fight at the beginning was amazing. That first guy who walked through the door and took an instant headshot got off easy.

This movie was well made it made Halle Barre a total badass and I haven't given a literal fuck about anything Halle Barre has done in like 15 years. Not only did she nail the action stuff and seem as much a legitimate badass as Wick, I enjoyed her character as a whole.

A big ol' 10/10 from me. Actually, and 11. Wick finished off a fight with a deadly, double-arm belly-to-belly suplex and a mother fucking Angle Slam through a mother fucking glass floor.


1000% agree with all this!

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06-10-2019, 05:19 PM
Dark Phoenix...
What were the critics watching? We thought it was fun and had some great scenes. Yeah it’s not Endgame or even the equally as amazing Wick 3... but it was fun. Glad I got to see it un theatres. 7.5/10 for me

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06-10-2019, 05:52 PM
I finally got around to see Mike Leigh's Secrets and Lies and what a fantastic fucking movie that was. It was nominated for Best Picture in 1996, nominated alongside, Fargo, Jerry Maguire, and Shine, which all lost to The English Patient. Mike Leigh has got the be the most underappreciated director of all time. So many big movie fans have never seen any of his movies or even heard of him because he's stuck to making British films in England and they're all independent. Anyone who loves films with good characters that are brilliantly acted that are great dramas, often with some really good laughs, should check out his movies.

There's a scene in Secret and Lies which is all one long, unbroken shot, of two people sitting on the same side of at able in a diner. The camera doesn't move at all. This scene had to have been around 10 minutes long, and it's so great to just see the actors work to the point where a few expressions were enough to make me laugh for a good minute straight.


Randall Flagg
06-11-2019, 07:21 AM

What a guilty pleasure this movie was. Octavia Spencer is a great actress, and nails this role as a demented woman, spurned and embarrassed in high school, only to see events come together a generation later to bring back the memories, and put her in revenge mode. Nice to see a few good actresses in a "B" movie (Juliette Lewis, Allison Janney).

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

06-11-2019, 07:54 AM
Under the Skin -

Can't believe I hadn't seen this yet. What a wonderfully strange, pensive, atmospheric gem of a sci-fi film. This is a prime example of letting the visuals tell the story. Probably Johansson's best performance to date.


Randall Flagg
06-13-2019, 06:22 AM
John Wick 3 - Parabellum:

An orgy of ordnance, a slew of shells, a mountain of magazines, more head shots than a modeling agencies binder, more knife cuts than a Benihana, sword play that makes all of the Kill Bill movies look like child's play.

Overload and non-stop to the point of almost being fatiguing.

The name "Parabellum" (a type of semiautomatic pistol or machine gun) is perfect for the movie .

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

06-13-2019, 07:36 AM
Bought and watched Spiderverse last night. Very enjoyable and great art direction. I agree like most that it may be the best of the super hero movies.

06-13-2019, 02:01 PM
John Wick 3 - Parabellum:

An orgy of ordnance, a slew of shells, a mountain of magazines, more head shots than a modeling agencies binder, more knife cuts than a Benihana, sword play that makes all of the Kill Bill movies look like child's play.

Overload and non-stop to the point of almost being fatiguing.

The name "Parabellum" (a type of semiautomatic pistol or machine gun) is perfect for the movie .

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

The gun got it's name from the Latin word that means "prepare for war".

Still Servant
06-13-2019, 06:42 PM

What a guilty pleasure this movie was. Octavia Spencer is a great actress, and nails this role as a demented woman, spurned and embarrassed in high school, only to see events come together a generation later to bring back the memories, and put her in revenge mode. Nice to see a few good actresses in a "B" movie (Juliette Lewis, Allison Janney).

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

I enjoyed Ma. Spencer is worth the price of admission. The teenage leads were just blah though. I really didn't give a shit about any of them.

Under the Skin -

Can't believe I hadn't seen this yet. What a wonderfully strange, pensive, atmospheric gem of a sci-fi film. This is a prime example of letting the visuals tell the story. Probably Johansson's best performance to date.


That's one that sticks with you. I can't say I have a desire to go back and watch it, but it certainly is memorable. I have the book.

John Wick 3 - Parabellum:

An orgy of ordnance, a slew of shells, a mountain of magazines, more head shots than a modeling agencies binder, more knife cuts than a Benihana, sword play that makes all of the Kill Bill movies look like child's play.

Overload and non-stop to the point of almost being fatiguing.

The name "Parabellum" (a type of semiautomatic pistol or machine gun) is perfect for the movie .

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

I love the alliteration!

Bought and watched Spiderverse last night. Very enjoyable and great art direction. I agree like most that it may be the best of the super hero movies.

Spiderverse was such a treat. I bought it on Blu-ray and enjoyed it just as much the second time. I really want to work my way through the extras at some point.

06-14-2019, 02:51 PM
I saw Greta the other night and while I enjoyed it, I'm not too sorry I missed it in the theater. Kind of bland with a story we've seen before, but doesn't do much new with it. It also wasn't as nuts as I was expecting and hoping and it had some pacing issues. But I did enjoy it and Isabelle Huppert was great. Good mindless thriller.

06-15-2019, 08:25 AM
Wine Country, a Netflix original. Loved it. You might need to be of a certain age, say, 40s and above. Being married helps as well. My wife and I laughed so much. The women of SNL rock! 8.5/10

06-15-2019, 09:09 AM
Wine Country, a Netflix original. Loved it. You might need to be of a certain age, say, 40s and above. Being married helps as well. My wife and I laughed so much. The women of SNL rock! 8.5/10

Wife and I enjoyed it also.
We watched Murder Mystery on Netflix last night with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, was a fun movie.

06-16-2019, 03:42 PM
My wife and daughters took me to see Dark Phoenix for father's day. Maybe my expectations had been lowered, because we all liked it quite a bit, even me. I had heard the rumors about having to refilm the final act, and I think it all works pretty well. 7.5/10

06-16-2019, 04:08 PM


06-17-2019, 03:05 PM

A zippy and fierce depiction of institutional racism in America, even if the tonal imbalance keeps it from reaching the highest of highs.


A Star is Born

With a strong first half and near perfect chemistry between the two leads, Cooper's film is a fascinating tale of the pitfalls of fame and the ever present temptations of excess.


Still Servant
06-18-2019, 05:46 PM
Has anyone seen Burning? It's a fantastic film. I know the 2 hours and 30 minute runtime, plus the fact that it's a foreign film is a tough sell for some, but it's really worth it. There's so much going on in that film that days after I watched it I'm still not sure what to think. I keep coming up with different versions of what I think was going on.

Has anybody seen it? It's on Netflix. Mae, I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that you watched this one. I'd love to get some thoughts.

06-19-2019, 08:14 AM
It's on my Netflix queue. I'll get to it soon, I love Asian cinema.

06-19-2019, 09:22 AM
Also Mike have you seen The Wailing?

06-19-2019, 03:15 PM
Has anyone seen Burning? It's a fantastic film. I know the 2 hours and 30 minute runtime, plus the fact that it's a foreign film is a tough sell for some, but it's really worth it. There's so much going on in that film that days after I watched it I'm still not sure what to think. I keep coming up with different versions of what I think was going on.

Has anybody seen it? It's on Netflix. Mae, I'm pretty sure I remember seeing that you watched this one. I'd love to get some thoughts.

I loved Burning. It's one of my favorite films of 2018: https://letterboxd.com/maemiddleton/list/top-30-films-of-2018/

I really enjoyed the short story by Haruki Murakami as well that this is based on (the whole book was awesome).

It's such a slow (in a good way) and patient film, beautifully shot and perfectly edited. The three main leads are all understated and realistic. And that spectacular and haunting score:


I love Korean movies and they never seem to get any respect. Burning was the first South Korean film ever to be shortlisted for a Best Foreign Film Oscar nomination, but still didn't get it. If you liked it, check out the director's other masterpiece, Secret Sunshine. It's very similar in tone and pacing.

What different versions do you have, I'd be curious to know? I love it when films make you think like that. Feel free to put it into spoilers.

