Unsigned Dark Tower editions

A few personal notes:
  • Volumes 1-7 are the first trade or Artist editions, in the three Grant slipcases.
  • The DTIV sampler was a freebie if you bought the Desperation/Regulators hardcover set in 1996; a bookstore cashier gave me one gratis when she caught me staring at a stack of them on the counter.
  • Wizard and Glass was the first ever "collectible" limited edition book I bought. (I also bought a second "reading" copy at the same time, because I'd waited 5 years to read the darn thing!)
  • The Fantasy and Science Fiction issues are those containing the original Gunslinger stories. I bought them as a set about 15 years ago, and they are pretty much pristine.
I have some additional Grant Dark Tower trade volumes, including a first edition DTII signed by Phil Hale, the third edition DTI, and the second edition DTII. I don't have a Gunslinger 1984 edition ... yet.