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Still Servant
05-24-2016, 05:55 PM
An Open Secret - Ever wonder why so many child stars turn into train wrecks later on in life? This documentary offers one potential answer. Being the entertainment-lover that I am, this documentary about child sex abuse in the film, TV and music industries made my soul hurt. Every movie-goer should see it. I really don't know how to rate it because it is not exactly fun to watch but it is educational. It discusses people in all three industries that were caught (some), did light sentences and in most cases went right back to working in their respective industry. There are also several interviews and stories from victims of these predators. Bryan Singer is featured in it and not in a good way. I just saw an article the other day about Elijah Wood, who saw this documentary and said that it was just the tip of the iceberg. Not gonna lie, I'm upset right now and I don't know what to do about it.

That sounds very interesting. I will have to catch that.

05-24-2016, 09:49 PM
An Open Secret - Ever wonder why so many child stars turn into train wrecks later on in life? This documentary offers one potential answer. Being the entertainment-lover that I am, this documentary about child sex abuse in the film, TV and music industries made my soul hurt. Every movie-goer should see it. I really don't know how to rate it because it is not exactly fun to watch but it is educational. It discusses people in all three industries that were caught (some), did light sentences and in most cases went right back to working in their respective industry. There are also several interviews and stories from victims of these predators. Bryan Singer is featured in it and not in a good way. I just saw an article the other day about Elijah Wood, who saw this documentary and said that it was just the tip of the iceberg. Not gonna lie, I'm upset right now and I don't know what to do about it.

That sounds very interesting. I will have to catch that.

It's an eye-opener and a jaw-dropper. Singer is directly linked to more than one convicted sex offender. An actor friend of his named Brian Peck (who is in the first two X-men films and provides commentary along with Singer for the first one) was convicted for abusing an unnamed Nickelodeon star (he was at the time working on a show called Holes). He gets out after a light sentence and goes back to working with kids in the industry again. Singer was an investor in an internet company called DEN. An entire film could be done about that organization alone. The CEO of DEN was a man named Mark Collins Rector and he is also a convicted child molester. His whereabouts, after his short prison sentence are currently unknown. Brock Pierce, from Mighty Ducks 1 and 2, was arrested along with Rector based on evidence obtained by some of their victims. He was never charged and let go. He is the founder of IGE and has a big role in the development of Bitcoin, a millionaire several times over.

Michael Harrah, who was once the head of the children's wing of SAG admits on camera (through a phone call a victim placed to him, Harrah did not know he was being recorded) that he abused a child. he is semi-retired but is still involved with the children's wing of SAG. He would actually have young boys come and live with him for convenience sake I suppose. More about that here...LINK (http://deadline.com/2015/06/sag-aftra-threatening-sue-an-open-secret-director-amy-berg-1201438339/)

Anyone remember the episode of Diff'rent Strokes where Dudley gets molested by the old Maytag repair Man? Todd Bridges is also in the doc and talks about how hard it was for him to film those episodes (a two parter) because he himself had been abused by his manager.

The film was a flop initially because I can imagine she (director Amy Berg) had a hard time getting distribution and who wants to dwell on the subject really? But that is exactly how these people get away with it for so long. No one wants to talk about it.

What really stinks is I feel like I have been supporting an industry that knowingly allows this behavior to flourish for the purposes of making money.


It is now available on Dailmotion in 2 parts



05-25-2016, 02:59 AM
Available on Dailymotion now, See above post.

Still Servant
05-25-2016, 04:59 PM
What really stinks is I feel like I have been supporting an industry that knowingly allows this behavior to flourish for the purposes of making money.

I'm Catholic. Join the Club.

Speaking of that, Amy Berg directed Deliver us From Evil, the fantastic documentary about the Catholic church and the sexual abuse scandal.

Thanks for links.

05-25-2016, 05:36 PM
An Open Secret - Ever wonder why so many child stars turn into train wrecks later on in life? This documentary offers one potential answer. Being the entertainment-lover that I am, this documentary about child sex abuse in the film, TV and music industries made my soul hurt. Every movie-goer should see it. I really don't know how to rate it because it is not exactly fun to watch but it is educational. It discusses people in all three industries that were caught (some), did light sentences and in most cases went right back to working in their respective industry. There are also several interviews and stories from victims of these predators. Bryan Singer is featured in it and not in a good way. I just saw an article the other day about Elijah Wood, who saw this documentary and said that it was just the tip of the iceberg. Not gonna lie, I'm upset right now and I don't know what to do about it.

Just watched it. Pretty sad to see, but I've heard of this before. Years before even, even with stunt men too. I can't believe Bryan Singer is involved as well. And the fact that some of these guys are still in the industry. Wow! Thanks Tommy!!!

05-25-2016, 06:43 PM
And the attitude seems to be well this happens to everyone when they get to Hollywood so it's fine. I mean I know Hollywood has always had scandals and drawn neurotic, sometimes literally insane people all the way back to it's inception but it is still infuriating. Not to get into conspiracy theories but I question some of the suicides and overdoses that have happened with some child stars at this point. If these people are willing to use children for their own selfish purposes, I totally believe they are capable of making kids disappear that won't cooperate or who will cause trouble for them and expose the system.

05-25-2016, 06:55 PM
What really stinks is I feel like I have been supporting an industry that knowingly allows this behavior to flourish for the purposes of making money.

I'm Catholic. Join the Club.

Speaking of that, Amy Berg directed Deliver us From Evil, the fantastic documentary about the Catholic church and the sexual abuse scandal.

Thanks for links.

You're welcome, I hope forum members will take the time to watch it because it is important. Hollywood bent over backwards giving itself props for doing Spotlight (which is an important film and I was glad it got movie of the year) but I wonder when the film version of the Hollywood equivalent of this story will be made? I'm guessing never. It was easy for them to go after the church but maybe they need to take a look at themselves first. I haven't seen Deliver... yet but I will seek it out now. By the way, I don't think An Open Secret is 100% honest about some of the techniques that were used to get the results that they did. I do believe Berg manipulated some elements of her overall story to get the point across. I don't think she flat out lied about anything but manipulated, possibly. It's the sort of thing that maybe had to happen in order for the stories to be told I suppose. Perhaps along the lines of what Michael Moore did in some of his docs. That being said, it still needs to be seen.

Still Servant
05-30-2016, 05:23 PM
I'm just testing this out. Can everybody see it?


05-30-2016, 05:28 PM
I see it. You testing pics posting? That I feel I have down, posting youtube videos I do not.

05-30-2016, 05:32 PM
I'm a Luc Besson fan. Haven't heard of that one.

05-30-2016, 05:36 PM
2005. How did I miss that one. Is it good?

06-01-2016, 07:52 AM
I'm a Luc Besson fan. Haven't heard of that one.

2005. How did I miss that one. Is it good?

Lol, these were my exact thoughts.

Still Servant
06-01-2016, 05:48 PM
I see it. You testing pics posting? That I feel I have down, posting youtube videos I do not.

Thank you. Yeah, I want to utilize Dropbox as a photo hosting site. The problem is that a direct link doesn't show up for you guys, so I messed with the code and added ?raw=1 to the end of the link in order to make it appear.

As for videos, use the "Insert Video" icon and make sure you remove the "S" in the https.

I'm a Luc Besson fan. Haven't heard of that one.

2005. How did I miss that one. Is it good?

Lol, these were my exact thoughts.

It's... different. I certainly enjoyed it, but it's very foreign. It's far less accessible than let's say The Fifth Element and Leon. It feels a lot like It's a Wonderful Life in many ways.

06-06-2016, 10:02 PM
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7b/Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_Out_of_the_Shadows_po ster.jpg

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows

Rating: 3.5/5

Man oh man, I was really excited for this one. I am one of the few people that actually LOVED the first one. Five out of five, all the way. I loved the characters, the special effects, the impossible odds, the family, the bad guy, the hot girl, loved it. Popcorn movie at its finest. So, THAT, mixed with my three year old daughter's current obsession with anything Ninja Turtles, made me extremely excited for this one. Unfortunately, I was guttingly disappointed.

I'm one of the types of people that doesn't like to watch trailers/coming attractions because I've seen so MUCH television and so MANY movies that I know the formula that most of them follow and if any clues or scenes find their way into my stream of consciousness, it doesn't take much to figure out the whole damn movie. BUT, I did catch a trailer or two for this one. Bebop! Rocksteady! Kraang! Casey Jones! Baxter Stockman! Holy shit, this is going to be fucking awesome!

Let me start off by saying what I DIDN'T like about it.

- Shredder. In the first movie, he was a fucking badass. Impossible to beat, crazy intimidating in his armor, faster than any of the turtles, and a better fighter than all of them put together. His face was all scarred up, and was only barely visible in the unmasked scenes. In the sequel? He's got slicked back black hair, and a motherfucking goatee. He does absolutely NOTHING for the entire movie, and he shares a total amount of ZERO scenes with the turtles. He gets broken out of prison, he meets up with Kraang, recruits Rocksteady and Bebop to become his henchmen, and then ... he betrays Baxter Stockman, and gets quickly betrayed by Kraang, frozen and added to some sort of Kraang people collection. That's it. He puts his helmet on ONCE.

- Casey Jones. I always liked the character, and I like Stephen Amell enough in Arrow to be excited about his appearance in this movie. Unfortunately, he seemed to be added in at the last minute, without much to do. And although he's a security guard/cop, he owns a brand new Dodge Challenger Hellcat? And PLEASE, if every other line out of his mouth didn't have some sort of out-of-nowhere arrogance. "Excuse me, I'm going to be a detective someday!" Shut up. Any scene with him fighting someone should have been switched to the turtles.

- All the "big scenes" are in the trailer. Jumping from airplanes scene, water rapids tank scene, Kraang on the rooftop, Technodrome coming together, the Shredder breakout/manhole-cover-shooting garbage truck scene. Yep, that's all of em.

- The final fight with Kraang was a big step down from the final fight with Shredder in the first one.

- Although the special effects and CGI were very good, it definitely felt like the producers put the B-Team from the first movie on it. Not even close, especially in the fast combat scenes, they looked just a little ... off.

- Splinter didn't have anything to do. Same for Karai, who only gets mentioned once by name. Baxter was either a good guy who got taken advantage of in some scenes or a mad scientist who wants to destroy the world in other scenes.

- None of the turtles were as likeable as in the first one. They were actually pretty selfish this go-round. Example, Leo saying something along the lines of "Look, there's only one person whose vote counts around here, and it's me." My Leo would never say that, lol.

What I DID like:

- Rocksteady and Bebop could have had better things to DO, but it was still very fun seeing them in a live-action movie.

- Megan Fox is hot.

- If I hadn't seen the trailers the "big scenes" would have been better and more of a surprise, of course.

- My "B-Team" comment above hopefully didn't get misconstrued. The CGI and motion capture of the turtles in the first movie was absolutely fantastic. I would put it up there with Kong, Gollum, and Caesar. And this one, while not on THAT level, was still very good. I just felt like they put a second-tier group of animators on the job, and gave them an accelerated timetable. There was less of a feeling that the turtles were ACTUALLY there than in the first one.

And ummmm, that's about it. Incredibly disappointed.

06-09-2016, 01:56 PM
I was thinking about taking my 7-year-old cousin to see the new one. Do I need to see the first one to understand the new one?

06-10-2016, 03:25 AM
Watching the Cell tonight... CANNOT wait. Will report back with my thoughts!

06-10-2016, 08:39 AM
Ricky, no, but the first one is so much better.

06-10-2016, 11:53 AM
Watching the Cell tonight... CANNOT wait. Will report back with my thoughts!

Don't be too excited. I never read the book, own it, and so far it is pretty bad. The idea/plot especially.

06-25-2016, 11:21 PM
Bridges of Madison County :'(

Excellent film. Ain't no sadder love than the love we must by accept can never be.

06-26-2016, 02:59 AM
Bridges of Madison County :'(

Excellent film. Ain't no sadder love than the love we must by accept can never be.

I absolutely loved the book. Haven't seen the movie though.

06-27-2016, 11:37 AM
I don't think I could watch that, it would depress the hell out of me.

06-27-2016, 12:49 PM
But it's so good! Well, the central story at least. I found the story of Francesca's children to be distracting and perfunctory to a fault.

06-28-2016, 07:54 PM
I liked Finding Dory better than Finding Nemo, there I said it.

06-28-2016, 11:43 PM
Finding Nemo wasn't very good. An easy last in my Pixar list.

06-29-2016, 04:54 AM
Over the weekend I watched Rear Window again after not having seen it in maybe 10 years. It was playing in HD on some channel. What an amazing film. You could say that nothing much happens but you're glued to the screen for two hours, watching a man watch other people. Hitchcock is the man!

