This little project has been at the back of my mind for a number of years now. I've always loved the cover art by John Cayea used on both 1st editions of The Stand, known as 'Jesus and the bird man'. I wanted to have figurines of these displayed on my bookshelves and naively thought, they MUST be out there to buy...

After years of searching, it's very apparent they are not...

(a couple do exist, 'Readful Things' did a one off of each made of (I believe) modelling clay and packaged in his trademark blister packs and I have seen at least one other custom made set that was made for someone.)

Having bought a 3D printer last year during lockdown, I decided I'd have a go at printing some myself. It didn't take long to realise I didn't have the 3d modelling skills to do this justice, So i went looking for a 3D artist to commission the work to. My first attempt didn't go well, the guy took the money up front, took weeks to respond and long story short after several months didn't do the work (i did get the money back though). Valuable lessons were learnt however and a few months later I finally found someone who's work looked fantastic and was willing to do the job. He took no payment up front and would only charge if I was happy with them. I got the final renders this week, so I thought I'd share a couple of images with the group....

Ever wondered what they look like from the back?

I'm over the moon with these and cant wait to have a go at printing them.

Love to know what everyone else thinks!