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10-28-2015, 05:13 AM

Yes... welll Bill?

10-28-2015, 07:51 AM

Just kidding, I haven't seen it yet.

Bev Vincent
10-28-2015, 08:22 AM
Okay, watching "The Gift" right now. No pressure, but this better be good, or somebody owes me $4.99!!!! LOL J/K LOL

We liked THE GIFT a lot -- it went places we didn't expect. Last weekend I saw Crimson Peak, Sicario and Chappie, and blogged about them here (http://www.bevvincent.com/2015/10/patricia-and-the-bulls/).

Still Servant
10-28-2015, 11:06 AM
Okay, watching "The Gift" right now. No pressure, but this better be good, or somebody owes me $4.99!!!! LOL J/K LOL

That's why I prefer Redbox. If the movie sucks, it only cost you $1.60 or so.

Okay, watching "The Gift" right now. No pressure, but this better be good, or somebody owes me $4.99!!!! LOL J/K LOL

We liked THE GIFT a lot -- it went places we didn't expect. Last weekend I saw Crimson Peak, Sicario and Chappie, and blogged about them here (http://www.bevvincent.com/2015/10/patricia-and-the-bulls/).

Great write-ups, Bev! I really enjoyed Sicario (as you can see) and I thought Crimson Peak was okay. Nothing special. I actually think the film would have worked better as a straight thriller if they had just taken out the spooky stuff. It really didn't add a whole lot to the overall story. As for Chappie, I'd rather not talk about that film. Easily one of the more disappointing films I've seen all year.

10-28-2015, 11:11 AM
It was a decent film. I don't want my money back (LOL), but it didn't blow me away either. It was very much similar to other films of that ilk.

10-28-2015, 11:25 AM
It was a decent film. I don't want my money back (LOL), but it didn't blow me away either. It was very much similar to other films of that ilk.

WHAT? I can't pick a film where there was anything remotely like that. I am shocked you did not like it more BIll.

10-28-2015, 01:47 PM
It was a decent film. I don't want my money back (LOL), but it didn't blow me away either. It was very much similar to other films of that ilk.

WHAT? I can't pick a film where there was anything remotely like that. I am shocked you did not like it more BIll.

You can't think of a film with a family besieged by a crazy stalker? "Fatal Attraction" comes to mind. Especially since the "Good Guy" did bad things. Don't get me wrong, Kris it was enjoyable just not up to the hype IMHO is all. I am not upset be any means. It was a decent flick. Maybe I'm getting too old for this stuff? LOL LOL

10-31-2015, 06:33 PM
After reading a few posts here about The Gift, I decided to watch it and just finished. I thought it was really good. I had a feeling something happened when she passed out. Still a bit of a surprising and tense ending though. I also thought the psychology behind the bullying, and the impact it can have on our lives years later, was well executed.

11-01-2015, 07:39 AM
After reading a few posts here about The Gift, I decided to watch it and just finished. I thought it was really good. I had a feeling something happened when she passed out. Still a bit of a surprising and tense ending though. I also thought the psychology behind the bullying, and the impact it can have on our lives years later, was well executed.
Yeah it was a refreshing take on the stalker/thriller. I thought it was so well done.

Still Servant
11-02-2015, 04:58 PM
After reading a few posts here about The Gift, I decided to watch it and just finished. I thought it was really good. I had a feeling something happened when she passed out. Still a bit of a surprising and tense ending though. I also thought the psychology behind the bullying, and the impact it can have on our lives years later, was well executed.

Agreed. I also thought The Gift had a little bit of a Hitchcock feel to it.

11-03-2015, 09:55 AM
Viewer beware, you're in for a scare:

Goosebumps Review (https://reviewsfromthecouch.wordpress.com/2015/11/03/goosebumps-2/)

11-03-2015, 12:38 PM
I watched Mr. Holmes with Ian McClellan last night and I loved it. Great movie, Sherlock Holmes-related, and quite poignant.

Still Servant
11-04-2015, 05:03 PM
Viewer beware, you're in for a scare:

Goosebumps Review (https://reviewsfromthecouch.wordpress.com/2015/11/03/goosebumps-2/)

Nice review, Ricky! Very insightful, especially for somebody that didn't grow up with the books. I was a tween/teenager in the 90's, but somehow missed the Goosebumps books.

I'm still not sure how much I will like the film without being familiar with the books, but I may give it a shot on rental.

11-04-2015, 06:08 PM
Thanks, Mike! Yeah, I'm not sure how my view of it would've been without having grown up with Goosebumps. But it's a very solid, fun movie. Let me know what you think if you ever end up seeing it.

11-04-2015, 07:43 PM
I read almost every Goosebumps book. I still have them all somewhere. It was somewhere round book 40 that I started to grow out of them, and I also felt they started declining in quality. The Egg Monsters From Mars was so stupid and killed it for me. My favourites were the Say Cheese and Die series and Night of the Living Dummy series, and for individual stories, Welcome To Dead House was a classic, Let's Get Invisible, The Haunted Mask, Attack of the Mutant were all great....but my favourite has always been A Night In Terror Tower. I'm not sure what RL Stines best work was, if it was A Night In Terror Tower or The Beast.

11-04-2015, 10:05 PM
Watched The Gift. Four out of five. Very well done movie, but because of the quantity of television and movies I watch, I saw every twist coming. That being said, the twists and turns it took were very well done.

Last night I watched No Escape (2015) and rated it a five out of five. Awesome, awesome, awesome movie. Tense all the way through. It was almost like a fast zombie movie, with the exception that these zombies were brutal Malayaians with minds and machetes. AND the hero had to not only survive, but ensure the survival of his wife and two young daughters as well. Loved it.

11-04-2015, 10:08 PM
Oh, and saw Goosebumps with rose last week. Two out of five. Didn't hate it, just found it very boring and uneventful. "Lets go here and we see the gnomes. Lets go here and have the scene with the werewolf. Now lets go here and do the thing with the big bug."

Just meh. I expected better.

11-05-2015, 04:12 AM
Watched The Gift. Four out of five. Very well done movie, but because of the quantity of television and movies I watch, I saw every twist coming. That being said, the twists and turns it took were very well done.

Last night I watched No Escape (2015) and rated it a five out of five. Awesome, awesome, awesome movie. Tense all the way through. It was almost like a fast zombie movie, with the exception that these zombies were brutal Malayaians with minds and machetes. AND the hero had to not only survive, but ensure the survival of his wife and two young daughters as well. Loved it.

Shannon your BANG on with No Escape. What a hidden gem. I was on the edge of my seat after 10-15 minutes in and my ass got sore from siting there till the final scene. WOW.... WELL DONE. Shocked this did not do better in theaters. Owen Wilson? Hard to believe that was him... but it made it that much better in some ways... 5/5 for me too.

11-05-2015, 04:13 AM
Seen Trainwreck last night... VERY good movie. Great date night with the wife and LOTS of laughs. Typical romantic comedy.. just much funnier than most. Worth a watch for sure:)

11-05-2015, 05:05 AM
I loved Trainwreck. Cena and Lebron really held their own. LeBron had my favorite moment in the movie when he said to Amy, "I'm going to ask you question--Don't you dare hurt him."

11-05-2015, 05:16 AM
I loved Trainwreck. Cena and Lebron really held their own. LeBron had my favorite moment in the movie when he said to Amy, "I'm going to ask you question--Don't you dare hurt him."

AGREED. I was shocked they were both that good. I laughed at that scene too and the one where he didnt wanna pick up the tab. lol And Cena trying to tell people off and it sounded gay everythime.. classic funny for sure.

11-05-2015, 08:49 AM
"Having sex with him is like fucking an ice sculpture."


Still Servant
11-05-2015, 01:43 PM
Last night I watched No Escape (2015) and rated it a five out of five. Awesome, awesome, awesome movie. Tense all the way through. It was almost like a fast zombie movie, with the exception that these zombies were brutal Malayaians with minds and machetes. AND the hero had to not only survive, but ensure the survival of his wife and two young daughters as well. Loved it.

Shannon your BANG on with No Escape. What a hidden gem. I was on the edge of my seat after 10-15 minutes in and my ass got sore from siting there till the final scene. WOW.... WELL DONE. Shocked this did not do better in theaters. Owen Wilson? Hard to believe that was him... but it made it that much better in some ways... 5/5 for me too.

I'm surprised you guys enjoyed No Escape. I've heard nothing but poor reviews from family and friends. I will have to check it out myself. I do enjoy Lake Bell.

11-05-2015, 02:59 PM
See, and I dislike Lake Bell, but like Owen Wilson (but not always his movie choices). Behind Enemy Lines was another great movie with him in it.

11-05-2015, 03:05 PM
I couldn't even finish Behind Enemy Lines. So unrealistic from the premise on down.

11-05-2015, 04:22 PM
Ugh, you're one of those "Interstellar was so unrealistic because when we see a view from outside the space ship, everyone knows the thrusters would have knocked off the cameras because of the g-force!" people. Give me a break. Dinosaurs are extinct, the Avengers aren't a group of real people, and ghosts/demons don't really exist.

Just ... ENJOY .... movies.

Still Servant
11-05-2015, 04:42 PM
Ugh, you're one of those "Interstellar was so unrealistic because when we see a view from outside the space ship, everyone knows the thrusters would have knocked off the cameras because of the g-force!" people. Give me a break. Dinosaurs are extinct, the Avengers aren't a group of real people, and ghosts/demons don't really exist.

Just ... ENJOY .... movies.

I don't really care if it's realistic or not, Behind Enemy Lines just wasn't very good. That film might have been the film that was the start of Hackman's decline.

11-05-2015, 08:33 PM
Ugh, you're one of those "Interstellar was so unrealistic because when we see a view from outside the space ship, everyone knows the thrusters would have knocked off the cameras because of the g-force!" people. Give me a break. Dinosaurs are extinct, the Avengers aren't a group of real people, and ghosts/demons don't really exist.

Just ... ENJOY .... movies.

No, I mean the fact the American military would give any kind of a fuck about a pilot who went down, to the point they will put the lives of numerous other pilots and soldiers on the line to also go behind enemy lines to save the guy and spends tens of millions of dollars in bombs and potentially lose hundreds of millions of dollars worth of planes to save ONE guy; 'Leave No Man Behind' is a nice little saying that hides the fact they leave men behind in every war, in every battle, left to rot away and die of consumption and malnutrition in POW camps, suffering years of psychological trauma. It's basically a AMERICA FUCK YEAH movie where the life of one American is worth more the geopolitical conflicts of the entire nations because Americans are so special they are worth starting a war over. I can't enjoy a movie that insults my intelligence this much. And let me tell you, there is more evidence to show ghosts exist then the United States military going through all this effort and potentially start an international incident to save one pilot. but there is plenty of evidence to show they WON'T go through all this effort to save one pilot. The movie offered nothing original, nothing interesting, and it was basically a paint by numbers action movie. And I don't even know what the heck you're talking about with Interstellar. I rarely even consider the reality of movies outside of characterization. But when the premise of a movie is something so implausible and ends up basically being American Propaganda disguised as a film, it's impossible for me to enjoy it. There are tens of thousands of films I'd rather watch. Freddy Got Fingered is one of them.

11-05-2015, 09:23 PM
Ugh, you're one of those "Interstellar was so unrealistic because when we see a view from outside the space ship, everyone knows the thrusters would have knocked off the cameras because of the g-force!" people. Give me a break. Dinosaurs are extinct, the Avengers aren't a group of real people, and ghosts/demons don't really exist.

Just ... ENJOY .... movies.

No, I mean the fact the American military would give any kind of a fuck about a pilot who went down, to the point they will put the lives of numerous other pilots and soldiers on the line to also go behind enemy lines to save the guy and spends tens of millions of dollars in bombs and potentially lose hundreds of millions of dollars worth of planes to save ONE guy; 'Leave No Man Behind' is a nice little saying that hides the fact they leave men behind in every war, in every battle, left to rot away and die of consumption and malnutrition in POW camps, suffering years of psychological trauma. It's basically a AMERICA FUCK YEAH movie where the life of one American is worth more the geopolitical conflicts of the entire nations because Americans are so special they are worth starting a war over. I can't enjoy a movie that insults my intelligence this much. And let me tell you, there is more evidence to show ghosts exist then the United States military going through all this effort and potentially start an international incident to save one pilot. but there is plenty of evidence to show they WON'T go through all this effort to save one pilot. The movie offered nothing original, nothing interesting, and it was basically a paint by numbers action movie. And I don't even know what the heck you're talking about with Interstellar. I rarely even consider the reality of movies outside of characterization. But when the premise of a movie is something so implausible and ends up basically being American Propaganda disguised as a film, it's impossible for me to enjoy it. There are tens of thousands of films I'd rather watch. Freddy Got Fingered is one of them.

Oh-kay then, this from a Canadian self described cinema buff and authority on American military strategies? With that I believe I will move on to greener pastures. Matts, you had me until you opened your mouth to post. Later folks.

11-05-2015, 09:46 PM
I don't think I ever got the "America, Fuck Yeah!" (South Park, lol) vibe from the movie, or any other movie, for that example. But I think that's because I'm here. Everything IS "America, Fuck Yeah!" unless you're actively political, and then it's "America, Fucked Up! (His Fault)" and "America, THIS Guy's To Blame!" lol

I enjoyed Behind Enemy Lines as a straight action movie with some pretty cool scenes, starring a guy primarily known for comedy that I thought came off as very likeable.