06-29-2016, 04:56 AM
Rear Window is one of my favorites. Absolutely love that movie.

Still Servant
06-29-2016, 06:57 PM
Finding Nemo wasn't very good. An easy last in my Pixar list.

Nah. First, there's no such thing as a "not very good" Pixar movie.

Second, Cars 2 is the worst Pixar film.

06-29-2016, 08:28 PM
I didn't watch it because I liked Cars only a little more than Finding Nemo. But even Larry The Cable Guy couldn't drag Cars down the dark depths of Finding Nemo.

Bev Vincent
06-30-2016, 02:54 AM
Independence Day: Resurgence. B-

06-30-2016, 02:59 AM
Independence Day: Resurgence. B-

That's very kind of you.

Bev Vincent
06-30-2016, 06:05 AM
Independence Day: Resurgence. B-

That's very kind of you.

Elevated by Brent Spiner and Judd Hirsch!

06-30-2016, 08:31 AM
Over the weekend I watched Rear Window again after not having seen it in maybe 10 years. It was playing in HD on some channel. What an amazing film. You could say that nothing much happens but you're glued to the screen for two hours, watching a man watch other people. Hitchcock is the man!

Perfect film.

Still Servant
06-30-2016, 06:52 PM
Independence Day: Resurgence. B-

That's very kind of you.

I was 16 when the first Independence Day came out. I still state that it's the perfect film for a teen boy, so it's safe to say the original film has a special place in my heart. Resurgence was terrible. Actually, it wasn't even terrible. It was nothing, which is worse than terrible.

06-30-2016, 08:23 PM
Love how they just backtracked Spiner dying. Nothing evokes more 90s nostalgia than Data!

07-06-2016, 07:17 AM
Wow. Resurgence was that bad? Really?

07-06-2016, 09:15 AM
Independence Day: Resurgence. B-

That's very kind of you.

I was 16 when the first Independence Day came out. I still state that it's the perfect film for a teen boy, so it's safe to say the original film has a special place in my heart. Resurgence was terrible. Actually, it wasn't even terrible. It was nothing, which is worse than terrible.

I wouldn't say it was a complete toilet flush.....1/10? For trying. I'm in a good mood so that's a good rating :)

07-06-2016, 03:09 PM
Now that we're past the half point of the year, what's everyone's Top 10 of 2016 so far?

07-06-2016, 03:42 PM
Now that we're past the half point of the year, what's everyone's Top 10 of 2016 so far?

I haven't seen nearly as many movies this year as I've wanted to yet, so here's my Top 5.
The Jungle Book
Captain America: Civil War
The Shallows
The Witch

07-06-2016, 05:03 PM
Uncle John
10 Cloverfield Lane
Zoolander 2

07-06-2016, 05:24 PM
This hasn't been much of a movie watching year so far. Mostly TV shows. Had to look back over my Netflix and iTunes history to remind myself what I'd seen. I've included two documentaries.

The Best Offer
Hateful 8
Turbo Kid
God's Pocket
Finding Vivian Maier
The Hoax
Beltracci: The Art of Forgery

Still Servant
07-06-2016, 05:58 PM
Now that we're past the half point of the year, what's everyone's Top 10 of 2016 so far?

I haven't seen nearly as many movies this year as I've wanted to yet, so here's my Top 5.
The Jungle Book
Captain America: Civil War
The Shallows
The Witch

Really? I'm assuming you're referring to 2016 movies. :lol:

As for me, I haven't seen as many new releases this year as I normally have. I love lists, but I'm not even sure I could do 10. It's kind of insane that we are halfway through the year.

Still Servant
07-06-2016, 06:17 PM
1) 10 Cloverfield Lane
2) The Nice Guys
3) Deadpool
4) Green Room
5) Captain America: Civil War
6) The Witch
7) Demolition
8 ) Zootopia
9) X-Men: Apocalypse
10) Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

I have a massive list of films I still have to see this year that I missed.

Sai Sheb
07-07-2016, 02:03 AM
Just watched Dirty Grandpa, bloody great film... laughed all the way..

07-07-2016, 02:54 AM
Just watched Dirty Grandpa, bloody great film... laughed all the way..

I laughed a lot to at that one!

Sai Sheb
07-07-2016, 04:58 AM
"Kamikaze on my face"... great line

07-07-2016, 10:55 AM
All the 2016 releases I've seen, top 5 are annotated:

10 Cloverfield Lane
Angry Birds Movie
Anyone Can Quantum (short)
Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Batman: Bad Blood
Call Up
*Captain America: Civil War
Central Intelligence
Dirty Grandpa
Fifty Shades Of Black
Grease: Live
Jungle Book
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
*London Has Fallen
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Riddle Room
Ride Along 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows
Triple 9
*X-Men: Apocalypse

Sai Sheb
07-07-2016, 12:06 PM
You have way too much time on your hands Shannon...

07-07-2016, 01:14 PM
Welcome to OCD.

07-07-2016, 01:18 PM
Oh, you mean the amount of movies and television I watch, not that I was able to just bring up the info ... Below is the full list of everything I've seen since January 1, 2016.

Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm
Wizard Of Oz
Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight
Scout's Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse
Thomas The Train: Day Of The Diesels
Hateful Eight
Daddy's Home
Last Witch Hunter
American Horror Story: Season 5 (Hotel) - 12 episodes
Lip Sync Battle: Season 1 - 19 episodes
Batman: Bad Blood
Dawn Of The Justice League
Jurassic World
My Neighbor Totoro
Hulk And The Agents Of Smash: Season 1 - 26 episodes
Paw Patrol: Season 1 - 26 episodes
Paw Patrol: Season 2 - 26 episodes
Team Umizoomi: Season 1 - 20 episodes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Goodnight Mommy / Ich Seh Ich Seh
Power/Rangers (2015)
Top Five
Evil Dead (1981)
Evil Dead 2
Army Of Darkness
Creep (2014)
Ridiculous Six
Galavant: Season 2 - 10 episodes
Grease: Live
Monsters, Inc
Frozen (2013)
Ash Vs. Evil Dead: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Safety Not Guarenteed
Taking Of Deborah Logan
Dirty Grandpa
Night Before
Muppets (2014)
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory
Adventures Of Milo And Otis / Koneko Monogatari
Event Horizon
Ganzfeld Haunting
Olympus Has Fallen
Riddle Room
Prisoner (2009): Season 1 - 6 episodes
Ride Along
Ride Along 2
Triple 9
Charlotte's Web
Fuller House: Season 1 - 13 episodes
Skin I Live In
Intruders (2015)
Jurassic Park
Half Shell Heroes: Blast To The Past
Daredevil: Season 2 - 13 episodes
Stag: Season 1 - 3 episodes
Baskets: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Theatre Bizarre
Walking Dead: Season 6 - 16 episodes
Life In Pieces: Season 1 - 22 episodes
Animals: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Fifty Shades Of Black
MTV Movie Awards (2016)
Togetherness: Season 2 - 8 episodes
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Jungle Book (2016)
Spirited Away
Those Who Can't: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Boy (2016)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 3 - 23 episodes
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 1 - 18 episodes
Lucifer: Season 1 - 13 episodes
Digging Up The Marrow
Hell's Kitchen (2005): Season 15 - 16 episodes
10 Cloverfield Lane
Captain America: Civil War
Wiz Live
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012): Season 1 - 26 episodes
2 Broke Girls: Season 5 - 22 episodes
Last Man On Earth: Season 2 - 18 episodes
London Has Fallen
Grandfathered: Season 1 - 22 episodes
Grey's Anatomy: Season 12 - 24 episodes
Limitless: Season 1 - 22 episodes
Survivor: Season 32 - 15 episodes
Legends Of Tomorrow: Season 1 - 16 episodes
Flash: Season 2 - 23 episodes
Robot Chicken: Season 8 - 20 episodes
Dancing With The Stars: Season 22 - 11 episodes
Angry Birds Movie
Family Guy: Season 14 - 20 episodes
Arrow: Season 4 - 23 episodes
Lost River
New Girl: Season 5 - 22 episodes
Other Sister
Archer: Season 7 - 10 episodes
Gotham: Season 2 - 22 episodes
Hardcore Henry
X-Men: Apocalypse
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
Howl's Moving Castle / Hauru No Ugoku Shiro
Anyone Can Quantum
Odd Couple (2015): Season 2 - 13 episodes
How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town
American Grit: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Welcome To Me
Darkness (2016)
Eye In The Sky
Call Up
Honey I Shrunk The Kids
Red Balloon
Corpse Bride
Game Of Thrones: Season 6
Grave Of The Fireflies
Making A Murderer: Season 1 - 10 episodes
Central Intelligence
Oldboy (2013)

Still Servant
07-07-2016, 06:57 PM
I still think Killjoy has you beat, at least on the movies.

I'm working two jobs now, but I've still somehow been able to stay on top of my TV watching. I'm behind on a few shows.

07-07-2016, 08:48 PM
Challenge accepted! Come on killjoy, let's wrassle.

07-08-2016, 08:22 AM
Shit dude, that's a lot of watching! Actually when you posted your first list I thought you must have seen more than that.

07-08-2016, 08:36 AM
Yeah, the first list was just stuff released in 2016.

I like movies and tv shows. :)

07-08-2016, 10:42 AM
Challenge accepted! Come on killjoy, let's wrassle.

Lol! My only advantage is I barely watch TV. I average about 1 movie a day, while on weekends it's typically more.

07-08-2016, 11:49 AM
I don't know how you guys do it. I don't have time to watch that much stuff.

07-08-2016, 12:47 PM
I rarely rewatch movies on my own,but on weeks with my daughter I'm constantly rewatching the same 25 things over and over again lol

07-08-2016, 01:05 PM
God, I just love movies. Good, bad, I'll sit through just about anything. I just find them therapeutic- its almost like an addiction. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's even hereditary! :lol: That's pretty much all my grandfather does all day. I even remember when visiting my great grandfather as a little kid he was the same way. I vividly remember discovering Ray Harryhausen movies (which I still love) and watching stuff like Night Of The Lepus and The Howling with him. I must've been 5? 6 maybe?In fact most of my early memories from childhood seem to revolve around movies. I must've been plopped in front of the TV quite a bit!

Oh yeah, I forgot that I had watched The Revenant earlier this year, so that goes into my Top 5 for sure:
The Revenant
Jungle Book
Captain America: Civil War
The Shallows

Kinda surprised The Jungle Book didn't make more people's Top 10 list. I thought it was fantastic.

07-08-2016, 02:25 PM
Revenant was last year methinks.

And you took the words out of my mouth. Love all movies, therapeutic, hereditary. My parents had shelves and shelves of VHS when I lived there, now I have shelves and shelves of blu rays. Not that I watch them, I download 99% of everything I watch.

07-08-2016, 02:29 PM
I wish I had time to watch all that stuff, too. But between TV, movies, books, there's just so much media out there to consume. I need more time! :panic:

07-08-2016, 02:37 PM
God, I just love movies. Good, bad, I'll sit through just about anything. I just find them therapeutic- its almost like an addiction. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's even hereditary! :lol: That's pretty much all my grandfather does all day. I even remember when visiting my great grandfather as a little kid he was the same way. I vividly remember discovering Ray Harryhausen movies (which I still love) and watching stuff like Night Of The Lepus and The Howling with him. I must've been 5? 6 maybe?In fact most of my early memories from childhood seem to revolve around movies. I must've been plopped in front of the TV quite a bit!


Movies have been a big part of my life too. Me and my siblings can pretty much have entire conversations just referencing random movies. It drives other people nuts sometimes, but we all grew up together watching them.

Heck, my grandpa doesn't speak a word of English and he LOVES watching American blockbusters. He doesn't even care that he can't understand it, just watching the characters go through the actions makes him happy lol.

But yeah, I just can't seem to find the time for anything I love anymore. Movies, TV, video games etc., Life is just getting in the way :(

Still Servant
07-08-2016, 03:02 PM
I wish I had time to watch all that stuff, too. But between TV, movies, books, there's just so much media out there to consume. I need more time! :panic:

That's my problem right now too. Like Feev said, life keeps getting in the way of all the fun stuff I love doing. Like him, I will add video games to your list. I find myself buying DVDs, Blu-Rays, video games old and new, laserdiscs, books, etc. but I never consume any of them. :(

God, I just love movies. Good, bad, I'll sit through just about anything. I just find them therapeutic- its almost like an addiction. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's even hereditary! :lol: That's pretty much all my grandfather does all day. I even remember when visiting my great grandfather as a little kid he was the same way. I vividly remember discovering Ray Harryhausen movies (which I still love) and watching stuff like Night Of The Lepus and The Howling with him. I must've been 5? 6 maybe?In fact most of my early memories from childhood seem to revolve around movies. I must've been plopped in front of the TV quite a bit!


