Well, kind of self explanatory but what the hell right? Share your realistic/unrealistic wants, needs and desires in the form of a Christmas present under the tree this year. Who knows, Santa may just hear you and fulfill your wish.

Stranger shit has happened.......................................... .................

I'll start. I would like a signed first/first of "Insomnia" one of my favorite, King books. I placed a bid for one on ebay that had a custom slipcase and, as I later realized, a questionable signature. Oh well, nice try right? lol lol

Now you guys chime in. peace in the Middle East? Trump getting impeached? Warm & fuzzy pajama's? A new car? a favorite book? Let us know and post it hear. The powers that be may be charitable and generous and maybe, just maybe there is a Santa Claus, Constant Reader..........................................lo l

Ho, ho, ho and a very happy holiday to all my TDT.Org friends!!!!!!!