I don't really think of movies in terms of realistic/unrealistic. I loathe unrealistic characters and situations based on the premise of the movie, but other than that, I'm not going to argue that Alien #3 should have been a better melee fighter while facing off against the Predator because on his home planet he was raised by the blah blah blah and he grew wheat and so on and so on. In some movies, the world we live in just doesn't apply. In Behind Enemy Lines, the Hackman character DID want to save Owen Wilson, so he did. There's nothing to really think about for me other than that.

Now, Freddy Got Fingered, on the other hand ... FUCKING KILL ME.

11-06-2015, 04:40 AM
Yeah, and in Uncommon Valor, Gene Hackman led a bunch of rag-tag, washed up Servicemen to infiltrate Laos in order to rescue a few POWs. Who cares if it reflects "current military policy"? It's a great film. Doesn't have to be "realistic" with regards to the actual world, as long as the movie's internal logic holds.

11-06-2015, 04:55 AM
Ugh, you're one of those "Interstellar was so unrealistic because when we see a view from outside the space ship, everyone knows the thrusters would have knocked off the cameras because of the g-force!" people. Give me a break. Dinosaurs are extinct, the Avengers aren't a group of real people, and ghosts/demons don't really exist.

Just ... ENJOY .... movies.

No, I mean the fact the American military would give any kind of a fuck about a pilot who went down, to the point they will put the lives of numerous other pilots and soldiers on the line to also go behind enemy lines to save the guy and spends tens of millions of dollars in bombs and potentially lose hundreds of millions of dollars worth of planes to save ONE guy; 'Leave No Man Behind' is a nice little saying that hides the fact they leave men behind in every war, in every battle, left to rot away and die of consumption and malnutrition in POW camps, suffering years of psychological trauma. It's basically a AMERICA FUCK YEAH movie where the life of one American is worth more the geopolitical conflicts of the entire nations because Americans are so special they are worth starting a war over. I can't enjoy a movie that insults my intelligence this much. And let me tell you, there is more evidence to show ghosts exist then the United States military going through all this effort and potentially start an international incident to save one pilot. but there is plenty of evidence to show they WON'T go through all this effort to save one pilot. The movie offered nothing original, nothing interesting, and it was basically a paint by numbers action movie. And I don't even know what the heck you're talking about with Interstellar. I rarely even consider the reality of movies outside of characterization. But when the premise of a movie is something so implausible and ends up basically being American Propaganda disguised as a film, it's impossible for me to enjoy it. There are tens of thousands of films I'd rather watch. Freddy Got Fingered is one of them.

Oh-kay then, this from a Canadian self decribed cinema buff and authority on American military strategies? With that I believe I will move on to greener pastures. Matts, you had me until you opened your mouth to post. Later folks.

Actually, the lines about how foolish the 'leave no man behind' part about this film came from a Ranger. He said all soldiers are expendable and says it's a cold reality that it's far, far cheaper to train a new soldier than to build a new F-14. I don't really see how being a Canadian changes all the stories of soldiers left behind in vietnam, soldiers left for dead, and soldiers who just vanish.

11-10-2015, 06:02 PM
Finally watched The Gift. I've been wanting to see it, especially with all the hype it was receiving around here. I enjoyed it, but that said I didn't see what everyone was raving about. That's probably because I got my expectations up and was expecting a bit more from it. I also wish it was a little more tense and creepy.

Still Servant
11-10-2015, 06:24 PM
Yeah, that's my bad.

I think I enjoyed the film more because of how much it surprised me. I wasn't expecting much going in. It's a small film and there really isn't anything immense happening, but I really enjoyed it.

Still Servant
11-10-2015, 06:43 PM
Check out my thoughts on Spectre, Bridge of Spies, Crimson Peak, The Leisure Class, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, The Martian and Black Mass.

Quick Flicks. Recent Movie Round-Up (http://popculturedwithmoviemike.tumblr.com/post/132964938462/quick-flicks-recent-movie-round-up)

11-11-2015, 08:59 AM
Finally watched The Gift. I've been wanting to see it, especially with all the hype it was receiving around here. I enjoyed it, but that said I didn't see what everyone was raving about. That's probably because I got my expectations up and was expecting a bit more from it. I also wish it was a little more tense and creepy.

I think it was plenty tense and creepy. The look on Joel Edgerton's face alone made me uneasy.

Are you sure you won't expecting a slasher flick?

11-11-2015, 09:02 AM
:lol: I think it's one of those cases where it got hyped up so I was inevitably let down. And he was creepy, but I do wish they had added more suspense, or more uneasiness somehow.

11-11-2015, 09:31 AM
I think I enjoyed the film more because of how much it surprised me. I wasn't expecting much going in.

I'm finding that's the cause of me liking the films I've enjoyed the most recently.

Still Servant
11-11-2015, 09:49 AM
I think I enjoyed the film more because of how much it surprised me. I wasn't expecting much going in.

I'm finding that's the cause of me liking the films I've enjoyed the most recently.

Yup. Me too. It's so refreshing when that happens. Hype is terrible. You can stay away from message boards and trailers and still get over-hyped with a film. I think that's what happened to me with Spectre.

11-11-2015, 10:03 AM
I think the opposite will happen with Spectre.

I keep hearing how woefully average it is and that it's only a whisker better than Quantum of Solace... my expectations are so low that I'll probably end up loving it :lol:

11-11-2015, 02:07 PM
Hype is a mixed bag. I was super hyped for Whiplash and Her and they're still my two favourite movies of the past two years. I think I'm just very fortunate to put any hype I have into the appropriate films lol. It also helps films I tend to get hyped for aren't films most people are hyped for. There ain't no chatter on the street about Spotlight, yet here I am counting down the days until I see it Sunday night.

Still Servant
11-11-2015, 05:24 PM
I think the opposite will happen with Spectre.

I keep hearing how woefully average it is and that it's only a whisker better than Quantum of Solace... my expectations are so low that I'll probably end up loving it :lol:

Good point. I guess I just saw it too soon. :lol:

Hype is a mixed bag. I was super hyped for Whiplash and Her and they're still my two favourite movies of the past two years. I think I'm just very fortunate to put any hype I have into the appropriate films lol. It also helps films I tend to get hyped for aren't films most people are hyped for. There ain't no chatter on the street about Spotlight, yet here I am counting down the days until I see it Sunday night.

I'm also looking really forward to Spotlight. I actually picked up a mini poster of Spotlight when I was there to see Spectre. I'm actually amassing quite a collection of movie posters.

11-12-2015, 08:12 AM
Spotlight is one of my most anticipated films solely for the subject matter. The ensemble is just icing on the cake.

11-12-2015, 08:14 AM
Mr Holmes... not a bad movie. Love Ian M for so many reasons and this made my love his work more. Really touching story about Sherlock Homes. Dragged a bit but that was the point... age and growing old would be the same feel maybe... a solid 7/10.

11-12-2015, 10:11 AM
I tried seeing Holmes when it was in the theater, but it wasn't playing anywhere nearby.

11-12-2015, 10:12 AM
I tried seeing Holmes when it was in the theater, but it wasn't playing anywhere nearby.

Well worth a watch:)

11-12-2015, 10:15 AM
I tried seeing Holmes when it was in the theater, but it wasn't playing anywhere nearby.

Well worth a watch:)

It's next in the queue!

Randall Flagg
11-14-2015, 12:07 PM
Viewed Spotlight yesterday. Extremely well acted drama recounting the Boston Globe's in depth research leading up to articles describing the massive cover-up of molestation by priests that rocked the Catholic diocese of Boston. Certainly should be considered for Best picture.
I give it 5/6 Beers on the RFSPRS.

Side-note: Interesting to see Jamey Sheridan (Randall Flagg in The Stand Miniseries). Took me a minute to place him as he's aged and gained a little weight.

11-14-2015, 12:12 PM
Seeing spotlight tomorrow. Can't wait! One of these days my man Ruffalo is going to win an oscar.

11-14-2015, 01:15 PM
Let us know how it is, Matt. I hadn't planned on seeing it, but I just got passes to a screening for next week. You can let me know if I should go or not. :lol:

Still Servant
11-14-2015, 04:43 PM
Let us know how it is, Matt. I hadn't planned on seeing it, but I just got passes to a screening for next week. You can let me know if I should go or not. :lol:

You have passes for a screening, of course you should see it.


11-14-2015, 04:45 PM


Still Servant
11-14-2015, 04:50 PM



Not only do you actually have a theater near you that is playing Spotlight, but you actually have passes to a screening. I have neither. :frown2:


11-14-2015, 05:59 PM
Well, if you want to make the drive, I've got an extra pass!

11-14-2015, 06:04 PM
Just got back from watching Spectre. Wasn't all that impressed.

11-15-2015, 05:42 AM
You all seen Seven Psychopaths? I really liked it; very meta-. Looks like a pretty standard action/crime flick going in, but it's basically a comedy for thinking people. Outstanding cast, Sam Rockwell in particular was strikingly brilliant.

Still Servant
11-15-2015, 11:35 AM
Well, if you want to make the drive, I've got an extra pass!

Don't tempt me. :lol:

You all seen Seven Psychopaths? I really liked it; very meta-. Looks like a pretty standard action/crime flick going in, but it's basically a comedy for thinking people. Outstanding cast, Sam Rockwell in particular was strikingly brilliant.

I liked Seven Psychopaths, but I was somewhat underwhelmed by it. I probably built it up too much at the time. It had such a great cast, and I was looking forward to the film so much because I loved In Bruges, the previous film Martin McDonagh directed.

11-15-2015, 12:30 PM
Won't be seeing Spotlight. Stupid limited release. Made plans before the weekend and forgot to even verify it was playing until yesterday lol. It's not funny, though. We have 24 screens! We have the room! But hlaf the screens are taken up by 4 movies :/

Still Servant
11-15-2015, 06:02 PM
I'll be lucky to get it when it opens wide.

11-16-2015, 06:09 AM
Fuuuuuuckkkkk maaaaannnnnnn

I might not get to see it either. I just checked Fandango and whatever theaters are showing it now will cease to show it before the end of the week. The closest theaters are in Santa Monica and West Hollywood, a good hour and 15 minute drive from where I work in rush hour, on a good day.

I don't know if I have time to watch it during the week...


11-16-2015, 10:32 AM
You know it's bad when Californians can't see limited releases. I have to go all the way to Toronto to see them mosttimes,

Still Servant
11-16-2015, 06:50 PM
Fuuuuuuckkkkk maaaaannnnnnn

I might not get to see it either. I just checked Fandango and whatever theaters are showing it now will cease to show it before the end of the week. The closest theaters are in Santa Monica and West Hollywood, a good hour and 15 minute drive from where I work in rush hour, on a good day.

I don't know if I have time to watch it during the week...


With Hunger Games coming out, most theaters around me aren't going to be playing Spotlight even when it goes wide. They don't want to lose the extra screens. It's this kind of stuff that makes me pull my hair out when it comes to Hollywood. Don't get me wrong, I get it.

11-16-2015, 11:24 PM
Mike understands now why I am so anti-blockbuster. I don't have a problem with the blockbusters, but they always prevent me from seeing the movies I really, really want tos ee. Any small flicks coming out between May and August are almost guaranteed not to play. You'd think awards season would help with that, but this year between Bond, Hunger Games, Good Dinosaur, Star Wars and others, I'm going to definitely get a situation like last year, where both Whiplash and Birdman played for only one week, the same week, and I could only see one. I picked Whiplash, but still kind of pissed I missed Birdman in theatres.

On a different note, Trainwreck was still great upon a second viewing. Nothing worse than good comedy that just isn't funny the second time around.

11-17-2015, 08:32 AM

The worst of the four Bond films. A confused tone, recycled themes and ideas, and an ill advised venture into the depths of franchise building ultimately ensure this Bond film bores more than it entertains.

An unfortunate symptom of this forced continuity is that it negates the threat of everything Cragi's Bond has faced in the past. 'No no no, forget that OTHER ultimate evil organization, THIS ultimate evil organization is even more evil-er!' And the villain with his lazy nostalgic reveal is sure to induce eye rolls. It was painfully obvious that Craig did not want to reprise his role as 007 and it shows, and the film suffers for it.

The film gets points for some truly marvelous cinematography and one spectacular fight sequence in a train, but ultimately nothing else stands out from this very by the numbers Bond film.


11-17-2015, 08:46 AM
Well said. It was disappointing.

11-17-2015, 10:06 AM
Spectre: 10/10!

I don't know what the two jokers above me are talking about, but having just come back from seeing Spectre, I can EASILY say that not only was it one of the best Bond films, but also one of the best films of the year. Everything from the acting, the cinematography, the beautiful backdrops, was spot on. Daniel Craig has never been better, and the action scenes have never been spicier ... and ... just kidding ... I haven't seen the film, lol.

Spectre: 10/10!

11-17-2015, 11:02 AM

11-17-2015, 12:32 PM
I think almost all the reviews I've seen for Spectre have been negative in some way. I'm wondering if expectations have anything to do with it. I'm not a huge Bond fan and have only seen Craig's version, so I don't have a ton invested in the Bond franchise. With that said, I was bored by Casino Royale, thought Quantum of Solace was an improvement, and Skyfall was the best of all (I haven't seen Spectre yet). It seems like viewers of the Bond films with Craig have hugely differentiating opinions about each one.