06-19-2019, 09:44 PM
I've been wanting to see Burning for over a year...not I'm just waiting for the right night to watch it.

I watched Annihilation. II quite like the visuals and Garland's work is on point. I have to think that The Shimmer catching the light in the air and stuff was done practically because it was seamless, and while the CGI in the movie wasn't bad by any means, you could tell it was CGI...or maybe it's easier to blend The Shimmer effect than things with form. There were some cool creatures and the movie was actually a little bit more reserved than I expected. It focused more on the characters, which I appreciated. I was expecting the film to be a little bit more science heavy, but there really wasn't much. Even the dialogue wasn't really focused on the science of what was happening. I kind of wish it was just a little bit more sciencey, not to explain things away, but I think it would've been truer to some of the characters to approach things from a more scientific light.

And I have to say, the Netflix Rating promised there would be 'some sexuality' and all i got was Natalie Portman's bare back twice in the tamest not really sex scenes ever. We got like five minutes of Oscar Issac nipple in bed with Portman and not even a good butt shot of Portman or a tasteful glimmer of side boob. I can't believe they felt the need to warn against some sexuality with the "sex" scenes in this movie. Netflix, you got my hopes up there. I am disappoint.

Rant not specifically about Annihilation coming

A movie like Annihilation just enforces my belief that most people don't truly care about representation in film...they only care when it's easy for them to criticise/praise it with popcorn fare. Here is a film that is virtually an entire female cast that was diverse, and the three male actors in the film were diverse too, that focuses on character, that shows flawed yet strong women, and it's a solid film that gracefully tells a solid story....and it didn't come near breaking even. This is why studios just lazily gender swap existing properties (which just turns people off) instead of doing original stuff like Annihilation. Some publications tried to promote this movie (except the ones bashing it for white washing...those people will never be satisfied), but it didn't catch with the public. If it's not a major property (That takes basically zero effort or risk to actually make inclusive) like MCU or Ghostbusters, no one really cares. Where's the support for Annihilation? 11M opening and 32M cumulative on a 40M budget for about a 30M loss. That's not how you make a studio want to greenlight another movie like Annihilation. On the flipside, I didn't notice a bunch of trolls complaining about this movie being ruined by diversity or how it's just a vehicle for politics and stuff...probably because if a film is good, no one really cares about that stuff, even people who love to complain about that stuff just want a movie being good to be the most important goal. If there was any outcry about that, it must've been even more muted than pro-women/diversity talk surrounding the movie. At the end of the day/this rant...I just wish more people cared about movies like Annihilation or any film that tries to tell a good story with great characters that's well-written instead of generic shove-popcorn-in-your-face-until- you- forget-it fare. Just when I thought more thoughtful films were starting to have a Renaissance in terms of popularity and box office success, the blockbusters just keep getting bigger. The divide just keeps growing. It makes me a sad, sad panda.

I enjoyed Annihilation for what it was. It was a solid sci-fi film that was well-made and put together, but I have to compare it to Ex Machina and there is no comparison. Annihilation is a solid genre flick elevated by good filmmaking, and Ex Machina is a masterpiece.


06-20-2019, 08:15 AM
Matt - pretty much agreed with everything you said. I've had this conversation in other forums and with people IRL. People bitch and moan about diversity and Hollywood putting out the same old shit, but when films like Annihilation come out no one goes out to support it, instead they go see Fast & Furious or Avengers for the 3rd time. Shit annoys me.

St. Troy
06-20-2019, 08:43 AM
I want to see Annihilation - because it looks like a good movie, not because I care who/what is "represented."

I didn't see it in the theater - not because I won't go to the theater for something "diverse" but because it's rare that I go to the theater for anything, and also because I'm strongly considering reading the book(s) first.

Quality isn't synonymous with broad appeal - that's why films that seem good don't always do as well as we might want or expect.

Quality also isn't synonymous with diversity - because nothing is synonymous with diversity. Diversity (in the context of the arts) is like a k-pop band - having virtually no significance, but lots of fans.

No one is sitting around wishing movie studios would invent a white version of Denzel Washington or The Rock.

Viewers watch what attracts them; it isn't more complicated than that.

06-20-2019, 05:48 PM
Yeah, that's all true too, but it's part of the problem. Media/social media relies on clicks, shares, likes, and interaction, so everyone hops on board the massive franchises and the smaller pictures get lost in the shuffle. It would be fine if it were just coverage...we expect massive films to get more eyes on it and more anticipation. But there are a contingent on both sides of the argument...those that see diversity as an inherently bad thing in a film, and those that think diversity makes a film good. I read a Dark Phoenix critic review that basically said the film was great because it had strong women and no other reason. People were hailing Crazy Rich Asians for it's representation of Asian and giving Asian actors a vehicle and it made a ton of money. On the flipside, the film bombed in China, and people in South East Asia criticized it because people there found the film offensive and negatively or inaccurately represented the region. Representation and good representation are two very different things.

I think our biggest issue when it comes to diversity marketing and criticism is that it's pretty skin deep. There is a reason studios co-opt existing IPs and inject diversity into them, because they don't have any faith that original productions with diverse casts will make any money...because they usually don't. Black Panther/Captain Marvel did well and that's great, but they're also MCU movies (guaranteed to perform well) and placed right before Infinity War/Endgame for max appeal. Why make an original heist movie with an all female cast when you can just co-opt the very popular Ocean's IP? Widows didn't get near the same push (or box office) about diversity despite being a film about an all female heist, with a black lead, from a black director, and co-written by Gillian Flynn. Studios aren't fixing the problem they have and neither are audiences. People should support the types of movies they believe in and want to see more of. I believe in indie movies and original films, so I pay to go see those and support them so I can hopefully see more of them. People who really care about diversity should be doing the same because the movies that need the support don't get it. That's how I see it anyways. Maybe they do, and there just isn't as many of those people as the internet would lead us to believe.

More than anything, it's always upsetting to me to see solid films not make money...especially when they get wide releases. I can't be upset my favourite film of last year, Leave No Trace, only made 6M because it's largest theatre count was like 300. I always, always see people complaining that Hollywood makes nothing but crap and movies today suck...which is crazy. There are so many good films. They just aren't blockbusters or based on IPs you know. A lot of people either are too lazy to take a few minutes to find such movies, they don't like them, or they're afraid of a taking a chance on something out of their purview. Ebert, in his Synecdoche, New York review, said: "Why will people hurry along to what they expect to be trash, when they're afraid of a film they think may be good?" I think Ebert has a good point. People will gravitate to the familiar, even if it looks like trash. I think it goes back to what Bill Watterson said in a Calvin and Hobbes strip, which is more true than it back in the early 90's or whatever year this strip was published.


Still Servant
06-23-2019, 12:14 PM
Also Mike have you seen The Wailing?

Not yet, but it's on my list.

As for Annihilation, I've mentioned my feelings about the film and its making, as well as its distribution here on a number of occasions.

In short, I don't blame people for not going out to see it because the film was never really given a chance in theaters. I was fortunate enough to see it in theaters, and I'm glad I did because it was such a visually beautiful film. That said, it was released for a very short time in limited theaters.

The main reason for that was a disconnect between Garland and the studio. It's what drives me crazy about studios. They see a film like Ex Machina and a filmmaker like Garland and get excited. The bring him in to make a movie and give him millions of dollars. Then they think they know better and decide to neuter him and doubt his creative vision. If the studio truly believed in Garland, they would have left him alone and let him make the movie he wanted to make. When finished, they would have promoted it properly.

Marketed the right way, there's no reason why Annihilation couldn't have at least done the box office that Ex Machina did.

06-24-2019, 07:16 AM
Took the wife and kids to see Toy Story 4 last night. We all loved it! Very satisfying conclusion to the series (though I would not be surprised to see another one). 9/10

06-24-2019, 02:43 PM
It looks like it's being universally praised. It looks really good and the animation looks amazing. Looking forward to seeing it.

Still Servant
06-24-2019, 05:11 PM
Toy Story 4 is amazing as expected. I'm not sure I've ever seen a franchise be so consistent with all 4 films. It's pretty astounding. I can't wait to see it again.