Movies have been a big part of my life too. Me and my siblings can pretty much have entire conversations just referencing random movies. It drives other people nuts sometimes, but we all grew up together watching them.

Heck, my grandpa doesn't speak a word of English and he LOVES watching American blockbusters. He doesn't even care that he can't understand it, just watching the characters go through the actions makes him happy lol.

But yeah, I just can't seem to find the time for anything I love anymore. Movies, TV, video games etc., Life is just getting in the way :(

I think that's why I've always loved coming here. We all have a similar passion/addiction for film. It's something that's hard to find with people I know in my everyday life.

07-08-2016, 05:36 PM
Just gotta find time. Cutting out sleep works for me. But then again, as long as I have something/someone to definitely wake me up, I'm good with just about any amount of sleep, whether its eight hours or one.

07-08-2016, 06:32 PM
I can relate. I have many memories watching lots of movies as a child. My parents loved movies. They'd have a weekly movie night when friends and family would come over. I think I shared this before somewhere here, but I remember the days before video and my folks would rent the movies on reels. A movie was three reels and you'd lug it home in a big square box. My dad made a movie room with a projector behind glass and there was a screen at the front of the room. You'd have to wind the film through the different sprockets and rollers, and you'd have to change reels twice during the movie. I also remember times when the film stuck and burned, so you had to cut it and splice it together. Then came Betamax.... Good times!!

Randall Flagg
07-10-2016, 12:39 PM
Cell: Incoherent, flaccid and a waste of acting and writing talent. 1/6 on the RFSRS.

Mike and Dave need wedding dates: Raunchy, nasty and tons of laughs. Haven't laughed this hard perhaps since Something About Mary.

6/6 beers on the RFSRS and a bonus 40 ounce beer!

07-11-2016, 11:52 PM
Just came back from the Purge: Election Year.

Movie. Was. Very. Enjoyable. That's all I'm going to say about that.

What I AM going to talk about it the audience. I somehow ended up at a theater that had a five dollar movie night. Didn't plan for it, but it happened. Cool with me, I saved a little bit of money. LOTS of people in line for all movies, and lots of people in the theater with me. I would venture to say it's as full as it could have been. So who do I have next to me? Some fucking teenager that talked (quietly, but still) to his fucking teenager friend next to him through the entire movie. Who did I have diagonally to the front left of me? Some fucking guy playing Pokemon Go every ten minutes on his fucking phone. And down two rows directly in front of me? Some fucking teenage girl who ACTUALLY pulled out her phone and called someone in the middle of the movie.

But the worst? The absolute WORST? I saw at LEAST twenty kids in the theater. Not teenagers, but kids. Parents actually brought their five, six, seven, eight year old kids to a movie where the entire plot of the movie is based around murder and torture. Graphic murder and torture. And the icing on the cake? As we were leaving the theater, the "man" in front of me was carrying an infant in his arms.


Randall Flagg
07-13-2016, 05:14 AM
One night a year, we should be allowed to kill rude movie patrons...

07-13-2016, 06:51 AM
Parents actually brought their five, six, seven, eight year old kids to a movie where the entire plot of the movie is based around murder and torture. Graphic murder and torture.

I saw it yesterday also and was thinking about your post because there was a woman a few rows back from me who brought what looked to be her 2-3 year old and 7-8 year old. I should be shocked, but I've seen it so many times. I remember when I went to see Scream 4 there was a kid in my row, probably no more than 3, whose parents barely paid any attention to him. I mean, I'm not gonna tell anyone how to raise their kids, but more and more it seems like parents want to go see what they like at the theater, and just drag along their kids, not caring if there's blood, murder, language, violence, etc. Not to mention how anyone could bring small kids to an ADULT movie like that and not put any consideration into whether they're going to behave or not.

Also, how are kids that little ALLOWED to see those movies in the first place, even with a parent? I got carded for The Purge yesterday (I'm about 7 years passed 17, too), and theater management doesn't bat an eye when a parent decides to bring their 2-year-old to the same movie? It blows my mind.

One night a year, we should be allowed to kill rude movie patrons...

Just once? :rofl:

07-13-2016, 07:19 AM
Was thinking the same thing. Children should not be permitted to enter a theatre that's showing a movie like that. Shame on the parents and the staff who don't put a stop to it.

07-13-2016, 07:22 AM
Seen a few yesterday... Keanu was funny I thought.. 3.5/5. as was Popstar too... 4/5.

Randall Flagg
07-14-2016, 02:55 PM
Viewed The Infiltrator today. Very interesting movie detailing undercover work in the "gritty" cocaine, big money laundering in Florida/Miami/Columbia etc. during the 1980's.
Complex drama that shows the stress inflicted upon the family of an undercover agent, as well as the mixed emotions of people so deeply embedded that they begin to like/love the "criminals" and their families, yet ultimately have to make difficult decisions.

5/6 Beers on the RFSPRS.

07-14-2016, 02:55 PM
Was Cranston's performance award worthy, Jerome?

Randall Flagg
07-14-2016, 03:19 PM
Was Cranston's performance award worthy, Jerome?
Close, but he's not well known enough, and July isn't a great month to attract attention. Nominee, maybe, winner no.

07-17-2016, 06:58 AM
I think my theater has finally started to crack down on allowing young kids into adult films. But it's something funny like only really late shows or something like that. I've seen it so many times at horror films. It's crazy. Also I love Jerome's idea :thumbsup:

07-17-2016, 03:54 PM
Parents actually brought their five, six, seven, eight year old kids to a movie where the entire plot of the movie is based around murder and torture. Graphic murder and torture.

I saw it yesterday also and was thinking about your post because there was a woman a few rows back from me who brought what looked to be her 2-3 year old and 7-8 year old. I should be shocked, but I've seen it so many times. I remember when I went to see Scream 4 there was a kid in my row, probably no more than 3, whose parents barely paid any attention to him. I mean, I'm not gonna tell anyone how to raise their kids, but more and more it seems like parents want to go see what they like at the theater, and just drag along their kids, not caring if there's blood, murder, language, violence, etc. Not to mention how anyone could bring small kids to an ADULT movie like that and not put any consideration into whether they're going to behave or not.

Also, how are kids that little ALLOWED to see those movies in the first place, even with a parent? I got carded for The Purge yesterday (I'm about 7 years passed 17, too), and theater management doesn't bat an eye when a parent decides to bring their 2-year-old to the same movie? It blows my mind.

One night a year, we should be allowed to kill rude movie patrons...

Just once? :rofl:

I would have seen a movie like The Purge as a kid. Then again, I watched violent, scary movies all the time. You know these parents only brought their kids because it was cheaper than a babysitter. Maybe one kid was mature or experienced enough to handle a movie like that.

I remember seeing Silent Hill and a couple brought a baby in a stroller. That baby probably now freaks out when it hears sirens.

Still Servant
07-17-2016, 05:11 PM
I can't be the only person that saw Ghostbusters this weekend.

Anyway, I rather enjoyed it. It's not amazing or anything, but considering all the negative attention the trailer received I was more than surprised how watchable the film is.

Then again, I should mention that I like Melissa McCarthy (at least in Paul Feig films) as well as Kristen Wiig.

07-17-2016, 06:24 PM
I have such a hardon for Kate McKinnon lol

07-17-2016, 07:09 PM
I've never seen McKinnon in anything.

07-17-2016, 07:18 PM
I can't be the only person that saw Ghostbusters this weekend.

Anyway, I rather enjoyed it. It's not amazing or anything, but considering all the negative attention the trailer received I was more than surprised how watchable the film is.

Then again, I should mention that I like Melissa McCarthy (at least in Paul Feig films) as well as Kristen Wiig.

I really liked it as well and am kind of shocked at some of the bitter bile that has been spilled over it. No, it's not as good as the original but it's not bad either. More folks should see it. EDITED

I've never seen McKinnon in anything.

McKinnon is one of the funniest people to ever be on SNL IMHO. I thought she was the funniest person in the film. That surprised me because I thought Leslie Jones would steal the show. It's worth seeing just for McKinnion's wack-a-doo performance.

07-18-2016, 05:02 AM
I have such a hardon for Kate McKinnon lol

That's all I could think about when watching Ghostbusters yesterday too (well, my hard on, not yours)

07-18-2016, 07:34 AM

Randall Flagg
07-18-2016, 12:09 PM
I have such a hardon for Kate McKinnon lol Melissa McCarthy and her thunder thighs
I fixed that for you.

07-18-2016, 12:31 PM
I fixed that for you suck.

I fixed that for you.

07-18-2016, 12:45 PM
Some on Shannon, you know you love feeling the steam from her undercarriage.

Still Servant
07-18-2016, 06:09 PM
I've never seen McKinnon in anything.

Not even an SNL sketch?

McKinnon was great in Ghostbusters, but I wanted even more from her. I thought sometimes her character veered into an SNL sketch at times.

Shoutout to Cecily Strong who also appeared in the film.

07-18-2016, 06:55 PM
I don't watch SNL, so unless something gets posted to facebook and even then I probably wouldn't click on an SNL link. Just never been into it. Unless Timberlake and Sandberg are in it singing songs.

Still Servant
07-18-2016, 07:02 PM
I don't watch SNL, so unless something gets posted to facebook and even then I probably wouldn't click on an SNL link. Just never been into it. Unless Timberlake and Sandberg are in it singing songs.

Not even the old shit? What about MadTV, In Living Color? Any sketch shows?

07-18-2016, 09:54 PM
Find the alien abduction sketch with Ryan gosling on YouTube. Instant Kate McKinnon fan, promise. Lol

07-19-2016, 09:45 AM
I don't watch SNL, so unless something gets posted to facebook and even then I probably wouldn't click on an SNL link. Just never been into it. Unless Timberlake and Sandberg are in it singing songs.

Not even the old shit? What about MadTV, In Living Color? Any sketch shows?

Being Canadian I was raised on SCTV and Kids In The Hall. I watched Mad TV back in the 90's when I was a kid. Other than that the only sketch shows I can say I'm a fan of are Chappelle's Show and Inside Amy Schumer. That isn't to say I didn't watch SNL, I just never found it that great back when I watched it as a kid.

07-19-2016, 11:19 AM
I don't watch SNL, so unless something gets posted to facebook and even then I probably wouldn't click on an SNL link. Just never been into it. Unless Timberlake and Sandberg are in it singing songs.

Not even the old shit? What about MadTV, In Living Color? Any sketch shows?

Yeah, I mean that's like never having watched the really awesome sketch shows like The Fast Show, The Two Ronnies, That Mitchell and Webb Look, and Little Brit- well ok, not Little Britain, that turned to total shit real fast, but the rest are total classics, am I right, Mike?

07-19-2016, 01:40 PM
I think I've seen like 3 episodes of SNL total in my entire life.

I always loved MadTV though. I remember staying up late during the week to catch the episodes even though my parents would scold me for not going to sleep early on a school night. Their "Keep on Posin" Limp Bizkit parody is one of the greatest things ever.

07-19-2016, 02:55 PM
SNL is an amazing institution. I watch every episode. Haters gonna hate.

Shoutout to Cecily Strong who also appeared in the film.

I heart Cecily Strong so bad :fairy:

Still Servant
07-19-2016, 06:25 PM
I don't watch SNL, so unless something gets posted to facebook and even then I probably wouldn't click on an SNL link. Just never been into it. Unless Timberlake and Sandberg are in it singing songs.

Not even the old shit? What about MadTV, In Living Color? Any sketch shows?

Yeah, I mean that's like never having watched the really awesome sketch shows like The Fast Show, The Two Ronnies, That Mitchell and Webb Look, and Little Brit- well ok, not Little Britain, that turned to total shit real fast, but the rest are total classics, am I right, Mike?

You can say that again.


Still Servant
07-19-2016, 06:27 PM

07-25-2016, 01:10 AM
"I was straight up Porky Piging it in a cold dome." :rofl:

07-25-2016, 01:11 AM
Even though it was more fun than scary, I liked Lights Out. (3/4)

I also saw Where to Invade Next and think it's one of Moore's best. (4/4).

07-25-2016, 03:04 AM
Batman V Superman Ultimate R Edition. BAD F(*%@#$'IN ASS. Still don't get the hate. I bought the 3D version and loved every damm minute of it with NO complaints. Solid 9/10 for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-25-2016, 04:00 AM
Even though it was more fun than scary, I liked Lights Out. (3/4)

This got a very high review in the Washington Post. I want to see it.

07-25-2016, 04:12 AM
Even though it was more fun than scary, I liked Lights Out. (3/4)

This got a very high review in the Washington Post. I want to see it.