Still Servant
11-17-2015, 06:09 PM
Mike understands now why I am so anti-blockbuster. I don't have a problem with the blockbusters, but they always prevent me from seeing the movies I really, really want tos ee. Any small flicks coming out between May and August are almost guaranteed not to play. You'd think awards season would help with that, but this year between Bond, Hunger Games, Good Dinosaur, Star Wars and others, I'm going to definitely get a situation like last year, where both Whiplash and Birdman played for only one week, the same week, and I could only see one. I picked Whiplash, but still kind of pissed I missed Birdman in theatres.

Yeah, that's what annoys me too. Luckily, there are a lot more ways to track these films down than there used to be and I'm just talking legally. I don't hate blockbusters though, I've loved them since I was a kid and they will always have a special place in my cinematic diet.

On a side note, I just got a new job in Hartford where CineStudio is located. It's a cool, old school theater. It's located on the campus of Trinity College and is run by students. It also happens to be one of the last theaters in the state that still uses film projectors. I hope they get Hateful Eight when it comes out. They show a lot of Indie films and classics. Hopefully I can catch a film or two since I will be in the neighborhood.



The worst of the four Bond films. A confused tone, recycled themes and ideas, and an ill advised venture into the depths of franchise building ultimately ensure this Bond film bores more than it entertains.

An unfortunate symptom of this forced continuity is that it negates the threat of everything Cragi's Bond has faced in the past. 'No no no, forget that OTHER ultimate evil organization, THIS ultimate evil organization is even more evil-er!' And the villain with his lazy nostalgic reveal is sure to induce eye rolls. It was painfully obvious that Craig did not want to reprise his role as 007 and it shows, and the film suffers for it.

The film gets points for some truly marvelous cinematography and one spectacular fight sequence in a train, but ultimately nothing else stands out from this very by the numbers Bond film.


Ouch! You hated it more than I thought from your comments on Facebook. I initially stated that I felt the same way, but I clearly do not. I didn't love it, but I certainly didn't hate it as much as you did. The way you feel about Spectre is how I feel about Quantum of Solace.

I think almost all the reviews I've seen for Spectre have been negative in some way. I'm wondering if expectations have anything to do with it. I'm not a huge Bond fan and have only seen Craig's version, so I don't have a ton invested in the Bond franchise. With that said, I was bored by Casino Royale, thought Quantum of Solace was an improvement, and Skyfall was the best of all (I haven't seen Spectre yet). It seems like viewers of the Bond films with Craig have hugely differentiating opinions about each one.

I think Skyfall being so good is what is hurting Spectre the most. That film was so good on so many levels that I think it was going to be hard for any Bond coming right after it to live up to it. I can't help but feel like there were a lot of wasted opportunities in Spectre. Both Waltz and Bautista were underutilized.

11-17-2015, 11:59 PM
That theatre looks awesome. Never been in a cinema with a balcony.

I watched While We're Young which was really good. Very well acted by Stiller, Watts, Driver and Seyfried. The script by Baumbach was top notch like I expected. Some very clever sequences in it, my favourite being a Montage of both couples...the older couple on their tablets, computers, TVs, Phones, the younger reading books, using typewriters, listening to vinyl...awesome stuff. Need tO rewatch The Squid And The Whale now.


11-18-2015, 06:43 AM
That theater does look really cool. I should check it out sometime. I don't think there's any like that up here.

11-18-2015, 11:35 AM
This is what I had to say about Spectre on the CD board.

I liked Spectre. It wasn't as good as Skyfall, but that was kinda a unreasonable expectation to have anyways, given how good Skyfall was. This one felt less like a Daniel Craig James Bond movie and more like the old style of Bond movie. It felt different, and I enjoyed it. I think the slight style change is probably why it's not getting the best reviews.

For me, Daniel Craig's Bond had been his character slowly evolving into the classic idea of what Bond is from the Jason Borne / James Bond hybrid that Casino Royale was. This is all tinted by the fact that I am a James Bond fan. I've seen every one and have enjoyed them all. Some are obviously better than others. For me Quantum of Solace is still the worst of the Daniel Craig Bond films, but I still liked it.

Edit: I forgot to mention something that I found interesting. The Rotten Tomatoes score for Spectre was about 20% higher before it released in the US and most of the reviews in general that where coming out of the UK seemed positive. I think the disjointed opinions there is pretty interesting.

11-18-2015, 11:49 AM
The two main theaters nearby me are playing Spotlight. I'm surprised that others are having a hard time finding it close by. Then again maybe it's because I'm in Massachusetts? Maybe I'll go check it out this weekend. Mike, I saw that it's playing in Hartford and Wallingford and a few other places in Connecticut.

Still Servant
11-18-2015, 05:22 PM
That theatre looks awesome. Never been in a cinema with a balcony.

Yeah, it really is cool looking. I've always wanted to sit in the balcony in a theater. Riffi is opening November 22 and I've always wanted to see that. Also, Rear Window will be there at the end of November.

The two main theaters nearby me are playing Spotlight. I'm surprised that others are having a hard time finding it close by. Then again maybe it's because I'm in Massachusetts? Maybe I'll go check it out this weekend. Mike, I saw that it's playing in Hartford and Wallingford and a few other places in Connecticut.

Thanks for the heads up, Heather, but I actually came to this thread to update that Spotlight is opening near me. As luck would have it, Wallingford is my theater. In fact, I'm only 3 minutes away. As you can imagine, when the theater announced on Facebook the films that were opening this weekend, I was elated.


Still Servant
11-18-2015, 05:25 PM
This is what I had to say about Spectre on the CD board.

I liked Spectre. It wasn't as good as Skyfall, but that was kinda a unreasonable expectation to have anyways, given how good Skyfall was. This one felt less like a Daniel Craig James Bond movie and more like the old style of Bond movie. It felt different, and I enjoyed it. I think the slight style change is probably why it's not getting the best reviews.

For me, Daniel Craig's Bond had been his character slowly evolving into the classic idea of what Bond is from the Jason Borne / James Bond hybrid that Casino Royale was. This is all tinted by the fact that I am a James Bond fan. I've seen every one and have enjoyed them all. Some are obviously better than others. For me Quantum of Solace is still the worst of the Daniel Craig Bond films, but I still liked it.

Edit: I forgot to mention something that I found interesting. The Rotten Tomatoes score for Spectre was about 20% higher before it released in the US and most of the reviews in general that where coming out of the UK seemed positive. I think the disjointed opinions there is pretty interesting.

Good observation. James (Doctor Dodge) mentioned something similar on Facebook. Once it was brought to my attention, I kind of understood why Craig in Spectre was more like the other Bond's. Like you said, he was slowly making the transition. Quantum is my least favorite too. I don't hate Spectre, I just wanted to love it.

11-18-2015, 08:26 PM
That theatre looks awesome. Never been in a cinema with a balcony.

Yeah, it really is cool looking. I've always wanted to sit in the balcony in a theater. Riffi is opening November 22 and I've always wanted to see that. Also, Rear Window will be there at the end of November.

I wish we got more classic films playing around here. The Cineplex Odeon usually plays one a month a few showings, but it's up in the north end and they usually play on days that never work out. Either between classics I'd never seen at all, or films I love that I never got to see in the theatres, like Terminator 2 or The Shawshank Redemption, I'd be more willing to see old movies than new movies for a good chunk of the year. I wish the Landmark 24 would play classics on a screen or two during the week. I'd go every week.

11-19-2015, 08:40 AM
So I did end up going to the Spotlight screening last night. Not really knowing what to expect going in, I really enjoyed it. A very large chunk of the movie is talking (not as much as Aaron Sorkin's movies, though), and it's a testament to the film that it never feels boring or drags (the editing was really well done); it's very engaging. I also really liked that the characters weren't the "stereotypical journalist" characters that you see in so many movies (reckless, willing to do anything to get "the scoop," not really being a team player, etc.). They're portrayed as real people and you can really believe them as journalists. As for the scandal itself, it's also admiral that Spotlight isn't a film attacking religion, but the Church's involvement in the scandal and its cover-up (which is a huge difference). Each of the members of the Spotlight team had religion present in their lives at some point or another and it's really refreshing to see a film where both the filmmakers and characters in the film are able to portray multiple sides of (and emotions related to) the issue and its facts rather than making any kind of "point."

Overall, I enjoyed it and it was much more engaging than I thought it'd be. I'd known about the scandal, of course, but definitely not how BIG and far-reaching the abuse went. (The abuse case in Spotlight is centered on Boston, but at the end of the film they show all the places where they've since uncovered similar cases. It's shocking, appalling, and, like the Spotlight team, makes you wonder how in the world something of that magnitude could be covered up for so long. I was surprised at just how many factors played into it.) I wish the ending would've gone a little further to show the impact of the Spotlight team's article, but that's just a small complaint. (The score was really good too, so I wish they'd have played it more often throughout the film.)

11-19-2015, 08:52 AM
Great review, Rick.

Glad to read the journalists aren't archetypes of the journalistic sleuths cinema so loves. Hope I get a chance to catch it in theaters.

Still Servant
11-19-2015, 05:10 PM
So I did end up going to the Spotlight screening last night. Not really knowing what to expect going in, I really enjoyed it. A very large chunk of the movie is talking (not as much as Aaron Sorkin's movies, though), and it's a testament to the film that it never feels boring or drags (the editing was really well done); it's very engaging. I also really liked that the characters weren't the "stereotypical journalist" characters that you see in so many movies (reckless, willing to do anything to get "the scoop," not really being a team player, etc.). They're portrayed as real people and you can really believe them as journalists. As for the scandal itself, it's also admiral that Spotlight isn't a film attacking religion, but the Church's involvement in the scandal and its cover-up (which is a huge difference). Each of the members of the Spotlight team had religion present in their lives at some point or another and it's really refreshing to see a film where both the filmmakers and characters in the film are able to portray multiple sides of (and emotions related to) the issue and its facts rather than making any kind of "point."

Overall, I enjoyed it and it was much more engaging than I thought it'd be. I'd known about the scandal, of course, but definitely not how BIG and far-reaching the abuse went. (The abuse case in Spotlight is centered on Boston, but at the end of the film they show all the places where they've since uncovered similar cases. It's shocking, appalling, and, like the Spotlight team, makes you wonder how in the world something of that magnitude could be covered up for so long. I was surprised at just how many factors played into it.) I wish the ending would've gone a little further to show the impact of the Spotlight team's article, but that's just a small complaint. (The score was really good too, so I wish they'd have played it more often throughout the film.)

I'm glad you liked it, Ricky. It was great to hear your thoughts.

If you're looking for more insight on the scandal, check out the documentary Deliver Us from Evil.

11-19-2015, 06:22 PM
The revenant... Wow.

11-19-2015, 06:40 PM
Ummm, did you see it?

11-19-2015, 07:04 PM
So I just watched this documentary on netflix called The Wolfpack. I highly recommend it. It's so disturbing and heartbreaking. Basically this dad kept his 7 kids locked in their NYC apartment for 14 years. The kids all have a very strong love for film and they'll reenact their favorite films for entertainment. One day one of the boys finally gets up the courage to leave the house and go outside for a little bit and over time his brothers would join him, but just thinking what those kids must have endured throughout their childhood is absolutely horrible.

Still Servant
11-22-2015, 01:27 PM
So I just watched this documentary on netflix called The Wolfpack. I highly recommend it. It's so disturbing and heartbreaking. Basically this dad kept his 7 kids locked in their NYC apartment for 14 years. The kids all have a very strong love for film and they'll reenact their favorite films for entertainment. One day one of the boys finally gets up the courage to leave the house and go outside for a little bit and over time his brothers would join him, but just thinking what those kids must have endured throughout their childhood is absolutely horrible.

OHHH! I remember reading about that documentary a while back and thought it sounded really interesting. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention. I forgot to jot it down at the time.

11-22-2015, 02:46 PM
Just popping in to rate a movie i saw today. Mockingjay part 2. The highlight was the trailer for 11/22/63. The first 122 minutes of MJ2 were very good. Twists, turns, excitment. The last 14 minutes? No idea. The fire alarm went off, emptying the theatre.
I even forgot to grab my $4.22 bottle of water.

11-22-2015, 04:47 PM
Watched a documentary called Why Horror? last night. It was decent, I guess. Basically about the factors (psychological, etc.) of why people respond to horror movies differently. I enjoyed the interviews from those involved in the horror genre (John Carpenter, George Romero, David Hackl, Eli Roth, etc.), but it seemed to try and fit too much into it (and it felt a little slow for being only 80 minutes).

It's On Demand so if anyone's seen it I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

The highlight was the trailer for 11/22/63. The first 122 minutes of MJ2 were very good. Twists, turns, excitment. The last 14 minutes? No idea. The fire alarm went off, emptying the theatre.
I even forgot to grab my $4.22 bottle of water.

Sorry you had to leave the theater (especially right at the end). That's only happened to me once before (due to the projector not working, not the fire alarm), but they gave everyone a pass for another movie afterwards, which was nice.

Did they play a full trailer for 11/22/63? Or was it that little 30 second one?