Toy Story 4 is must see in theaters, but on Netflix resides another must see. I Am Mother. I was completely captivated the entire time. It's a really well made Sci-fi film and one of my favorite films of the year so far. If you're a fan of low key Sci-fi in the mold of Moon and Ex Machina, check this one out.

06-24-2019, 05:17 PM
Toy Story 4 is amazing as expected. I'm not sure I've ever seen a franchise be so consistent with all 4 films. It's pretty astounding. I can't wait to see it again.

Toy Story 4 is must see in theaters, but on Netflix resides another must see. I Am Mother. I was completely captivated the entire time. It's a really well made Sci-fi film and one of my favorite films of the year so far. If you're a fan of low key Sci-fi in the mold of Moon and Ex Machina, check this one out.

I am mother was not one I enjoyed and I love good sci-fi. It had such potential and squandered it. Toy Story I will be seeing soon but next up for me is Spider-Man. Hope it’s a great entry.

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Still Servant
06-24-2019, 05:47 PM
Toy Story 4 is amazing as expected. I'm not sure I've ever seen a franchise be so consistent with all 4 films. It's pretty astounding. I can't wait to see it again.

Toy Story 4 is must see in theaters, but on Netflix resides another must see. I Am Mother. I was completely captivated the entire time. It's a really well made Sci-fi film and one of my favorite films of the year so far. If you're a fan of low key Sci-fi in the mold of Moon and Ex Machina, check this one out.

I am mother was not one I enjoyed and I love good sci-fi. It had such potential and squandered it. Toy Story I will be seeing soon but next up for me is Spider-Man. Hope it’s a great entry.

What didn't you like about it?

St. Troy
06-25-2019, 07:24 AM
I want to see Toy Story 4 and expect to enjoy it, despite the fact that TS3 really seemed to close the door on the series, and in a satisfying way.

06-25-2019, 12:07 PM
Snuck out with the wife to see Rocketman last night. Loved it. Since the comparisons are inevitable, I thought Rocketman was the movie that Bohemian Rhapsody was afraid to be. Much more honest in its exploration of the troubled artist - no doubt and 'R' rating helps here. Egerton is Hollywood's newest chameleon - he is outstanding. I loved how the film delved into moments of fantasy with its musical numbers instead of just chronologically showing the moment each song was created/performed. There is much more thought behind the use of each song in Rocketman than BR, and in the end, the film is all the richer for it. 9/10

06-25-2019, 12:10 PM
Snuck out with the wife to see Rocketman last night. Loved it. Since the comparisons are inevitable, I thought Rocketman was the movie that Bohemian Rhapsody was afraid to be. Much more honest in its exploration of the troubled artist - no doubt and 'R' rating helps here. Egerton is Hollywood's newest chameleon - he is outstanding. I loved how the film delved into moments of fantasy with its musical numbers instead of just chronologically showing the moment each song was created/performed. There is much more thought behind the use of each song in Rocketman than BR, and in the end, the film is all the richer for it. 9/10

This is a good review. I agree he is the next big thing! However I did not think that it was better than Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought that movie was a far superior story in how I was told. I did like Rocketman a lot more than I thought I would especially since I was class that as a musical.

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06-25-2019, 12:55 PM
I finally watched Hateful Eight and it was an excellent film. Meticulously crafted and flawlessly acted. It was interesting to see what was pretty much a straight foward, chronological story from Tarantino with only the one sequence that shows what happened before. I really enjoyed Walton Goggins in the movie. I hadn't seen him in much, but I found him endlessly annoying in Ant-Man and The Wasp. It's the sort of movie where there is lots of significant dialogue that at the time it's spoken doesn't seem important, which is a testament to the skills of Tarantino as a screenwriter. But Tarantino really nailed the direction here as well. There were a lot of nice little touches and flourishes along the way that made this Tarantino's must understated film yet, especially considering how much he trusted his actors to get all the subtleties across. There wasn't much in the way out of outdoor photography, but what there was beautiful, especially the way the cinematography really accentuated the blues of the environment. Hateful Eight is a film about trust and paranoia from the first scene all the way through to the end. How much could these characters take other people at their word and how does their paranoia affect the way they see people? It's interesting how there isn't any trust between anyone in the carriage at the beginning, but the way once they reach Minnie's Haberdashery they trust each other more than anyone else. I loved when Russell's character after a little time at Minnie's has the pow wow with his carriage passengers and basically says "Yeah, these people here are up to no good". The way the characters suss each other out and prod them along in conversation to subtly get them to reveal their truths is great, and the tenuous threads in which trust is earned and the expressed logic behind that trust, even if it's only a temporary alliance.

The Hateful Eight is a good case study on Hitchcock's analogy of suspense versus surprise. We get narration and a sequence that is just to tell the viewer that someone poisoned the coffee and that Daisy was the only one who saw someone poison the coffee. So we know something is going to happen as John Ruth and O.B. drink the coffee in the background. But we specifically only see John Ruth drink a sip before he gets mad and throws his coffee, which O.B. is really drinking that coffee to warm up. That makes us think that maybe he didn't drink enough for the poison to take effect. So when a little time passes and he seems to be just fine and he suddenly spews out blood, it's a surprise despite us being privy to the fact he's poisoned. Whereas if O.B. was affected first, we'd still think that John Ruth may still be okay. On top of that, we have the scene where it's suddenly revealed there was someone underneath the floor the entire time as they shoot Major in the dick...how different would the film have played if we knew Jody was down there from the beginning (maybe he was the only bad guy) or it was revealed partway through? It really speaks to how the information you give the audience as a writer really changes the context of scenes.

While I don't think it's Tarantino's best film, I think it's his most confident in all respects. This was a film by someone who knows he's a supremely talented legend and yet didn't feel the need to show off. He just let the work speak for itself.


Randall Flagg
06-25-2019, 01:31 PM
Great description of what made Hateful 8 an outstanding movie.
I was fortunate enough to see it in 70mm, with the intentional intermission. Loved it.

06-25-2019, 02:05 PM
Great review Matt, and I agree with everything you said. It's those things that made me love The Hateful Eight. Also how is it only now that you're first watching this movie?!

Still Servant
06-25-2019, 03:08 PM
Great description of what made Hateful 8 an outstanding movie.
I was fortunate enough to see it in 70mm, with the intentional intermission. Loved it.

Indeed. And you were kind enough to send me the program from the film, which I proudly have mounted on my wall.


06-25-2019, 05:11 PM
Glad to see you final got around to The Hateful Eight - great stuff, as you rightly noted. I was a bit surprised that you had not seen much of Walton Goggins. Goggins is one of my longtime television favorites, having first seen him on The Shield and then he nearly dominates one of my personal favorites, Justified. Goggins even shows up in Sons of Anarchy where his turn as Venus Van Dam is not to be missed. I must admit though, his turn in Antman is horrible as is his performance in the most recent Tomb Raider. Goggins's more of an FX TV gem than a movie star.

06-26-2019, 11:15 AM
The Shield and Justified are two shows a bit down my 'to eventually watch list' beneath like a dozen shows. I hear Sons of Anarchy is good, I just don't have any interest in it watching Biker Gangs squabble lol. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but all the ads and talk haven't lit much of a flame underneath me.

Basically it took me so long to watch The Hateful Eight because me and my friend were going to watch it together on our movie nights, but it kept getting pushed off and pushed off, mostly due to its length. A three hour movie itself isn't all that bad, but a three hour movie is like pausing five times to make drinks, and usually drink breaks are when I have a smoke or we make some food, so a 3 hour movie really takes 4 hours to watch lol, which is usually about how much time I'm there for. We're usually more apt to squeeze in two 90 minute movies over a three hour one. We've been talking about watching Dances With Wolves for about 5 years now because it's 4 hours long haha

06-26-2019, 12:04 PM
Time to light that flame and watch those shows. I had a similar experience with Deadwood. I kept putting it off, and then when HBO recently put out the movie, it decided to DVR the three original seasons, and as of last night I just finished season two. I am loving them. Sometimes we are ready to watch a show, when we're ready. I gotta tell ya though, I wish I had watched Deadwood earlier. Great Stuff!

06-26-2019, 12:12 PM
Time to light that flame and watch those shows. I had a similar experience with Deadwood. I kept putting it off, and then when HBO recently put out the movie, it decided to DVR the three original seasons, and as of last night I just finished season two. I am loving them. Sometimes we are ready to watch a show, when we're ready. I gotta tell ya though, I wish I had watched Deadwood earlier. Great Stuff!

I really wanna watch Deadwood....

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06-26-2019, 12:57 PM
Yeah, Deadwood is near the top of my list, along with The Wire, Deep Space Nine, The Newsroom, The Crown, Game of Thrones, Fargo, True Detective, Better Call Saul, Twin Peaks.....

06-26-2019, 04:33 PM

Octavia Spencer is captivating as Sue Ann Ellington—Ma to her new friends—a middle-aged veterinarian who spends her spare time winning over the neighborhood kids by buying them alcohol and letting them party in her basement. She couldn’t stand to see them drink and drive, she says. Why is a well-adjusted woman worried about making friends with kids? Is she really that well-adjusted after all? We soon find out, as Ma’s backstory is peppered in throughout the film’s present-day action.

As Ma begins to further insert herself into their lives, her character necessitates Spencer to bounce from comedic one-liners to batshit crazy on a dime, and she handles it with all the authenticity and believably we’ve come to expect from her. She is both Annie Wilkes terrifying and Carrie White empathetic. The story shares some threads with both Carrie and Misery but, for all Ma’s violence and dark turns, it plays it a little too safe, a little too by-the-numbers. Regardless, it’s a fun thriller with a great performance by Spencer (and not too shabby ones from the teen actors).

Ma is in the upper tier of “teen” horror, for sure, but with a quicker pace and more intensity, it could’ve been a home run.


Randall Flagg
06-27-2019, 11:19 AM
The Last Black Man in San Francisco:

Winner of several awards at the Sundance Film Festival, this art-house movie is a delight. It may be hard to find locally, but I suggest you seek it out. Shot almost exclusively in San Francisco, and featuring characters to0 strange and quirky to have been made up, this story of Jimmy and his best friend Mont is a love story. Not a love story between Jimmy and Mont (although their ultra closeness implies a relationship between the two), but between Jimmy and the Victorian house he grew up in that was long ago lost to foreclosure due to Jimmy's father financial woes.

Jimmy sleeps on the floor in Mont's cramped bedroom in a house owned by Momt's blind father (Danny Glover). Jimmy loves his former house so much, he actually tends to the garden, and is painting/repairing the house much to the chagrin of the elderly tenants. When a tragedy happens, the elderly couple lose the house, and Jimmy and Mont begin squatting at the house.

Mont is an artist and is writing a play. The murder of a local "homie" is the basis of Mont's play, which is in essence a one-man 3 act eulogy.

Methodically paced, and an homage to the city of San Francisco; the film is superior in so many ways.

5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

06-30-2019, 08:12 PM
Yesterday. Fun movie and much better than I thought it would be. Light hearted but really neat concept and likeable characters. 5/6

06-30-2019, 11:36 PM
Toy Story 4 was amazing. I don't want to say too much because I'd just have a crap load in a spoiler box. Maybe I'll write an article about it. Until then, there's this.


07-01-2019, 10:16 AM
Yeah, Deadwood is near the top of my list, along with The Wire, Deep Space Nine, The Newsroom, The Crown, Game of Thrones, Fargo, True Detective, Better Call Saul, Twin Peaks.....

Here, let me prioritize for you

Tier 1
The Wire
Game of Thrones
Better Call Saul
True Detective (Season 1 & 3, skip 2)

Tier 2
Twin Peaks

Haven't seen
Deep Space Nine, The Crown

07-02-2019, 12:12 PM
Just got home from taking the family to see Spiderman: Far From Home. Another great entry into the Marvel cannon. Lots of fun. Much like the first entry, it's a mix of teen comedy and super hero mayhem. I'd place it in the upper half of Marveldom. 8.5/10

07-02-2019, 03:28 PM
Gonna go catch Midsommar in a couple hours, the latest film from Avi Aster (director of Hereditary). I hear its strange and brutal and mesmerizing and gory and a total mind fuck. In other words, right up my alley :)

Randall Flagg
07-02-2019, 04:04 PM
Gonna go catch Midsommar in a couple hours, the latest film from Avi Aster (director of Hereditary). I hear its strange and brutal and mesmerizing and gory and a total mind fuck. In other words, right up my alley :)
I have to find that film.

07-02-2019, 04:15 PM
Just got home from taking the family to see Spiderman: Far From Home. Another great entry into the Marvel cannon. Lots of fun. Much like the first entry, it's a mix of teen comedy and super hero mayhem. I'd place it in the upper half of Marveldom. 8.5/10

Man I LOVED IT. Just finished. 9.5/10 for me. Avengers Endgame just barely beats this for me. Spideman is my favourite Marvel Pictures character hands down. I think Holland kills it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-02-2019, 04:53 PM
Gonna go catch Midsommar in a couple hours, the latest film from Avi Aster (director of Hereditary). I hear its strange and brutal and mesmerizing and gory and a total mind fuck. In other words, right up my alley :)

I'm dying to see this. I haven't even seen the trailer and I'm trying to stay away from anything about it till I can see it. I hope you enjoy it!

Still Servant
07-05-2019, 04:33 AM
Most of you know me by now. I love blockbuster films. I love comic book movies. Endgame was amazing and I can't wait for the new Spider-Man. I also love sequels. John Wick 3 was such a fun movie going experience and Toy Story 4 was a beautiful nostalgic trip down memory lane.

That being said, while most people were flocking to see Spidey swing into theaters, I went to a 9:40 showing of Midsommar. Although I'm still a sucker for many sequels, prequels, reboots and adaptations, it's films like Midsommar that remind me why I love film. There's something so great about getting something new and fresh.

That's not to say Midsommar is entirely original. There are many films that are similar, from the original Wicker Man to the more recent Netflix original Apostle, directed by Gareth Evans. What I'm talking about is the excitement of new characters and a new setting. It's a breath of fresh air.

The best way to watch Midsommar is like Heather said, to go in knowing as little as possible. I was able to successfully not watch a trailer for the film and I only knew a brief synopsis. All I knew was that it was Ari Aster's follow-up to Hereditary and that it starred Florence Pugh. That's all I needed.

Since I want everyone to experience the film as blind as possible, I won't go into any more detail here. I will just say it's not a mainstream horror film, which shouldn't come as a surprise to most people here. The film takes its time to build the atmosphere of this community to perfection. It's also a visually stunning film with a vibrant color palette featured throughout.

Go see it. We have to support films of this nature when they get wide releases. They are fewer and farther between nowadays.

07-05-2019, 05:22 AM
I watched Blackkklansman last night. I'm pretty sure I've missed most of the other Spike Lee movies so this was my first real experience and I'd give it 7/10 for me. After I got past the cringey feeling of hearing racial and ethnic slurs thrown around freely as story development, I found myself rooting for the main characters and nervously biting my nails wondering if they'd come out ok. The real KKK footage added at the end sort of threw me but I'm pretty sure that was the point. I grew up near Janesville, WI in the early 90's where it made national news when Geraldo was hit in the face by the KKK during an interview. It amazes me that we are still seeing this kind of crazy, shitty behavior even now. I enjoyed this movie and thought it might be worth suggesting it to others.

07-05-2019, 09:32 AM
I'm thinking I'll be doing a double feature on Sunday of Midsommar and the latest in Ghibli Fest, Whisper of the Heart

St. Troy
07-08-2019, 09:23 AM
I recently saw Extract, a 2009 Mike Judge film starring Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, and Kristen Wiig, with fun smaller roles filled by David Koechner (Jesus, is his character irritating) and Gene Simmons, and another small role not as funly filled by Ben Affleck (I like Affleck; I just don't think he was properly cast here). A slightly irregular movie, not iconic like Office Space, but an interesting story of funny incidents and their consequences. Good stuff.


