Quote Originally Posted by turtlex View Post
I just discovered this kid - he's hysterical. Thought of you all .... SPOILERS here as this is ...

LOST in 3 mins.

That guy got it wrong. The light wasn't keeping MIB there, Jacob was. That's why MIB wanted to kill Jacob because he wanted what he always wanted, to go home. With Jacob dead he sets a plan to kill the remaining candidates so no one can become the new Jacob and keep them there. MIB is simply a tool, not more that Jacbob/MIB used 815 survivors as tools. MIB was a tool for what the light/cork was keeping at bay. When Jacob says the island is a cork and keeping a darkness in, he wasn't talking about MIB. He was talking about whatever was about to come out when the light went out. MIB never intended to do what he did, he merely wanted to destroy the island which he was, not realizing he was used, all his
misery was simply to manipulate him enough to destroy the island. The real story behind LOST is never told. Who built the cork and the temples and all that? Were they born on the island or did they find it? Why did they need to build the cork, how did they give the first guardian powers? They could easily do a new series all about that.

It's interesting how see the dimension in power. Starts off with Locke/Jack then as it continues we find out about Ben/Widmore vying for control then we learn it's really all about Jacob/MIB when there is still another level of control/power above them. I guess its open to a god/satan interpretation.