Still Servant
11-22-2015, 04:48 PM
Just popping in to rate a movie i saw today. Mockingjay part 2. The highlight was the trailer for 11/22/63. The first 122 minutes of MJ2 were very good. Twists, turns, excitment. The last 14 minutes? No idea. The fire alarm went off, emptying the theatre.
I even forgot to grab my $4.22 bottle of water.

First things first, you got to see a trailer for 11/22/63? That's really interesting. I've never really heard of trailers for a "TV" show playing before a theatrical movie.

I'm not really sure where this excitement you're referring to came from during Mockingjay Part 2. Yes, the second half certainly has some action, but my god is the beginning of that film slow. There's no action to speak of for the first 30 minutes of that film.

Also, forget about the bottle of water, they owe you another movie ticket, or at least your money back. You didn't get to see the rest of the film. That would never fly with me.

For me, the Hunger Games took a steep nose dive after the first two films. I loved the first film and enjoyed the second, but I really disliked the third film and the fourth is just average. I liked the scenes where they reintroduced more booby traps, making it feel like the Hunger Games, but there wasn't enough of it.

Many of the scenes, especially in the beginning, were just plain boring. I almost fell asleep and that never happens in the movie theater. Then again, it was the first time I was trying out the new recliners in this theater.

11-22-2015, 05:59 PM
RE: 11/22/63 trailer....
We were just walking in when it started so it took me a few seconds to realize what it was, then it was over, so i'm guessing it was the 30 second version.

And yes, i will be contactiing them about a refund or replacment tickets, but with all the firetrucks and such, i figured it wasnt the right time. :)

11-23-2015, 05:44 AM
So I just watched this documentary on netflix called The Wolfpack. I highly recommend it. It's so disturbing and heartbreaking. Basically this dad kept his 7 kids locked in their NYC apartment for 14 years. The kids all have a very strong love for film and they'll reenact their favorite films for entertainment. One day one of the boys finally gets up the courage to leave the house and go outside for a little bit and over time his brothers would join him, but just thinking what those kids must have endured throughout their childhood is absolutely horrible.

OHHH! I remember reading about that documentary a while back and thought it sounded really interesting. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention. I forgot to jot it down at the time.

You have to watch it, it was very interesting. Plus I know you'll be fascinated by their complex movie reenactments. We just watched the 20/20 special that aired about them. You can find that on youtube. It goes into more detail about their case, and also follows them a bit after the filming of the documentary.

11-23-2015, 08:09 AM
Then again, it was the first time I was trying out the new recliners in this theater.

That sounds nice! The seats in the AMC I go to rock, but don't recline.

Still Servant
11-24-2015, 05:26 PM
So I just watched this documentary on netflix called The Wolfpack. I highly recommend it. It's so disturbing and heartbreaking. Basically this dad kept his 7 kids locked in their NYC apartment for 14 years. The kids all have a very strong love for film and they'll reenact their favorite films for entertainment. One day one of the boys finally gets up the courage to leave the house and go outside for a little bit and over time his brothers would join him, but just thinking what those kids must have endured throughout their childhood is absolutely horrible.

OHHH! I remember reading about that documentary a while back and thought it sounded really interesting. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention. I forgot to jot it down at the time.

You have to watch it, it was very interesting. Plus I know you'll be fascinated by their complex movie reenactments. We just watched the 20/20 special that aired about them. You can find that on youtube. It goes into more detail about their case, and also follows them a bit after the filming of the documentary.

The fact that the sons were all huge movie buffs and that they liked to reenact scenes from their favorite films really stuck out in my mind. I just couldn't remember the film and then I completely forgot to look it up. I'm glad you mentioned it!

Then again, it was the first time I was trying out the new recliners in this theater.

That sounds nice! The seats in the AMC I go to rock, but don't recline.

Yeah, unfortunately, it comes with some downside. Ticket prices have gone up because of them. The other issue is they aren't great for tall people. I'm 6'2" and my feet hang off the end quite a bit.

I'm not sure about where everybody else lives, but around here every theater is ditching the old theater seats and going to recliners. My main theater just put in nice leather seats earlier this year and are already removing them to put in the recliners. They don't really have a choice if they want to compete with the other theaters.

The other problem I have with them is that you have to pick what seat you want when you purchase your ticket.

11-24-2015, 05:41 PM
Oh wow, I'm not sure I would like that. Can you move if it's not too full and have an annoying person next to you? I don't think there's any theaters around me that have them.

Still Servant
11-24-2015, 07:02 PM
Oh wow, I'm not sure I would like that. Can you move if it's not too full and have an annoying person next to you? I don't think there's any theaters around me that have them.

I'm not sure about that. I think you can as long as there are empty seats available. The problem is that the recliners take up way more room, so there's a lot less seats. About a third less than a normal theater.

My local theater has stated that all seating will be first come first serve, which is fine with me because I like to get to the theater early.

Do you have any Cinemark theaters near you? They are the ones that are buying up all the old Showcase cinemas and remodeling them. A Cinemark theater a few towns over came in and knocked down the old theater and completely built a new one.

11-24-2015, 07:21 PM
Room. What a great fucking movie. See it.

Spotlight Sunday....for realz this time yo!

11-25-2015, 06:50 AM
The other problem I have with them is that you have to pick what seat you want when you purchase your ticket.

I would hate this so much. Not even worth it to have a nice, leather seat if you have to pick where you want to sit ahead of time and take a chance that distracting people will sit next to you.

11-25-2015, 07:01 AM
Agreed, although with my luck I go in and try to sit away from possible annoying people and then annoying people come and sit down next to me :doh: Did I tell you guys what happened when I went to see Crimson Peak?

11-25-2015, 08:08 AM
No! But you just reminded me of our Terrible Movie Experience thread (I think it's been awhile since it's been posted in). Is it bad enough to go there? :lol:

11-25-2015, 09:55 AM
The other problem I have with them is that you have to pick what seat you want when you purchase your ticket.

I would hate this so much. Not even worth it to have a nice, leather seat if you have to pick where you want to sit ahead of time and take a chance that distracting people will sit next to you.

Oh snap, I actually like assigned seating. Don't have to worry about being there 2 hours before during new releases :lol: Can show up literally 5 minutes before the show starts and take my seat.

The theater I'm catching Star Wars in has fully recline-able leather seats. I fucking love that place.


11-25-2015, 10:42 AM
No! But you just reminded me of our Terrible Movie Experience thread (I think it's been awhile since it's been posted in). Is it bad enough to go there? :lol:

Most definitely :lol: Let me go dig up the thread.

Randall Flagg
11-25-2015, 11:42 AM
Saw "The Night Before" last Friday. Very very funny buddy flick set around Christmas Eve and drugs...
I give it 4 beers and 1 bong hit on the RFSP(and pot)RS

11-25-2015, 01:10 PM
The other problem I have with them is that you have to pick what seat you want when you purchase your ticket.

I would hate this so much. Not even worth it to have a nice, leather seat if you have to pick where you want to sit ahead of time and take a chance that distracting people will sit next to you.

Oh snap, I actually like assigned seating. Don't have to worry about being there 2 hours before during new releases :lol: Can show up literally 5 minutes before the show starts and take my seat.

The theater I'm catching Star Wars in has fully recline-able leather seats. I fucking love that place.


I'm totally all about the reserved seating as well. Unfortunately the only place near me that you can do it with is if it's a movie that has the D-Box seating. Then you have to pay an extra like 10 or 15 dollars for that.

11-25-2015, 01:22 PM
I haven't been to a movie in some time, but I went last week to see the new Bond movie. Anyway, the biggest change I discovered was that they sectioned off a few of the theaters and upgraded the seating in them, and you can order food, etc. basically as a way to compete with the luxury cinemas that are in proximity.

Then there was another section with a higher ticket price and not realizing it I had pre-booked those through the Fandango app. Reserved seating. I asked someone what the difference is and they said it has better seats and "premium sound" or something like that. I discovered that the premium sound meant that they blasted it louder than usual. I must be getting old because it was way too loud for me. Luckily I had earplugs with me and I could still hear everything. If I go next time I'll just get a regular ticket. But I do agree that in the luxury cinemas, the reclining seats are really nice.

Still Servant
11-25-2015, 01:47 PM
The other problem I have with them is that you have to pick what seat you want when you purchase your ticket.

I would hate this so much. Not even worth it to have a nice, leather seat if you have to pick where you want to sit ahead of time and take a chance that distracting people will sit next to you.

Oh snap, I actually like assigned seating. Don't have to worry about being there 2 hours before during new releases :lol: Can show up literally 5 minutes before the show starts and take my seat.

The theater I'm catching Star Wars in has fully recline-able leather seats. I fucking love that place.


Yup, those are the same seats I was referring to. I'm not sure if it's just the angle of the picture, but those seats appear to be on flat ground. They don't seem to have much pitch to them. All the theaters around me have the recliners still in their typical stadium seating. I don't want to sound like a snob, but I could not go back to non stadium seating theaters.

Room. What a great fucking movie. See it.

Spotlight Sunday....for realz this time yo!

Spotlight was great. Such great performances. A very understated film. It felt very realistic. Sometimes films try to infuse "Hollywood" moments into a film like this, but I'm glad they didn't. It would have taken away from the subject matter of the film. One of the best of the year.

11-25-2015, 03:20 PM
I don't want to sound like a snob, but I could not go back to non stadium seating theaters.

Same here!

Speaking of Spotlight, I read an article the other day about how the filmmakers discovered the earlier "tip", I guess, about the 20+ names that the Globe published WHILE they were researching for the movie. So Robby in real life never realized that he buried it in Metro; it was written into the movie after they discovered what had happened. I thought that was pretty cool.

11-26-2015, 08:16 AM
Just reiterating that this movie was phenomenal and everyone should see it first chance they get! This Irish/Canadian film is sure to be a front-runner for Best Foreign Film at the Oscars this year, and for many reasons. I was captivated from start to finish. Great acting. Superb directing. Flawless editing. Great score. SEE IT.


11-26-2015, 08:21 AM
It actually wouldn't qualify for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar since it's in English. But it very well may get a shot at the Best Picture Oscar, according to some buzz.

11-26-2015, 08:25 AM
Kind of stupid that it's foreign language film...if a bunch of Germans make a film in English it's still a foreign film, dammit!

11-26-2015, 08:28 AM
Well technically any movie can be nominated for Best Picture. Both Amour and The Artist won it recently or were nominated and they were foreign. People say Hungary's Son of Saul has a good chance to get a Best Picture nom as well. For for the actual Best Foreign Language Oscar yeah, the movie has to be mostly in a language other than English (and made outside the US).

11-26-2015, 08:36 AM
Yeah, the odds of a non-US film winning Best Picture is slim to none. With expanded nominees, I can see them throwing one of them a nomination to give it some rub, but that's about it. When foreign language films get nominated for best pictures/foreign language film, it kind of makes the foreign language film category a complete waste since it's obvious four of those films are just glad to be there lol.

Still Servant
11-26-2015, 09:04 AM
Did you see The Room in theaters, Matt? I doubt it will open near me.

11-26-2015, 09:07 AM
It's Room. It must be as disassociated with Tommy Wisseau as possible haha. Yeah, I saw it in theatres on Tuesday. I do like getting to see some Canadian flicks in theatres to support them. Berkshire County was a solid one too. Sad I missed Remember though.

11-26-2015, 09:25 AM
Wow, Matt. That good, huh? I've had the book on my to-read list for years but have never gotten around to it.

Still Servant
11-27-2015, 01:36 PM
It's Room. It must be as disassociated with Tommy Wisseau as possible haha. Yeah, I saw it in theatres on Tuesday. I do like getting to see some Canadian flicks in theatres to support them. Berkshire County was a solid one too. Sad I missed Remember though.

Either way, it's a terribly unoriginal name for a film. Luckily, the subject matter seems to have risen above the generic name, otherwise it would have gotten lost in the shuffle and forgotten.

11-27-2015, 02:02 PM
It's Room. It must be as disassociated with Tommy Wisseau as possible haha. Yeah, I saw it in theatres on Tuesday. I do like getting to see some Canadian flicks in theatres to support them. Berkshire County was a solid one too. Sad I missed Remember though.

Either way, it's a terribly unoriginal name for a film. Luckily, the subject matter seems to have risen above the generic name, otherwise it would have gotten lost in the shuffle and forgotten.

It was the book's name. I do have to say, the term room over the room made such a difference in the story, so it's a fitting title.

Still Servant
11-27-2015, 05:16 PM
It's Room. It must be as disassociated with Tommy Wisseau as possible haha. Yeah, I saw it in theatres on Tuesday. I do like getting to see some Canadian flicks in theatres to support them. Berkshire County was a solid one too. Sad I missed Remember though.

Either way, it's a terribly unoriginal name for a film. Luckily, the subject matter seems to have risen above the generic name, otherwise it would have gotten lost in the shuffle and forgotten.

It was the book's name. I do have to say, the term room over the room made such a difference in the story, so it's a fitting title.

It's a terribly unoriginal name for a book too. I'm shocked a book with a name like that can get any attention. It must be very well written.

11-28-2015, 11:27 AM
Bridge of Spies was very good. 4/5

11-29-2015, 07:44 PM
Spotlight was as solid as I was expecting. 5/5.

Still Servant
11-30-2015, 05:57 PM
Spotlight was as solid as I was expecting. 5/5.

