Hey Gamers!

After the success of the Giveaway games contests, I thought we could try our hands at some more forum games. You may have heard of the game Mafia, also known in a slightly different form as Werewolves. I've taken the basic model and adapted a DT version, set in Calla Bryn Sturgis, called Wolves! Below is a brief outline of how to play, if you're interested sign up in this thread - also feel free to post any questions you might have.

Sign up will be open until midnight Tuesday.


Two teams, the Wolves and the Calla Folken compete against each other. The Folken must try to identify and vote off the Wolves, whilst the Wolves pose as Calla Folken - hiding their identity and manipulating the Folken into voting off other innocent townsfolk.

Each player must therefore prove their innocence (or hide their guilt) by accusing and interrogating their fellow suspects, until one team or the other is eliminated.

After sign up, the Games Mistress will pm all members on the list with their role - this will be either Calla Folken, Wolves, Pere Callahan or Rosalita. The majority of players will be Folken, less than half will be Wolves and only one person will be the Pere and Rosalita respectively. The Wolves are told who the other Wolves are, as they must work together to kill off the Folken and not be discovered. They will vote each "night" on a townsperson to kill via group pm. The victim is then pm-ed by the Games Mistress with the unfortunate news and they are then out of the game. The next "day" the murder is announced and the Folken and disguised Wolves must discuss who to pick as a suspect/s, all suspects are then put up for vote. The suspect with the most votes is then lynched, ie out of the game.

We'll probably use one full day as the "night" for the Wolves to do their dirty deeds, then give two days as the "daytime" for the Folken to discuss and vote. The Folken are obviously not told who the Wolves are, and the Wolves must obviously not reveal themselves. Discussion can all be done in the current game thread, roleplay style, with people making up alibi's etc and getting into the WotC theme and hopefully have fun. The Pere and Rosie have special roles and must also not reveal themselves to the Folken or Wolves - mainly because, of their special abilities, they would be instant targets.

The Pere's special function is that during each "night" period he may pm the Games Mistress once and ask if a particular player is a Wolf. He will then try to influence the voting during the "day" to have a Wolf lynched (if he has discovered the identity of one) without revealing who he is.

Rosalita's function, being that she is a healer, is that she may pm the Games Mistress once every "day" to choose to save a particular player - this player cannot then be killed by Wolves or lynched by Folken for the following turn.

The Pere and Rosie can be lynched or killed like any other player.

The game ends when all Wolves are eliminated = Folken victory, or when the number of Wolves in the daytime is more than or equal to the number of Folken = Wolves victory.

There are lots of variations to be made in the game and lots of other characters that can be added, with special roles - but I thought it would be easiest to start with this version. Perhaps aswell, to start, players who get lynched should reveal their character, although in subsequent games players will not reveal who they were until the game ends.

If it takes off, I'll keep a running total of Wolves vs. Folken matches and maybe have like sig/av's for the winning teams each game. I expect games may last from a week to two weeks (or more?) depending on the number of players.

Sign Up:
