I’m rereading the series, and I’m currently halfway through the new version of "The Gunslinger". What took me by surprise is that in Roland’s "Hax" flashback, he outright states it as fact that he discovered that Marten and Farson was in fact the same guy.

I did not remember this at all, and I’m of the impression that even as late as DT 7 Marten himself refers to Farson as just some guy he and CK used as a puppet in their schemes basically.

Am I remembering this wrong? It’s been 4 years since the last time I read the series, so it’s not like I remember everything perfectly.

Is the idea that Farson and Marten were two separate guys an invention of the marvel comic series? I wouldn’t mind it being canon that Farson is just another one of Martens many identities within the book continuity, since we never "see" Farson in the main series.