It's definitely worth seeing if you are a horror fan and I probably would have given it higher but had a somewhat bad experience in the theater with two idiots talking through the whole thing beside me and the ever-present cell phone abusers distracting me. Also, a few people were vaping in the theater and I really hate that. I will watch it again one day under better circumstances.

It grew out of a short film from 2013 which is

07-25-2016, 11:00 AM
Lights Out is next on my list. Hoping it's good. After that, Suicide Squad! Trying not to get too hyped up on the chance that it's not great.

Also, a few people were vaping in the theater and I really hate that.

I can't believe this is allowed. Cigarette or e-cigarette, it's still a distraction (seeing the smoke, smelling it, etc.)

07-25-2016, 11:01 AM
Got my tickets... Imax 3D... Suicide Squad. Just cannot wait!!!! Opening night!!!!!!!!!! 1st Imax show!

07-25-2016, 11:23 AM
I have not seen the movie, so I may end up being totally wrong about it, but the previews I saw for Suicide Squad made it look like the least appealing movie in the world. Like "I'd rather gargle glass shards than see this movie."

07-25-2016, 11:37 AM
Really? I don't think it will be the best comic book movie ever, but I'm anticipating it to at least be a fun 2 hour popcorn movie.

I can't wait to watch it.

Ben Staad
07-25-2016, 11:40 AM
I'm a little interested in the movie but I did not like Deadpool at all. I'm thinking this may be similar.

I have not seen the movie, so I may end up being totally wrong about it, but the previews I saw for Suicide Squad made it look like the least appealing movie in the world. Like "I'd rather gargle glass shards than see this movie."

Still Servant
07-25-2016, 03:32 PM
I'll be honest, I haven't had a ton of interest in the Suicide Squad film UNTIL the most recent trailer. I'm completely sold now.

Also, are people still holding on to this whole 3D thing? It's dying. Let it fade away like it has in the past. It's rarely utilized correctly.

07-25-2016, 03:42 PM
Oh I love 3D. I hope it continues and I will always pay extra gladly to see it the film that way.

Still Servant
07-25-2016, 03:51 PM
Oh I love 3D. I hope it continues and I will always pay extra gladly to see it the film that way.

Could you enlighten me as to the reasons why? Most films aren't even shot in 3D. They are transferred over in post.

That and the fact that the human brain processes our environments in 3D, so within minutes of watching a 3D film, our brain adapts, making the gimmick nothing more than just that.

There are a few exceptions: Ant-Man, which used great depth of field, Avatar and Hugo. The last two films were shot in 3D and were crafted by brilliant filmmakers who utilized the format expertly. Most others are cash grabs. Nothing more.

07-25-2016, 04:29 PM
Oh I love 3D. I hope it continues and I will always pay extra gladly to see it the film that way.

Could you enlighten me as to the reasons why? Most films aren't even shot in 3D. They are transferred over in post.

That and the fact that the human brain processes our environments in 3D, so within minutes of watching a 3D film, our brain adapts, making the gimmick nothing more than just that.

There are a few exceptions: Ant-Man, which used great depth of field, Avatar and Hugo. The last two films were shot in 3D and were crafted by brilliant filmmakers who utilized the format expertly. Most others are cash grabs. Nothing more.

While its use wasn't quite as in-depth as those other films mentioned Mike, I did think Dredd used it well. Particularly in those gorgeous slow-motion shots. Gimmicky, yes, but I really loved how the slow motion, bright colours and extreme violence all came together in those slow-mo moments. I do think the biggest mistake though was Lionsgate trying to exploit the 3D in their marketing, to the point where it seemed to be the ONLY focus on the film. Adding "3D" to the title in posters and trailers didn't help Dredd's box office, imo.

And yes, overall, it's very rare that I aim to see a movie in 3D. There has to be something unique to it beyond the use of 3D itself, I think.

07-25-2016, 04:39 PM
Avatar and Gravity are the only two 3D movies that stand out as "Holy shit! I'm glad I got to experience this in 3D"

07-25-2016, 04:53 PM
Oh, yeah! Totally forgot about Gravity. Saw it in IMAX (well, fake IMAX) 3D and was really impressed. But I think that's the only film that I saw in 3D that really impressed me. Underworld: Awakening had some pretty good 3D sequences, though.

07-25-2016, 05:45 PM
Hugo and Gravity were tremendous 3D films. Everest too used the technology well. Sad I missed Life of Pi in 3D as i bet it was jawdropping.
I still haven't seen Dances With Smurfs.

07-26-2016, 02:51 AM
For some reason I process 3D with tremendous depth. My wife could care less but when I watch it... I feel totally immersed in the movie. SOME are much better and many have been listed above. Transformers Dark of the Moon... the scene when they are on the highway has to be one of my fav 3D scenes. On my theater it blows anyone away i show it too. I will always choose 3D first and sincerely hope it does not die. I wish more films used James C's camera system and with a couple more Avatars coming out hopefully we will see more of it!

07-26-2016, 03:04 AM
I hate 3D. I hope it dies as soon as possible. I did get tickets to see Suicide Squad in 2D IMAX. Many of these big blockbusters are shown in 2D IMAX but it's hard to find a showing. There's a theater about 40 minutes away that shows them that way, saw Batman vs. Superman and Civil War there in 2D IMAX, and it's well worth the effort and some extra cash. On the other hand, 3D is a waste.

07-26-2016, 03:31 AM
I hate 3D. I hope it dies as soon as possible. I did get tickets to see Suicide Squad in 2D IMAX. Many of these big blockbusters are shown in 2D IMAX but it's hard to find a showing. There's a theater about 40 minutes away that shows them that way, saw Batman vs. Superman and Civil War there in 2D IMAX, and it's well worth the effort and some extra cash. On the other hand, 3D is a waste.

Well... we agree to disagree:) Cause I LOVE it!

07-26-2016, 05:25 AM
I agree 3D is very much a case by case basis. The few that I've seen weren't originally shot in 3D anyway so they were pretty underwhelming (i.e. a waste of money). Avatar is a prime example of what a god 3D movie can do. You guys make me wish I saw Gravity in 3D! In retrospect it sounds like a no-brainer.
We recently saw the new Ghostbusters in 3D and frankly the best thing about that whole movie for me was the trailer for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, which actually looked pretty damn AMAZING in 3D. I'm now looking forward to seeing a movie I originally would have passed on just because of how good it looks in 3D.

Randall Flagg
07-27-2016, 01:44 PM
For some reason I process 3D with tremendous depth...
Probably because you are in the top 1%, and the rest of just aren't capable of such tremendousossity...

07-27-2016, 01:54 PM
Lights Out is next on my list. Hoping it's good. After that, Suicide Squad! Trying not to get too hyped up on the chance that it's not great.

Also, a few people were vaping in the theater and I really hate that.

I can't believe this is allowed. Cigarette or e-cigarette, it's still a distraction (seeing the smoke, smelling it, etc.)

Sorry, just saw this. I'm not sure about the theater's position on vaping but cellphones aren't allowed during the movie either but people don't care about this rule at all. Honestly, I would feel like a complete asshole if I took my phone out (or vaped) during a film with other film-goers. So many people don't care about being polite to others, it's a bit alarming. I wonder if it's like this all over the world, the cell phone abuse during movies I mean.

Apparently, people could smoke in theaters all the way up to the early 90's in some places in the US. I did go to movies in the 80's but was young and honestly don't remember anyone doing it but my older siblings tell me that yeah it was done. That really would have been terrible for a non-smoking theater-goer to have to endure. I'm an ex-smoker so I'm really bad about not being able to be around it now.

It's funny how times change.

07-27-2016, 02:17 PM
For some reason I process 3D with tremendous depth...
Probably because you are in the top 1%, and the rest of just aren't capable of such tremendousossity...

Lol thank you RF. Haha I am serious though! It's weird

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Still Servant
07-27-2016, 06:01 PM
Oh I love 3D. I hope it continues and I will always pay extra gladly to see it the film that way.

Could you enlighten me as to the reasons why? Most films aren't even shot in 3D. They are transferred over in post.

That and the fact that the human brain processes our environments in 3D, so within minutes of watching a 3D film, our brain adapts, making the gimmick nothing more than just that.

There are a few exceptions: Ant-Man, which used great depth of field, Avatar and Hugo. The last two films were shot in 3D and were crafted by brilliant filmmakers who utilized the format expertly. Most others are cash grabs. Nothing more.

While its use wasn't quite as in-depth as those other films mentioned Mike, I did think Dredd used it well. Particularly in those gorgeous slow-motion shots. Gimmicky, yes, but I really loved how the slow motion, bright colours and extreme violence all came together in those slow-mo moments. I do think the biggest mistake though was Lionsgate trying to exploit the 3D in their marketing, to the point where it seemed to be the ONLY focus on the film. Adding "3D" to the title in posters and trailers didn't help Dredd's box office, imo.

And yes, overall, it's very rare that I aim to see a movie in 3D. There has to be something unique to it beyond the use of 3D itself, I think.

Gah! How could I forget Dredd. Yes, I would add that to the list. The slow motion scenes plus the over exposure was great in 3D.

Avatar and Gravity are the only two 3D movies that stand out as "Holy shit! I'm glad I got to experience this in 3D"

Another great one. I suppose there's more than I originally thought. Gravity used depth of field to perfection. It really gave the feel that the characters were miles away from Earth. I still think it's a fad that's slowly going away. The numbers show this. My local theater hardly carries any 3D showings anymore.

07-27-2016, 09:15 PM
Vapers look like total douchecanoes.

07-29-2016, 07:29 PM
Shit, if you like to breathe don't watch this movie. The Wave (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_wave_2016/). It didn't help my anxiety level at all. I'd give it a 7/10. A couple things didn't make sense though for me:

If they live in that town where there is a risk for a tsunami wave, and that they only have 10 minutes from when the alarm sounds, why doesn't the hotel have an intercom system to alert guests. I thought it was odd that she had to run to all the rooms to wake up the guests and tell them to get the heck out.

Also, the gridlock going up the mountain. Surely that would have been anticipated in the event of an impending disaster. It seems to me there should have been a better escape plan, although I can't imagine what that might be.

Edit: If you're going to watch it, I'd recommend watching the original Norwegian with subtitles and not the dubbed version. That goes for any foreign film.

07-30-2016, 06:36 AM
Even though it was more fun than scary, I liked Lights Out. (3/4)

This got a very high review in the Washington Post. I want to see it.

It's definitely worth seeing if you are a horror fan and I probably would have given it higher but had a somewhat bad experience in the theater with two idiots talking through the whole thing beside me and the ever-present cell phone abusers distracting me. Also, a few people were vaping in the theater and I really hate that. I will watch it again one day under better circumstances.

It grew out of a short film from 2013 which is

oh Lord, but this is scary

as usual, the unseen part is imcomparably scarier that what's seen, and thank God for that vision at the end (which immediately brings the whole thing back from the dark of one's sould to the innocent realm of genre cinema), or I would have trouble sleeping tonight (bearWife's away for the week, bear is alone in the den)

and - offtop, but - about people vaping: you mean, just openly vaping? I have been a confirmed vaper for about three years by now, and whenever I am at a public place, I never vape openly unless it's a smoking area. If I am dying for a smoke, I cover the thing with something (like a handkerchief ora scarf or whatever) and swallow the vapor. Nobody has ever noticed or guessed what I do, and I haven't disturbed anyone

08-02-2016, 03:33 AM
Shit, if you like to breathe don't watch this movie. The Wave (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_wave_2016/). It didn't help my anxiety level at all. I'd give it a 7/10. A couple things didn't make sense though for me:

If they live in that town where there is a risk for a tsunami wave, and that they only have 10 minutes from when the alarm sounds, why doesn't the hotel have an intercom system to alert guests. I thought it was odd that she had to run to all the rooms to wake up the guests and tell them to get the heck out.

Also, the gridlock going up the mountain. Surely that would have been anticipated in the event of an impending disaster. It seems to me there should have been a better escape plan, although I can't imagine what that might be.

Edit: If you're going to watch it, I'd recommend watching the original Norwegian with subtitles and not the dubbed version. That goes for any foreign film.

How did you see this Paul? I have been waiting to see this forever!!! It looked fantastic in the previews!

08-02-2016, 03:55 AM
It's on Netflix. When you're done watching let me know what you think.

08-02-2016, 04:06 AM
It's on Netflix. When you're done watching let me know what you think.


08-02-2016, 12:32 PM
Shit, if you like to breathe don't watch this movie. The Wave (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_wave_2016/). It didn't help my anxiety level at all. I'd give it a 7/10. A couple things didn't make sense though for me:

If they live in that town where there is a risk for a tsunami wave, and that they only have 10 minutes from when the alarm sounds, why doesn't the hotel have an intercom system to alert guests. I thought it was odd that she had to run to all the rooms to wake up the guests and tell them to get the heck out.