Indeed it was. A solid film for adults, with no Hollywood frills. Very rare to find. A true movie.

12-02-2015, 02:35 PM
Went to a screening for In the Heart of the Sea last night. I enjoyed it, but felt it didn't do too much to differentiate itself from other movies in the "stranded" or "lost at sea" sub-genres. It also seemed that it didn't really know what it wanted to focus on: the Essex itself? The whale? The voyage? Being lost at sea for 90 days (and the aftermath)? All of those are touched on, but none really stand out as they maybe should. There's a lot of meaty stuff in there, but it loses some of the emotional weight since it covers roughly half a year and time-hops a lot.

Overall, it was entertaining (especially for free), but nothing too mind-blowing.

Still Servant
12-02-2015, 06:36 PM
Went to a screening for In the Heart of the Sea last night. I enjoyed it, but felt it didn't do too much to differentiate itself from other movies in the "stranded" or "lost at sea" sub-genres. It also seemed that it didn't really know what it wanted to focus on: the Essex itself? The whale? The voyage? Being lost at sea for 90 days (and the aftermath)? All of those are touched on, but none really stand out as they maybe should. There's a lot of meaty stuff in there, but it loses some of the emotional weight since it covers roughly half a year and time-hops a lot.

Overall, it was entertaining (especially for free), but nothing too mind-blowing.

I'm interested in seeing this. I really enjoyed Ron Howard and Chris Hemsworth's last effort Rush. I thought it was a criminally under seen film.

Has anybody seen Creed yet? I'm dying to see it, but with my new job (and still doing my old job part time) I haven't had as much time to get to the theater. Plus, my dad is rehabbing from foot surgery and I don't want to see Creed without him until he can walk.

I've heard good things.

12-06-2015, 01:30 PM
Watched Goodnight Mommy the other night. Really enjoyed it. It was pretty different than what I was expecting. And I really liked where they went with it. I'd highly recommend it.

12-06-2015, 01:42 PM
Very Murray Christmas.


12-06-2015, 03:43 PM
That's an understatement. Tried to watch it last night and fast forwarded thru practically the whole thing.

12-07-2015, 10:51 AM

A fairly entertaining student film about two aspiring entrepreneurs who accidentally discover time travel and the ethical, moral and logistical issues that arise from such an endeavor.


Suicide Kings

A group of Ivy Leaguers enter a Faustian deal with Christopher Walken's mob boss character. In Tarantino fashion, the perfect plan begins to go awry as suspicions within the friends arise and Walken's dangerous silver tongued persona encumbers the proceedings with doubt.


12-07-2015, 08:27 PM
I loved Primer. One of my favourite sci-fis. Carruth's Upstream Color is a visually stunning and totally abstract film.

Watched Inside Out and it was great. Will rewatch again soon. Also rewatched The Babadook Because it's awesome and Triangle because it's a genius and well-craffed genre flick.

12-08-2015, 07:23 AM
Triangle is pretty genius. Would love to see more of that.

12-08-2015, 08:27 AM
Just added Triangle to my queue, thanks.

12-08-2015, 04:50 PM
You'll like it. Did you watch The Arrival yet? And no, I haven't watched Apocalypse Now yet lol

12-09-2015, 08:29 AM
...And no, I haven't watched Apocalypse Now yet lol


12-10-2015, 05:22 AM
So has anyone here watched Goodnight Mommy yet? Matt I especially think you'll enjoy it.

12-10-2015, 09:03 AM
I believe I mentioned it here last month when I saw a stellar review in the Washington Post. It is the next DVD up in my Netflix queue. I'm looking forward to it.

12-10-2015, 11:27 AM
I have it downloaded but can't find a working subtitle for it yet. :(

Still Servant
12-10-2015, 05:43 PM
I loved Primer. One of my favourite sci-fis. Carruth's Upstream Color is a visually stunning and totally abstract film.

Watched Inside Out and it was great. Will rewatch again soon. Also rewatched The Babadook Because it's awesome and Triangle because it's a genius and well-craffed genre flick.

I couldn't get into Primer. The color choices actually took me out of the film. As a video guy, I couldn't get over the lack of white balancing. I kept yelling at the screen, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY WHITE BALANCE THAT CAMERA!" I know it was a stylistic choice, but I just couldn't stand it.

12-17-2015, 07:40 AM
Well, this is it. After a couple of years of build up, the first of the new Star Wars sequels has finally been released. Has it lived up to the hype? At the very least, is it better than the prequel movies?

It's an easy yes, and there's a big reason why - as much as the film is filled with awesome battles and stories of good versus evil, Abrams's main focus is, of course, the characters. They're what make the film work, both as a film that's truly in the spirit of the original movies (a spirit that the prequel movies arguably lacked), and as a way of reviving the franchise and almost acting as a fresh starting-point for a brand new audience.

It's through the new characters that the film avoids being a complete retread of the original movies. There are a lot of visual and story nods to those films, and those are pretty cool, but the story of The Force Awakens is at its best by telling a brand new story of its own, and the new characters help with that more than anything.

Out of all the new characters, my favourite by far is Finn. Rey's a strong female protagonist that has elements of Luke's journey while being very much her own character, but Finn is completely original. Sometimes, he acts like he's out for himself, and other times, he's like a massive kid that makes him gloriously likeable. As for Kylo Ren? He's cool. He's no Vader, but he's certainly interesting.

As for the original characters, it's great to see them again. It's really interesting finding out exactly what they've been up to in the 30+ years since Return of the Jedi, but the film seems much more keen to focus on its brand new creations rather than on the past. It's also clear that, as far as most people in the galaxy are concerned, they're virtually legends, stories that people can hardly believe. It works too, as it helps to balance between continuing the story that original fans loved so much, while doing it in such a way that brand new fans can be brought in to the franchise.

The Force Awakens is clearly only the first act of a new trilogy, and for every shocking revelation about what's happened since the original trilogy ended, many more questions are raised. As a result, while it's fast-paced and action packed, it feels like only the beginning of a new story, rather than a complete story itself. It'll be interesting to see how well everything fits once the new trilogy is complete.

Full of the fun and spirit of the original films, while telling a completely new story for a new generation, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a worthy revival of the franchise, and I'm eager to see how the story continues.

Still Servant
12-17-2015, 04:09 PM
I'll come back to that review, James. I'm trying to go in as clean as possible.

12-18-2015, 06:32 AM
Having not seen Stat Wars, the plot sounds the same as new hope. Crash landing on desert planet by a hero with lightsabre who learns of an ancient, mystic force and goes on journey with wise old man along with a woman who put plans on a Droid for a death star like battle station... sounds a little too much like A New Hope from what I've read. someome said it should be called A New A New Hope. Biggest criticism lobbied against it was Abrams didn't bring enough originality but plenty of fan service, which was my fear. The barometer of quality should read more accurate by aggregate in a week.

12-18-2015, 06:44 AM
Having not seen Stat Wars, the plot sounds the same as new hope. Crash landing on desert planet by a hero with lightsabre who learns of an ancient, mystic force and goes on journey with wise old man along with a woman who put plans on a Droid for a death star like battle station... sounds a little too much like A New Hope from what I've read. someome said it should be called A New A New Hope. Biggest criticism lobbied against it was Abrams didn't bring enough originality but plenty of fan service, which was my fear. The barometer of quality should read more accurate by aggregate in a week.
Really? lol You havent seen it! Give it a chance...

12-18-2015, 07:11 AM
Having not seen Stat Wars, the plot sounds the same as new hope. Crash landing on desert planet by a hero with lightsabre who learns of an ancient, mystic force and goes on journey with wise old man along with a woman who put plans on a Droid for a death star like battle station... sounds a little too much like A New Hope from what I've read. someome said it should be called A New A New Hope. Biggest criticism lobbied against it was Abrams didn't bring enough originality but plenty of fan service, which was my fear. The barometer of quality should read more accurate by aggregate in a week.
Really? lol You havent seen it! Give it a chance...

To be fair, he's actually not that far off. I enjoyed it, and the new elements Abrams brings are great, no question there, but there are times when it follows the template of A New Hope almost too closely. I say 'almost' because there are also moments that are intentionally meant to echo them which I quite liked, but yeah, the template is virtually the same. One key difference being of course is that this time, it's the woman who's learning about the force this time.

The best part is that this isn't even the first time that Abrams has been criticized for, erm, "borrowing" from the original trilogy.


12-18-2015, 08:18 AM

Solid four out of five. Nothing mindblowing, but thoroughly enjoyable/depressing. First half better than the second half. Damn great acting from the kid.

12-18-2015, 12:42 PM

Solid four out of five. Nothing mindblowing, but thoroughly enjoyable/depressing. First half better than the second half. Damn great acting from the kid.

It blew my mind. My number one film so far this year. I loved every second of it. Glad you enjoyed it.

12-18-2015, 09:37 PM
Just finished watching The Best Offer. Hadn't even heard of this movie. Absolutely brilliant. What a shocker ending. Loved it, so 5/5. Geoffrey Rush was fantastic.

12-19-2015, 01:05 AM

Solid four out of five. Nothing mindblowing, but thoroughly enjoyable/depressing. First half better than the second half. Damn great acting from the kid.Looked it up at imdb, the main premise reminded me of Dogtooth

12-19-2015, 03:37 AM

Solid four out of five. Nothing mindblowing, but thoroughly enjoyable/depressing. First half better than the second half. Damn great acting from the kid.Looked it up at imdb, the main premise reminded me of Dogtooth

Room isBear's kind of film.

12-19-2015, 07:57 AM
It was playing at this little arthouse theater nearby awhile back. I tried to get Matt to go with me but he refused so now I have to wait for the dvd release :(

12-19-2015, 11:37 AM

Solid four out of five. Nothing mindblowing, but thoroughly enjoyable/depressing. First half better than the second half. Damn great acting from the kid.Looked it up at imdb, the main premise reminded me of Dogtooth

One of the main reasons I want to watch it.
Bears know how much I love Dogtooth.

Randall Flagg
12-19-2015, 05:07 PM
Terribly unfunny. Change a frat boy grow up now that you are 40 movie to a frat girl grow up now that you are 40 theme and there you have it. Not even an homage, just poor theft.
Three funny scenes (admittedly one-music box- is an entire minute of laugh out loud), John Cena in an incredible deadpan performance and that's it.
2 beers on the RFSRS.

12-19-2015, 05:43 PM
Cena got the only laugh out of me during the trailer for Sisters.

Randall Flagg
12-19-2015, 06:13 PM
Cena got the only laugh out of me during the trailer for Sisters.
The music box was by far the funniest. Cena's deadpan intimidating drug dealer was fabulous and a close second.

12-19-2015, 08:59 PM
St. Vincent: 3/5

Skeleton Twins: 2/5

12-19-2015, 10:19 PM
I've been meaning to watch Skeleton Kings for awhile.

Rewatched Into The Wild. Just as magnificent as ever. Damn you Hal Halloran for making me cry every damn time!

12-20-2015, 12:17 AM

12-20-2015, 10:11 AM
Rewatched Our Idiot Brother, yet another example of Paul Rudd being an awesome comedic actor. And his ex's new boyfriend is one of the funniest characters in film history.

Then I rewatched Juno and I still don't like it. Thought I might like it more the second time, but nope. I don't find it very funny. It's not touching or insightful, and Juno is just an annoying character. Jennifer Garner sucks. Not a fan of the soundtrack. It's like the movie was both trying too hard and not hard enough at once.

12-20-2015, 01:05 PM
Went to see Krampus. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fun little movie. And definitely more funny than scary.

12-20-2015, 03:28 PM
I liked it a lot, too. I loved the humor, but also that they had a dark-ish ending.

12-21-2015, 05:45 AM
VERY BUSY weekend with movies:) ALL GOOD!

The Walk 8/10
Sicario 8/10
Everest 7.5/10
Revenant 9/10 (this movie is just amazing)
The Visit 7/10

Tonight Going to see Star Wars!!!!! Then I have Hateful 8 to catch afterwards!

12-21-2015, 12:26 PM
VERY BUSY weekend with movies:) ALL GOOD!

The Walk 8/10
Sicario 8/10
Everest 7.5/10
Revenant 9/10 (this movie is just amazing)
The Visit 7/10

Tonight Going to see Star Wars!!!!! Then I have Hateful 8 to catch afterwards!
Saw Revenant last night. Just wow. I'm calling for best picture, best director, best actor, best supporting actor. Dicaprio and Hardy were amazing. It took awhile for me to figure out who Hardy was as his beard and accent made him a changed person. That is acting. Hardy is something else! Sicario was damn good too. I haven't like Tarantino for years. Hateful Eight I didn't like. Sorry

12-21-2015, 01:32 PM
How the heck are you guys seeing these films weeks early? I want to see them but Stupid Star Wars is making me wait longer.

12-21-2015, 03:36 PM
Man just about every movie coming out for the next three weeks is all over the Internet. And yes, it took me awhile to figure out Tom Hardy. I like him more and more with each movie he does!!!

Star Wars.... 8/10.

12-21-2015, 06:24 PM
Maybe it's me, but I'd definitely prefer to wait and see certain films in the theater vs on my tv. Like The Hateful Eight and The Reverent.

My boyfriends family will buy bootleg films (ones still in the theater, or not yet on dvd) from their local convience store. We borrowed Bridge of Spies from them and didn't make it past the first 10min because the quality was so poor. I don't know how they can watch them.