07-08-2019, 10:51 AM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


07-08-2019, 11:04 AM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

07-08-2019, 11:27 AM
I'll have an article about Midsommar up later today, about emotional abuse and gender stereotypes.

07-08-2019, 12:35 PM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

Yeah, it's definitely not for everybody. It's a slow burner and the film is laden with a lot of psychological subtext. Very few violent/climatic counterweights, although when they do happen they are startling and impossible to look away from.

I'll have an article about Midsommar up later today, about emotional abuse and gender stereotypes.

I wanted to delve a little more into that in my review but it was going to be difficult for me to do it and not get spoilery. Looking forward to reading it.

07-08-2019, 09:39 PM
I'll have an article about Midsommar up later today, about emotional abuse and gender stereotypes.

I wanted to delve a little more into that in my review but it was going to be difficult for me to do it and not get spoilery. Looking forward to reading it.

Here you go!


Randall Flagg
07-09-2019, 06:13 AM
Child's Play:

A weak attempt to revive the franchise. An editing mess, with multiple story lines that are underdeveloped. Not funny, and zero memorable zinger one-liners from Chucky. The only cool part is the modernization of "Buddi" so that he can control electronic devices around him. Sort of an evil Google assistant, or Alexa.

3/6 Beers on the RFSRS

07-09-2019, 06:20 AM
Child's Play:

A weak attempt to revive the franchise. An editing mess, with multiple story lines that are underdeveloped. Not funny, and zero memorable zinger one-liners from Chucky. The only cool part is the modernization of "Buddi" so that he can control electronic devices around him. Sort of an evil Google assistant, or Alexa.

3/6 Beers on the RFSRS

I HAVE TO ASK.. you went to see this and are avoiding Spider-man? Spiderman is SO much fun man. A real gem and the best one ever made....

07-09-2019, 07:29 AM
I'll have an article about Midsommar up later today, about emotional abuse and gender stereotypes.

I wanted to delve a little more into that in my review but it was going to be difficult for me to do it and not get spoilery. Looking forward to reading it.

Here you go!


Nice. I'll read it later today.

Randall Flagg
07-09-2019, 08:12 AM
Child's Play:

A weak attempt to revive the franchise. An editing mess, with multiple story lines that are underdeveloped. Not funny, and zero memorable zinger one-liners from Chucky. The only cool part is the modernization of "Buddi" so that he can control electronic devices around him. Sort of an evil Google assistant, or Alexa.

3/6 Beers on the RFSRS

I HAVE TO ASK.. you went to see this and are avoiding Spider-man? Spiderman is SO much fun man. A real gem and the best one ever made....

Correct. I have no desire to see any Spider Man movie. My next movie to see is Midsommer.

07-09-2019, 08:14 AM
Child's Play:

A weak attempt to revive the franchise. An editing mess, with multiple story lines that are underdeveloped. Not funny, and zero memorable zinger one-liners from Chucky. The only cool part is the modernization of "Buddi" so that he can control electronic devices around him. Sort of an evil Google assistant, or Alexa.

3/6 Beers on the RFSRS

I HAVE TO ASK.. you went to see this and are avoiding Spider-man? Spiderman is SO much fun man. A real gem and the best one ever made....

Correct. I have no desire to see any Spider Man movie. My next movie to see is Midsommer.

OH man... you have to. IT IS SO FUNNY. A down right comedy.

07-09-2019, 08:20 AM
Correct. I have no desire to see any Spider Man movie. My next movie to see is Midsommer.

Are you burnt out on Spiderman movies or the MCU in general?

Randall Flagg
07-09-2019, 09:42 AM
Correct. I have no desire to see any Spider Man movie. My next movie to see is Midsommer.

Are you burnt out on Spiderman movies or the MCU in general?
All of it.

07-09-2019, 03:05 PM
I saw Child's Play today as well, Jerome, and I really liked it. I wasn't very confident once I heard they were re-making it, but I thought it was a cool twist. A very interesting allegory for nature vs. nurture in terms of raising children, plus great performances and score by Bear McCreary. It also does the unexpected by trying to make the viewer feel sorry for Chucky (and succeeds). Pacing could've been a little quicker and the tone more intense, but overall I really enjoyed it.

07-09-2019, 07:32 PM
The best way to watch Midsommar is like Heather said, to go in knowing as little as possible. I was able to successfully not watch a trailer for the film and I only knew a brief synopsis. All I knew was that it was Ari Aster's follow-up to Hereditary and that it starred Florence Pugh. That's all I needed.

That's how I got into basically every film. I don't want to know anything. I knew this movie had a cult thing. About it. I find it's so rewarding to watch any film like that. It all goes back to Midnight in Paris for me. I only watched it because it was nominated for Best Picture and didn't even know the plot and I'd never watched a Woody Allen movie. If I'd known the magical ride I was about to take, it wouldn't be such a special film to me.

I didn't know who Florence Pugh was, but after 20 minutes minutes I was like 'oh shit, that's the girl who played Paige'. Didn't see it right away because she looks very different in this. She's a solid young actress and thought she killed it in both Midsommar and Fighting With My Family.

I saw the old anime film Whisper of the Heart right before Midsommar and I had no idea what it was other than a Studio Ghibli film (before Ghibli Fest I'd only seen Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away). It's was a wonderful film. It was an extremely simple story for an anime film, which tend to venture more into the fantasy/sci-fi realm, but it was a simple, down-to-earth, coming of age story I found to be really charming. I kept expecting there to be some kind of fantastical element and it never came, which I enjoyed. It's such a simple story it didn't even need to be animated. You could have just as easily filmed it with actors and the only thing that would be different is the aesthetics...but that's a big reason why I liked it so much. Animation is so often used to explore the imagination and contort and/or go beyond reality, that seeing a simple little animated film about love and growing up is really refreshing.


07-10-2019, 07:26 AM
Matt have you seen Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service? Those are two of my favorites. Also while this isn't a Studio Ghibli film, I also highly recommend Song of the Sea. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.

07-10-2019, 08:18 AM
Matt have you seen Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service? Those are two of my favorites. Also while this isn't a Studio Ghibli film, I also highly recommend Song of the Sea. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.

Song of the Sea is a gorgeous film. The whole family loved it, on many different levels.

07-10-2019, 08:44 AM
Matt have you seen Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service? Those are two of my favorites. Also while this isn't a Studio Ghibli film, I also highly recommend Song of the Sea. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.

Howl's Moving Castle was the first Ghibli film to play in my theatre. I enjoyed it, but not as much as Spirited Away or Whisper of the Heart. Kiki's Delivery Service is playing at the end of the month here.

Your Name is still tops for Anime films for me though. Might be my top animated movie period. It's definitely in contention with a few Pixar films.

07-10-2019, 09:05 AM
I saw Child's Play today as well, Jerome, and I really liked it. I wasn't very confident once I heard they were re-making it, but I thought it was a cool twist. A very interesting allegory for nature vs. nurture in terms of raising children, plus great performances and score by Bear McCreary. It also does the unexpected by trying to make the viewer feel sorry for Chucky (and succeeds). Pacing could've been a little quicker and the tone more intense, but overall I really enjoyed it.

I'm not gonna lie. I went in wanting to hate it, but was surprised I didn't. Nowhere near the other films, and I had a lot of nitpicks (Underutilizing Mark Hamill for example), but for the most part I felt entertained. Especially the scene where Andy wakes up in the middle of the night, and Chucky starts singing to him

07-10-2019, 12:21 PM
I still have the Buddi song stuck in my head! :lol:

07-10-2019, 02:09 PM
Matt have you seen Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service? Those are two of my favorites. Also while this isn't a Studio Ghibli film, I also highly recommend Song of the Sea. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.

Howl's Moving Castle was the first Ghibli film to play in my theatre. I enjoyed it, but not as much as Spirited Away or Whisper of the Heart. Kiki's Delivery Service is playing at the end of the month here.

