Quote Originally Posted by ur2ndbiggestfan View Post
I just called my banker about this, and she suggested opening another checking account to deal exclusively with E-Bay.
Which I did.
Which led to total confusion.
However, I clicked on CALL ME, E-Bay called within ten seconds, and we straightened the whole thing out in about 7 minutes.
Now, to see if it works. I have an auction that just ended, the money for it should go into my new account, BUT, it may take 2 days to get there. That's what bugs me.
At least this way, E-Bay has no access to any of my other bank accounts.
PayPal had access to my bank account for over 20 years, was owned by E-Bay, and I never had a single problem with Pay-Pal, so I am not too worried.
I did the exact same thing. Took me 10 minutes at the drive-up window at my bank to open a new account and another 5 minutes when I got home to link it to eBay. I don't expect to save a damn dime on fees and such but I'll admit the whole thing was easier to do than I thought.

Good point about PayPal! I've had my eBay account since 1999 (back when it was practically the Wild West - no credit cards or confirmations necessary to start an account, sending checks as payment was common, and you could leave anybody feedback for any reason ) and my PayPal account since maybe 2002, with nary a security issue from either one of them, ever. Clearly I still don't trust eBay enough to link my main bank account but at some point I have to give them credit where it's due