12-21-2015, 06:35 PM
Man just about every movie coming out for the next three weeks is all over the Internet.

I'm not sure whether to be angry or just weep quietly in the corner...

12-21-2015, 07:20 PM
Man just about every movie coming out for the next three weeks is all over the Internet. And yes, it took me awhile to figure out Tom Hardy. I like him more and more with each movie he does!!!

Star Wars.... 8/10.

I didn't want to sound stupid about Hardy in Revenant. I knew he was in it and I'm looking for the guy and straining my eyes looking for him. And his changed accent and the beard and I'm at a loss. Eventually the light bulb popped on and I found him. I'm hoping Revenant rolls the awards because everything about that movie will make me watch it over and over. The visuals, the scenery, the acting, the realism, the crazy realistic fight scenes. Wow is the worst I can say about it. Just wow. 9/10 for me

12-21-2015, 07:23 PM
Maybe it's me, but I'd definitely prefer to wait and see certain films in the theater vs on my tv. Like The Hateful Eight and The Reverent.

My boyfriends family will buy bootleg films (ones still in the theater, or not yet on dvd) from their local convience store. We borrowed Bridge of Spies from them and didn't make it past the first 10min because the quality was so poor. I don't know how they can watch them.

Newer laptops have HDMI ports to attach to your HD TV. Works like a charm to expand the viewing. Throw on the stereo and blow your head off as it is close enough and more to my liking for theater quality. It is Christmas on the Internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-21-2015, 08:33 PM
The ones being released.this week are all screeners. Damn near DVD quality. I have Rose this week so I can only do one per night, but I'm excited. Like someone said above, it's like christmas!

12-22-2015, 04:01 AM
Man just about every movie coming out for the next three weeks is all over the Internet. And yes, it took me awhile to figure out Tom Hardy. I like him more and more with each movie he does!!!

Star Wars.... 8/10.

I didn't want to sound stupid about Hardy in Revenant. I knew he was in it and I'm looking for the guy and straining my eyes looking for him. And his changed accent and the beard and I'm at a loss. Eventually the light bulb popped on and I found him. I'm hoping Revenant rolls the awards because everything about that movie will make me watch it over and over. The visuals, the scenery, the acting, the realism, the crazy realistic fight scenes. Wow is the worst I can say about it. Just wow. 9/10 for me

It really is something... I agree. Wonderful movie! It was done in my old stomping grounds in Alberta. If you ever visit Canada... Alberta and Nova Scotia are the ones to visit:)

12-22-2015, 04:02 AM
The ones being released.this week are all screeners. Damn near DVD quality. I have Rose this week so I can only do one per night, but I'm excited. Like someone said above, it's like christmas!

Agreed. Went home last night and pretty much every other film has been released. Was surprised to see Wil Smith's new one there.... that looks good!

12-22-2015, 05:53 AM
The ones being released.this week are all screeners. Damn near DVD quality. I have Rose this week so I can only do one per night, but I'm excited. Like someone said above, it's like christmas!

Agreed. Went home last night and pretty much every other film has been released. Was surprised to see Wil Smith's new one there.... that looks good!
I just noticed Concussion and Steve Jobs with Michael Fassbender is out there now :). Football fans should be interested in Concussion. I know some of these screeners are not HD, but Revenant quality sure looked like to me.

12-22-2015, 06:01 AM
The ones being released.this week are all screeners. Damn near DVD quality. I have Rose this week so I can only do one per night, but I'm excited. Like someone said above, it's like christmas!

Agreed. Went home last night and pretty much every other film has been released. Was surprised to see Wil Smith's new one there.... that looks good!
I just noticed Concussion and Steve Jobs with Michael Fassbender is out there now :). Football fans should be interested in Concussion. I know some of these screeners are not HD, but Revenant quality sure looked like to me.

Yeah no watermarks are numbers either. Creed is perfect too.. all that I have seen is. When will Studios get thier shit together and give voting members a code to somehow stream it? It is not them leaking it I bet but somewhere in the process. Crazy...

12-24-2015, 08:03 AM
Got my The Battle of the Five Armies (extended) a couple of weeks ago and finally, in preparation of watching it, saw An unexpected Journey (extended) again. And I was pleasantly surprised, as I wasn't bored for one single minute of the three hours running time. Actually, I quite enjoyed it and can't wait for The Desolation of Smaug (extended) which I'll watch tomorrow.
And yes, I have watched these extended editions before, but that was about one year ago.

I actually really like this trilogy!


Randall Flagg
12-24-2015, 08:54 AM
Viewed "The Big Short" yesterday. Great movie about the few people that saw the housing (and whole market) collapse coming. Funny and yet sobering because it could all happen again. Enjoyed how they had celebrities explaining complex financial terms.
5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

12-24-2015, 10:11 AM
Great cast it's got, I'm excited to see it.

12-24-2015, 01:16 PM
Got my The Battle of the Five Armies (extended) a couple of weeks ago and finally, in preparation of watching it, saw An unexpected Journey (extended) again. And I was pleasantly surprised, as I wasn't bored for one single minute of the three hours running time. Actually, I quite enjoyed it and can't wait for The Desolation of Smaug (extended) which I'll watch tomorrow.
And yes, I have watched these extended editions before, but that was about one year ago.

I actually really like this trilogy!


Agreed... I watched them all and it was worth it!!!

12-25-2015, 06:31 AM
Room isBear's kind of film.Now bears really mush watch it, and will, as soon as they can!

Bears know
Bears do!!

how much I love Dogtooth.So do bears!!!

12-25-2015, 08:27 AM
Got my The Battle of the Five Armies (extended) a couple of weeks ago and finally, in preparation of watching it, saw An unexpected Journey (extended) again. And I was pleasantly surprised, as I wasn't bored for one single minute of the three hours running time. Actually, I quite enjoyed it and can't wait for The Desolation of Smaug (extended) which I'll watch tomorrow.
And yes, I have watched these extended editions before, but that was about one year ago.

I actually really like this trilogy!


Extended for this type is always the way to go, just like LOTR. Love the trilogies!

12-25-2015, 12:15 PM
Viewed "The Big Short" yesterday. Great movie about the few people that saw the housing (and whole market) collapse coming. Funny and yet sobering because it could all happen again. Enjoyed how they had celebrities explaining complex financial terms.
5/6 beers on the RFSRS.

It was a solid film. What amazed me was the editing and the frantic pace of the story. The movie felt much longer than it was, not because of it being boring or slow, but because everything was packed so tightly. Carrell was great: he's introduced like a giant douchebag and by the end he's the most virtuous of the characters. . Gosling made me laugh almost every line. 4/5

12-25-2015, 12:17 PM
Got my The Battle of the Five Armies (extended) a couple of weeks ago and finally, in preparation of watching it, saw An unexpected Journey (extended) again. And I was pleasantly surprised, as I wasn't bored for one single minute of the three hours running time. Actually, I quite enjoyed it and can't wait for The Desolation of Smaug (extended) which I'll watch tomorrow.
And yes, I have watched these extended editions before, but that was about one year ago.

I actually really like this trilogy!


Extended for this type is always the way to go, just like LOTR. Love the trilogies!

Hobbit extended? The original cut was about 2 1/2 hours too long.

12-25-2015, 06:53 PM
The Force Awakens was a great film!!!!!!!

12-26-2015, 05:53 AM
Yes, saw it yesterday. Mind=blown.

12-26-2015, 07:03 AM
Seeing it Monday.

Still Servant
12-26-2015, 07:33 AM
People watching films online or bootlegged on DVD will eventually kill the industry. It will take a while, but it will happen.

I will never watch a film like Star Wars, Revenant or Hateful Eight before release on my computer. I cherish the theater experience. I can wait for them to come to the theater. The only times I've watched a movie by downloading it elsewhere is if the film I want to watch never opens in a theater near me. I'm more than willing to give them my money, it just never opens. These are usually small Indie films.

Not spending money on a ticket doesn't hurt the big studio or the stars making millions of dollars. It hurts the people who are making peanuts. Gaffers, PA's, key grips, etc.

People complain about the theater being too expensive. You don't have to buy concessions and every theater has a bargain day.

If you can't pay 5 to 7 bucks on a movie ticket once and a while, there might be a problem.

Lastly, I just watched a movie over my cousins house. He just redesigned his home movie theater with a 4K projector with 7.1 surround sound and it STILL doesn't come close to watching a film in a real movie theater and it never will.

12-26-2015, 08:48 AM
Whoa, time OUT! You watched a movie over your cousin's house? Like, you watched a movie that someone else purchased? Like ... you didn't pay anything to see it?

Hmmm ...


12-26-2015, 05:36 PM
People watching films online or bootlegged on DVD will eventually kill the industry. It will take a while, but it will happen.

I will never watch a film like Star Wars, Revenant or Hateful Eight before release on my computer. I cherish the theater experience. I can wait for them to come to the theater. The only times I've watched a movie by downloading it elsewhere is if the film I want to watch never opens in a theater near me. I'm more than willing to give them my money, it just never opens. These are usually small Indie films.

Not spending money on a ticket doesn't hurt the big studio or the stars making millions of dollars. It hurts the people who are making peanuts. Gaffers, PA's, key grips, etc.

People complain about the theater being too expensive. You don't have to buy concessions and every theater has a bargain day.

If you can't pay 5 to 7 bucks on a movie ticket once and a while, there might be a problem.

Lastly, I just watched a movie over my cousins house. He just redesigned his home movie theater with a 4K projector with 7.1 surround sound and it STILL doesn't come close to watching a film in a real movie theater and it never will.

I will pirate a blockbuster. If I dpwnloaded Star Wars, it's still probably the most lucrative movie ever, and their real profit comes from merchandisING anyways.

I mostly only pay.to see smaller films that actually need my business. I see as many as I can. And if I paid for a movie in theatres, I will definitely pirate it to watch it again. I'll see something like Room in theatres over Hunger Games for that reason.

12-26-2015, 06:17 PM
People complain about the theater being too expensive. You don't have to buy concessions and every theater has a bargain day.

If you can't pay 5 to 7 bucks on a movie ticket once and a while, there might be a problem.

I wish movie theater tickets were only 5 to 7 bucks, here in the UK.... :o

With the current exchange rate, it costs around $30.00 a ticket to watch a movie at my local movie theater!

That's $30.00 + two and a half hours of my life that the movie studios owe me for Star Wars Episode VII.... :doh:

12-26-2015, 06:50 PM
People complain about the theater being too expensive. You don't have to buy concessions and every theater has a bargain day.

If you can't pay 5 to 7 bucks on a movie ticket once and a while, there might be a problem.

I wish movie theater tickets were only 5 to 7 bucks, here in the UK.... :o

With the current exchange rate, it costs around $30.00 a ticket to watch a movie at my local movie theater!

That's $30.00 + two and a half hours of my life that the movie studios owe me for Star Wars Episode VII.... :doh:

Oh, pish-posh. Where's my popcorn? LOL LOL Star Wars, was a good flick. You have definite defects!!! LOL LOL LOL

Still Servant
12-27-2015, 07:16 PM
People complain about the theater being too expensive. You don't have to buy concessions and every theater has a bargain day.

If you can't pay 5 to 7 bucks on a movie ticket once and a while, there might be a problem.

I wish movie theater tickets were only 5 to 7 bucks, here in the UK.... :o

With the current exchange rate, it costs around $30.00 a ticket to watch a movie at my local movie theater!

That's $30.00 + two and a half hours of my life that the movie studios owe me for Star Wars Episode VII.... :doh:

Holy shit. I didn't realize it cost that much for a ticket over there.

Whoa, time OUT! You watched a movie over your cousin's house? Like, you watched a movie that someone else purchased? Like ... you didn't pay anything to see it?

Hmmm ...


It was Christmas Vacation. :lol:

12-27-2015, 07:19 PM
Please send $1.62 to:

Chevy Chase
P.O. Box 257
Bedford, NY 10506

12-29-2015, 10:57 AM
The Martian 4/5
Crimson Peak 4/5
Enemy 4/5
The Guest 4/5

12-29-2015, 04:47 PM
Because The Hateful Eight reminded me of it, watched Albino Alligator on Netflix. Haven't seen it in probably ten years. Awesome movie!

12-29-2015, 04:51 PM
That one scene in Hateful 8 reminded me of Lard Ass Hogan. You know the scene.

Still Servant
12-29-2015, 07:59 PM
Because The Hateful Eight reminded me of it, watched Albino Alligator on Netflix. Haven't seen it in probably ten years. Awesome movie!

I had never heard of Albino Alligator and was surprised to see that it was directed by Kevin Spacey.

12-30-2015, 08:43 AM
Spectre 2/5
Paranormal activity ghost dimension 1/5

Really hoping hateful eight gets me out of this bad movie funk

01-02-2016, 08:46 AM
I haven't seen Albino Alligator in forever, but I remember really enjoying it. It's actually been on my list to rewatch for awhile now.

01-06-2016, 04:07 PM
Hateful Eight - 10 out of 10!!!!!

01-06-2016, 04:17 PM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

Still Servant
01-06-2016, 05:09 PM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

I kind of knew what to expect going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I have a few friends who were also disappointed because the film pretty much took place in the cabin. They also wanted more action. I knew The Hateful Eight was going to be a dialogue heavy stage play essentially.