Your Name is still tops for Anime films for me though. Might be my top animated movie period. It's definitely in contention with a few Pixar films.

I'm sensing a Best Animated Film of All Time tournament in our future lol.

Randall Flagg
07-10-2019, 03:13 PM

Z ysy incoherent gyi. Undefined undefined tug pji undefined undefined hallucinogenic i tvt comprehend undefined undefined. Lsd, mushrooms, day

1/6 AND 5/6 Beers on the RFSRS

07-10-2019, 03:43 PM
Matt have you seen Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service? Those are two of my favorites. Also while this isn't a Studio Ghibli film, I also highly recommend Song of the Sea. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.

Howl's Moving Castle was the first Ghibli film to play in my theatre. I enjoyed it, but not as much as Spirited Away or Whisper of the Heart. Kiki's Delivery Service is playing at the end of the month here.

Your Name is still tops for Anime films for me though. Might be my top animated movie period. It's definitely in contention with a few Pixar films.

I'm sensing a Best Animated Film of All Time tournament in our future lol.

That'll just make me sad when Fantastic Planet and Anomalisa get 2 votes combined and they're out in the first round lol

Still Servant
07-10-2019, 06:36 PM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

That's because Cinescore mostly collects from mainstream moviegoers. We are not mainstream moviegoers. The film sits in the 90s on Rotten Tomatoes, which collects reviews from critics.

People who do Cinema score probably loved the remake of Child's Play. Guaranteed.

07-11-2019, 12:14 AM
I know going into it that Midsommar is definitely one of those films that will be like 85+ on critic score on RottenTomatoes with like 30-45% Audience Score. I'm actually surprised to see it's more even...83-61. Hmm, I expected a bigger disparity like The Witch or It Comes At Night.

07-11-2019, 01:45 AM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

That's because Cinescore mostly collects from mainstream moviegoers. We are not mainstream moviegoers. The film sits in the 90s on Rotten Tomatoes, which collects reviews from critics.

People who do Cinema score probably loved the remake of Child's Play. Guaranteed.

No it’s not... look it up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-11-2019, 11:02 AM
I know going into it that Midsommar is definitely one of those films that will be like 85+ on critic score on RottenTomatoes with like 30-45% Audience Score. I'm actually surprised to see it's more even...83-61. Hmm, I expected a bigger disparity like The Witch or It Comes At Night.

The reality is that the average moviegoer doesn't have the patience for films like these. I think we all know this.

Still Servant
07-12-2019, 05:21 PM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

That's because Cinescore mostly collects from mainstream moviegoers. We are not mainstream moviegoers. The film sits in the 90s on Rotten Tomatoes, which collects reviews from critics.

People who do Cinema score probably loved the remake of Child's Play. Guaranteed.

No it’s not... look it up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What am I supposed to look up? Cinemascore asks people on the way out of the movie theater. Most of those people are what we call mainstream moviegoers. It's not a dirty word. It's just facts.

If you refer to Mark Ruffalo as the guy who plays Incredible Hulk, you're a mainstream moviegoer.

07-12-2019, 05:30 PM

Bizarre. Surreal. Horrific. Fascinating. You can saddle Midsommar with a never ending stream of adjectives, but not a single one can truly capture the artistry of this sun drenched nightmare and the imminent sense of doom hidden behind devilish smiles.

As many of you know, Midsommar is Ari Aster's sophomore film, a follow up to his breakout horror hit Hereditary. Whereas Hereditary dealt with malevolent forces that crept at night, here he puts horrors on display in broad daylight. Don't go in expecting a jump-scare galore, this film takes its time uncoiling its tendrils and I suspect it will try the patience of some.

I don't want to say too much more as its probably best to know as little as possible going into it. Suffice to say that it is a superbly acted, psychedelic, deeply disturbing (some scenes are not for the faint of heart) twisted story which dares to toy with the notion that one person's nightmare might be another's fairy tale.

Ari Aster has now cemented himself as a directorial powerhouse. Can't wait to see what horrors he'll fill my nightmares with next.


ITs funny... here the guys seem to like it. It only got a C+ Cinescore and the couple I know seen it said that they have seen it done before and it was just.. MEH

That's because Cinescore mostly collects from mainstream moviegoers. We are not mainstream moviegoers. The film sits in the 90s on Rotten Tomatoes, which collects reviews from critics.

People who do Cinema score probably loved the remake of Child's Play. Guaranteed.

No it’s not... look it up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What am I supposed to look up? Cinemascore asks people on the way out of the movie theater. Most of those people are what we call mainstream moviegoers. It's not a dirty word. It's just facts.

If you refer to Mark Ruffalo as the guy who play Incredible Hulk, you're a mainstream moviegoer.

Sigh... never mind

07-12-2019, 05:33 PM
My point was they both have the exact same CinemaScore. So your point made no sense.

07-12-2019, 11:52 PM
The new "Hellboy" was fun & entertaining, if you love monsters and such. Perlman, was sorely missed though. Even though the replacement gave it the old college try. 3 out of 6 beers IMHO

Still Servant
07-13-2019, 05:07 PM
My point was they both have the exact same CinemaScore. So your point made no sense.

Either I'm not understanding you or you're not understanding me.

Midsommar has a C+ CinemaScore. I was off but Midsommar has 82% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is still quite high. I'm not following you when you say they have the same score. If you're referring to Hereditary, it has a D+, which is laughable.

Randall Flagg
07-14-2019, 06:12 AM

Terrific "B" movie. What sounds like a laughable premise, (combine giant alligators and a category 5 hurricane) actually works. Though somewhat predictable, there are plenty of good jump scares, very good special effects, good direction, and competent acting. The filmmakers aren't afraid to kill off almost any character.
The movie is played straight as a drama (no dark or quirky humor).

4/6 beers on the RFSRS

07-15-2019, 07:20 AM
The new "Hellboy" was fun & entertaining, if you love monsters and such. Perlman, was sorely missed though. Even though the replacement gave it the old college try. 3 out of 6 beers IMHO

You know, I kinda regret not catching this in theaters. Yeah I know it was wrecked by critics but I love the character and the mythos. Oh well, guess I'll wait for Netflix to pick it up.

07-15-2019, 09:17 AM

Terrific "B" movie. What sounds like a laughable premise, (combine giant alligators and a category 5 hurricane) actually works. Though somewhat predictable, there are plenty of good jump scares, very good special effects, good direction, and competent acting. The filmmakers aren't afraid to kill off almost any character.
The movie is played straight as a drama (no dark or quirky humor).

4/6 beers on the RFSRS

Very suprising on how good it actually was, very enjoyable and a fun summer movie.

07-15-2019, 03:54 PM
Midsommar was quite amusing but I still think Hereditary is better. Not sure if I should post this here or in the general movie conversation thread but this is a long video essay about Hereditary and damn! It is superb....


I did have a question about Midsommar and it's kind of gross but it was part of the film so.... if Mia did put her menstrual blood in Christian's drink, that means she wouldn't have been able to conceive on the day of the mating ritual, right? My only guess is that these people were a bit on the nutty side so she must have saved her first menstrual blood for the love spell to work? Great dinner conversation after seeing this one!

07-16-2019, 08:18 AM
I did have a question about Midsommar and it's kind of gross but it was part of the film so.... if Mia did put her menstrual blood in Christian's drink, that means she wouldn't have been able to conceive on the day of the mating ritual, right? My only guess is that these people were a bit on the nutty side so she must have saved her first menstrual blood for the love spell to work? Great dinner conversation after seeing this one!

Correct, she was saving the blood as part of the ritual. If you remember she also placed some kinda of token or w/e under his bed so he could fall further under her spell. All part of their batshit crazy rituals.

07-20-2019, 04:09 AM
I finally got around to watching The Silence last night, and you guys were right. I was a bit disappointed with it. The book was so good, I was really looking forward to this one. I didn't hate it, but it was a bit forgettable. For those that have seen the movie and not read the book I would highly encourage you to go read the story, it's a million times better.

