Dear Linda,
you, the voice and the shelter of the lost hearts... what can I write to you?
We're really well met. Let's spend more 100 years together. *hugs you long*

Was it hard to settle down when you did it?

Where did you love to live the most and why?

Why did you adopt only boys?

How did you find your way to the series?

How can you have such a sexy voice?

Are you afraid of anything unusual? For example... umbrellas or pink boots?

What's your favourite smell?

Are there other worlds than these?

If you could be an animal for only 24 hours what type of animal would you be and why?

If you could vanish one thing (object, person, phenomenon) from the surface of Earth what would it be?

Is it easy for you to talk about yourself?

Are you good at keeping secrets?

Which object means the most to you on Earth?

I could go on and on.
I must come back later.

waiting for your answers eagerly, my flower