What's up campers... Wanted to give you an update on this one. Talked to Jim today (I call him weekly now), and he is making good progress. The wood-drying phase is done, or was done a few weeks ago. I tell you, that was like watching paint dry, or in this case, wood dry.

He is now able to cut, shape and finish the boards, and is doing just that. So he's working it, and there is forward momentum; and even though it is slow momentum, it is momentum nonetheless.

It's looking like a fall release for this. I know... further out than I had planned, but the boards were a far bigger job that he had anticipated, and it's the sort of thing I have little control over as I'm not any good at making wooden book boards! Although, I could do one thing to light the fire, so to speak, and that was to offer up a cash bonus if he can get these completed pronto, which I have done. And it seemed to me to be a fair offer anyway, since he has ended up spending a whole lot more time on this than expected.

I had hoped this would be done before I announce the next one, but rest assured, she will be done, and it will be worth the wait.

Thank you again for your patience.