01-06-2016, 05:13 PM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

I kind of knew what to expect going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I have a few friends who were also disappointed because the film pretty much took place in the cabin. They also wanted more action. I knew The Hateful Eight was going to be a dialogue heavy stage play essentially.

Stage play is kinda what I loved about it. Then again, at this stage in my movie viewing career I just about LOVE anything QT puts out there.

01-06-2016, 05:44 PM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

I kind of knew what to expect going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I have a few friends who were also disappointed because the film pretty much took place in the cabin. They also wanted more action. I knew The Hateful Eight was going to be a dialogue heavy stage play essentially.

I kind of knew that it was more of a stage play... I think the runtime threw me a bit too as it seemed to drag. Also it was very predicatble for me too. I liked it but thought I would love it. The Revenant was a FAR better film I thought but my friend loved 8 better. All preference I guess.

Still Servant
01-06-2016, 05:52 PM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

I kind of knew what to expect going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I have a few friends who were also disappointed because the film pretty much took place in the cabin. They also wanted more action. I knew The Hateful Eight was going to be a dialogue heavy stage play essentially.

I kind of knew that it was more of a stage play... I think the runtime threw me a bit too as it seemed to drag. Also it was very predicatble for me too. I liked it but thought I would love it. The Revenant was a FAR better film I thought but my friend loved 8 better. All preference I guess.

I can understand everything you said. Like I've mentioned before, with many of Tarantino's films, I can see why each one would turn people off. For The Hateful Eight, there's a few things that a lot of people won't like and I'm not talking about QT haters. I'm talking about people who enjoy his films.

01-06-2016, 07:32 PM
I'm a huge fan of stage play style films. Hell, that's a big reason why I love Frasier so much. Movies like Bug and Carnage are awesome. They are total actor films and I am drawn to that. Reservoir Dogs too was mostly a stage play. So was Death Proof, but I hated that one.

Still Servant
01-06-2016, 08:35 PM
I'm a huge fan of stage play style films. Hell, that's a big reason why I love Frasier so much. Movies like Bug and Carnage are awesome. They are total actor films and I am drawn to that. Reservoir Dogs too was mostly a stage play. So was Death Proof, but I hated that one.

Yeah, me too. The degree of difficulty is that much higher.

01-06-2016, 11:17 PM
Shit ... Bug and Carnage are literally two of my least favorite movies. Same with the other one ... what was it? googlegooglegoogle The Sunset Limited.


So what you guys are saying is that I'm setting myself up for disappointment by looking forward to Hateful Eight. :(

01-07-2016, 04:08 AM
Hateful 8... A real let down for me. All the hype I expected much more:( 6 out of 10.

I kind of knew what to expect going in, so I wasn't disappointed. I have a few friends who were also disappointed because the film pretty much took place in the cabin. They also wanted more action. I knew The Hateful Eight was going to be a dialogue heavy stage play essentially.

I kind of knew that it was more of a stage play... I think the runtime threw me a bit too as it seemed to drag. Also it was very predicatble for me too. I liked it but thought I would love it. The Revenant was a FAR better film I thought but my friend loved 8 better. All preference I guess.

I can understand everything you said. Like I've mentioned before, with many of Tarantino's films, I can see why each one would turn people off. For The Hateful Eight, there's a few things that a lot of people won't like and I'm not talking about QT haters. I'm talking about people who enjoy his films.

Saying all this... I LOVED Django. That was a work of art.... maybe I was expecting that "pow factor". Still.. NOT a bad movie by any means.

01-07-2016, 05:26 AM
Shit ... Bug and Carnage are literally two of my least favorite movies. Same with the other one ... what was it? googlegooglegoogle The Sunset Limited.


So what you guys are saying is that I'm setting myself up for disappointment by looking forward to Hateful Eight. :(

You don't like Bug? Ah, it's so good! Judd's performance is one of my favourites. She's such a tragic character. She wants to be independent and live herself, but she's powerless not to have a man control her and she's so oblivious to this she fools herself into thinking she's making her own choices. The perfect cyclone of an abused woman.

01-07-2016, 05:30 AM
Cyrus -.Very funny film if you appreciate passive-aggressive dialogue as much as I do. As wacky as the characters seem, they are so normal beneath it all. The film starts with charicatures and ends with human beings. ****

The Wolverine - Just as good the second time around. If only more super hero films were this gritty and engaging. Instead of being a mere cash grab, it is a pretty solid character piece on the enigma that is Wolverine

01-07-2016, 07:02 AM
I loved The Hateful Eight! Such a great film. I actually prefer it to Django.

Still Servant
01-07-2016, 06:45 PM
Shit ... Bug and Carnage are literally two of my least favorite movies. Same with the other one ... what was it? googlegooglegoogle The Sunset Limited.


So what you guys are saying is that I'm setting myself up for disappointment by looking forward to Hateful Eight. :(

Not so fast. Honestly, the only thing it has in common with those two films is the secluded nature of its story. I actually think it feels more like Clue in a cabin.

If you at the very least like Tarantino films, then you will probably enjoy Hateful Eight. You might not love it, but I'd be surprised if you loathe it.

01-07-2016, 08:05 PM
Speaking of these actor and stage play films...I'm going to start rewatching the 'before...' trilogy by Linklater. They are such fantastic films, especially Before Midnight.

01-08-2016, 05:50 AM
Bridge of Spies was great. 8/10

01-08-2016, 12:52 PM
Before Sunrise - Such a lovely movie, so romantic. Hawke and Delpy are just great with such natural chemistry their blooming romance just feels so authentic. I can't get enough of their characters conversations in these movies. In this one we see two young people who are convinced they have all the answers, and as their short time together unfolds, they fight against the reality of who the other person is as they learn about them by trying to hold onto those idyllic opening moments. In many ways it is a microcosm of young relationships and the struggle of loving both the good and the bad part ls of someone else because it's what we crave, and the sting of the.previous relationship(s) remains in their worldviews. These two people are so a like, and yet they are so different. Can't wait to watch their next chapter tonight. *****

Randall Flagg
01-08-2016, 03:43 PM
The Revenant

3/6 Beers on the RFSPRS

Movie was a "vision" and I didn't take peyote thus I wasn't in on it.

I know it was cold; but did everyone have to mumble?
Even the god damn Indians mumbled (even the subtitles mumbled...)

01-08-2016, 04:25 PM

01-08-2016, 04:33 PM
RF brother... You wear a hearing aid? Haha I didn't see that at all...
Or should I say "hear" that? Lol

01-08-2016, 06:53 PM
The Revenant was one of the best movies, along with the Martian, that I've seen in a long, long, time.

01-09-2016, 04:11 AM
Before Sunset - Love these movies so much. Has anyone ever seen this trilogy. So good for so many reasons. The script in the sequel is so fluid because Linklater sat down with Hawke and Delpy to hammer it out. ***** I can't wait to watch Before Midnight tomorrow because.it's even better.

01-09-2016, 04:46 AM
Saw The Revenant last night. I thought it was a really well done film. The cinematography was absolutely wonderful. Leo's performance was really good, but honestly, I think Tom Hardy stole the show. He was amazing.

01-09-2016, 04:53 AM
Saw The Revenant last night. I thought it was a really well done film. The cinematography was absolutely wonderful. Leo's performance was really good, but honestly, I think Tom Hardy stole the show. He was amazing.

Gotta agree with you. If you didn't know Hardy was in the movie... You would not have known that was him!!!!!

01-09-2016, 05:06 AM
Definitely! For awhile I still wasn't sure it was him because he looked so different. I hope he gets some recognition for that role.

Also I forgot to mention, but I agree with Jerome about the sound. The mixing was a bit off because they all spoke so quietly. They needed to turn the volume on their voices up a bit.

01-09-2016, 05:44 AM
Did you see Legend? Hardy killed that too. I like it a lot... 8/10 for me. Cause of Hardy though....

01-09-2016, 06:03 AM
No, not yet. I've been curious about it though. I'm not sure it's still playing around here so I might have to wait for the dvd.

01-09-2016, 08:05 PM
Legend is the first Tom Hardy movie I don't have an urge to see in awhile.

Before Midnight - This movie is pretty much perfect. Not only is it a logical conclusion to the story of Celine and Jesse's romance, but it is a fantastic study on the evolution of modern day relationships. There is a dinner scene where Celine and Jesse are at a table with a young couple, much like them when they first met in 1994, a married couple who is a little older than them but have been together longer, and and elderly couple, both who have lost spouses, and just listening to all these generations speak about how people love each other, is one I'll never get sick of watching. Jesse and Celine are both wounded with the realities of love and the compromises it forces them to make. While they love each other, they feel as if the people they've always been are slipping away from themselves as they come to grips with their decaying dreams. This trilogy is beautiful in so many ways. I can think of any romance movies that are anywhere as close to these three. *****

01-13-2016, 01:40 PM
Thoughts on Hateful Eight:

- Oh, that Quentin Tarantino, he's so VINTAGE, with his fucking old-timey opening credits. And also, did they really have to be almost FIVE MINUTES long? Speaking of length:
- This movie, in addition to being almost three hours long, was one of the most slow-moving films I've seen. Not plot-wise, but shot-wise. We don't need to watch the horses running for a few minutes. And speaking of redundancy:
- A better title for the Hateful Eight should have been "Watch People Repeat Shit Over and Over and Over Again" A perfect example, verbatim:

Chris: John Ruth says you got a Lincoln letter.
Marquis: I told you jackass, go heehaw someplace else.
Chris: That's right John, you did say that, didn't you?
John: Yeah, I did.
Chris: So, you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: THE Abraham Lincoln?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Of America?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Wrote you a letter personally?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Personally as in, "Dear Major Warren"?
Marquis: No, personally as in "Dear Marquis".
Chris: Dear Marquis, Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America!
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: May I see it?
Marquis: No, you may not.

I get that this movie is about a bunch of people stuck together trying to force the other people into acting on emotion, but Jesus Christ, it's fucking making my head spin. And that is only one example. Others include picking up one person, having a ten minute scene with them, then picking up another person in almost the same exact scene again. Another example is showing EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER come through the door, having everyone else yell at them to nail the door shut, and then spend a good couple of minutes showing them nailing said door shut.

It's unnecessary, and bad writing. You don't write movies just for yourself, you have an audience.

- The performances were all pretty good, as far as performances go, but I have to give first place to JJL. Man, Jennifer Jason Leigh was great, lol.
- The Tarantino storytelling "narrative"? Fuck that.

I expected better, and while I didn't hate it, I hated how parts of it were formed.

Hateful Eight: Three out of Five.

01-13-2016, 01:51 PM

01-13-2016, 02:47 PM
Thoughts on Hateful Eight:

- Oh, that Quentin Tarantino, he's so VINTAGE, with his fucking old-timey opening credits. And also, did they really have to be almost FIVE MINUTES long? Speaking of length:
- This movie, in addition to being almost three hours long, was one of the most slow-moving films I've seen. Not plot-wise, but shot-wise. We don't need to watch the horses running for a few minutes. And speaking of redundancy:
- A better title for the Hateful Eight should have been "Watch People Repeat Shit Over and Over and Over Again" A perfect example, verbatim:

Chris: John Ruth says you got a Lincoln letter.
Marquis: I told you jackass, go heehaw someplace else.
Chris: That's right John, you did say that, didn't you?
John: Yeah, I did.
Chris: So, you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: THE Abraham Lincoln?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Of America?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Wrote you a letter personally?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Personally as in, "Dear Major Warren"?
Marquis: No, personally as in "Dear Marquis".
Chris: Dear Marquis, Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America!
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: May I see it?
Marquis: No, you may not.

I get that this movie is about a bunch of people stuck together trying to force the other people into acting on emotion, but Jesus Christ, it's fucking making my head spin. And that is only one example. Others include picking up one person, having a ten minute scene with them, then picking up another person in almost the same exact scene again. Another example is showing EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER come through the door, having everyone else yell at them to nail the door shut, and then spend a good couple of minutes showing them nailing said door shut.

It's unnecessary, and bad writing. You don't write movies just for yourself, you have an audience.

- The performances were all pretty good, as far as performances go, but I have to give first place to JJL. Man, Jennifer Jason Leigh was great, lol.
- The Tarantino storytelling "narrative"? Fuck that.

I expected better, and while I didn't hate it, I hated how parts of it were formed.

Hateful Eight: Three out of Five.

I can understand your frustration, honestly. While I love Tarantino I've also been pretty vocal in the past about my dislike of his excessiveness. He's a little too convinced that every thought in his head needs to make it to the final cut and it feels self indulgent at times.

Having said that however, I was fascinated by all the characters inside the cabin so the dialogue in Hateful worked just fine for me. It was a treat watching these eclectic personas and their stubborn ideologies collide.

01-13-2016, 03:27 PM
"He's a little too convinced that every thought in his head needs to make it to the final cut and it feels self indulgent at times."

Took the words right out of my head, thanks.