07-20-2019, 02:17 PM

Terrific "B" movie. What sounds like a laughable premise, (combine giant alligators and a category 5 hurricane) actually works. Though somewhat predictable, there are plenty of good jump scares, very good special effects, good direction, and competent acting. The filmmakers aren't afraid to kill off almost any character.
The movie is played straight as a drama (no dark or quirky humor).

4/6 beers on the RFSRS

I can't wait to see it. It looks like a lot of fun. Glad to hear it delivers.

I finally got around to watching The Silence last night, and you guys were right. I was a bit disappointed with it. The book was so good, I was really looking forward to this one. I didn't hate it, but it was a bit forgettable. For those that have seen the movie and not read the book I would highly encourage you to go read the story, it's a million times better.

I kind of figured you wouldn't love it, especially since you read the book first. Yeah, it wasn't great. The book is on my to-read list, though.

07-20-2019, 03:48 PM
Definitely read the book, it was so good. It also makes me wonder why writers and directors opt to change certain things from the book. I understand why it might be necessary on some occasions, but when it's not it baffles me.

07-20-2019, 03:59 PM
Yeah, I don't get it either. People love books for a reason, then they change everything people loved about about the book for the movie. Like you said, I can understand when some things are changed because they wouldn't translate as well to screen, but some adaptations are just so wildly different from the source material that it's barely an adaptation.

07-21-2019, 07:15 PM
Lion King
We saw it in 3D IMAX. I liked it better than the original. Beautiful cinematography. Graphics were amazing.

07-22-2019, 03:37 AM

Terrific "B" movie. What sounds like a laughable premise, (combine giant alligators and a category 5 hurricane) actually works. Though somewhat predictable, there are plenty of good jump scares, very good special effects, good direction, and competent acting. The filmmakers aren't afraid to kill off almost any character.
The movie is played straight as a drama (no dark or quirky humor).

4/6 beers on the RFSRS

Very suprising on how good it actually was, very enjoyable and a fun summer movie.

I agree with all this. I went to see it on RF's advice and was happy I did. I FAWKIN hate when movies put in silly humor... takes you out of the moment and this movie did not do that.. at all and I loved it for it. I was tense the whole time. They also didn't try and make an alligator the largest ever and it felt very real because of that. Well done.... 8/10

07-22-2019, 08:36 AM
Toy Story 4
A fitting coda and great thematic closing of the loop for the entire franchise.

Cold Souls
An interesting premise on the nature of souls and uniqueness that unfortunately doesn't drill deep enough.

Nocturnal Animals
An engrossing revenge tale that favors style over substance and which could have benefited from a stronger payoff.

07-22-2019, 12:25 PM
Nocturnal Animals was a good one. I remember finishing and wanting a little more, too.

07-25-2019, 11:08 AM
The Lion King

Once you get past the technical wonder of the photo realism, you realize that it's a soulless venture outmatched by its predecessor in every single way. The voice actors phone it in, the musical numbers are devoid of the zest and vibrancy of the original, and the movie is just flat out boring. There is a significant advantage in animation as the characters are able to display emotional, enabling us to connect with them. There is no such connection to be found here as all the animals can manage is to move their lips.

Despite the probability that this film rakes in huge amounts of cash for Disney, it might be a pivotal moment in the way they approach future 'real life' adaptations. Hopefully for the better. In the words of Ian Malcolm "they were so busy preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."


07-25-2019, 02:01 PM
The Lion King

Once you get past the technical wonder of the photo realism, you realize that it's a soulless venture outmatched by its predecessor in every single way. The voice actors phone it in, the musical numbers are devoid of the zest and vibrancy of the original, and the movie is just flat out boring. There is a significant advantage in animation as the characters are able to display emotional, enabling us to connect with them. There is no such connection to be found here as all the animals can manage is to move their lips.

Despite the probability that this film rakes in huge amounts of cash for Disney, it might be a pivotal moment in the way they approach future 'real life' adaptations. Hopefully for the better. In the words of Ian Malcolm "they were so busy preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

It's already made 700M worldwide. Disney isn't going change how they approach their live action remakes. This thing will probably reach 1.3-1.5B worldwide.

It's like the saying goes, you don't analyze wins.

07-25-2019, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I know. And of course I'm also part of the problem. I knew that the film was a soulless cash grab well before I went into it, but the curiosity got the better of me. That, and the Lion King is my all time favorite Disney movie. Was curious to see the differences.

Disney doesn't care though, in the end they got my money.

07-26-2019, 12:34 PM
Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book have been the best in my opinion. Aladin was more tolerable than I thought. Haven't seen Lion King yet. They have an opportunity to "fix" Pocahontas in a live action remake. I've never seen Mulan so I might see the live action one first and then the animated one. That would an interesting experiment.

07-26-2019, 04:37 PM
Yeah, I know. And of course I'm also part of the problem. I knew that the film was a soulless cash grab well before I went into it, but the curiosity got the better of me. Th.

Bad Fernando! Bad! Lol

07-27-2019, 10:49 AM

07-27-2019, 10:50 AM

10/10? Heavy score... I doubt it’s perfect but we shall see!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-27-2019, 11:40 AM
Watched The Perfection on Netflix last night. Holy crap. Full review coming later.

EDIT: Full review here: The Perfection (https://reviewsfromthecouch.wordpress.com/2019/07/27/the-perfection/)

07-27-2019, 08:17 PM

10/10? Heavy score... I doubt it’s perfect but we shall see!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
8/10. It was great but long winded in some parts. Could have shaved 45 minutes roughly. It definitely ranks up there with his best and I would highly recommend it.

07-28-2019, 08:54 AM
From the end credit scroll, it looks like some part(s) were cut out.
Can't wait for the extended version.

Still Servant
07-28-2019, 05:43 PM
Indulge me.

There's a somewhat surreal feeling when you find yourself in the theater on opening night of a film that you have been following for years. I remember when Tarantino first announced his next film and patiently tracked down any news about the cast as it slowly was revealed.

First I should mention that it's very rare for me to see a film on opening night. I'd much rather wait to see it on a Saturday afternoon, but there I was in my Reservoir Dogs T-shirt at the 8 p.m. showing. The theater was half full, but there was still a buzz in the air as we waited for the film to start.

As the lights began to dim, I grabbed my popcorn and realized that I truly had no idea what Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was actually about. I only watched the trailer a handful of times and I managed to stay completely away from plot details and reviews. On this warm Friday night, I was ready for one of the greatest directors that has ever lived to take me on a journey.

Trust is the most important aspect of any relationship. That holds true for the relationship between director and his audience. I've enjoyed all of Tarantino's films. I'm not sure there's a more confident filmmaker working today. The care in which he approaches his craft is clearly evident.

As a viewer, I allowed QT to take me by the hand and lead me around the city of stars. We drove in his convertible through the winding streets of the Hollywood hills, we toured the dusty backlots of a movie studio and leisurely made our way down the Sunset Strip with its buzzing neon lights.

I didn't panic. I didn't start yearning for the shootout scene where the shit hits the fan. I didn't check the clock wondering when the blood-soaked fight scene was coming. That's trust.

I was more than happy to spend the day with two interesting characters as they went about their normal routine. At the end of the day, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a day-in-the-life film.

We're meant to spend a day in their shoes and that's okay. I anticipate many people calling the film boring and condemning it for the lack of plot, but that would be an unfair assessment of the film.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is Tarantino's love letter to Hollywood, moviemaking and actors. No fan of his films should be surprised that he's given us something different here. In fact, we should be welcoming it. His last two films have occupied the same space, I for one was more than happy for a brand new experience.

As a filmmaker, Tarantino has earned this film. Trust him. He knows what he's doing. Sit back, relax and let him introduce you to Hollywood.

07-29-2019, 03:44 AM
That's a great review Mike. I'm surprised on opening night that the theater wasn't packed. They added extra showtimes by me because they were filling up. We grabbed tickets to one of those and by showtime it was packed.