Also, the gridlock going up the mountain. Surely that would have been anticipated in the event of an impending disaster. It seems to me there should have been a better escape plan, although I can't imagine what that might be.

Edit: If you're going to watch it, I'd recommend watching the original Norwegian with subtitles and not the dubbed version. That goes for any foreign film.

Watched this today, really enjoyed it. As for your questions my guess is that they never really thought a rockslide would happen anytime soon? The head guy manning the watch center surely didn't think so, and ignored all the warning signs. And the road up the mountain, I've never been there, but my guess is it might really be like that. I'm not sure what they could do to alleviate that problem. There's also probably more than one road up but they just focused on the one they were on.

08-02-2016, 05:13 PM
Watched this today, really enjoyed it. As for your questions my guess is that they never really thought a rockslide would happen anytime soon? The head guy manning the watch center surely didn't think so, and ignored all the warning signs. And the road up the mountain, I've never been there, but my guess is it might really be like that. I'm not sure what they could do to alleviate that problem. There's also probably more than one road up but they just focused on the one they were on.

Yeah, it was odd. And what you say about how they ignored the warning signs, I thought that was strange since they had this whole monitoring station set up, with the sensors fitted in the mountains, I would have thought they'd take it more seriously. Maybe how this was played out, and the gridlock, etc. is more true to the facts since it was based on actual events. Anyway, sure is a beautiful place, but remind me not to go live there...

08-02-2016, 11:21 PM
Even though it was more fun than scary, I liked Lights Out. (3/4)

This got a very high review in the Washington Post. I want to see it.

It's definitely worth seeing if you are a horror fan and I probably would have given it higher but had a somewhat bad experience in the theater with two idiots talking through the whole thing beside me and the ever-present cell phone abusers distracting me. Also, a few people were vaping in the theater and I really hate that. I will watch it again one day under better circumstances.

It grew out of a short film from 2013 which is

oh Lord, but this is scary

as usual, the unseen part is imcomparably scarier that what's seen, and thank God for that vision at the end (which immediately brings the whole thing back from the dark of one's sould to the innocent realm of genre cinema), or I would have trouble sleeping tonight (bearWife's away for the week, bear is alone in the den)

and - offtop, but - about people vaping: you mean, just openly vaping? I have been a confirmed vaper for about three years by now, and whenever I am at a public place, I never vape openly unless it's a smoking area. If I am dying for a smoke, I cover the thing with something (like a handkerchief ora scarf or whatever) and swallow the vapor. Nobody has ever noticed or guessed what I do, and I haven't disturbed anyone

You sound like you do it with respect to others Jean but I am talking about people that sit in the front rows and blow huge plumes of vapor straight up into the air in front of the movie screen.

08-02-2016, 11:23 PM
I have not seen the movie, so I may end up being totally wrong about it, but the previews I saw for Suicide Squad made it look like the least appealing movie in the world. Like "I'd rather gargle glass shards than see this movie."

According to early reviews, you are correct. I was never excited about seeing it but was hopeful. Maybe the critics are wrong...

08-03-2016, 08:20 AM
I can't believe The Wave has flown under my radar this whole time. European art house is my favorite. I'll check it out soon.

And yeaaaaaa, bummer about Suicide Squad.

08-03-2016, 08:29 AM
You sound like you do it with respect to others Jean but I am talking about people that sit in the front rows and blow huge plumes of vapor straight up into the air in front of the movie screen.bastards, they cast a shadow on all vapers! ***indignant bear***

08-03-2016, 10:28 AM
You sound like you do it with respect to others Jean but I am talking about people that sit in the front rows and blow huge plumes of vapor straight up into the air in front of the movie screen.bastards, they cast a shadow on all vapers! ***indignant bear***

I'm with you Jean. Been over 2.5 years and hide by blowing the vapor in my shirt when necessary. I did it and use it for quitting smoking. I have never felt better with quitting smoking. So when the FCC has now incorporated tobacco with e-cigs, then they truly are ignorant and know nothing of the differences. That's what hell is for :). I don't even remember what move people are talking about lol.

08-03-2016, 11:27 AM
Anyone excited for/heard.of Edge of Winter? Watching it tonight, excited, looks good.

08-03-2016, 01:21 PM
You sound like you do it with respect to others Jean but I am talking about people that sit in the front rows and blow huge plumes of vapor straight up into the air in front of the movie screen.bastards, they cast a shadow on all vapers! ***indignant bear***

I'm with you Jean. Been over 2.5 years and hide by blowing the vapor in my shirt when necessary. I did it and use it for quitting smoking. I have never felt better with quitting smoking. So when the FCC has now incorporated tobacco with e-cigs, then they truly are ignorant and know nothing of the differences. That's what hell is for :). I don't even remember what move people are talking about lol.

I just quit smoking period. I guess I'm old school like that.

08-04-2016, 07:19 AM
You are one of the lucky ones Matt. I loved smoking, just enjoyed it as a relaxing thing to wind down, especially with a beer. Some people can quit, some smoke only on weekends, some are just as addicted to it like heroin. Instead of smelling like an ashtray and ruining my life for the long hall, I smell like root beer, or blueberry, or cola, or iced-t. Then again, I'm sure we will hear vaping causes ebola or something in the near future.

I'm hoping to watch Edge of Winter shortly, but I am interested the most in the rated R version of Batman: Killing the Joke the most.

08-04-2016, 09:07 AM
Good luck with the Killing Joke. I gave it a 2/5, incredibly disappointed.

08-04-2016, 09:17 AM
Good luck with the Killing Joke. I gave it a 2/5, incredibly disappointed.

My weekend is ruined! Not really, but the recent batman animations that have popped up haven't been very good. I was hoping for a little better then that.

08-04-2016, 09:53 AM
Good luck with the Killing Joke. I gave it a 2/5, incredibly disappointed.

Yep.. I shut it off.

08-04-2016, 10:19 PM
the last one I saw was It Follows, and it was awesome
bears are really really impressed, will try to say more in the Horrors thread

08-05-2016, 04:52 AM
Watched this today, really enjoyed it. As for your questions my guess is that they never really thought a rockslide would happen anytime soon? The head guy manning the watch center surely didn't think so, and ignored all the warning signs. And the road up the mountain, I've never been there, but my guess is it might really be like that. I'm not sure what they could do to alleviate that problem. There's also probably more than one road up but they just focused on the one they were on.

Yeah, it was odd. And what you say about how they ignored the warning signs, I thought that was strange since they had this whole monitoring station set up, with the sensors fitted in the mountains, I would have thought they'd take it more seriously. Maybe how this was played out, and the gridlock, etc. is more true to the facts since it was based on actual events. Anyway, sure is a beautiful place, but remind me not to go live there...

Since watching the film I've been dying to go visit there. It looks absolutely beautiful.

08-05-2016, 07:20 AM
Coherence is a film that is beautifully written and acted, adequately directed, atrociously shot and ruined by the last five minutes. I have a theory, though, that explains why that catastrophe happened

The whole writing is so superb to the ending that what I think is:
The screenwriters thought of the ending first. They had this idea, a vision - a woman killing her different self and unable to finish herself off or getting rid of the body - and then they started attaching a story to that, working from the end towards the beginning. Along the way the story grew, became more and more intelligent, less and less trivial, until it finally outgrew the seminal vision - but the guys didn't have guts enough just to discard the initial plan and think of something altogether different. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k291/mishemplushem/Facilitation/bear_grin.gif (http://s91.photobucket.com/user/mishemplushem/media/Facilitation/bear_grin.gif.html)

08-05-2016, 07:25 AM
Sounds like you liked Coherence. I'm glad! I loved it.

Still Servant
08-05-2016, 12:55 PM
Ricky loved Coherence too, I thought it was kind of a mess.

Some of the more amateur acting you will find in a film.

08-05-2016, 01:03 PM
I don't mind amateur acting from an amateur film as long as the story is there.

The Signal and Primer are great examples.

08-05-2016, 05:29 PM
I love Primer.

08-05-2016, 05:31 PM
Suicide Squad.... Man there is no justification to bash this movie... It had brilliant moments. It wasn't perfect but I knew that. I had fun at the Theater an to me? That's what we go for. 8/10 for me. And man I love Allfeck as Batman... Best yet.

Randall Flagg
08-06-2016, 01:26 PM
Viewed Bad Moms a weeks ago. Outrageously funny with several great individual performances. Slight letdown as it became a bit too sappy near the end. 4/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

Viewed Indignation yesterday. What a delightful movie. Set in post WWII 1951, a Jewish only-child moves from Newark, NJ to Ohio on a scholarship to attend college. An unusual experience on his first date sets about a chain of events that have profound effects on many people. Beautifully filmed and excellently written, it features a tour-De-force 13 minute discussion/debate between the young man and his College Dean that has amazing thrust and parry.
5.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS. Deserving of an Oscar nomination.

08-06-2016, 01:39 PM
Viewed Indignation yesterday. What a delightful movie. Set in post WWII 1951, a Jewish only-child moves from Newark, NJ to Ohio on a scholarship to attend college. An unusual experience on his first date sets about a chain of events that have profound effects on many people. Beautifully filmed and excellently written, it features a tour-De-force 13 minute discussion/debate between the young man and his College Dean that has amazing thrust and parry.
5.5/6 Beers on the RFSRS. Deserving of an Oscar nomination.

I loved the book. Roth is a fantastic writer. I'm excited to see this one.

08-07-2016, 04:44 AM
Good luck with the Killing Joke. I gave it a 2/5, incredibly disappointed.

You and Kris were right. The ending however was one of the worst endings I have ever seen.
I saw Coherence months ago, liked it.
Edge of Winter.....I didn't like.

08-08-2016, 05:32 AM
Nice Guys... GREAT buddy detective style movie.. loved it and hope to see these two again in a round two! 8.5/10
Jungle Book... WISH I had seen this in 3D in theaters.. wow... 9/10
The Wave... even though it had subtitles.. it was very good. Very intense on the edge of your seat! 8/10

Sai Sheb
08-08-2016, 10:45 AM
OK! Got a day off work so took my girls to cinema, €5.75 pre adult €5.50 per child, and saw..... wait for it.... the BFG.
Love the original and book so was a little apprehensive about it. I need not have been, it was great. Even laughed out loud... good film. 8/10

08-08-2016, 11:59 AM
OK! Got a day off work so took my girls to cinema, €5.75 pre adult €5.50 per child, and saw..... wait for it.... the BFG.
Love the original and book so was a little apprehensive about it. I need not have been, it was great. Even laughed out loud... good film. 8/10

Glad to hear the BFG is good. The animated film was a great little part of my childhood, and I'm glad the new live action movie sounds like a decent adaptation.

Still Servant
08-08-2016, 03:35 PM
Nice Guys... GREAT buddy detective style movie.. loved it and hope to see these two again in a round two! 8.5/10
Jungle Book... WISH I had seen this in 3D in theaters.. wow... 9/10
The Wave... even though it had subtitles.. it was very good. Very intense on the edge of your seat! 8/10

I loved The Nice Guys. One of my favorite films of the year so far.

08-08-2016, 04:17 PM
I loved The Nice Guys. Ryan and Russell really did make a great combo. I also thought Ryan was hilarious in the film.

Still Servant
08-08-2016, 06:31 PM
I loved The Nice Guys. Ryan and Russell really did make a great combo. I also thought Ryan was hilarious in the film.

Agreed. Some of the best chemistry you will find in a film.

08-08-2016, 06:36 PM
Regardless of whether the filmmaker took certain liberties or was 'loose with the facts', I thought Fruitvale Station was a really well made film and very emotional. 9/10.

Still Servant
08-08-2016, 06:47 PM
Regardless of whether the filmmaker took certain liberties or was 'loose with the facts', I thought Fruitvale Station was a really well made film and very emotional. 9/10.

Ryan Coogler is a great director. I loved Fruitvale Station.

Also, we are showering much deserved love on Crowe and Gosling, but I have to give a nod to newcomer Angourie Rice. She was fantastic.

08-10-2016, 06:57 AM
Watched The Invitation last night. I had been looking forward to it but it left me a little underwhelmed. I don't mind slow films for the most part, but this one was so slow for so long. I liked that Eden and her husband were so strong and pain-free only because they knew they were going to be free of it soon, and how that made Will question why he was so unable to let his grief go. On the other hand, I thought the ending would've been something more unique or weird than "we invited you all here so we could poison your wine and all die together."

The last shot was cool, and I know it's movie-logic, but I have a hard time believing that all those people with red lanterns in the distance accepted the beliefs of that wacko cult.

08-10-2016, 08:23 AM
I agree that it was very slow, but I thought it was well done, and I thought the ending, when all the action finally starts was excellent. It had been building up to it, but it left you questioning if the hosts really were up to something. I agree about the last shot. It was a bit over the top, but it is a movie after all so it didn't bother me.