Still Servant
01-13-2016, 07:21 PM
Thoughts on Hateful Eight:

- Oh, that Quentin Tarantino, he's so VINTAGE, with his fucking old-timey opening credits. And also, did they really have to be almost FIVE MINUTES long? Speaking of length:
- This movie, in addition to being almost three hours long, was one of the most slow-moving films I've seen. Not plot-wise, but shot-wise. We don't need to watch the horses running for a few minutes. And speaking of redundancy:
- A better title for the Hateful Eight should have been "Watch People Repeat Shit Over and Over and Over Again" A perfect example, verbatim:

Chris: John Ruth says you got a Lincoln letter.
Marquis: I told you jackass, go heehaw someplace else.
Chris: That's right John, you did say that, didn't you?
John: Yeah, I did.
Chris: So, you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: THE Abraham Lincoln?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Of America?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Wrote you a letter personally?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Personally as in, "Dear Major Warren"?
Marquis: No, personally as in "Dear Marquis".
Chris: Dear Marquis, Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America!
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: May I see it?
Marquis: No, you may not.

I get that this movie is about a bunch of people stuck together trying to force the other people into acting on emotion, but Jesus Christ, it's fucking making my head spin. And that is only one example. Others include picking up one person, having a ten minute scene with them, then picking up another person in almost the same exact scene again. Another example is showing EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER come through the door, having everyone else yell at them to nail the door shut, and then spend a good couple of minutes showing them nailing said door shut.

It's unnecessary, and bad writing. You don't write movies just for yourself, you have an audience.

- The performances were all pretty good, as far as performances go, but I have to give first place to JJL. Man, Jennifer Jason Leigh was great, lol.
- The Tarantino storytelling "narrative"? Fuck that.

I expected better, and while I didn't hate it, I hated how parts of it were formed.

Hateful Eight: Three out of Five.

I disagree with every syllable of your post.

Also, at least Tarantino has thoughts in his head. That's more than I can say for 99% of the other directors out there. Like Fernando, I also acknowledge QT's self indulgent tendencies, but I know we are going to be begging for every thought and line of dialogue he discarded along the way once he's gone.

01-13-2016, 09:26 PM
Thoughts on Hateful Eight:

- Oh, that Quentin Tarantino, he's so VINTAGE, with his fucking old-timey opening credits. And also, did they really have to be almost FIVE MINUTES long? Speaking of length:
- This movie, in addition to being almost three hours long, was one of the most slow-moving films I've seen. Not plot-wise, but shot-wise. We don't need to watch the horses running for a few minutes. And speaking of redundancy:
- A better title for the Hateful Eight should have been "Watch People Repeat Shit Over and Over and Over Again" A perfect example, verbatim:

Chris: John Ruth says you got a Lincoln letter.
Marquis: I told you jackass, go heehaw someplace else.
Chris: That's right John, you did say that, didn't you?
John: Yeah, I did.
Chris: So, you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: THE Abraham Lincoln?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Of America?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Wrote you a letter personally?
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: Personally as in, "Dear Major Warren"?
Marquis: No, personally as in "Dear Marquis".
Chris: Dear Marquis, Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America!
Marquis: Yes.
Chris: May I see it?
Marquis: No, you may not.

I get that this movie is about a bunch of people stuck together trying to force the other people into acting on emotion, but Jesus Christ, it's fucking making my head spin. And that is only one example. Others include picking up one person, having a ten minute scene with them, then picking up another person in almost the same exact scene again. Another example is showing EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER come through the door, having everyone else yell at them to nail the door shut, and then spend a good couple of minutes showing them nailing said door shut.

It's unnecessary, and bad writing. You don't write movies just for yourself, you have an audience.

- The performances were all pretty good, as far as performances go, but I have to give first place to JJL. Man, Jennifer Jason Leigh was great, lol.
- The Tarantino storytelling "narrative"? Fuck that.

I expected better, and while I didn't hate it, I hated how parts of it were formed.

Hateful Eight: Three out of Five.

I disagree with every syllable of your post.

Also, at least Tarantino has thoughts in his head. That's more than I can say for 99% of the other directors out there. Like Fernando, I also acknowledge QT's self indulgent tendencies, but I know we are going to be begging for every thought and line of dialogue he discarded along the way once he's gone.

Gotta agree with this. Sorry, Shannon but, and I can't believe I am saying this, you have no true appreciation for a film!!! You probably feel that there is only one murder in "Psycho" so what's the point????? lol

01-13-2016, 09:52 PM
When a movie only has an hour and a half of story to tell, yet deliberately chooses to go almost double that, there is a problem. This movie wasn't bad, and it had moments of brilliance, and I gave it a decent/average rating of three out of five. Was it "Excellent/Near Perfect/5"? Absolutely not. Was it Very Good/Near Great/4"? No, but it might have been if not for the length and overindulgence.

And P.S:

IMDB's Rankings:
1) Pulp Fiction: 8.9
2) Django Unchained: 8.5
3) Reservoir Dogs: 8.4
4) Inglorious Basterds: 8.3
5) Kill Bill 1: 8.1
6) Hateful Eight: 8.1
7) Kill Bill 2: 8.0
8) Jackie Brown: 7.5
9) Death Proof: 7.1

Shannon's Rankings:
1) Pulp Fiction: Top 30 List
2) Django Unchained: 5
3) Kill Bill 1: 5
4) Inglorious Basterds: 4
5) Reservoir Dogs: 4
6) Kill Bill 2: 4
7) Hateful Eight: 3
8) Jackie Brown: 3
9) Death Proof: 2

01-13-2016, 09:57 PM
Take it easy, my friend. Guess you either LOVE, QT or, not. I do. so much for your opinion, IMHO LOL LOL J/K

How's, Rose doing? She have a great holiday I would guess? Best to you and yours, my "Brutha"!! LOL That little girl is more than precious!!! Have a prosperous new year my "Bro-Vegas"!!! LOL

01-14-2016, 05:20 AM
Yeah I am with you Shannon. Hateful 8 was a HUGE let down and is not even on my top 25 for 2015. I did get to see Concussion last night... a great movie and a solid 8/10 for me. WIll Smith was very solid in it.

Still Servant
01-14-2016, 05:44 PM
When a movie only has an hour and a half of story to tell, yet deliberately chooses to go almost double that, there is a problem. This movie wasn't bad, and it had moments of brilliance, and I gave it a decent/average rating of three out of five. Was it "Excellent/Near Perfect/5"? Absolutely not. Was it Very Good/Near Great/4"? No, but it might have been if not for the length and overindulgence.

And P.S:

IMDB's Rankings:
1) Pulp Fiction: 8.9
2) Django Unchained: 8.5
3) Reservoir Dogs: 8.4
4) Inglorious Basterds: 8.3
5) Kill Bill 1: 8.1
6) Hateful Eight: 8.1
7) Kill Bill 2: 8.0
8) Jackie Brown: 7.5
9) Death Proof: 7.1

Shannon's Rankings:
1) Pulp Fiction: Top 30 List
2) Django Unchained: 5
3) Kill Bill 1: 5
4) Inglorious Basterds: 4
5) Reservoir Dogs: 4
6) Kill Bill 2: 4
7) Hateful Eight: 3
8) Jackie Brown: 3
9) Death Proof: 2

Your numbers align pretty closely with IMDB. Like I said, I can see where you're coming from. Your write-up made me think you were going to give the film a 1. A 3 is not that bad. I'm just wondering if you're giving it the benefit of the doubt because you like Tarantino.

Still Servant
01-16-2016, 02:37 PM
Has anybody seen that 13 hours movie? I'm interested in thoughts. A friend who I don't trust at all was raving. Gave it 6 stars out of five and said it's up there with Saving Private Ryan.


01-16-2016, 03:10 PM
I like the majority of Tarantinos movies. As a director, I think he's a little too egotistical for his own good. He puts out movies for himself. For Hateful Eight to have been rated a one, I would have wanted to turn it off. Even though it purposefully dragged, I never wanted to straight turn it off. I wanted it to speed up.

The 13 Hours trailer was fantastic and I love John Krasinski, so I'm excited to see him in this type of role.

01-16-2016, 03:48 PM
Has anybody seen that 13 hours movie? I'm interested in thoughts. A friend who I don't trust at all was raving. Gave it 6 stars out of five and said it's up there with Saving Private Ryan.


I've seen it and it's typical Michael Bay shit! 144 minutes of endless explosions and action sequences without any definitive reason or plot. It's like the movie has ADHD or something! Total bollocks! :doh:

Put it in the oven at gas mark 6 and enjoy a turkey!!! ><

01-16-2016, 04:23 PM
God bless the people that can watch Michael Bay films for they are surely stronger than I.

01-16-2016, 04:45 PM
I know! Fun, thoughtless movies, ugh! So horrible! Everything should have a deeper meaning with no explosions!

Oh wait, that would be ... fucking stupid.

The best part about movies is that there are all types. When you want this type of movie, it's available. When you want that type of movie, it's available.

I just watched the Raid and then Lawrence of Arabia, back to back. Point proven.

01-16-2016, 04:51 PM
You got the thoughtless part right, not sure of the fun bit though.

01-16-2016, 04:52 PM
Loved The Raid btw and loved The Raid 2 even more! Can't wait for the third one.

01-16-2016, 04:53 PM
Finally getting around to watching Sicario. Will post what I thought about it when done watching.

01-16-2016, 04:59 PM
I last updated my movie/TV show spreadsheet on the 12th. This is what I have to update now. Since the 13th. Not including a few more movies I watched on Blu-Ray. FYI: I watch more movies and television than anyone else I know, lol. Anyone else got me beat? This is normal quantity for me.


01-16-2016, 05:05 PM
At one point in my life, I was watching three movies a day and I was a complete TV junkie but a few years back I just got completely burned out on all the great TV out there. I still watch the Biggies like GoT etc but I slowed my TV watching way, way down or else I would never do anything else. Try to see at least three or four movies a week now. I think my brain just couldn't hold all the info I was shoving in there! :confused1:

01-16-2016, 10:40 PM
God bless the people that can watch Michael Bay films for they are surely stronger than I.

I apologize for saying this. Sometimes my pomposity escapes me. I really am in no position to disparage anyone's taste or work. Reading it back now I sound like the biggest jerkface on the planet. I am sorry.

01-16-2016, 11:19 PM
"Never apologize."
~ Shannon


01-17-2016, 05:27 AM
Spotlight... So boring... What is the hype??!!!

Still Servant
01-17-2016, 06:50 AM
I know! Fun, thoughtless movies, ugh! So horrible! Everything should have a deeper meaning with no explosions!

I love all those things, but I like them when they are accompanied by a good movie. The Rock = good. Transformers = bad. Just because a movie is supposed to be fun and thoughtless with tons of explosions, doesn't mean it automatically gets a pass from being evaluated on whether it's actually good or not.

As for Spotlight being boring, I'm not sure what to tell you, Webstar.

Randall Flagg
01-17-2016, 07:38 AM
Ride Along 2.

Suffers from comedy cancer-2 laughs in the whole movie, the rest was just ugly lung cancer disguised as a move.
1/6 Beers on the RFSRS.

01-17-2016, 08:10 AM
Spotlight was fantastic.

Lars and the Real Girl - Very good again on a rewatch. For a movie with such an outlandish premise, what makes it so funny is that it never really tries to be funny. It's played very straight and produced like a drama. Just a solid, funny, and touching film. *****

01-17-2016, 08:10 AM
Spotlight was fantastic.

Lars and the Real Girl - Very good again on a rewatch. For a movie with such an outlandish premise, what makes it so funny is that it never really tries to be funny. It's played very straight and produced like a drama. Just a solid, funny, and touching film. *****

01-17-2016, 08:25 AM
Spotlight... So boring... What is the hype??!!!

Boring? That's certainly one word that I would not use to describe what is, probably the best movie of 2015! :wtf:

I don't know if you were expecting more 'action' when you watched it, but Spotlight is truly amazing and remains my favourite film of the year (see my Top Twenty Five films of 2015)....

http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?19416-Your-Top-10-Movies-of-2015&p=973500&viewfull=1#post973500 (http://www.thedarktower.org/palaver/showthread.php?19416-Your-Top-10-Movies-of-2015&p=973500&viewfull=1#post973500)

The acting from the ensemble cast in Spotlight is absolutely stellar (Mark Ruffalo has never been better) and the story told with nuance and complexity. I was thoroughly engaged with the film's passionate and eclectic narrative drive throughout, as it observed systemic human moral frailty in a way that no other film in the past decade has done!

Many films are made about journalism, but few show any meaningful comprehension of their subject matter. Spotlight isn’t merely a great film about journalism (joining such classics as All the President’s Men and The Insider), it’s a great film, period.

I would highly recommend a second viewing, of this awesome cinematic gem!!! :clap:

Still Servant
01-17-2016, 03:50 PM
I last updated my movie/TV show spreadsheet on the 12th. This is what I have to update now. Since the 13th. Not including a few more movies I watched on Blu-Ray. FYI: I watch more movies and television than anyone else I know, lol. Anyone else got me beat? This is normal quantity for me.


I could probably give you a run for your money between TV/Movies/Sports/Video Games.

I watch about 100 films (first time watches) a year. I'm also currently watching 50 different TV shows. Unfortunately, I will have to drop some now that I'm juggling two jobs. It's hard to do, but that's life.

01-17-2016, 04:10 PM
I watch more movies and television than anyone else I know, lol. Anyone else got me beat?


01-17-2016, 05:18 PM
Needful, I'm not a Cerberus, so no

01-17-2016, 06:48 PM
Needful, how much TV time do you clock in daily/weekly?