I can see where a bunch of people are probably going to be disappointed with this one. But I also feel like people shouldn't really be surprised by it either. It did fully feel like a Tarantino film to me. And all of his films are more dialogue driven and quieter in respect to action and even the pacing of the film. But that's Tarantino, and all his movies are like that. And when the action and violence comes, it comes full force. The ending to this one was great. But considering the films that make money these days, I can see where those moviegoers won't be into this one.

07-29-2019, 04:20 AM
I get what he's going for in the ending but I don't know if I liked it. It also means the audience knowing what happened in real life, otherwise I imagine a lot of the tension is gone.

Randall Flagg
07-29-2019, 06:28 AM
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood:

Quentin Tarantino loves films. He loves films inside of films. He loves flashbacks in a film to another film. He nails L.A in the late sixties. Taking place at an enjoyable languid pace the film tells parralel stories, the main story revolving around a middle aged film and Tv star (DeCapprio), and his best friend and stuntman (Pitt), and the secondary story revolves around Sharon Tate and the fateful days leading up to hur murder at the hands on Manson cult members. The lives of the characters intertwine in very interesting ways.

Every scene is shot in loving detail, and it's literally a pleasure seeing a genius at the peak of his craft.

Tarantino's alternate history ending (similar to Inglorious Basterds) was interesting. Copying himself, he still provided a much happier ending than what real life presented us.

5.5/6 beers on the RFSRS

07-29-2019, 09:42 AM
I'll be catching it this week, trying not to let the hyperbole affect me. All the reviews look promising tho!

Still Servant
07-30-2019, 04:12 AM
That's a great review Mike. I'm surprised on opening night that the theater wasn't packed. They added extra showtimes by me because they were filling up. We grabbed tickets to one of those and by showtime it was packed.

I can see where a bunch of people are probably going to be disappointed with this one. But I also feel like people shouldn't really be surprised by it either. It did fully feel like a Tarantino film to me. And all of his films are more dialogue driven and quieter in respect to action and even the pacing of the film. But that's Tarantino, and all his movies are like that. And when the action and violence comes, it comes full force. The ending to this one was great. But considering the films that make money these days, I can see where those moviegoers won't be into this one.

Thank you, Heather! Once Upon a Time in Hollywood certainly isn't a film that is going to appeal to mainstream audiences, but like you mentioned, if you are down with QT, then there's no reason you shouldn't enjoy this one. I mentioned it after I saw Midsommar, but there's something magical about watching a film and not knowing where it's going. Something totally new, regardless of how heavily it's been influenced by other films in Midsommar's case is just refreshing.

I get what he's going for in the ending but I don't know if I liked it. It also means the audience knowing what happened in real life, otherwise I imagine a lot of the tension is gone.

You make a good point and I had this exact conversation with a boyfriend and girlfriend after the film. They had never heard of the Sharon Tate murders. While I think having knowledge of that terrible night certainly enhances the ending, I don't think it totally detracts from it if you aren't familiar. That couple still enjoyed it regardless.

07-30-2019, 09:01 AM
The AMC complex I go to has 30 auditoriums, and they put Hollywood in one of their smallest 88 seat theaters. Shame on them. However, the people inside were very quiet and the picture was beautifully sharp and clear.

Not every character in the movie was happy with the ending, nyuk, nyuk.

Randall Flagg
07-30-2019, 09:20 AM
Weird. The AMC near me had it on 3 screens. The one I went to seated ~275, and it was more than 50% full for a 10:15 am showing on Saturday. Everyone was polite and it was a great viewing experience.

07-30-2019, 09:30 AM
You make a good point and I had this exact conversation with a boyfriend and girlfriend after the film.


07-30-2019, 09:42 AM
You make a good point and I had this exact conversation with a boyfriend and girlfriend after the film.


Breaking news, Mike is part of a throuple! :)

07-30-2019, 09:55 AM
You make a good point and I had this exact conversation with a boyfriend and girlfriend after the film.


Breaking news, Mike is part of a throuple! :)

Way to go stud! :coo3l:

Still Servant
07-30-2019, 11:40 AM
You make a good point and I had this exact conversation with a boyfriend and girlfriend after the film.


Breaking news, Mike is part of a throuple! :)

Way to go stud! :coo3l:

Nah, they weren't my type.

07-31-2019, 12:01 PM
Saw Once Upon a Time In Hollywood yesterday and enjoyed it. Though some would say it was without a clear plot or arc (and they wouldn't be completely wrong), that's also part of what made the nearly three hour runtime so enjoyable: being in this particular place and time and enjoying being in the world that Tarantino created. Weirdly enough, I thought this was one of his least (if not THE least) showy, indulgent, over-the-top movies (though the movies-within-movies and TV shows was a little much at times). His favoring Hollywood nostalgia instead of ultra-violence surprised me. Though long (with some portions feeling slower than others), I was never bored because the scenes were so full of life and energy it was, like Mike mentioned earlier, nice to watch the film with little knowledge about what was coming and where the story was going. Overall, it's not my favorite Tarantino (which would be Kill Bill and The Hateful Eight), but I enjoyed myself (and my tub-o-popcorn). If I were to rate it, I think It'd be between a 7 and an 8 out of 10. Probably 7.5.

(Also really liked Rick's character development and how vulnerable he was. It's not a character I would've picked for DiCaprio before seeing the movie, but he really nailed it. And Brad Pitt, too. Their chemistry and friendship in the movie felt so authentic.)

EDIT: Reading up on some of the Manson Family members and some of their stories are fascinating, especially that of "Tex."

07-31-2019, 02:20 PM
Took the family to see The Lion King. Better than I thought it would be, but totally unnecessary in the big scheme of film making, though it is turning a tidy profit. 6/10

08-03-2019, 03:35 PM
Loved The Farewell. Could be the best film of the year.

08-03-2019, 09:32 PM
I got to finally do a 4DX movie while in Vegas. Had a few hours off as a workshop got cancelled and went to see Hobbs and Shaw. Had a real old school buddy cop feel and I liked it more than I thought I would. Still a lot of cheesy jokes but was funny more so. NOW... 4DX made that movie. If you have that theatre in your town... TRY IT. I’m very envious if you do. What a rush!!

Randall Flagg
08-04-2019, 06:18 AM
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw:

Enjoyable summer fare, and very good Bro-Com action movie. Don't look too close as the plot is paper thin, and full of holes. The action scenes-in particular the London Streets car chase are shot very well and generate excitement. At 2 hours, 15 minutes the film lags a bit at the start of the 3rd reel. 15 minutes could have easily been cute. The banter between Hobbs (Dwane Johnson) and Shaw (Jason Statham) is usually funny. Shaw's movie sister Vanessa Kirby steal every scene she's in, and Idris Elba is believable as a human "black superman". Two uncredited cameos overtly point towards at a sequel.

4.5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

08-06-2019, 07:13 AM
The Devil's Backbone (2001)

Spanish gothic-style ghost story directed by Guillermo del Toro. Setting is a war-torn boarding school/orphanage set during the Spanish civil war.

I'm not sure why this movie got so many positive reviews. It's at 7.4 on IMDb and 92% at RT. But it did nothing for me at all. Ghost stories don't have to be scary, and "horror" films (which this really is not) don't have to be full of graphic scares or "kills" or whatever. But they should at least be interesting.

We see the ghost before the opening credits are over, so there's no mystery element whatsoever. Everyone knows there's a ghost and the main kid who sees him isn't really scared. The ghost just stands around. There's no great revelation about WHY there is a ghost kid. It's fairly obvious and is explained in due time--one of the orphan boys died (was killed) and now he's a ghost. He won't go away until his killer is punished appropriately.

So, nothing mysterious. And I didn't care about any of the characters. That's a fatal flaw. Well, I liked the old doctor dude, but the "kindly grandpa" fellow isn't going to carry the movie. The only interesting scene was the "boys with pointy sticks" scene. I didn't buy the motivation of the baddie to do what he did. And there's not even any real interesting context for the war, other than some vaguely leftist propaganda by the director.

Finally, so much is made over the "visual style" of the movie. Well, I hope you like sepia because most of the movie is various shades of brown. At least del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth (another movie I didn't like much, but at least more than this one), had vivid colors.

1.5 stars (out of 5).