08-12-2016, 02:58 PM
My review of Suicide Squad (https://reviewsfromthecouch.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/suicide-squad/)

Also, I haven't written a full review since November? Wow.

Still Servant
08-12-2016, 03:34 PM
My review of Suicide Squad (https://reviewsfromthecouch.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/suicide-squad/)

Also, I haven't written a full review since November? Wow.

You and me both. It hasn't been quite as long for me. The last full review I wrote was The Revenant. This new job has really killed that part of my recreation.

Anyway, great review, Ricky. I've been begging my friends for feedback on this film before I decide to see it in theaters, but nobody has seen it. I think your review has put me over the top and I will try to check out the film in theaters.

I wish you did make the film though. One of my problems is the fact that The Joker isn't the main villain. You're completely right, that's the direction they should have gone in.

08-12-2016, 03:39 PM
The Joker shouldn't have been the main villain, but he'll certainly be that in the upcoming solo Batman movie.

08-12-2016, 03:42 PM
Thanks, Mike! Appreciate it.

It's definitely lot of fun in the theater, so I'll go out on a limb and say that when you leave you're not going to be thinking you wasted your money. I was smiling for the first half-hour because I was enjoying it so much. The rest of the film was decent but, like I said, it has its faults.

Regarding the Joker as the main villain, I'm glad you also think so. I guess they didn't want to repeat The Dark Knight, but the tone of Suicide Squad (and Leto's Joker) is so different that it would've worked. Plus, we would've gotten more scenes with him and Harley, which were pure magic.

08-12-2016, 04:12 PM
I'm still highly skeptical about the whole thing, but I'll end up watching Suicide Squad at some point this weekend. The curiosity to see where I land among the spectrum of polarizing reviews is too strong for me to resist.

We'll see....

Still Servant
08-12-2016, 04:30 PM
I'm still highly skeptical about the whole thing, but I'll end up watching Suicide Squad at some point this weekend. The curiosity to see where I land among the spectrum of polarizing reviews is too strong for me to resist.

We'll see....

Yours is the opinion I've been anticipating most.

08-12-2016, 04:52 PM
I'm still highly skeptical about the whole thing, but I'll end up watching Suicide Squad at some point this weekend. The curiosity to see where I land among the spectrum of polarizing reviews is too strong for me to resist.

We'll see....

Yours is the opinion I've been anticipating most.

Same here. Even after seeing it Fernando (it's pretty much a 5/10 for me), I'm really curious on your opinion on the whole thing.

08-12-2016, 04:53 PM
Bring on the haters.

Saw the original Haunting last night. Rated it one out of five.

Randall Flagg
08-20-2016, 09:45 AM
Viewed Hell or Highwater yesterday. Fabulous movie. Truly depicts the desperation, depression, and quirkiness of west Texas. Stellar performances by many, with two waitresses in bit roles almost stealing the show. The ending was one of the best I've seen. Written and acted to perfection.
I give it 6/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

08-21-2016, 06:27 AM
Watched The Lobster last night. What a weird quirky film, I absolutely loved it.

Sai Sheb
08-21-2016, 11:33 PM
We went to see the re-make of Pete's dragon... cool film, but not the original. The whole story has changed and I think lost a bit of its magic, or maybe age did that?, Girls liked it though... so 6.5/10

08-22-2016, 01:23 AM
Bring on the haters.

Saw the original Haunting last night. Rated it one out of five.

:wtf: I hope you are not talking about this one?

08-22-2016, 07:24 AM
Viewed Hell or Highwater yesterday. Fabulous movie. Truly depicts the desperation, depression, and quirkiness of west Texas. Stellar performances by many, with two waitresses in bit roles almost stealing the show. The ending was one of the best I've seen. Written and acted to perfection.
I give it 6/6 Beers on the RFSRS.
I was a little wary of watching this because let's face it - the tandem of Ben Foster and Chris Pine doesn't exactly inspire confidence - but everything I've read leads me to believe all aspects of this film came together seamlessly.

Watched The Lobster last night. What a weird quirky film, I absolutely loved it.
Weirder than Dogtooth? :)

08-22-2016, 09:34 AM
I need to see The Lobster.

08-22-2016, 09:36 AM
Needful, yep.

So, rewatched Now You See Me in preparation of Now You See Me 2 ... I love the first one. 5/5.

And the second one? 2/5. Almost a 1/5. Shitty, shitty, shitty, annoying, waste of time movie.

08-22-2016, 09:38 AM
The Whole Truth... with Keenu Reeves. The wife and I liked it. Different... 7.5/10

08-22-2016, 09:55 AM
Watched The Lobster last night. What a weird quirky film, I absolutely loved it.
Weirder than Dogtooth? :)

Yes, it actually kinda reminded me of a Wes Anderson film. I forgot that he's the one that made Dogtooth as well. This one was very different. It was a lot more lighthearted while still being a bit messed up at times.

Have you by chance seen Alps?

I need to see The Lobster.

Yes you do, I think you'll really enjoy it :)

08-22-2016, 11:56 AM
Took the kids to see Star Trek: Beyond. Loved it. I really enjoyed the banter this time around. Also watched Annabelle - not a bad horror flick.

Still Servant
08-22-2016, 03:13 PM
Viewed Hell or Highwater yesterday. Fabulous movie. Truly depicts the desperation, depression, and quirkiness of west Texas. Stellar performances by many, with two waitresses in bit roles almost stealing the show. The ending was one of the best I've seen. Written and acted to perfection.
I give it 6/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

I'm dying to see Hell or High Water. Taylor Sheridan is one of the hottest writers in Hollywood right now. He wrote Sicario, which I loved last year.

Watched The Lobster last night. What a weird quirky film, I absolutely loved it.

This is another that is on my growing list. Just an odd film that I've heard nothing but great things about.

Viewed Hell or Highwater yesterday. Fabulous movie. Truly depicts the desperation, depression, and quirkiness of west Texas. Stellar performances by many, with two waitresses in bit roles almost stealing the show. The ending was one of the best I've seen. Written and acted to perfection.
I give it 6/6 Beers on the RFSRS.
I was a little wary of watching this because let's face it - the tandem of Ben Foster and Chris Pine doesn't exactly inspire confidence - but everything I've read leads me to believe all aspects of this film came together seamlessly.

Woah, woah! What is that supposed to mean? Ben Foster is one of the best characters actors working today? He was great in 3:10 to Yuma, solid in Lone Survivor, fantastic in The Messenger, and good in Alpha Dog. He was also really good in an underrated movie that many people haven't seen 11:14. As for Chris Pine, I feel he's a solid actor as well. He's been good in all of the Star Trek films, I thought he was great opposite Denzel in Unstoppable and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but he was the best part of Into the Woods. The scene where he sings the song "Agony" is hilarious.

I'm not sure where that's coming from.

08-22-2016, 03:35 PM
Woah, woah! What is that supposed to mean? Ben Foster is one of the best characters actors working today? He was great in 3:10 to Yuma, solid in Lone Survivor, fantastic in The Messenger, and good in Alpha Dog. He was also really good in an underrated movie that many people haven't seen 11:14. As for Chris Pine, I feel he's a solid actor as well. He's been good in all of the Star Trek films, I thought he was great opposite Denzel in Unstoppable and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but he was the best part of Into the Woods. The scene where he sings the song "Agony" is hilarious.

I'm not sure where that's coming from.

Ehhhhh... I have mixed feelings about Ben Foster. He tries too hard. His performances don't come across as organic, they're very showy and contrived.

Still Servant
08-22-2016, 06:18 PM
Woah, woah! What is that supposed to mean? Ben Foster is one of the best characters actors working today? He was great in 3:10 to Yuma, solid in Lone Survivor, fantastic in The Messenger, and good in Alpha Dog. He was also really good in an underrated movie that many people haven't seen 11:14. As for Chris Pine, I feel he's a solid actor as well. He's been good in all of the Star Trek films, I thought he was great opposite Denzel in Unstoppable and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but he was the best part of Into the Woods. The scene where he sings the song "Agony" is hilarious.

I'm not sure where that's coming from.

Ehhhhh... I have mixed feelings about Ben Foster. He tries too hard. His performances don't come across as organic, they're very showy and contrived.

I can kind of see that, but I can say the same about a bunch of other actors.

08-22-2016, 07:57 PM
Love Ben Foster, like Chris Pine. I'll see the movie eventually.

08-22-2016, 08:11 PM
Ben Foster is the best part of 30 Days of Night. He was good in Pandorum. Russell in Six Feet Under is a favourite from that show for me. The arch angel plotline was the best part of X3.

Ben Foster and James Badge Dale are two actors I want to see a lot more from.

Still Servant
08-23-2016, 01:51 PM
Ben Foster is the best part of 30 Days of Night. He was good in Pandorum. Russell in Six Feet Under is a favourite from that show for me. The arch angel plotline was the best part of X3.

Ben Foster and James Badge Dale are two actors I want to see a lot more from.

Great points. I didn't want to mention those because I know a lot of people hate those films. Honestly, I think Pandorum gets way too much hate. I think it's a solid Sci-fi film that might be a tad underrated.

08-23-2016, 01:57 PM
I actually really liked Pandorum, but because of the story not Foster.

08-23-2016, 05:18 PM
Ben Foster is the best part of 30 Days of Night. He was good in Pandorum. Russell in Six Feet Under is a favourite from that show for me. The arch angel plotline was the best part of X3.

Ben Foster and James Badge Dale are two actors I want to see a lot more from.

Great points. I didn't want to mention those because I know a lot of people hate those films. Honestly, I think Pandorum gets way too much hate. I think it's a solid Sci-fi film that might be a tad underrated.

I really enjoyed 30 Days of night, but the ending was disappointing. There was a sequel.....just bad.
Pandorum, I did enjoy also. Don't hate eiither.

08-23-2016, 05:28 PM
8-The Agony And The Ecstasy-1965

08-23-2016, 05:48 PM
I hated Pandorum.

On another note, just saw Don't Breathe. It was really good. The suspense and tension was great and never let up through the whole movie. It's not so much a horror film as it is a suspense-thriller, so don't go in expecting to be scared. Not a moment wasted in the hour-and-a-half runtime. Just when you think, "How are they going to get out of THIS now?" or "What can possibly happen next?" the film surprises you and goes in innovative directions you wouldn't expect.

My only negatives would be shallow character development (though there's just enough to get you invested in them), the number of times the characters get out out of a bad situation, and two aspects about the ending (which I can't say too much about without spoiling).

Overall, a really good, fun movie.

Also, it takes a lot to gross me out/make me cringe, but there's one scene in it that made me cringe, gasp, and put my hand to my mouth.

08-23-2016, 09:34 PM
Halfway through Turbo Kid. This movie fucking rocks so far. And also, I'm in love with Apple.

08-23-2016, 10:27 PM
5/5. I dont think I've ever seen a more enjoyable movie. Just an inner feeling of joy throughout the entire movie. It all fit so perfectly together, the music, the b-level gore effects (which, admittedly, I normally loathe and DON'T find as appealing as most other cinephiles do), the mythology, the story, the characters, the weirdness. Loved it all. And like I said earlier, man oh man am I in love with Apple.

08-23-2016, 10:54 PM
Apple is mine. Back off.

08-23-2016, 11:58 PM
Fine, fine. I'll take Skull Mask Guy then.

http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/b/1/6/1/d/4/b161d410501f56e67849f8b76438360bcf0e52973464609cc8 aa45e154765069.jpg

08-24-2016, 10:35 AM
Isn't it amazing? One of my favourite films made from pure joy I've seen in recent years.

08-24-2016, 10:37 AM
Just did a re-watch of "No Country for Old Men"... dammmm what a great flim!

Randall Flagg
08-24-2016, 11:50 AM
Viewed War Dogs a few days back. Fascinating movie based on a true story. I give it 5/6 on the RFSRS. So intriguing that I bought the book the movie was based on. Such a great story that I read 100 pages yesterday afternoon.

Guy Lawson wrote the story for Rolling Stone magazine, and then expanded his research to write the book. Original title of the book was Arms And The Dudes.

08-25-2016, 01:53 AM
Just did a re-watch of "No Country for Old Men"... dammmm what a great flim!

The book does explain a bit more, especially what Tommy Lee Jones is doing and why he is doing it.

Sai Sheb
08-25-2016, 11:35 AM
watching Chef. God do I love this film... reminds me why I am a chef!!! Great film... 9/10

Also watched burnt a few weeks ago... great shows real passion and the insanity that chef's have... 9/10

08-25-2016, 11:45 AM
watching Chef. God do I love this film... reminds me why I am a chef!!! Great film... 9/10

Also watched burnt a few weeks ago... great shows real passion and the insanity that chef's have... 9/10

Got the family to watch Chef awhile ago, truly enjoyed it. Burnt.....not so much.

08-25-2016, 01:34 PM
Nina Forever, 2/5. Proof that a perfect rack does make up for a boring movie.

Imperium, 4/5. Very enjoyable movie, I wish Harry Potter was a little more seduced by the bad guys, got a little deeper into the lifestyle, which would have made finally turning them in a little more tense but other than that, very good.

08-25-2016, 01:48 PM
I wanted to catch Morgan (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4520364/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), Luke Scott's (Ridley Scott's son) directorial debut after hearing about it on the radio this morning.

It ticks off all the check boxes I need for a sci fi film...

but then....

I realized the black hole of charisma known as Kate Mara was in it. No thanks.

Still Servant
08-25-2016, 06:44 PM
I realized the black hole of charisma known as Kate Mara was in it. No thanks.

You're killin' me, Smalls! First the Ben Foster hate, and now my girl Kate Mara. Come on. Then again, I'm a Giants fan.

I haven't heard people talk about Sausage Party much, but I really had a lot of fun with it. Don't be fooled by the crude humor, Sausage Party is a clever film with a unique social commentary on race and religion. It features one of the craziest WTF fuck am I watching endings you will ever see in a movie.

08-25-2016, 06:48 PM
I really enjoyed Florence Foster Jenkins. 3.5/4

08-25-2016, 07:27 PM
How can you hate Kate Mara? She's lovely!

On the other hand, just finished The Witch/The VVitch/FUCKING SHIT MOVIE.

It sucked. It was excruciatingly boring ... and bad ... and I wanted to turn it off ... but I didn't ... but it got worse ...

Stupid fucking shit movie, I will never watch another movie by ... *imdbs shitty director* Robert Eggers ... in my entire life.

08-25-2016, 11:22 PM
Kata Mara is damn good in House of Cards.

08-26-2016, 06:57 AM
I really enjoyed Florence Foster Jenkins. 3.5/4

I've been wanting to see this but my theater just took it out. Hasn't only been out a week or so?

It sucked. It was excruciatingly boring ... and bad ... and I wanted to turn it off ... but I didn't ... but it got worse ...


Tell us how you really feel, Shannon. :lol:

But yeah, it seems like it's quite a divisive movie. I liked it personally, but can understand how others wouldn't.

Kata Mara is damn good in House of Cards.

She was one of the few things I liked about the show (I stopped after the first season because it felt like a chore to watch).

08-26-2016, 10:48 AM
She was one of the few things I liked about the show (I stopped after the first season because it felt like a chore to watch).
Took the words right out of my mouth!

08-26-2016, 11:20 AM
I could've sworn you liked the show. Then who am I thinking of? :orely:

08-26-2016, 11:24 AM
I really enjoyed Florence Foster Jenkins. 3.5/4

I've been wanting to see this but my theater just took it out. Hasn't only been out a week or so?

That's what I thought, your theater moves fast!

08-26-2016, 11:50 AM
I could've sworn you liked the show. Then who am I thinking of? :orely:

Not I, I dislike most shows.
To sum up Kate Mara I would like to combine some of the comments. She is a black hole with a nice rack. :rock:

Randall Flagg
08-26-2016, 12:47 PM
Just viewed Hold Your Breath.
Don't Breathe
Wonderfully tense, and a fresh new approach to troubles encountered when robbing someone, let alone burglary at a blind man's house. I thought it was damn near perfect until the closing scene. The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

3.5 Beers on the RFSRS (would have been 5.5).
Still strongly recommended to see.

08-26-2016, 01:00 PM
I wanted to catch Morgan (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4520364/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), Luke Scott's (Ridley Scott's son) directorial debut after hearing about it on the radio this morning.

It ticks off all the check boxes I need for a sci fi film...

but then....

I realized the black hole of charisma known as Kate Mara was in it. No thanks.

Yeah, but on the plus side, it's got the brilliant Toby Jones and Paul Giamatti in it, so surely they more than balance out Mara, right?

She was one of the few things I liked about the show (I stopped after the first season because it felt like a chore to watch).
Took the words right out of my mouth!

I could've sworn you liked the show. Then who am I thinking of? :orely:

Probably me. Definitely one of the better American remakes of a British series out there. (Although, let's be honest, that REALLY isn't saying much.)

08-26-2016, 01:49 PM
The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

I just thought it showed how, even though she escaped with the money, she'd never feel totally safe; rather than the filmmakers actually suggesting the blind man taking some type of "revenge."

08-26-2016, 04:01 PM
Just viewed Hold Your Breath.

Wonderfully tense, and a fresh new approach to troubles encountered when robbing someone, let alone burglary at a blind man's house. I thought it was damn near perfect until the closing scene. The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

3.5 Beers on the RFSRS (would have been 5.5).
Still strongly recommended to see.

I've never heard of that movie. Is it similar to Don't Breathe?

08-26-2016, 04:05 PM
I think that's what Jerome meant.

08-26-2016, 06:38 PM
I just watched it tonight too. I posted in another thread, but I enjoyed it. Thought it was well done and I liked the premise, also had a few surprises. But I'm not sure what it is, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again. I also agree about the ending. I wish it ended where it began.

08-26-2016, 07:18 PM
That's what I thought was going to happen when they replayed that scene. It would've been a darker ending, but pretty effective. Plus, it would've shown that all three of the kids were punished for what they did.

08-26-2016, 08:59 PM
Halfway through In The Deep. Extremely well done "people stuck in a shark cage at the bottom of the sea" movie. Super intense, 4/5 so far

08-26-2016, 10:56 PM
She was one of the few things I liked about the show (I stopped after the first season because it felt like a chore to watch).
Took the words right out of my mouth!

It gets better each season. Season 3 is one of the greatest TV seasons of all time. Goddamn good. Cant wait to watch season 4. Once I start Season 4, Ill probably watch it until I fall asleep.

08-27-2016, 03:43 AM
David Brent is back! Since The Office finished back in 2003, the embarrassing boss played by Ricky Gervais has appeared in YouTube videos, sketches, and even in a couple of cameos for the American version. But now he’s finally appearing in a film for the big screen! (If you’re in the UK, at least. I think it’s getting a Netflix release in most other places, which doesn’t surprise me.) Is it a great continuation of The Office, or does it compromise too much?

One aspect I loved about the original version of The Office was how well it stuck to its mockumentary aspect. Not only did the “talking heads” scenes help give some real insight into how the characters really felt about their job and their boss in an upfront but believable way, but the moments where they say or do something completely stupid, followed by their reaction when they realised it had been caught on camera, were always hysterical. Life on the Road continues that exact same style, which was more than welcome.

The humour of the film isn’t exactly a laugh a minute, and there are many situations that feel horrendously more awkward than funny, but there are definitely moments that will have you laughing your arse off, too.

What I enjoyed about The Office most, more than the humour or the mockumentary style of it though, were the characters and their story. David Brent in particular outwardly seems funny to watch in an awkward way, but as the series went on, you could tell how much of a sad and lonely man he really was. When The Office ended, it seemed to wrap everything up (particularly with Tim and Dawn, which is still one of my favourite love stories of television, quite frankly), so I wasn’t sure how well continuing a story with Brent would work.

Surprisingly, as a continuation, it works really well. Brent is, in some ways, more of a tragicomic figure than ever. He’s no longer a boss, he’s a sales rep with dreams of bigger things, and he’s still trying far too hard to be liked. The idea that he decides to “go on tour” with a new band just because there’s a new documentary crew catching up on his life is a really nice touch. Overall, the story at times can be as depressing as it is funny, as we uncomfortably watch a middle-aged man have a massive mid-life crisis make one mistake after another. The fact that it also seems to have a lot of heart, like other stories that Gervais has worked on, is as surprising as it is rewarding.

If you didn’t enjoy the original series of The Office, this film definitely won’t be for you. It’s exactly as uncomfortable, bleak and depressing as the original series was. If you were a fan or if you’re looking for subtle, awkward humour with a great look at a man who simply tries too hard, then you should enjoy this film. Is it worth seeing on the big screen? To be honest, not really, but it was definitely great to be reunited with David Brent once more. 8/10

Randall Flagg
08-27-2016, 05:30 AM
The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

I just thought it showed how, even though she escaped with the money, she'd never feel totally safe; rather than the filmmakers actually suggesting the blind man taking some type of "revenge."
It also seemed ludicrous that two people are found dead, and a blind man injured, but no one went downstairs and saw the kidnap chamber.

08-27-2016, 05:45 AM
Yeah, there would definitely be more questions. The police in this one seemed to be, "Well, nothing wrong or suspicious here!" The kidnap chamber, the evidence room the girl he had chained chained up (no doubt there was at least strands of hair), the contents of the turkey baster, etc. So much stuff that they police should've questioned.

08-27-2016, 06:56 AM
The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

I just thought it showed how, even though she escaped with the money, she'd never feel totally safe; rather than the filmmakers actually suggesting the blind man taking some type of "revenge."
It also seemed ludicrous that two people are found dead, and a blind man injured, but no one went downstairs and saw the kidnap chamber.

Yeah, there would definitely be more questions. The police in this one seemed to be, "Well, nothing wrong or suspicious here!" The kidnap chamber, the evidence room the girl he had chained chained up (no doubt there was at least strands of hair), the contents of the turkey baster, etc. So much stuff that they police should've questioned.

Yes, I agree. That made no sense to me

Still Servant
08-28-2016, 03:02 PM
Just got back from Hell or High Water. I really enjoyed it. The beginning is a little bit of a slow burn, but it's a solid, authentic feeling film. Catch it while you can, it's one of the better films I've seen this year.

08-29-2016, 09:45 AM
Just viewed Hold Your Breath.

Wonderfully tense, and a fresh new approach to troubles encountered when robbing someone, let alone burglary at a blind man's house. I thought it was damn near perfect until the closing scene. The closing scene seemed like either a sellout, or a remote chance to have some sort of sequel. Dropped it 2 beers for the final scene.

3.5 Beers on the RFSRS (would have been 5.5).
Still strongly recommended to see.

I've never heard of that movie. Is it similar to Don't Breathe?

I think that's what Jerome meant.

I know, just wanted to fuck with him a bit :smile_002:

08-29-2016, 09:46 AM
Just got back from Hell or High Water. I really enjoyed it. The beginning is a little bit of a slow burn, but it's a solid, authentic feeling film. Catch it while you can, it's one of the better films I've seen this year.

From a tone perspective, what film would you compare it to?

Still Servant
08-29-2016, 04:35 PM
Just got back from Hell or High Water. I really enjoyed it. The beginning is a little bit of a slow burn, but it's a solid, authentic feeling film. Catch it while you can, it's one of the better films I've seen this year.

From a tone perspective, what film would you compare it to?

That's a good question. It kind of feels like a mix between a bunch of different films. Have you seen Out of the Furnace? It has that gritty realistic feel to it. The towns feel depressed and tired. A lot of people have mentioned No Country for Old Men, and I can see that in a few ways. The other film that comes to mind is kind of a no brainer and that is Sicario, which was written by the same guy, Taylor Sheridan. Like the other two films mentioned, Sicario and Hell or High Water really nail the feel of desperation of the environment and the people who live there.

Like Sicario, the film is a slow burn, with a really deliberate build-up. It's not a mainstream heist film. This is a movie lovers film.

Also, I just want to mention director David Mackenzie. He made a fantastic film last year that not a lot of people saw called Starred Up. Try to track it down.

08-30-2016, 11:28 AM
Excellent. No Country For Old Men is one of my favorite films ever, and Sicario was one of the best films of 2015.

You could certainly do worse as far as associations go.

08-30-2016, 11:46 AM
The Invitation: 5/5. I posted my thoughts in a couple of posts in the Horror Movie thread.

Still Servant
08-30-2016, 05:34 PM
Excellent. No Country For Old Men is one of my favorite films ever, and Sicario was one of the best films of 2015.

You could certainly do worse as far as associations go.

Just to be clear, those films are superior to Hell or High Water, but they share the same DNA. I think you will enjoy it though. I haven't mentioned it yet, but the film is a little heavy handed with some of the anti-bank stuff.

Randall Flagg
09-03-2016, 12:58 PM
Viewed Morgan yesterday. Enjoyed how Luke Scott (son of Ridley Scott) directed the movie. The first half was very taught. Paul Giamatti in a short but powerful scene was impressive. I loved the way they wrapped up the movie. My only nit pick was:

Two very odd scenes with stilted action by the corporate Risk Assessment person seemed to give away too early that she herself was an artificially created humanoid.

4/6 beers on the RFSRS

Still Servant
09-06-2016, 05:32 PM
Don't Breathe was fantastic. Great theater experience.

09-06-2016, 10:24 PM
I watched The Thin Red Line for the second time last night. Such a great movie. It's probably the second purest anti-war movie aside from Kubrick's Paths of Glory, and the plot-point of Nolte's General character trying to make a career move by sending his trips on a near suicide mission is included here as well. I cant think of another war movie which so miserably depicts war, with the intense focus on the death and despair. Man, that scene with the guy collecting the Jap teeth so calmly and cruelly when the battle is said and done holding that burlap with them between his hands and he just goes into total panic attack mode...one of the most heart-wrenching things I've seen in a film. Beautiful film, grim, and with as stacked a cast as you will find in any movie. Probably a better film than Saving Private Ryan, in the end.

09-07-2016, 03:50 AM
I watched The Thin Red Line for the second time last night. Such a great movie. It's probably the second purest anti-war movie aside from Kubrick's Paths of Glory, and the plot-point of Nolte's General character trying to make a career move by sending his trips on a near suicide mission is included here as well. I cant think of another war movie which so miserably depicts war, with the intense focus on the death and despair. Man, that scene with the guy collecting the Jap teeth so calmly and cruelly when the battle is said and done holding that burlap with them between his hands and he just goes into total panic attack mode...one of the most heart-wrenching things I've seen in a film. Beautiful film, grim, and with as stacked a cast as you will find in any movie. Probably a better film than Saving Private Ryan, in the end.

Better than Saving Private Ryan? Really? I do not think I have ever heard that said before about those two movies...

09-07-2016, 04:27 AM
Viewed Hell or Highwater yesterday. Fabulous movie. Truly depicts the desperation, depression, and quirkiness of west Texas. Stellar performances by many, with two waitresses in bit roles almost stealing the show. The ending was one of the best I've seen. Written and acted to perfection.
I give it 6/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

Saw this a couple of days ago. Pretty much agree.

09-07-2016, 09:10 AM
Hell or Highwater.

Welp. It looks like I owe Ben Foster an apology.

He was one shining beacon among many in this tense, gloriously shot modern-western.

Foster and Chris Pine deliver career high performances as a pair of brothers with their backs to the wall and desperation in their veins as they systematically raid local banks to buy back their land from the conniving banking system. Each success brings them closer to a collision course with the law in the form of Jeff Bridge's weathered and wily Texas Ranger, Marcus. Marcus is on the precipice of retirement and would like nothing more than to "go out in a blaze of glory".

Occasionally plodding but never boring, the brother's exploits and Marcus's investigations propel the film toward an unforgettable and wholly satisfying finale.


09-07-2016, 10:25 AM
I watched The Thin Red Line for the second time last night. Such a great movie. It's probably the second purest anti-war movie aside from Kubrick's Paths of Glory, and the plot-point of Nolte's General character trying to make a career move by sending his trips on a near suicide mission is included here as well. I cant think of another war movie which so miserably depicts war, with the intense focus on the death and despair. Man, that scene with the guy collecting the Jap teeth so calmly and cruelly when the battle is said and done holding that burlap with them between his hands and he just goes into total panic attack mode...one of the most heart-wrenching things I've seen in a film. Beautiful film, grim, and with as stacked a cast as you will find in any movie. Probably a better film than Saving Private Ryan, in the end.

Better than Saving Private Ryan? Really? I do not think I have ever heard that said before about those two movies...

Probably because not nearly as many people saw this one, and it's grim and unpleasant to watch. The plot is very loose too. Evidently the original cut was 5 hours and entire performances were cut for this final version. It's structure is difficult for most people to get into, I think, disjointed, with no real clear goal or main character to root for. Ryan is a movie about a heartwarming tale that came out of an ugly mess...Thin Red Line is the ugly mess in full detail, and a more accurate depiction of war and what it does too those in it.

09-07-2016, 10:36 AM
I watched The Thin Red Line for the second time last night. Such a great movie. It's probably the second purest anti-war movie aside from Kubrick's Paths of Glory, and the plot-point of Nolte's General character trying to make a career move by sending his trips on a near suicide mission is included here as well. I cant think of another war movie which so miserably depicts war, with the intense focus on the death and despair. Man, that scene with the guy collecting the Jap teeth so calmly and cruelly when the battle is said and done holding that burlap with them between his hands and he just goes into total panic attack mode...one of the most heart-wrenching things I've seen in a film. Beautiful film, grim, and with as stacked a cast as you will find in any movie. Probably a better film than Saving Private Ryan, in the end.

Better than Saving Private Ryan? Really? I do not think I have ever heard that said before about those two movies...

Probably because not nearly as many people saw this one, and it's grim and unpleasant to watch. The plot is very loose too. Evidently the original cut was 5 hours and entire performances were cut for this final version. It's structure is difficult for most people to get into, I think, disjointed, with no real clear goal or main character to root for. Ryan is a movie about a heartwarming tale that came out of an ugly mess...Thin Red Line is the ugly mess in full detail, and a more accurate depiction of war and what it does too those in it.

Interesting. I agree with what you said. It is a good movie but does not have the "feel goodness" about it like the end of SPR did.

On the flipside... one of Canada's national hero's is UFC Champion George St. Pierre and he did Kingboxer : Vengeance and growing up.. well I loved the first one with Van Damme. HE is also in this with many other fighters, and actors... and it was BRUTAL. 3/10 for me... no 2/10. The first was a classic. This was a farce.... I am disappointed GSP would even do it! Or Batista!! (He is in Guardians of the Galaxy) Oh well... i saved some folks some time here I hope. lol

09-07-2016, 03:14 PM
I need to see The Thin Red Line. I thought All Quiet on the Western Front was one of the best anti-war films there was, so I'm intrigued if The Thin Red Line outdoes it in terms of the ugliness of war.

Still Servant
09-07-2016, 05:22 PM
I cant think of another war movie which so miserably depicts war, with the intense focus on the death and despair.

Full Metal Jacket

Probably a better film than Saving Private Ryan, in the end.

Nope. Not even close.

I did promise Feev that I would give it another shot, and I still intend to do so.

Still Servant
09-07-2016, 05:26 PM
Hell or Highwater.

Welp. It looks like I owe Ben Foster an apology.

He was one shining beacon among many in this tense, gloriously shot modern-western.

Foster and Chris Pine deliver career high performances as a pair of brothers with their backs to the wall and desperation in their veins as they systematically raid local banks to buy back their land from the conniving banking system. Each success brings them closer to a collision course with the law in the form of Jeff Bridge's weathered and wily Texas Ranger, Marcus. Marcus is on the precipice of retirement and would like nothing more than to "go out in a blaze of glory".

Occasionally plodding but never boring, the brother's exploits and Marcus's investigations propel the film toward an unforgettable and wholly satisfying finale.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. We certainly need more of these kinds of films at our local theaters.

I love your write-up too. It makes me wish you would do more of them again. Shit, it makes me wish I would do more of them again.

09-11-2016, 11:07 PM
Hell or High Water

What makes this western so effective is that it find ways to surprise you. I was at first taken back by how much humour was in the film. I was expecting a more serious film, but the humour really helped allow me to connect with the characters. Too often in movies like this the characters are colder, more distant, stoic even. There are several key plot points that I was expecting to play out differently than they did, and a lot of little touches are handled in such a way they had maximum impact, such as when Alberto is killed by Tanner...a lesser film would have shown him in the cross hairs, but instead we're so drawn into Marcus with Alberto is pushed to the side of the frame that I reacted to it as Marcus would, where you miss it as it happens, and you have that moment of doubt if he was killed or just hit or if he just ducked for cover, and we get the definitely answer right along with Marcus when he pulls off the hat...magnificent!. The ending was quiet and it felt just right. As good as the four central actors are in the movie, this is Ben Foster's film as we really get to see all sides of him by the time the movie closes and Foster really shows off his full range. I really hope there is room for him to earn a supporting actor nomination! It's a very classic tale in the end, with nothing over unfamiliar, yet it bucks enough traditions and allows its unique personality to shine through, and this movie had boatloads of personality, something I personally find too many westerns lacking.


Have to rewatch 3:10 to Yuma now

09-11-2016, 11:12 PM
Hell or High Water

What makes this western so effective is that it find ways to surprise you. I was at first taken back by how much humour was in the film. I was expecting a more serious film, but the humour really helped allow me to connect with the characters. Too often in movies like this the characters are colder, more distant, stoic even. There are several key plot points that I was expecting to play out differently than they did, and a lot of little touches are handled in such a way they had maximum impact, such as when Alberto is killed by Tanner...a lesser film would have shown him in the cross hairs, but instead we're so drawn into Marcus with Alberto is pushed to the side of the frame that I reacted to it as Marcus would, where you miss it as it happens, and you have that moment of doubt if he was killed or just hit or if he just ducked for cover, and we get the definitely answer right along with Marcus when he pulls off the hat...magnificent!. The ending was quiet and it felt just right. As good as the four central actors are in the movie, this is Ben Foster's film as we really get to see all sides of him by the time the movie closes and Foster really shows off his full range. I really hope there is room for him to earn a supporting actor nomination! It's a very classic tale in the end, with nothing over unfamiliar, yet it bucks enough traditions and allows its unique personality to shine through, and this movie had boatloads of personality, something I personally find too many westerns lacking.


Have to rewatch 3:10 to Yuma now

Still Servant
09-12-2016, 03:09 AM
Nice review. We need more films like Hell or High Water, I urge everybody to see it. Most will be put off by the lack of action, but the rest will appreciate the strong filmmaking.

At its core, it's a film about the bond between men. The bond between two brothers. The unspoken love between a Texas Ranger and his partner. The unconditional love between a father and son. Good stuff here.

09-12-2016, 03:43 AM
The Shallows was the best shark film since the first Jaws. Loved it. 8.5/10

I also caught Free State of Jones... not bad a solid 6.5/10 but didn't love it.

Bev Vincent
09-12-2016, 06:11 AM
Sully -- a genuine feel-good movie. First time in years that I remember where the audience broke out into applause at the end. Nothing showy, just good solid story-telling by a solid acting team and director.

09-12-2016, 01:09 PM
Nice review. We need more films like Hell or High Water, I urge everybody to see it. Most will be put off by the lack of action, but the rest will appreciate the strong filmmaking.

At its core, it's a film about the bond between men. The bond between two brothers. The unspoken love between a Texas Ranger and his partner. The unconditional love between a father and son. Good stuff here.

Saw it this weekend. Great film. Hopefully it will be recognized come Oscar time.

Still Servant
09-12-2016, 05:00 PM
Sully -- a genuine feel-good movie. First time in years that I remember where the audience broke out into applause at the end. Nothing showy, just good solid story-telling by a solid acting team and director.

I'm at a Media Symposium in New York for work. Tomorrow the writer of Sully, Todd Komarnicki, will be talking. After, we are going to watch the movie. I'm looking forward to it. It's not often you can watch a movie at work.


09-13-2016, 12:10 AM
Sully -- a genuine feel-good movie. First time in years that I remember where the audience broke out into applause at the end. Nothing showy, just good solid story-telling by a solid acting team and director.

I'm at a Media Symposium in New York for work. Tomorrow the writer of Sully, Todd Komarnicki, will be talking. After, we are going to watch the movie. I'm looking forward to it. It's not often you can watch a movie at work.


My friend did that all the time when he ran a Blockbuster lol

Sai Sheb
09-13-2016, 12:12 AM
Just re watched kill Bill one and two!!! They were ground breaking films in their own right... great to re visit the"classics"

Ben Staad
09-13-2016, 05:30 AM
Attempted to watch the revamped Point Break over the weekend. The lack of anything appealing in that movie was astonishing. This remake truly made the original look like a masterpiece worthy of Oscar considerations.

09-13-2016, 07:41 AM
Attempted to watch the revamped Point Break over the weekend. The lack of anything appealing in that movie was astonishing. This remake truly made the original look like a masterpiece worthy of Oscar considerations.

totally agree

Still Servant
09-13-2016, 12:28 PM
Sully -- a genuine feel-good movie. First time in years that I remember where the audience broke out into applause at the end. Nothing showy, just good solid story-telling by a solid acting team and director.

I'm at a Media Symposium in New York for work. Tomorrow the writer of Sully, Todd Komarnicki, will be talking. After, we are going to watch the movie. I'm looking forward to it. It's not often you can watch a movie at work.


My friend did that all the time when he ran a Blockbuster lol

True, very true. However, did he get to watch movies with the actual writer of the film in the theater?

Anyway, I had so many things I wanted to discuss with him about film and Hollywood. Mainly I wanted to bring up some of the issues we discuss here like how Hollywood needs to start making more original films etc. Also, this guy wrote Perfect Stranger. Nobody's perfect.